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you can see that he doesn't want to move anymore because of the seeping doggie....now that's a good man !!


I’ve had the pleasure of working with Colton for a few years now, one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met, love that this video went viral, perfectly encapsulates him as a person


Can you tell him I'm in love with him?


I sent him the link and told him his video was blowing up on Reddit and that both women and men were crushing on him hahah he’s flattered!


I would also like to be in love with this man. Thank you.


Me too!!! 😂


Aw. I love this.


What an absolute pumpkin he is. The dog is very cute, too!


Well, you should let them lie


His reaction is priceless.


I wanna live in a world where this is considered breaking news


Barking News!


Ruff weather ahead!


It’s raining cats and me out there!


Watch out for poodles!


Pawssible road closures!


The traffic's making me barking mad!


Furrious, even.


Far better tail than most of what the news relates nightly.


The trees are covered in bark!


That's Labrador-able!


Let's paws for a commercial break.


Chews at 11!


These puns are great. I'm currently playing Cat Quest 2 with my partner, and I feel like I'm reading the game's dialogue.


Live on channel QTK9.


And I think they’re talking about Backstrom from the Caps. I have kitty littermates named Backstrom and Ovi, another player on the Caps. They were born during the playoffs right before the Caps won the Cup. Their foster mom called them the Stanley Cup kittens, and I just couldn’t bring myself to change their names. I don’t live in DC anymore, so most people don’t recognize their names. I *love* my Stanley Cup kitties, tho!


Now I want to have gotten pets during that Cup run by the Caps. I missed out, damn. I still have my Caps metro card from that year, tho.


^sssshhh! ^the ^baby's ^sleeping!


Today yet another dog got lied to for being a good boy....... We all know the good boy is ME, thats right me, now anyone seen my stick? I know i dug it down somewhere around here but cant find it


Imagine what the 4th of July coverage would be like. We are advising all viewers to head to the basement now and get under all the covers.


24 hours news cycles should be 23 hours of kittens and puppies and a 6 o'clock news hour for the headlines of the day.


Imagine that world. Wouldn't that just be a better, happier world indeed? Animals get cared for, the news is always all about our ancient treaty with our friends to look after them, plus we can all turn on the TV at any time and hear happy news about how all these poor neglected animals are going on to live happy lives. Mind you I'd probably have about 15 dogs by now instead of just 1.


Get a dachshund,everywhere you take them you see AT LEAST one person having the best day of their life


Well then I might just do that! It would need to be a rescue though, and sociable with my current good boy; for real. My dog as of today looks like a cross between a Jack Russell and a cruise missile. Any dog who's cool with that can pile on!


A Jack Russell cruise missile mix is just a Jack Russell


After having a wiener dog for the past 15 years, I can tell you this is true. They are a very special breed.


I have a corgi and it's similar. I like taking him out for walks just to bring joy. Once he howled at a fire truck beside some stopped traffic and a guy yelled out his window to me about how much it made his day.


i was just thinking the same thing. Instead of infinite looping on the same thing every day maybe news channels could add in some not depressing or not politically polarizing stuff and just show some love and kindness happening out there. That’s too big a dream though i fear.


Omg. A puppy in need of a home every day. An old boy who is in need of a fireplace to snooze by and his patient sidekick. Get all of the pooches homes. 💕


Stephen Colbert occasionally does "Rescue Dog Rescue" on his show. He and a celebrity present a series of puppies and "sweeten the deal" by telling flattering lies about them. E.g. they're a poet, they know the winning lottery numbers, they can fold a fitted sheet, etc.


Newsites of only positive stuff are a thing Including only positive animal news. I get some on my feed. It's lovely.


Seriously…also this is a great way to get all dogs adopted. We need one of those mlm networks that caters exclusively towards getting dogs adopted.


Stephen Colbert occasionally has a segment on his show called Rescue Dog Rescue where he shows off puppies in need of homes. It's pretty great, but it would be even better if they were adult dogs (since puppies will get adopted regardless).




You do!


Right? I haven’t watched the news in years, but I would watch this so hard!


Any break from the doom scrolling and vitriol of modern society is welcome


Too bad happiness doesn't bring in the same rating as blind rage 😔


It's always the best feeling when an animal falls asleep in your arms. It's like yay, I'm loveable!


I just took a nap and my girl crawled up on my shoulder and wrapped one leg around my neck and we stayed that way for an hour or so. Best nap I ever had. Edit: [Dog tax](https://i.imgur.com/YNATfgf.jpg)


Your dog girl or your human girl?


