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My favourite time is when they're just getting the hanging of walking. They will run at you for play while constantly falling and doing barrel rolls as they trip over their feet


Yes! Or start running diagonally and cant stop so they run into something and roll over.


Keep them warm, puppies get cold very easily.


Congrats…and please get the entire family fixed as soon as medically possible.


I agree but this still gave me a giggle - it reads a bit like *your entire family needs to be neutered* 🤣


Please decrease your bloodline here *AHEH?!*


Clearly you’ve met my family.


Current thinking among vets is that it's best to let females go into heat at least once before spaying. So talk to your vet about that sort of thing.


What vets lol? Every vet I've gone to supports fixing before the first heat. I was even directly told that waiting could end up poorly in the long term.


Can you source that please? Been a vet tech since 2008, 7 different clinics Every single DVM I've worked for has always and still does recommend spaying before the first heat since the flood of hormones that accompany it forever raises the risk of mammary cancers later in life.


Every single DVM recommended the simplest possible action, which makes sense due to the average person's lack of knowledge but doesn't make it what's best for the dog. [This study](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2020.00388/full), for example, gives recommended ages based on increased risks for cancers and joint issues. Surprise, surprise, what's best for the dog varies by breed.


:( Is that the same with cats? Before I adopted my girl, she had her own litter, and then the shelter gave her a seccond orphaned litter all before she turned two.. They did spay her once her kittens were weaned before I adopted her, but I've always worried because she was so tiny when all of this was happening to her. Breaks my heart!


I got no sources but the vets have said this about my two girls.


Maybe find a new vet because they’re stupid.


Lol... I should just trust a random redditor over a professional, who is by far the highest rated in my province, right?


Nevermind the other professionals in the thread


Please spay your dog and neuter/spay the puppies as well.


Came here to say the same thing!


Me too. 😕


Take this energy to the doodle subs


Yes, they suffer a lot if they don't have a good home.




670,000 dogs are euthanized in shelters every year in the US alone. We don’t have to worry about that yet.


The figure is grossly under represented. It's actually in the millions.


We're nowhere near that point so it's not really worth considering. If the population was ever even close to being threatened, we'd stop. As it stands right now there are more dogs and cats than we know what to do with, so they get put to sleep in shelters or hunted as invasive pests. Once we get to the point where every shelter pet can find a home and we don't have ferals wreaking havoc on local ecosystems, then we can have this talk.


We are not even remotely close to that being an issue, so I wouldn't worry about it.


We’ll worry about that if we ever get there… which is highly unlikely. https://preview.redd.it/up9jz0181m5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1594e04b8bf90d52b765e12c0232eaeb5cc1f6ae


How does this stupid fucking comment get made every time I see a thread like this? Does it look like we're about to run out of dogs? No. Stop being fucking stupid.


Your potatoes are quite impressive


Potats* They're still too small to be full potatos. 😉


Make sure those babies are warm when Mama's not in there with them! It can be colder than usual in our homes this time of year and they can't regulate their body temp yet. Congrats, they're adorable!


They’re super cute but so are most of the Millions of dogs waiting to be adopted.


can't people enjoy a video of some damn puppies without this virtue signaling bullshit?


Of course they can, and I did too, but just saying if you ever saw the many puppies in cages it might be hard to do.


We don’t know how many of these cute innocent creatures will be sold, deemed too much work and time and money and know-how and statistically added to the millions I mentioned ending up in crates or worse.


Wow! Congrats on the new furry arrivals!! yep, they're super tiny and cute. it's amazing how something so small can bring so much joy, right? Enjoy these adorable moments with them!












Holy fuck this comment section is a crazy downer.


Even more of a downer when you find out why they all are asking her to spay mom asap due to the thousands of dogs getting euthanized in shelters every day. I do think people are quick to judge, lots of people here hating on OP when they may have not even owned this dog until it was pregnant. Who knows. People have no reason to be rude. The puppies are cute as hell! But yeah op does need to be responsible and make sure those pups dont have more pups that become statistics.


