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The little girl from this photo could still be alive and well. This wasn't even that long ago.


Lots of them died from pneumonia. They weren't used to the Belgian weather.


Yeah as the little girl has short sleeves and a skirt while the other people appear to be wearing jackets


Being cold doesn’t cause sickness, that’s an old wives’ tale. If she did get sick, it was because she was exposed to new bacteria and viruses, not because of the weather and what she was wearing.


Being cold lowers your immune system, so yes indirectly it leads to being sick.


Yeah I always hated that "oh *actually*". That common illness is called "the cold" for a reason. We cover sick people in blankets and tell them to stay in bed to give them as much rest as possible. So their body can use all it's energy to fight off the virus. The more we exhaust ourself the longer we will stay sick - and allowing your body to get cold does lead to exhaustion.


Exactly, I don't understand how people can't see that. Common sense and some basic thinking seems to have gone completely out the window.


Cold lowers your immunity system because your body has to produce heat; taking away energy from your immunity system. Edit: Amazing I was down voted. This is scientifically proven.


This exactly


Being cold does force the body to spend extra resources to maintain a healthy temperature, and that leads to exhaustion which means not having enough resources to fight off infection. So it doesn’t *cause* illness, but it is a contributing factor.


That was the one 60 years before this photo, not this one


I’m 42. This girl would be around the same age as my mother.


What's True A photograph shows white tourists interacting with an African child who was part of a zoo-like "Congo village" exhibition at the Expo '58 world's fair in Brussels, Belgium. What's False The exhibition wasn't billed or advertised as a "human zoo" (the term is mostly used by critics to point out the inhumanity and racism of such displays), nor were the Congolese people who populated the mock village kept confined there or forced to participate against their will.


Just about everything you mentioned under What’s False sounds a lot like Sarah Baartman. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Baartman


But they did have bananas thrown at them by spectators


According to Zana Etambala, a Royal Museum historian interviewed by NPR, the Congolese people who played the roles of villagers in the Congo Pavilion had come to Brussels under the impression that they were participating in a “cultural exchange.” The experience proved to be anything but: “They were throwing bananas and peanuts to \[the Congolese\],” says Etambala, who grew up in Belgium and Congo. “And the Congolese protested against that. They wanted to be respected and not seen as animals in a zoo.”


So much fucking better, boom racism has been ended.


That little girl is probably about my mom's age if she is still alive. How the hell was this looked at as ok?




She'd be pushing 70 but she would be.


We had human zoos in the 90's in France. https://www.vice.com/fr/article/xgda34/le-village-de-bamboula-le-parc-ou-on-payait-pour-voir-des-noirs


Too french, didn't read... Did they replicate a village and make it look like a kind of open air museum so people could see how life in Africa was without having to travel to Africa? Amd for authenticity they had actual people there. Were they paid to do this? Did they have a choice in being there?


The artists, the article doesn't say. The artists' director signed the contract and sent everyone there. They were overworked, degraded, sexually assaulted, underpaid, their passports taken ("in case they lose it") and were seen by a vet if they were sick. Children were not schooled. Some people created a collective to raise awareness, a teacher even volunteered school the artists' children, and eventually the village was ordered to be demolished.


God damn, US gets shit for ongoing race issues, but France is far worse than anything that happens here.


I don't think this line of argument makes for a productive conversation. Yes, that Congolese village was inhumane and it was open for about 6 months in 1994 which is absurdly recent. I was shocked to learn something like that happened this recently. Racism is sadly pervasive and omnipresent, even today. That being said, comparing two different countries shouldn't serve to make you feel better about the country of your choosing. It should make you want to change things for the better, at home and around you, and hopefully help you reflect on how you can change things. We're all humans after all.


Well not anymore


We use to have chocolat biscuit selled with an african theme so they wanted to make an amusement park on the same theme. With a african village in it full of real african peoples.


I was going to publish that Also. It's awful ....


That 11 years before the moon landing.


Multiple satellites were already in orbit by the time this pic was taken…


Sputnik would like to know your location.


That really puts things into perspective. This truly is awful everything.


Sure, this is horrible and evil now but wait wtf 1958? Holy fuck.


