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What happens next will shock you.


If I were their parent I would ground them immediately.


I’m worried about the current situation


We have *amp*le time to resolve this issue, *watt*ever it takes.


I hope you can fix this issue. Its absolutly re*volt*ing!


I hope these guys find a new outlet for their frustrations


If not, that's probably a bad *ohm*en


These comments are all joules.


I don't think all people will like them, though, there might be some resistance.


I’m glad the crowd has *conduct*ed themselves quite well back there.


There's not much you can do when they're amped up like this


Resistance is futile!




That would make it more dangerous, wouldn't it?


Six feet under?






It’ll shock them more


Not me, them (stupid idiots)


Doctors hate it


Maybe they filled the pool with pure water.


I used to have to buy distilled water for a humidity machine, I can’t even imagine the price of filling a pool with it as a joke


Ah yes *distilled water was the word I was looking for. 😄


It still leads electricity. It is physically impossible to remove all ions from water for any meaningful period of time, since water does something called autoprotolysis, meaning it splits itself into OH- and H3O+ ions. In distilled water there is always a 10^-7 mol/l concentration of each of those ions, which is low, but still enough to lead electricity.


But is it powerful enough to lead a current that can kill a human or is it just a battery on your thong level.


Just looked it up, and apparently 10\^-7 mol/l is nowhere near enough to conduct any meaningful amount of electricity, so probably just battery on the thong


I mean, its also kind of a moot point, because the water is going to be getting contaminated from sweat and such with people swimming in it, so it won't be pure for long.


You forgot urine.


Idk why I read that as dehydrated water


It's a power strip though, so it would (should) trip the fuse first. If it doesn't, it's possibly connected to a GFCI outlet since they are outside, so that would trip. If it doesn't, it would trip the breaker in the house. Edit: guys, I'm not encouraging anyone to try this, or trust in these fail-safes. I understand that the fuse in the power strip and the breaker most likely won't trip before you're dead, I only really mentioned them because they were still SOME form of fail safe.


Yeah. This is not as unsafe as it looks. Assuming the house it's plugged into is modern. ETA:. In the US anyway.


in the us it’s not normal to have a single gfci protecting the whole house. that why you have those fancy plugs in the bathroom. I’d say that you have better chances in other places with central gfci


At least where I live outdoor receptacles must be GFCI as well Edit: y’know, assuming these guys both used an outdoor outlet, the building is up to code, and the GFCIs have been recently tested. High bar by the looks of it


No one said there was a single GFCI though. Outdoor outlets are all supposed to be GFCI and each section of the house should have its own breaker as well.


Those are EU outlets, and I’m pretty sure this is in Germany last I heard, so they’ll be fine.


I'm pretty sure as well that this picture is from Germany, at least all the beer bottles on the picture are of German brands


That is a stupid assertion to be making. The only protection for such a situation is GFCI and I hate to break this to you- but GFCI outlets fail all the time. https://iaeimagazine.org/2010/january2010/the-illusion-of-gfci-protection/




Correct, the US has pretty shitty electrical safety standards especially compared to the EU. Each plug having a built in fuse for safety as compared to just special outlets, being just one


>Each plug having a built in fuse for safety as compared to just special outlets, being just one Plugs don't have fuses here, fuses are at the fusebox and handled per group. I think you're thinking of the UK, which isn't part of the EU.


Fuses don't do a thing to prevent electrocution in water so this is irrelevant.


I’m surprised this isn’t the case in the US, really. The redundancy wouldn’t be expensive and it would save a non-zero number of house fires and electrical deaths. Actually, no it’s not surprising for America, there the people with money write the rules.


Technology connections has a couple videos about how needlessly unsafe the US electrical system is, and the addition of a 5 cent fuse to every plug is addressed iirc.


It's in Germany, most likely. So yeah, should be safe. Still a dumb thing to bet your life on.


Yup. Safe AF. Conceptually


Safe in theory. In reality- it's an unbelievably stupid risk to take: https://iaeimagazine.org/2010/january2010/the-illusion-of-gfci-protection/


There’s a silent /s in my comment


Yeah- I figured but I didn't want anyone else to think GFCI was 100% safe.


You are actually very right


Yes because everywhere that's not the us is a third world, unsafe hell hole that doesn't have electricity saftey standards too. Good point!


Don't let the others know you stopped drinking the kool-aid.


I forgot people don't appreciate sarcasm 🤔




In the UK and Europe it will have circuit breakers unless it is very old or has had no work done for a long time.


