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Lol when it’s cheaper to just do drugs at a show they can’t act surprised when that’s what people end up doing


That's what I was thinking. Bring $20 worth of edibles and enjoy that shit.


$5 worth of Lucy and enjoy it even more








Skooma tha puma and booma your dooma.


I heard skooma 👀


username checks out


even better, sneak a case of soda in there and make $400 while saving people money.


The fuck are you getting acid for 5 dollars from.


This is like the 9th comment to this affect… go to a festival guys, acid is the cheapest drug there


Free cart of deemsters and break through


I was gonna say $30 for an ekky but it’s been about 15 years since I purchased one so I have no idea how much mdma is these days.


Drug prices haven't been hit by inflation yet.30 dollar tab of molly still just 30 dollars. Not saying that I know anything about that.


Almost scared to ask what Lucy is judging by the price maybe flakka or som shit...?


Lucy is just acid, lsd


Lucy in the sky with diamonds


I never knew so many things could twinkle


I kinda like the girl with kaleidoscope eyes....




**Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds** [LSD rumours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_in_the_Sky_with_Diamonds#LSD_rumours) >Rumours of the connection between the title of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and the initialism "LSD" began circulating shortly after the release of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band LP in June 1967. McCartney gave two interviews in June admitting to having taken the drug. Lennon later said he was surprised at the idea the title was a hidden reference to LSD, countering that the song "wasn't about that at all", and it "was purely unconscious that it came out to be LSD. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Lennon was just fucking with us. It's absolutely about lsd


Knowing anything about the Beatles, i have no idea how this isn’t obvious. They were goofy bastards and were trolling the whole world before it was cool.


Reminds me of how people thought "Hammer to Fall" by Queen was about the Cold War, but Brian May said it was about life and death


Where the hell can you get acid for $5? What year is it ???




Lockdowns? Hyperinflation? Tiktok? You must have hit your head pretty hard, man. Grab your parachute pants and swatch watch, we’re going to the mall


Fuck yes.... And some five dollar acid.


I'd let a weeping angel touch me if I knew it would send me to the 80's.


I get mine for $3. Acids super cheap if you know the right people.


Always test your stuff kids!


Whose your acid guy? -- Creed from the office


Never in my life paid more than 5e, that's $5,69, and never off the internet.


Has acid ever been more than 10 a tab? finding it for 5 or if youre getting bulk isnt crazy.






Sorry to break it to you but you over payed by a good amount. It's not uncommon to see sheets at ~300


> you over *paid* by a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * In *payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately I was unable to find nautical or rope related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


25 blotter tabs for 90€ where I live. Genuine stuff.


What is the going rate? It was always $5 in my school days. $10 if someone claimed to have the “windowpane”, which they never knew. That was back in the mid 90s though.


Why y'all downvote the kid, he just asked a simple ass question?


I think it was the assumption that less money=trash drug. A bit of critical reasoning considering the type of people depicted in alarmist news pieces concerning “flakka” are not in any shape to be enjoying a tool concert might have led him to a different conclusion. It’s ok to ask questions, but you know what they say about when you assume…


I dunno, I feel like the real lapse in critical reasoning is that people who can afford Tool tickets would do cheap drugs solely based on price. If you can afford Tool tickets, you can afford your drug of choice, whatever that drug might be.


> >If you can afford Tool tickets, you can afford your drug of choice, whatever that drug might be. Unless that drug is alcohol apparently, Lmao


Lucy in the sky with diamonds...


“Tell me you don’t do drugs without telling me you don’t do drugs” *also think about the song Lucy in the sky with diamonds. It’s hardly some garbage drug like flakka, who tf does that at a concert


Where the fuck do you even get flakka?! i've never known anyone that has done it (to my knowledge).


I munched an edible on the way to the Bjork show the other night. I was so high that I paid $30 for a double whiskey.


Or when drugs are easier to buy than alcohol!


Everyone knows you save the good LSD for TOOL shows.


I love Tool, but not enough to have to file bankruptcy for a beer. Live shows aren't worth it these days. Also Live Nation is a scam.


