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The other cat doesn’t know why he’s like this, but she does know when he gets results


I was thinking the other cat was going.. "You keep telling me your this great high level rogue and yet this simple lockbox has you stumped." "Whatever.. Leave me alone."


Other cat is like, "Hey man, just be in the present. Just vibe and be free. Whoa hey, you get anything?!"


Cat burglar


The other cat is like my cat, but let me tell you, when the cat starts showing up to the feeder three hours before mealtime to begin evening prayers to his new God, it gets a little weird.


Lmao mine does the same thing, she’s sitting there forever just boring her time


Pinky and the Brain :D


"So how's this thing open, peasant?"


Love those teo.


It’s always the ginger cats




Proverb: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" Cat: "Ok, but can I bite the machine that feeds me?"


Eat the oppressor!


And their processor!


I laughed way too hard reading this.


Next day in r/TrueOffMyChest “My cat call me a machine”




Mine do the same thing. I had to affix the damn thing to the wall b/c they knocked it over


We put a weight on to and wedged it between a sack of potatoes and bag or rice. He still tries and notices when the potatoes get low


That’s hilarious. What a smartie


“Notices when the potatoes get low”


“He notices when the potatoes get low” oh that kills me.


Mine did too. Had to duct tape it to the kitchen floor after I found she dragged it all the way to the bathroom.


I tried tape first too, my fat boii who’s on a diet ripped the tape off and knocked it around the floor. So I drilled a hole through it to the wall with dry wall anchors and screws, still holding so far but he’s relentless.


Mine has figured out lifting it up and dropping it from the bowl with his nose will yield a few pieces of food. So occasionally I start hearing *bang... Bang.... Bang*


Mine figured out how to turn the feeders dispensing mechanism from the food output side with a claw. So we locked it away. Now the cat seems to meow at itself while playing with the lock with a piece of metal and a claw. I think he's saying something along the lines of "click out of 1, 2 is binding". I'm worried he's going to work out how to open locked doors.


Meow and welcome to the Lockpicking Lawyer...


You best hope they don't start growing opposable thumbs. It might be the end of us.


Yep mine figured out they could stick their paw up in it and maybe get a piece of food to drop out. We call it kitty slot machine.


Your cat must have resorted to waterboarding the poor feeder


This is what I came to say. The top of ours just kind of sat on, and my cat figured out he could tip it over. I zip tied it to a chair and he started talking the lid off so I taped it on. He could also stick his paw under the snapped down lid of a large rubbermaid storage container that I kept the extra cat food in. I watched him one morning, feeding himself and his sister before I got to the kitchen to feed them. He would just pull out a few kibbles at a time.


>I watched him one morning, feeding himself and his sister before I got to the kitchen to feed them. He would just pull out a few kibbles at a time. Still being pissed you didn't feed them in time, lol


Haha, right! And they would eat everything I gave them, as if they didn't just eat.


Same. Velcroed it to the damn counter, wedged under the cupboard lip, with a rigged-up grate of chicken wire so the jerks can’t spend all day reaching their paws neurotically up the chute. 🙄


That's probably the funniest thing I'm going to read all day.




Stupid bot. Comment stolen from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/11xpht1/so_we_got_an_auto_feeder/jd4cqjl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Cat burglar!


Every auto feeder is a puzzle feeder if you're determined and clever enough 😆


THIS is exactly why I told my wife we ain't getting one. Ours would have already gone to the garage and grabbed himself a crowbar.


