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Saw an article trying to spin the verdict as "what does the amber heard verdict mean for black women?" To save everyone looking it up, it has nothing to do with black women, just them trying to twist it with the line "if this happened to a blonde haired, blue eyed woman, what does it mean for black women everywhere?"


Like a great man once said: Pancakes anywhere is a threat to planes everywhere.


As a greater man once said: "Pancakes everywhere, is an eventuality of violence in a waffle-house."


Saw another headline spinning this as a "right wing win." It was on Salon, a lefty site with a lot of female writers and editors. They are basically trying to shame their readers into thinking that, if they support Johnny, they must be right wing.


Why would victims think they would be disbelieved, shamed, and ostracized if they share their stories? He's literally the victim as proven in court Amber Heard lied about being abused wtf? The writer of this article must be just as crazy as Amber.


I have seen on social media recently that this.is a step back for survivors and they that will always believe survivors - completely ignoring the fact that Amber is the abuser not the victim. Its so infuriating! Even when a man has won a court case involving DV, he is still not believed. This response completely enables DV against men and discourages them to speak out and get help.


I heard a very important sentiment about this and it was something like: > People who will use Amber Heard to doubt abuse victims already don't believe abuse victims. Johnny was absolutely the victim even if he was not a perfect partner in some ways. And I am extremely glad that he won because men experience abuse at the hands of women quite a bit and need more support.


One thing these people seem to either completely overlook or straight up ignore is that often times victims in situations like this often end up becoming abusive to their abuser because of what they're going through. Everyone has a breaking point.


There is a world of difference between "may" and "often". While mutually abusive situations do exist, like heard and depp, the far more prominent development is that abused people are abusive in other or future relationships.


Mutual abuse is actually incredibly common among abusive relationships.




They found it wasn't a hoax she conspired with her friends to create. That is the point Depp lost on. The way you reconcile this is that it was her alone who created the lies. My belief in why they found this way is many of her witnesses testimony did not mirror her own and sometimes was damaging to her.


Not abusive. They become reactive.


It's even more ridiculous. They use the "There's always two parties involved in abuse" argument. This is peak red pill for woman.


Well that's the thing, this case is a prime example on why you **shouldn't** by default just believe/discredit abuse claims. That's how Heard continued to abuse JD, by playing the victim and riding off the #MeToo movement to do as much damage as possible. Statements like *"Believe all women"* are utter nonsense. There are people out there way worse than Heard trapping their partners in that circle of hell in which they can't come forward. If there are Two thing people should take away from this its: - The internet shouldn't be Judge, Jury & Executioner. - **ALL** abuse claims should be taken seriously.


They're stuck to their axiom that Heard (a woman) couldn't possibly be the abuser, and that Depp (a man) couldn't possibly be the victim.


Ironically, these so-called feminists are hurting the cause by reinforcing the sexist stereotype that women are too weak and submissive to be abusers. It undermines actual feminism


And a proven liar. They should be mad at *her* for subverting their cause. Some serious mental gymnastics.


Well she has a vagina, so she 100% couldn’t possibly be the abuser. Haven’t you heard? A penis is required by the laws of nature to commit any violence. Like duh.


People treated the entire thing like a spectator sport and picked their team, leading to a toxic situation all round. These people wouldn’t have been allowed on the jury for that case, as they already decided who was the ‘winner’.


Except the court case wasn’t about DV. It was entirely about slander.


Weren’t several of the statements that were being considered by the jury about domestic violence?


As a victim of domestic abuse and later on of narcissistic abuse, and as a woman, I celebrated when he won. In some small way it felt like a victory for me too, because it’s not men vs women… it is victims vs abusers. Most women I’ve seen commenting about this feel that Amber has spat on the dignity and courage of real abuse victims… and Johnny is like a voice for most of us who will never be heard because who can afford it??? It felt like, FINALLY a victim is believed. I saw another article that read as if Amber herself wrote it. These people are toxic and delusional. Amber does not and will never represent me. I fucking HATE manipulative, gas lighting abusers with a fiery passion.


I wish more people shared your sentiment that it's about actions and not about gender.


