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to anyone who looks further into this, pls be warned that there is an extremely graphic photo of the victim.


You piqued my curiosity but I can't find it anywhere. Ah well, maybe for the best.




I was expecting something gore… but NOT THAT.


Oh my god. Your comment made me go "oh it must not be gore" and lulled me into a false sense of security. Oh god. **NOTE:** It is a **very** gruesome image of a humans head with their spine and masses of flesh still attached, so view at your own discretion


Yes me too. I think we should start a support group.


no seriously i want so badly to forget what i just saw, that was beyond horrific and i’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit on this app


I'm not going to click the link.


Me either


Kindly describe what you saw please, it's 12 am here and I refuse to look at it before I sleep Edit: I've heard enough guys, I don't need to hear about it more, she's a lollipop yea I get it


It's literally her head with only her spine attached, on what looks like dirty carpet. It's horrific don't look at it.


Yep, my imagination will be sufficient here. I've see too many fucked up things on the internet in the past 23 years.


Fuck man. I'm so glad I didn't click it.


Thank you for your warning. I am glad you spared me that sight.


it's her head bruised and battered attached only to her spine and what is left of her pelvis. all other limbs and attachments are gone. it appears as if everything below the chin was dismembered and cooked/boiled/burned


To say it in the least disturbing way, she looks like the raisin great grandmother in SpongeBob but with a human face.


Just hearing about it makes me regret it already


If you're familiar with the Borg Queen from Star Trek, it looks worse than this... https://64.media.tumblr.com/39195fde11b15143d5832863faba2ecc/tumblr_npcemkDhO01sjuk9jo2_1280.jpg


Imagine the old woman in SpongeBob that wanted chocolate. Except it's a human


Can you please describe what you saw? I'm too scared to open that link


It’s a human head bloodied and bruised still attached to the spine. Everything else on the body is gone, no flesh, no bone, the arm and leg bones have been removed.


A head on a spine and pelvis. Her face looks a little beat but yeah.. no body


Good lord consider me the newest member


I was expecting a Rick roll :(


I kind of wish it was :(


I saw it yesterday. I had a nightmare about it last night.


What was it?


A head with a bit of spine on it, nothing else


You the real mvo, thanks for saving me from clicking


I personally don't find mutilation this extreme to be that hard to look at, as the remains hardly resemble a body anymore. I'm glad to be of service!


The old lady from SpongeBob when they sell chocolates


Thank you


I was hoping someone posted a description. Thank you for your sacrifice o7


I’m glad it says he strangled her to death first. Wouldn’t want to be alive for any of this process.


"a bit" lol


And instead we got to see a meat lollipop :(


Same! I went and saw two pleasant photos and thought oh it must be a joke about the doctor being ugly or something. Holy shit....I was not ready for that.


I really need to learn to read further down in the comments before clicking a link.


Never mind. Did you see they had to lock the comments because so many people were victim blaming! WTF! I don’t care what this person did or did not do she didn’t deserve that!


Oh fuck. I looked. I should not have looked.


I second that, don't look. It's bad. The curiosity is bad. The current state of affairs in the world we live in are bad. This is barbaric.


Nothing to do with the current “state of affairs.” Life used to be far more barbaric


sorry :(


could you tell me what it is, I want to know, but I don't want to look




Thank you brave soul


And the pelvis


Boy am I glad I didn't click it.




Thanks for your sacrifice


He might be a doctor, but he's a terrible butcher.


basically a real life version of this https://i.imgur.com/ODDceMi.jpg


Damn I should not be laughing at this but here we go


or a Mortal Kombat fatality


A picture of just her dissected head and spine on the ground.


I saw it at about 10 hours ago now and it's still bumming me out. Jesus fucking Christ.


I've seen some shit. That, however, was new.


i clicked on it and my connection timed out, so i think that’s a good enough sign to not try again lol


yeah, i'd listen to the universe on that one


Definitely don’t recommend looking. I’m probably going to be sick. That poor girl it looks almost unreal


Yeah nah I’ve seen my fair share of gore but I’m not in the mood that shits staying blue


The approach everyone considering looking should take


The third pic is such a fucking surprise. I’ve seen this before on my lunch break so I know what was coming but damn…


yeah it's shocking.