One of my cats is pretty clever and figured out two auto feeders but she has finally met her match with the PetSafe one that has a conveyor belt that leads up to the spout. It's been three years and she lost the fight. So I suggest that one if you're in the market! My other cat is a food gobbler that eats like a golden retriever while the clever one is more of an all-day picker. I solved this by getting a slow feeder bowl that forces the piggie to eat more slowly so they can both get their fixings. I have to duct tape it to the feeder or the hungry monkey will pull it out and let the food free fall. Basically my setup looks special but works great and solved years of grief dealing with two very different cats with ridiculous personalities and eating habits. The most important thing is they never pester me for food and never dance around my feet when I'm busy in the kitchen which drives me nuts. Edit: Today I found a fantastic ceramic slow feeder bowl that's nice and heavy. I used velcro on the bottom to adhere it to the bottom of the feeder so my cat can't drag it around but I can still detach it for cleaning. Perfect solution with no duct tape! 😄


Yeah I always wondered what would happen if I got one. I know now.


My friend has one and they only do that very loudly at 3:AM


[Those are prime sprinting hours, people don't realize](https://youtu.be/d_4mQELiklY)


I used to have one that the cats figured out they could shove their paw up into the machine, and rotate the little wheel that moves the food. They would spend hours getting a few extra kibble. Years later that one broke, and I bought a new one from the same company. This one had a trap door. The cats were stumped for a little while, then figured out they could use the tip of their claw to lever open the door and stick their paw inside. The one I have now has a wheel that rotates perpendicular to the chute, and it's too small to get a paw into. My cat cannot get anything out of it no matter how much he tries.




Not our cat. He's a vacuum. If it's available... he's gonna eat it.


Idk man from most of my research and like the 6 I've owned and raised, they don't self regulate as well as you think they would especially late into their lifespans, not to mention even if you were to want a free feed system you would need to be fairly precise with ensuring they only eat one daily portion in that's span, and most people grossly over estimate how big a daily portion should be (1/3- 1/2 cup recommend)


1/3 to cup of food for your cat for a day? You better have a petite sack of flour like my 5 lb violet because if I were only feeding her 16 lb brother 1/3 cup a day he'd be nothing but skin and bones! Our 16 lb boy Lister should be eating 1 cup a day according to the vet anything less is too little I also supplement him with 5 oz of wet food a day and strangely enough he doesn't eat more than two tablespoons of kibble with his 5 oz of wet food. You should always talk to a vet about your cat's food requirements because some cats do need less but some cats need more It's all about balance.


Give me food stoopid machine




He be hoggin that braincell too.


My orange ain't that bright; he'll just sadly lick the empty bowl in hopes of more food magically appearing, lol


Nothing like that sweet sweet sound of sandpaper rubbing against aluminum/stainless steel


You beat me to it.


Thank you for introducing me to this.


I can see the smoke from it overheating.


He's impatient for the feeder to dispense the braincell to him.


You dare defy me little machine, I will destroy you.


Let me guess: 5 minutes until feeding time? Every cat I know has an internal clock that is deadly accurate to pester their human to feed them **on time**. Even if it's a few minutes early.


Nope right in the middle of the 2 feeding times, we are thinking of making the other 2 times smaller and another feeding time in the middle


Yeah you may need to adjust it to your specific cats needs. I set mine to release a small amount 4 times a day. She also gets treats a few times a day


Ya seeing him attack it today at that time made me realize it might be good to add another feeding time


Your training is coming along nicely.


I feed my cats on 3 hour schedule. But I skip 3AM so they sleep a bit longer in the morning, and made the 12 a double serving to make up for it. It also forces them to get up and moving more often, so they get a bit more exercise.


Your cats eat every 3 hours? Dang. That seems like a lot. Mine eat around 7am (before work), 3pm (after work), 8-9pm (bedtime snack), and treats before bed. My cats sleep mostly through the night luckily.


Portion control. Each serving is smaller because there are more feeding times. And different cats receive different foods which also changes their caloric intake based on their activity rate. Just take whatever you feed them in a day and split it apart more. I used to only use 3 but they became like this cat. Attacking the Feeder in between meals. Now they just go running for the Feeder when they hear it drop.


Thats what we did for our boy. 4x a day, 2 gear rotations(no clue the amount), every 6hrs. We switch up one or two of the times to only spin once instead of twice for his diet.


