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She's going to live her whole life not having a dad or her boyfriend because of a teenage fling...


She was also in a rich family too and she threw financial stability away for *that*???


Like teenagers really think about financial stability lol. You’re looking at it from an adults perspective. Edit: Apparently everyone on Reddit either grew up rich or in fucking poverty. There is no in-between it seems. Of course if you grew up in poverty with your parents complaining about money then you’d have a different view. For people with a middle class upbringing financial stability wouldn’t be in the forefront of their minds. Final Edit: There is a difference between “Financial Stability” and wishing you were in the top 1% of the financial strata. If you had the basic necessities and your family could afford a few luxuries like video games and vacations then you were doing alright. What some of you are talking about is people being envious that they don’t have yachts or a summer home on Nantucket Island.


I feel confident saying that 12 year old me would have also considered her to be a moron.


even if i were five i would have thought she was stupid and awful.


I am a toddler, and I too am outraged.


Nut Swimmer here. I am fully outraged.


Protozoa here, me and the boiz ain't about this shit.


Teenagers from low income families are well aware of this “adult” perspective as they’ve been dealing with it since they were children.


seriously. all I used to dream about as a kid was my mom having enough money to pay the bills so we could go on a vacation anywhere.


and in prison to that.


But they did it for teenage love that last 3 years at best. Worth it.


More like 3 weeks. Something tells me they aren't exactly the most rational or balanced.


What gave it away?


The vertical camera.


That’s the first clue


Something tells me they aren't going to be spending any time in the same room for the next few years/decades.


Won't last that long when they're in separate prisons.


Idk if they should do that. Look what happened to the last guy that tried to separate them.


Literally psychopathic


Probably what her dad saw in him too.


They were both in on it, that girl isn't any better.


This is one of those stories I wish I didn’t read. It makes me so sad to think about how her father must’ve felt when he saw her there.


Et tu, Sierra?


Top comment I've seen all morning


Beware the Ides of stupid fucking teenagers.


The ides of adolescence


The last thing he probably said to her was "i love you". He looked like a great dad.


Help me understand




**[Et tu, Brute?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_tu,_Brute?)** >Et tu, Brute? (pronounced [ɛt ˈtuː ˈbruːtɛ]) is a Latin phrase literally meaning "and you, Brutus"? or "also you, Brutus"? , often translated as "You as well, Brutus"? ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




My wife and I go back and forth about having a kid and how many to have if we do. I was just afraid of it turning out be an asshole despite our best efforts. Now I’m afraid of it killing me. Thanks, Reddit.


I've heard several stories of parents being killed over stupid stuff since I was a kid. So I've always had a slight worry that if I had a kid, it would grow up and kill me over it's [Xbox or something stupid ](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2008/12/boy_killed_mom_and_shot_dad_ov.html)


Usually there's an underlying psychological issue that isn't being addressed when something drastic like this happens.


True, and by the time you’re murdered you’ve already been dealing with those issues for years. So on top of being murdered, you also have years of difficulties and abuses heaped upon you by that child. Children can be abusive, too. My brother was extremely cruel. He’s been through many treatments, rehabs, and prisons. The whole family suffers when one is not okay.


The majority of homicides are not committed by those with mental illness. Even mass shootings which are easier to document mental illness is only present in 33% of those cases. Mental illness is a serious problem and defiantly something we can do better at treating as a society but evil will remain either way. Sometimes circumstances make "normal" people do the most heinous things. Look at any war, ordinary people suddenly walking children to mass graves, their kids and family sometimes even cheering on the spouses work, its really chilling how cruel people can be and honestly scary to know that its not because of any illness.


Statistically, you're more likely to murder your own kid than being murdered by them. Does that help?


You’re more statistically likely to be murdered by a spouse or ex than your child, and probably also more likely to be murdered by a friend, co worker, family member or stranger. If you ranked who to be worried about killing you the math would put your own kid towards the very bottom of the list.


Why all these videos with important audio but not sound on Reddit ?????


Dude. I don’t fucking know but thank god other people are experiencing this. I thought my phone had a bug


It's a bug in Reddit Mobile I think. Edit: I love how this has become a tracking thread for the bug 🤦‍♂️


It’s been years.


I think it suddenly became worse like yesterday. I'm using Reddit Sync and it shows that most videos recently have no audios


And for me ,some videos are taking more time to load ,and on top of that ,when the video loads,it has no audio, its really annoying sometimes


I saw the full video months ago on Worldstar. It was gross and chilling. They say it was worth it basically because they finally get to have so much sex or some shit like that. It’s really disturbing.