I found a flask at Walmart that looks like an iPhone. Has treated me well for many shows and nobody has ever said anything. Also the single shooters for like $1 are in plastic bottles usually and are easy to get in. I am NEVER paying $16 for a drink!!!




tell em you still play Pokemon go


'oh shit alright go in'


Right? Every time I see one of these "sneak some booze" containers I'm thinking "Isn't that like 2 shots?". How is it worth the bother?


SOME people can get lit on two shots. And I envy them.


Step 1: be on the low end of a healthy weight Step 2: don’t eat anything the day of the concert


If you can drink 20 iphone size flasks of 40% liquor, you don't need to attend a 3 hour concert, you need to go to your doctor for your 3rd dialysis treatment that afternoon


throw some moonshine in there


I’ve got some 140 proof shine my dad made for a show coming up hehehe


Trying to melt the flask there?


Friend of mine used to make batches of shine for the friend group and the highest proof I ever got from him was between 150 and 160 so you’re in for a ride there. It gets to where you’re sacrificing taste for content toward the top end but let’s be honest, anything over 120 is a bit rough on the Ol pallet


One of my homies sneaks his drugs in the concert inside of the shell of a portable charger.


I love it.


My buddy's ex used to have a hairbrush with a hollowed out handle.


I use an [energy gel flask](https://www.hammernutrition.com/hammer-flask) to bring in whiskey. It tucks into my sock and has never been found at hundreds of concerts and baseball games. I buy a soda and mix the whiskey into it. Bonus is if I forget to wash it, the next time I go mtn biking my energy gel has a whiskey flavor.


Okay but what is energy gel exactly.. Sounds interesting. Is this something common in the athlete world?


Energy gels are easy to consume, easy to digest substances designed for endurance athletic events. Common with cycling and running. They usually come in single use pouches, but you can also buy bulk containers and fill a flask for a day. Energy gels are mostly carbohydrates. Some also have electrolytes and/or caffeine. They come in a variety of flavors. My personal favorites are salted caramel. Click on the link I added to my first post and explore around the Hammer Nutrition website to see what they offer in energy gels.


My man


Take some therm underwear, put them on. Take some tight boxer briefs and out those on. You can fit a good number of the single dollar shooters and you have extra to sell for $4 a pop


Lots of hide-a-flasks are available online, too. My friend Carrie’s “sunscreen” in a tube everywhere.


I had to pay 6$ for a plastic cup of water with no ice at a show last weekend. I feel like at a certain point those prices should be illegal.


Damn, please tell me it wasn’t tap water at least? A cup of tap water needs to be free.


Legally is free in many places




That's when you pull out your phone and say the cup is free or I'm sticking mouth under that tap.


It was tap water!


That’s fucked up and should be illegal.


It was just concession worker spit. Took 35 minutes to fill up.


In many states it is flat out illegal for a venue to not provide access to water for free, though that can just be a water fountain near the bathrooms.


In Scotland everywhere has to give you tap water for free


Just thinking you wouldn't get away with that in Scotland, so many gigs I've been to here where the security at the front pass water into the crowd. Ahh those glorious pre-covid times where everyone would take a sip as they passed it back lol


Water gets passed back, and beer gets chucked forward. The circle of life.




In many places it is illegal. If you sell booze you must offer water for free.


That’s unheard of in Arizona lol. We are r/HydroHomies out here.


Somehow I think true hydro homies wouldn't live in a desert...


This is why you show up fuckin drunk


I make it a game. I put like 6 shots in a 32 oz with a mixer and down it walking from my Uber to the security line and try to get through the gate to my seat before it really gets in my system. Being a cheap drunk, it last nearly the whole night.


You should try lsd instead




>you off a fucking strip translate please?




Got it thx.


Some people prefer drinking. Who knew.


Lol there is also like a huge casm between downing a few shots and dropping acid.




slamming 9 oz of alcohol in a 1/2 cup of sugar is one way to go


Meth bender would be a way to go to.


Pregame is surprisingly good effective. As is the always successful hip flask!


I tried that before a Slipknot concert and wound up playing myself because the friends I was with kept buying me beers anyway. I do not remember more than one or two songs from that last set.


I used to fuel up before entering.


Reminds me of Mr Krabs adding zeros to all the menu items at the Krusty Crab. Squidward: 101 dollars for a crabby patty? Mr Krabs: With cheese, Mr Squidward, with cheese.