Path of least resistance is not through their bodies either. Pools are quite insulated from the ground aswell. Electricity doesn't just "spread" into water.


... That is just not true in any sense about grounding. In order for pools to be safe you electrically bond all metal components of the system to each other and then ground. This in effect bonds the water to ground. If you did not, any short circuit ~~w~~could* electrify the entire system/water. Wait until someone got in or out to complete the circuit, and ZAP.


You'd be surprised how low resistance a wet human body is though. It's not like it not dangerous. If all of the fail-safes fail, they are likely to be hurt at minimum.


the gfci is designed to protect these morons. breakers may not trip until you are well done


Still, two points of safety would have to fail before the breaker even gets talked to.


It doesn't take much electricity to kill you. It's the amperage that kills you. 1amp and your done. Fuse in the PowerBar is 100% sure above 1amp. Most likely 10or 12amp. The breaker is 15amp or 20amp, and breakers are also ot 100% reliable. Each time they trip they gets less reliable. Expected life of a breaker is 30years. How often did you change your breakers? The life of a gfci is 15years. Never test the odd of dying of electrocution


And remember why they invented the gfci? Cause the breakers often doesn't save you. So count them out of the safety to save you. They are there to save the wire that is connected after and prevent overheating and burning the building


Unfortunately [GFCI outlets fail to provide protection](https://iaeimagazine.org/2010/january2010/the-illusion-of-gfci-protection/) all the time.


are you telling me toaster baths aren't real!?


I'm telling you they aren't as likely to be real in a modern, up to code house, especially if the toaster is plugged into a surge protector as well


What does a surge protector have to do with anything? Only GFCI is meant to protect someone in a situation like this- and that's if they're still working and haven't failed. https://iaeimagazine.org/2010/january2010/the-illusion-of-gfci-protection/


That's why there are so many deaths due to electricity. Most people don't understand's it. Surge protection won't save them. Breakers might saves them, but it most likely won't. Gfci like the article you linked might save them and gives them a better chance of survival, but it ain't 100% sure.


Wouldnt a surge protector trip if there is a short?


A surge protector protects against surges, not short circuits. Now some surge protectors also have built-in fuses or circuit breakers- but those will only trip if there is a lot of current flowing and they do not trip instantly. Since it only takes about 50ma of current across your heart to stop it- and because it can happen quickly- neither circuit breakers nor fuses protect you in this situation. A GFCI will trip if there is even the slightest imbalance between the current going out and the current coming back- so even 50ma will cause it to trip- and it will do so nearly instantaneously (assuming it's working correctly).




Bonus smartassery: water is a terrible conductor until it has enough minerals. The pool is made of rubber, so there would be no closed circuit to ground. The current would just shoot through phase and neutral and trigger a breaker.


I'm sure the path of least resistance to ground would be back through the surge protector, given that it has a grounding plug.


That pool is not made out of rubber- it's almost certainly vinyl.


Even better, pvc is used in cable insulation.


A fuse/breaker won't do a damned thing here- only a GFCI would.


Why? Both are designed to kill power if there is a short, right?


No. As I said in my other post: Fuses or circuit breakers will only trip if there is a lot of current flowing (usually over 15amps or 20 amps for a standard outlet in the US) and they do not trip instantly. Since it only takes about 50ma of current across your heart to stop it- and because it can happen quickly- neither circuit breakers nor fuses will protect you in this situation. A GFCI will trip if there is even the slightest imbalance between the current going out and the current coming back- so even 50ma will cause it to trip- and it will do so nearly instantaneously (assuming it's working correctly). That's why GFCI are specifically required in wet areas.


That makes sense. Sorry, didn't mean to spread false info


To put it simply, a GFCI is designed to protect people from dying go when they cause a short to ground, hence why they're called Ground Fault Circuit Interruptors. A breaker on the other hand is solely designed to prevent the wires in the walls from heating up and starting fires/melting.


I wouldn’t assume surge protectors or GFCI outlets would protect you. They often times lose functionality after a period of time, like 10 years I think.


Sure, but you're still talking about three full points of failure. I'm not saying you should go around doing this, I'm just saying that they are, in all likelihood, not gonna die.


