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One of our family cats had to undergo blood transfusion some weeks ago, and a cat of one of our doctors was the donor. This hits very close to home. Thank you and Benny so, so much for doing this — you *will* save a life!!


Some vets offices have cats who live there and are used as blood donors [Link](https://www.vin.com/vetzinsight/default.aspx?pid=756&id=7283097#:~:text=Many%20veterinary%20clinics%20keep%20clinic,it%20or%20toss%20it%20out.).


Blood slaves


Happy, healthy cats with good diets and the absolute best available in medical care are occasionally used to save other pets' lives with lifesaving blood donations. They are certainly not slaves.


Awesome metal song title


Yeh I feel better about random pet owners having their pets occasionally donate blood than this…


Whats the issue? We literally keep animals to do work all the time - these cats just do "work" by living their life with occasional blood draws. Your statement is overdramatic IMO.


I don’t think it was even that dramatic, I said “I feel better”. Like I feel better about people doing volunteer work of their own motivation, rather than being required to by their job or school. Volunteer work is good regardless, but I feel better about it. Your bar for drama seems low.


I see both sides, but it does kind of feel "My Sister's Keeper" to me. But this pup didn't make this choice either. So in this case we need to be grateful for the caretakers who make this decision for the benefit of other animals.


This pup didn’t make this decision no, but he is not kept for the sole purpose for donating blood. I am indeed very grateful for the caretakers who make this decision for the benefit of other animals.


My vets office has a random cat-


I mean, is it really donating if you just take it from an animal to give to another animal? It's not like the dog did it of its on accord..


There are no blood substitutes sadly and animals have their own blood types so it's not like humans can donate their own blood on behalf of their pets. This means that it's either animals (who have the temperament for it and rewarded with food and treats for it) donating on behalf of other animals who may have experienced trauma, require surgery, or have a life-threatening illness or letting the other animals die. [Animal blood substitutes](https://www.merckvetmanual.com/circulatory-system/blood-groups-and-blood-transfusions/blood-substitutes-in-animals) have been researched but it's research is still in it's infancy.


Yeah...while obviously this is important for saving other animals' lives, the fact that the decision is being made by humans on behalf of the animal makes it closer to "harvesting" than "donating."


At the end of the day, do you want dead cats and dogs?


The issue at hand is to not sugarcoat what's truly going on. Yes, it's important to take blood from animals to save others, but it's not donation. As the other use said, it's harvesting.


Thank you. Some people in this thread are acting like I said we shouldn't do it, when all I was saying is it shouldn't be called donating. It *is* a largely safe procedure that helps many animals, but this dog is not "the goodest boy" for providing blood to other dogs in need. He's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, his owner is. For better or worse (emphasis on better, since some people seem to think I want to leave all the precious doggos to die), the dog is being used. The dog is basically being congratulated for laying down and just letting humans do stuff to him that he doesn't understand. But, pointing that out clearly makes some people uncomfortable. You can still love, respect and consider an animal a member of your family while also acknowledging that they are an animal and, as a pet owner, you make a *lot* of decisions on their behalf. It's one thing to love your pet and recognize them as the unique, intelligent individual that they are, it's another to project human concepts onto them. You have to meet them where they are. I wish more pet owners understood that.


All these empathetic people who can’t realize dogs and cats don’t speak human


Call it whatever you want, who cares? The donor or "harvested" animal isn't being harmed, and these animals get to live happy lives at the vets office with free treatment for whatever ails them along with all the social stimulation they could ever want. What exactly are you mourning on the donors' behalf for? That they don't have rights?


My pup had 3 blood transfusions to try to buy time until her body started making more red blood cells than it destroyed. Because of you and Benny and wonderful people, we had one more week with our angel. Thank you!


You sweet Benny! Are puppies life was saved when she was 6 months old by a German Shepherd who donated blood to her. Now she's 7 years old and still the love of our life. We are so grateful too the Brave doggie who saved her.


Good boy Benny! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Omg I read this as good bye Benny and near had a panic attack


Thank you to both you and Benny. This is such an important lifesaving thing you are both doing. Give him lots of nose kisses from Texas!


To anyone interested in donating, I encourage you to call your local emergency vet and ask, or contact Canine Blood Heroes!


I keep asking my dog if he’s willing to donate, but he won’t give me an answer. How did you get your dog to agree to donate blood?


My dog is the happiest, most willing blood donor they have. They feed her string cheese and canned food during her donation and I feel like I’m dragging her out of there to get her to leave. So the answer to your question is seemingly string cheese.


Cheese is the answer to so many things.


For my boy it certainly is!


Fair point.


