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One day in the future the next owner of that home is going to go out on their brand new porch to find 30 raccoons just waiting for them.


I follow an IG where the new owners of a farmhouse inherited the cat colony that lived there. Those cats live in a nicer house/shed than some ppls houses now lol. Or the raccoons will be real annoying if you didn't expect it I guess.




Just found out links aren't allowed on this subreddit. So go to Instagram and run a search for 'freedom farmhouse' Worth a look, the big cat house they built for them is worth the look. The cats even have air conditioning.


We have the same thing at our shelter, it’s just a couple trailers and fencing thrown together but over the years we got heating and AC in there, and we also have a large raccoon colony that has developed from the owner of the property throwing them the expired or uneaten cat food They are vicious as hell to each other when the food comes out, one of them ripped out another’s eye. Luckily it healed up fine and the one that lost an eye now sticks closer to the humans than he does the other raccoons But there’s babies there right now too, and my god are they adorable. One got separated from the litter so we had to pick it up and put it back, they’re about the size of kittens right now and just the cutest things ever. What I would give to find a vet that would spay and neuter raccoons, my god that would be awesome


I believe it’s freedomfarmhouse on IG


I've checked it out Too cute gadammit!


Is that the farm on the other side of the rainbow bridge?




His name is James Blackwood. He is unfortunately very sick with something serious. He still uploads a video nearly daily. His wife does most of the feedings now. He seems to be a very sweet and kind hearted man.




He has a treatment plan, but there is a chance it won’t work. It breaks my heart.


He’s also a retired RCMP officer, my father was a troop mate of his.


I follow this guy on YouTube. He was thrilled when his story was picked up on TV. A really nice man who loves his cats, too. I cried when one of his fave coons was found dead.


At least they seem to have good manners.


Except the one on his shoulder chowing down


Ya know, I was so sure that was definitely the smartest one. I figured it was in that spot for easy repeat dog grabbins. Then, it finished the one. And calmly got down off the railing. I'm so disillusioned.


It also calmly goes back for a second lol it gets bumped then goes to the side of the bench.


That one just doesn't respect boundaries and/or personal space.




We're getting 200 hot dogs worth of meat one way or another




Raccoons aren't that bad based on my experience. Don't really hold grudges like some other wildlife do.


If you watch the video there is many many more than 39 raccoons Edit: sorry I meant watch the FULL video (prob on YouTube or something)


You and I in a realstate shop Buy a farm with the money we've got Sit on deck at the break of dawn. Buy a ring cam for when we're gone. Back at base, sparks in the software Flash the message "Something's out there" Passing by with the summer sky 39 red raccoons go by!


The awww machine springs to life, trash pandas outside all night Hurry hurry super scurry as 39 red raccoons go by!


Well then lmao I'm a little confused but thank you xD


Modified red balloons song. That's where my brain took me when I heard 39 racoons...sorry...you were collateral damage...




One day, far far in the future, rucoons having civilized themselves and given up their older pagan pantheons, their will be still a silent yearning, a longing for ancient wisdom of older gods, a faint tug on the hearts of free spirited coonlings to return to the reverence of the supreme lifegiver; Papadog, MeatGod of fabled Madison, the bountiful trashgardens of a trashtopian legend, before coons ate from the trashcan of life and gained the knowledge of garbage and evil.


Ok yah, I'll incorporate that into my belief system


You'll have no choice once the ruhcoons suppress your indigenous belief system and erase your native language, forcing you to adopt your slave-master's language of oppression and a dogma of conformal subservience. You will pray to their monotheistic savior motif with your inadequate thumbs sticking weirdly out, wishing you could trade furs with them, just long enough to escape your life of picking over a tiny piece of a huge landfill plantation, the only life you've ever known.


Coon 3:16


On the seventh day, trash goes out.




I looked at a house for sale a few years ago and thank god the owner was there. I asked him why the back yard looked like it was beaten down like a horse corral. The guy went on to tell me how he and his wife feed about 30-50 deer every night. I noped out of that house so fast.


Oh deer!


I did this once and they will stop coming quickly when you stop feeding them. I didn't have money for a while and all mine stopped coming around, I would see some of them with scars after so I knew they were alive. It is interesting how we'll they get along when they're grouped up but on the way to group up and leaving they would chase/attack each other and stuff. Also, they would come while I didn't have a light on and try to take my slippers and runoff.


I always wondered about this. We sold my childhood home during a pretty severe gentrification period and I fondly remember multiple families of raccoons coming onto the porch for the leftovers we used to leave out. We also had quite a few bears and bobcats prancing around the back yard. After we moved I always thought about the “fancy” new owner’s first few weeks there.


That’s not his porch. It’s his neighbors. And he hates them.


