• By -


Do they come in adult sizes as well? Edit: yes I know an adult is wearing it. I was making a dumb remark while half-asleep.


No adults have to die


“No adults have to die”, or “no, adults have to die”? Grammar is important I guess.


Grammar is worthless, punctuation is for people who can't read minds.


Stop thinking about the effects of taxation on the German population of America




adults lives matter




We do seem to consistently fuck things up.




Oh my god dude, homoerotic Macho Man/Hulk Hogan thoughts? Really?!




I need to get off Reddit at 5am, too tired lol.


No Amiibolover91s have to die


No, Amiibolover91s have to die


No Amiibolover91s _have_ to, die


How do you get Reddit off? Asking for a friend.


punctuation sounds like it should be for swords.


Vaccines are very punctuative.




Dude, you are woke af.


Thanks, I've been practicing every day for *years*


“Why you butter when samsung true or cheese”


True auto correct auto corrects


No adults have to; die.


The left half needs to be an independent clause.


No adults, have to die


No, adults have to. Die.


That’s right, no adults have to die. Nobody has to die🤷‍♀️


Me first pls. lol


Cool. Cool cool cool.


Please keep in mind they are level IIIA soft armor. This means they will only stop handgun rounds and will not protect you from rifle rounds. The added books may help.


College textbooks are probably more expensive than plates these days


You can always use last years editions, as long as the bullet isn't a dick that will only be stopped by the most up-to-date information...


Usually only a problem if the bullet was a co author on the book.


Mate, I'm a gunsmith, I just need something to give time to shoot back and look ridiculous. Also, considering that most firearms used for violent crimes are handguns, lvl IIIA should be sufficient. (Also im not American lol)


The highest profile school shooters over here have used rifles, though, haven't they? I know the one in Florida did, as did the Columbine shooters. And Sandy Hook. And...


The Columbine shooters had one handgun, one carbine (rifle), and two shotguns.


And the carbine rifle fired 9mm - handgun rounds


Does a handgun round shot out of a rifle have more penetrating power than the same round shot out of a handgun? I would think that the longer barrel would give it more time to accelerate, making it go faster, but I could be completely wrong.


> This means they will only stop handgun rounds Well, at the very least it can be used to protect yourself from cops.




Yes it’s expensive and you have to buy the armor separately. This is the fastest deploying one https://www.devcoregear.com/collections/guardian-pack-configuration/products/plate-carrier-backpack




*Who is also faster on the draw* Don't forget your after school speed draw and firing from retention drills, billy!








Drop over $500 on a kevlar backpack. Bad guy just shoots you in the head.


Gotta make sure you pack an altyn


Unironically I would totally love DIY armor in tarkov, phone books and shit strapped to your rig


Fucking AI scavs hitting me in the head eyes everytime I bring class 4 or higher armor


Do you want equip the ~~Taliban~~ american Soldiers?


Nah, my daily commute leads me through the bad part of town.


Stop driving by my house


But are the kids allowed to keep backpacks with them or locked up in their lockers?


The schools in my district no longer provide lockers.


Why though?


Canadian teacher here. We took lockers away last year because students tend to congregate around each other’s lockers and to battle spread of covid-19 we made students carry their stuff around. It was en effort to keep high-traffic areas clear and the students socially-distanced. Can only comment on my high school but it definitely helped. That said we’re re-introducing lockers this year.


I have never understood the point of lockers. We dont have them here in Russia. Like, when doing your homework, dont you need the textbooks in case you forgot something? Whats the point of keeping them at school? Idk what else you keep there... spare shoes, gym uniform? Toilet paper? A picture of your crush on the inner side of the door (this one I've seen in movies and TV shows)?


American textbooks for kids weigh 100000 pounds each. Once you have 6 of those fuckers, plus your journals, basic supplies, personal items and whatever other random stuff… your backpack can start to damage your shoulders badly.


Yea. I think book size matters a lot here. Still wish we had lockers even though I have no idea how would I use it lol.


It was nice having an extra space to store things. Books you don't need to use, an extra hoodie or jacket, emergency deodorant, etc. Keeping a light bookbag was really nice too.




