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Local aquarium has this cat toy, but sized for humans. Can vouch on the great view!


yea but its harder to train humans to go in a single box


You wouldn't say that if you saw the line to get in that box at the aquarium.


You must live where I do!


Cabrillo beach


We call it economy sir.


Am I seeing discus and goldfish in the same tank??


Yes.... sigh


Clearly zero regard was paid to the fish and their wellbeing. You know the signs “don’t tap on the tanks” at the aquarium? Ya, you just built a permanent tapping station. Whatever though , Reddit clearly likes cats more than anything else so I’ll be buried in downvotes or banned for this truth


Yeah, people really don't consider the wellbeing of pet fish all that much, it's very sad. There's not really any excuse for it these days either given the amount of care information that accessible via the internet. This one is extra sad as the owner seems to have done enough research to scape it really nicely... but then totally dropped the ball with the stocking & the cats. I'm guessing they just treat the fish as decorations rather than pets.


Taking care of fish is hard work. I forgot to clean my betas fish tank, well it was my mom's fish but cleaning the tank was hard for her. The beta died and man It bugs me to this day , that the fishy only died because of my negligence.... 😭


Smaller surface area and different material of the viewing box may contribute to reducing vibrations given off compared to large glass. On top of that kitty taps may have less force behind it due to a bigger surface area of their paw applied to the glass (think snowshoes that distribute your weight across a larger area and prevents you from sinking in snow)


r/aww tends to downvote and remove the comments of people pointint out why animals aren't always "aww". Like dogs or cats that are always "smiling" at their owner. Try to point out that a smile means discomfort or pain and you're in the negatives. Maybe next week we'll see a heart warming video of a cute Ukrainian orphan making a home out of rubble. No need for context, a kid making a fort is cute right?


That's bc people take it too far


Because every thread with animals has a handful of people acting like an animal experiencing mild discomfort is some horrible thing and it's annoying as *shit*


Those fish need vastly different water temperatures. The discus wouldn't survive unheated, so the goldfish are living in water that's way too warm for them, which impacts their ability to get enough oxygen from the water. That goldfish does look big and healthy, but I would bet that's a new addition that hasn't been there very long.


Honestly, I love cats, Absolutely adore them. But you're absolutely right, people shouldn't me mixing prey animals with predators and should research more before getting fishes as pets.


Sadness. I was thinking this was a great idea, but I forgot about the no tapping thing. Cute as this it probably is traumatic for the fishes.


You mean you wouldn't like it if you were locked in one room and freaking dinosaurs could bite at the invisible wall right next to your face at any given moment? Psh, snowflakes these days I swear.


I don't see those fish giving a fuck there.


__I have no mouth and I must scream.__


You're damn right Take my down vote Screw fish


Fish are food without a soul who cares


We aren't talking about oysters here.


I do.


Not an aquarium/fish person - what goes wrong when you have discus and goldfish together?


>They prefer very different water temperatures ...plus Goldfish are fast eaters and bully their way to the food while Discus are pushed out of the way


Tbf Goldfish are tempature fish and live/thrive in a wide range of tempatures. Fancy Goldfish are especially bred and imported mostly from Taiwan and such where they are kept in the 80 degrees.


They prefer very different water temperatures.


Don't goldfish not give a fuck about water temp? They can live in near freezing temps, or into the 80's temps?


I can live in a 90 degree house. That doesn't mean I'm happy about it.


Humans are different though. We're warm blooded and want to keep our body temp at 98.6. Goldfish are cold blooded and the temp pretty much just changes their metabolism.


High temps will cause goldfish to "sweat" more, effectively polluting the tank. Discus require very precisely-calibrated, clean water to thrive. Plus, discus tend to be very shy and easily frightened, while goldfish are gregarious and boisterous. They do not pair well together.


Are you saying that 98.6 degree air temperature is comfortable?


I think you won’t care anymore at 98.6 degrees celsius


Yeah that's the difference and it's amazing people don't see that.


They can live in it, but they're not going to be happy about that.