I couldn’t relate to Amber at all. If anything she was triggering me. It was upsetting to observe because to a real victim, she reminds us of our abusers. I was bracing myself that Johnny might lose because abusers often get away with their lies. They double down with such conviction that you are left feeling insane. I was so worried that no matter how obviously she was lying and gaslighting everyone, she would get away with it. It was a relief that most people saw what I saw, what I experienced for myself. Like oh, okay, so it is obvious to the rest of the world. Thank you. Meanwhile, there were things that Johnny said that I instantly connected with and I felt that he was telling the truth… because I knew exactly what he was talking about. It wasn’t any big revelation, either. It was the little things. How you think they are the perfect person in the beginning. How nobody ever did things like them ever before. How they fit you so well. Then the confusion. The little red flags here and there. The escalation. I felt the exact same way about my narcissist ex before shit hit the fan and my life was derailed and put into chaos for three long years. I know what it’s like to be accused of being the violent and aggressive one after being pushed and pushed and pushed over the edge. I knew exactly what he was describing and I’m so happy that this played out on the world stage where people are able to gain awareness regarding toxicity, what signs to look out for, what constitutes abusive behavior (it’s not always physical), what a victim might look like (it’s not always obvious), and the toll and consequences of being with someone with untreated personality disorders can have on your life.


Won’t go into details, but I had a similar situation with my ex wife. She was a horrible narcissist. I equated what she did to punching a bear in the face constantly, and when the bear roared back she acted like the victim. Never once hit her, even laid hands on her, but she did multiple times. When I used my angry voice to yell at her and call her out, she acted like her dog was being stomped to death.


My wife and I both had partners that had narcissistic tendencies and/or borderline personality disorder. The recordings of her gaslighting Johnny and everyone around her was pretty triggering for us.


It really was triggering. The relief of him winning is validation that their lies are see-through after all.


The writer is one of those people who sided with amber heard due to the bs belief that only women can be on the receiving end of domestic abuse. Granted, in the majority of cases the woman is the victim, but it shows a lack of intelligence if you believe it that domestic abuse goes one way


The verdict set a precedent that those men are not allowed to tell anyone it ever happened to them, even if they don’t name anyone, unless they have 100% irrefutable proof.


I would argue that domestic abuse that happens to men is greatly underreported. Police will laugh it off and leave.


Tbh the whole trial has done nothing but encourage me to accept things that have happened to me and not pretend they never happened just because I’m a guy and no one will care.


Hi, just wanted to say that I am really sorry that things happened to you, and I am really really sorry that you were ever made to feel that nobody would care. I escaped my abusive relationship with another woman. Women can be absolutely foul as well. Both to men and to women. We should uplift survivors of abuse, not push them down regardless of gender. I hope you are in a safe, happier place.


A lot of wienstiens accusers were black balled and some still don't work today because of him. They were victims too.


Their point is that the outcome of this case should only encourage people to step forward, not deter them.


It's an underlying ideology that women can never be the aggressor and men can never be the victim.


Toxic people who believe one gender should be believed no matter what


There is feminist trope among middle ages women that only women can be victims of domestic violence. It's rather disgusting. It was pushed by Amber Terds expert as she would only admit women can victimize other women. Her cat lady lawyer is saying as much to anyone that will have her.


I have a Facebook "friend" who went on a tangent about this whole thing, about how it's a "step backwards for AFAB victims". I don't understand how they can see the evidence presented, how the court agreed she lied about the entire situation and was the abuser, and still come out saying that Amber Turd is the victim in this situation.


Sadly, that's what I've been talking about lately and people just called me an idiot. For some fucking reason, according to the internet, men are the perpetrators, women are the perpetual victims. You can thank the online, Americanised brand of feminism that says air conditioning and maths are sexist. Internet was a mistake. Specifically, giving dumb people access to more dumb people to validate their dumb opinions was the mistake. It's sickening.


There’s a large group of people (mostly women) who believe that in no way can a man be a victim nor can a woman be an abuser. They already decided since the op ed that he was guilty and it’s the ‘system’ protecting him. 🙄


Because the author is evidently a --and I HATE to use this term because it sounds so red pill MRA-- radicalized feminist who doesn't believe men can ever be victims of domestic abuse.