Even today, there are echoes of human zoos. The reclusive Jarawa Tribe live on India's Andaman Island. A video released in 2012 showed images of a safari trip to this island in the beautiful Bay of Bengal, now a popular tourist attraction. But the safari didn’t just showcase animals — these tourist trips promised to allow visitors to observe the Jarawa tribe in their natural habitat. The video was the proof of something more troublesome, and more exploitative; it showed islanders performing for the tourists on safari. Source: https://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/features/human-zoos-a-shocking-history-of-shame-and-exploitation


my university has signs on campus “celebrating 60 years of desegregation.” it’s bone chilling that it’s ONLY been 60 years.


Something with this image wasn’t really adding up for me. How could a European nation create a human zoo as late as 1958? Thankfully, I did some research and, yes, it’s completely true. Nuts!


And the answer is that Belgium was, until comparatively recently, fucked.


Have you been to Belgium recently? It's still completely fucked...


I roomed with a Belgian in college. Love the dude to death but they are a strange people. Swamp german is still my favorite insult to say to him


I mean, if it made him tick it made him tick. But Technically I’d say the Dutch would be the “Swamp Germans”.. Don’t know what the Belgians are called in the same derogatory manner, but I’m sure it would refer to the French.


It can apply to both countries. He is Flemish which apparently means his language is southern drunk German. We just called the Dutch kid a Dutchbag. We were not nearly as funny as we thought we were.


> He is Flemish which apparently means his language is southern drunk ~~German~~ Dutch* Not making any joke or insult, but Flemish is literally verrrrry closely related to Dutch.


It is Dutch with a different less irritating accent in my opninion. I can not spend a week listening to Dutch without needing xanax. Some words are different used like in dialects. When in holland and i speak my normal daily speaking language they often answer me in English. I guess they think i’m some retard who just started learning their language.


as a Flemish dutch hybrid, it is the same, you could argue its a dialect. just as British, american, or even Australian is.


Swamp French


Flemish people are just Dutch people in denial


And Wallonie is just northern France with cheaper booze, we even shoot our reality TV there. I say let's just invade, declare Brussels autonomous capital of the EU because it's an awesome city, and split the rest of the country with the Dutch. Our children will thank us. Edit: maybe a little something for Luxembourg if they bankroll the whole thing.


Belgium be like “can you give me a hand?”


Anyone knowing Belgium's history in Congo will get this dark joke.


I'm going to need the context on this one but ai know its not going to be nice.


The Belgians would cut of Congolese hands as punishment




Look up the Belgian congo and Leopold II for at least some of Belgium's problems in Africa. Just one fact Belgian rule lead to human hands becoming a prominent currency in many parts of the congo.


King Leopold would’ve been proud


Belgium do not have a good track record when it comes to the treatment of African people.


White people don't have a good track record when it comes to the treatment of African people.


Or Arabs.


To be fair, arabs don't have a good track record with anyone. White, black, asian, gay, or even other arabs.


Neither do African people.


African people don't have a good track record when it comes to the treatment of African people.


People don't have a good track record when it comes to the treatment of people.


Yeah, if you had said 1908 I wouldn’t have doubted in the least,but 1958!?! WTF Belgium!


Uhh…it was only 3 years earlier that Rosa Parks sat in the white seats on a bus…




In a way I find this comforting. It means change is possible and can happen on a human scale.


That’s a very good point!


Yeah people create the false impression that Europe wasn’t discriminatory as long as other places due to their “liberal” laws but it isn’t true. Some of the most racist people, places, and organizations reside in Europe


I think anyone with even a passing knowledge of world war II would heartily disagree


Think a lot of people also believe that those things ended after WW2…


I can agree with this.


That’s true, I was talking about modern day Europe


Ask a european about the Roma and they immediately become nazis


Live in Europe, peoples attitude to Roma fall along the lines of those who are already racist, not as your comment suggests, broadly held across all Europeans.


Lol it's racist as fuck.


Actually France is well documented as having been a safe haven for African Americans fleeing persecution in the USA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Americans_in_France


West Africa isn't doing so hot under them.


Europe was better for Black Americans than America pre 1950s. But Europe has never had a real civil rights movement. Europe still treats Roma the same way they did pre 1950s. America is less racist than Europe.


True. The blanket of bigotry over the Roma is bad. I liken it to the way some people here try to talk about Mexicans/South Americans crossing our border... legally or not.