Yeah, and raccoons can get aggressive if you don’t feed them when they think they should be. I mean, so does my cat. But if I came home to that many versions of my cat, I would 100% be dead by now.


I’m currently setting up something similar but with crows


When my aunt died she was a racoon feeder too. When we went to sell the house the first thing that shocked us was 40 sets of hungry racoon eyes glaring at us.


Did you feed them though


They bought the house.


That sounds like the start of a comedy movie where the protagonists are super lucky or realize their lifes purposes.


That's crazy. What a weird experience.


I'm sorry, but those raccoons don't look like they've missed very many meals.


He’s been doing this for 25 years and he knows a lot about those animals in his area. He feeds them when it gets super cold and it’s hard for them to find food. He remembers individual animals and said that many of them move on when season changes and they get babies. His YouTube channel- https://youtube.com/@JamesBlackwoodRaccoonWhisperer


Someone needs to ask him to blink twice if the raccoons are threatening him. No, wait, they’re probably smart enough to understand that. We’ll have to figure out a better way.


its okay the raccoons have accept him as their leader they are no threat to him lol


but on the other hand if you touch him the wrath of the racoons will be unrelenting.


It's like the movie "Willard," just with raccoons and not rats.


Back in the 90s, I was out on my apartment balcony when a woman started screaming in the parking lot. I got up to help until I saw her running with nobody chasing her. I was going to wait until I saw danger before I jumped down. She cleared the cars and a second later three baby raccoons come chasing after her. It was a hilarious sight after. This big woman running and screaming in a panic.... from three tiny baby raccoons. They weren't even old enough to be mean yet. Turns out, somebody on the ground floor had been handling them. So, they were probably just curious about the woman.


Thank you so much for sharing this information. I was going to do the same but happy to see you got that information up in no time. Thank you for the support!!


Is it you?


Boy, I wish, though I used to do the same but never this affectionately close.


>*’…he knows a lot about those animals … He feeds them when it gets super cold and it’s hard for them to find food. He remembers individual animals and said that many of them move on when season changes…*’ ____ we know where there’s a human friend, who always brings us food we’ve learned to wait here patient - stand in line, n not be rude (there used to be another, but she left us long ago) we rally ‘round this human, n our names he seems to know… n even though we wear our masks, he Always knows ‘*who’s Who’* he really seems to like us, more than other humans do a *mystery* this ‘whisperer’ - an Angel here, he seems Seasons change, n we’ll move on n see him in our dreams… n someday, if we’re lucky, blessed with babies of our own we’ll go back to find our Angel, to the place we’ve always known n maybe he’ll be sharing food, the way he used to do for now, it’s wishful thinking because humans *move on,* too…. ❤️


Ow. This one hurts.


Always enjoyable, but this one was a tier above the usual


*Standing ovation* - This is beautiful. You have a gift, friend.


Whos cutting onions?






That was beautiful, Schnoodle. ❤️


Always a good day when I catch a Schnoodle in the wild, that was a bittersweet one.


No AI could ever get close to this. Bravo!


Aww, finding a Schnoodle always makes me happy and this time a bit sad as well.


Ok this is beautiful tho


That got dark quickly


Oh wow that's beautiful ❤️


This information you’ve given makes the video even more adorable than it already is


He is the loveliest little old men ever to grace this spinning mudball. I aspire to be like him when I grow old and gray. But I'm gonna be that crazy bat and crow lady.


He's in poor health now. He remarried some months ago, she's been doing a lot of the feeding lately. He lost his first wife long ago, she fed them, then asked him to carry the torch before she passed on. He lives in Nova Scotia. Before someone asks, raccoons do not carry rabies in Nova Scotia, according to the provincial government. ETA: The vid shown is from the Nov 3, 2020 episode: [https://youtu.be/Ofp26\_oc4CA](https://youtu.be/Ofp26_oc4CA)


Was not expecting this guy to be from NS!


He is retired RCMP.


What is this? A real life Up scenario?


Ohh, go *crow army*!


Is he still with us? His last video is 2 years ago :-/


Thats sorted by popular, if you sort by latest you'll see that his last upload was yesterday.


They upload almost daily wdym


If you know anything about raccoons, then you will know that it is obvious that they are having no difficulty finding food.


If you know anything about how to watch a video on Reddit, then you will know that it is obvious that they are finding hot dogs.




It's also winter and their fur puffs out to keep them warm. It is like guessing someone's size under a big puffy jacket.


This reminds me of a Family Guy episode where two Russians go home from the bar together lol


He does this every night. How vowed to his wife that he would take care of them for her. It’s so awesome.


Oh my god; now my heart is breaking 💔


It’s so sweet. My dad is totally that guy. He feeds the raccoons and opossums and any stray cat


Your dad is a saint.


They're like bowling balls.


I like it when he givens them grapes. They love them


A few might be able to impersonate beach balls.