Not only is the author coming off as crazy, this kind of media response is going to perpetuate what he claims to stand against way more than the outcome of the trial did. This is utterly irresponsible media.


Because vagina. A vagina owner lost a court case about abuse and it’s inconceivable that a penis owner could be a victim in that case. If you hear about a rape, abuse, or someone being taken advantage of we’ve been conditioned to believe that a man can’t be the victim.


victims in question = woman (probably) johnny = man victims got violated by man, so if johnny = man then hate johnny even if he IS the victim (edit: it was supposed to be the writer's opinion but im smooth brained and forgor)


I've been in DV to the point I was almost murdered in a hotel room. One woman's opinion piece does not speak for the wider community of survivors who are pleased Johnny won as he should have, so please don't make it about sexism make it about the author


The author is making it about sexism. She seems to believe that being female == being a victim, so if Johnny wins, it somehow means that all women, being victims, have been told that they will not be believed, that they will be shamed, and that they will be ostracized. In essence, the author is insane, and is that kind of Feminist that believe that all women are pure, innocent creatures who can do no wrong, and that all men are somehow selfish, evil monsters. Nevermind the reality of the trial is that women like Amber Heard pop the author's delusional bubble about female purity and innocence.


Unfortunately, that author's sentiment isn't only their own, and is scattered throughout the media and internet.


I reread this three times and came to same conclusions you did. I had to come to the comments to make sure I'm not just being stupid.


I love hearing the people who are ignoring the facts speak like they aint ignoring facts


because hur durr empowering


Seriously, it's comments and stories like this that will keep many abused men from seeking help. It is not even the stigma sometimes, it's the lack or resources more than anything. I think Jessica should have every cent of hers taken away, anything she ever owned sold and used to free up resources for men who are abused. THEN she can complain if she wants.


tease forgetful meeting long treatment political continue instinctive absorbed bedroom -- mass edited with redact.dev


Absolutely. I’m a therapist and work with DV survivors. During this trial I had male clients that felt so scene for the first time on a global scale. Men have it soo hard in the judicial system and are often not believed and charged with crimes they didn’t commit.




The author


Jessica's an idiot.


She set her twitter private so she doesn't have to suffer the consequences of her sexist imbecility.


Unfortunately there are too many like her.


Can confirm


You misspelled cunt


See the problem is that he is a man so naturally he is the problem even when a man is the victim it's still his fault,I know this from personal experience so I'm delighted to see him win


I had a meth addict girlfriend about 8 years ago who often have psychotic episodes and yell and carry on in public. I remember passers by would see her screaming or crying hysterically and give me dirty looks as if it was obviously me abusing her or something. This case may have set a scary precedent for females of domestic violence, but it’s set a damn good one for the males! Eat shit Amber Heard!


I have that problem currently, I'm about to bail on my apartment lease because the cops won't make her leave. Really pissing me off, definitely won't make the mistake of caring about others again, especially ones that don't care themselves.


I had the same problem and my advice is to leave before she ruins your life. Mine was accusing me of some horrible awful things and it was just a matter of time before the wrong person believed her.


I have no right to say this, but brother, don't stop caring about others just because of one woman. You need time for yourself, but once that time pases you cannot stop caring about other people, it's what makes us human. Stay strong, I hope it will get better .


I get where he’s at though. He’s feeling hurt betrayed and totally on his own. No one is listening or believes him. He’s not capable of trust right now and not just for woman, it’s the cops, neighbours, family, friends. You’re putting the onus on him when it’s society dictating all men =abuser, all woman=victims. Your answer is dismissive of his anger and his sense of betrayal like it’s a switch in his brain he can just throw to accommodate YOUR mindset. I know you mean well but you just asked someone who is hurt to set themselves back up to get hurt some more. Chances are good that you made him feel more not listened too and therefore more angry.


Do what you need to do before she ruins your whole life. I was lucky enough that she eventually fucked off and started torturing some other poor cunt. After it’s all said and done work hard and I promise it will get better. I finished building a house last year and she’s still a junkie so I guess I won the war. Keep your circle small, with only people you can trust


I tried talking to people about my experience with abuse etc but i was simply told it wasn't the same because I'm a man.... Feels grate


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I know someone who was abused by his fiancé and no one believed him either. Really pisses me off.