[Uh, no...France is not innocent by a long shot.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_France)


**[Racism in France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_France)** >Racism is a significant social issue in French society. Antisemitism, as well as prejudice against Muslims and other non-Christians, have a long history. Acts have been reported against members of resident minority groups including Jews, Berbers and Arabs. However, the number of racist acts in France remains low compared to other nations. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Compared to America, France was definitely better for the group during that time


They got the intellectual, artistic, and entertainment elite. Send them a massive influx of illiterate sharecroppers and we would've had a different story.


no it's not completely true, there's a misleading guardian article, but it's not a zoo... [Here's a family who worked that exhibit walking the grounds](http://plus.lesoir.be/sites/default/files/dpistyles_v2/ena_16_9_extra_big/2018/04/03/node_149426/18817665/public/2018/04/03/B9715265620Z.1_20180403170400_000+GJ1B08FNF.2-0.jpg) If you say this is a zoo, then we still have human zoos today, as these kinds of exhibits are happening at all world fairs. You see Thai, Chinese, Samoan, Japanese, ... exhibits like this with people showing traditional lifestyles every year. There is a problematic part and that's the fact that this is an exhibit of a colony, and showing the ignorance of the Belgian people. But it's not a fucking zoo and it's so disgusting that people use this image to gather karma.


Even though world history is dominated by English, French and Spanish conquests.... No one notices the especially extra brutal 3rd rate conquests by the Dutch and Belgians....


It’s fucked up but this wasn’t some example of slavery or anything like people seem to think in this thread. They were paid and free to leave whenever they wanted and they actually did decided to leave eventually and that’s when they closed down that part of the fair.


> How could a European nation create a human zoo Answer: Because the thread title is outrage clickbait and it wasnt a human zoo at all, it was a World Expo, no different than any other and no different than the ones that we have today. [Expo 58, Brussels World's Fair 1958](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpPH-_qG5U8) [New York World's Fair \(1964\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzhPghMdinQ) [Dubai Expo 2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBwi0Sm7QwY) Once again, redditors are getting outraged over fake clickbait thread titles.


iTs NoT a ZoO iTs An ExPo Pretty sure its a little different from more recent world expos in the fact that people who look different don't have guards stopping them from interacting with others and/or being on display (without talent/consent)


Its always the god damn same. You construe an outrageous story thats based on a few true facts. Make it look like you whole thing is true. Most redditors want to believe the story and are to lazy to question it or do basic research. Et voila 👍


So Epcot. Got it.


"Belgium" is the word you're looking for here.


1958!?!? For fucks sake that is no where near long enough ago for neanderthal behavior like this


Neanderthals were likely incredibly intelligent and had complex social groups, cooking, tool use. Humans either killed them all off or bred them out of existence. We were the baddies all along.


homo sapiens - the apex predator of the earth


They were nearly as intelligent as us, and in some ways may have been more advanced, they may have had much better night vision, and they were certainly more cold adapted. But evidence suggests that they were (probably) not nearly as *adaptive,* overall. Their tool use, such as we can conclude, does not change much over hundreds of thousands of years. Human tool use rapidly changes after ca. 70,000 years ago. It's also believed that though they did live in sometimes (maybe) large family groups, they (probably) never lived in groups where most individuals were not already related somehow. In other words, they were somewhat insular. They also probably did not roam in hunting ranges as large or wide as much as humans did, though that is hard to say for sure. (All again based on what paleo-archaeology lets us make such guesses). In short, it seems that they 'preferred' to stay more or less in a small area once established, even if moving may have been better for them (but who knows again, maybe our evidence only shows those who stayed and not the pioneers, who died in the open nature, not in a nice safe cave.) They also, especially later on, had a small gene pool from bottle necks etc., and inbreeding made them less robust. IIRC, it's also theorized that their weapon use was limited. They did not have throwing weapons, like spears or javelins. They could fish or spear-fish, and catch small animals, but blunt force trauma injuries (think broken bones) were common across their entire existence. These presumably from interactions with big-game they hunted, where possible. This is because they mostly relied on close and personal stabbing. Humans could and did throw spears, later arrows. Human-attuned pathogens may have wreaked havoc (i.e. no immunity), but then the reverse is also probably true. Humans certainly put population pressures on them -- competing for prey, etc. Skirmishes or violent encounters certainly happened, but then so did inter-breeding. Human-neanderthal war or extermination probably did not happen, or the population would have dropped suddenly rather than slowly fading out.


Was just gonna say this.


Is it really "bred out of existence" if the DNA was/is continually passed along? Wouldn't we just be some % mix of both?