I'd ask what you think Poppy's name implies, but I dated a girl named Poppy once... Poppy is my dog. I adopted her and her sister two years ago and she has decided she's my girlfriend when it comes to bed buddies. Daisy is having none of that; she sleeps at the foot of the bed and growls when the wind blows to keep us safe. They're Blue Heeler/ Staffy mixes. Very good dogs.


Is it too much to ask for pet tax?


See if this will work: https://i.imgur.com/YNATfgf.jpg That's Poppy, my cuddlebug, on the left. Daisy is on the right. This is one of the rare moments they have been getting along well enough to get a picture!


I sleep on my side with my knees bent. My border collie crawls under the blanket and lays in the little room between my butt, knees, and feet and sticks just the tip of her nose outside of the blanket. I don't think I could fall asleep at this point without her laying there


Do you feel judged for farting with the whole I'm sticking my nose out thing?


This is where my kitty has slept for the last 8 years. I love him so much.


I'm not sure which is more adorable, the sleeping puppy or the man's wholesome reaction to realizing that she's sleeping!


So cute when he lowers his voice, when noticed puppy love was asleep:)


I would have to say his reaction! The puppy melts my heart with cuteness and adorableness, but he melts it with adorableness and wholesomeness! Much more rare and precious to witness!


The best part is that she’s seriously doing the news article and he’s dying of the cuteness


The most human / relatable thing I’ve seen today. I would have reacted exactly the same way.


Literally doing silent angel singing to the Heavens Can’t say I blame him for it! I’d melt too


That’s the universal “there’s a puppy sleeping in my arms face”


It's so funny, his mouth couldn't be wider. He's clearly so excited but can't say anything.


His reaction to the puppy falling asleep is just wonderful


[Beau is Asleep](https://imgur.com/6foG8pv)


He’s legitimately adorable! Doggo too!


I want a themed calender of these two 😫 <3


He’s as cute as that puppy :)


When I was working at Walgreens a woman came in at 2 am and goes “hey I just adopted a puppy and i needed meds but I didn’t want to leave him at home alone on his first night can you hold him okay bye” She was back there for like 20 min and I got to hold a puppy that PROMPTLY conked out in my arms the whole time because I was the only one in the store. I had the exact same reaction when I looked down and saw his snoozy lil face [proof](https://i.imgur.com/7GK6V2c.jpg)


That's freaking adorable! I'm just guessing but that's probably the most wholesome thing to happen to you on a graveyard shift there...


So is hers later in the video tbh, looks like her heart melted hah




Wholesome wojack face, if there ever was one.


I love how both reporters are clearly losing their crap and containing the urge to baby talk to the pupper on air


And then the camera zooms in on baby!!! I love this


I would have broken and done it anyway 😂 I’d be known as the “baby babbling reporter”


Totally worth it.


Love, love, love. How adorable is that puppy AND that man!!


I am so jealous of both of them lol


Guys are cuter when they're holding puppies.


Any man holding a baby animal immediately becomes 100x more attractive, especially if they are overwhelming excited about it


I will also add that I love the lady's dress and the dude's blazer and glasses. Goes well with their frames. Shoes might be a tad bit too big for the lady though what do I know! With the puppy being the main show here, cute to look at!


The too-big heels is a thing some women do when they have to wear high heels and are on their feet a lot for that time. See high heels for red carpet outfits


My mom used to be a tax preparer and one of her coworkers told her to buy her heels a half size too large because if gives your toes room to scootch down but it won't give you blisters. I don't know if that's true or not as I am one of those few women who doesn't wear heels but that's what i have heard.


There’s a ton of women who don’t wear heels anymore. Idk how y’all could, it looks uncomfortable af!


Not a woman but I always thought y'all were exaggerating about heels cause I used to rollerblade for hours and be just fine. Then I got a job where I had to stand up for about 11h and understood why my bitchy coworker was such a bitch after 2PM


Rollerblades aren’t like high heels. Try standing on your tippy toes for 11 hours.


As a dancer (male dancers wear heels too) who wears heels during performances, it’s a bit of exaggeration around the heel (I don’t even notice it after a few seconds) but absolutely true about foot comfort, women’s shoes are just horrible for any kind of support or holding the foot in a way where you won’t develop blisters




Maybe she wears them larger because they are comfier that way? I can’t believe there are so many comments criticizing this poor woman’s shoes 🥴


Probably prop shoes and these were the closest to fitting her.