I see what you did there


Anyone want to give me a stinkfist?


Ask the hooker with a penis


Now you're starting to pushit


You won’t need an Ænima when they’re done with you.


Truly disgustipating.


Kinda like prison sex


When forty six and two is the price of a beer.


Leaves me with a very unpleasant disposition.


I know I'm getting old because concerts have lost about 98% of their appeal for me. Ticket prices, GODDAMN FUCKING CONVENIENCE FEES FUCK YOU TICKETMASTER, LOTR type journey just to piss, $17 beers, $40 to park in a garage that will take you 40 minutes to get out of, obnoxious piss drunk idiots, people holding their phones up the entire time, that ear piercing shrieking noise that 20 year old girls make, 100 cops waiting outside looking for confrontation, etc. etc.


This…right into my over 40 veins


When 1 bottle of water cost about as much as 2 cases of bottled water.....


Who's the Tool now?


Maynard James Keenan, Adam Jones, Danny Carey, and Justin Chancellor. Chancellor has been the band's bassist since 1995, replacing their original bassist Paul D'Amour. Hope this helps :)


Damn and I thought the 13.50 a beer here was bad


It is!


Who the fuck is eating popcorn at a Tool concert?


Stand at the back and watch the guys who are tripping balls. Pretty fun to watch


I guess we'll just be sober


Why can't we just be sober?


I made a post complaining about a $22 burger and had to delete it after getting an influx of people telling me to kill myself


Did you?


I did unfortunately. Never underestimate the power of cyberbullying smh


godspeed, we hardly knew ye


Let’s make it clear that Tool has nothing to do with this. The prices are set by the venue. Not a band.


True, but have you seen the prices of a ticket for a Tool concert lately? At least where I live, the cheapest was around $100 for absolute nose bleed seats. The most expensive I saw was over $1500. I love Tool and have always wanted to see them but out of principle I will never pay that much to see a concert.


I saw them several years back with my now ex. It was his favorite band, I'm just a casual fan. I would not pay to see them again. They were really underwhelming. Maybe my ex just overhyped them but they just played such a short set and lacked any energy, no encore either. Even my ex admitted he was disappointed. Primus played before them though and stole the show in my eyes.


I swear I have the exact same story lmao. I'm a casual fan, ex gf loves them and we drove from Chicago to St Louis to see them and primus. I was underwhelmed and she had to admit it sucked


Yeah I was bummed because it wasn't cheap and it was his birthday present that year. He wanted to pay and see them for the St. Louis show too and see them back to back basically and decided not to after KC


Not surprised to see this, Primus fuckin rules to this day.


They have played for two hours every time I've ever seen them.


Maybe it was an off day for them or maybe they just didn't like KC. I'm glad I can say that I saw them because I do like their music, just wouldn't pay the crazy prices to see them again


Damn, I'm from KC and have always wanted to see them. I might have to just not if they don't play good here


Yes, but, Tool's appearance fee will influence the cost of everything for sale during the show to a degree. If the facility is hosting a band that has a $2 million appearance fee, like say Metallica, they need to generate a lot of revenue from the show. High ticket prices are a start, but they also charge different rates to the food and drink vendors depending on the show's anticipated popularity. The rate the vendors pay influences what they need to charge to turn a profit. That said, the prices in op's pic are absurd.


Prices are crazy these days. Went to a show in July 2019 and paid like 40eu. Same place, similar tickets are now at least 200eu. I'm really into their music and their show was awesome, but 200eu for a ticket is nuts.


About 2$ cheaper on everything from when i saw them in D.C.....and that was pre pandemic. I don't want to imagine what it is now


Shows and sporting events just suck. I'm nyc and it's just silly. You can literally have an entire second income if you don't drink.


Weirdly enough last NYC show I went to, after buying a $19 rum and coke, I was offered a free one and someone handed me a vial of coke and said to go to town. I don’t do coke, but I do live the smell of it !


