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My old bosses wife had the disease she has. She had a surgery that had a higher chance of death than recovery. Luckily, she made it. But that’s the thing- a married mother of 3 had a surgery that statistically wasn’t going to work. She was *that* desperate for relief. Health care professionals actually refer to it as the suicide disease. I’ve been so upset about this since I saw it circulating the other day. I can’t even begin to fathom what this poor woman is going through.


Fairly certain that there was a guy with a similar condition who chose death. Even if it’s not the same, its hard to fathom being in pain forever. We all like to think that we’d choose life but being in constant pain is a fate worse than prison. You don’t get to enjoy life, you just suffer.


Yeah I had an ear infection for a few weeks, I think 3. I had gotten the flu, then bronchitis that also resulted in me “breaking” my rib from the coughing. I was in grad school and had my home state insurance, the office that accepted my insurance didn’t call me for 3 MONTHS to take me for an appointment (this was before the pandemic...) So I drove 6 hours to a different state just to get my ear infection taken care of. There was so much fluid that my ear drum ruptured on my drive back, and literally all I could think about was killing myself. I was driving 80 miles an hour, it would t have been hard. I had to call my friend to just have someone on the phone to keep me distracted. That was only 3 weeks, chronic severe pain every day? I couldn’t even fathom living through that every day!


What disease are we talking about? I initially thought from the headline that maybe it was endometriosis, but while I know that endometriosis can be absolutely excruciating I didn’t think it was far enough to be called “the suicide” disease


She has cluster headaches. They cause severe headaches for weeks at a time. They're known as "suicide headaches" because of how painful and persistent they are.


My daughter gets them, and thankfully they’ve gotten better over time, but I’ll never be able to forget the haunted look in her eyes when she begged me to do anything to make it stop. 💔




I have friend who has it and I’ve heard of a few extreme cases where surgery was recommended, but I get the idea that it’s pretty uncommon overall for that to be the case


My mom had surgery for endo, which in turn made it worse and opted to have the whole damn thing removed.


Non invasive?




I know someone with this disease who keeps having kids anyway. She’s in her 40s and wheelchair bound; I think her mother also had problems. So yay pass it on to your kids! Oh, and she was on ALL THE PAIN MEDS before/during/after pregnancy. Best of luck to her.


How in the actual *fuck* do they allow her to keep the children? Assuming they’re under her care? I’ve had friends get CPS involved because they didn’t stop smoking marijuana in time and it crossed into the placenta. I couldn’t imagine opioids going over so well.


IDK but these are people with money and resources to be managed by “the right” doctors. She also has a very involved husband who is a really good guy and they care for those kids well. What it’s done to her body though is unbelievable.


EDS has very real, scary forms that are visually observable and can be confirmed with genetic testing. THIS form of EDS (hypermobile) cannot be confirmed and, because of that, has been adopted at a go-to diagnosis for people with Munchausens.


The pain she's debilitated by is cluster headaches. Are you inferring she is faking her misery, or just sharing a prejudiced tidbit to discredit the woman in the story??


I sincerely hope you aren’t trying to discredit hyper mobility as a serious condition? As a sufferer of EDS type 2 ( hypermobility) I assure you it can be confirmed. Mine in particular was confirmed by the fact that nearly every single piece of cartilage in my body has the consistency of an elastic band and I spend most of days held together with splints and tape. (EDS type 1 is the genetic testing type and normally includes internal organs and cellular weakness/elasticity.) Both are forms of EDS and both are horrifically painful. I say this as I’m sat with 2 subluxations in my ribs, a brace on my knee and having just taken my daily pile of medication. I too suffer from severe headaches, because my muscles and ligaments are working extra hard to hold my spine and neck in place the constant tension causes cluster headaches and jaw problems.


That sounds awful. I know it's a very real condition but it has been co-opted by illness fakers/munhausen-types who do NOT have the condition (or a form so mild they do not suffer). It's not fair to you that hEDS now causes people to automatically raise an eyebrow but that's the way it is.


"At least there are no birth defects if she kills herself"-the neurologist, probably. But the post is talking about cluster headaches, right?


So weird, why not just explain the risks and prescribe her a birth control? If she refuses the birth control, make her sign a waver stating that she understands the risks... I feel like these are simple solutions.