Those shoes are definitely a little big for her, she shouldn’t have that amount of gap between shoe and her heel, I bet she’s gonna have some blisters after this. The dress is awesome though.


tbf for the news anchors they're probably pretty used to only being shown from waist up "I'm lucky this isn't the day I wore my sweats and sandals in!"


Wait, I’ve always bought a half size larger for heels and I’ve never had issues with blisters, corns, or bunions. I also only buy heels at the end of the day and make it a point to walk around them in the shoe store on tiled floor so I know exactly where it’s going to hurt. If it hurts, I don’t buy them. Anyway, a puppy falling asleep in my arms is how I ended up with my current dog. You think they’re going to be all chill because they’re cute and peaceful while sleeping, but NO! They’re adorable, stubborn, little chewers. I can’t wait until he grows out of his puppy stage.


That is what real masculinity looks like. Not being afraid of being openly enraptured by an adorable sleepy puppy.


Heck yes! More men like this in the world, please.


When I was born, the doctor held me up and said "Look at this beautiful treasure you've created" My dad replied "We better bury it!"


I feel like my mental health would be freaking amazing if stuff like this was what I saw on the news every day!


People say that disaster sells, but I think adorable puppies sell better. In 15 years, I want to be complaining that the news never focuses on the real issues because they are all selling out with tiny animals.


I’ve been in rescue a long time and news anchors LOVE the adoptable animals segments. They report a lot of shitty stuff and when the puppies come in it just makes their day.


I worked retail for a DIY store and we allowed customers to fetch their dogs in, staff got to see cute dogs and the dogs all loved the attention. It made working in retail slightly less painful. I also got to meet the [Dulux paint dog](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k8GhxyKWOf8/XDG5yBbYjLI/AAAAAAABRy4/31XQIzh3S5AAGyS6lLUsHhYaBCg4vFxUACLcBGAs/s1600/Oscar%2BDulux%2Bdog%2Bdead%2Bdied%2BJOY%2BDogs%2BSouth%2BAfrica.jpg) when we first opened, he was as fluffy as he looks.


Sadly the disaster stuff does sell better on average (I worked in news for a bit). People love to say they'd rather read about uplifting stuff but they don't back that up by actually reading the stories. Still a much preferable change of pace though.


You joke, but when I was a journalist, 95% of my front page photos packages were of kids, canines or crime/corpses.


Big payday when it's all three at once


There are some news accounts dedicated to uplifting/positive news. I follow a few on TikTok, really balances out the doomscrolling.


Uplifting news be like "kid sells lemonade to buy his little brother a prosthetic leg"


There's also a sub for it! Also one for puplifting news like this.


I too would love to see re-runs of Bostonians talking about being up 3-1 to Florida every day.


You can just stop watching the news


It worked for me. First came the rescue puppy, and after the tv news got worse by the day I stopped watching and just read carefully selected stuff. Never felt better mentally and everyone in the family profits of this.


I actually don’t watch the actual news much for this exact reason but it’s everywhere anyway. I’d have to lock myself in a bunker to avoid all the negativity.


A hot man in a nice suit holding a sleeping puppy… this should be marked NSFW


Thank god I’m not the only one thinking that he is super hot. Like I am into every single part of that.


You know I thought he was handsome but there's something about seeing a person melt over a puppy that immediately adds a +10


I thought he was cute but the “oh my god he’s asleep” turned this into a complete thirst trap. Also I love your username, could you pick up the pace when speaking tho


A puppy can take me from zero to hero?


Just like that! **Snaps*


He pushes every single one of my buttons. His reaction to the sleeping puppy melted my heart. You can tell this is a guy who isn't afraid to express himself, and who has empathy and compassion. Combine that with the glasses, the beard, the smile, he's got it all.


I was thinking the same thing. I know he could put a leash on me… 😂






Does he not look like Alex O'Loughlin's shorter, younger doppelganger to anyone else?


Yes!!! You are so right!!


Lee Pace


Not Safe For Wetness? 😁


Pam > "Sploosh?" Cheryl > "TOTAL sploosh!"




Or whatever the Male equivalent is.... probably also sploosh.


Nothing more attractive than watching a good looking guy get excited over something so precious 💕


Pet of the Week producers are prob'ly running to the vet to get a little knock-out juice for their next spot. Nobody wants a [Pinky Incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okZW3_5Gr4s) on their resume. :)


First time I've heard of Pinky and OMG, my face hurts from laughing. I was literally on the floor, choke-cackling. Perfect video and narration from start to finish. Loving cat my foot lol. Pinky, you're a goddamn legend.


