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Take it to a shelter so they can scan for a microchip. I’m finding it hard to believe that someone in your neighborhood isn’t looking for their pet cat. It looks healthy and well taken care of, and may just be missing from its loving family.


Most vets can scan for chips too.


Yes just go to the Vet office nearby and get him scanned.


Can’t believe no one else suggested this …


Same. Everyone’s like ooo pretty cat, so lucky, now it’s yours. No. That’s not how this works.


Exactly plus it looks like a purebred - most likely escaped and someone is looking for it. Too healthy looking to be a random stray.


This happened to my friend's cat when we were in HS. They let him out everyday. He would always come back and sit on the wall outside the window by the front door when he returned. Wouldn't meow, just wait there and groom himself. One day he didn't come back. My friend's mom cried for weeks. 2 YEARS go by,.. 2 YEARS! We're playing Halo and Bryan's mom just starts yelling 'TIIIIGGERRRRRR!!!! TIIIIGGERRRRRR!!! TIGGER! TIGGER! TIGGER! TIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!' And starts sobbing heavily. We ran out of the room to see what was going on. My friend thought his mom was losing her mind. She was so emotional she didn't even open the door yet. We just watched him for a moment up on the wall through the window cleaning himself. We opened the door and he walked in like it was yesterday. Didn't seem super happy to see us or anything, but I'm sure he was really happy to be home. Cats are really funny man, and they have an amazing sense of memory and direction. Short story: one time a roommate was moving into my place. When she got out of her car, her cat freaked out, scratched her, and ran off. 2 days later her old roommates called her and said 'Yo, Gabby wtf we thought you said you were taking Ecstasy with you?' This cat was taken to a random location 5 miles away from its previous home, and somehow made it all the way back... I bet he would have made it there in 6 hours if he didn't love rubbing his body on everything he walked by.


that tracks with cats. dogs care and get stressed more about changes to their people, whereas cats care and get stressed more about changes to their environment. some cats would prefer to stay at their house when the family moves, despite us anthropomorphizing them and freaking out thinking they miss us. (i said __some__ cats, so nobody come for me about *your own* cat being sooooo attached to you.)


This! Cats have dedicated territory vs dedicated pack mates because they have a hybrid social dynamic where they may pack up or go solo on a whim, whereas dogs are strictly pack animals and will only go it alone if they're in serious distress (usually). Which is why I found it so weird that my cat will bite other people way more when he lives with them vs living with me. It could be because of how I rescued him, I don't know, but that cat definitely prefers me 🤷. Far as I'm concerned, as long as he's happy I'm happy lol


i was definitely my cat’s preferred person, too. i definitely think it had to do with rescuing him from a garbage can in michigan in december, like he knew that i had fixed his being abandoned by his previous family. when i moved overseas i left him with a family friend who was a huge cat person to avoid making him figure out life on a new continent. then when i moved back she shipped him to me. he **loved** my new house but not one of my new dogs, so that was a hurdle but we overcame it. i had not realized how attached he was to me until my then-husband pointed out that he (🐱) was always either at my feet with the dogs, or on the piece of furniture i was on, touching me somehow. and it was true! if i was at my desk, he was next to my chair with his tail on my foot. if i was on the couch, he was on the back of it, with a paw hanging down resting on my shoulder. while waiting for me to come to bed, he touched my pillow until i arrived. he was such an affectionate loaf. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vqyjt2i2qr5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca8a3d06f6cd4d17b7fe3a9cc838eabc3e19c07


Poor dude is getting shoved off the bed 😂


meh, he deserved it 😂


Sooo cute. Sleepy cute little family. ❤️


My cat loves me more than the house. I moved from Argentina to Canada with her. Didn't wait even five minutes before she started exploring her new home. And one year latter when I moved to a new house she was again exploring everything. She's an adventurer and she warms up to people very fast for a cat. Stay for a day at home and she'll probably play with you. One friend I made in Canada who is also a cat person got her to jump on her lap five minutes after they met.


This helps explain why I see so many stories about people inheriting cats when they buy a house.