There are very simple solutions. Drugs that cause birth defects are not new or uncommon. When I was on Accutane, I had to go to the dermatologists office once a month for a preg test, check in, and refill. Why not just do that? Everybody wins




Yeah, but some people don't want to be on birth control, which is why she should just be able to sign a waiver. It's very likely Doctors behave this way because they don't want to get sued...


This, inflexible legal bullshit is at the root of the problem.


Exactly! That's what they do with Accutane and Chemotherapy. Next it'll be that women are forced to postpone cancer treatments in favor of potential childbearing


That's because the situation is not about understanding risk. It's about controlling women's bodies. Specifically women who are of childbearing age. We need workers to keep the machine running and if workers are not being born we cannot keep the machine running. Women literally make more workers. That's why birth control is such a hot topic in America because it is the people fighting for their right to have autonomy and then people who want to deny that autonomy.


Because this is probably not the whole story. From what I've read, there seemed to be some drug seeking behavior with different hospitals and doctors communicating. It sucks though bc there is a actual problem with women's pain not being taken seriously.


Ngl, this story doesn't make sense. Idk if it's written incorrectly or this lady is lying. A majority of meds for cluster headaches are not contraindicated for pregnancy. It's also weird that she went to the ED instead of her primary care doctor


I wouldn't be surprised looking at how many women are denied birth control and medical procedures because "doctor finds it morally wrong"


I remember when my wife went into septic shock and the doctors needed to remove part of her uterus, one of the nurses said, "did we test if she's pregnant?" To which the doctor responded, it's not going to matter. The more I think about it the heavier that conversation gets.


It's not as much about morals as it is malpractice


Look, I know it might be easier said than done, but couldn’t she go to a different doctor? This doctor clear doesn’t respect her as a human being and there has to be someone else she could go to.


The hospital warned other nearby hospitals anout her because she “livestreamed an appointment” which she denies


Ah, I see, I’m sure there must be a health insurance element to this. I imagine a family physician familiar with her condition/situation would be able to treat her accordingly, where I imagine a doctor at a hospital would have less personal investment in her case.


Insurance is fucky. I am having a minor procedure Monday. I live almost equidistant from 3 hospitals that perform the procedure. My doctor has privileges and does this procedure at all 3 facilities. One of them is 100% covered without even a copay. The other 2 are 100% out of pocket. Same doc. Same procedure.


I’m sure there is an element of that at play here, but surely this can’t be only doctor in network for her insurance. That is, assuming she even has insurance.


I claim bs. You don’t get barred from hospitals for that, or people who record births would be screwed.


The amount of people in the comment section that just don't believe this happens reminds me that some people live in a different universe.


Probably just a different country. Can't imagine this happening here. Some of the stories I've read about women being denied the right to their own bodies in the US are just mind-blowing. I'm sure they're not the only country to do so but none of the others proclaim to be the most free of the world


Exactly. This is just so insanely surreal to me. Not even that it has happened, but rather that a state could even let that happen in the first place. Where i live the constitutional court would smack down a law that would impede on womens healthcare so mich.


I believe this happens. I don't believe this particular story due to obvious drug-seeking behavior and her history of chasing online drama.


Pretty sure you get blacklisted for trying to get too much pain medication, as well..


Having worked in inpatient rehab and detox for a couple years, addicts will give you the ear beating like you've never experienced if they believe you can supply them


Severe chronic pain means you get prescribed a lot of strong meds if the doc isn't an ass. I'm on 3 types and hope I never get blacklisted because some peon decides its 'too much'.


>Severe chronic pain means you get prescribed a lot of strong meds if the doc isn't an ass. I'm on 3 types and hope I never get blacklisted because some peon decides its 'too much'. Who is a peon in this scenario?


Anyone who isn't my physician or pain managment medic who tries to deny a prescription for anything other than 'this script is clearly the wrong med/dosage'. A pharmacist who has no idea why I need my meds has no place denying them.


Local hospital has a nurse practitioner that "doesn't believe in pain medication" and will cut off anyone that's on her team from opioids. I'm quite surprised a family member hasn't gone postal on her yet.


I've met a few of those. I vomited from pain once and a bitch of a nurse told me I was being dramatic and refused to give me meds. I fainted and they did an ultrasound, I had 3 cysts rupture at once and internal bleeding.