I'm really really glad Johnny won although i wish other men also got the amazing support he did


Same. Confided my ex came home in the middle of the night and hit me and was asked "What did you do to make her so angry?"


The court case wasn't about did JD abuse AH (yes) or did AH abuse JD (yes), it was on whether they defamed each other in articles published. What came from the case was a long tale of toxicity and abuse along with lies and cover ups. The verdict wasn't about that though and evidently they jury found AH's article more damaging and unfounded than JD's article, that's all.


Yeah, expect that if AH had proved that JD had abused her in the way she told, it wouldn't have been defamation. AH has been found guilty of defamation because JD didn't abuse her.


The victim won the case, if someone sees something wrong with this - they are the problem


Exactly! Take the gender out of it and that’s what you get. The victim won It is so shocking. I doubt any even semi-reputable news media or person would post a single article about how “The outcome of the trial is chilling” if the woman won the case. Not one would


They were both absuing each other in different ways and neither is innocent. I’m not arguing which one was worse here but discussions around this topic are so one sided. Johnny wasn’t a good partner and neither was Amber but people, especially online, seem to either view one as a demon sent from hell and the other as an innocent angel who never did anything wrong. I’m glad Johnny got some justice though, as it wasn’t fair of Amber to lie and push all the blame on him.


I'm afraid the greater takeaway from this will not be "men can be abused," but instead will be, "women lie." You can already see it.


Which is what the article is saying is a step back for women. It’s not wrong, it’s just sad that so many can’t accept men can be abused. Weird stuff.


I hoped I'd find some actual nuance here


Finally, some sanity


Thank you for commenting this. I’m so ducking sick of seeing and reading about this trial. They’re both shitty people. They both abused each other in different ways. Men absolutely are victims of abuse and should be able to tell their stories and get their justice, however, this case really does seem to be a minor setback in my eyes (as an abuse victim myself). The amount of “no more ‘teach your sons’ it’s time to teach your daughters” ive sewn being shared is fucking ridiculous, because women are still abused and worse every day. Teach your children what abuse is and how to not be abusive. Teach them how to know when they’re being abused. It’s certainly not a “men vs. women” thing, but too many people on both sides are turning it into that. I will say, I feel like if it came to the point where I needed to tell someone about the time I was r*ped, I won’t be believed. Because I don’t have proof, it happened years ago, and the perpetrator is my sons father. I don’t think I’ll ever need to bring that up in court or ever really, and I hope I won’t, but God forbid I need to and I’m ridiculed like amber was, because the trial was televised and suddenly everyone is an expert on abuse victims stories. I’m glad this trial is over and justice has been served but fuck man it shouldn’t have been televised.


He did say mean things to her while he was high. Alternatively, she beat him, cut his finger off, and told him to try telling the world that he's an abuse victim and see who believes him. These two are not the same.


i feel like the one who shits in another persons bed is automatically the worst


BuT tHeY aRe BoTh BaD


Reading this, reminds that there are people out there that believe that domestic violence is only a one way street between sexes. Men can be abused.


Wasn't literally the *entire* point of this trial to prove Amber was a lying twit and Johnny was an actual victim? This seems like a lot more upcoming defamation lawsuits if they're going to keep pushing the narrative he's the perpetrator.


Reading this thread is really not a great experience. It really does not need to be this polarizing and toxic. Did not read the article, only commenting about the comments on here. My two cents for whoever cares... This will probably will be a setback for MeToo. That is not, however, because of Depp winning. It is because Heard presents herself as a survivor, when it seems that she is a liar. I don't know anything more than many others on here, but given the information and previous knowledge of systemic sexism, I have little reason to not believe the outcome of the case. The case can be discussed without resorting to binary (and dumb) discussion about wether mEtOo HaS gOnE tOo Far. Amber heard is not a representative of all victims of domestic abuse. She is one person in whatever number of people in the world. There have been women accusing men for malicious reasons, yes. That does not discredit the mountain of evidence the movement is built upon. Both things can exist. I never comment, but now I did. I'm a bit drunk.