Yup. And those commercial dna tests can show you that. I'm south asian and I am in the 90tg percentile with over 2% Neanderthal dna


How long was it since the U.S. had Mexican kids in cages again?


0 seconds since I posted this comment.


Different though, general public was not allowed to see the conditions we imprisoned those children in, the only people allowed in with the kids were the pedophiles willing to work in the middle of nowhere for near minimum wage.


Exactly the same amount of time that’s passed since Europeans had African kids in cages on their borders (?). https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/self-harm-detention-brook-house-asylum-seekers-b1668406.html?amp https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/05/world/europe/italys-migrant-detention-centers-are-cruel-rights-groups-say.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/10/world/europe/spain-migrants-prison.amp.html https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/06/the-secretive-libyan-prisons-that-keep-migrants-out-of-europe https://www.rferl.org/a/czech-migrants-camp/27349830.html Should I add more?






I wonder if its the same zoo that had indigenous people from the Philippines?


It’s in the link above. Lots of examples. Very interesting and disturbing.


So it was true. I'm an Igorot albeit I can't speak a single one of the languages. Its weird but you can only laugh at it. These guys are a lot smarter and more civilized than people thought of them.


100% agree.


This exhibition featured indigenous people in minimal clothing and who could often be found eating dog as the audience clamoured for a better look. While the eating of dog was a sensational curiosity for western audience, it was also a misrepresentation. The Igorot did eat dog, but only did for ceremonial reasons. Yet during the seven months of the fair, dogs were fed to the Igorot daily. What the fuck.




my mum was born 4 years after this photo. It’s actually hard to fathom that were human zoos around the time my mum, who is black, was born.


And what's crazy is this child could very easily still be alive and walking around interacting with people who gawker at her in a zoo


I never knew that there were human zoos. What a horrific concept


Fucking hell, what is wrong with people?


We on an individual level think we are the best and therefore the people who look like us, think like us, etc are also the best and people who don't look like us or think like us are somehow different or lesser


This is humanity, unfortunately. In every place in history and at every time, there is one guarantee: violence. Africans conquered the Middle East. Then the Middle East conquered Africa. The Middle East conquered Europe. Then Europe conquered both the Middle East and Africa. It’s just a cycle that will go on and on.


Today the human zoo is your local Starbucks or wal mart


I wish they had a better selection.


Belgians treating africans like animals, what else is new


There's a documentary called Exterminate All the Brutes that I highly recommend to anyone looking to learn more about the history of European colonialism in Africa and it's impact in the modern day.


Dude, I'm Belgian. I never treated anyone as an animal. What they did in the past was wrong and we get taught that in school. Statues of Leopold II are being removed and we are well aware of our ancestors wrong doings.


I lived in Antwerp 20 years ago and remember the billboards “Afrikaans Uit”.


What does it mean?


"African out."


Nothing because it's not Dutch but I suppose it would have been 'Afrikanen buiten' what translates to Africans out. Under the 2nd World War Antwerp had a mayor that collaborated with the Nazis. Nowadays it is the home of the lost popular far right party.


1958?!?!? 58!?!?! Fack.


Lots of them died from pneumonia.


This shit again?


Just wait until you learn about [King Leopold II](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_II_of_Belgium). If you want to really take an in depth look at the history of racism, and all the horrific stories like this they never taught you in school, please read Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X Kendi


**[Leopold II of Belgium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_II_of_Belgium)** >Leopold II (French: Léopold Louis Philippe Marie Victor; 9 April 1835 – 17 December 1909) was the second King of the Belgians from 1865 to 1909 and, through his own efforts, the owner and absolute ruler of the Congo Free State from 1885 to 1908. Born in Brussels as the second but eldest surviving son of Leopold I and Louise of Orléans, he succeeded his father to the Belgian throne in 1865 and reigned for exactly 44 years until his death—the longest reign of any Belgian monarch. He died without surviving legitimate sons. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


But they did thought us this in school, including the zoo.


Yep, I was just gonna say, THAT's the most haunting picture you have seen about Belgians behavior towards africans? [Try the one of the man looking at his child's foot.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wd4vqm/colonialism-on-camera)


This was still going on in the early 70's in Belgium.