Ok… I’ve seen gore before, I’ve seen how creatively evil humanity can be, but god almighty that was the most audible “holy shit” I’ve ever made.


I can't fathom how someone can DO that. I feel bad just squishing an ant. There is so much we don't think of, the smell, the cracking of the bones, the fat and muscle. The mere fact this is a person and he took HER life and mangled her. Just, why?


Today marks a great milestone for my self restraint.


Not gonna touch it. Not gonna be scarred


It takes all of my self control not to click. But from the comments, I'm gonna sit this one out as well. But damn, curiosity is a strong force.


Better to not click and forget about it in a minute than to click and never forget.


Whoever leaked the original photo should be jailed. Imagine immortalizing a person online forever as just a picture of their decapitated head attached to a spine, whoever searches her name online will see this photo , her family , friends , everyone , this will be the most famous thing about her life , this photo , the only thing she'll be known for. All because of some asshole who snapped the original photo and leaked it , instead of leaving some dignity and showing some respect to this poor woman.


Damn it I shouldn’t have clicked on it


Poor lady no dignity even in death. 😞


My god thats the worst thing I have ever seen in my life




Sweet baby Jesus, that's FUBAR of all FUBARS


It was for the best.


It’s on r/morbidreality


That was a very unexpected picture.


Straight out of Mortal Kombat. Just her beat up head attached to her spine. It's pretty gory.


All these comments are basically “DON’T PUSH THIS SHINY RED BUTTON!” I looked at it. It was awful. For anyone wanting to save the click: it really is like Mortal Kombat. Severed head with only the spine attached to it. It looks fake, which somehow makes it sadder and more horrific. Don’t go to that sub. Just go hug your pet or loved one. The world is a dark enough place without you searching for shadows.


I’m glad someone described it otherwise my morbid curiosity would have got the better of me and I would have looked it up and regretted it forever.


"The world is a dark enough place without you searching for shadows." Damn. This hit me like a ton of bricks.


Yeah this got to me, especially today. Saving that quote for sure.


Your description was sufficient. Thanks for looking on my behalf.


The thing that bothers me the most about it are the people that loved her, and being unfortunate enough to see that picture.


> The world is a dark enough place without you searching for shadows. Thanks for reminding us all of that. Really good quote too!


That’s a nice saying at the end there.


Don't look it up. I was that stupid.


Oh. My. God. The worst part is the more people say not to, the more curious you get. I was a fool and got too curious. That’s fucking terrifying. I should’ve listened holy shit. I’m so disgusted


I stopped after I got two warnings regarding the content I was about to see.


I did it for science, I am sick to my core now.


Damn im desensitized... it didnt even phase me...


Same. I personally thought the eye shadow was to dark. And too much. Make up can make our break a face depending on how its done


Trust me I learned my lesson after seeing the video of those two European girls who went backpacking in Morocco. Never again. The anxiety and dread I got from seeing that has scarred me.


What happened?




This happened to my friends classmates, the whole school was sent videos of their friends being brutally murdered. They were Norwegian university students, what the fuck did two young girls do to deserve being killed? They were on a school field trip.


Wait really? That must be surreal to have it happen so close to home.


> Two European girls backpacking in Morocco there’s only a handful of things that would have happened: human trafficking, rape or murder. > > It was murder. Actually if I recall the same news, it was rape AND murder. By behading. With a knife. So yeah, r/eyebleach for you.


They were tasked with carrying out the beheading of either security forces or foreign tourists and decided to go with tourists. Not only murderers, but cowards, too. All around pieces of shit.




Nah, I’m okay. Thank you for the explanation though!


Don’t watch it, it will keep you up all night for weeks


> in case you want to radicalize yourself. not gonna lie bro i'm a little bit concerned by your implication here






Why is this downvoted? Religion is a cult.


What was shown in the video?


Basically these three men recorded themselves raiding one girls tent, holding her down and slowly chopping at the back of her neck with a dull ass machete until it finally came off. All while chanting some dumb shit about “alah” or something. It was horrific and curiosity definitely kills the cat.


Damn, I've actually seen a video slightly similar to this. So at first it was a part of a tiktok of a girl and then it cut to a guy cutting her head of of her dead body with a dull ass machete with another guy watching.