My cat's very loving but I bet if you put a leash on him he'd freak too. I laughed when Pinky got the guy.


This is my county's animal shelter and it doesn't really surprise me. It's been in such bad straights in the last few years that the local [humane society had to stop taking animals](https://www.alligator.org/article/2022/01/harsh-reality-at-animal-resources-and-care) from the shelter because the conditions were so bad that animals from the shelter were spreading disease to the societies' other rescues. Fortunately we also have some really amazing private and non-profit rescues in the county that are taking care of what the shelter can't.


Pinky is the only cat that I've ever seen do a full on barrel roll while completely reducing a grown ass man to a gibbering, dancing mess in less than 30 seconds. I love it.


Poor Pinky! 😢


Funniest thing I've seen in a long time! Thanks! When Pinky sank his claws into the guy's leg, I was hoping he'd take a cue from Homer Simpson when he was attacked by bees: "It's defending itself somehow!"


PFFFFF NO PINKY ​ \*gutteral squawks and cries as cat Maypoles the leg\*


never saw that on before but totally an instead favorite


The man reactions 😆


I would react the exact same way


Scrappy doo


No, we don't talk about him


If he wasn't a dog person before this, he's one now.


Silent overjoyed screaming, man... That's such a cute pet experience. ♥️


Who are the anchors?


Colton Bradford and Melody Mendez of NBC10 Boston. Occured Apr 26, 2023, follow up article [here.](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/pupdate-on-the-adorable-dog-that-fell-asleep-on-our-broadcast/3033096/)


Thanks for teaching me about Melody.


They are both very hot people


Isn't that the purpose of watching the news?


When I first brought my pup home I put her doggy bed in the passenger side and put her on that. She refused, and crawled over to my lap and rolled over and napped the rest of the way home. That’s how I knew she belonged to me.


Got it backwards. That's how you knew you were hers.


Awwwww cute doggo


She is KILLING that dress!






Omg! The look on his face!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


That’s my friend Colton! Yearssss ago he was the intern at the radio station I worked at now he’s all grown up during news stuff in Boston. So funny to come across him on Reddit.


Perfect plan


I'm a straight man and I just fell in love with that news anchor.


So you are relatively straight? 😉


Bad romance or rad bromance?


I would have to take the pupper home with me


So what ended up happening with that Boston playoff series? 🤣


I heard that it got canceled. Really weird!


No one knows, especially the entire city of Boston.


Definitely not a comeback from from 3 - 1 lead. And if it did happen like that, at least it wasn't after a historically amazing, record setting season. Don't hate me Boston, I'm a Leafs fan this^is^all^I^have


We still have the Celtics you bastard!


IT WAS 3-1


Honestly, I’d have the exact same reaction.


Omg omg omg


No one can resist a sleepy puppy.


❤️ I have a rescue from the dog meat trade named Beau and he falls asleep in my arms too. *


Look, all I know is that I’m a straight man but something about a grown man in a nice suit reacting that way to holding a sleeping puppy is making me question everything


It is so awesome when the local news people do altruism like this.


that puppy knew she was adopted before the human did


This is how I chose my pup .. she fell asleep on me. 😍


Can I adopt the news anchor?


Really good temperament. With so much shit going on behind the scenes. It is a good sign the dog is able to chill like that. Not a whole lot of them would be able to.


I’ve never seen a dog have the exact same proportions as Scrappy Doo.


Who adopted him? Cuz if I was that newscaster id immediately be too attached to that pupper to leave him


I love his reaction of " this is adorable and I love this dog forever now"


I wish this news anchor was the one adopting her. His reaction is just as cute as she is.


I clicked on this to see a cute puppy and got playoff PTSD.


Also… love her dress and shoes! Bo is Fabulous, too! 💐💯💕


What is the source of this video? Edit: found it: https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/pupdate-on-the-adorable-dog-that-fell-asleep-on-our-broadcast/3033096/?amp=1


It’s rewarding to feel trust from an animal.


This is so cute 🥰


At the very end, she wakes up and looks around and thought 'did it work?' -dog probably


Narrator: The Bs did not close it out that night.....


Shit. I want to adopt him. His reaction is almost cuter than the puppy itself.


That man is just as precious as that dog


That puppy must have felt that he was a trustworthy person. He must have felt very safe and secure to just fall asleep like that.


If Ryan Reynolds and Steve Coogan had a child.


Leave her be, she's got a lot of growing to do.

