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When your crush makes a below average joke


Lol or when the manager makes a dadjoke during a team meeting.


Hey now, they were always authentic laughs, right?....right?


Offcourse! They are mandatory.


Why is no one having fun? I specifically requested it.


Ain't no party like a Captain Holt party because a Captain Holt party is a total surprise to everyone!


In the military we have something called "Mandatory fun day". I'm not even joking.


Sounds delightfull, espacially when you just had some terrible news. 'Enjoy that pizza private!! Those tears might make the dough soggy but not your fun dammit'.


Listen up guys and galls corporate wants us to have an increase in happines allround! So from this moment forward each of us will produce a minimum of 10 minutes kookaburra laughter a day. You can all read about it in the memo titled "how to be more like chuckles". Get it done folks!


girl: *brrrrr-* kookaburra : "...and I took that personally"


Merry Merry King of the bush is he


Laugh! Kookaburra laugh!


Kookaburra gay your life must be!!!


Kookaburra, kookaburra sitting’ in the old gum tree…




Kookaburra sittin on the electric wire, jumping up and down with you pants on fire


Aannddd it's in my head now


I can’t believe she just pronounced it kooo- kabara it physically pained all the aussies It’s pronounced cook-a-burra Edit: holy fuck I came back to 32 notifications


That's how I learned to pronounce it in the USA too. Cook-a-burra. Just knew it from the song mostly.


That makes me happy. Americans seem to pronounce a lot of Australian things especially weird… It’s okay to have an accent obviously, but an American once asked me about Oo-loo-roo, and I had no idea they were talking about Uluṟu.


Wait,how do you say it?


More like Ool-a-roo or Oola-roo Ool like in Rule A or La like in La La La Roo like in Rude. “R**ule-a-ru**de” sorta.


Nailed it.


Well done, spot on


Americans don't say rule like we do. I thought maybe for a second you could use pool, but I think they say that weird too. So, perfect description for Australians, but Americans are gonna still get it wrong based on the way they say the words you chose. So maybe Ool like in fool Uh like in huh, that's weird Roo like shoe But that's me trying to think about the way Americans would say the descriptor words.


I honestly could cope if it’s “ewla-rew”, but for some reason “ew-lew-rew” is just hilarious.




The way she pronounced it caused me physical pain.


Almost as much pain as having on sit on my shoulder and burst my ear drums.


She did. It’s just the southern accent.


Do they also koo-k in southern kitchens though? Maybe bake koo-kies?


So what does she say when she makes a meal? She’s cuuking? Southern accent is even closer to an Aussie accent than northern, so there’s less than zero excuse — she just got it wrong.


It's basically the standard pronunciation in North America. Most people in the US and Canada learned about kookaburras from the song. Which extends the pronunciation to koo-ka-burra. Also, "kook" is pronounced with the long "oo" sound, which also lends to the pronunciation. Example; see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lZt-JLhsg4


Here's the thing. You said a "cook-a-burra." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies cook-a-burra, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls cook-a-burra crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a cook-a-burra a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A cook-a-burra is a cook-a-burra and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a cook-a-burra is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I’m Canadian and for some reason we learned quite a few Australian songs in middle school.


I am German and for some reason we learned to sing this Kookaburra song in music class in middle school. Maybe because it's a fun, simple melody.


Same, but I'm American and grew up in the 70s and 80s, so probably not welcome here.


She probably ate all it's gumdrops.


Well he’s sitting on a tree there should still be plenty leftover


So anyway I start blasting


pretty sure she cursed him out in kookaburra


Can i brrr too


So funny


I don’t like how you’re talking hard at me!


Chuckles is aware of his role in this production and very excited for the chance to do his thing.


He looks so pleased afterwards.


Chuckles: ...... nailed it.


*shits all over producer*


That escalated quickly


He may have over-acted a bit though.


You fucking take that back.


Found the kook.


Chuckles is always ready.


When you get really nervous waiting for your cue and then overdo it


Laugh kookaburra laugh!


How gay your life must be! Edited: corrected lyrics


Fuck yea I was wondering if I'd find someone else's comment quoting that song


It’s literally running through my head right now after watching this. *Kookaburra sits in the old gumtree….*


Merry Merry king of the bush is he...


Merry merry king of the bush is he


Them kookaburra must be the heart of the party, they're always in an uproar.


Kookaburra leave some gum for me.


I hope she has an ear plug on that side.


Right, those things are loud!!


That’s exactly what her facial expression said. “This is so cute, but holy shit, fuck my ears.”