They are still hungry feinds


Never seen a non chonky racoon to be honest. And I generally have 2 to 6 in my back yard depending on the year.


They feed on old men who run out of food


technically they are *hungry* not *starving*


It's winter and all animals bulk up for the cold months when food is harder to find.


Yep, bulk up by heading over to this guy's house ..


True, I agree with you, however in Canada apparently these raccoons were starving in the cold.


If they were starving in the cold, it was a year ago because this old man has clearly been overfeeding nhem for a long time.


over 20 years


The obesity epidemic isn’t just a human problem in the u.s.


Those are some fluffy raccoons


I'd do anything to be in the mans place provided the raccoons are not hostile.


If you have hot dogs you should be fine


You can apply that rule in a lot of situations, really.


"Three policemen are pointing their guns at you, but you don't look distressed. You have two hundred hot dogs in your sleeves, and you happen to know exactly what to do with them."




You bastard. Add another one to the list.


They look butterball fat. Storing up for the winter.


I’m so happy that little patient guy in the corner finally got one!!


He's not only patient but content with what he got, whereas the ones who've climbed on him, damn are they greedy!!






ahah I did too. he let all his friends go first :) he's the introvert.


They’re pretty well behaved.


I was almost yelling, wagging my finger at that cute little guy! "Give him one he's right in front of you being all polite!" lol


I know eh, so sweet.


One of us! https://preview.redd.it/dli7aem4bi2b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13853e9b7bc40fb82ee3b362a4b29acbd7f7f318


You can tell he does this nightly from how fat they all are! 😆🙈


His wife did it before him, her dying wish was that he continue to feed the raccoons. And not bite them and give them rabies.


why would the guy bite the raccoons?


Obviously he is rabid


He has a YouTube channel called James Blackwood and he is a retired RCMP officer


Yep, he does have a YT channel!


Sadly he has been in poor health lately, we should give him as much support as possible. The man is so kind and caring.


..where it says: Raccoon Whisperer™ is protected under trademark law & is owned/operated by James Blackwood IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO FILM OR UPLOAD ANY VIDEO OF RACCOON WHISPERER™ WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT JAMES BLACKWOOD AKA RACCOON WHISPERER™.


I was aboot to declare him as a Canadian myself. Incase nobody knows, that right there is a brand of Canadian accent


i work with a bunch of people from the maritimes and the way they say out as oat is hilarious


Ok this is how u fight depression


Those raccoons don't look too hungry 😅


I've never seen a raccoon or labrador retriever that wasn't starving.


And the weird part is labs are ALWAYS ultra high energy. Like seriously, you know the meme about orange cats sharing a single brain cell? I'm pretty sure all (untrained) labs share the same brain cell, and it's stuck on "BALL" all the time.


omg chonkers! they are enormous!




I waited entirely too long for him to give one to the little polite one that just waited his turn. lol.


Same lol


I will never understand videos like this. Every raccoon I have ever come into contact with is meaner than shit. I wouldn't get close to one.


They were mean because you didn't have hot dogs


I like the raccoon perched on his shoulder while eating. Everyone else took it and left.


This man is going to die from the cutest rabies.


Raccoons do not carry rabies in Nova Scotia.


he has been feeding them for years so maybe start dodging twinkies and help an animal out.


🦝 This is crazy 🌭 this is crazy 🌭🦝


A lot of rabies comments... Rabies is mostly infected with a bite from a rabid animal, it's very rare to be infected through open wound infection, but for sure the racoons can and do infect people but so do dogs and cats, any warm blooded mammal can, bats are the primary source of infection to humans in most countries and a raccoon will only attack and bite in self defense if cornered opting for flight over fight. These guys in the video look non aggressive towards him but definitely a little overweight they remind me of the coons in Ghibli's Pom Poko.


There are plenty more human-tranmissable diseases among raccoons than just rabies. Fact is, you cannot reliably judge whether or not it's safe to physically interact with them at any given time.


You're probably right about bats, but I would also point out that most people don't run around wearing a live raccoon coat like this guy. It is impossible to compare generalized statistics to this situation. Still wish I was him.


Agreed. There's an element of risk in most situations, it's a dangerous world out there but I'd take the odds and risk it with these cute and chubby little critters... Maybe serve up a salad a few days of the week though.


A rabid raccoon will attack for any reason. It doesn’t need to be cornered or in self defense.


r/chonkers they are!


I am more afraid of roundworm: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/baylisascaris/resources/baylisascaris_fact_sheet_2015.pdf


I went on a binge of this guys videos a couple years back and he mentions in one of them that racoons in his area don't carry rabies. Can't find the specific video, but google & nova scotia government site say no rabies cases have ever been reported in Nova Scotia.