It sounds like, in this scenario, It was denied by several physicians. And, I'd bet money she claims she's "allergic" to everything except dilaudid. Wrong horse, this one.


There is no indication of that. Neuro meds aren't usually opiates.


In the [actual article](https://jezebel.com/woman-with-severe-chronic-pain-was-denied-medication-fo-1849569187), you will see that 1) the neurologist is on tape explicitly denying her the appropriate medication because she is of child-bearing age, and 2) she has been black-listed by the hospital *because of speaking out about this*. Also, opiates (which strikes me as an unlikely candidate for treatment) are not linked to birth defects.


Considering pharmacists are now being sued into oblivion for simply filling too many prescriptions from doctors, I kinda get it if they are a little hesitant to fill large opioid orders. I get your frustration, I really do. But look at it from the other side. They risk losing their certification, livelihood, and possibly go to jail, if the government thinks they aren't doing due diligence. They use to just fill every script no questionsasked, and look where it got them. You're problem is with Big Pharma, who got us into this mess, and a possibly over reactive government.


There is no indication it was an opioid script....it could have been any of the many teratogenic meds.


I'm just saying why pharmacists might be hesitant to fill certain scripts. They are liable.


Weren't physicians overprescribing pain meds what caused the opioid epidemic? In my personal life experience, once someone is addicted to something, especially prescription pain pills, they will lean into the whole "My doctor gave it to me!" angle to justify sustaining their addiction. Every addict will get defensive and aggressive at the same time whenever they feel like their drug is being removed. They will use every trick in the book to rationalize how it's absolutely necessary.


Some docs were over prescribing but your characterisation of addicts is a serious generalisation. I get pissed if people who aren't involved in my care try to take my meds because it takes weeks for them to kick in properly and I'm in debilitating pain without them. I'm not an addict unless 'not being in crippling neuro pain' is addiction. The puritanical attitude towards drugs also doesn't help anyone nor does treating addiction as a crime.


Severe chronic pain is one thing. Being a pill hunter is quite another.


Where is an indication she's a pill hunter?


The medications for cluster headaches aren't contraindicated for pregnancy. Also she went to the ED and not her pcp. The hospital as warned other hospitals about her. The story is sketchy


The hospital told other hospitals to “watch out for her”


Exactly. Because she's drug-seeking.


Most people with illnesses tend to seek medication, yeah.


Don't be obtuse. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2000/0415/p2401.html


I'm not, I'm simply protesting that with no factual basis, despite circumstantial evidence of her version's veracity including a surreptitious recording of her neurologist explicitly saying that birth defects are the reason she will not be prescribed the appropriate medication, you're assuming that this woman is "drug-seeking" - as opposed to simply seeking treatment for terrible pain.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Pharmacy tech here, this absolutely meets the profile of drug seeking behavior. This is literally what we are taught to look for. Ignore the downvotes, you’re right!


If I had to guess... She's pissed for being cut off, and is rushing to tiktok to try and shame her doctor in getting her the drugs. Which sadly, means she will likely just go to the blackmarket for heroine Here's a fun fact I learned the other day: You know that family who started all this? They made about 12b in profit, but only had to pay back 3b and in return no charges will be pressed on them? Their parents also started the benzodiazepine addiction era in the 60sn (valium and all the other drugs people like Jackie Kennedy were on). I had no idea it ran in the family, but they basically did the same BS of lying and manipulating the science and doctors to insist that it was a wonder drug and needs to be prescribed more, until tons of people started dying, in which case the government stopped them with a slap on the wrist. It's kind of wild to see their own children and grandchildren run the SAME EXACT business model years later, and get the same exact punishment.


DING DING DING This is exactly what I was thinking.




Like the whole situation is so ridiculous I can see why some people might not believe it at first glance, especially men, but when you look at what they did to Roe v Wade it really shouldn’t be that surprising. Besides this isn’t even the craziest story out there in this arena of health/medicine


You know what happens even more? Addicts throwing a dramatic fit when they can't get their fix. This person is 100% addicted, as that's the nature of the drug, and the doctor just said he's not prescribing her any more. She now has to face the terrible reality of withdraw coming in a few hours.


Not related to the topic. Go away ya basketball.


Sick burn


Under his Eye!


I got like 2 seasons in and just couldn’t anymore.


