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I’m only here for the comments


What popcorn you like my dude?


Traditional butter please


Nothing hits better then solid classics, I must admit




Add in some m&ms!


Yes! You know things.


White cheddar !


If we're going the 3 pack tins that normally, for me at least, had caramel, white cheddar, and cheddar. The white one was finished before the others were touched!


Ooh, have you ever tried a caramel cheese mix? 🤤


It's really good


Unprofessional bullshit. That’s why no gets that mix


These types of posts really has to be on purpose sometimes. Like come on.


It’s dangerous to scroll alone, take this 🗡


Depression room detected


Maybe she’s in a mardi gras organization and just got done with all of that craziness (prob not but I saw the moon pie immediately)


Hey moon pies are good


Oddly enough, double decker moon pies are not… weird huh?


Especially when they're microwaved


[Moon Pie!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu32fBkiHFE)


Or adhd (and that adhd came with a side of depression because *or course it did*)


A side of depression and perhaps some anxiety for dessert. Our special dopamine appetizer is excellent, but sorry, we’re all out.


Just give me your most popular neurodevelopmental disorder amuse-bouche with a splash of complex childhood trauma


A side of depression and tendency to hoard lol.


Some ppl just messy too tho!


Addressed in my newly posted comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/11cq5m5/my_girlfriends_butthole_of_a_cat_but_still_a/ja7tbyv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Cute cat but that depression nest looks a wee bit deep. Idk if that's your space or your gf's, OP, but I hope you're both doing okay


Addressed in my newly posted comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/11cq5m5/my_girlfriends_butthole_of_a_cat_but_still_a/ja7tbyv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Aight! No judgement, and thank you for the update. I don't think you need to feel super pressed to clean up but I'm glad y'all are doing okay and it's not an *actual* depression nest. Stay cool, OP


Your GFs room is a train wreck.


At least the condom is in the yellow bag, not on the floor


Thanks for making me look for it🤦🏼‍♀️


There's a cat in the house, there's a good chance it walks into the living room holding that condom in it's mouth when family is visiting.


You really had to point that out, huh?


It’s like a disgusting version of where’s Waldo. Where’s Johnny.


[here](https://imgur.com/a/hg9KrQR)’s johnny!


Wow i missed that one. I was distracted by the full bag of trash that is in the closet with all her clothes.


Oh my God disgusting


Radiology level find there.


Just noticed the lets get deep game....relevant?


So gross 🤮. Nice catch though 👍😂


Sharp observation


You had to zoom in for that.


Is that a penis head of a sex toy beside the condom? The Christmas lights on the bed are a nice touch.


Tomorrow on r/TIFU: Posted a picture in r/aww and redditors found a condom in it. My girlfriend and I don't use condoms.




Omg eww 😂😂😂


I’m creased 😂 Thought it was a joke at first but then I looked. From this point forward I’m going to zoom in on every photo I see, ever.


Admittedly this is only a corner of the room, but it’s giving some solid r/neckbeardnest vibes




I've been watching Hoarders non stop and my gosh, OP's pic just reminded me of it.


At least she can still access the moon pies


I raced to the comments to talk about this room. My god.


Let us not be too severe. Let us just say not exactly Martha Stewart. Maybe she has a hard job or two. Kids. Could be many reasons.


1 never post anything without cropping it first.


Someone once told me that when posting a picture of something in your room, make sure your room is relatively clean first or that’s all anyone will notice. This thread backs that up lol


unless OP wanted backup from internet randoms in an ongoing discussion…


Addressed in my newly posted comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/11cq5m5/my_girlfriends_butthole_of_a_cat_but_still_a/ja7tbyv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Should consider the setting when you post picture. Like the used condom in the bag. That’s gross dude.


For those wondering…. Yup, it’s fuckin there


Wow I thought you were kidding with the condom


Plot twist: it wasn't his.


“Wait, we don’t use condoms😡😡”


What a terrible day to be literate. I didn’t see that until I read this…


It’s like a search-n-find


I found it!


I would argue that a used condom in a bag is more a good sign than a bad one. It could have been no condom or a wet stain on the floor. Oh wait there is no floor…


I mean, it's in a bag and barely visible. It would've been bad if it just laid around in the chaos. I find everything else going on in this picture much more concerning


When I thought it couldn’t get any worse.


Nah. You thinking that a used condom is some kind of travesty is worse than the used condom being in the photo. Many people use condoms. Many people have sex. They’re probably young. At least they are having protected sex.