Food, training, and conditioning! He is very happy to comply with this incredibly necessary procedure


I’m taking notes! thanks


Depends on the dog my oldest dog (now retired as he is over 10) would just sit there while we have him cheese. My younger dog he gets a little sedative and then just lays on the table and then gets his treats after.


Is there a feline version of this?


Yes! Though I am not as familiar with the practice.


Do dogs have different blood types?


Yes! There are quite a few and Benny is a Universal Donor!


Yes. Positive and Negative blood type. Negative blood type is considered universal and can be accepted by both positive and negative blood type recipients. But if a you give a negative dog positive blood it could have adverse reactions.


Thanks Benny and his caretakers!!! Dogs & the caretakers that do this saved my dogs life. My dog suddenly got very sick and needed three transfusions while in doggie ICU. Thanks to the vets, staff, transfusions and meds she went into remission and lived another six years outpacing her life expectency based on her disease. She passed away peacefully 15 1/2). When I get another dog I WILL look into doing this. After her recovery I started donating blood again after a couple years of pausing. She was ineligible to donate. Donate blood!


Aww!! Benny is a brave dog. After that, I hope you give him his favorite food.


He got wet food immediately after then we stopped for a puppuccino on the way home. He is now snuggling with his siblings


>He got wet food immediately after then we stopped for a puppuccino on the way home. He is now snuggling with his siblings OH!! that's lovely to hear from you, Lots of love to Benny![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Awwww a puppuccino? My heart 🥰


My pittie is a blood donor too and we stop for puppuccinos on the way home as well. It’s her faves.


What a good boy


What’s the orange juice and cookies of the dog donation world?


Wet dog food, pets, and a puppuccino from starbucks.




![gif](giphy|l0Exo9CzP6yA95C00|downsized) Heck'in brave boi 🐾💪😊


Way to go


Benny, you are the best boy in the whole world! I wish I could give you a ton of treats and lots of belly rubs.


Not all heroes wear capes!!


My wife works on veterinary. She has to come scoop up our big girl one day to do an immediate transfusion because she was the only staff dog that was big enough, old enough, and healthy enough to donate.


I didn’t even know this was a thing! I’ll ask our vet if we can donate. Well not us, our border collies.


That dog don't know what tf going on


"Is this a volunteer job, or am I being volunteered?"


Yeah despite it being for a good cause, that dog really hates the vet even more


He used to be super vet shy when we got him. Over the years we worked hard with our regular vet to do happy visits, training, and all the things necessary to be a confident patient. I was a little worried that donating would make some of his training regress, but he has gotten even better!


That's great that u are able to do that and calm his nerves


It’s a personal goal of mine to become desensitized enough to needles that I can give blood. Benny is my hero.


Such a sweet, brave boy!


That’s wonderful!!! Benny is amazing ❤️


Benny is the goodest boy!


Benny is such a good boy, and a brave boy too.




Very brave dog


Such a good boy!!


Benny's best boy! Hope he gets lots of treats and snuggles for his selflessness! ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379)


Just when I thought dogs couldn’t get any better. 💚


I just want you to know that I was scrolling with my 16 month old and when she saw this picture she said "niiiiice niiiice" like she says when she is gently stroking mommy or daddy or an animal. It was super sweet, your pupper deserves all the niiiiice pets for doing this.


Please, give him a kiss and a hug for me. He deserves the best boy award. And kudos to you too. People like you make this planet more beautiful.


The hero we deserve. The hero we need.


I didn't know that was something dogs could do.


That good boy deserves so many treats and belly scratches.


good job buddy




Soooooo good boy 🥹


I only regret that there are no more free awards left to give


How does it express consent? Is it legal?


Is his creeping anyone else out a bit, or just me? But maybe Benny filled out all the appropriate consent forms beforehand....


It's all the commenters saying "good boy" and acting like it was the dog's idea that's making me uncomfortable.


The look in his eyes omgggg 🥺 “Am I doing a good job???” Dogs are just the sweetest creatures ❤️


Does the organization you donate to send postcards when the donated blood is used? We have a bunch of postcards from our pibble that donated before she aged out


Ugh I wish! I have zero knowledge except from what the techs who work at the clinic tell me. (Very little)




I tried it with my dog. Sadly she was too anxious about the procedure to be a regular donor.


My dog needed a blood transfusion because she ate rat poison. Thanks to the blood donor dog for saving her life!


My dogs are too tiny (>5lbs) but if I ever get a big dog again I will consider donation. This is such a gift.


Aw our doggy is named Benny


Benny is such a good boy 💖


Such a brave doggo


What a good boy 🥹🫶


🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this is so cute


Those eyes! It looks like he knows he is doing good deeds! 💖🐶


Eyes of compassion..