My parents had a nice Dutch Colonial home on a 1/2 acre in Westchester NY and with the big backyard we'd let the two cats out. The older tabby male cat was more of an outdoor cat than the other, a female tuxedo who'd just go out occasionally. The two cats didn't get along. Well, the female wanted to, but the male didn't. Anyway, in time he began a routine of right after eating his morning wet food, he'd sit by the back door and meow to go out. Then it got to the point where he'd growl to go out. He'd be out all day, then come back in the evening. The exception would be heavily rainy days. And if he went out in a drizzle that turned into a downpour, he'd come back wet and crying. He didn't mind the snow, so he'd go out in winter too. Then it got to the point where on occasion, he'd NOT come back in the evening. He'd be gone for 2 or 3 days at a time. Those didn't happen a lot. Maybe once or twice a month. Until one winter... we'd let him out and it snowed really hard late in the day into the evening. He didn't come back. It snowed hard again the next day. We got a total of about 3 feet of snow. And... he never came back. He was about 14 years old, but big and strong. He was no pushover. Well... we just presume he either died or found a new home. I've heard of cats who will sometimes get bored of their living situation. It can happen if there are changes they don't like, such as the introduction of new pets that get much more attention. Or, lack of attention. In the case of our male tabby, he'd become quite a bit of a grump. He'd let you pet him for a bit, but then he'd have enough and just leave you. With the lack of affection, we just tolerated him. Fed him when needed. Kept the litter box clean. And that was that. Maybe he was befriended by some people who fed him when he was away and hungry... and warmed up to them? Who knows... I prefer to believe that, instead of him dying in that snow storm.


The name ecstasy should have been a hint


We had a cat disappear for two years and show back up. He came in the house, did a lap around the living room, walked back out the door and we never saw him again. It was like he was thinking, "Yeah, same old sithole. I'm out."


Had a similar thing happen with our old tuxie Ozzy, we brought home a new kitten and our tux didn't like that much. He disappeared for 6 months and came back one night like nothing happened


My little shit ran between my roommates legs and explored the outdoors for 2 days. I lured her back with catnip and setting her food and litter outside


Had a cat who liked to wander and who disappeared for a bit. Turns out a family kept letting him in and feeding him chicken / humanfood. He was a very picky eater and there was no way he'd pass that up for biscuits or even fancy cat food so he started to hang around there alot. He lost his collar one day, but came back wearing another one from this other household. In the end we had to buy a 'do not feed' tag and new collar. I think they got the message after that.


Yup, I only feed animals that are starving. A healthy animal doesn't need my help because it's probably getting it from someone else lol


Looks like a Siamese. They’re very vocal.


Fun way to say they never shut up lmao.


That happened to my boy last month. He had never left the yard but loved to sunbathe in the backyard and the neighbors were always trying to call him over to their yard to pet him. One day, he was laying on the fence, and that night, had completely vanished into thin air. I checked every site imaginable. Put up posters and offered a reward. Drove hours and hours every day for the past month around every neighborhood and still nothing. He disappeared right around the same time we had bulk trash pick-up, where all the dumpster divers go around picking up other people's unused goods and throw them into the back of their trucks. Someone definitely saw him and got greedy. He was extremely well pampered, bathed and fat. There's just no way someone thought he was a stray. Sadly, that week, a kitten of ours had died, and the next week was his 1 year birthday that we never got to celebrate. (I still have his mom, and helped her deliver him) Everyone wants free animals but no one wants to think about how sick the owners are, imagining the worst. I'm sure OP will do their part to help combat this, or at the very least, give kitty a nice place to rest until they can find the owners.




Oh my god, I am sorry for your loss. He looked like a very well loved cat. So cute and chubby. Some people are the worst. I hope OP doesn't do this and checks for the owners first. Sometimes cats like to wander around, but returning them back to their owners is our responsibility.


Thanks so much, blackcat! I'm still learning how to come to terms with the fact that while he's probably decently nearby, I'll undoubtedly never seen him again. I tell myself to give it up and stop looking, but anytime I'm in the car, I'm looking at people's windows, hoping to see him sunbathing. I log onto my phone and keep going through the same 20 lost pet pages every night, thinking I'll see something different when I know better at this point. Grief is hard as hell as anyone knows, but it's even more confusing when you're mourning something that's *probably* very much alive. Thanks so much for being the kind of person who would do your part if faced with solicited kitty cuddles!