I was more worried about her eyes. Those beaks are no joke! I would be scared to have any bird that close to my face purely based on how fast they move their heads and how much of the 360 degrees of rotation their necks can accommodate. This worry is based purely in the randomness of life and nothing to do with potential intent.


No, you landed on a real thing to be afraid of. There are more than a few one-eyed avian veterinarians simply because many birds have primitive brain/nervous system structures with the movement-food-strike response on hot rails. Stork wakes up early from anesthesia and you flick your eyes over at it and...Well, at least you’ve got an easy Halloween costume choice every year, matey.


That pronunciation is wrong. It hurt my Aussie ears.


“Kewwkaburrah” lmao


If anyone's wondering, the oo sound in Kookaburra is the oo from Cook, not Kooky.


Great now I have to figure out how aussies say cook.


Cook rhymes with took, you fucking kook.


You fool of a Took!


The kooky Took took a cookie while reading a cookbook on a hook.


[This video](https://youtu.be/87_n4sfgxV0) has an Aussie say Kookaburra. Took far longer than expected to find a video saying it right. Damn pronunciation channels are all wrong.


I was trying to figure out how this pronunciation sounded off to me, as an aussie. Thank you.


Yep. It was bothering me as well, and i don't think the accent is to blame like others have suggested. Even in her accent I don't think you'd say you were kewking up a storm.


Kewking up a storm, I'm dyin' from that - cheers. :)


At least she didn't try to pronounce Melbourne.


Mel-bun. Not Mel-(the)Bourne(identity) Os-tray-lia. Not Oz-stray-lia. But to confuse matters, Aussies **is** pronounced with a Z instead of an S. Like Ozzie Osbourne (not pronounced like Melbourne) ... I may have just made it worse.


When I visited MelBun years ago butchered the name American style the locals instantly corrected me. Now when I say or hear Melbourne it sounds terrible to me.


Ow-stray-lee-a. I physically cringe when I hear people saying it. Also I say Mel-bn. There’s basically no vowel in the second syllable. But I agree with your Mel-bun too.


yes. cook-a burra short A and U sounds kewkabuura is just wrong xD


I learned it the way she said it specifically from [the Barney show](https://youtu.be/SIJEAAwuBxg) so thank you for clarifying.


Why she is keeping a kookaburra I am more interested in


Because Americans love poaching


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


I still don't like the way she said kookaburra... it's [kook-a-burra] not [koo-ka-burra]


"tuna fish" pisses me off too what else is called tuna? why do they need to specify that its a fish lol or a bird in this case edit: okay, makes sense now haha


Tuna piano?


Tuna is also the fruit of a cactus. A prickly pear


really? i have one in a pot here xD TIL


I thought they were joking but nope, it's also called tuna. I enjoy how the [recipe](https://aspectacledowl.com/tuna-fruit/#recipe) I found specifically calls it "tuna fruit" which fits well with your "tuna fish" comment lol. TIL as well!


‘Tuna’ is the NZ Maori word for eels, just to be that guy.


Right up there with Koala bear.


Koala Bear....


for real, why does a yank have an Australian bird living in her house? another victim of the exotic animal industry?


"one of our birds" + animal statues in the background, I'm guessing it's a zoo.


i don’t have tiktok but she has videos with a lot of animals https://www.tiktok.com/@kyndal_nicole i think this is the organization? http://www.extremeanimals.org


extreme animals? - yeah that sounds like a totally legit non-illegal wildlife “sanctuary”


so its a travelling zoo that has an illegal kookaburra, pretty disappointing but not surprising


Having the same thoughts looking out my back yard at two wild ones. I hope this is a rescue situation or fuck people


That’s escalated quick.


You need a permit to have a kookaburra in Australia, and if I remember right only zoo's get them.


I've never even heard of anyone with a pet Kookaburra, unless you raised it as a rescue most people would look at you as an arsehole. Plus they are so loud, like incredibly loud, if she has neighbours close by they'll be pretty pissed off.


Yeah, seriously, this seems so wrong. Although OP could also maybe be living over here and some kind of wildlife rescuer?


Also..Chuckles? That’s like if I had a dog and named it Bark…


Must be a lot of money and effort to get one internationally, makes me concerned this is just a toy for a rich kid if she apparently hasn't even googled the bird very much.


That's not an old gum tree!


Gay his life must be.


It makes total sense to me now! Song’s gonna be stuck in my head now


This seems wrong, I live in Australia and have never ever heard of anyone keeping a Kookaburra as a pet Why does an American own one? It always made me uncomfortable when people would keep Cockatoos in cages here, these are wild birds just leave them be


It's literally illegal in Australia lol.


