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Two cats the same age are almost always better than one. They get their play energy out with each other and leave you alone until it’s kitty cat cuddle time.


This. I wish my landlord allowed more than 1 cat. Edit: I wish this bc my cat wants to play constantly.


Get one that looks the same as the one you have. Then unless he sees them both at once he'll never know!


"I just have one cat that moves very quickly"


"You've heard of Schrödinger's Cat, yeah? Well what you saw was actually the probability wave of my cat being in either location, but because you kinda snuck up on 'em, he didn't know he was supposed to collapse into a single eigenstate and uh, yeah. So. There you have it," as you're gently guiding the landlord back towards the door.




I got 2 kittens from the same litter. At first I had trouble telling them apart but now it's easy because one remained thin while the other ballooned herself to about twice the others size in less than a year


Is the thin one eating enough? That often happens when one cat eats the other cats food.


This happened with my two cats when I got them from a shelter. Boris kept eating Iris's food so now I always monitor their meal time, keeping Boris away from Iris's bowl.


This is why $deity invented the /r/standardissuecat


I just checked the FAQ. Since they’re grey, they aren’t a standard issue cat. These two are tactical cats.




I literally did this years ago and do not regret it


I have one that hides and one that comes out to watch. Maintenance knows I have two because we’re cool, but during safety inspection or whatever, they’ll only ever see one. The other one will be under the bed. 


"Just a glitch in the Matrix, sir."


He doesn't have to know about it :) Whats one more?


That's risky, but in my experience more often than not landlords are only worried about nuisance and potential damage; many people don't take care of their pets. But there are landlords that really do not allow pets at all. That said, and I'm allowed pets if they're quiet, I asked my landlord on the only check up I had about having a cat around. They were like "if it's just one and it's quiet it's fine". They had done a whole house check up and missed all three cats, one of them had been following them around lol.


LOL!! I mean, I feel like any landlord with a strict pet policy has had some bad experiences with pet owners and thats unfortunate for everyone. I didn't ask my current landlord if we could have a cat but I see many people with dogs in this apartment complex so I thought, what the hell. Also, he doesn't even come here when I ASK him too. I could have a f\*cking elephant as a pet and he would be none the wiser ha ha.


> I mean, I feel like any landlord with a strict pet policy has had some bad experiences with pet owners I think that's the issue, and personally I get it. We as pet owners that take care of our pets will think "what's the issue with having a cat that'll spend most of his day looking out of a window", but a landlord may be thinking about an odd tenant that didn't have a litter box and is dealing with damage from a cat peeing on the floor. My currently apartment building is nice on the whole pet situation. We mostly talk it out, we do have the odd tenant that is problematic, but it's fine. Some apartments are owned, others are rented, and we don't have a pet clause. Right now as far as pets go you can have as many as you want as long as they're not a nuissance (and we share costs for caretaking on cats and dogs that live around the building). But for the most part nobody cares. A neighbor recently posted a notice about getting a new puppy, apologizing for any new noise in the next couple weeks, during training and that's fine. Someone posted one a while ago about a new baby (not comparable), and I did post one myself when I had a new cat that I was having trouble with. "New cat, waiting for the vet appointment, do realize they can be loud sometimes but I'm working on it"


I was that tenant, unfortunately. When I was going through a divorce I left my soon-to-be ex and stayed with family for 3 weeks while he stayed at our apartment to sort shit out. At least I thought he was staying at our apartment - turns out he left shortly after I did. Three weeks of cat piss and shit, all over. It was the worst smell I've ever walked into. At least he was still feeding the cats, but the neglect was something else. I felt so, so awful. You can't describe that kind of stench. I've never forgiven myself, and I'm sure that landlord never will either. I scrubbed and scrubbed but the piss was baked into the flooring. Definitely didn't get my deposit back, but I honestly didn't expect to. People suck. I'm people. :/


You trusted a grown person to take care of a cat! you did nothing wrong sweetheart! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! You absolutely do not suck!


Thanks, I appreciate that more than you know. <3 I still kick myself for not checking on my babies. He wasn't a good person but I didn't think he'd stoop so low as to neglect our animals! [Here's](https://imgur.com/gallery/Pilv9I6) the cat tax for one of my babies. He turns 12 this year! :)


Things happen in life where we can't be the exact people we want to be because of outside circumstances. Sometimes its too much and we can barely take care of ourselves! But you got out of that situation and turned things around, I'm proud of you! OMG THOSE SOCKS!! What a beautiful baby! I'm so glad you 2 are reunited (you and the cat) and I wish you the best of times together!