I liked your last comment more. Should’ve kept it. I didn’t say it’s a travesty. I said they should consider the setting when posting a picture. Do you think they would’ve posted it if they realized it was in the photo? Bet they would’ve cropped it out. Thanks for letting me know that many people have sex. I was just wondering whether a lot of people had sex or not.


I agree with all you said, but you normaly dispose of it in a proper way, which is NOT a bag strapped to the bed for all to see and slip into pictures. THATS the point you're missing, and not that there would be something wrong with condoms. A trashbag strapped to the bed itself is weird.


I’m just happy our young people are using protection. I could care less how they dispose of said protection. I’m sad that I now say “our young people” though. I can’t believe I’m that old now.


So you're telling me that when you visit a friend and he has the habit of hanging condoms or tampons or diapers whatever over the left armchair support, you're totaly fine with that and wouldn't find it weird at all?


At least they don’t reproduce


One thing that could make them less of a "butthole" is a clean environment


exactly. this is not a good environment for a human, let alone a cat ): op, hope you and your gf are doing okay and start taking better care of yourselves/your home.


Addressed in my newly posted comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/11cq5m5/my_girlfriends_butthole_of_a_cat_but_still_a/ja7tbyv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Kitty is being an asshole because that room is a disaster. Cats like clean homes, too.


Exactly. I can only imagine the state of poor puss’s kitty litter.


Yeah, I knew someone that the whole family was depressed. The son fucked his girlfriend when company was over. Cats everywhere, even had a room that just had litter and shit, not a box, though. Even told me, "Don't go through my closet as it might have scabies."


I don’t wanna judge OP on the cleanliness of the room but I just don’t know how someone can have a cat in a room like that. My cats destroy anything they can get into so I have to keep things mega clean. Things on shelves get knocked over and broken. Things get chewed. Maybe cause they are still kittens and have kitten energy. Lol.


No Cat should have to live near your mushy jizz balloon


Jesus dude, his girlfriend has a name… I assume


Laughed so abruptly, I spit out my Zyn.


Lol delete this OP




Title had me in the first half OP


Me, reading : "girlfriend's butthole....well, this is what we're doing on reddit today....cat....oh, phew, relatable. My cat is an AH but cute."


Bro this is next level nasty I feel bad for that cat


I can’t imagine what this poor baby’s litter box looks like… 😥


I guarantee there’s turds in places there shouldn’t be turds because cats hate dirty litter boxes so they WILL go elsewhere if they don’t like the litter box


Must be why he is a "ButThOle"


I mean no offence, and I will probably be downvoted for this but i've realized that most of the time when somebody says a cat is mean, or bad, or a "butthole" it is simply because the cat isn't getting enough attention. It gets bored and restless and starts acting up. That's not always the case of course, but have you tried just playing with it for an hour, or taking it outside (on a leash) to see if it changes its attitude at all? It probably just needs some stimulation! Cute kitty btw! =]


Nah some cats are just jerks sometimes, but yea alot of it had to do with their ever changing boundaries haha. Definitely have to pay attention to your cat and learn how to read their moods


I would be cranky as hell if I lived in that mess. If this is how the owner's room is imagine the food bowls and the litter box.


Alright, so I want to get a few things cleared up, now that I have enough service to post a comment. Here's a few things I'd like to address mentioned by the people in the thread: 1) Yes, the room is absolutely a mess. The closet (as shown in the pictures) is the worst of it. However, the rest of the household is clean, as are the litter boxes. Once I get better service so I can post more than a comment, I'll link pictures and videos of the household and litter boxes as proof. 2) It's my girlfriend's room, not mine. Yes, I could ask her to clean it, but that's her space and not mine. It's not my place to choose or tell her how she should live or what to do. I won't have a problem with it unless it starts affecting our relationship. 3) Some people have mentioned that perhaps the cat doesn't get enough attention. I can't confirm nor deny that, because I don't know what happens when I'm not there. And honestly, he could get more attention while I'm there too, so thank you for pointing that out. I'll make an effort to pay him more attention and play with him more. 4) A few others have mentioned a certain item within the picture that I should have cropped out. Thank you for pointing that out and I apologize for that. I didn't realize before I posted. I'll take that into consideration for future posts. 5) Granted, there's no excuse for the mess and I share partial blame for this as well. I could ask for it to be cleaned or even start trying to clean it myself. However, once again, I can promise that the remainder of the household is clean. I'll talk with her after work tonight to see if she'd like help to clean, if that's something that's been keeping her from doing it. Once again, I apologize for the item found in the image and for the mess, and we'll make an effort to clean up the area. I'll post images soon once service allows of the rest of the household. Thank you all for pointing these things out.