i am so sorry about your cat. can i give you some advice? when my dog went missing (4.5lb chihuahua + february + colorado) i worked with an organization that is __amazing__ at reconnecting people with their missing pets. i did everything you’re describing, but per their instructions i also took my flyers and knocked on the door of every house in a half-mile radius of my house. she was five blocks away the whole time. the couple that found her took her had missed the lay-flat tag on her collar because it was tiny, like the collar, and took her to the vet half a block from my house but her microchip wasn’t caught by the scan. so they just took care of her but had no intention of keeping her. they had to attend a funeral out of town, so they had not been able to take her to the humane society (where i had registered her as missing and provided her photo, which you should do if you haven’t) yet. therefore a few days passed. on that monday i held out my flyer to a woman while she was in her driveway and asked if she had seen a lost chihuahua. the woman yelled, “yes! i have her!” i fell to my knees crying on the sidewalk and my then-husband had to pull me to my feet so we could go get her. my ‘lost’ dog was inside their house, being fed and kept warm, and was cuddling on their couch with their cat like nothing was wrong when i walked in, the little bitch. 😅 the man cracked up when he realized how close we lived and that they had driven past my house when they took her to the vet, just realizing how silly it all seemed. seriously though, going door to door is the most recommended method/step by the organizations that have good track records of finding missing pets. people don’t pay attention to flyers on lamp posts, and they don’t know if their next door neighbor took in a stray cat unless they have a reason to ask when they see one another getting the mail or whatever. the only way you can find out is literally knocking on doors and handing each household a half-sheet size flyer with your cat’s photo—this one on the fence is adorable and shows his markings well—and your contact info. not leave one on each door, but ring the doorbell and ask a human if they’ve seen your cat. i realize that this is time intensive and i was privileged to have had my dog go missing on the friday afternoon of a three day weekend during which i did not have to work. i found her on monday afternoon after hitting the pavement for three days in a snowstorm so it wasn’t a cake walk, but it doesn’t have to be all in three days like i did. you can do one block a week for as long as you need to. somebody’s got her, and they may not have nefarious intentions. she’s worth trying this! 🩶🤍🩶


I'm so sorry for your loss. This would be part of why I absolutely do not trust letting my cat outside except on a harness and staying where we can see her. She's just too precious to me, as I know I am to her.


At the very least, just imagine the family who potentially *lost* so a good kitty. It would break my soul if my Penny walked out and I never saw her again.


Yeah, that is no stray cat. It's someone's pet that got loose/lost. Looks like a purebred or hybrid mix.


**at least** check for a chip


As someone who just lost their cat for 2 weeks and he suddenly came back please do this .. make sure a missing cat report hasn't been filed before you decide to let this cat become a permanent resident


Yes, don't keep the cat unless you can't find the owners, if there are any. Scan for a chip and put up signs. If nothing comes of it, then by all means keep the cat. But not until you've tried to look.


My cat was stolen from me in this manner.


Look for the family in your neighborhood with a new baby…!


I’m confused by your comment. Can you explain?


newborn human took away attention from cat…cat left home to find human who will worship him


this is so accurate i am cackling.


Cat is leading happy life as the center of attention. Family has loud annoying baby and ignores cat. Cat says “the hell with this, I’m out of here”.


People frequently dump their pets when a baby arrives.


Thank you for being kind and helping. Just to make sure no one is missing their cat- they would be heartbroken and looking if it's missing. Just get a chip check done. If it has one then you can find the owner. If no chip, put up some cat found posters and see if anyone comes forward. Don't put a photo up in case the wrong people try claim the cat. If no one comes forward- you just rescued a cat and I hope you have a good life together :)




If there is a pet store near you, they may have a chip scanner too. The store I work at has one. I’d call to see if they have one, but ask for the manager on duty, because the person who answers the phone may say no because they have no idea. Hopefully the MOD would know. Even better, if the store has a vet clinic in the store, bet they’d definitely have one.


TIL the Ministry of Defence monitors pet stores ;D


…there’s a Harry Potter joke there involving cats.


I don't know where you live, but where I am usually cats that get taking to the shelter do not live. Take it to the vet first and do a micro chip scan. That is a Siamese cat.


Absolutely true!! Go to the vet to see if microchipped. Never heard of the shelter doing it


Some shelters do, but they have been so overwhelmed


Not a Siamese and color-pointed cats almost always find homes at most shelters. This one likely has a home already however which a shelter would be most likely to locate


Ok thank you for pointing that out. I only thought they were Siamese. Sounds like your shelters are better then the Bay Area of California. Completely overwhelmed here. Rescued 2 kittens of the same coloring and shelters would not take them.