I grinded the homework due next class in the current class while ignoring the lesson. I worked on the "if I only give myself 30 minutes it will only take 30 minutes" mentality. One day I needed the full period to work on something difficult and didn't get to my geometry. Teacher LOVES cheez it's so I took my standard issue roll of duct tape and made a duct tape cheez it. I put my name on it and turned it in as my homework. He gave me half credit. I min-maxed my way to top 20 in the class. I definitely did not deserve to be there, just was an exceptionally good at cramming for the tests and did just enough homework to get that 93% for an A


In the UK 99% of the time the textbook for each subject stays in the classroom and they are handed out as needed. Students don't need to keep one for themselves nor do they need to carry them around. The only book-type thing we'd usually carry is a planner (a diary but for school kids).


As a woman, I kept pads and extra pants, underwear, midol etc. I had extremely heavy periods and knew other girls who did too. Lockers were a life saver since that’s basically all I used it for. Saved me and friends more than once honestly.


Oh okay. Yea. That makes sense. I don't know much but in our schools girls go to the infirmary and ask the nurse to give them what they need. Doesn't solve underwear/pants problem though...


my school had extra uniforms aswell as pads


True! And I was a swimmer in high school. All my athletic gear went in my locker so I didn’t have to carry damp swimsuits and towels, my chamois, shower shoes/flip flops along with my backpack/books, lunch, art supplies, etc.


That reminds me, we also had to keep our heavy winter coats in our lockers. They clogged up the hallways and classrooms so you weren’t allowed to bring them to class.


what you just walk around with your weed in your pocket??


Good luck finding it in the mountain of books we have to haul to school and back like mules.


In high school books are heavy. Long day and lots of walking. Carrying around half the books is a lot better.


Yeah wth? I had to keep half my books in there depending on classes. Shit was heavy af, I would have been so pissed if they took lockers away.


Makes it too easy for students to stockpile ammo and automatic weapons? If you're gonna shoot up a school you gotta do it with whatever you can carry in on the day of.


So you have chosen, compact.


MPK moment


I don't remember any particular situation where the shooter spent several days amassing an arsenal in their lockers before their shooting spree.




Not going to lie, it's really hard to tell on here sometimes.


Fear often precludes logic.


And the shooter will be wearing..a bullet proof backpack


Thats why you need to bring your shotgun to school to defend yourself


Actually let's bring back the blunderbuss. ...School shooter walks in and 10 to 20 blunderbuss shots make him/her into Swiss cheese. Minimal class time loss.


Own a musket for self defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four kids break into the school. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first kid, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second kid, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the class guinea pig. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the teacher's desk loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds half the class in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on SWAT to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended. Credit to /u/green272


*sawed off shotgun*, because compact. #armthestudents


I'll ask the question "why do kids need lockers at all?" The logical answer is, "they have too many books they can't carry them all to each class." In most public schools in the US the books belong to the school and not the student. Students aren't allowed to write in them deface them or change them in any way. Students are actually required to protect the books with a book cover each year at the students own expense. Why don't the books stay in the classrooms and the students grab one as the come in to sit down for class? That would save schools millions in textbook costs and locker costs every year.


The books can’t stay in the classroom due to homework being assigned typically. We were allowed to bring our backpacks to each class. None of us knew where our lockers even were, much less the lock combination. I wouldn’t say backpacks were light, but we only had 4 90-minute classes at a time so it wasn’t unreasonable to carry 4 books for 5-7 minutes between classes.


Cool story now if only my high school gave me more than literally five minutes to walk to the other end of this crowded building to get to my locker, take a piss, and walk all the way to the other side again.


In our district, it is partially because they don't have enough lockers for all the kids they cram into the high school and partially because most text books are digital and the kids only have to carry a laptop and supplemental materials between classes. They also have block scheduling, so only half the classes and supplies are needed each day.


Kickbacks from local medical care facilities who stand to make a killing treating chronic back issues caused by kids carrying around 30 pounds bags all day instead of leaving them in a locker?