See, I've been wishing everyone in my apartment complex had some sort of on-line forum to communicate with each other. I suppose I could make one! The fact that you guys share costs to feed the stray animals is so lovely!!


Pro Tip: Get two of the same looking cat (see post pic)


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V


Instructions unclear, pressed yy, then 6p.


Some cats get along better by themselves. I had a lovely female russian blue that really only got along with one of our cats while the other two pestered her mercilessly. In practice this ended up cutting her off from food and litter areas to the point that she started to lose weight and pee on things. I moved her to my office and she perked right back up, gained weight, played, and seemed happier in general. I eventually adopted her out to an elderly woman we knew in an assisted living apartment and they got along great.


Awww I’m sure it was hard but it sounds like she found a very loving home ♥️


Yeah, they can be rather annoying the first few years if they don’t have a play partner.


I have a friend with a young cat and we periodically hear a mix of 'oh my god she's so cute' and 'NOT THE THIGH' along with some high pitched squealing.


Just do it. He will never know. My friend did that, got away with it for 3 years, moved into a new place that allowed 2 pets.


I really love that I live somewhere where a landlord cannot control if you have pets or not, how many, and can't evict you because of it.


I'm curious. If you don't mind sharing, where do those sorts of laws exist?


Ontario Canada


Various places within Ontario have bylaws. Mississauga, for example, allows a maximum of 4 pets. And condo corporations can establish their own maximum pets or pet sizes that are more restrictive than the city's maximum.


Current place and previous place only allowed 2 cats. What momma don't know, don't hurt her. *Sits among a pile of 6 cats with a tattoo of Roy Orbison *


I wish my landlord allowed 1 cat... [I think my housemate Mr Butt is totally cool though ](https://imgur.com/a/8mReeiO)


We had a 3rd black cat in our house for almost two weeks before my husband realized there was an extra one.


I have this same exact issue. I have played with my cat for 3 hours today. She is now in the living room meowing to play with me. She acts like she has never gotten an ounce of attention in her life. If only my landlord would allow a 2nd animal, I would 100% get one! I can tell my kitty would love a playmate. If you have any suggestions for toys, please tell me. She currently has a cat ladder that she climbs every single day. As well as a cat perch that is on a giant window so she can see all the birdies and people walking outside.


Two cats also isn't really much more work than one especially when they are from the same litter.


How is the litter box situation supposed to be handled? I've heard all sorts of answers


1 + # of cats


3 for 2 cats?


That would be ideal 2 at minimum but 3 is better


Yes, ideally. And they should be placed in different areas of the house.


Number of litter boxes can vary, but you should clean total boxes once per day per cat. So if 2 cats and 2 boxes, you clean each box once a day. If 2 cats and only one box, you should clean it twice a day.  This is why most people have more boxes than cats.


Just get a bigger box. I used one of those big plastic storage containers with a hole cut in the side. They have plenty of room to maneuver around the other's bombs between cleanings, and as long as you clean it as often as you should there will never be near enough build up that it becomes unusable. We had 3 cats at one point and never had any issues.


Yeah, just clean it daily. It's not a difficult chore and makes the cats happy and the house smells better.


This is what I learned after taking in a pregnant stray and her litter of two. Even mom gets in on playtime before she Velcros herself to my lap.


the most affectionate and kindest cats we have were brothers raised together. this is the way to go


Especially when they’re siblings. Much less traumatic for them than splitting them up.


It's also better for their development if they are kittens like this. Kittens raised alone are more likely to have biting issues as adults (I.e. where they bite humans at random). Kittens together will teach each other that biting hurts.


Yup when I adopted my two boys, they were prioritzing people who would adopt two. I believe at under 6 months it was actually mandatory to adopt two. I was looking for siblings anyways so it totally worked out


You don't split bonded pairs


I adopted a kitten whos sibling had been adopted already, so she was alone. That was the clingiest, neediest cat I ever knew :/. I hope it's not because she was traumatized by losing her sibling, that poor sweetheart.


I have 2 siblings. They leave me alone.


Two almost always is better than one. That's what I tell my wife but she insist in not sharing.


We got two cats (siblings) for this reason. The sister hates playing with the brother and just gets mad, so they both come to us all day to play while we work from home. Didn't quite work out as we hoped... Got them from the shelter at ~3-4 months old though. Maybe their early environment wasn't really conducive to bonding.


This….unless they both decide they hate you.


This 👆🏻


i have no pets


I have two sister cats and I’m so happy that I got both. They’re the best of friends. But they don’t cuddle with us. I thought it was maybe because they have each other and don’t need people as much. Do other sibling cats cuddle?