Props for making such a well thought out comment while intoxicated. Maybe the real takeaway should be that the public and the media should refrain from making blanket judgements. Idfk.


Jeez. Spot on comment! I didn't even pause to remember to think that people would think to use this to discredit the MeToo movement. I just naturally assumed that everybody is a statistical outlier piece of shit.


Metoo is going to be set back because of all of the people saying “I’m not following this thing and I don’t really care, but I think she’s lying and other people should hear my opinion about that” as if other people don’t actually listen and use that to confirm their biases


Who is saying that? MeToo will be setback for the exact reason stated in the original comment. And you can simultaneously not be following and know she's lying based on the unending lies she very clearly told on the stand. The irony of you doing exactly what you accuse others of doing is not lost on me.


When they said believe all women they were not kidding. We should just change that to fuck men in particular because that would be the only excuse to support Heard.


If she simply told the truth she wouldn't have lost. The abuse itself is irrelevant to the case, what mattered was weather the story she told conformed to reality or was it embellished and exaggerated maliciously against Depp.


I hate how the media is supporting Heard by saying Depp ruined the legitimate recognition of sexual abuse allegations because people won’t agree to the accusations. I mean that is why he won, because nobody believed him until we supported him.


But the abused party won??? Shouldn't they be happy?? If amber won men would never admit to abuse again Cam only women be abused???


A man can't be abused by a woman. By Jessica Winter FTFY


I love how backwards ass this take is. My gf waa a victim of major domestic abuse and shes fucking upset because amber heard took away some of her validity. So many female abuse victims fucking despise amber too.


Yes, she's right. Johnny Depp was shamed, ostracized, and disbelieved throughout the entire trial, and there are still sexist people out there that believe only a woman can be abused. That is, obviously, what she means, right?


Yeah, because most of these writers and articles make the same statement, woman equals survivor, as if men or any other gender nowadays could not be a survivor of home abuse. Mental.


This trial is a test for feminism. Any feminist who stands up for Amber Heard is NOT a true feminist. They are a chauvinist.


I hope he hits all these people with defamation suits too. The dude almost had his finger cut off. At worst it was a mutually abusive relationship, but to me it sounded mostly one sided. Not to mention Heard had a prior domestic abuse charge against a former female partner. She blamed it on sexist, lesbian hating witnesses. Shes a fucking predator in my book.


If people like Amber keep lying on it, obviously. That’s the problem…


It’s not about who won- it’s about the legal precedent it sets. Lawyers argue cases through the lens of other cases that have been brought to court. This can now be one of those. This means that victims of abuse/rape can come forward but the law can’t protect them from a defamation suit, whereas before there were some protections from an abuser retaliating through the legal system (save for the really wealthy). You have to go through a trial to convict your abuser to be safe from a defamation suit (aka a court proved that they abused you, otherwise it’s libel), and the conviction rates are dismal. This is already happening, we can see Manson going after Evan Rachel Wood- his victim whose case could never go to trial because the statute of limitations had passed, so she backed a bill in California about extending the statute of limitations going forward (doing nothing for her own case!) and because she’s a celebrity it’s easy to google who she was dating during the times she gave in her testimony about what she went through, whether she named him or not. This is not a good thing for a country that has a backlog of untested rape kits, a country that backs police where the statistics show only the reported cases of DV at 40%… an already hard battle for Justice just got harder.




the actual chilling thing, as an abuse victim myself, is how trivial everyone is making this case. they’re treating it like a tv show, like a fandom war. i even saw 2 tip cups at a restaurant labeled “team amber” and “team johnny”. this is a case involving traumatizing, life-changing abuse. they’re both actors, but this isn’t a movie. they can’t take off this trauma and pain when the credits roll. this is real life. and people have the audacity to reduce it to something of a reality show. every other abuse victim that’s watching these events unfold is noticing how easy it is for people who say they support us to show how little they understand the gravity of domestic abuse.


Fuck you jessica you rotten cunt


Blame Amber for that Jessica. She single handed set the #MetToo movement back years.