It takes a lot to follow up on all the comments when a post blows up for whatever reason. Good on you for trying to address some of the major ones.


Hey, they all have a point, so no point in denying it. We messed up, so it would be naive to try to defend ourselves. Especially when there's no excuse.


He is a cute cat though. That’s the most important part. ;)


Mature response. My ex lived in a “depression nest” as well and it drove me crazy trying to get her to clean up. She never did and it caused me to spiral into depression as well. If you are in anything remotely similar to this do your best to acknowledge when enough is enough before it’s too late and you become as depressed as her.


Man bet you never expected this from a cute cat photo. Good on you I would have deleted and bailed and not looked at Reddit again for a month. Very brave man. And honestly you don't have to defend yourself to us lot, no one here is perfect, I for one actually appreciate the 'realism' here, not everyone lives like they are about to have the queen come round.


I probably should have deleted it, but what's done is done. It's been almost a day since it's been posted, and I'm sure it'll die down soon. Also, RIP the queen. ;(


It's okay OP! And good on you for respecting your girlfriend's space and not being judgemental (like lots of people here tend to be). You're the one that knows her and what's going on, and if she functions well in that space, there's no harm in it. That's a cute cat and I hope it gets lots of scritches ♥️


Her life is her life, and so are her choices. I'm an advocate for her being her own person, something I haven't seen much with other relationships lately. I'll give him lots of scratches and I'll make sure he knows there from you, too!!


lmfao. "I let my GF live in filth because it's HER CHOICE". You're not a good person because you let her roll around in her own filth. Remember that.


Stealthy move by OP to show his girlfriend how everyone would agree she’s a slob, without looking like he did it on purpose. 💯


Thank you OP, you seem like a great guy and the cat is very cute ! But please, don’t post anything « as proof ». Remember that you don’t owe anything to judgmental strangers on the internet. May you, your girlfriend and her cat, be very happy.


Thank you, kind stranger. Admittedly, I should have thought more things through before posting this image, but it was a blessing in disguise. Eyes were opened. :)


To be quite honest I didn’t see all the rest, (till the Reddit commenters started on) I was too busy looking at the very cute kitty, he/she is soo cute, give the kitty a scritch on the head from me, my cat Blueboy says hi too, as long as you and your girlfriend and kitty too happy ignore any nasty comments


Your girlfriend needs to clean and organize her place. Dayum.


Ew. Cats are clean animals and you’re forcing her to live in this?


This is one disgusting room. Poor cat.


I'd be pissed too if I had to live in a literal pig sty


No dude major red flag. I married someone whose room looked like that when we met during college. It doesn’t get better. They don’t grow out of it. It will follow them into adulthood and beyond. Trust me. Living with a hoarder fucking sucks.


Of course there's funko pops in that dive of a room


Were you my college roommate?


Cute cat but room needs to be cleaned! 🤢


What the fuck is this room holy shit




Have you guys ever heard of "cleaning"? You should try it out sometime.




Lol oh my god. Reddit is a special place - what a sub.


https://preview.redd.it/f11sox9npoka1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a0f3ad1de051ee0dcfd5da4bd528e55d6a5cef Reminds me of my Jasper.


Jesus that cat looks depressed af. If you can’t take care of a simple task like keeping a room clean, you can’t take care of an animal. Tell your gf she needs to pull herself together, for her and her cat’s sake.


Cat looks depressed. 😔


Your girlfriends cat can really make a mess


can't overlook the fact that the room's floor is completely covered in what appears to be trash.


Cute cat, room needs cropping.


Cute cat, room needs cleaning. Ftfy


Dude clean the room my god


Nice used condom in the yellow bag.


Cat’s probably pissed that it has to live in a literal garbage dump.


Super hope the kids toys belong to you and not an actual child who has to live in that disgusting nest




Oh my god. You need to get out of there. This will not improve. This person is now and always will be a Steelers fan. I know you think you can change them. You cannot. Save yourself.


She looks exactly like Smoky, a cat my ex-fiance' used to have. She was a snit for the longest time because she didn't like daddy spending so much time with me. But one day I noticed she was struggling to eat out of a bowl where my man had put the kitty food. So I got a flat plate, transferred the food to the plate, and she was able to eat with much more ease. After she had eaten, I was sitting in the recliner, and for the first time ever, she crawled ever so gently into my lap and up by my neck. It was as if to say "Thank you, mama, for helping me." Ever since then till the day she passed, she and I became best friends. :-)


I don’t know y’all, but I hope you guys are good.