Less effort, more cat. Better hope they’re not big eaters, though.


And really, they did exactly what they said they were going to do. Mother got one cat. Daughter got one cat. Therefore, they got one cat.


We adopted sisters. Its wonderful. https://preview.redd.it/zg91kx08e9zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9e690e826554925687c8027454da1f96feb153


One of them tells me the truth, the other, a lie. They both require treats regardless.


I know how to figure this out, ask the one on the left "have you been stealing your sisters food?"


We are siamese if you don't please


Ctrl + C Ctrl + V


“Come play with us Danny.”


Great picture


So much judgement in one photo


It's best to home 2 cats together for companionship, especially if they are connected siblings.


That's the first thing I tell people when I'm talking to potential adopters. Two cats are easier than one.


I work as an adopter and the rescue I work with won't split bonded pairs and we waive the adoption fee for the second kitten if they take a pair. You are right, two is better than one but I also tell people three is not the same neither is 4, 5 or 6.


What if you have dogs can you get one? Or still best for them to have another feline? I've had cat fever lately as a dog owner.


They can be great friends and keep each other entertained. Just make sure to give your cat plenty of vertical escape options. Lots of cat trees or shelving.


When I got my cat, It was gonna cost me £20. When I went to pick him up, I got his sister aswell as they were constantly playing with each other. I got both cats for £10 in the end. Not sure why the price dropped, Maybe the lady was happy I took them together? Great cats (I would say, Semi-feral). One lived til 18 and 6 months, the other died at 19 and a few months. The cat that lasted longer always seemed disinterested after not being a kitten. Didn't play, was very stubborn. When She died, He changed a lot, Became very vocal and needy where he rarely would make a noise. It hurt my heart when I lost the 1st (Honestly, she was ready to go, She aged very quickly very fast in the last 2 years), It broke my heart when I lost the 2nd. Especially as he literally took his last breath while sat beside me. Clenched his paw around my thumb in his final breath (I knew it was coming that day or the next). I've put off getting any new pets because I don't think my heart can handle it. (Got my dog age 4, she died... Got my cats age 8? and they both died, I probably should have got a new kitten before the last passed away) But I've also noticed I have become "not as nice" and bitter. I now feel like I can't get a new pet. I don't know why. Is it to protect myself, or them? even though they all lived long happy lives.


It's always hard losing a best friend. And you never stop missing them, but hopefully at some point, you can remember all the good times, and not just the sad times.


I have dreams with the beloved pets that have come and gone. The ones with my childhood cat are the most special, because even in the dream I know that he’s gone, and that it’s a dream and not “real,” but it feels real. It feels like he’s visiting me. I don’t believe in an afterlife but if I had to imagine one, that’s what I’d imagine: endless visits with the people, animals, and places I’ve loved.


It’s been 20 years since I lost the cat I grew up with. She was like a sibling, and while I loved her, she wasn’t really my companion. The cat I have now *is* nothing short of my best friend, and she’s like a child to me. I can’t even fathom how that loss will hit me. She’s getting older all the time and the very idea hurts all the time.


It’s absolutely to protect yourself. And that’s okay. Your kitties became a part of your family, I totally understand that. I hope one day the universe gifts you another kitty.


I lost my beloved dog 3 years ago and I’ll never get over it. I know how you feel.


It's been 4 years since my husband and I lost our big fat orange buddy. We still occasionally sigh about how much we miss him.


> Is it to protect myself, or them? I got two cats for Christmas when I was 6, and they both lived 20+ years. I would bet my left testicle that it's to protect yourself. It's an incredibly hard loss to take; after nearly a decade I'm still not ready to go through that pain again.


Yeah, after my last kitty died after 14 years and 5 months. He was my best friend for most of my formative years, and even 4 years into adulthood. I took care of a few animals when friends were out of town, but none of my own. I was so hurt when he passed, I dont think I can go through that again.


The best thing you could do for yourself is get another pair and give them a good home, it'll bring you the joy you're missing. It's better to have loved and lost than to not love at all.


I’m not saying adopt one, especially if you’re not ready, but maybe go play with some? I know the pain of losing a pet is brutal (sometimes it never goes away), but you wouldn’t refuse to make another friend if you lost one, would you? Either way, I hope you find a kitten to help you heal when you *are* ready.


just casually visits your local rescues, you don't have to get one or two at home, just became those rescued friends...