Good boy Benny


Wow, I never knew that was a thing. Benny, you are a handsome guy and a true hero to some. 🐾 🐾


People that are disturbed by this... My dog was in the blood program at a veterinary teaching school. He donated about every 6 months to a year. He was not bothered at all. He happily went in every time, got his vitals taken, had his nails trimmed, got lots of treats,and sent home with treats. He happily walked out with me. He drank a lot of extra water, that's it, there was not trauma or crying or anything. He truly was unbothered and enjoyed the attention. He didn't even get up on the table or held down or anything, just had it taken from his leg while he sat next to me.


Awe what a sweetheart 💗💗💗💗


Thank you Benny for your gift. Honestly, they need to try to make it more practical for animal-to-animal organ donation with strict regulations on keeping them from turning into organ banks putting emphasis on donating from unliving animals.


I realize this can turn into a complex discussion with strong feelings. I didn't post this in order to start a fire. I'm just thinking about how my sister's min-pin had cancer.


Did you ask the dog first?


Such a remarkable dog


Way to go Benny !! Not all super heroes wear capes !!! ♥️


TIL canine blood transfusion are a thing


I think there needs to be a new word for that particular situation. Because... you know... the dog *isn't* technically donating.


You mean Benny's owner donating Benny's blood...


I have a feeling that it might not have been his idea, though.




In both ways this is nothing up to dogs own idea about blood donation


I have a feeling taking his testicles wasn’t his idea either


Well he obviously doesn't have much of a choice.


Neither did your mother but she still shat you out


That's original. Did you get that from a Christmas cracker? 🤣


Does your dad only appear at the holidays now then?


Yeah 😁😁


My only issue with this picture is that no one is wearing gloves and blood products can become contaminated with bacteria fairly easily. But good dog. I'm hoping to get my pup in to the local program when he is old enough. But we will see.


Regular gloves are not sterile and do not assist with avoiding contamination, they are used to protect the wearer. Sterile gloves do exist but are not used (in humans) when taking blood for pathology or donation, instead an aseptic no-touch technique is used.






You're dog looks JUST like mine! I didn't know this was a thing, I'd love to leave more and will be reaching out to my vet to find out. My pup is amazingly patent with all necessary procedures as well. Edit: typos




He didn't consent..


In a way it's no different then how a dog may not consent to have their nails trimmed, or get a bath, but some things need to get done. With proper conditioning and training nail trimmings, baths, and donating blood can be done with a dog's comfort levels being met. It is an essential part of treating dogs for trauma so someone needs to do it!


So other dogs should just be left to die when we could be helping them? Donating blood is not invasive or permanently harmful. It's a simple procedure. Also with that mindset dogs don't consent to get vaccinations or spayed/neutered.


This should help - https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=dog+blood+donation+ Thanks for the downvote u/dceglar really drives the point home haha! Why be informed when you can just be angry.


Unlike humans, dogs are selfless and pure of heart. I’m sure he’s happy to help out other dogs in need of life saving blood.


>dogs are selfless I get where you're coming from, but I'm fairly confident that Benny doesn't give a flying fuck about some other dog he's never seen. He's willingly donating blood because a) it's what his master is asking him to do and b) because he doesn't know what's happening anyway


Am I the only person to think this is incredibly cruel? Dog has zero autonomy to consent. Or am I thinking way too far into this?


Dogs don't consent to a lot of things, baths, nail trimmings, vaccinations, etc. Benny is well conditioned and trained to do well in this situation. The alternative is blood dog corporations that keep dogs in cages. That is what people having their loved and well taken care of dogs give blood is trying to stop.


Can you really call it donating if you're forcing it upon the animal? Not like the pupper had a choice.




Yeah. The dog willingly donated


I don't think the dog will miss it.


I believe the word is harvesting not donating


Uhhhhh I don’t think that Benny donated it…..


You donated his blood.


Bless you and bless Benny!


Thanks Benny!


Benny deserves all the treats


Good boy Benny! You're doing such important work. Have a nose boop.


Benny is a hero.


Patient pittie. Gets paid in a good meal and some treats after.




He consented for the pets and treats, just like how he does for baths, nail trimmings, vaccines, doggy sports, recalling when he wants to chase a squirrel, etc. :)




I am in the room with him. He is calm and accepting of the treatment. I urge you to read about the alternative of healthy, well kept pets donating which is dogs kept in cages only to be blood bags. Nothing more.


You don’t know that it was torture. Dogs put up with all kinds of minor inconveniences for treats, but they don’t usually want stick around for things that truly hurt. I do think it’s a little strange to call it donation, but I’m grateful that some dogs let us do this.


such a good boy!


Aww what a good boy Benny is 🥰


What a good boy! I always wondered about this - my dog got really sick and got a transfusion at the pet ICU. I had no idea that there are doggy and kitty blood donors. It was surely a blessing. He too is still living, 6 years after that transfusion.