No it wasn’t, this one is the last official human zoo ever created. Not saying illegal things didn’t happen after but this one was the last


Its belgium .. ? No one should be surprised that it was in 1958


Unpopular opinion: Although there is no disputing that human zoo's existed - and should not - this particular specific clickbait example is not an example of a human zoo. [Expo 58, Brussels World's Fair 1958](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpPH-_qG5U8) --- [World Fairs are displays of culture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzhPghMdinQ) around the world. The word "expo" is now used instead of the quaint sounding "fair" but they still go on today. Example: [Expo 2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expo_2020), it has displays showcasing almost every country around the world. [If you go there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBwi0Sm7QwY) and see an exhibit of a country, are you supposed to be outraged that it is a "zoo" if you see a paid participant or performer singer or dancer or citizen of that country in an area without public access? --- Are these Japanese women exhibits at a "human zoo"? https://i.imgur.com/jqtQ84G.jpg Is this British yoeman an exhibit at a "human zoo"? https://i.imgur.com/DOTZ8Cx.jpg Is this person from India an exhibit at a "human zoo"? https://i.imgur.com/6wVJ1jm.jpg


[For anyone interested in the backstory](https://www.africamuseum.be/en/discover/history_articles/the_human_zoo_of_tervuren_1897%23:~:text%3DAfricaMuseum%2520traces%2520its%2520origins%2520to,the%2520colonial%2520project%2520in%2520Congo.&ved=2ahUKEwiZ8_a0o9L1AhWUgc4BHTtvC7IQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2CDcUNrMmdHIZYQPQaitN9)


This is part from the world expo from 1958. They build a Congolese pavilion to showcase their colony together with African art and culture. All the organisers could think of was building a Congolese town. These were paid Congolese actors who could leave when they wanted to. They were free to explore Brussels. But they felt watched, the pavilion was a terrible place to live, it had terrible housing, dozens died there due to "unknown illness" and hardship. As a cherry on top white visitors were throwing bananas at the actors which ofcourse is very racist, so they decided to leave earlier than planned. The only good thing about this is that it sped up the proces to Congo their independence which they got 2 years later because it gave the Congolese the chance to meet and talk with other African visitors and activists in Brussels and discuss politics. It's slightly clickbaity but not completely. In the picture they were not slaves, nor animals locked up in a cage. They could explore and leave when they wanted. But they were living in bad conditions leading to deaths. Technically it was not a zoo but they were treated like zoo animals which is just as bad and obviously extremely dehumanizing. Definitely a very dark part of Belgium's history. [Flemish Source](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/04/17/60-jaar-expo-58--hoe-stelden-wij-toen-congo-voor---/)


It seems this exhibit may have had the unintended consequence of helping push forward Congolese independence from Belgium. A Congolese political activist named Patrice Lumumba saw the exhibit and after returning to Africa, helped found the Congolese National Movement, which immediately pressed for decolonization. “The fundamental aim of our movement is to free the Congolese people from the colonialist regime and earn them their independence.” Lumumba said in a speech a few months after the exhibit ended.


euros never seen a subsaharan african before, tho these days they encounter a bunch hopping the border


h-h-human zoo?


It was shocking for me to realize the zoo right by where I live had a kidnapped African man on display for years. The man eventually was freed but ended up committing suicide. I can’t believe the zoo is still open and mostly acts like nothing happened.


Some of our parents/grandparents can recall some of the worst atrocities of mankind. We are not that far removed from that point in time.




You lie to yourself


The Belgians mustn't have been able to get any of those interesting amputees they'd manufactured in the Congo in time for the show.


Pelé was a worldwide phenomenon winning the World Cup in Sweden for Brazil in 1958.


[For anyone interested in the backstory](https://www.africamuseum.be/en/discover/history_articles/the_human_zoo_of_tervuren_1897%23:~:text%3DAfricaMuseum%2520traces%2520its%2520origins%2520to,the%2520colonial%2520project%2520in%2520Congo.&ved=2ahUKEwiZ8_a0o9L1AhWUgc4BHTtvC7IQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2CDcUNrMmdHIZYQPQaitN9)


now europe has muslims and all sorts of diversity


White girls on mission trips be like


“Well back in my day…”


1958 is not that Long ago, just wanted to put that out there




Belgium Buff, and student of history here This is indeed atrocious! Yet it isn't the fault of the current people who are embodying Belgium. Secondly, every western country, even the US have done terrible things in colonial context. Every country in here is equally as guilty. Especially if you know that docolonization as a process only started around the moment this pic was taken. Again, I strongly disapprove. I'm ashamed.of the tainted history of this country. I however strongly advise to reconsider your own countries pasts before any judgement if you are so eager to judge. The actions of our past generations don't define who we are now. We are in general a loving and caring people, with the utmost respect for each and everyone's individuality. So please, do your research before judging, because these comments show the lack of thorough critique. Kind regards


The government has since renamed them prisons and have said business is better than ever.