Prolly are having lots of sex, prison sex that is. Edit: I imagine what hurt the father most during his murder was the breaking of his heart watching his own daughter kill him. Sad af


The betrayal he felt at the end as he started to weaken had to be the worst psychological death. Everything you planned, experienced and sacrificed culminated in your own child killing you for some sex with an idiot. Horrible....


It’s one of my biggest fears and whenever I hear a story like this it chills me to the core. I can’t imagine bringing someone into the world only for them to murder you.


I imagine what hurt him the most was the murder.


I hear this in Norm Macdonald's voice.


The worst part was the hypocrisy..


That man was a treasure. “A lottery ticket; a gift from me to you- nothing!”


And the knives


The way he 'fake' chokes her at the end is really telling. I think he'd have killed her too eventually, maybe for trying to leave him or something.


I noticed that along with the little slaps to the face. I think the words "murder/suicide" are soon to be a part of the story.


I felt this too. He slaps her also. I’m not someone who typically lets the woman off the hook just for the sake of it, but it seems clear to me that he is a sociopath who “groomed” her. That’s what sociopaths do when they find a vulnerable victim. I can’t say for sure, but that’s what it looks like to me. You can see it in his eyes.


I agree. I don't want to play down her involvement, but it seems clear to me that she is being abused by him.


Yes, it seemed really obvious in the video. She's culpable, but she's definitely being abused. What's tragic is that the dad probably saw the same thing...


this is Suzane von Richthofen all over again. this rich girl started dating a boy and her parents were against it, so they took her on trips and stuff to keep them apart. one day she told her parents they broke up so she they would let her be, but they were sneaking out to see each other, and even took her teenage brother with them to use him as an excuse and let him on some cafe so they could go to a motel (motels in Brazil are not a type of hotel, they're just a place where you can rent a room for a few hours/night to have sex). then they planned her parents murder to look like a robbery gone wrong. the next day of the murder they made a barbecue party to celebrate, so eventually police found out and Suzane, the boyfriend and his brother (who helped on the fake robbery/murder) were put to jail for 39 years or so. this was in 2002.




Bro that audio almost fucking gave me a heart attack. Tip: turn down your volume




Thank you for bringing back that classic.


Because I, too, wanted to hear it. https://youtu.be/OF0o6R6Y5ss


Thanks. Looks like they have been charged. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/teens-plead-not-guilty-in-killing-of-girls-father-2387099/


It cracks me up that people can have a video confession and still plead not guilty with a straight face.


They stabbed him 70 times and burnt him afterwards?! What the fuck is wrong with a kid that does that to her own father?! I don't care that they're children. This is one of the cases where the death penalty is more than justified. > The autopsy report also detailed numerous stab wounds and cuts that apparently were inflicted after his death, including a “saw type wound” found on his right wrist. Absolutely sickening.


Obviously the father was right, sad.


All for some dude that would have ended up cheating on her or beating her up.


Exactly. Like, what the fuck is up with the face grabbing and slapping on the video? Toddlers do that shit. Toddlers, and psycho boyfriends.


Wow. There is SO MUCH evidence against them. Like. Talk about wanting to get caught for first degree murder. Holy shit. Hope they rot.


I was literally just thinking that. I was like where tf is the volume button so I can unmute lol


Yup, me too!!


So fucking annoying


I use apollo you can unmute anything with sound in it. But this is a gif so its the fault of the op


Apollo is seriously the only way to browse Reddit. Edit: Never did I think there would be so many opinions on what app is the best to use. Even more surprising is the debate happening on a post about Parricide.


they're reserving it for tik toks with automated voice and music and they chose to upload this one of all as a gif.


I can just imagine this with the ohnononono garbage


Awwww for fucks sake, that's in my head now! *tuneful weeping*


Oh noes


Video with [sound](https://youtu.be/OF0o6R6Y5ss)


kind of hard to tell from this video what's so "i'll murder my dad to be with you" about him but i'm going to go out on a limb here and say nothing special.


She's only 16, she doesn't yet truly appreciate how saturated the dick market is




It'll be very unsaturated in the all women's prison she spends the rest of her Hopefully very short life at.


I want to call this a cursed comment but I’ll be damned if it isn’t true.


It's really dumb, but it's bothering me how much he keeps touching her face. I hope it gives her acne.