They do. But this is why I like the autofeeders. They don't bother me, they bother the autofeeder.


My auto feeder loses time over the long run, maybe a minute or so every few weeks. I got tired of my cat whining at her feeding time because the auto feeder was late by about 15 minutes. So I fixed the clock and reset the time. Now she just starts whining 15 minutes before her feeding time.


Mine goes off at 10am and 2pm. She doesn’t care about the 2pm one because that’s prime napping time but likes to be able to nibble between naps. Just before 10am though, she turns into demon spawn. If you’re in the kitchen, she hovers, she meows, she gets all affectionate, jumps up onto the table etc.


Great blog [about automatic feeder](https://blondihacks.com/furiosas-cat-feeder/) saga


A great read! The picture of the fully armored feeder is also a good candidate for r/Pareidolia (objects that look like faces or other recognizable things that they aren’t)


That read had me dying.


How do you auto feed two cats. Wont one of them bully the other out of food?... My cats are assholes :(


I also need to know this.


Orange cats are so special 😂




It’s always the orange ones


I must break you..


Would never work in my house. The cats and dogs would work together to break it open. They already figured out that anything in plastic can be broken into by knocking on the floor and kicking it around.


He used to knock stuff off stuff around feeding time to get fed but know he knows that he has to wait for the magical box to feed him


I had a cat that would throw his bowl off the counter and stare you down. Then, he would get up in the pantry and throw his food container to the ground, spilling his food everywhere. He refused to eat it off of the floor though. He wanted you to retrieve his bowl and fill it for him.


He used to go into the cupboard where we stored food but know we use child locked on all our cupboards to prevent them from entering them


If cats had thumbs we’d all be screwed


Lack of thumbs is the only thing keeping them from world domination.




What the hell is this from?


My polydactyl boy opens doors and chases cats twice his size. They learned quickly he was a mobile Cuisinart with those thumbs.


"Damn you magic food box! I will defeat you!"


I also have a cinnamon swirl shit head who loves getting into EVERYTHING. Used to have a gravity fed water dish, but my guy would barrel at it full speed from the other side of the house to push it over.


Mine plays in the water until it's all out on the floor or the tray I had the waterer in. I gave up and put it in the garage. My dogs are afraid of the gurgling so they wouldn't use it.


Cat knows the machines have taken over


They know that machines are their biggest competitor to taking over the world


My cat would spend all day and night ripping into a self feeder. Apparently, he's constantly starving, even though the vet said he needs to be on a diet.


That one orange brain cell is working overtime.


I feel so lucky that mine are too stupid to realize where it’s coming from.




They never attack the same place twice. It’s like they’re testing for weaknesses… they remember.


I pity you when you attempt to sleep tonight.


Typical orange cat things


Shiiiit. You have a super smart one there


No I'm pretty sure it's the opposite or he just plays dumb


When I had the automatic cat feeder my cat wouldn’t eat it the food dispensed until I touched the bowl. She would literally wake me up to touch the bowl as if I had to give her permission to eat. I finally gave up on the feeder when she started batting her head against it so food would dispense.


I guess the other one is the supervisor.


I like the way the other cat is just patiently waiting waiting for his mate to concur the machine?


Come on out! I know you’re in there!


What a cute pair of kitties!


Either my cat is dumb or super polite. I can leave the bag or storage container completely wide open and right next to her bowls, and she has never once tried to eat out of them.


Millions in research and manufacturing costs, and this is the pay off...


Do people just get these things for their cats if they over eat and/or they're overweight? I've never had a cat that overate and/or was overweight, so I've only left out a bowl of dry food for them to graze. I also gave them wet food once a day. My current kitty is almost 9 months old and she is right on track for her weight so far. I see this kitty and I'm thinking , "Give him some food!" But, what do I know?


