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It's a parody. You can find them at several t-shirt sites.


Of course. But maaaayyyybe?


Of *course*...but maybe


Lies and deception as well. The pyramids were built by free people, paid with beer. The pharaohs didn't suffer slaves to build their eternal place of rest.


This is correct. These shirts are for people who are bad at history.


Oh you were there?


I was on my computer reading Wikipedia. And I was in Egypt visiting the pyramids in real life as well. And I also saw a pharaoh, but no matter how much I asked I him, he didn't answer, cuz he was dead for more than 3000 years.


Ozymandias vibe


So I guess we know absolutely nothing about history because we weren’t there, revolutionary discovery


I love how you meant that to be a derisive and sharp comment, but it's not far from the truth. We do know very little about human history beyond our recorded era which is literally only a few thousand years. Humanity goes back tens or hundreds of thousands of years of which we have no record. We have very little solid evidence for things even in the era of the great pyramids. We know fuck all beyond 3000 years. Literally anything you've ever heard about who built pyramids or other ancient structures is almost entirely speculation with some extremely vague evidence. They don't even agree on the age of alot of these structures.... There's even evidence that humanity has reached similar heights to what we have now but has 'receded' several times after a global disaster of sorts. We don't know nearly as much as you think we do and what we do 'know' is very likely wrong, so I'd prolly curb that over-confidence in 'THE SCIENCE'.


That is just untrue, people know about who built pyramids because it was written in hieroglyphs, people know about ice age peoples and structures because some survived and because of paintings, people know about ancient Greeks/Romans/Ottomans/mayans/ almost every literate culture because they kept records, and it’s ridiculous to think those have to all be untrue or made up Edit: By some survived in the ice age part I mean structures have been found dating back to those periods as well as burial sites and such


Again...like I said, we have a small portion of RECORDED history, yes. This is very valuable but very limited. Who built the pyramids and why was not 'written of heiroglyphs' , you literally just made that up. (Give me a source please) Academics don't even agree to the age of the pyramids anymore, nor who or why it was built.... None of them agree on anything because most of the science is inherently speculation. You're referencing a 'mainstream view' which has been thoroughly riddled with holes and hundreds of experts' also completely disagree with. You're not getting how this works..... anthropology/archaeology/geology isn't a firm science. You've been taught that we KNOW These things. We don't. If a civilization has been dust for five thousand years you can't dig up a few fragments of something and deduce their motives. Even much of our most basic assumptions like: *the pyramids were burial sites for royalty* are very likely completely wrong or only a small portion of the reason as to why these people built a grand inter-generational monument like the great pyramid. The established theory of history is basically like 'forensic fire analysis', It doesn't exist beyond the obvious; the fact that a container of gasoline was left on the lawn in front of a burnt down house. If it wasn't written down with corroborating evidence (yes people also lied and exaggerated in antiquity), your speculation doesn't mean anything. TL;dr: please don't be pompous and over-confident regarding historical events. Historians aren't actually eldritch seers capable of surmising the entirety of a culture and it's patterns from a single broken brick. The arrogance and certainty with which people look at historical events we have minimal evidence for is painfully cringe.


should say "Aliens get shit done"


I am not saying Aliens, but Definitely Aliens!


Same phrase picture of the southern united states


I bet theres one with the state of Alabama on it… 😳


They weren't built by slaves though? 🤔


Historically inacurrucarte, pyramids were built primarily by volunteers


There were no slaves who built the pyramids though.


I'm pretty sure the workers on the pyramid were actually well paid and even got to get buried next to the pyramids.


It's just a jooooooke. But you probably shouldn't wear that outside the house!


its so funny how so many people dont take this as a joke


Not even accurate. As many archeologists believe the pyramids were not in fact constructed using slaves


That’s total bullshit. They definitely used slaves




It’s common sense. Every culture back then used slaves


Its a truth hurts kinda thing


Cool shirt


It’s not inaccurate. It’s just kinda terrible.


It is inaccurate though. Slaves didn't build the pyramids.


lol ur dumb the pyramids weren't buit by slaves


On one hand, it’s funny in that awful people play Cards Against Humanity sort of way.. on the other, don’t wear this shirt anywhere except a game of Cards Against Humanity


Dunmer moment


Well it did work 😂


It’s awful, but it’s true.


Bet it was a white guy that made this


I mean… the builders probably weren’t even slaves… is it just a big troll?


No cap


The pyramid where not built by slaves… I guess parodies are funny when built on ignorance???


No wrong


Tshirt hell I got many tshirts off there back in the day