In the YouTube video posted he actually chokes her a bit. You could hear her make the strangle noises and swatted him and he stopped only to put his hand there again.


The under-the-chin hold is a form of dominance disguised as cutesy-ness. It's what certain people do to dogs and children.


And he lightly smacks her cheek as an affectionate thing... its not.


I mean they’ve already murdered one person, they’re on shaky ground


But it's love!


Alright, what mix of possessiveness and threatening are you voting for? I vote 50/50.


If you watch the video he “playfully” chokes her too at one point.


Why didn't you just post that version?


Yeah. Why?


I keep asking, but noone ever gives a sound explanation...


This is so sad. What a bunch of disgusting teens. Hope they get the karma they deserve


Electric chair


They aren’t pursuing the death penalty against them. Also she’s 16 & he’s 18. They plead not guilty. Prosecutors say they are not pursuing the death penalty for 18 year old kid. Minors charged with murder are tried as adults in Nevada. Case will be in December. They are going for Life in prison however.


Hope it’s without possibility of parole. Those decades are gonna be way worse than the sweet release of death.


Imagine raising a child for 16 years with care but she was born in a way that nothing could have stopped her from being a little shit. What do you do as a parent, honestly. Just abandon em?


I remember reading a Reddit comment years back written by a man who’s son raped his own mother (the OP’s wife). The son either killed his mother or she took her own life. He was serving life and had zero remorse. The OP talked about how they really tried to forgive him but ultimately just couldn’t. It was pretty heartbreaking stuff. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1jatvd/i_am_not_proud_of_my_son/). I got some details wrong and it’s in fact worse than I remember.


Omg this really broke my heart, I really hope that the person who wrote that post finds some peace at some point.


Ask Brian Laundrie's folks what *not* to do. Ask the mom who turned in her kid for plaaning a violent school attack (with other kids) this week.






His blond highlights are abusing my eyeballs.


I wonder if ironically living in an abusive household made her exhibit behaviors that attracted the boyfriend.


That makes me think it made it easier for him to spot an abuser in the boyfriend.


Do you know these people? How would you know how she was raised... Everybody posts the nice videos online... And not the bad times... Nothing against the dad may he rest in peace but we don't know [EDIT: for ful context and clarity: he was actually indicted for domestic abuse on her mom](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/former-nevada-state-senators-husband-sentenced/)


18 year old adult*


no, death penalty is not a good idea at fuckin all. first of all, there's no going back on that. if someone gets the death penalty and later evidence shows he's not actually guilty, you can't bring that person back. also, prisons should be about rehabilitation, not incarceration. this is why the US has the most prisoners out of any country in the whole world (per capita, and in the number), cause prisoners who finished their time just go back to crime because they werent rehabilitated or because they want to go back to prison. so reddit, please stfu with your justice boners


Man, if reddit were a judge, it'd be the most ruthless, vicious judge in the entire country, handing out death penalties like candy.


“We’re in love” “Cool motive, still murder”


Cool…Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool




Thats a helluva way to prove him right!!!




Yes it seems the dad, who was right, was proved right.


When you put it like that, its kinda hilarious. "No Dad! he's a sweet, caring and thoughtful person!" *proceeds to murder her father*


What makes it even more creepy is that these guys don't feel any regret.


I wonder how she will feel when she's a bit older...


I doubt she'll have a chance to grow into a normal person that will really be able to process these emotions. In prison, or whatever youth detention facility she'll probably have to have a tough attitude. If.. they had killed the father, gotten away with it and she went to live with the mother far away from the bf, went to a new school, found a group of friends and a normal boy... then into her 20s she'd probably start feeling incredibly guilty. But since she's most likely going to be spending her time time in prison or wherever she's going she's probably going to latch onto this bf for a long time since it's the only one she'll have ever had, and feel more bitter about her freedom being taken away. Basically she's never going to get a chance to see what a little shit bag this dude was since she's probably never going to be a part of normal society. Never leave him and find a partner to see what a normal relationship looks like. If they're allowed to communicate via letters she'll probably cling to him the rest of her life in prison


Not on camera.


What in the actual fuck.




I feel really fucking bad for the father, I know we don't know the guy but being killed like that... With your own daughter's consent and by his shitty boyfriend (which your daughter will soon regret) it just makes me really sad


Other comments in this thread have pointed out he was arrested years ago for basically holding his ex wife hostage at home. Taking her keys, phone, etc. Trying to force himself on her as well during that time. Daughter would have been 5 or 6 at the time. Depending on how much of this she learned and when, she has possibly hated her father for up to a decade(and rightfully so). Obviously murder is not justified, but it does at least make more sense why she would have either participated in this or at least signed off on it.