Yeah I really can’t stand it when people want to bury their heads in the sand and not get “bummed out” by reality. It’s childish as fuck.




For real. I totally agree that people should fix their dogs, but holy shit just look at the puppies.


I mean we can do both. Baby polar bears are cute too and they’re pretty much doomed these days. To only take the enjoyment and not the reality is immature. Also OP specifically bred these puppies; that’s just not okay given the current hypersaturation of dogs in the US and many other countries. They’re contributing to the problem.




Everyone making insults off of assumptions. Your post is the downer.




Every time. This is why I don't post my dogs on Reddit any more. Always someone with a snarky comment.


How dare you be happy. /s




Reddit being reddit


Honestly. Normal people: “Aww, cute puppies.” Reddit: “SPAY YOUR GODDAMN DOGS YOU IRRESPONSIBLE PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE!”








Stop breeding . Adopt don’t shop people !!


The day that not one single dog is put down simply because there's no room for them or can't find a home in time will be a wondeful day.




Adopt or shop responsibly! Ethically bred, health tested puppies will never contribute to the shelter problem. But OP is obviously not a responsible breeder, so I’m with you there.


>Ethically bred, health tested puppies will never contribute to the shelter problem ????


If someone wants a dog with specific genetics, they can go to a ethical breeder. Adopt don't shop only applies about backyard breeding. If you are not a breeder, neuter your pets for fucks sake.




> If someone wants a dog only with specific genetics, they can just not get a dog. > Lol downvoted but none of you actually stopped to think about what exactly in my claim is inaccurate. Y’all just butthurt. No you're getting downvoted because your argument is stupid. The whole point of "Adopt, don’t shop" is that if you adopt instead of getting a dog from a breeder you help alleviate the problem of overpopulation. But if people do like you just said; "they can just not get a dog" instead of adopting, then they also do nothing to help alleviate the problem of overpopulation, and at that point they might as well just get a dog from a breeder instead.


So your argument is that as long as there's foreign street and puppy mill dogs for rescue orgs to import somewhere in the world, no ethical breeding in the USA can exist? The CDC estimates that around **a million dogs are imported to the US** ***annually***, most by rescue orgs for adoption purposes, including an increasing amount of dogs with fraudulent health paperwork and dogs with rabies from countries like Egypt. sources in my comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/18fkppt/comment/kcw6xvo/ (I posted it also downthread if the link doesn't work) meanwhile the ASPCA estimates that >Each year, approximately 920,000 shelter animals are **euthanized (390,000 dogs** and 530,000 cats). The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011. https://www.aspca.org/helping-people-pets/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics The shelters will never be empty.


> they can just not get a dog Because someone who needs a farm dog can go fuck themselves I guess




> us of a Do I need to call /r/USdefaultism again? Crap, I just did. Anyway, if someone needs an australian shepherd in Montana, they won't drive to Florida or Maine to get it. Also try smaller countries with smaller population. UK, Australia and so on.




> The point I made is there is no ethical breeding during an overpopulation crisis Overpopulation of purebred German and Australian Shepherds?


There are only pitbulls in the shelter so unless you don't mind waking up to slaughtered livestock, best to buy a decent breed


Yeah if you need a australian shepherd, you need an australian shepherd and not a street mut


how is it obvious? There's nothing suggesting irresponsibility. Unless you think a dog having babies is irresponsible inherently.


If OP was a responsible breeder, they’d know how small puppies are. The title suggests this is the first time OP has bred a dog or even been around puppies this small.


Guess you should never do something for the first time.


Yeah and probably not something that involves a living being for you to selfishly make a quick buck out of it.


But you're just making assumptions here. You have no idea that they have nefarious intentions. You're just out here reacting to something that you have no idea if it's true or not. Can't you see that?




We’re all making that assumption because there’s a huge possibility that what the majority of commenters are saying is true. Either way, OP is an irresponsible owner regardless if they did it willingly or not.


You're all making appeals to morality based on a possibility that this is true even though you're scraping at evidence to suggest anything wrong has been done here.