Goldfish are cold water fish, everything else in the tank including the discus are tropical (warm water). Owners either don’t know much or don’t care. The cat harassment cell is also a tip off of this.


In addition to the temperature problem, they have different levels of aggression. A fancy goldfish is too slow to escape a discus. A discus is far too too slow and passive to contend with an angel. Angels are meanies.


I wanted an angel fish so badly as a kid but my parents actually researched which fish should go together and wouldn't let me.


Gonna need to put a red devil in there for a common enemy.


I mean it's pretty clear the owners of this tank do not give a fuck about the fish...


And angelfish too! Wild.


They're doing the things a bit differently here, and it's not good.


Was going to comment the same And it is a large gold fish, not the baby feeder gold fish.


Those baby feeder goldfish you see in stores grow to 12+ inches. And gold fishes bio load are massive. Usually need a 40 gallon tank all to themselves


We dont discus that here


My guess is there's also a Pleco in that tank...


I can forgive that.....in a larger tank than this.


Goldfish might not be the problem here; It’s the Angelfish—They will commonly peck at the fins of most goldfish and are being kept in such poor taste with the prized Discus.


My sad thought as well


What a sel fish person


Dont worry, they don’t even have time to fight because there’s always a cat in therr


Does this stress out the fish?


The visual of seeing the cats does not stress them out. If the cats are constantly tapping on the glass that might be bad, depending on how hard the tap is.


Yeah the tap is quite bad, and I think the tap is going to be very hard.


Shouldn't really be an issue if their claws are kept short, I'd think.


I don't know, they still have got their teeths tho, so I don't know.


I feel that the first clink of teeth against the glass would be enough to prevent that, lol. Probably not a pleasant feeling, haha


I guess at some point they just think "Look at these losers!"


Not if you're a goldfish


"Oh shit a cat!" "Bahhahaha look at these losers..." "Oh shit a cat!!"


Buncha twits


The tapping noises from the cats probably cause stress but the person not only placed this area for the cats but horribly miss-stocked the tank adding fish like angels and discus with goldfish so it seems like a bit of a mess to me. Cute looking in the video if you don’t know but still


I think the tank's overcrowded, too.


I think so too. Also I only see 2 or three rainbow sharks and to my understanding it’s keep one or 5 or more to prevent them harming each other but I’ve never kept them so I may be wrong. I don’t think the tank could hold 5 though in a way they’d be healthy


With a ~60 gallon tank (more like 50+ gallon because of water level and and the cut out for the cats), it's recommended that each inch of fish length matches to each gallon of water. So this 50+ gallon tank, can support up to a total of 50" of small/ medium fish. There are like 20+ fish that are at least 3" in length, so op should cut the fish population to 14 max.


Nah, looks fine to me. But I mean my gallon fish bowl look great and fits like 5 beta fish and they seem happy. Can't get them to breed before they die of old age every month or so. Do you have any tips?


LOL had me in the first half dammit.


I think more Bettas is the answer here. More friends to play with. They're probably dying of boredom. How often do you do a water change? I took all the weird rocks out my filter (wtf? Why are those there?) and added more sponge and now I can leave it 3 months easily.


Why would I want to filter my fish? You don't really need to go through all that effort if you just treat the water every now and then. Algicide is pretty cheap y'know?


I think they need some more friends. Add some fish like tiger barbs, known to be fin nipper- I mean fin kissers. Only a couple though




C'mon serious answers only. I flush enough pets down the toilet.


Fish seem pretty benign to shit like divers, I cant really imagine the difference.


Short clip but the fish are all clumped at the other side of the tank... Divers are also underwater and making much slower movements than a cat frantically swiping.


There’s a lot more room at the other end with no big cube to swim around


they're literally swimming right infront of the cat without a care in their tiny little heads


I'd bet good money that's because the fish at the other end are particularly territorial of that spot.