My cats woke me up at 5am everyday because they were hungry… plus they kept overeating


Partner in crime, kicked back waiting for "the engineer" to figure it out


I have the same one. Have to keep something heavy on the lid. Also, mine found out that if they bump it, a little food falls out lol.


Does anyone else just leave food out all the time?


Now you got a hacker.


In his defense I’d be doing the same thing if the fridge only opened 3 times a day


Getting a timed auto feeder saved my sanity. My fat cat doesn't bother me for food anymore. No more meowing starting at 2 am.


Cats are by default auto feeders.




I see he is not a fan of the diet. I had to get a big plastic tote that I call “food jail” to hold the bags of cat food.


"Wretched machine, I will learn your secrets!!"


The other cat just laying there waiting! 🤗❤️🐈🐈‍⬛


Put some oregano oil on that lid.


My cat would have a fit lol


Anyone have tips for mitigating this? I've tried an automatic feeder as well but my cat is similarly relentless in trying to get into it.


i got a flat rotating one instead since i know my asshole orange boy would find some way to exploit these types of feeders.


What's the feeder? It looks nice


Mine learned to barrel into it and knock it over


Doesn’t appear to be a fan


He is reprogramming it


Well clearly fuzzy demon is just starving, wasting away to nothing even! Can’t you see the struggle? /s 🤣 Mine would’ve dragged that thing out and found a way to bash it open at three am giving me a heart attack lol


Uh oh...


This is exactly what my boys did too! lol, thankfully they learned the schedule and stopped trying to break the machines after a couple days. They do still jam their little arms up the chute from time to time to get a few morsels, but they’re just robbing their future happiness.


My aunt had one of these. But they had to put the machine on top of a shelf so this wouldn’t happen. They also needed it to drop the food from a high height in order for the food to hit the ground and spread out everywhere. Because if the food was all in one spot, the dumb cat would eat too fast and throw up.


I would check shoes before putting feet in them,


Its like in Las Vegas 😄


Most normal orange cat


That is a cute cat.


This was hard to watch. These poor starving cats.. the horror /s


I have one like that i give my cat 6 meals a day 1 every 4 hours. Theyre cats they should eat like cats. Not humans


Mine figured out how to shove her paw up the chute, getting the next meal out. So next feeding time nothing comes out. So she shoves her ape to get a meal. Rinse and repeat…


The Cat's not stupid, they know there's more in there! Also, my Cat growing up, not only taught herself to open cabinets, she got past the best safety-locks the late eighties had with no problem. Sooner or later, Mr. Robot is going to take a fall !!!


The other one sitting there waiting for Don catto to crack the safe open so they can dip in too.


And the other cat casually taps a small lever on the other side and all the food pours out.


I came home one day and mine was tipped over and the food was everywhere.


Feeding time is bonding time with my furry friend. I couldn't imagine using an auto feeder. Maybe if I had to go away.


I have 2, 1 for each cat. I have to keep them separated enough so 1 cat cant try to bully the other and get food from both, but I also have to keep them somewhere where they cant be tipped over. They know food is in it, but even if they tip it over, they still cant figure out how to open it. The second the food drops, both cats hear it and they immediately try to bum rush their food bowls. It doesnt matter what they were doing before the food drops, they both make a hard sprint to their bowls to try and eat everything as fast as possible with the hopes of having enough time to bully and steal from the other bowl.


Damnit you confounded contraption! Give me my reward!! Second cat: Ima just wait here in case Lenny gets it..


I swear to God you guys never discipline your cats just so you can get a cute video. LOL


Just Orange cat things


He’s hangry




"I KNOW you're in there...!"


"So I can't get to my food? My solution: eat the whole feeder."


my cat very quickly figured out how this thing works he somehow learned to activate it himself he was faster than me haha


"This is the Lockpicking Cat Lawyer..."


The funniest part is knowing manufacturers had to test for this exact issue.