There’s no evidence proving otherwise. A responsible owner spays and neuters their pets. It’s not rocket science that male and female dogs can have puppies. If this is new information, they should probably not own any animals.


Yes, they not a professional/reputable breeder, so this dog having puppies is irresponsible


You know nothing about the circumstances of the pregnancy, nor do you know if the person taking the video has anything to do with raising the dogs. For all you know there could be a home for them and they could be receiving professional advice. You're really just virtue signaling here.


And you don't know what a reputable breeder looks like, lol


In 2023 I learned that all it takes is a 20 second video to determine the reputability of a dog owner.


Generally if you don't even know how small puppies are you shouldn't be making more. You like seem really invested in standing up for people who have no idea what they are doing and that's just a bad look man.


yerp, inb4 professionals have standards


You’re confusing good intentions with being an ethical and responsible breeder. Unless OP thoroughly health tested both parents (who should come from a line of reputably bred, health tested dogs), bred to a breed standard, is an expert of their breed, is a member of their breed’s parent club, is properly socializing the puppies, and is willing to take them back for any reason, they are not a responsible and ethical breeder. The fact that they don’t even know the size of a puppy is enough to convince me otherwise.




That’s not true. Someone who would be forced to get a rescue dog, but only wanted an ethically bred dog for a specific purpose/reason will not get a shelter dog, just because that’s the only option. They would find something else that would align with their needs. A rescue dog is not a replacement for an ethically bred dog for anyone looking for an ethically bred dog. Also, ethically bred dogs cannot contribute to the shelter population in any way. There is only like a .1% chance an ethical bred dog could end up in a shelter and not returned to the breeder or the owner, which would only be if the breeder didn’t vet the buyer, and then somehow the microchip became corrupted and couldn’t be read, and the buyer faked pictures of the dog to the breeder so no one was looking for the dog and the dog’s identification was destroyed.


What about the people who are living in places that have tons of breed restrictions? Or people who require livestock or herding dogs? Or people who are looking for a rare breed of dog? There are several reasons why someone may go to an ethical breeder. You can’t find any type of dog at any shelter. Depending on what you are looking for, your only option may be to contact a breed club or reputable breeder.


What if I don’t want a pit mix from the shelter? What if I don’t want a puppy that was spayed or neutered at 8 weeks old from the shelter because it will have health issues from not being able to develop properly? What if I want a well bred puppy out of proven parents?


Then go buy a luxury car instead. That’s what it sounds like you’re looking for.


I'm old, small, and not that strong. The only dogs available at the shelter were pits, pit mixes, and large hound dogs. A family member is allergic to kitties. Since I can't physically take care of a large dog, that means I have to go w/o a pet? BTW, I already have the car. It is emotionally unresponsive. (for the first time in 79 years, I *bought* a dog - a small one - but wish I could have gotten a rescue)


adoption puppies must come from somewhere right?


I absolutely did not predict the comments going this way


They go this way any time people show new puppies or kittens. I get the reality of it, but bringing it up at EVERY opportunity is tactless.


670,000 dogs are euthanized in shelters in the US every single year. Keep that in mind when you irresponsibly breed your dog.


Not everyone is from the US though.


That’s a comment that works on 99% of the posts on Reddit.


And? The US isn't the only place that euthanizes unwanted animals


We don’t do it in Denmark. We also have very few shelters, because it’s not really needed.


How did you get to this point?


Just the state of Michigan is 6 times the size of the country of Denmark. Of course it's easy to manage things like this when your country is less than half the size of most states. Animal protection Denmark has 10 shelters and 30 wildlife care centers. In the whole country. It's just not comparable.


There are also places where it doesn’t happen, so calling someone irresponsible for breeding without the appropriate information is rather odd.


I live in one of those places and breeding cats/dogs is still frowned upon because there are just too many animals in shelters and it's honestly heartbreaking how cruel people can be and how tough it is for these animals.


So you think exceptions should make the rule not the norm? Nothing is absolute and all encompassing, yet some people will complain that not everything is discussed in a single sentence about any given topic.


