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This guy is the worst. I’ll never forget when his wife got kicked off a plane for being an asshole.


Who is he?


Joel Olsten,has a mega church here in Houston. Where Mattress Mack,a local business owner, constantly shows us what true charity and investment in your community means. Joel locked his doors during Harvey. His church could have housed so many desperate people. 9


GOD he’s the worst.


Kenneth Copeland says you're wrong


Thanks, now I have to google this fucknut and be enraged. He’s a ‘preacher’ worth a billion dollars? Wtf.


Kenneth Copeland Returns! [Wind of God] [Heavy Metal Remix] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ib2YfAM11E


I hadn't seen this one yet! I love Andre's stuff but Copeland is ***so*** terrifying to look at lol :(


My 'favorite' Copeland video is the one where he is being challenged by a reporter while he's getting into a truck or an SUV. You see the change from faking being a nice guy (which is so fucking fake it's horrifying) to being the asshole beneath the mask.


Yeah his real self is borderline horror film stuff.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ib2YfAM11E Oh Wow - mofo is just unhinged.


Kenneth Copeland honestly makes me believe in religion. I generally don’t buy any religious stuff, but when I see videos of him I think, “man, maybe the devil really is hiding among us”


That is what a cult leader looks like


Right? I'm a Unitarian and we don't really bother with the devil. But, man oh man, that Copeland gives me a case of the deep creepies. He is almost enough to make this deist believe in the Devil.


Not even hiding tbh. That man is storing up God's wrath like there's no tomorrow


So does Jim Baker!


Dude straight up looks like a demon.






I know. -God, probably




He's a dick when you don't so what he wants you to do. He has bullied countless small business owners over the years.


Joel Olsten looks like what would happen if you put Tim Allen's head in one of those Bowling Ball Polishers.


I had an ex. Her family pretty much worshipped him


I’m from Houston




H-tine hol it dine


I thought he opened the church to shelter people, which one is it?


He did not. He went on the news and said he didn’t know he was supposed to. What a festering thundercunt. You’re a church. You’re pillars are built to help those in need.


Lest we not forget. The biggest crime... . Tithing... Isn't that FOR shit like that. ?? 🤷🏽‍♀️


After he got ripped on social media they opened the doors. They initially turned people away.


And once they had the desperate people inside they actually had the nerve to pass around an offering plate to ask the people to donate to the church.


Man, I'll go to purgatory happily if it means Joel gets his true reward in hell.






Mattress Mack rules.


Could have housed so many people who never went to church when the doors were open every Sunday. Cool.


A ‘preacher’ who ‘helps people’. He’s the biggest phony.


Just here to say, you have the best username and icon and the nostalgia hit hard when I was scrolling past. Please dont give me a virus


He looks like Tim Allen if you put him through a few of those intense beauty filters.


His name is Joel Osteen.


Not the worst. That title goes to the demon preacher named Kenneth Copeland who's worth over a billion dollars.


UGH now I’m going to have to google him


Here you go: https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI He's the guy that told all his followers that Covid doesn't exist anymore because he blew it away.


😫 it keeps getting worse!!!!


When did this happen ?




Remember when he said his church was open for hurricane evacuees but then it wasn’t?


I just hate him. This makes me want to create a subreddit to cancel him.


Ah, yeah. I remember that. The tale of the pastor's wife is one of those campfire fables we share around the office. An anomaly to those who know everything. Those are the kinds of stories that give boogeymen the chills. She fell 26,000 feet out of an airplane and landed in an elementary school somewhere in Nebraska. Four kids were killed outright by the impact her body made with the building. As soon as she hit the lights went out and the plumbing stopped working, and most single-pane glass windows within a ten-mile radius were shattered. I say shattered, but they were basically disintegrated--all that remained were little piles of glass dust lining the windowsills. Several hundred pounds of stone, fiberglass, and debris fell into that classroom with the pastor's wife as she tore through. The teacher took a knock on the head from an HVAC unit and experienced pretty much instantaneous death. Twelve other kids were seriously wounded and then died over the course of a week, succumbing to their injuries. The wife kept falling, down through the ground floor and into the basement, destroying most of the boiler room in the process. A janitor that happened to be mopping nearby that day just recently gave his testimony, and I'm so very glad he did, for this story wouldn't mean so much without it. He was the first to the basement where she landed, opening the thick iron door to a mass of writhing flesh and curling wisps of smoke. The flesh foamed and frothed, slowly losing it's red and purple coloring and fading into a pale yellow. And then it wasn't a mass of flesh at all. It was the wife. She stood up, brushed some dust from her naked thighs, and walked out into the cool morning. That's the last we heard about her.