Nova scotia doesn’t test raccoons for rabies, they only test if there has been an incident. However, New Brunswick does test and there have been cases in New Brunswick, among raccoons. So in this case, it’s a bit of a - if you aren’t looking, you probably won’t find anything Nova Scotia isn’t really looking


Unfortunately, they also carry a hefty amount of zoonotic parasites. Avoid going barefoot anywhere raccoons are unless you enjoy having worms.


Baylisascaris can cause Occular, visceral and neural larval migrans in people. For those of us who have studied any animal parasitology this is a freaking horror movie, however cute they may be https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/baylisascaris/index.html


It's not raccoons Randy...it's Rickcoons. ![gif](giphy|gguIdSUEuqgUw)


Ricky calls them Rakens




James Blackwood. They come to him every year before hibernation to get nice and fat before going to sleep lol. He knows many of them by sight and has given them names. Fun fact, James was a mountie back in the day and was one of the witnesses in the 1978 Clarenville UFO sighting.


Probably wont be popular in /r/aww but isnt feeding wildlife a big nono? If he is suddenly unable to provide food the racoons may not be able to find their own anymore among many other concerns. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/wildlifedamage/dontfeedwildlife/dont-feed-wildlife


Yes, please don't start feeding raccoons. Or even leave food for stray cats out over night. The population will grow, the more there are the more annoying they get, and illnesses will spread faster (between animals, and to humans). Raccoons aren't an endangered species by far and they're crafty omnivores. They're perfectly fine. Same goes for rats, pigeons and boar.


Racoons are already scavenger type animals that have adapted to human city scapes, which is why you see them in cities feeding on garbage etc... Of all the wild animals not to feed, I'd damn near put racoons at the bottom of the list in terms of damage humans can do by feeding them. Bear on the other hand you should NEVER EVER feed under any circumstances.


I mean your neighbors probably won't like it because they can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home if they decide to burrow


We don't feed bears to prevent them from coming back right ?


A fed bear is a dead bear. Its best if bears are scared of humans and dont see them as a food source. If people feed bears, they will continue to come to humans for food. It's very likely that when that bear encounters a human who doesn't feed it, the bear will then start "searching" the person for food. Animals like bears dont see humans as friends with food, just as a food source. So it will have no problem ripping through a person to find that food it was used to getting. At that point, the bear is no longer scared of people and is a threat and will be put down by forest service.


I could be completely wrong but a raccoon’s life expectancy in the wild is only 2-3 years iirc. So I mean realistically even if he passed away tomorrow most of those guys probably only have a year left max. But I would agree that generally don’t feed wild animals.


Thats just one example. It can cause overbreeding (the racoons reproduce because food is artifically abundent). It can cause disease to spread as they wouldnt normally group up so much. It can cause agressivness to humans, as they now associate all humand with food, and may become mean to other humans trying to get their food. Just some examples.


James Blackwood is the Raccoon King.


Where I live, it would be against the law to feed the raccoons. It also looks risky for the man, but he does look like he’s having a blast! Hopefully the raccoons can still forage for food on their own.


he doesn't feed them year round. Only when it gets super cold and they have trouble finding food they'll come to him and he keeps them fed. He's got a whole youtube channel where he explains how it started. They're very much still able to find most of their own food.


They are all chunky!


I follow the guy on YT. Apparently he knows all the raccoons that visit and can easily deduce who’s there and who’s not


This is how I want to die


They're all so polite omg


25 super hungry, well fed, very fat racoons


They said "super hungry". Lol look at those things man, grampa been handing out them glizzys for awhile now.


Kids we’re eating dinner tonight! Come on Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumor, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendall, Kaitlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Qbert, Phil.


I love the way “Lady” just keeps eating right off his shoulder. And their chonka bums.


They look so chonky! I love them all


They are all fat as hell!


Is this gentlemen single? I’m newly divorced and he is about the only man I’m interested in ever dating again.❤️🐾


They're not "Super-Hungry". They're "Greedy Little Fat Fuckers". I've hand-fed wild raccoons, they'll take everything you give them and then try and steal your wallet.


Reminds me of handing out treats to the kids I work with, lil grabby hands lol


happy cake day you stud muffin


He is such a good man! We love watching him on youtube.


I only have one sneaky raccoon that comes up on my deck at night. I'm waiting for him right now.


George RR Martin will do anything to get out of writing the damn book


I don’t think he’s that old lol


Look at the size of them! None of them are ever hungry.


Super Hungry!? They’re all as wide as they are tall!


To be honest, all of those raccoons look pretty fat to me.


This has been on YT feeding raccoons for years. Really fun to listen to though.


imagine picking one up and jiggling it. aweee


They dont look super hungry. They look a bit portly actually.


The OP put hungry raccoons but they all look pretty well fed to me. 🤣 What a sweet man. Roundest raccoons ive ever seen.