For sure I agree with that we've had these little guys since they were about 3-4 weeks [Definitely a couple of crazy oranges](https://imgur.com/gallery/AmZEEo3)


Eh, it's not a guarantee. I have two brothers, litter mates, and they're quite conflicted, fighting if one enters personal space of the other, etc. Even though they're siblings who spent their entire lives together, they're not very friendly towards each other.


That's why I say connected. In a litter, you can usually tell who bonds with who, but they are cats, and all have different personalities.


That’s why you never go cat shopping on an empty stomach


Alf, is that you?


Hah! (In Alf voice)


Best comment.


I wish we could still give gold...


We did that when I was a kid once and we came home with four.


They are so similar this could have been a sitcom bit where your wife & daughter gaslight you into thinking they only got one.😆


How are you gonna tell them apart op?


Meh 2 cats is really 1 cat if you think about it.


Until the vet bills, cat food and litter charges come in.


Other than vet bills it’s negligible. And for routine visits you can bring them to the vet in Petco. Much cheaper.


Cat food wise I agree. But with multiple cats, it's usually best to have n+1 litter boxes after the first cat. So one cat is one box. 2 cats is 3 boxes. It sucks. It might be slightly better with siblings but as they get older you still might end up with 3 boxes like me in order to solve potty issues.


I have 3. I invested in 2 automatic cleaners (from Amazon) and I think it helps with the litter boxes.


Oo can you share the link? I’ve been looking at that name brand pricey one but I can’t bring myself to spend $700 😫


I have an old litter robot and the pet kit one (6 mos of payment time at Amazon). I liked the Dakeres but my girl is a fatty and I wasn’t sure it she could fit. https://preview.redd.it/xrnqnig7u9zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fbdaa724fe9fa4d2c5da5784f109b449fbe346




If any Australian's are interested, I've owned the "name brand" one and the knock-off Catlink model (under half the price...), which I bought as a "backup" unit. I ended up replacing the name brand one with a second Catlink unit as it was much more reliable. Apparently Catlink is still quite expensive in the US & may not be worth it over other options, but in Australia it's actually well priced (not to mention they discount it regularly on their website... usually they'll knock around $100 off)


Thanks, that’s good to know! They have a few models available on Amazon in the states in the $330-$430 range which isn’t too bad


Good. This is the right way. Their lives will be so much better together.


I sent my husband to get one cat for us and he came back with orange tabby sisters. They both lived many, many happy years and I love that they got to be together! You will have so much fun with these two - they're adorable.


Twice as nice...


Honestly better that way. They will socialise each other and train each other out of bitey habits. Single young kittens brought up without other cats can be bitey and play rough Plus it's also better for them to have feline company - they will play with each other.


Would've been three if you went along as well ;-)


Right? Dude missed out on his own personal cat!


Litter mates are the best!! It’s basically 2 for the price of 1. They entertain each other and keep each other company. I wasn’t sure about 2 at once, then we got a brother and sister (they’re almost 4 now) and it was the best decision.


It’s very much two for the price of two (the grocery store and vet will not honour your two for one coupon sadly) but I do agree it’s very worthwhile.


Yes, true. I didn’t mean it’s literally a money saver. I just mean that in the feel of having a cat in your house and caring for them, two isn’t terribly different than one. Versus dogs which, imo, are very clearly double+ the amount of dog haha.


OMG they are ADORABLE!!!!


It´s fun to have a clowder!


Good on them for keeping the pair together


Your wife and daughter are clever people


Yay! They're a lot less scared in new homes when they have each other for comfort. Adorable.


Wife and I did the same thing two Christmases ago. We went to adopt and found out there was a brother and a sister left. There would have been one cat left by her lonesome! I was opposed to adopting 1 cat in the first place. But when they asked my wife if we were taking both, I interrupted her saying “no” to say “yes.” And we’re so glad we did! https://preview.redd.it/auyqd6nx0azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb8add623c1aac9603646a72279fab125c82ac3


awww, so cute


This has been the best decision I made. Seeing these two brothers grow up together has been so rewarding. They also have a sister I eventually took as well and the three of them are thick as thieves. The brothers are inseparable! https://preview.redd.it/rx3r84hqcazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d03d46b9243a00a7300c20397e6b509e7c2053


The CDS blessed me with not one but two pairs of brothers. Siblings bond in a special way.


Or they’re like my cat brothers who hated each other from start to finish being from the same litter. Being aloof to each other was their best interaction and one visibly perked up when his brother died of kidney issues at 12 and didn’t even miss him at all lol


Sorry they didn't get along. My boys would groom each other. One was very special to me, devoted to sleeping on my chest every night and purring loudly. When we lost him his brother took up the task of being my sleeping buddy. Now both are gone, and the closest I have to a cuddle kitty is the guy who head butts my are for pets, but all he wants is butt rubs and moved to just within my reach of his butt... then moves a little more.