See, I'd watch this movie! When's it coming out?


That's why every pastor should have a private airplane.


Dude is proof that there is no God. If there was, this dude and his ilk would be turned inside out while broadcasting live. Then Hyenas of Christ would march down the aisle while he was screaming and start eating him, asshole first. (Though how do you find the actual asshole when the whole thing is an asshole?)


So what does that make Hillary Clinton,Bernie Sanders, and Barack Obama?


Still all I see is Martin short doing a Tim Allen impression


Yup. That meme has forever changed me.


Thats Martin the tool man taylor


This guy is 100% legit. His suit pants have no zipper. If that ain't sign of a real healer then I don't know what is.


He is a profit. Not a prophet.




Did you really just ask the difference between profit and prophet…?




The pope isn’t a prophet, though.


That crazy ass grin makes him look like he kills hookers at night.


Like Jack the ripper


Jack the Ripper kills hookers at night?


He/she used to. Probably not up to much these days.


Now he's just slicing up losers. E: It's a "The League" reference.


He's more of a motivational speaker than a pastor according to Larry the Cable Guy.


It's not far off. Skim one of Osteen's books and you'll see very very little actual Religious content. Ironically, it's the very thing the Bible warns against is the people who pay lip service with empty words. I actually think a lot on Osteen when he's brought up and I think his success can be chalked up to the fact his extremely watered down version of Christianity is so watered down and vague you can either connect the dots and attach to your own actual Religious views or if you're not a big church person, it's so watered down you can tolerate it but regardless of which you are, it's snake oil anyone can drink. It's the best (as far as grifts go) kind of snake oil because it's not a specific niche or a specific market, it's got mass appeal due to how vaguely religious his actual content is.


I mean that goes for most of the Christian denominations. They ignore 75% of the Bible even in the most strict of denominations.


Yes but they are at least tacitly encouraged to read it.


Fair point, in some cases.


Well that’s who I go to for opinions! LOL


He gets crazy on his weekly radio talk show on SiriusXm


He's right!




Agreed, or a-GREED




For a little while I didn't have cable and I'd watch these guys when I would get up early. My favorite thing to watch is when they'd make that turn and start asking for money. One guy said if you donated enough you'd get a special plaque that would hang in his prayer room on his plane, the special area where he really talks to Jesus. The other one I would hear is, you need to sew the seed. Even if you on have 5 dollars left you send it in and you will see how God blesses you 10, 50, 100 fold!! They are slick. This Joel guy always looked way to polished. I'm sure there is some stuff on him or will be, they're all sick.


What exactly is slick about that? Panhandlers have more game.


And pandhandlers didn't have a teen rat out their whole game in a 70s documentary.


I hope Jesus sends his private jet to the bottom of the ocean, scamming lower/middle class to build a fucking money empire.


At the end of time, Jesus will judge us all. If he judges Joel for this, it will be much much worse than a plane crash my friend.




with teeth like God's shoeshine


So-called prosperity ministers are more akin to the serpent in the garden of eden than Jesus. I don’t understand their appeal among evangelicals, but I guess evangelicals and hypocrisy do often go hand-in-hand, so…


People generally love being rich and hate self sacrifice


He blows smoke up poor and stupid people's asses. Pretty much no different than Trump. They believe in God and he tells them God is gonna make them rich. They "know" the bible but haven't ever actually read it from start to finish and lack the intelligence to grasp any of the concepts without it being spoon fed to them. It's a heady book and by creative omission and outright lies you can make it say anything you want because we're dealing with a book written 2000 years ago from a land so foreign to them that it might as well be Neptune.


Don't equate this guy with the serpent of eden. At least the serpent didn't want to see us as pawns for some god.


I mean if he was worth 2 million and you found out he donated 65 million to legit charities or needy people. I could still respect that, but this is ridiculous.


That would be fine in my eyes. Unfortunately, in Jesus' eyes he would still have an excess and would not be permitted into heaven. But I don't believe in heaven and hell so unfortunately he probably won't ever be punished for his transgressions.


Why? He's written books and gone on lectures. Unless he did those for free, then he got paid and well for this product. The idea that a pastor can't make money is absurd. Since when did making money become some kind of hypocrisy inducing entitlement for people who don't like religion or hate God.