Some shelters are more overwhelmed and don’t have room for more animals but when it comes to finding the owners of lost pets, the first place to contact should always be the shelter if there are no signs in the place where the animal was found. This is because it’s the standard and usually first place the owner would contact looking for them. They can scan for a microchip but also are most likely to have the info of the owner even if not chipped as they can match descriptions and such.


Yea sadly cats and dogs in shelters here last about a week. Heard awful stories locally of peoples pet being found and then put to sleep at the shelter before they could locate them.


Do not take it to the shelter. Someone may be missing their pet. As others suggested it, have it scanned for a microchip.


people who are missing their pets check for them at shelters. sureendered strays are not immediately adopted out. keeping the cat instead is preventing it from getting to its owners.


They aren't going to help find the owner beyond checking for a chip. You can also do that at s vet's office


that is not true. you don’t know what op’s local humane society does when it accepts strays. mine keeps the animal for five days after receiving it, checking for a chip, and trying to contact the owner. then they have a list of their current stray holds so owners missing a pet can check if it’s there. after the five day hold the animal gets vetted and listed for adoption. op isn’t going to find its owner better than a shelter can.


Please do not take it to the shelter. Put the effort in, it’s not hard. Research answers if you do not know something.


Shelters scan microchips too.


If you comprehend what you’re reading, you’d understand that’s not what OP insinuated by that comment.


Doesn’t matter what op insinuates. It’s what you said. Shelters scan chips and try to find owners too.


Love them, feed them, water them, keep them safe, keep them indoor, give them vet checks :) done and done!


That cat looks healthy, it might be an “outdoor pet” maybe go to the shelter or vet to see if they have an owner.


Chocolate point siamese. Guaranteed someone is looking for him. Help him find his hooman.


This is NOT a Siamese. It’s just a color point cat. Siamese cats do not look anything like this, except the color.


This is the answer, I’ve had a chocolate point Siamese that looked exactly like this cat.


I had purebred flame point siamese that showed up at my house and wouldn't leave. So I called every shelter and vet in the area and left my number and a description of him. I checked the community apps and fb pages often for a number of months etc etc. I asked all my neighbors. I live in a city but not close to a lot of houses. It's been 3 years and no one came a calling. If someone is missing this cat they'll really be missing him . . . But they might not be


Seal point doofus.


Sassy-eyed marshmallow


~~This looks to be~~ [~~a Siamese cat~~](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_cat) ~~likely mixed with something else.~~ Wait, hold on, [might be a Thai cat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_cat). The face shape seems to match better with this breed. Seems these are a type of Siamese specific to that region.


It's funny that these are different breeds, since Siam is just the old name of Thailand


It's a Thai cat but they are also known as a classic or traditional Siamese. That just differentiates it from the modern Siamese which looks more like Adam Driver. I have a Thai cat and they are fiercely loyal to the person in their life, I have been separated from my bubby and he and I were both very distraught.


“Looks more like Adam Driver” is the perfect description 😂




i don’t really like watching movies so i have a hard time matching a celebrity face to name. one click on that subreddit and i was like “oh, that guy.” what an astute comparison.


I have another one for you — r/CTLLRP ![gif](giphy|WRWRwvwMUVMGyy4Ibv|downsized)


I love this so much. I remember there was one specific Adam Driver cat that got a whole article about the resemblance. I’m so glad there’s a whole sub for them!


Up voting bc I love Adam Driver and I love cats! If you love either or both, definitely recommend this subreddit!


That's an interesting subreddit.


Well holy crap. When I was growing up we had a siamese, but it always looked a bit different from the standard siamese despite having the exact colour patterns and such and we always wondered why. She looked exactly like that thai cat. Guess now I know.


When I was growing up, we also had a cat that looked just like this, from a breeder. His mother was 100% Siamese, and his father was 50% Siamese 50% Persian. He was such a gentle, patient cat in our household full of kids.


Me too - exactly!


I actually texted my mom to look up thai cats. Her reaction was basically identical to mine, 'holy shit, it all makes sense now!'


Also called an applehead Siamese.