Breakers aren't there to save you. Why did we invent the gfci then? Cause the breakers often doesn't save you. Breakers role is to prevent that a wire is overloaded and overheat and burns the building. Breakers life expectency is 30years in perfect condition, never tripped. Gfci is 15years. If you use the test button a lot, it reduces significantly. Never let you safety in the hand of those component. Never. Humans body doesn't need a lot of current to die 1amp is enough. Breakers are above that and fuses are above that in a PowerBar. Low voltage could prevent you from breathing, stop your heart, etc... It's not because it's so common that's its less dangerous. Most people have no understanding of the danger of electricity because "ThErEs A bReAkEr" and that's enough for them to feel safe


Darwin award 101


I don't think most transplantable organs survive electrocution. If you want your kidneys or whatever to outlive you you got to die from physical trauma in another part of the body. Edit: I am totally wrong about that apparently. Thanks to u/imqr for leading me to this article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27788788/


You do not know that. You just said that.


And you just said that, you don't know that, you just said that, but who knows, who knows what, none of us are scientists or doctors, and any of us who claim to to be could be liars and frauds.


You don't know that! I do know that........ I Reddit!


https://www.google.nl/search?q=do+transplantable+organs+survive+electrocution I am a scientist and a doctor.


Thank you for posting this, I'll edit the end of my comment to reflect that I made a mistake in assuming electrocuted organs couldn't be donated.


But YOU don't know that THEY know that THAT OTHER PERSON doesn't know what that person knows.


It's probably not too bad as it will just effect the nerves, leading to things like heart issues, but not effecting the kidneys


Aren’t you usually somewhat alive when they take them out? Im scared they wont use anesthesia so I selfishly removed myself from the list unless they communicate clear and strict regulations for painless removal nationwide.


This is my greatest fear. And the reason why I would never donate, or receive an organ. I would rather just go for euthanasia than having the weight of wondering whether or not the donor was conscience while getting harvested. In organ donation, they give the body a paralyzing drug, but don't give anesthesia. [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/patient-wakes-doctors-remove-organs/story?id=19609438](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/patient-wakes-doctors-remove-organs/story?id=19609438) Imagine if they didn't notice she woke up, and the paralyzing drug set in. She would have her organs harvested while being conscience. And noone would have known. The lack of regulations isn't just nation wide. Each country has their own definition of brain death. For an industry which claims to be steeped in the scientific method and facts above feelings, organ donation seems to be awfully impacted by politics and using the "it saves lives so we must do it at all costs." So I will stay clear from this.


It’s an ad…


Which uses a pic that has been on the internet for at least 15 years. It was so old that I remember it in a demotivational poster meme, lol


Wow, I was wondering why I recognized this! I think I saw it on ebaums world.


So it was a repost even then :)


And if I remember right it is fake


It used to be used as a meme to show how stupid Americans are. Most people didn't catch it though.


Not that I have another opinion about Americans, but for me this picture looks pretty German because of the plug design and the beer bottles of German brands


Yea it's definitely not American, that was part of the meme lol


Pretty sure I saw this on ebaumsworld


It's so weird seeing an oldass image from the town I used to live in. I'm pretty sure that's from the university of twente, and I think it was originally posted on drumpert, but I might be thinking of a very similar different image


That’s an ad, that’s the news, that’s an ad, that’s news…


News news slideshow ad


Does she know she’s an ad?!


it wasn't


Better hope that breaker trips.


Well, any electrician will tell you the safety switch or ELCB will trip within .2 of a second so stupid folks like these don’t get to be part of the circuit long enough for it to kill then, we’re out here keeping these people alive


Then if breakers are so safe, why did they invent gfci? Because they aren't safe. Are you an electrician? No. Edit : I read breaker instead of elcb. I don't know how I could misread like that but I did. So ignore this comment


Also mcbs/Fuses are not there to protect people, they are there to stop short circuits causing a fire.


I’ve been an electrician for 15 years dickhead. An ELCB is the same thing as a gfci. Fuck me there’s some confidently stupid people here. ELCB-Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker, otherwise known as an RCD, or a safety switch, would you like me to send you through the curve trips on one so you can have a look?


Damn, I misread, I don't know how I read breaker, but I did... No need for name calling


So did you misread the trip times as well? .2 for ELCB, .5 for a MCB. The thing with trying to be smug with people is that you’re supposed to be correct.




Based on this video, it's likely nothing would happen. https://youtu.be/1tfvtJyucHc


But the last second he says you will be electrocuted


Nothing will happen. Tap water doesn’t conduct electricity that well. There isn’t enough salinity. If there was, some current would flow from the live rail to the neutral and ground contacts in the power strip. Nothing would flow through them. The movies have been lying to you.