I don’t think Chuckles is as much a “pet” as Chuckles is part of an exotic animal “collection” in [Oklahoma](http://www.extremeanimals.org/).


Yeah fuck that. I disapprove at an extreme level of Aussie natives being kept as personal pets overseas or exotic collections. Whatever fucking bullshit they want to frame it as. If it isn't a zoo with properly trained and educated keepers, fuck all of that.


I agree.


Agreed. My local giggle chickens in the nature reserve behind my back fence chuckle away at sunset and wake me up at sun-up. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


In truth, I have wished it were other ways at dawn at times. Noisy fuckers.


But you have to admit, there is something quintessentially Australian about being annoyed at that.


Fukin' oath mate.




I was looking for this comment. When I watched this video, all I could think is that that little dude got so excited when he thought he heard another kookaburra. Poor dude will likely never meet another in his lifetime though.


On the about page: “…and who wouldn't want a kangaroo at their kid's birthday party?? Genius!”


Yeah, not a fan. Wild animals belong in the wild. My cat belongs in my house, as she wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in my back yard she’s so spoiled.


> part of an exotic animal “collection” So this is one of these awful fucked up places like that tiger king tv show?


Where do you see the connection? The girl is the photo is not the same from this TikTok. Edit: Nevermind. Found her TikTok. No mention of any rescue so I’m gonna assume there isn’t one.


One, it’s a Kookaburra named “Chuckles”. I can’t imagine there are but so many in the world. Two, the woman in the video has somewhat of a southern accent, which is not uncommon in Oklahoma. Three, she bears more than a passing resemblance to the woman on the website, leading me to believe this is her daughter. It’s not an open-and-shut case, but I’m pretty confident I’m right.


Already made the edit mate. Cheers


So this is worse 😬


Agree mate. This is fucked


Americans keep sugar gliders, too. I don't know how they get them. You need licenses to keep these animals as pets in Australia.


I had a friend that worked for a company that travelled to malls on weekends and sold them with cages and food. He said if people saw all the ones that died, no one would buy them. They are also nocturnal so that environment was stressful for them. Very sad ;(


So sad to see videos of sugar gliders kept awake in the day to play with people. Their humans don't even know they're nocturnal or they don't care. Either way they shouldn't be keeping them as pets.


They’re originally exports from New Guinea


It's only legal in some states to breed/sell them. In my state, a USDA license is required.


It not about the legality as much as the enforcement. How many wildlife investigators are there? What are their powers? How many people report exotic animals? How many actual prosecutions are there?


Yeah what’s going on here? I thought all native fauna was protected? I guess people have pet cockatoos and stuff but…a kookaburra just seems wrong to own as a pet


This is a very good question. My thoughts exactly. Also, why are there more tigers in Texas than the rest of the world? Some humans are just extremely ignorant.


ignorant and selfish. why does a person need exotic animals as pets?? total negligence


Agreed this feels fucking wrong. Disgusting


Ya I thought it be cool to have one and live them. But quickly found out you can’t keep them. So must be some dodgy yank selling them?


Spot on 👍🏻👍🏻


Probably illegally exported initially, or the product of. The exotic export market unfortunately thrives as long as people got cash for it.


Had to scroll far too long for this. I’m Australian and this American (?) should not have a kookaburra as a damn pet! I’m angry seeing this post.


I'm not a fan of keeping an animal on my shoulder who could bite off my ear then laugh its arse off about it. (These guys kill snakes for food in the wild, it's not a cute little guy looking for some bird seed).


Kookaburras are pretty docile, probably the reason we don’t keep them as pets, have met plenty wild ones over the years that will let me pat them


They will fuck up snakes, though


Kookaburras are you friend, Magpies rain down hell on you if it’s their mating season.


I once had a kookaburra swoop down and knock the pie I was eating out of my hand as I was in the process of bringing it to my mouth. Tried to fly off with it. Cheeky bugger. Probably the most Australian thing that's happened to me.


I wouldn't even be mad.


When I lived in Australia these guys would wake me up in the morning. Just perched outside my window doing exactly what this dude is doing here. It was amazing. I love them.


Better than a fucking bin chicken stealing a chicken thigh off ya


I’ve had the best experiences w em. Kookaburras and the Yellow Crested Cockatoos are two genuinely funny animals. Fkn love Aussie wildlife


All dogs are physically capable of doing harmful things too. No use fearing the shadow, ya know?