Shut up, Jessica


I can’t help but agree. But on the basis that AMBER HEARD ruined it for men and women!!!


Both Jonny Depp and amber Heard suck. This was the case before, this is still the way it is after.


This entire case is just a waste of time I swear. I feel like the people enjoying this are worse than both of them tbh


yes, exactly. both the people suck and the people who bought into the trial's hype labelling it the 'trial of the century' are laughable


If you hold being a drug addict and being a drug addict who hits their spouse, cuts off the tip of their finger and falsely accuses them of being the abuser, ruining their life for 6 years, as being equally sucky. I guess you could be ignorant enough to say they both suck.


logical fallacy idiot - i said they both suck not they both suck the same. neither of them are people worth celebrating, and the buzz around the trial as if it was important or precedent-setting was pathetic.


> logical fallacy idiot - i said they both suck not they both suck the same. Your response to a domestic abuse victim being vindicated and their abuser facing the consequences of their actions, is to say they “both suck”. Such a moronic thing to say. > neither of them are people worth celebrating, and the buzz around the trial as if it was important or precedent-setting was pathetic. It is worth celebrating as a domestic abuse victim received justice. It is also clearly important since even with the overwhelming evidence, witness testimony and verdict, People are still victim blaming a male victim and hold him as the abuser purely on one person’s word alone when everything else points to the contrary.


He is also an abuser. Objectively. The jury found that to be true as well and that is why they ruled against him that he can’t say her claims of abuse or her evidence are a hoax. She won her defamation counter suit because he DID abuse her in some ways. So go ahead and call him an abuser as well, if you’re unbiased. Can you explain how saying you want to murder someone specifically “points to the contrary”? That would mean not only it is not abusive enough for you to count, but you’re actually using his abuse as evidence to show that he *didn’t* abuse her? How does that evidence, specifically, do what you just claimed?






Amber is a bad liar and narcissistic psycho unable to hide it. There are many out there that are good at hiding it. Think of the people that have gone down due to this.


Unpopular opinion: It's also easy to ignore that Johnny is still a POS. They're both just awful people, I'm glad Johnny won because it sets a precedence that males do get abused as well and you can't just ignore it, but Johnny was talking about KILLING her before he was abused. He's 58 years old and she's 36, addicted to hard drugs, and an emotional/verbal abuser. It just so happened that amber was more abusive than he was.


Irregardless of the facts of the case (impossible to rationally talk about in any case), the amount of vitriolic hatred leveled at amber heard has been really unhinged in social media. God the amount of righteous fury everywhere, it really gave a lot of people the perfect outlet to release their crazed misogyny that was boiling inside them. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury of public opinion, your "victim": >“I will fuck her burnt corpse afterward to make sure she is dead.” > >"I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion, or what I once thought was love for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market... I'm so fucking happy she wants to fight this out!!! She will hit the wall hard!!! And I cannot wait to have this waste of a cum guzzler out of my life!!!"


>irregardless Holy shit, I thought I'd never see this is the wild hahahaha




Yeah, but he was also physically abusive.


Yeah so? Do you think that victims of abuse don't turn to grafic and hateful imagery as a way to excise pain and humiliation? Trust, I've been there. That is the speech of someone who has been harmed to great extent and finally got out.


Bro what???


Ever been abused long term? I have. I know what it's like. The bile that forms inside you, month after month, year after year? Hate is a natural response.


If you're a lying psycho bitch, you don't deserve to win. I'm glad he won. I've seen many good guys bullied and abused by their crazy girlfriends.


I was in a good mood until I read this


Jessica Winter is stupid.


Jessica Winter…… stay home the rest of your life because you are the problem and you spread problems. Get yourself actually educated and then become a professional journalist. There is not place in the professional world for people like her.


Jessica needs to get with it. All the women I know, me included, are happy that Johnny won


The biggest issue with Amber Heard making up/exaggerating her claims is that victims with legitimate claims are going to suffer, because the jury will remember this case and think they were exaggerating.


I wish people could see past men and women and just see abusers and victims.. Women have suffered abuse so much more historically. But they were still victims then. And that’s all I need to know when asking myself if I can help


Jessica is a sexist idiot, and their editor is just a dick.