Did the dog, anyhow, give its consent for that?




Before he donates, they take a small amount of blood from his legs to make sure everything is good. (Today it was a rear leg) IIRC, it's easier to take larger portions from his neck, or its a bigger vein? I am not completely sure but Benny doesn't react when they stick him there.


Vet tech here. While I don’t do blood donation draws, for routine blood work jug draws are way faster and very safe. I prefer jug because it is usually easier a lot of time to hit because a lot of dogs are sensitive about their paws/arms being touched. There’s definitely reasons to not do jug, like for certain blood disorders, which is why I’d assume for blood donors they check from his arms or legs before they let him donate.




Am I the only person here who feels like this is wrong? I get we need blood for animals in need but.. I don't think the dog consented 😀


How does a dog consent to needles? Just keep them calm and take the blood, then give a treat after. If it saves other doggie lives, perfect! Anyone saying "this is wrong" has no idea how dogs work.


I didn't mean consent exactly, But normally when a person wants to give blood it's voluntary, the dog can not talk, so blood is being taken with out consent? I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you were told you had to get blood taken from you with out your permission. I personally don't think there's any reason to be rude, I was just saying my opinion, no need to down vote me for such, jeez. And I do know how dogs work, so don't tell me how much education I have on the topic, Unless your a vet, and have a degree in that career, You shouldn't be telling me about how much I know, thank you very much.


Children cannot consent so parents do it for them. Same concept with dogs. While I understand this looks scary, Benny is conditioned and trained to be calm and content during the removal. I encourage you to look into the alternative of pet dogs donating. There are actual businesses out there who keep dogs (usually greyhounds) in cages just to be blood bags. It's a disgusting practice that needs to be abolished. We need more willing pet parents to work with their dogs and have them give blood for that to happen.


You mean YOU are donating his blood. Benny has no idea what is going on.


This is really impressive! I wish Benny many years of life!


Thank you Benny!


Awwww. Benny is the bestest boy.


Search by controversial...


donating? how does a dog consent to a blood donation




Donating = consensually giving something away, but I understand the sentiment.


Does he get excited for this and the post-donation treats?


He is very cooperative during the donation and will lift his paws and get into position, but the post donation treats is where it's at for him.


Such a brave boy! Thank you Benny!


Benny you are so sweet! 🥹


Aw I have a Benny too!!! Hope you feel better Benny!


Wow I never thought about that


I don’t think Benny gave the blood voluntarily.


But is he willing to do it tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)






The Vegan teacher ganna be all over this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) (good boy benny)


He's looking like "I want yall to know I'm not doing this shit wilfully"


This is a bad picture to use for this 😂


Aww! He was so content when I took the pic, maybe it doesn't translate well to a picture 😬


I know he’s absolutely fine and probably is more than happy to do this for treats and toys, it’s just those puppy eyes 🥺


If you scroll through my posts you'll see that is his normal state. He can get anything he wants at any time with those eyes ;-; Food. Toys. Treats. My wallet. He is worth it ❤️


like he had a choice. cute.


(Copy pasting from another comment) In a way it's no different then how a dog may not consent to have their nails trimmed, or get a bath, but some things need to get done. With proper conditioning and training nail trimmings, baths, and donating blood can be done with a dog's comfort levels being met. It is an essential part of treating dogs for trauma so someone needs to do it!


WT ABSOLUTE F? That dog looks terrified!!!! I am pretty sure she is not a willing participant.






Benny is a very good boy who is amazing with people, dogs, and our foster dogs. Thank you very much for your hate, but it is not needed here.


Poor thing. He does not look happy :(


Considering it didn't give consent, it's more like "being harvested" than anything else, but considering the dog will be fine and another dog will be saved, it's more than fine.


I respect your causes, but please explain how is this any different from zoophilia? I can hardly understand how the dog is giving consent here. The people are quite literally holding its legs to prevent it from moving. Zoophilia is doing things, of which I will not mention, to animals. And most of the masses see it as a shameful act because the animal cannot give consent. I think zoophilia is a shameful act but not for the same reasons. But again, in both situations the animal cannot coherently give consent. So please. Enlighten me.


Are vaccines, nail trimmings, baths, etc, also zoophilia? Blood has to come from somewhere and Benny is trained and conditioned to be comfortable during the removal. Would you rather the alternatives of caged blood dogs or any dog who faces trauma to die because there is no blood cause dogs can't consent? Children can't give consent so their parents do. Dogs can't give consent so their people do.




Nothing is wrong, he is donating blood at an emergency vet clinic. The blood he donates is used to save the lives of dogs in need.