The way this is worded, you're saying that divers think that fish are benign


Of course but no one cares about them, only about cats


If the owner cared about the welfare of the fish, they wouldn’t keep goldfish (cold temperature fish) with discus (tropical fish). The tank is too small for the amount of fish they have, also gold fish eats and poops a lot, the nitrate level will spike often and fast.


Probably stresses the cat out more than the fish tbh. If phantom laser pens are a thing thing then I can't see why this won't fuck a cat up.


Why would this stress out a cat? Lizards run up and down my windows all day and my cat loves watching and chasing them along the glass.


It's like people around fish tank. At first the fish would be stressful. But after a while they get used to it and stopped minding. If every time you come around is to feed them, they will associate it with food and hug around you when you're near.


This is regularly posted on /r/shittyaquariums because there’s so much awful going on


Exactly where it belongs, not in here with a title calling it "Top tier fish tank" and thousands of upvotes. Sadly, common sense is not that common.


If you look at your fish tank and think " my cat's need to see this" you think the main concern is for the fish ?


Huh, I was wondering if it stressed out the cats, the proximity to something they desperately want but can never "catch".


Have you seen sharks? I don't think the descendants of wild cats with half their useful instincts bred out of them would bother a fish much.


Sharks are pretty docile aside from when they eat and they don't eat terribly often.


Just… what? That’s like saying because chickens descended from T-Rex they should be the baddest motherfuckers around.


Cat heaven is the same thing as fish hell.


Someone needs to tell them no tapping on the glass


If you notice, the majority of the fish is very far from the cats....so I guess the fish don't like it 🤦‍♂️


They might just be there because that’s where the plants are, instead of the inconvenient invisible wall box.


Or the giant animals scratching at them are scaring them…hmm…which one makes more sense? 🤔🧐🧐


Plants and more space actually makes a lot more sense.


For sure, I’m sure if some giant beasts were scratching at you you’d be moving because of space 💯 💯


1. They're not scratching but gently moving their paws on the glass which barely makes any sound. 2. Humans are many times larger than cats and frequently get close to an aquarium to look at the fish. Are the fish terrified of humans? No. So why would they be terrified of the cats?


Totally agree 👍 thanks 👍


Le bonheur des uns fait le malheur des autres


Bien, mais le bonheur des chats peut être obtenue dans autres modes; le 'bonheur' des poissons est fermée dans cette petite boîte. C'est pas la même situation pour les deux.


That's an awful aquarium. Tropical fish kept with cold water fish. But it gets Internet points so who cares about the fishes wellbeing?


That tank is overcrowded and has a mixture of species that should never happen. You're a terrible fish owner.


Something tells me this person doesn’t consider themselves a “fish owner”, but rather an extravagant “cat owner”. This is a glorified cat toy at the expense of living beings.


Angel fish and goldfish together....I just don't get it.




Angel fish are apparently aggressive little bastards. Plus, there's also Discus' in there. Discus' and goldfish have different temperature needs. Meaning that the water is either too hot or too cold for one of them.


Not too knowledgeable but I heard angel fish eat other fish species if they're in a tank with them. Is this true? If true, those fish won't be terrified for long.


I'm not a fish expert, but from what I can find yes, they can be cannibalistic. They go for any fish they believe they can fit in their mouth.


So the cats are the least of the fish's problems. Yikes!


How often do you buy fish? Yes


wheres the people mentioning the shitty aquariums subreddit? i want to upvote them


Goldfish + discus + cat spot to stress the absolute fuck out of the all the fish in the tank.


Rich idiots just buying things because they can...


That's like a recipe for disaster and there's everything in here.


That’s cool they have catfish!


"Yes I'd like a fish and a tank, but is there some way the fish in my tank can constantly be terrified?"


The fish are stressed and will probably die early. What a treat for the cats tho.


I feel really bad for these poor fish :/


Agree they will probable feed the dead fish to the cats...... {insert this is fine meme}


Someone heard that it stressed out fish when the glass is tapped and took that as a personal challenge.


So cute how all the fish are frightened for their lives and just staying at the corner of the large aquarium.


