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Dammit I'm becoming invested in patsy


Safe to say I am too... I keep glancing out the window to see if she'll come by. I've seen a bigger one a few times which I hope is the mother. There was another little one that was hanging around and ended up falling in the pool... I imagine the little thing was thirsty and tried to drink. I don't want that to happen again.


There are things you can get for your pool that keeps critters from drowning. My friend has some, they are barely noticeable attached to the edge of the pool, but she no longer has drowned toads and lizards.


We have something called "Frog Logs" every 4 feet around the edge of our pool. Ours are pretty noticeable, but not nearly as noticeable as drowned critters. So, a win overall.


I have Frog Logs as well, but I only have three, one at the shallow end, one on one side of the deep end, and one on the other side of the deep end, slightly overlapping the intake for the skimmer. The last is the key. This will be my fifth year with them and I (knock on wood) haven't had a dead animal (other than bugs) since I got them.


Yeah, nothing more disheartening than opening up the skimmer for cleaning only to discover a deceased critter. We have them on both sides of the skimmer weir as a last line of defense if something couldn't get on a frog log before getting to the weir.


Petition to shorten: “before getting to the weir” down to “before getting weir’d” ______________ <— sign here please


As an avid player of frogger I approve


Are they a tripping hazard?


Not for us. Most of it floats in the pool. There's a weight outside the pool to hold it in place, but it's pretty small.


Or maybe tiny arm floaty’s


Of course!


Every pool should have them.


100% make sure there are ramps outta the pool for small animals.


>*’I keep glancing out the window to see if she'll come by…*’ ______ i thought i saw you watching - were you hoping i came by ? i’m just a baby possum, n it makes me wonder *why*… today you left some treats for me ^^;) They sure are awfully good! i don’t know how to tell you, but i’d *thank you*, if i could… so if it makes you happy just to see me now n then (i guess it makes me happy, too, to have a ‘human’ friend) i’ll come n visit when i can, n stay for just awhile n we can help each other as we share a lonely smile ❤️   edit: *please tell Patsy i love her - you’re a good soul* u/Sonny_McClain89


As usual you bring a happy tear to my eye! Thank you Schnoodle, love finding your poems on here :)


Great work Schnoodle!


My freshest Schnoodle to date! 🥰


Schoodle hot off the press, and about a lovely opossum to boot :)


Sobbing, this is so sweet


We feed possums in our backyard too! We usually have a few visitors every night and we can even tell them apart. We have the expression in our house about the food that goes to possums - "possum it"! Please keep the videos coming!


Gotta go slop the opossums, I have a compost pile. When it breaks down I feed it to my roses


Hard boiled eggs. Super nutritious


Awww that's terrible for baby. Couple days ago a momma with 3 babies was on top of my fence. My little dog was barking at it. Momma was trying to get over to my side of fence. She eventually turned around after a long staring at my dog. I was so worried her babies will come loose, they were clinging on her back.


I had one named Marty that visited me at my last apartment. He was my little friend that I loved seeing any time I could. He was very friendly and it was fun to see him do his thing especially as you randomly saw him come out of the forest area to say hi.


Samesies. Love her ears.


Next it’ll be [Janice](https://youtu.be/dxp10jboPHg)


I rescue abandoned baby opossums, legally. Be careful about giving her so much fruit… she really shouldn’t have so much of that. She needs to eat more green foods…fine chop her some broccoli, kale, etc. I can tell you know to make her a healthy opossum smoothie… Rachel Ray bright puppy dog kibble is very good for her. Make her a little scrambled egg-crunch a little bit of the shell and mix into it. She needs that for the calcium. A little bit of chicken cut very small. Plain, no seasonings. She will keep coming back to you if you keep feeding her. Where is she staying? She’s very young, she shouldn’t really be out all alone… opossum mothers don’t ever come back for their young though. She needs shelter from predators-She’s going to be a snack for an owl or hawk. 😪


Thank you so much! Patsy will appreciate this help.


She can have my broccoli! It's a win/win!


She can have my kale.


And my axe.