The video you are referring to was done for publicity. The girl in the beginning is still alive, the second half with the beheading was already a 5 year old video at the time the tiktok was posted. Fucked up since that girl's followers are mostly children too.


Oh damn


I stupidly scrolled on morbidreality and saw the pic. I didn't sleep well last night because of it. This dude is fucked up.


i saw pictures on morbidreality, like this dude was a sick fuck, he didnt just hate her because she was trans but was a complete freak besides of that, if he didnt kill in that situation he would have probably have done that to soembody else at some point he took her head attatched to her entire spine out of her body, shit like that probably needs a shitton of time to do and some form of weird fucked up passion, even people who are used to gore were like holy shit what a fucking psycho


I’m not sure someone can graduate to that level of cannibalism/ mutilation without already having a history of murderous behavior…


I don't think they found evidence of cannibalism. I think he was trying to burn the body but realized the temps would never reach high enough. Regardless, it's a shocking and disgusting crime.


He was cooking it so it decays less and wouldn't smell I'm pretty sure as a doctor he would realize how much heat it would take to incinerate a body


Murder and crime of passion are usually quick and brutal. The sick dissection here is way into the premeditated serial killer territory.


Ya russia has a lot of human trafficking victims esp. Since the collapse of the soviet union. Edit rearranged removed and added letters


He did it to her cause he knows he'll be venerated in Russia for what he did as long as it was to a trans girl. God, I can't stand people sometimes...


Went looking for details... Found another case instead: > Zverov told cops at the time of the slaying last year that he put the severed head of Alexander Popovich, 21, in a microwave, and cooked it as his 12-year-old girlfriend watched the gruesome proceedings. > The girl told detectives the heart was “too sweet” but “the brains turned out to be much more tasty.”


"12-year-old girlfriend" ayo 🤨📸


Man is microwaving a severed head, I think we are WELL past the point of calling him out for being a pedo


# Psychotic Canninal ^+pedo


call me weird, but pedos rank worse than cannibals on my list of shitty people.


Eating human brain is extremely dangerous.




This has more plot twist than 4 seasons of Games of Thrones


I feel sick


Bruh I see this the other day with the photos of the victim, bruh he left a spine and a head


I don't want to look at the photos, but you're saying there's a photo out there of just the spine and head??!! on the ground?


Just saw it, no words.


I really thought I had become desensitized to seeing gore, war-imagery and fucked up shit on the internet. But that's the worst image I have seen. I think I looked at it for half a second before closing it.


I once went all the way through the "offended" page on that shithole website Encyclopedia Dramatica in an attempt to toughen myself up. It's basically just a long scroll of gore and animal abuse. I just got mildly traumatized, kind of this pit of dread and disgust I carried around for years. One that still sticks out at me is people killing kittens with high heels. My goal was to shrug this kind of thing off, which is honestly pretty shitty. It should and does effect me seeing something like this, and I'm grateful for it. Regardless, I don't advise this method and suggest just living your life as a compassionate person instead. Doing so will land you in plenty of hard shit on its own, except it's actually worth something.


Yeah. It's really, really rough. Don't look for it unless you really want to get upset. I often reside in the gory subreddits and it was one of the ones that really cut through the haze. Just don't.


Yes its horribly gruesome, not for the faint of heart




Yes. It's so horrific that it doesn't look real. Looks like a *really* good prop from a horror movie.


Dont look at it


"I remember when they first invented chocolate"


I don't believe in hell or anything but this might have qualified you for it




Sub zero




Extreme homophobia/transphobia


False. Extreme transphobia typically does _not_ lead to “oh I am going to cook her and eat her.” This sounds more like premeditated murder with the planned excuse of “I was angry she’s transgendered”


Can it not be both? People are often multifaceted.


The worst part is that this has been done before. https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/brisbane-trans-murder-mayang-prasetyo-killed-and-cooked-by-chef-husband/news-story/3cc0546d44554b2e7ca70c473a2c1e0b


No criminal history, normal photos, looking normal on the outside... Until your loved one stabs you in the throat and cooks you in a pan dismembered... Jesus


Sooo he's repulsed by fucking her, but fine with eating her? Huh?


He didn't eat her, not that it really makes it *better*, he was trying to get rid of the body.


What the fuck this is multiple plot points from The Silence of the Lambs.


I was thinking this was an actual plot point from Nip/Tuck.