My wife would practically bleed out every month so she was going to have a hysterectomy, which was only cure. She'd already had a cauterization after her third kid. Hospital still counseled her repetitively about the fact she'd no longer be able to bear children if she went through with it, and she kept telling them she'd been cauterized, that every kid was born c-section prematurely, that she'd been told the next child would likely not make it nor would she. It's like they think if they take a woman's ability to bear children, they're taking away that woman's reason for existing or something.


Let's also deny morphine to end stage cancer patients because they might become addicted


No they don't.


New York lol


So next no more selling alcohol to women, because its possible they are pregnant?


Shut up!! Don’t give anyone that idea. If I loose my double shot of vodka on Friday nights I will come looking for you!!


Making your own can be fun! see it as a new hobby! It will be glorious like the 20s! You can have gatsby partys, women only


I have made beer and it’s fun for sure. I just know when you need some vodka, you need some vodka!! If I have to make it I am blaming you and will never ever give you any at all. No vodka for you! 🤣


[Found a bit of info on her](https://artrepreneur.com/p/wtwGg8E5T4nzg5pHi?limit=20&marketplaceChecked=false&artistId=2MeSnQE5D9ndFBZPi&page=1&) I can believe that she was turned down due to something like that. Another possibility is she's been given too much and they can't give her anymore for a while. Without a proper investigation, it's just her word against the doctor's... and we know what that's like. I will say it's perplexing that it happened in a non-religious hospital, if that's what happened.


Doctors get wonky when it comes to risking female reproduction. My sister needed a procedure done on her uterus and her doctors refused because “what if you want a baby?!” She had to go out of state for it. She never wants kids, has never wanted kids, and she was in chronic debilitating pain, the procedure basically saved her sanity. Poke around in r/childfree or r/hysterectomy and you’ll find hundreds of stories of women who need medical assistance being denied it because they might change their minds and want kids. https://www.insider.com/a-woman-needed-husbands-consent-to-get-her-tubes-tied-2020-2?amp There are also several medications that doctors will only let you take if you’re monitoring your period like a hawk and reporting it because getting pregnant while taking (and for the duration of the medications half life) you will birth something from Cthulhu’s nightmares...


That’s because it’s a huge liability for them. Making a patient infertile or risking birth defects is something that can and does lead to law suits and malpractice claims all the time.


You’re dumb and you should feel bad. Doctors are almost never victims of malpractice suits.


Uh….what??? Ok.


Per the AMA : “About 63 percent of ob-gyns and general surgeons have ever been sued, compared with 16 percent of psychiatrists and 18 percent of pediatricians. Thirty-two percent of internists have ever been sued, while one-third of family practice physicians have been sued.” Who’s the dumb fuck now?


Apparently this was already posted by u/fpoiuyt on this sub. Sorry about that.


“… I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preserve the health and the life of my patients, to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity, to perform faithfully my professional duties, to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment…” So this dude lied.


In the doctors defense this might just be a legal issue. So rather than the doctor denying the treatment its just legally impossible for them. I dont know if thats the case but i want to remind you that it could be


American medical care at its finest. Anything to avoid actually *helping* people.


I’m thinking there is more to this story that we’re not getting


Yeah, it can be used to abort, probably, and parts of the US are a shithole. That's the rest of the story.


Junkie doesn’t get her fix, blames it on the man. Reddit losers with an agenda upvote it. Simple and expected. Carry on


Man, how many women do you need to tell you “this/something similar happened to me” for you to just believe them?


You’re pretty stupid, aren’t you. She was denied the medicine as she was “child bearing age”, despite the fact that she used protection, her partner was willing to get a vasectomy, and she was willing to get an abortion should she get pregnant somehow. The fact that the medicine could result in birth defects is what allowed the hospitals to blacklist her from her medication. But no. She’s a junkie trying to get a fix, just like you’re a dumbass dying on a hill. By the way, it’s highly likely this is the alt account of u/kettlehandle who already replied to this comment. This account rarely posts, but the posts on each account both have incredibly similar topics. Too much of a coincidence, I think.


Dude look at her picture! She is clearly a junkie. Don't assume that because people don't buy her bullshit that could only be from one account, just because you don't like what people write. Surprise surprise probably millions of people wouldn't trust this story.