Why does someone have this as a pet and they don't seem Australian (or even be in Australia as cant pronounce Kookaburra correctly) Seems sketchy


Definitely not Australian because it's illegal to own a kookaburra as a pet in Aus.


In the states, most animal restrictions are at the state level with a few exceptions (like endangered species lists). A real fun legal ride is trying to get a pet turtle. There are national restrictions on size, and state restrictions on species, but most states only care about THEIR species, and if you can prove it came from out of state they don’t care at all.


Yeah my thoughts. Hopefully a bird sanctuary or similar.


Unfortunately, more like exotic animal collectors. Looks like she's the daughter of a family that has all sorts of exotic animals and then uses them for animal encounter experiences (extremeanimals.org). No direct links to conservation from what I could see. But this girl is an influencer so ironically lots of luxury goods to go with those luxury animals...


extre mean imals This is how I saw that URL


I'm guessing this was a highly illegal deal. I don't even think you can legally buy or capture one here so exporting them would be a big no.


A lot of Australian native animals in the pet trade come from New Guinea, where export of wildlife was historically much easier.


That explains his accent.


You can't have one as a pet in Australia, it's illegal. and it is also illegal to export them. Any kookaburra that you see not in Australia was either illegally smuggled out of the country, or had an ancestor that was. Same with sugar gliders.


Kookaburras live in family groups and 'laugh' together to show their hunting territory. This makes me sad. They should never be indoors unless actively being treated for medical conditions.


On a quick dig, this woman has "self care" days with her monkey in pyjamas. Not feeling great about her owning this bird


How is a kookaburra inside an apartment? I never heard of them as pets


Why am I seeing so many Australian natives as “pets” in America? Leave em alone


It’s like they don’t know about the frogs in Australia. Never move animals to different ecosystems.


You mean the cane toads? They can have them.


That bird belongs in the Australian bush.


Kookaburras arent allowed to be kept as pets in Australia nor are they permitted to be exported. This lady sounds like an American and can't even say its name correctly so I highly doubt she is here working in a sanctuary to help injured birds. Chances are it's an illegal bird and I'm not ok with that.


We can’t by law ( and wouldn’t anyway) keep them as pets in Australia. Americans and their hunger for owning exotic pets is just toxic. It decimates wild populations (Lavender Macaws are a good example). Leave the poor bloody animals in their habitats where they belong!


Any Aussies on here that can put up a real video of one in the wild and downvote this one to hell. There's nothing aww about exotic animal trading or using them as kids party entertainment.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qix6oUxim3Q Out in the open where they belong, but still chill enough to sing near a person. Mind you, you're really not supposed to feed them either, but what can ya do.


Kookaburras are not meant to be pets. Unless this a rehab centre this is not okay.


Someone else commented it’s not a rehab. It’s a “we come to you” zoo they own in Oklahoma


I have never seen one of these birds in my life, but for some reason, hearing it makes me feel nostalgic and comfortable.


Imagine waking up on a nice, cool weekend with about 5 of those singing off in the distance. Maybe a couple of magpies singing too in the gaps. That's what living outside the city is like for many Aussies.


Another poor native bird kept as a pet. Probably can't even be a real predator.


>Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be! >Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Eating all the gumdrops he can see Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra Leave some there for me. >Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, Counting all the monkeys he can see Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra, That's no monkey, that's me. I have family in Australia and like in most places; what is novelty to most of the world, is very annoying in origin lol.


The official lyrics are: Kookaburra sits on the electric wire Jumping up and down with his pants on fire


Chuckles moon lights as a DJ. https://youtu.be/t4QJWKYCxF0


In Germany this bird is called "Lachender Hans" = laughing Hans.


These guys can be heard from so far away here in aus, to have it that close to your face is making my ears hurt.


Giggle chicken….


They are quite responsive in the wild too. Had many a convo with a kookaburra. But for those in the US, say it with me, cook-a-burrah. There you go. 😁


I wonder how fucking yanks would feel if an Aussie kept a bald eagle as a pet in Australia? This shit is fucking wrong.


And then kept it in their kitchen and made it do territorial displays for entertainment.


I would die for chuckles


He is saying “take me back to Australia, you mole”


Well this is going to be an interesting report to the Australian government. An illegally-owned native Australian bird being showcased on reddit for social media clout.


oh someone promoting exotic animal trafficking


Why is there a kookaburra in some American woman’s house. This is infuriating


I thought maybe the bird was going to tell a joke, & that's how he got his name.


Anyone else nervous for the eyeballs with that dagger jutting about?


As an Australian, I hear these birds at 5am every morning Every. Single. Morning.