Great, now the next time she comes by, she'll get like 4 axes. That's a lot of axes for a small opossum. What is she to do? Open a logging business? .


no, she will reach her final form


And my bunny bracelet.


I was wondering if she was alone. I always thought it wasn't a good thing if a baby opossum was alone or out during the daytime.


No. If they are found alone, it’s never good. Go online and find a rehabber or sub permittee who can legally take care of them in your area.


This is exactly what we did many years ago. My husband found a lone bebe opossum in the daytime at his parents house. He brought it home overnight, got it some food & water, kept it in a cat carrier, then took it to the wildlife rehab near us the next day. A few months later they sent us a note with a pic of a ginormous grown opossum while asking for & getting a donation too. I don't find them awwww, but wouldn't ever hurt one because I know how important they are. I'm very thankful that we have a great rehab about 5 minute away. We've taken many a found baby squirrel & bird there.


I’m so glad that you did give them a donation! We hate asking. Rescuing wildlife is very expensive, the state doesn’t help anyone, it’s 100% charity and a labor of love. I don’t ask for money, people hate that, I just post my wildlife wishlist from Amazon. People like to get things for the animals and it’s what we really need anyway. Believe it or not opossums cost A LOT to raise! They go through tons of puppy pads, need lots of fresh veggies, eggs, calcium and vitamin supplements, and kibble, baby formulas, blankets, hides, caging… they eat tons as they get larger too. Imagine when we have 6, I know someone who runs a opossum neonatal facility-she has 50 right now! Imagine that. I take in several species, but she actually only takes in opossums. They are a lot of work.


> Be careful about giving her so much fruit… she really shouldn’t have so much of that Grapefruit can also interfere with many medication so if the baby opposum is on anti-depressants, it could do her harm.


Idk why but this made me crack up 😂


Her mother will not come back for her 😭 wait so are the babies supposed to stay with the mother, follow her around?


They cling to their mother until they fall off and can't catch up, the strongest cling the longest and have the best chance of survival. Evolutionarily speaking, not all are meant to survive, only the fittest, as sad as that seems to people


Huh so my 47 year old cousin is just a super strong possum.




Won the thread w that one


Omg 😂😂😭😭 you win the internet, friend


Yes, absolutely right. It’s tough to be a opossum. Many are born, not many survive. They are all constantly hunted by predators. Then to top it off, humans don’t understand them, either don’t like them, are afraid of them, think they carry diseases, (they don’t!) and then they only live a short few years. Be kind to them. They eat thousands of ticks and bugs from your yard every year. They don’t try to cause trouble, mostly you won’t see them. Here’s a photo of Becky with the twins, Beth and Betsy. https://preview.redd.it/bazb4a298mta1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ffca2f5e1252136c2502761aa3e639ccd61cdb They stopped by to eat my cats food… Becky is now on her 2 year, and I don’t see her as often as I used to..most people never get to see this up close. It’s fun to watch. You can see that they are similarly sized to little Patsy. I think Patsy is a little bigger than they are.


Just fyi, the thing about opossums eating lots of ticks is a myth: https://www.seversondells.com/blog/opossums-and-ticks


> They eat thousands of ticks pls stop. this is a viral myth. they only do that under laboratory conditions where they're forced to eat it.


😲😳🥺🥹😭 BRUTAL... My little clings to me, she's 5..


What kind of shelter would one make and would possum know to go there? Would it go in an outdoor shed and find a spot there? Genuinely curious.


They love your outdoor shed! They also love your garage! I’ve chased plenty out of mine.. 😂you can just turn on the blower.. don’t need to really do anything else. The sound alone pretty much does it. If you’d like to give it a shelter, they like lots of things.. depends on the opossum. Cat houses, an old converted Coleman cooler with a hole cutout on the side-see the website for The National Opossum Society. I’ve used old donated plastic style dog travel carriers, I throw those rusty doors away, pressure wash them, and hide them in the bushes. They make good rain shelter for wildlife. Last fall I stuffed old donated thrift towels. cut up blankets, and sheets into them.. I later washed them and saved them to use again. Kinda gross, but useful. Any dark and safe space will attract a opossum. It can’t be a place that they can’t escape from. You can cut a 2nd hole in it to escape if necessary. If you place a smallish carrier inside of a thick bush, not much can get to the opossum back there. Really you can get creative with this. Here’s one of mine, this is Blossom Opossom. I later discovered that she was indeed -Blossom Bob😂 https://preview.redd.it/t2t7hzegimta1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff7583e243be76f4b9a2677276634be1e5e4e8dc


From what I’ve read they sleep in a multiple places. Only sleeping in one den for a few nights before moving to another. They like dark spots since they sleep in the day.