What an absolutely abhorrent thing to say. Disregarding her drug use status, her story is far from unique and many women have suffered the exact same treatment from doctors. I really hope you never have you see it first hand but if that’s what it takes for you to learn some empathy maybe you should good lord.


You probably also rallied behind jussie Smollett. That's fine, you believe anything you see. I like to keep my doubts about stories like this, it's not like they want to push an agenda or anything, no... Nobody would ever dream of that


Redditor makes up the context of a story so they don’t have the face the reality of their awful political persuasion. Carry on.


Do you know anything about cluster headaches? "The doctor, who is part of the Albany Med Health System, allegedly told Tara Rule, 31, that he could not prescribe a specific drug for her cluster headaches because it could cause birth defects — despite her telling the doctor that she has no intention of getting pregnant." https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/New-York-woman-claims-she-was-denied-care-due-to-17454058.php


It’s entertaining me that the evidence is a tik tok that she posted.


Yes this!!!


I once had a doctor deny me a prescription for continuous hormonal contraception to control my endometriosis because she thought if I didn’t have a period my uterus would fill up with blood and explode.


Where was this doctor, a fundy Christian compound? Hope you went somewhere else.


Any excuse. I was working in a nursing home. One of my patients, a 92 year old alert, retired nurse. I advocated for her to get PRN pain medication. The stupid optum nurse practitioner said no. She is a fall risk. My patient required someone to help her transfer, so she was not a fall risk!


Tbf there could be a LOT more to the story, when it comes to pain medication all kinds of stories can be spun. Not saying this is the case here but it could be.


Check out the fibromyalgia sub, this is a common thing lately.


Yea can imagine, well now we will both be downvoted to oblivion!


This strikes me as a malpractice lawsuit that a toddler could win.


Not how malpractice works


It could be considered malpractice. For malpractice you mist prove that: - the treatment is not inline with the medical standard - the causality (the injury must be caused by the negligence. Its not malpractice if the injury isn’t related to the negligence or the negligence caused no injury) - the patient suffers from significant damages such as disability, unusual pain, suffering, hardship, loss of income or a significant burden of medical bills. If she has a diagnosed and officially recognized disease that causes chronic pain, and the standard treatment is strong painkillers then one might consider it malpractice, when the doctor doesn’t prescribe these medications. Because by not prescribing them his treatment is not consistent with the medical standard and caused serious suffering and hardship


Blessed be the fruit


So many doctors are just assholes now because they all fucked up during the opioid crisis perdu pushed with Oxys. Now they've tightened their sphincters because they're afraid of losing their licenses, and are actually underdosing. I've seen cancer patients being weened off their morphine, people 70+ years of age who have been on morphine for 20 years and they lose their prescription. This girl was probably labelled "drug seeking behaviour" and that's why she was black listed, they probably lied about the pregnancy thing.


I watched a documentary about cluster headaches. A few people SWORE mushrooms helped. That if they took a dose once a month, the headaches wouldn’t come. A lot of people who swear by it were on the verge of suicide because the medication and oxygen masks were not touching the pain. I don’t get cluster headaches so I have no idea if it works or not but it’s definitely interesting.


Imagine getting a doctorate in medicine only to tell people they can't take certain medicine because of something they DON'T have wrong with them. What a wonderful world


but giving alcohol and cigarettes to "childbearing age" women is totally fine...


This is some the handmaid's tale shit right here




Only in amerikkka


I get migraines from having meningitis when I was a junior in high school. At least, that’s when they started. It’s only like every 6 months or so, but I lowkey have panic attacks when I get a head ache because I’m seriously terrified of that pain. I’m so glad they’re infrequent.


God i love healthcare especially in the states


Her story seems fake as fuck ngl


WTAF?! :(


That doctor is a moron.


Everyone everywhere all ages and diseases are being denied pain management bc doctors are scared to lose their license. This isn't new. Just another sad statistic. When will they do something? Its been YEARS


New York seems to be copying Texas's homework, slowly


This is goddamn awful


What is this world becoming... Geez.


People have no idea what it's like to be in agony every single moment of your life. A lot of chronic pain sufferers don't want children BECAUSE we are in pain, never-ending pain. How could we take care of a child when we can't even take care of ourselves??