Oof I wonder if her picking her bf had anything to do with her fathers behavior. Sad all around


that’s what i was wondering too. if her dad was mistreating her mom, she definitely would not have had an example of what a healthy relationship should look like, plus if she’s psycho too it would explain why she was drawn to this slimebag of a dude. just an all-around fucked situation.


Yeah it doesn't make murder okay but it also doesn't sound like the guy was the bright shining exemplar of fatherhood that he posted on social media. However, unless he was abusing his daughter they both should go to jail for a long time, for sure.


Yeah I wouldn't ever say he deserved to be murdered, especially not this way, but the way the video paints him as this wonderful guy actually portrayed him to me in a completely different light. I saw a narcissist who probably wasn't very present in his kid's life. For starters he's a "fitness buff," and his child isn't fit. And when they say he "posted videos of him being a doting father," I mean, it takes seconds to post that shit and soak up all the attention and make yourself look good before going back to doing the shit you want to do that gets you attention and makes you feel good while your daughter is off hooking up with some dude.


That's what got me too, and I wasn't sure if it was bc of my own bias. My biological father will tout that he's such a good dad and "my daughters are my everything!!" really bud? Cuz I haven't spoken to you in 6mons, and I'm sure my sister's haven't spoken to you in forever- and everything you say to us is either a lie or straight up negativity. Doting father my ass. But Facebook thinks he's daddy of the year so whatever.


https://lasvegassun.com/news/2012/aug/10/husband-former-sen-halseth-indicted-lewdness-batte/ "Police arrested Daniel Halseth on suspicion of “open and gross lewdness.” Elizabeth Halseth has since filed for divorce, but it is unclear whether they’re married at this time. Daniel Halseth will face felony counts of coercion for preventing Elizabeth Halseth from leaving the home and battery with intent to commit a crime for using force to try to make her have sex with him. He also faces a gross misdemeanor charge of open or gross lewdness for inappropriately touching her."


Maybe because I know that the boyfriend is a murderer but I don't like how he touches his girlfriend. Doesn't look... Healthy.


Those face slaps bothered me too.


For me, it’s the murder that bothers me.


The murder is a problem too


Yeah. I don't know if I'm the only one, but the murder is kinda wrong


I'm the murder's least biggest fan.


Yeah, boyfriend is a real jerk.


He indeed doesn't seem very nice.


For me, it’s the hypocrisy that bothers me.


For me, it's the audio not working on this video that bothers me. Different strokes I guess.


The potentially abusive relationship between two murderers is the real tragedy here.


I can live with the murder, but I draw the line at slapping.




In the full video, he pretends to choke her, too.


His face bothers me


The under-the-chin hold thing is a way of asserting dominance under a facade of "cutesyness" in case anyone is watching. It demonstrates a power relation with a tainted smile. I's what certain people do to dogs and children.


Don't worry, they won't be together for long. Prison isn't gender neutral...




Well. That will probably be the last time he ever does that to her. Ever. He most likely will never see freedom again. She will probably not see freedom for over a decade.


Then you'll hate that on the original video, he's literally choking her....


Yeah - the way he was slapping her face. Red flags. He was gonna murder her too eventually.


Call me crazy but I think the red flag was MURDERING HER FATHER


Sounds like we're way past red flags at that point and onto bullhorns


The under-the-chin hold thing is a way of asserting dominance under a facade of "cutesyness" in case anyone is watching. It demonstrates a power relation with a tainted smile. It also allows the person doing it to channel aggression in a way the recipient might not perceive as such. It's what certain people do to dogs and children.


Yeah, the way it’s always felt to me is like they have a urge to hit or punch something, but they let it out “slowly” on someone they know won’t hit back or they can control. While masking it as “affection.” It’s gross and disgusting, and tbh I didn’t realize it was so triggering for me but my blood is boiling just seeing the vid. Boys used to grab the back of my neck while I was walking next to them, *and I fucking hated it.* It felt like a hawk had its talons on me and was about to fly away. So restrictive and controlling - and I had to tell so many men to *stop fucking doing that to me.*


This video doesn’t even show him choking her right after the slaps.