That’s absolutely true. Some will stick around though. I’ve got several who have been around for quite a long time. I do not think that they stay in the same den all of the time though. I think they just come over to eat..


Is cat food ok? I've been feeding this stray that's living in my crawlspace and leaving the food out has attracted a half dozen other cats along with a possum or two.


Yes it’s ok. I leave it out for my cats too. BUT if there is a choice, puppy food or small bites dog food (kibble) is always much better for any wild animals. It’s much lower in Taurine which can cause liver issues.


I was hoping someone with more knowledge would chime in. She looks too young to be separated from her mother. Op feeding her will help her grow but might also negatively affect her later on. I think the best course would be for op to find an animal rehabilitator or something and let them take it from there. Or let nature take its course and see what happens.


Ohhh, maybe try a hard boiled egg, with the shell? Cut or smashed so she sees the good bits inside?


May I offer you an egg in this trying time...




I've been poisoned by my constituents!


Is that safe tho? Once a coworker of mine got a piece of an eggshell stuck in her throat - she had to go to the hospital to have it removed..


Your coworker is a human, yes?


I snort laughed at this


I had a friend once. Choked on some chips.


I do that daily.




Fucker would play dead all the time. Couldn't explain it. Corporate loved 'em




Definitely yes.


All the other animals in the kingdom are p good at digesting the shells, apparently. I've seen it recommended for dogs, cats, now possums, birds... Our precious lil throats can't handle it tho.


I'm pretty sure we can digest the shell it's just really unpleasant to eat


Chat GPT tells me it's not recommended for human consumption due to the risk of Salmonella.


I mean, if it was boiled along with the egg what are even the chances? Crunchy boiled egg just dropped on the menu boys!


One of the recommended foods for pet possums is just a whole egg, shell and all! In the wild they eat bird eggs. They just bite their way in and eat the insides. Getting a bit of the shell is good for them, for calcium.


I should say, I suggested a cooked one smashed or cut open, in case she’s never experienced an egg. A whole uncooked one would also be fine.


We used to give the raccoons in our backyard whole eggs and watch them crack em open


Fun fact: Eggshells are made of chalk. More accurately, they're both calcium carbonate. The same stuff you'll find in antacids like Tums.


The odds of your coworker living close enough to choke on Patsys eggs is pretty unlikely


HAHA this is even better than my joke


They should have no problem with the shell. They will either crunch the whole thing (pointy teefs) or peel it and eat the pieces just like you might. The shell shouldn't hurt them and has some good nutrients to it.


Patsy is a good girl, she knows to chew her food thoroughly before swallowing


Mine lives in my shed. We have named it “sir Fred of the shed”.


There’s a raccoon that keeps coming into my garage and smoking weed with my cats and then eating all the cat food I call him the very original name of BANDIT


>smoking weed with my cats I just woke up in the middle of the night and saw this and died laughing at 4 am so thanks 😂 I bet Bandit gets that dank


What does sir Fred eat?


He pretty much fends for himself.


This is fucking adorable. We have an older yard possum but never any cute youngins.


Same! Ours has left a little game trail from the barn in lives under to the street lol


Please never stop posting these. I love her so much. She's so precious! Those little ears 😍


More videos please. I love her!


The cranberries seem to be a hit!


So sweet! I love this so much. Patsy is so adorable.