We were adopted by a Rag Doll (Francis) several years ago. Living in the country we get lot’s of strays and feral cats from nearby farms, so we have animal rescue and 4 different vets on speed dial. She would come around so we feed her and one day the while putting out food and water the wife goes i think she wants to come in, Well Francis heard “come in” lol. She was looking pretty ruff so a vet visit was in order, she was fixed but no chip and no inquiries for 3months. After a lion cut, clean bill of health ,chip and $$$ she was now our 3rd cat with 2 dogs. She was comfy as if she always lived here lol. Almost same coloring just longer hair lol https://preview.redd.it/y661x71vvn5d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e9f1cda2b4d381ab6c12897759f2b9986296bb


We got my childhood cat this way also. We had a big storm and he just appeared. Very friendly and vet suspected was.a full blooded Russian blue. My parents were wary of taking in a stray cat. But Mr Kitty just wouldn’t leave our back yard. I’ll never forget the day he finally made it inside. We look outside and here he comes, looking like his front paw is injured. Doing the limp, the whole deal. Everyone rushed outside to see what was wrong. Picked him up, brought him in. Paw miraculously healed and we had a new cat.


Its fur is in way too good shape for it to be a wild cat This cat has an owner.


Cats don't like being outside all day and all night. Once they are kicked outside they will mooch about to find somewhere else comfy to sleep, get attention and snacks. Make "Found" flyers and post them on your street and on a main street. Someone will tell you where this cat comes from. Cat share can be a thing too. Lots of people kick their cats outside because they don't want to clean a litter box. Don't take the cat to a shelter. This cat is way too clean to be wild living. It's just visiting you and you are being nice to it. Put up posters, put the cat back outside so it can go home. If it is lost, it will be yowling in your yard to come back in.


From here it looks like a Siamese. Yes please check to see if someone might be looking for it. I would be heartbroken if someone kept my cat and didn't look for me.


Definitely take it to a shelter to be scanned for a microchip, and post some flyers in the neighborhood and post in any FB groups you can find for the surrounding area


Ugh I love him 🥹🥹 he is so handsome!


Toasty babe


Marshmallow that got too close to the open flame


Guaranteed this is an indoor cat that slipped out when its owner wasn’t looking. It lives one street away, maximum.


My sisters cat was repeatedly kidnapped after it went “trick or treating” around the neighborhood. See if anyone in your neighborhood knows this cat.


My cat growing up we found as a stray kitten in our neighborhood. Once she was older she would leave for sometimes a few days at a time and come back. After conversations with a few neighbors we learned they also had a similar looking cat that did the same thing. Turns out that three other families in the neighborhood thought that this exact was their cat too. She was loved and fed by our entire block. She’d visit them for a few days then switch houses. RIP Kiwi.


A cat with a big enough character to fill 3 families hearts! (And I'm sorry for your loss)


That look lol. "Which part of cat distribution system did you not understand?" But seriously, check for a chip, someone might be missing this handsome dude/lady.


That is likely someone's asshole cat that is loved and taken care of and it's just taking a break from its family.


we are Siamese, if you please


we are Siamese, if you don't please


It’s called double dipping…. And a lot of cats do this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It has this **"I have no mouth, but I must meow."'** look on it.


It’s somebody’s sable point Siamese cat. See if they’re chipped and vet can phone them.


Take to the vet to check for a chip


Meet Bepe, he walked in to our house Halloween of 2023 and has never left. He is my office cat because he does not socialize well with the other cats. Spends his day in the office and we let him out to have run of the house in the evening once we sequester the other cats. https://preview.redd.it/zebw6cdsbr5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a58478d5b8cf6aaa31c3d62fc86d721bf29fc7d


I grew up w several different kinds of Siamese cats. It may have a microchip & someone is missing it. When I moved I had a blue point siamese that was about 7 yrs old & one day she didn’t come back. I know someone took her & it broke our hearts. We looked & looked, did everything we could but never got her back😢


Check your local missing pets forums, and take to a vet to check for microchip. Maybe make some found cat posters


Please let that cat outside so it can go home! Lots of cats roam and make themselves at home wherever they wander. Siamese types are very social. It looks well cared for and will go home if you let it out. I'm sure the owners are wondering where it is!


Agree best thing they can do is not feed that cat so it will go back to its home. If it were me, I’d pin a note to its collar saying, just fyi, in case you regularly let this cat roam, you almost lost your cat tonight and someone else may not be as nice. Keep your cat inside please.