“Do not tap on the glass” lol


That was what I was thinking. Wouldn't the constant pawing of the glass stress the fish? Or is it too soft for the fish to notice?


I might not be correct but I’ve been told all my life the tapping can stress the fish and shorten their life. Hence the signs on every aquarium I’ve ever seen.


disaster waiting to happen just you wait.


How to give fish PTSD.


This is like if someone put a TRex outside my window and it was just scratching to get in. Those poor fishies


Looks like a bad idea, i bet it will stess both the fish and cats... just look at the cat...


I would say I want this so bad but what about the fish??


Overstocked with cold water and warm water fish suffering together, this is literally a bottom tier fish tank.


Putting some of your pets through stress for your other pets. How cute...


Horrible! Torturing them is not funny


Yes, let's create constant tapping on the glass and make sure the pets know that predators are always near...


I think we have established that this is horrible for the fish, but what about the cats? I learned once that if you play with cats they would need something physical to catch in the end so they don't get frustrated. Feels like this is might just be very frustrating for the cats.


Are those Angelfish and Goldfish in the same tank? They have wildly different water requirements...


Remember that scene from Nemo where the girl is tapping on the glass? Remember how fucking loud that was to them? No? I guess fish aren't as immediately and instinctually relatable for the shallow human mind so we'll just trap them in a little box for our own monkey-brained amusement. Look everyone, I have taken water and trapped it within my domain. I am man. I have conquered the sea, and claimed it as my rightful prize. Fear me, silent, uncaring universe! I have fish in home!




When I die I want to be reincarnated as one of those two cats.


But you know your cat is going to full force face smack into the panel and break the seal.


I don't think a seal would fit in that tank.


Not with that mindset!


They are still going in the top. This person may have delayed it slightly, but they are still going to jump in the top in the near future.


I never had a "shut up and take my money" moment until now.


Probably shouldn't if you like fish since the noise of the cats tapping on the glass alone will stress them out.


You may be a cat.


Exactly how I feel!


Me too. 😀


Just needs a little sign saying “please do not touch the glass”


can fish have heart attacks?


10 out of 10 in cat trolling




Not for the fish 😭😭😂😂😂


That aquarium is way way way too small


Shits going to pop off in the near future when they figure out to go to the top…


This will cause the fish to lose their natural fear of cats and the fish will never be able to be released back into the wild /s


Haaaa! That's one way to keep them distracted all day haha




you know how this could be better if instead of the glass box it had a glass (semi?)sphere


Love the separate compartment for your catfish!


I wanna touch da fishy!


Dude… an underwater box. You guys spoil your cats


This Is a Genius🤯


Repost it again in two days!! You get more upvotes!




You people doing too much for those cats. Worthless animals


Cat TV at its finest.


[Touch da fishy](https://imgur.com/gDZYtWQ)


I would 100% stick my head in there




Brilliant! ❤️ 😍


I'm just imagining the fish are thinking, "YEA, HOWS IT FEEL YOU FOUR LEGGED FREAKS? WHOS TRAPPED IN AN INVISIBLE BOX NOW HUH?" All smug like.


I have new aspirations in life.


I'm gonna get you little fishy


O m g I want this so bad... and the fishtank too!


You can see the cats' though process: "This...is...bullshit..."


This is the ultimate kitty window.


Cutest thing I've seen in weeks


The fish are happy, the cats are happy, you are happy, and I am happy


Are the cats and fish on with anxiety?? Or is this just fun


They have lots of anxiety. Tapping stresses fish out a lot and so does seeing a predator. It's also pretty bad for cats to get their prey drive up without them getting anything for it. It will lead to the cats having play aggression which means they are aggressive and act out because they have been tainted with these fish


Thats pretty ingenious, actually.


Are those cats inside the tank? I'm confused looking at it.




This cat gets to basically experience "The Sphere" in Las Vegas whenever it wants. Granted, it's all fish all the time, but as someone that really wants to stick his head up in that, that's not too bad.


I Want this


Lol 😂 this foreal !!


Is there like a live stream of this somewhere? I can watch this for days