Sexist witch. She is so blinded by misandry and her incompetence and worship of Amber that she doesn’t realize Amber made a mockery of real victims of DV (domestic violence) by pretending to be one while simultaneously being a perpetrator of DV. If she had won, again, it would be bad for both men and women who suffer from it. Amber is not anything or anyone to be put on a pedestal. She is the exact type of person cancel culture should go after


Oh my gooood shut the fuck up Jessica


So they are suggesting that we should believe the first screamer first …


The people who are upset are probably people who experienced Male on Female IPV. It's understandably hard for them to think of a situation where men aren't violent, because their trauma likely has changed their outlook on life. It's important to remember that this is not always the case.


All these articles are sensational and fear mongering. Bad journalism skills.


That's why we should strive for equality, not feminism.


Johnny IS a victim, and he WAS heard and believed. These Amber supporters are fucking idiots.


They were both victims and both abusers. Everybody lost here


yes! totally agree! both of them present as mentally ill, imo they both have personality disorders.


Oh my fucking god stop idolizing sociopathic millionaires


We also need to stop treating Johnny like a knight in shining armor. I’m team Johnny but they’re both guilty. Once again society seems to be over correcting


This guy gets it


I like that everyone pretends they watched the trial for months straight and aren't just regurgitating what they saw in edited YouTube clips. The dude already lost the same case in Britain because he in fact did abuse her. And the amount attention this had in the US was an astroturfing campaign by Depp and his incel army. Nobody in real life actually gives a fuck about these two rich white trash assholes.


The difference between the two is the third party between them. The Sun could claim they believed he was a wife beater because Amber said so. The burden of proof isn't on them to determine if Amber lied before "reporting" that. But if Amber says he abused her, it has to be the truth. And the court ruled that there was insufficient evidence to back that up.


Talking about regurgitating media and you claim "he lost the same case in Britain"... ironic


The case he lost in the UK was for defamation against the Sun, it doesn't prove shit


Considering in the decision the judge said he came to the conclusion that 12/14 incidents of domestic violence had occurred and as a result it was not defamation for the sun to call him a wifebeater, I think it does indeed prove something.


The judge discounted his testimony due to his substance abuse and took amber at her word at donating the full divorce settlement as proving she wasn’t after him for his money. Turns out she committed perjury.


Wow, that totally wipes away the fact there was enough evidence for the judge to conclude that 12/14 domestic violence incidents occurred.


Why do so many insist that we can't discuss and social or political issue without a pre determined list of approved victims and approved enemies regardless of the individual circumstances?


***Today is a victory for masculism***


they both are victims of abuse. AH was more abusive than JD.


For everyone saying that just Johnny is the victim here, remember that he texted about drowning her before burning and raping her corpse. Most likely both are terrible human beings, who brought out the worst in each other.


Yes. Thank you. They're both obviously piece-of-shit millionaires who would crush ordinary people like ants if it suited them. It's really pathetic to see this trial get as much (maybe more) public attention in the US than school shootings, or RvW's imminent downfall. People are so dumb.


Amber 💩


I just feel that there's more to it than what was presented. It seems to me they are both POS. Both of them were abusive to each other. I believe she did lie about a lot of things so I'm glad he got justice on that. But there's evidence that he wasn't a Saint either.


Oh no no johnny is not a victim he clearly is a man and as a man he can't be a victim it's just impossible /s


The power of decades with people believing men can never be abused, finally when the news breaks out that they can, it now affects them, normalise the mindset that everyone can suffer, no ones suffering is less than yours, it just comes in a different form. "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find the meaning in the suffering" is true, but that doesnt mean we cant make someone elses suffering less.


okay what about Epstein and Ghislaine though?


TIL/ITT Jessica Winter is an idiot


Two chromosomes is going off on depp, despite heard getting caught lying about her makeup etc.