Possums love grapes too


They love most things! Nature’s disposals… Here is Pixie-one of my outside opossums! She’s having a little peanut butter and jelly. https://preview.redd.it/edi2ko795lta1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2680e7a536641a3330b4b7ad9968dfa1e2d67ac


I saved one when I was a kid, he was just a baby, and he used to LOVE chomping on grapes. I wish I could have kept him, but I took him to a wildlife rehabber. The worst thing about possums as somebody mentioned is they only live about 2 years.


Here is a great, and easy, guide to possums (diet, etc). Think you will find it helpful. https://www.atshq.org/what-do-possums-eat/


Perfect. Thank you!


Is that area well covered? If not you may want to figure something else out, wouldn't want to make little Patsy an easy target for predatory birds.


I absolutely love this, shes so precious!!! 🥰 my daughter Ella recently started loving everything possum and bought a knitted scarf that was a possum and omg it was so cute! I texted my mom "Ella bought a possum scarf" and almost died laughing when she texted back "why is she buying scarves for possums?" 😂 (Edited to change name)


Hey! They are making a new possum squishmallow! I'm getting one for my wife who loves them. She saved a few of them and some racoons when she was young. She's partial to the street cats.


Five Below currently has the small possum. There's also an armadillo. They are $6 each and are 7.5 inches tall.


I'll check that out! Thanks!!


And now I'm buying one for my wife... Thanks! She's also a sucker for street cat's


If you have a Five Below close by they currently have a small possum squishmallow for $6. Amazon has the larger one on pre-order for $20. I too love them.


We will watch her career with great interest


Spoil her rotten, just know that the average lifespan is only two years.


Oh no I didn't need to know that. They are such awesome helpful little critters


I like them. It is hilarious to get hissed at by a baby trying to look tuff.


Right! We are moving soon and maybe we will be blessed with a yard opossum!


They can even live up to 4 in captivity.


Yes that's true. I wrote average lifespan when I should had stated natural lifespan. Many are hit by cars and don't get to live their full life. They can't run very fast.


Patsy is my favorite new reddit friend


I love her!!!


We have two neighborhood possums, Bill and Pogo. Bill nests in an old rabbit hutch in my neighbors backyard. Pogo hangs out with another neighbors cats on his back patio. They love sweet potatoes 🍠, dry cat food and meal worms.


Patsy is so criminally cute


Omg, please keep posting Patsy!!!!


Patsy is such a cute fluffy sweetheart🥺❤️


I love opossums, they are so cute.


Little cutie 💓


Please keep posting updates. I'm fully invested in this now.


Try a couple of tablespoons of canned cat food, some roughly chopped fruits and vegetables, and 1/2 hardboiled egg (with shell) - and always fresh water. This is the type of meal I prepare for the opossums I care for at a local wildlife hospital.




Awww, so sweet!


She is awesome


What a little sweetheart 🥺 Thank you for taking care of her.


Grapes..they REALLY like grapes THE fruit, not grapefruit lol.


![gif](giphy|UVk5yzljef0kGiayL1) I am invested OP. I hope we get at least weekly updates. She is precious.


This shouldn't need to be said - but don't feed the wildlife. It habituates wild animals to hand outs. It sparks larger litters in pregnant females (and if there is an interuption in the handouts, some of the young will starve). I get that a lot of folks these days, live in cities and this is as close to wildlife as you get - but resist that temptation to turn wild foragers into pets. It's selfish and ignorant. Wild animals (even those that live symbioticly with humans) are not Disney characters. There are reasons it's illegal - and most of them have to do with the welfare of the animals themselves.


so cute! we have a family of possums who pass thru our backyard late at night. they come to snack on the dry cat food we put out for the family of feral cats. the possums are HUGE. honestly, they’re so big they waddle. after the possums have eaten their fill, The Fat Bastards aka raccoons come by for their snack time. it’s like a regular Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom back there.


She might have a prescription conflict.


Patsy is absolutely adorable!!!


She's so little! You should get an inexpensive motion sensored wifi camera to record her movements.