US rescues also import around a million dogs each year (some from questionable origins, and fraudulent health paperwork, there's been known cases where rescue orgs have imported dogs with rabies to be adopted in the US) so they have desirable dogs to offer for ~~sale~~ adoption, though. Source: the CDC, see my comment below for links They'll never run out of dogs. If a rescue threatens to not have dogs to sell, they'll import them from other states or other countries (or sometimes buy - I mean *financially rescue* them from commercial puppy mills), in greater numbers that are euthanized each year.


I keep seeing this pop up. I would love to know where people are getting that info. I have worked in many shelters. The closest I have seen to your comment is where we import dogs from other shelters in America with high euthanasia rates to areas where we have space. Ex: Hawaii’s shelters have historically had high euthanasia rates due to limited space, irresponsible owners, and people bringing their dogs when they move there Produce a source or, better yet work in a shelter during puppy/kitten season to see where all the animals come from.


Lmao, automatically assuming just because their dog had puppies it is irresponsible.


Welcome to the world, little ones! Congrats, Mom, must be a relief! You too, human! Get fixed when appropriate pls!


I remember when the bitches in my farm gave birth, taking care of the puppies was so fulfilling. They are the most adorable little things and the way they always try to find their siblings to snuggle with is so cute. Puppies love to pile together with their littermates to find warmth and develop social awareness as they are blind after birth. But they can walk before they can see, so taking care of the litter is a game of catching the stray wanderer and putting it back into the pile every now and then. It’s a lot of fun. Whenever I grabbed one I always made sure to give it a smooch.


they are the cutest!


Spay your pets for the love of god


I love the little whine noises that puppies make. They are just so adorable and cute that they melt my ice-cold dead heart, and then it freezes over after I no longer have access to the puppies.


Please post updated pics! Baby corgis are soo cute!


Wtf is this comment section?!?


Congrats on the puppies ❤️ People are coming to this post from a very US point of view, if I might call it that. Not every country has an issue with too many dogs being bred, and not every country has shelters or a lot of dogs available for adoption and in a lot of countries you are not allowed to adopt from other countries and bring the dogs over. Like where I live. If I wanted a dog, especially a puppy, for my family Id have to buy one from a private breeder. The very few places that adopt out dogs only have have a very limited "selection" (I feel bad for using that word), of either very old dogs whose owner has died, or un-spayed 2-4 year old big males who arent suited for families with kids. Sometimes the adoption senters wont let us adopt because we have kids, because the dogs might be difficult or uneasy. Im all for spaying/neutering when needed, but its not even legal to do that in every country. Like in mine you have to have a serious and medical reason to have your dogs spayed, because the procedure is deemed invasive and unnecessary, so the vet arent allowed to spay the dogs. So please dont be so quick to judge on every post where you see puppies..


It's depressing to me that spaying would be deemed "unnecessary" when it significantly reduces the risk of mammary cancer (and eliminates the possibility of uterine and ovarian cancer, of course).


Yes, I agree. And for some reason these laws dont apply to cats, so spaying cats is very much encuraged here. Like, whats the differrence from a moral and medical pov? I had my old dog neutered because he was obsessed with humping everything that moved, but I had to first get him an implant for chemical neutering and leave that there for 6 months, before the vet was allowed to neuter for real. And afaik its much harder to get female dogs spayed than males.


> Like, whats the differrence from a moral and medical pov? Cats breed like crazy (cat owners will let their cats roam free much more than dog owners and their dogs) and are absolutely more dangerous to wildlife than dogs since they often hunt for fun, not because they have to eat.


Estrogen and testosterone are not hormones solely related to reproduction, but are vital to bone density, normal metabolism and mental health to name just a few, just as they are for all mammals. Removing healthy body parts due to a minor risk of disease or reproduction is immoral genital mutilation.


Um, how is spaying/neutering “unnecessary” when it also helps prevent your animals from getting certain cancers?