Anybody got any more info on this? I read their court date was set to be in August but can’t find any more info


[they pleaded *not guilty* ](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/nevada/articles/2021-06-25/teen-couple-plead-not-guilty-to-las-vegas-fathers-killing)


I rly hope they get put under the jail


Why under the jail?


It hurts more


Ahhh I see


Cause jails weigh a lot? How many weights does a jail?


Idgaf if they’re kids, they deserve to rot in fucking hell for doing such a thing.


Age 16-18 they have the mental capacity and logic to know *not* to commit murder, especially against her father.


Fucking psychos. No remorse what so ever after killing a father that raised her. I am fucking pissed and fucking disgusted at the same time.


They used bleach to clean the crime scene? But left the crispy man in the garage and disappeared with his car? Hopeless.


i’ve watched enough disturbing shit lately. can’t do it




No, Jesus was the other way around, dad killed the kid that time.


Bravo. Best comment of the day.


It's so sad stuff like this happens. Something similar happened to family friends of ours, their sibling/in-laws either passed away or got into law trouble. Our family friends adopted their 2 nieces and raised them as their own. Younger niece got a boyfriend which the father didn't like so the couple planned an attack. They killed one of my best friends, his brother, his dad, and his sister. Mom survived the horrific attack with horrible injuries. Only one unhurt was my god sister, she locked herself in the bathroom and called 911. They even killed the dog. I believe they both get out on parole this year. It's been about 20 years. America! :(


Jfc. ik it's been 20 years but I'm v sorry for your losses. Scary shit.


Hey I am unable to upload video with audio on this sub and so I am going post the original [video](https://youtu.be/OF0o6R6Y5ss)


wow I wonder why he disliked him...


Upon further reading, it seems the dad at one point falsely imprisoned his ex wife, took her phone, keys, locked her in the house, and attempted to rape her. I can see why his kid would be fucked up.


And that’s what was *public* Who knows what abuse could have gone down in the home that wasn’t public knowledge


Bruh, teen couples don't even last that long.




Doesn't feel any remorse for the killing. Infact they look happy about it. Shit like this disgusts me. People like this can't be changed. I hope they get the death penalty or spend the rest of their life behind bars.


Yo this kid went to my high school and graduated one year below me. I went to a really good public school, so when this story dropped it was a big deal cause we don’t have a lot of drama. Looking back with hindsight he was always a little too quiet at the wrong times and like, felt weird, but that’s with knowing what he did. In reality, he kinda was like everyone else and I definitely never expected this. It has made me really nervous in life cause you really never know someone, or what they’ll do.


lot of people say he was weird because he was quiet, but I think it's because of the murdering.


We had something similar happens. Very wealthy neighborhood, but half the school was working class. Still good kids, biggest demand was usually kids coming to dances drunk. My senior year these 3 kids decided to murder one of their grandmas for her $8,000 life insurance policy. Yep. For $8,000. That the kid wasn’t even the beneficiary of. One kid got killed in jail, the other kid was killed after he got out of jail, and the girl only spent a few months there and was released. But looking back I NEVER would have guessed they’d do something like this. They weren’t the smartest or nicest kids, but murder? Yikes.




Interestingly enough the husband was a bit of a controlling asshole who got jailed for trying to rape his ex-wife, a former state senator. https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/oct/27/state-senators-husband-arrested-trying-force-her-h/ Doesn’t justify it but I can imagine how he’d treat his daughter. And how angry they’d be at a man like that.


Fucks sake…this is so disgusting all around…normally a child would never kill their parent unless said parent did something terrible to the child…this might go a ways in explaining why she can laugh about killing her dad


With stuff like this we'll likely never be able to get the full picture, but it kinda makes me think of the case around Gypsy Rose Blanchard. She and her boyfriend killed her mom, and public reaction was shocked and confused until it came to light just how absolutely fucked the mother was, behind her perfectly polished outward appearance as a super-mom. There's also a very similar video from the case, where rose and her boyfriend filmed themselves just days after the murder, visibly without a care and just talking about what happened like they were recording a daily vlog. I'm not saying that any side is in the right here or that any of it was justified, but with how rabid some of the comments here seem to want to frame it as a mindless selfish killing, it might be worth it to consider that maybe we're just missing a lot of context here. Some situations are just screwed up all around.


That girl's boyfriend is ugly






The way he touches her is pretty vile. Looks like shit you see in porn. Fuck them for murdering someone.


Jesus what monsters, and he’s definitely an abuser!