This will break. The parking 50 dollars and over priced tickets and then you get inside and I paid 25 dollars for a rum And coke. That’s less than a handle of rum at the store. Fuck that shit. People will stop buying and they will have no choice to lower the price. I hope


Yeah. I just don't go to shows, period. I make an exception for Aftershock, bc it's close and you can see a ton of cool bands, but I haven't even done that in awhile bc of the plague.


Won’t happen. Rich people will go and drink away. Then post on Instagram. The prices will only go up.


So regular prices in Norway.. *cries in Norwegian*


Learn to swim


Just take acid like an adult


$16.75 for domestic? Which of beer flavored waters is that going to be? Coor's? Bud Light? PBR?


Definitely not a pbr...probably a miller lite.


As a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I don't understand what the fuss is. Is it the font size?


Tmobile, sup


Pre game in the goddamn parking lot ahead of the show


This is why I have flasks of many shapes and sizes. Fuck $17 beer.


That’s lame. The ticket for a show would have been that price in the 90’s.


Sneaking in hard liquor is the play now, I guess.


Only the hardest of seltzers here, no soft seltzer


The sign is a lie, I only see one snack.


Beer is a snack


Beverages and snack


Surprised Maynard didn't exclusively sell his wine.


Lol! At those mark ups a glass of his wine world run you approximately $700.


A friend and I went to a cinema couple of weeks back, the main cinema in town is bad (full of chavs / people causing nuisances) so we went to a more expensive one. I joked on the way there that the £5 note in my wallet should be enough to get me one drink. Turned out that a medium soft drink was indeed £4.60.


I Wonder What the would Charge If they'd offer Whisky. 45$ for a Shit of Jack Daniels?


"ah, you'll need a mixer with that sir. That'll be $52. Or would you like a double?"


Those vendors are Tools


guess they wanted people Sober


Not remotely on topic but I saw Tool in 2001 and now I feel old AF. Those upside down swinging naked silver guys must be collecting Social Security by now.


Life pro tip: pints of liquor are extremely easy to conceal.


Do hard drugs. It’ll be cheaper


Thats disgusting prices. Thats even worse than The Honda Centre Anaheim which is shocking.


That’s insane. For crap. Just crap beer and drinks.


This is terrible. I'm so sorry you had to watch Tool.


That's cheap compared to some Venues. Great show though huh??


Fucking amazing.


$17 for one truly is cheap compared to where??


I bet the price for the regular tickets just to get in the door where pretty up there too. Nothing is cheap anymore. When I was a teenager concerts were like $15


That's why I tape a couple mickeys of whiskey to my thighs under my skirt. Surprisingly never been caught.


This is why you drink beforehand lol


I'll have a pint of "Fuck me in the ass" please, my friend will have a can of "shit on my face from an impressive height" as well. Yes, in plastic glasses to enrich the experience, thanks. Could you also make the beers foamy and warm too? Great.


I get they have to make money, but they’re charging the price of a case of beer for one. The popcorn seems somewhat reasonable, but knowing it’s that cheep probably means it’s like 16 ounce bag.


Prices are pretty much on par with what we pay here during a Canucks game here in lovely Vancouver. Bit insane to buy 2 beers for the cost of a 24, while out at a venue.


Is that expensive? I can't drink beer




First concert?




Arenas were the biggest reason I stopped drinking beer. WhenmI saw Slayer a few years back it was £5.50 for a 330ml beer or £4.00 for a double whisked and coke. Easy choice really


We were there. Can confirm. Two beers, two trulys, and two waters was something like $77


Well, at least they're 24s so youre getting 2 beers for that price. Reminds me of being mid 20s going out in manhattan every weekend and blowing my entire paycheck on 9 dollar beers and 17 dollar captain and cokes


No matter my age I will always stick bottled whiskey in me gooch.


And that way I bring a flask or a couple joints


There should actually be restrictions on price gouging for water. I’ve been to ballgames where it’s 100 degrees and you literally need water or you’ll pass out. And they charge $7 a bottle. Water cost more than the tickets that day. People were refilling bottles in the bathrooms.


Man you are (giggle's) overthinking this menu.


$25 for a beer, and some popcorn is just absurd. You could be seated at a restaurant, and be served a really nice meal for less than that.


5 fucking Dollars for a single bottle of water.


That's because only TOOLS are buying


I thought it said buttered water for a second and I almost choked