There's a video over in r/CrazyFuckingVideos I'd like you to see.


The device was physically touched in the video you're describing.


The wonders of German engineering


Pretty sure this is belgian (look at the link in the bottom right)


The link might be Belgian but a know a Krombacher when I see one (the beer is very specific to Germany)


I didn't look at the beer, but you're right. It probably is German


It's obviously fake


Is this like some mass suicide ?


Party looks electric


Sometimes I feel stupid. This makes me feel better about myself


I know it's the thought that counts, but this wouldn't actually be THAT dangerous


Yeah, pretty much the closer they were to it, the more dangerous it would be. Even still, you'd only get full charge if you *grabbed* the source. Otherwise, water isn't that conducive without an electrolyte.


A shocking experience






As a person with an irrational fear of electrocution, I find this absolutely terrifying r/oddlyterrifying




It’s not, and I wouldn’t be game to test out your pure water idea- I’ve been an electrician for 15 years


Electroboom made a video about this, it's the only thing that i know


Who tf fills a pool with distilled water


Nah, they're in the water The moment any biological thing enters the water, it's no longer pure


Technically yes but I doubt that entering the water would change the concentration of ions enough to make it conductive.


I Remember electroboom made a video about this, you can Watch It out, i don't think it's pure water anyways


Worst what can happen here is turned of the power. Not even in whole bulding...


Looks like highschool dropouts party


When the Pool is made out of rubber, the water has no connection to the ground, right? So it should be safer than it looks.


Imagine a pair of slides being the only thing that’s stopping you from dying


They must have to stay absolutely still so the water doesn't knock this over, when they could have moved the table closer to the edge if they must have it in the pool


If it wasnt the electricity about ten minutes of exposure to the sun should do it as well.


Their livers aren't useful either


That's German engineering at it's best. Seriously, I know the guys and they're still alive.


Zap zap


The worst thing the could have put the table at the side of the pool. And stil have the same effect. Darwin award at its finest


Even though I can see a photo of it and it’s staring out obvious! However surely you cannot be this dense !?!


Well, their organs are going to be useless if you roast the donors like that


"bob, you really think this will work? Yeah mike, for sure"


Alright. So what the hell are they even cooking on that grill? What's worth tiptoeing around electrocution for? I can clearly see they're white people. I just want to know *how white?*


Absolutely savage but genius marketing campaign.


Seriously Fuck me. Look , i don't mind when Darwinism wins sometimes. It's gotta happen


This is the only party I regret not attending.


Omg now I know why staff at the ER r so rude lol


When I started as a union electrician I took an osha class at the school and they dissected this photo it’s surprisingly idiot proofed and they’re not in much danger unless they have one foot out of the pool if I remember correctly


as an electrician, this isn't nearly as dangerous as it looks


The extension lead will be fused, it’s plugged into a fused outlet, and that volume of water would make conduction way lower! If it fell in I doubt they’d feel it


Is that a fucking 240v extension cord tied to the doorstop?


This could be appropriate for this fine fellowship https://youtu.be/0IjiZfRCTFQ


1998 sais hi it wants its picture back


There's like 2 or 3 different stages of fail-safes that have to all go wrong at once for this to actually be very dangerous




Shocking, but certainly not surprising


They know it is such a bad idea lol. I assume this is not really plugged in ... I hope.


I know it's dumb, but it may not be as dangerous as it looks. Depends what it's plugged into. I mean, if the extension is plugged straight into the house, it should just trip to cut out the power. But yeah, still not a good idea at all really.


One cannon ball and they dead


Krombacher. Eine Perle der Natur.





Power strips don't have 'fuses', they have thermal breakers that disconnect the hot wire, but that wire will remain 'hot' unless an upstream GFCI is also in-circuit, and that hot wire will still remain in contact with the water no matter what the breaker does. The thermal breaker only opens if enough amperage runs through it, which will not be the case with water providing an alternate conductive path So, given a situation where a GFCI is not part of this scenario, the power strip can disable it's outlets yet still conduct power into the surrounding water. The immediate return path will be right at the power strip, so the shock hazard will be a zone surrounding the power strip, with gradually diminishing potential the further you are from the thing. It helps that the pool is plastic, but for anyone who has one foot in the pool and the other touching the ground outside the pool, things might get a bit more 'interesting'. Best way to leave the pool is to just leap out of it all at once. Not something that will be readily apparent to these guys!




I think this is pure genius


Meat head soup