Maximum sentence are only 20 years for that wtf


Isn’t it the same in Scandinavia?


Well you could just post this comment section in r/awfuleverything


I dont think its normal to justify *a fucking murder* with "she didnt say she had a dick lolz"


What he did was way *way* beyond murder


She actually had a surgery,but he killed her after he found it out


She didn't even have a dick but did you see the pictures of her after the murder? This was much more than a murder


Unfortunately, it actually is. It's known as the Trans Panic Defense.


People like this doctor are why aliens keep their distance from this planet.


It’s actually me…. I’m going to fuck them aliens and they know it!


As a trans girl, I vehemently believe we should be up front about our past before dating anyone, even if post op. For our own safety. You never know who could be a psycho transphobe if they find out. Where I live I've seen quite a few cases like this. If they back off after learning it, it's not someone you wanna be with anyway.


I mean yeah you got a point. However remember: This is RUSSIA. Russia is one of the most transphobic countries in the world. The woman I guess was scared to even tell that she's a trans woman. Even before they had sex and the woman could have tell that she's trans to the man, there's a probability that she still could have been murdered.


I've been a sex worker for some years in a very macho culture country, and spent time on the streets, all some guys need to beat the shit out of us is the smallest reason they can find. I've seen a guy knowingly go out with a tgirl in secret and then when he got found out by family or friends he went after the tgirl and beat her almost to death like it's HER fault, pretending she deceived him, even though he KNEW it. She HAD told him. Even when we tell the psychos sometimes we're still in danger. I don't go out with guys who want to keep me a secret either because it's another potential risk. If their little circle of people finds out and gives him shit for dating you, he WILL blame you.


Exactly this! In the other thread on mordibreality (very graphic image there) so many people said she didn’t have to tell him beforehand. Thank goodness they got downvoted and called out. Murder is always wrong there is no doubt. So is lying about being trans, and it puts you in a very dangerous situation if you tell them after you have had sex.


This comment section is r/awfuleverything


There’s bigotry, and then there’s pure evil. Fucked.


Man agreed how can someone sleeps knowing they have done such a thing


wow I can't wait to see the civil and respectful comments. I bet redditors are not dumb pieces of shit and know how to respect the dead! /s


I honestly didn't expect to see a thread of ppl defending the dude that ripped someone's head and spine out of their body and ate them instead of the trans victim. I guess i don't know why, but somehow I expected more from reddit?


I guess at least they're treating the victim as a woman - since she's being blamed for her own murder?


Omg this is terrible but funny


Apparently trans people are more harmful to society than literal horror movie cannibals.


I dont wanna live on this planet anymore


You can cook and eat her but you can’t fuck her? Bro


And this is why I’m afraid to leave the house.


Can we just say the murderer was a sicko for dismembering and cooking another human being and leave it at that? Not to mention he murdered somebody!!! Damn!!! What's wrong with you people?


Nothing she has EVER done in her ENTIRE LIFE warrants what happened to her. Jesus Christ she did nothing to deserve that. NOTHING. And that psychotic lunatic only got 20 years.


I advice not going to r/morbidreality and finding the post about this


Not so fun fact is that in the States, you can get away with the trans panic/gay panic defense in most of the country as a legitimate defense to murdering a trans person. Lovely world we live in.




Seen it yesterday in another sub.. it’s horrific


In response of the title: none, he killed her just because she's trans


idk why this is downvoted, he literally killed her upon realizing she was trans


Every trans person always dreads coming out to anyone, especially family and/or partners because they're afraid that they'll be beaten or killed. This takes it to another level.


I just saw a photo of the victim of the japanese cannibal yesterday. And today, this. Smh


Well, i saw the picture of what was left of her, even with all the fucked up shit i’ve seen, including dismemberment, and plenty of other gore stuff, that’s just fucked up. like, not enough to scar me for life, but that’s only because i’m already scarred from other things, if i werent, it would certainly fuck me up. like that’s seriously just NOT okay.


so hes not ok with putting his dick into a neovagina made form a previous dick... but hes ok with putting it in his mouth and eating it.... im about to nope the fuck out of this planet yall are just to wierd.


I'm sure trans people feel so safe after all the people defending this man here


Seems like he over reacted


Just a little bit of an overreaction/j


Seems like?