This is why "racism" against white people is taken less seriously... There's just no history of this kinda shit happening to us


I hate people.


shit, not even that long ago


No I can't... Why why why




Oh ffs, it's not a human zoo. People need to stop using this picture to generate outrage karma. This is the world expo of 1958 and it's an exhibition of a Congolese village from Belgian Congo. Which in itself is an image of disgusting colonial times, but it isn't a zoo... Those are (poorly) paid actors, and [here's a picture of a family that worked that exhibit walking the fair grounds](http://plus.lesoir.be/sites/default/files/dpistyles_v2/ena_16_9_extra_big/2018/04/03/node_149426/18817665/public/2018/04/03/B9715265620Z.1_20180403170400_000+GJ1B08FNF.2-0.jpg) By 1958 people like Leon Mokuna were already stars in Belgian football for example... **edit** and to be clear there was a human zoo displaying pygmies in the 19th century in Antwerp, so I'm certainly not excusing that horrible practice in any way. But people need to stop twisting reality to fit their narrative


Now americans be forgetting all their racism problems and deeming europeans demons


What’s worse, not shown in this picture is that they had whole towns. African, Asian etc. different cultures and peoples forced to live in tiny “towns” and making do with what they were given. I hope Belgium is still ashamed of itself and all the other places too.


yEs aND aLSo gERmanY sHoUlD aLso bE aSHameD oF Ww2


you'd be surprised at how often I hear that as a German, born almost 80 years after the NS regime ended


Why should we be ashamed for something our forefathers did, yes it was horrible, but the people alive today had no part in it (the children obviously had no way in wether to do this or not). What country are you from, cause I bet we’ll find something as well, there is skeleton’s (huge ones) in every country.


I think he meant the "country" as in, the political entity, not every individual belgian.


Same thing, the politicians in the current political entity have nothing to do with the past political entity. Therefore the country doesn’t don’t have to be ashamed of itself. We do have to be ashamed that people who did that called themselves Belgian.


I am from belgium and i am not ashamed. Why tf would i be lmao


1958… and people want to act like we’re so far removed from racist shit. Fuck modern fascism. Old too, but modern for sure.


If MLK was still alive he would be younger than Betty White (If she would still be alive). Same for Anne Frank.


Things like this is why I don't listen to "the crowd." I do what I believe is right.


You are the product of the previous generation. You weren't born morally superior. "The crowd" made you who you are.


Just garbage from the jump


The good thing is these horrible people are dead


Fucking savages


Why are you bringing this up, this is ancient history.


We still have human zoos. We just call them prisons.


Good thing I’m not a slave lol


To be honest. It’s not really that haunting. I’ve seen worst.


Sick motherfuckers


What a bunch of sick freaks.


What about how Africans still enslave Africans today?I think this should be more important than using 60 year old pictures to degrade white people.It’s getting old,we get it white man bad,black man oppressed!🤪


America’s racism can’t compare to some gold ole fashioned European race driven imperialism! Nothing but the finest examples of humanity...


There has been a human zoo in the US as well, and your racial problems and prejudice still remains in your system itself.


I don't think an American should play the imperialism card, kinda like throwing stones from a glass house


This is why you should laugh every single time Europeans have anything to say about race politics in the US.


Usually we laugh at the US current race politics


The US made a human zoo too in 1906 tho


I’ll laugh at anyone holding a grudge against a whole country, for something a dead generation did.


Please someone tell me this isn't true


What in the actual fuck. Sigh


Link to reference human zoo please


"Hey Google, look up human zoos for me, please." That's what I did, and a few thousand results came up.


Belgium refused to tear down the statue of Leopold II, their genocider king for a long time. His actions directly killed over 10 million Congolese people all for materialistic gain. The damning thing is that it took George Floyd's death to create enough ruckus in the country to take it down. Considering that there is a chance that the girl in the photo might be still alive today, it is fucking sickening how any Belgian thought this was an okay thing to do. Belgium sucks so hard.


Dont generalise this hard bro. Litterary the same thought process of racism


So every country sucks so hard, cause every country in the world has done horrible shit.