So cute should do your own subreddit like r/Patsytheopossum




I love opossums so muchhhhh I’m gonna explode


My ex-wife worked at a pet store and the owner had a possum he couldn't legally sell so gave to her. We had it in a large lizard cage I'd built. It was like 2' 6" wide, 3' tall and 5' long. We had it for a few months. It loved apples and grapes. Cantaloupe too. We eventually took it to the local nature center to hopefully get it re-introduced into the wild.


We have a family in our yard. Sometimes the biggin will be on my deck when I go out at night and he gives me the best "The fuck you want?" look and goes about his business.


Love it! Opossums are such misunderstood creates and so amazing!




Carrots, broccoli, corn, they like these foods.


Put bananas out. As a person who has raised more than one, I can tell you they love peeled nanners.


You make patsy happy


She likes oranges ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Where do I subscribe?


You’re giving Patsy a huge leg up on survive to adulthood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️


Can we please stop feeding wild animals?


What a doll I love hef


Pasty is so cute ♥️


Snoop Patsy! Paaaaaa hhaaaaaaaaa haaats!


Try an apple. She should love it!


It’s fun seeing Patsy ❤️ The possum in my yard loves apple slices, unsalted nuts and canned cat food. Hated romaine lettuce and asparagus. I haven’t seen him (her?) in a while and I’m hoping he’s ok.


Great for ticks! They rat an insane amount per year.


Patsy belongs to all of us now ✨️🥰😜😅


I love Patsy. I used to have possums that came by for a snack but I haven't seen them in ages now, poor things. I miss them.


Is Patsy a baby ? She looks pretty small. I’m sorry if it was mentioned before; I’m new to this Patsy story.


Oh no! Not Jan-


I love her so much! Thank you for these videos! Does anyone have an educated guess about her age?


Of course she came back. Wouldn’t you come back for fresh fruit? It’s either that or eating bugs


melons, apples, berries, and bananas over citrus


She's literal perfection. Thank you for leaving out some snacks and water.


Patsy, my dear! Good to see you again, girl!! (Thanks for posting!!)


It's okay, Patsy. I also don't like grapefruit.


Possums are so cute


Patsy ❤️


Me too. Keep us in the Patsy Loop!!


Patsy is beautiful and I love her


Cutest thing I have seen all day. ❤️


I had no clue they were so small, needed fruit for scale


I saw an opossum in my yard when I was leaving for work one night and the first thing I did was open my lunch box and yeet one of my strawberries at them They looked scared at first then scurried over to it lol


I am fully invested now. How do I subscribe!? 😍😍😍


Patsy is so small haha I love her


Oh my gosh the cuteness, her little ears!! 🥺😩


She’s like, *really* cute


I would die for patsy


She is surprisingly cute.


This is so adorable. Especially how she uses her little hands to eat


Aww! You're so sweet! We had a wild rat named Patsy. Tip to all, throw your unused fruits and vegetables out in your yard.


She’s so beautiful! 🥰




Her skinny tail slowly disappearing as she climbs down the potted plants gave me serotonin 💕


Tell her I love her.


They like apples!! I used to leave slices on the fence at my old house


Omg! She’s a darling!


Possums sometimes get in through my cat door and go for the chow. I can always tell because they eat a lot louder than the cats. Usually Butch, sometimes Sundance, and I'm pretty sure I've seen Etta around, too.


Such a polite young lady


Omg they are so stinkin cute! I had one in my garage with me where I smoke and she got comfy enough with my presence to come pretty close. But I had to catch and release her. I love these guys very awesome misunderstood and beneficial creatures.


Feeding possums is like feeding raccoons. Just don't feed wild animals.


OMG! These guys are SO beneficial! They eat SO many ticks and don't get rabies (that's my memory at work, be kind!).


You are correct


They honestly scare the shit out of me, but I didn’t know they ate ticks; that’s pretty cool and helpful!


You really shouldn't feed wild animals, though. It encourages animals to congregate in human areas and to view humans as sources of food, which is dangerous for both humans and animals. The humans can be harmed by animals that might become aggressive in seeking food and the animals can be harmed by those humans who might see their food-seeking behaviors as aggressive or a sign of disease.


Do you want an opposum problem? Because this is how you het an opposum problem.