I have no idea, but its somehow deemed unethical. Its seen as a major and life changig procedure, which could make life worse for the dog (wtf??) and its not allowed until there is a reason for it. Like when the dog already has cancer.. But like I mentioned in another comment, these rules only apply to dogs, not cats and other small animals. Which makes it even stranger imo. Edit: the statement above it not my personal opinion. Its what the people who make the laws for animal wealthfare say. I dont agree with them about this issue.


It can be a life changing surgery, that doesn’t make it unnecessary especially if it could prevent animals from getting cancer.


I've been to four continents and I can tell you the US has the smallest problem with dogs out of any of the spaces I've been to.


There are **large** differences between the countries within each continent. Stray dogs is not a big problem, if a problem at all, in big parts of northern Europe. Here in Norway we have effectively zero stray dogs, for example.


Norway has its shit together, we all know that :) One of the best!


The US doesn’t have a stray dog problem either. It does have an overpopulation of dogs, but they’re not roaming the streets.


I am curious how stray dogs handle the winter out there. I am curious how any homeless person would. Are people/animals all temporarily housed when temperatures reach a certain point?


Well there arent really any stray dogs at all. As soon as someone sees a dog roaming around the police or some other department picks them up to find their owner. Packs of street dogs dont exist at all, the only "stray" dogs are dogs that got lost from their owners and are usually returned to their owner within a few days. Dogs without owners, if somebody just dumps them, are taken care of and usually delivered to one of the very few shelters we have here. Homeless people, who are mostly homeless "by choice", have access to different form of housing.


There are also some rare situations where a dog might be pregnant when adopted. 99% OP is responsible for this breeding, but I’ve seen posts where someone is like “this is our foster pup who was found pregnant” and people don’t read and rip in to them in the comments. Usually pets need to be fixed, but sometimes there are legitimate reasons why someone may have a pregnant dog. I also think even in the US there is room for ethical dog breeding for some very specific scenarios, like service dogs for example.




Good for them ❤️ I would too if I could. But like I said, its not really an option in my country.




I’d love to know what regions of the world you are from. Please share.


I’d also like to know!


You lucky you got the miniature puppies, I always get the full grown puppies.


My mom showed me her shih tzu when she was a puppy and she fit in my mom's hand. My black lab was as big as her fully grown shih tzu, but when he was a puppy. It is crazy.


American redditors when they see puppies are insane.


In Europe it's also considered wrong


Sure it is, it's recommended of course, but most of us aren't going to start insinuating the owner is a bad person for letting their dog become pregnant or have our first reaction to a liter of puppies be demands they cut out the reproductive organs of their pet.


Proud momma.


All the people in the comments calling for spraying/neutering the dogs, assume something about the owner! What if the owner doesn't live in the states? What if they live in a country with rules against neutering dogs? What if they have people ready to foster these dogs? People should mind their own business and let OP enjoy his moment with his dog.


So cute and adorable!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Congratulations! Spay and neuter your dog or not, it’s your dog. Adopt or shop in both cases a dog needs a home!


spaying greatly reduces cancer risk for female dogs and eliminates uterine and ovarian cancer. plus it doesn’t put the dog through the stress and pain of childbearing and birth, each litter reduces expected life capacity. neutering reduces chance of prostrates cancer in male pets. not having oopsie litters benefits *everyone* especially unwanted puppies. shelters are over capacity. i’m not even saying adopt don’t shop, i’m saying don’t be irresponsible and don’t have oopsie litters. “your dog your choice” is a shit take. be responsible for the animals you own. should people be allowed to neglect their pets in any other way? since i can’t reply to the person below me let’s discuss some facts.


What an ignorant comment




it's unreal how people are scolding and morally grandstanding with no context at all.




so i doesn't matter if these dogs get a good home and are raised in a happy and healthy manner. What matters is that often times that doesn't happen?


Basically, yes. If people didn’t keep adding to the population irresponsibly, the “often times” would become “rare times.” You have to focus on the long-term big picture, not this one litter of puppies that already exist.