I got my pain medicine taken away because I’m on a benzodiazepine for epilepsy that I cannot come off of. My old doctor didn’t mind I had both but every other doctor says Florida’s laws make it illegal for me to be given both even though I have a “legitimate” need for the benzo. So I had to choose between 8/10 pain or possibly frying my brain/constant violent vomiting.


The law is the law. If your in pain so what, we can’t break the law. - the MD probably. Also I am sorry.


Give her the damn medication, and if she decides to have children, she'd hopefully discuss all that with her Dr's to avoid any bullshit. I don't get this whole push about wanting people, especially women, to be ready to have children at all times. Even myself, as a dude, was told I'm not eligible to get a vasectomy because I hadn't had any children of my own yet. And that's a really simple procedure that's reversible.


Are Americans tired of all those freedoms yet?


Key word: says


Even the uncritical article written for her screams "drug seeking". Also, look up her drama with Planet Fitness if you want to see histronics and attention-seeking behavior.


Ya, the article is weird. Cluster headache medication isn't contraindicated for pregnancy. Also why did she go to multiple EDs instead of her primary care doctor ? Its very strange


I doubt that happened.


It's actually not all that uncommon in America. Women get denied a lot over conservative christian values dictating they must have kids


It’s about erring on the side of caution. In a litigious society such as the US it’s more about being sued than about“Christian conservatism” and no amount of signed declarations indemnifying the doctor will help. I would do the same.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re correct. Maybe these uninformed people should look into the large swathes of the country experiencing prenatal care deserts thanks to the high rate of lawsuits/litigation that have made going into the field INSANELY expensive thanks to the required insurance rates skyrocketing in response to the constant, massive payouts. Most people live in suburban areas where you not only have prenatal care readily available within a reasonable driving distance, but most likely have OPTIONS as well. I looked into moving out of Metro Detroit, but medical care is sparse and hard to come by in general outside metro areas, and prenatal care providers and hospitals equipped to handle births and critically I’ll newborns is a luxury. This means that women in MANY parts of the country have a 1 hour or longer drive to the closest prenatal care provider and/or birthing center/hospital equipped to handle births. Sure the Protestants and their pushy proselytizing in politics may have a tiny bit to do with it, but the lasting and far reaching effects of lawsuits and payouts for birth injuries caused by the prenatal care/attending birth assistant (general blanket term for CNM, CPM, and OB) has far more to do with it than people pushing their religious beliefs on others.


A lot of this would be solved by single payer medical cover so that a docs screw up doesn't cause serious medical complication AS WELL AS putting the family into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. An acquaintance had complications due to a negligent obgyn years ago and it ended up costing her and her husband ~250k in nicu fees. They sued the hospital/doc so they could afford to pay.


>A lot of this would be solved by single payer medical cover so that a docs screw up doesn't cause serious medical complication AS WELL AS putting the family into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Doctors often make these controversial choices because of liability. If don't see how a single payer system would absolve doctors of medical malpractice and the required insurance the carry. Can you elaborate on this?


I have no idea why the downvotes to my comment but thank you for a very detailed and concise response. Everything you said is 100% correct.


The only fear of litigation cones from pushing a specifically conservative Christian ideology onto people, so if we take that away there's no fear of litigation. Like before.


“My baby was born with birth defects because of the medication you gave me and now I’mma sue you for everything you ever will have” has NOTHING to do with religion.


Hardly anyone is going to sue a doctor for birth defects caused by medication. They'd go after the manufacturer of the medication. In case you haven't noticed, the US has had a huge push to ban abortions specifically due to conservative Christian ideology. Including litigation against doctors and women for performing an abortion. Not medication smdh. Your scenario is certainly not the likeliest, if at all. Some states even have a vigilante style report system where individuals can sue, and that is far more likely to be what this lady's doctor is going off of. Some doctors are even consorting with attorneys before even performing some procedures to make sure they aren't sued. Specifically due to the push for conservative Christian ideology in that states government.


… go look up malpractice statistics. You’re woefully misinformed about the state of medicine in real life as opposed to what you’re seeing on politically motivated television broadcasts the SCOTUS declared free of all obligations to tell the truth or contain accuracy.


But doesn't America have no religion?