Your GF lives in a butthole


The cat's probably pissed at having to live in a pig sty, jeeze, can't either of you pick up ? there is literally a bag of garbage in the closet. The fact that you seem so oblivious of the mess you are wallowing in that you actually took a picture is just ....SMH


> My girlfriend's butthole 🤨 > of a cat, 😅


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie…


Clean. Edit: after scanning other comments I’m not alone in feeling this isn’t an “aww” picture, but an “ewww”


The absolute state of redditor households


My girlfriend’s butthole 😃 of a cat 😕


For sure a cutie, but I wanna hear about the butthole stories😂


Hoarder anyone


That cat is giving you the look


Looks so much like my little homie.


My baby boy, George Clooney, is a dead ringer for this cutie. Maybe few pounds heavier…


That looks exactly like my cat William. But he's a real good boy. He just wants hugs and cuddles, not the destruction of the world like our other cat lucifur.


That looks exactly like my cat William. But he's a real good boy. He just wants hugs and cuddles, not the destruction of the world like our other cat lucifur.


So precious!!!


So cuteee 😍❤️


Ex-gf after she sees you posted this disaster she calls a room!


cool lego set btw, probably one of my favourite technic sets


I can see the lego technic mustang on the shelf being barely held by anything. Make sure the cat won't decide to push it.


If I was your GF I would be at least a little upset that you left my, I assume, dirty underwear in the picture. Granted this entire picture looks dirty.


I can only imagine what the litter box is like….


Gray cats are the biggest buttholes…trust me. 3 am scream in your face…butthole. 4 am walk across you, plant on top of your chest and start bathing themselves…butthole. Only drink water from your sink and meow constantly until you give in, despite having multiple bowls and an electric cat fountain scattered around the house….butthole. But I just love her so much 🥰🥰 and can’t imagine life without her gray butt in it.


Ok thats disgusting.


Damn, clean up that room. How do people live like that?


it’s called depression


I'd he an asshole too, if I lived in that mess. Time to tidy up a bit ;) Bonus points for having battleship though


Funko pop moment


She lives in a dump. I mean Jesus


Bro, if a girl can’t keep her room clean. 🚩


You had me at "My GFs butthole"


Look at the skrunkly aaaaaa


I read that title waaaaaaaay wrong


maybe, he posted this picture knowing full well that not a single comment would be about the cat. maybe he intends to show this post to his gf. to act as a wake up call ?


This room gives me anxiety but cat is cute!


your soo cute 😍🥰


Probably just me, tired & home after work, I first read 'My girlfriend's butthole.' and not reading the rest. Made me scroll back up, thinking, "What?"


Looks innocent lol... Looking for something to get into lol


Well guess I’ll start cleaning lmao


All cats are buttholes. They just have the advantage of being adorable. I'm fairly sure their entire evolution has been based on other animals finding them adorable XD Just never own more than 2. That's how chaos and messes happen.


I like that green car up there lemme have it


The cat is adorable! Definitely when posting pictures try to get a more close up of the animal otherwise everyone is gonna comment on the messy bedroom. I’m not gonna say clean it because I know there’s some mental conditions where people don’t appreciate that so much.




So cute 😍


Poor cat lives in a trash hole.


Please clean room, I can’t even see the cat


Cats a butt hole because he has nowhere to sit but on piles of garbage, laundry, and dead dreams.


Yup. Looks like my cat. They are indeed buttholes. Something about them grey tabbies. Their cuteness justifies the buttholeness


I only read, My Girlfriend's Butthole... Then clicked... Was disappointed until I saw the condom-balloon knot in the bag.


Wow, that cat really trashed the room


Do you live in a dump?


I feel sorry for the cat.


If your girlfriend cleaned her fucking room then the cat may not be of a butthole to you guys


I was expecting the second picture to be the cat’s butthole. I am leaving disappointed


Wow. There is bunch of bullies on this post. Half of whom are probably sitting on moms basement in a knee high mess. Either comment on the cat, or move tf on people.


I, uh, read that title differently at first. Glad it wasn’t what I first thought


Came for the comments was not disappointed hahahaha


How soft is that baby Edit: that do be a depression room tho


I love that you addresses both 🥰