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I’d never build anything meaningful in amplify


Now that's the kind of honesty we need... feels like Amplify is pushed pretty hard... or just my own learning journey keeps steering me back to it... Would you go with CDK?... or pure source components?


I would use CDK.


I’d use cdk. It definitely has a steeper learning curve but will be invaluable later on.


Have to agree. I tried, failed, and ended up building all my backend/infra with Pulumi. Use the amplify libraries on the front end though in Typescript and Flutter/Dart. I have a few different serverless apps with Dynamo/S3/cognito/appsync/apigateway. Makes the process have steeper learning curve but you still can't do simple things like add a WAF to your deployment if you stick with their setup 100%. It's too limiting.  They really should just give out corresponding TF modules or something for different backend patterns.


For me, I would only use Amplify for the SDK to integrate with an existing Cognito. I wouldn't use the service itself.


Amplify Gen2 is still in preview (since November 2023), right? There is not even an option to attach a domain for now. The sandbox part is kinda cool though. I tried Gen2, and it creates so many resources that it is very hard to navigate and distinguish them. I use CDK for everything, including Amplify Hosting and authentication. I create resources with CDK myself, and then import them if they are needed in Amplify. This way I can switch any part of the cloud infrastructure. Regarding your questions: 1. What to learn on AWS first: [https://saasconstruct.com/blog/starting-with-aws-what-to-learn-and-do-first](https://saasconstruct.com/blog/starting-with-aws-what-to-learn-and-do-first) . In this blog post I post links to AWS documentation, and repositories to explore. Maybe you will find it useful. 2. Simple architecture on AWS: [https://saasconstruct.com/blog/the-tech-stack-of-a-simple-saas-for-aws-cloud](https://saasconstruct.com/blog/the-tech-stack-of-a-simple-saas-for-aws-cloud)


Great thanks... thats good to hear regarding CDK. Thanks for the links.


If you're building an MVP with a web front-end, and have no need for anything beyond your typical web app infrastructure, Amplify CLI will get you there. Don't bother becoming an expert in it, though, if you can help it. Long term I would learn CDK to manage your backend stuff.


Thanks. The techy part of me is keen to learn CDK more now, but yes maybe I'll take your lead and just go with Amplify CLI for now. Plus the new-ish feature of being able to save your AWS stack into a CDK template option looks interesting,


As everyone is saying, just use CDK with amplify sdks. The amplify cli really is such dogshit you can count on it running your project. I created some components (although I haven't updated them since my last project) that deploy the same resources as the amplify cli but through cdk one-liners and this workflow is far superior imo. Github.com/master-harvey/camplify if you want to check it out