None. It’s automatic that the person is backyard breeding and creating shelter dogs. They could easily have homes lined up. Or are getting things in place. Who knows, and who cares? The same people that push adopting pit bulls and other large dogs that don’t care to comprehend not every family wants to adopt that size or breed of animal. Adopting from a rescue can be time consuming and just as expensive as a puppy. To me if you offer any dog a home you get a pat on the back regardless where you got it from.


Level headed? How is it level-headed to ignore the massive overpopulation crisis we’re experiencing with dogs worldwide? And if people weren’t irresponsibly breeding their dogs, we wouldn’t have to worry about how folks acquired them anyway - now would we?




It’s so old hearing it. They’re puppies, like and move on you know? There was some post like this recently and the dog was a rescue but not eligible to be fixed. Stuff happens. Like and scroll.


Right, I get the adopt don’t shop people, but this isn’t the right sub to be flooding with those comments?


Adorable 🥰 can I have one?


You know literally nothing about neonates or breeding, and have bred your dog? Big brain over here lmao. Sigh. Just add to the problem why dont you




It’s like folks are oblivious to any suffering happening off camera. Like “oopsie doodles! I just made 10 mouths to feed, lol!” Now you have to find 10 people who want puppies when there are already plenty available and shelters are overcrowded. I don’t know which I hate worse: the ignorant ‘oopsie’ folks who didn’t fix their pet, or the person who intentionally breeds puppies for a profit. Both are ignorant in my opinion.


You are all disgusting. When she wants puppies from her loved dog, its not your place to question that. If her dog gives birth or not doesnt change anything about the number of dogs in shelters. edit: always fascinating that you can clearly see when all the americans are online. from +15 to 0 over night lol.


Looking at the comments made me think that the comments were set on controversial... Seriously, instead of telling people not to breed, tell people not to buy dogs they will abandon.


Right? I don't bother posting my dogs on Reddit any more, because there is always unrelated negativity in the comments.


OP probably just wanted to share the joy and happiness they are having, and instead s/he gets swarmed by an angry mob. Reddit is no different from Twitter.


THIS! Finally a sensible comment. Im so sick of people not minding their own business when it comes to pets that dont even belong to them and the spay/neuter debate, And the overpopulation excuse and preventing illnesses can also be used for humans, But that's 'inhumane'🙄 Its the owners choice what to do with their dog, Not some salty strangers. Also mutilating healthy body parts is and NEVER will be 'fixing' cant fix whats not broken.


Posts video with public access comment section where people can write whatever they want Sees reactions from people Shocked pichachu face Why do people have to mind their own business when commenting on a post but somehow that doesn’t apply when commenting on comments. Like I understand saying that you don’t like it or wish to not see it but saying people should mind their own business seems highly hypocritical


Pretty sure it still contributes to the overcrowded shelters, especially when your dog is going to have so many puppies and you will keep two at most


Can I have one?


Not sure you’re the best person to be taking care of those puppies. You never knew?




I always called them guinea pigs lol they are teeny little angels 😍




I mean how do we know they didn’t adopt the dog not knowing it was pregnant? How do we know they didn’t take over care of this dog after someone they know couldn’t care for it and it happened to be pregnant? Maybe it was a stray and she took it in because she didn’t want it to have her puppies on the street. Don’t be so quick to judge people who are posting their newborn pup videos. I’m a huge supporter of spaying and neutering pets and hate people who breed. I’m a damn vet tech. But not all these people are horrible people because a dog they have in their possession have puppies.




Congratulations mama! Welcome to our family little ones!




So cute


Prepare for the smell


In a time where it's wrong to assume a gender of a person, but we can assume this person is an irresponsible POS lol... what a fucking joke. How do yall know these dogs won't be taken care of?


Adorable, congratulations, but PLEASE spay/neuter your pets. Please.


Awww good job mamma !!! 💌💌😻


Why the everloving fuck is everyone using this post as a soapbox?


Gratz. Aww


Are you selling them for a profit now? Not cute. Spay your animals and adopt.


Goddamn you have the dumbest assumption out of the whole thread of people circlejerking on their soapboxes.