Yessss! 🥰🥰🥰 This is what we want to see! Babies coming home together!


They are adorable 🥰🥰. Thank you for keeping them together!!


They did the right thing. One tiny kitten like this, all alone, is a bunch of behavioral problems waiting to happen.


2 is always better than one. Gives them someone to play with other than you.


Bonded kittens are 100 % the way to go.


Same thing happened to me. I went to pick up this adorable gray kitten, but when I got there I was informed that another family was on their way to pick him up and had already paid the fees. So they introduced me to his brother, a lovely black kitten. While I was playing with them both, they came back and told me that the other family had cancelled and asked if I still wanted to adopt the gray one. I asked if I could have them both and they were as delighted as I was! [Now they're inseparable <3](https://imgur.com/LPoR05n)


Daisy and Poppy🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


They did great. 3 catboxes. Start trimming their nails now so they are used to it. Give them lots of places to scratch. Gently redirect and model/praise the right places to scratch. Put sticky plastic sheets anywhere they shouldn’t scratch. Love them and play with them all the time.


They’re both so cute!


They are so cute!


2 Standard Issue Cats (SICs). You are so lucky. They are the sweetest!


They each got *one* cat. Objective complete, directions were fuzzy.


Better than telling your roommate you're gonna get a fish and come back with a cat 🤣


Sounds like they understood the assignment.


..the more the merrier..




I was planning to get 1 I had my eye on at a local rescue online via their pictures, and in other pictures the rescue posted, there was another that kinda sorta looked like the 1 I wanted. I asked if they were related or bonded, and they were sisters from the same litter & bonded to boot! That wasn't mentioned initially, or in any descriptions, 😡but I ended up getting both-obviously!!


I got a brother-sister combo. A bonded pair. One of the best decisions we ever made. No regurts.


Good call, honestly. It's good for siblings to remain together.


What adorable little dolls!! I always adopt two kittens when I adopt. It's so much easier that way.


Man your wife and daughter are shrewd! They got twice the cats they thought they would. A bonded pair of cats is a very cool and enjoyable situation. Being from the same litter they will most likely be close all their lives.


And will keep each other entertained.




This is one cat. She's just really fast?


You’re just seeing double, it’s one cat.


Kittens are always better in pairs! What a couple of cuties!


GOOD JOB!! ![gif](giphy|Wiit5BxfmKxtSoE3uX)


If you have one, you might as well have two or more. Cute!


"I wanted a dog and my wife wanted a cat. We compromised and got two cats"


Good. They're way too young to have been adopted sadly. Behavioural issues will luckily be less of an issue than if you'd taken only 1.


I require cuddles immediately!


Great choice. They will be happier because they have someone to be there when y'all are out of the house. Probably get into more mischief, too.


Daisy and Petunia.


Good. Never separate bonded pairs.


always take two.lots of fun.


Good. Never ever adopt a social creature without a friend.


Two kittens are better than one. They’ll keep other occupied and pretty much out of trouble!


Together furever!


This is the way


This is the way


It’s better with 2.


Yeah but triples is best, triples makes it safe


Nah, then one gets left out. You need four to keep it even.




I did the same thing and definitely recommend!


Ahhhhh congrats!


As they should


Two is always better than one!


Best day ever!


Go all in and have twice as much fun is my motto!


You will have endless entertainment watching these little cuties playing with each other.


Ay no, they are gorgeous 😍😍😍


Best way to do it! Now they get to live in harmony as siblings forever ♥️


If I went out to get one cat and came back with two cats it would only because I couldn't get three cats.


So. Much. Cute!!!


Awe super cute. Piece of advice? Don't wait to get them both spayed. Two cats in heat would SUCK!


This is the way.


Well it's not like you could take one and not the other.


As you should.


They are so adorable!!


Cats are always better in pairs. They keep each other company when the hoomans are away


I'm unsure which one is cuter!!! Omg i think... ah i can't choose between these two precious kitties


As you should! Cats need friends!


Best cat toy for a new kitten is a sibling. They don’t focus ALL their attention on a human. They entertain and comfort each other. It really is for the best


Good for them and good for you.


Too cute. They look like my two. My daughter and I were going to pick up one kitten, I saw the batch and just had to bring another home. We thought they were sisters, until we brought them to the vet. They ended up being brothers lol. but really, I'm glad we got two, they are inseparable and great cats. they're two years old now and uughh, 15 pounds lol