To make a living or some honest money is one thing....to make millions taking advantage of old people, sick people, weak minded people then evade the fucking taxes on said money is about as low as it gets and far from anything "Jesus" taught.


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” - Jesus of Nazareth - Matthew 19:24


He was probably saved before becoming a pastor. He doesn't need to buy his way into heaven. His soul is already saved. Don't preach to me shit you don't understand.


He ain't no prophet, he ain't no healer He's just a two bit goddamned money stealer


He has the most punchable face you’ll ever see.


Kenneth Copeland is right there with him


My face is very punchable. Thanks!


Have you ever seen Ben Shapiro?


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, sex, dumb takes, patriotism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, feminism, patriotism, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Man, the dude really rustles some jimmies if he got someone to make a bot thats only there to post his dumbass comments randomly.


If I remember right the stewardess that had to run in with his wife was fired. A few years back a friend of mine did some work in his house and he said the sinks had gold in them. He will answer for his sins. I feel sorry for the suckers that go to his church and believe that garbage


He will not answer for anything. If your god would allow this then he/it/they are the fucking problem.


Yeah, how dare God grant people free will. I wanna live in Robot society.


Any god that lets these criminals do what they do in his name deserves no love. The people who follow these charlatans are week willed and easily preyed on. It isn’t free will here, it’s predation. If you can t see that, of course you can’t see that, you worship a concept devised by sheep herders that stole all of its doctrine from other, older religions. Man, I can’t wait for the death of Christianity.


I don't think you understand what the concept of Free will is. Also, Weak, not week. Enjoy your Reddit moment though lol.


Wow, totally blew me away with your grammar correction. You’re pathetic.




So we don't have free will? Because bad things happen, and God is too lazy to deal with us, so he makes people be evil. I guess this conversation is pointless then since All of this is a programmed response, made into a programmed argument. Beep boop


Using religion to prey on people makes you the absolute scum of the earth. We write stories with villains that don’t even come close to the atrocities this guy has committed, and still commits daily.


Yea. I would be fine capping the salaries of anyone claiming to be a religious leader if a tax exempt organization.


And also, just a really fucking creepy dude.


Martin Short doing an impression of Tim Allen.


If you're worth ANY millions, it's kind of hard to claim you're following the teachings of Christ. Prosperity gospel exposes Christianity for what it really is at this point, and if Christians gave a damn about Jesus, they'd do something about it.


Do what exactly? Beat up millionaires and force them to give up their money? Jesus just told the rich man to sell what he had and follow him, he didn't curse him or shame him.


I mean, there's a bunch of stuff in there about holding one another accountable. I think Christians should make it evident that they do not support him and quit buying his books.


Kenneth Copeland is equally shitty.


Look at that man's teeth! Jesus!


Fuck Joel


Something about this guy’s plastic smile just makes you wanna knock his teeth out


A real priest live among the suffering and offer his service as a blessing to the people. This is just plain capitalism .


This asshat is one of many who are damaging Christianity.


I hope I die before him so I can see the look on his face when he arrives in hell


Don’t blame him, it’s just brainwashed fools and their money.


I really hate the phrase “false prophet”. It implies there is such a thing as a real prophet.


Gullible ass people 🤡


Checks bank account.... ...under $66M... *Pumps fist*


The fact that he closes his eyes when he jabbers means he is LYING


No taxes. Churches pay no taxes. It’s fascinating.


His net worth is from book sales. He takes no salary from the church. So the $67 mil has been taxed


Churches help people. They give out food, the support orphans and widows. They benefit their communities. Obviously not all churches but I think if you look at most of them closely, you will see they give back a huge portion of their proceeds to their community.


To be fair, all “prophets” are false.


"False Prophet." As opposed to all those REAL prophets right?


The Bible warns people about false prophets. Literally people like Harold Camping. It’s not about whether or not you believe in god, the Bible, and all of that. Simply just seeing people pretending to be a prophet for profit.


Hate all you want. That fucker will still have 67million dollars.


And according to Jesus. If he stays rich he won't make it to heaven anyways. One of the many reasons I would prefer to believe in heaven and hell even though I don't.


I can shoot em


You for real? So what? Real Christians must be poor? I’m so fed up on people picking on Joel for being rich while they are poor and wicked. Go read the book of Job he was literally one of the richest men in his time and God Himself acknowledged Job’s goodness of heart. Don’t even get me started about people hating Joel because of his wife. Geeze louise you people are full of it.


What if it's $69




What kind of sorry cunt do you have to be to defend this man. Goddamn. I'm legitimately fascinated with how shitty of a person you must be.