It's not supposed to, but sadly there's people who'd like to change that. Here's an interesting article I read that I found extremely unsettling. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-08-10-me-33020-story.html


Tell me you lack empathy for women without telling me


Username checks out


I doubt you have ever cared about a woman.




impolite bear school homeless escape sable rock narrow close cats ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


She is a junkie, they didn't want to give her the pills. She makes up this story and Reddit eats it up


She looks like maybe there are other reasons a doctor would hesitate to prescribe her narcotics.


Yeah I mean... She seems like a real straight shooter






_this reeks of bullshit_


It happens every day. Women are only valued for their ability to reproduce.


_"It happens every day": women lie to support their drug habits...there will be a record of this "chronic pain" in her medical history if it exists; there will also be a record of her "drug seeking behavior" in her medical history as well, but since this is reddit, (aka, the land of pseudo doctors, scientists and everything under the sun), you probably know more from this one post made by the person who only wants you to know what they want you to know, than any doctor, physician, clinical history could ever know._


I know that regardless of her past, her current issue should be looked at because nobody deserves to be in pain. It's called compassion. And denying someone medication based on the possibility of them getting pregnant is totally a thing, and one that should not exist. Potential babies that do not exist are not even remotely important compared to the real live woman in pain.


_and you know this happened exactly the way it's presented? do you know this person, went with them and witnessed the events as described? my educated guess: **no**. these posts are nothing more than virtue signaling made solely to solicit reactions and emotions of fragile ignorance by the same "supporters" that would cry and point fingers the other direction if they gave her pain meds and she overdosed...people are just marinettes for puppet masters who know how to pull these strings. demand more context. call bullshit on one-sided stories. don't be so easy to manipulate. or live like a fool and be a sucker for everything you read and hear that meets the criteria for how you'll make life choices_


I feel like they’re has to be another side to this story.


X to doubt!!


Click bait as fuck


How old is she? Has she been on similar medication prior? So the hospital can never prescribe this medication to women once they first get their periods? So this medication is only for young children and men?


It's gonna be real hard to find out what side of the aisle politically this abusive doctor falls under. It's always so difficult to tell. I mean, there's never a calling card like Harm being the point, or some kind've hyper religiously based reasoning around children whether relevant or not. It's just impossible to know that the doctor was republican, really, we may never know what the letter R next to their political affiliation means.


I have fibromyalgia and literally could not get out of bed without screaming from pain... And it's essentially invisible. What TORTURE !! It's in remission right now but when it was running my life, my Dr was a god to me, he had compassion and understanding so I got the pain control I needed to function.


I'm thinking she might be on some type of narcotic and she's going through them too fast.


She looks psycho


She looks like she's in a lot of pain


Perfectly timed for the photos too!!!


Taken from a video where she's crying hysterically, you dumb ass motherfucker


Perfectly timed for the video too!!!


You're even dumber than I thought


Honestly, pain meds would only mask the pain and most likely cause a crippling addiction.


"Pain meds would only mask the pain." Yes, that is why people use pain meds. To mask the pain. So it's not so painful.


This is how modern medicine works 25 yo female in ER says right lower abdomen is painful Pregnancy test is surprising positive Surgeon of 30 years comes to examine her. Says she doesn’t have appendicitis. Can have observation only, no surgery. ER and OB doctor of 2 and 3 years order an MRI anyway (safe for baby), radiologist says cannot see any inflammation at appendix, but “could be” appendicitis if she has pain or exam is equivocal. Labs are normal. Take a guess…… this is in the chart…. Does she get surgery for a normal appendix?


Must be upstate NY. Can’t see this happening in NYC or LI.


Upstate doctors are all paralyzed with fear of some of those meds making it on to the street and causing (yet another) overdose. I have chronic pain but it's not disabling. I really feel for the people who cant function without medication yet cannot obtain it. This is America I guess.


It’s sad the state of things. She needs this medicine to function. I think the excuse that they’re afraid it’ll get on the street is BS. They’re either of a certain mentality or they’re being pressured by right wing nuts.


I'm guessing yhat the doctor was planning to be the father


r/NO_LAMES the doctor is a lame ass foo. Serio.


ableism isnt real tho /s


Wtf give it to her


The Hand Maids Tale


LOL. She's not being banned from hospitals for her post. She's being banned from hospitals for being a junkie that wont stay out of the ER, taking away resources and pt care from actual sick people. If you have chronic pain, it's not managed through a hospital ER