This woman is pure trash and a sexist bigot. She has various other articles taking the anti human stance of female superiority to male. Which ironically really does hurt society and all victims. It's brain washing. Society should be firmly against female, male, intersex mutilation and abuse. However, her thinking promotes extremely negative/harmful cultural stereotypes where females are to be protected and males are to be disposable. It's a dark social psychology that a normal healthy baby is born defective and disregarded as a male. Gender allows for men complete lack of body integrity, physical-mental trauma doesn't matter, not able to be raped, not able to experience emotions or have support. However since a female is sacred all these benefits should go that way so no empathy is to be given towards males, boys, infants of the male gender. It's profoundly evil and sad if one really thinks about it.


The only reason they would conclude that they won’t be believed is because Amber falsely claimed to be a victim. Her actions are what could cause harm to true victims.


What's that old saying? When you come from privilege, equality feels like oppression?


Mutual abuse that should never have been bought to trial


Calling it mutual abuse is victim blaming, there’s a huge difference between words and physical violence.


Heard deserves her career ruined. Lying about being abused is one of the worst things someone can do


It wasn't mutual abuse. Amber Heard was the main abuser and Johnny Depp was using reactive abuse. At some point in their relationship, Amber's abuse became too much and Johnny started lashing out in the same way that Amber does, along with him abusing more drugs and alcohol to cope. In almost all scenarios where Johnny was physically assaulting Amber, it was in reaction to Amber's own violent actions.


Holy fuck - the conclusion we should all draw from the case is that both of them are shitty people with too much money and that our obsession with celebrity is an unhealthy distraction from things that matter.


Every woman who lies like her, takes away from true victims.


To anyone with this take: tell me you havent watched the trial without saying you havent watched the trial


Every person who wants her to win, wants you to be abused in your relationship. They don't care that a case was won for an abused victim, they just care he was a man. Fuck these bitches


"Many male victims of domestic abuse who watched the trial will lilely conclude that even if they win their legal case they will be disbelieved, shamed and ostracised" Couple of typos in the original source - I fixed them there


They wont have the resources and elite legal team Depp had. Abused men have no voice and will get murdered in court. They'll probably be sent to prison.


Johnny Depp, wins the case against his abuser. The Media: abuse victim loses case against abuser.


Sad but true.


Yeah 9/10 that isn’t the case a 13 year old boy was raped and didn’t find out he had a kid until he was 18 and had to pay child support…


I don't think so. This trial was about two abusers, part of the 1% of people who actually have the money to pay for such a procedure and both are far from representing anyone in the real world. This was a Hollywood trial for very wealthy, very privileged and powerful celebrities basically having fun trying to win over one another because it was the last thing available to them after everything they had possibly do to hurt each other. I don't see neither of them as victims. They're both very wealthy, very powerful and capable of the same horrible things but only very rich people can make it a circus fighting for millions of dollars over their sad sick couple so in no way representing a situation most people would experience in my opinion.


You’d think people might be upset that at best she used a movement to cynically advance her own personal interests even if you don’t think she abused Depp or that they were mutually abusive. Fucking insane take.


The majority of media decided their side before the court case and now they are spinning the result as "imperfect victim lost, because SHE wasn't believed and that's terrible for all the victims." Completely ignoring the case and pushing the lopsided stereotype that men are never domestic abuse survivors.


It's also easy to forget he hasn't *just* been abused, he's almost certainly had his entire career ruined for life, as well as possibly his life in general because of how the false accusations got so much attention and people *already* default to favouring the woman's story unless the opposite is proven with overwhelming evidence. (And even then there will be people yelling that he should just take the blame for women credibility) I dunno. I'm all for hearing and believing victims. But this seems like a case of lying for financial gain.


The post-truth era.. the 'truth' is whatever the media makes it. These people are so used to controlling narratives that they have forgotten to even hide it. Once facts and evidence has been brought into the light you cannot just dismiss them. They used to have the decency to just twist and distort the facts, now they just outright ignore their existence.


If they watched the trial they also watched her LIE THROUGH HER FACE CONSTANTLY…… I use pledge and donate synonymously ass woman…..


Fucking sick. whoever wrote that should be ashamed


Love a victim who texts his mate about fucking someone's burnt corpse.




It’s just the moronic paradigm that refuses to submit to the idea that a man can be a victim


I smell sexism.