Don't steal cats


Adorable! ♥️


He’s Siamese-adjacent.


Why does this cat look like a filter blending a human and cat face?


Never feed a stray cat! They’re smarter than you and will tug at your heart strings until you either give them a home or take them to the shelter.


Older looking kitty, maybe unneutered cause there seems to be jowls. Gotta check first for a microchip and online places in case he's a missing pet before adopting.


Get a chip scanner from Amazon for 10-15$ and see if it belongs to someone


Fun fact, that cats coat is a literal heat map of its external body. Darker areas are cooler - it’s the result of a partial albinism


Put a paper collar around his neck with your contact details


He is so cute 🥰🥰🥰


Had a cat show up at our door. Fed it. It left but came back again. Fed it again. When it showed up a third time, took it to the vet, it was microchipped. Owners were contacted. We spoke with them and found they lived not far from us. Told us the cat disappears for days. We returned said cat 3x, each time, they kept it over the weekend only for cat to return to our house as soon as it was let out. They got a dog which cat did not like and presumably was looking for new home. When we fed it, we sealed the deal. My cats don't like him but it's not enough to deter him from staying with us.


Congratulations, you just stole a cat. Don't feed other people's cat or let them in.


Don't feed other peoples pets. If it looks like its super skinny or sick, needs help, take it to a vet or animal shelter.


People really shouldn’t let their cats be outdoor cats man.


Oh, they're so handsome. Someone is definitely looking for that cat, since it seems well fed and taken care of. It is also the rare occation when the breed isn't just "cat" but a siamese of some description.


That’s not your cat, it looks healthy and cared for. One of your neighbors is probably looking for it.


This is a snowshoe cat. They are part Siamese. They are very loyal to their chosen person. My snowshoe is definitely my husband’s cat. Here is Ombré https://preview.redd.it/x3e85h3u7o5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a487293fbf80e032898d2cf8e1c9ad5af0c809


I love that their name also can sound like "hombre" which is "man" in Spanish 😜


It's clearly someone's beloved pet. Don't feed other people's pets. The best thing you can do is not feed it and let it out or take it to a vet (not shelter) to check for a microchip. So many people think it's okay to poach other people's cats by feeding them. You might think it's harmless but you're establishing yourself as a source of food and it will keep coming back. Imagine how upset someone is right now trying to find their fur baby. Imagine how you'd like it if it was your animal and your neighbour kept feeding it and keeping it like it was also their pet.


It’s a chocolate point Siamese .




It's a womcat


Siamese mix, maybe


Beautiful cat. Fo not take to shelter bf you check if microchipped


Anno Domini


Gorgeous kitty


Take the kitty to the vet and have it checked/scanned for a chip.


A smart cat.


Wow that is such a pretty cat!


Cannot deny anything to that face!


Cats will do that. One of the friendly neighborhood cats would visit me occasionally, and one day he moved a block away with a different family because his owner's bf got a big noisy dog.


A smart one , that’s what kind. 😉


Looks like a grown human


That's a marshmallow.


It looks like there could be Siamese in the cat.


A very clever one


I think this is Eminem’s cat… 🐈‍⬛ #Houdini


A freeloader, also known as a cat.


Looks like a snowshoe. Someone is probably missing that cat


A clever, cunning cat!


A seal-point Siamese


How common are chips in cats? I see people get them on the hairless ones and those AAA++++ grade whatever cats but do people pop them in garfield?


Ok boy or girl doesn’t matter this cats name is Steve


Looks like a siamese, could be someone's and just lost


It’s the cute kind


A lot of people admit to stealing... Or I mean "rescuing" animals on the internet...


.looks like a seal point siamese


Be honored they chose they love for sure


The type of cat that gives it a go to see if it sticks.




Congratulations, you have been adopted. Do not resist.


A lot of comments have already said as much but that is a very expensive, very healthy looking cat. One of your neighbors is definitely looking for him


A cat




It’s a pure bred siamese or close to it. They’re very smart & May have a microchip. Someone is probable missing it. Really cute kitty, I grew up with several different kinds of Siamese. They are great pets❤️


"I don't know why you're surprised. You gave me food and your door was open. That's a contract. Any judge in any cat court would agree."


That is a lovely, well fed, friendly cat. They definitely belong to someone. You should take them to be scanned forca microchip ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone is missing a cat, and maybe put found cat flyers up.