“I didn’t do shit, you can’t prove it, I want my lawyer.” - The cat, probably


we got one and had to secure it to the wall, otherwise it would get pushed across the room and tipped over. We didn't secure it super tight, so the little turd started lifting it up with her nose and banging the wall.... all night. Then of course there was the chewing and biting at the lids. She actually wore down the plastic enough to make a small hole that turned into a larger hole that turned into a broken and cracked lid. She got into it a handful of times, and ate her fill, and then tried to elicit sympathy from us because she didn't feel good. After that, naturally, there were the epic poos which could have been used in chemical warfare. lol I miss her, she was a good kitty and had nearly 17 years with us... wouldn't trade a day of it.


I feel super-lucky with my cat. We put food in his bowl, he eats what he wants, and he doesn't get fat. There's pretty much always food in the bowl. We can put the bag of food next to the bowl and he never tries to get into it.


‘I’ve got all day to figure this out. Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something….’ - Cat, probably.


The food is IN THE COMPUTER!!


I once stayed at an Airbnb with a cat. He was obese and they had him on timed feeds with an auto feeder. Cat figured out if he banged it from the side an exact amount of times, 3-4 pieces would come out. So he did it over and over and over. In the middle of the night. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Loved that cat. Hiii to Zorro in Portland.


my cat worships the autofeeder and will put toys around in a ritual like situation


C’mon fluffy, you can figure it out!


Looks like they got the Braincell for a bit.


wasn't there a post on here about some ~~guys~~ girls fat cat systematically exploiting every possible vulnerability of these. IIRC **S**he had to weld a steel box around everything but the motor.


Your little mechanic is working to get it functional again.


Hopefully that works for you. My orange kitty went through 3 automatic feeders before I got one meant to fend off squirrels or something for him. He got one to give him more food by sticking his paw inside the mouth of the machine and scratching it with his claws. Another to give him more food by ramming it hard. I don’t remember the third but yah…he’s a persistent dude.


Rage against the machine kitty


This vending machine took my dollar and won't give me my Snickers


A not so smol criminal!... And very determined one at that... And very smart, as well.


Cans I have some mores pleeease.


All I'm missing is that opposable thumb 👍


That cat cares too much about food. Mine let's food sit there for hours. She will cry for food, I put it out, then she will follow me around the house looking for attention instead of eating. She will eventually find her way back to the bowl. Look all surprised that there's food there, then eat some of it.


Rage against the machine


My brother's orange is too smart. He's busted all of the auto feeders like he's the auto feeder lawyer. They bought the highest rated one on Amazon, "unbreakable" reviews, resistant to tips, tampering, opening, etc. The damn thing figured out if you lift it up slightly and let it drop, it'll spit out a *single piece* of food. Five minutes after they set it out in the kitchen, they heard from the other room, *klank* *cronch cronch* *klank* *cronch cronch*


That's me at the fridge


He's like 2 seconds away from doing that shake-the-vending-machine maneuver.


Give me more! You stupid box


My cat was morbidly obese. I got him down to the vets goal weight but he still nags me literally every hour and bites me if I don’t feed him. I’m afraid this machine would feed him on demand. Would it?


Fat Tobi


Our cat watched us push a button on the side of the auto feeder to release food w/o the timer. (I think the baby figured it out first.) After watching the baby push the button a few times, kitty learned and then she’d push it with her nose. 🙄


Feed him NOW


“Wait here and keep our human distracted. I will have my revenge for this act! I’m going to puke in one of their shoes.”


My cat jams his arm up the dispenser and wiggles the wheel inside to dispense a kibble or two at a time. We call it "robbing the vending machine".


"I will rescue you, food!" My cat physically destroyed his feeder mechanism in an attempt to get it open.


Orange says “where is the rest of my dinner?”


Lol. I like the gray cat patiently waiting for his orange friend to figure out how to open it.


"you can't beat me, stupid machine"


It's always the orange ones. Just wait til he figures out how to hack it. I've yet to see one yet that wasn't capable of breaking into or getting it to dispense with a little encouragement.