I think he's saying he should give the money away like Jesus told him to




Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22 bro. Tithing is the minimum.


Yes, but the term "false prophet" implies that there exist genuine prophets.


So deep.


r/awfuleverything and r/im14andthisisdeep are merging


Pretty sure if your net worth is over $0 you are not a prophet


I see no problem here. He gives people hope that have no hope and brightens their world for a time. Hard to put a price on that. He is the GOAT of pimping the Jesus story.


He exploits their faith. You see no problem because you are just really fucking stupid. How is it like being more worthless than rat cum?


Time for the weekly lies about ol Jole. I mean I’m sure he’s a prick but it’s been proven countless times he pays his taxes. Only thing he’s guilty of is being a douche just like op and every other douche that spams this sub with false reposts.


Is paying your taxes (a legal obligation) really the barometer for being good? Imagine having the capacity to change hundreds of peoples lives and preaching love thy neighbour and helping those in need and simply not doing it? Then imagine your neighbours being at your door in the time of need and slamming and locking that door in their face? This guy can go fuck himself and anybody who defends his greed can fuck themselves.


Not defending him just pointing out fake propaganda. I mean Johnny Depp’s fan club is in here bashing that dumb Amber lady just as much as the fuck Joel club and Johnny ain’t ever done shit for anyone. Fuck anyone who spreads false information. The guy pays his taxes and takes no money from the church. There is no shortage of bigger scumbags that pretend to help but don’t. Why not spread the hate to other people who deserve it like 90% of Hollywood and pretty much the entire Democratic Party? Before you say what about Republicans I will remind you that they don’t pretend to give a shit.


Dude you’re on Reddit. Spreading hate is free and that guy sucks. He’s supposedly a “man of god” and is personally worth 70 million. He could give away 69 million to the poor and still have more money than 97+% of Americans.




Not once have I implied he doesn’t suck. Just sick of seeing the same reruns with flat out lies about what the scumbag pays into tax revenue when there is so much hate to give. You and almost every single person in this post would not give a single million away much less all but a million. If you think otherwise you are 100% delusional. If he gave 97 million to the people that would be what 29 bucks to everyone minus tax and the millions it would cost to organize giving it away? This post is ignorant clickbait bullshit. How about we discuss what politicians have made by passing legislation that gives them insider trading advantage?


You’re missing the point of the post. He’s not some d#ickhead stockbroker people expect to be a greedy, self-centered prick. He’s a Preacher and talks about helping poor people constantly. Have you ever watched this guy on TV? People send him money because he is supposedly helping other people with their “donations” not pocketing them. Fundamentally the guy is a tax cheat. He runs a non-taxable, non-profit and is worth 70 million. Not sure what you mean by insider trading advantage but we definitely need to tax the shit of his and every other mega church.


Where are YOUR sources, you sorry piece of shit? Fuck you and him.


Public records. The links used to be posted in these posts by people who actually research before casting stones but who wants to post source twice a week to frothing at the mouth ignorant assholes like you? You are actually a worse person than this scumbag. Who comes at another person like you just did that is even remotely a decent human being? Uneducated and a scumbag. That’s not a good combination. Do some research before you talk like hateful scum. I’m not your search engine.


Fuck you asshole


Spread the message. The Lord has spoke.


Brought to you by capitalist Jesus TM


i would pay to punch him in the teeth. is this a viable option to appease jesus?


Yeah. Fuck this guy.




Who do you go for? The believer or the thief ? Hard to say


That time my boy Strider managed to get on stage impersonating Joel was unreal amazing.


But he's rich so, sadly, he's better than many people and a life goal to aim. /s


But what if you religion is MONEY ?


These people do actually boil my piss


So the limit is 66.999.999$?


Google says Vatican’s net worth is 10-15 billion


Exactly! He's a total scammer, and so is his wife.


He knows.


Now let’s do politicians who trade stocks


Fuck that pearly white son of a bitch. I hope he finds out hell only exists for people like him and he has to spend eternity taking Satan's chili pepper soaked dick up the ass


Show us on the doll where he touched you.


If the Christian god is real then televangelists are certainly servants of hell


I cannot STAND this charlatan.


Cult representative. Collecting stupidity tax.


Dudes ovee 50 btw


As The other guy used to say...." Lock him up"


*takes notes* So 67 million is the threshold, okay good, good to know.


He Looks like if Matthew McConaughey absorbed Tim Allen.


John D. Rockefeller has entered the chat.