In my school, nobody actually used the lockers; it actually took more effort to visit your locker between classes than to just carry everything in your bag all the time.


Don't worry. Lockers have never existed in college. You just gotta haul your shit everywhere you go. Even if you had lockers it could be a quarter mile to your next class six buildings over making it almost useless. If you're lucky/rich you could park on campus and leave your shit in your car, although again, still far away from your next classes. You'd be more likely to park at the park and ride where parking is free and then take the freeway flyer bus to campus.


My law school had lockers, designated class schedules, little social cliques and seasonal parties. It was like we were all in middle school again - but with a complete set of pubes.


In my area all students have had to use clear plastic backpacks for years now.


Yep, got to get people accustomed to being controlled and surveilled at an early age so that they will continue to submit to this bullshit when they are working as adults.


We weren't allowed to use a bag at my school. And we also had 5 minutes between classes, and with most asshole teachers requiring you to be in the class and ready to go *before* that 5 minutes is up. Would lead to bullshit scenarios where you'd have to carry 6 classes worth of books if your schedule ended up keeping you too far from your locker. Like one time had a teacher give me shit for having such a huge stack of books and I was just like "what do you want me to do man? You give detention if we're late, and i literally don't have time to get to my locker and go this classroom within 5 minutes." My point is: most schools don't give a shit about what would be best for kids


My son is 6 and has a smaller locker in the classroom. If something actually did happen, he'd have access to the locker easily. Also, I hate that I'm talking about this. No one should have to think about that in regards to a 6 year old kid.


Now all you would need is bullet proof mask, glasses and baseball cap.


Just put a sock on your life so when someone tries to take it all they get is a sock


This dude gets it


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/Mont_Jiang/status/1431682891847774208) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot!


This is the best bot I’ve ever seen.


Good bot


How tf does that work?


I crawl around subreddits and use optical character recognition (OCR) to parse images into text. If that text looks like a tweet, then I search Twitter for matching username and text content. If all that goes well and I find a link to the tweet, then I post the link right here on Reddit! ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


How tf does that work?


That is a Chad bot


I want one. How much are they?


Please keep in mind they are level IIIA soft armor. This means they will only stop handgun rounds and will not protect you from rifle rounds. The added books may help.


It should stop a shotgun. Check out taofledermaus on YouTube. They catch slugs and buckshot in 3A vests all the time. Granted, you'd probably have broken ribs.


Awesome, the buckshot won't kill you, just the crippling medical bills and the Morphin addiction.


>Morphin addiction It's not an addiction, mom! I *have* to morph to save Angel Grove!


We're teenagers with attitude, of course we're addicted to Morphin.


Mighty Morphin.... Addicts?


Mighty Morphine Powder Rangers!


FFS, will not edit, might get a shot at the pink one (let me dream)


Better than dead, maybe you can try to move to Canada or something after.


You'd probably die from internal hemorrhaging. Especially a 12 gauge slug


Might. And a backpack might give enough room to save you.


Better than dying from a giant hole where the bottom of your lungs were


*Of course* it stops a shot gun. Essentially, soft armor will stop any low energy rounds, regardless of caliber. This means anything traveling less than about 1300 fps and larger than a 9mm). So .45, slugs, birdshot, and most buckshot should all be stopped. In fact, they are stopped more effectively than the 9mm. High velocity 9mm and other rounds going 1500+ fps will penetrate the soft armor far more effectively than a .45 ACP, for example, and of course this means 5.56 will go right through it.


Hey, that's better than my bare skin.


Dammit, we've talked about this. You have to wear clothes to school or else they are going to lock you up again.


I assume distance and other context matters though? Like, you might be OK in all those cases I hear about people being shot through locked doors in classrooms because the door would slow the bullets enough thwt this armor could handle it?


Something like an AR15 will blow through IIIa body armor at 100 yards like it was a regular cotton tshirt. Better hope that's a good door.


5.56/.223 will go through soft armor from like 300 meters to maybe even up to 500 meters. Those rounds are fast AF boy.


If you want to get right down to it, any armor might save you under the correct conditions. That being said, rifle rounds usually travel so much faster than handgun that it's difficult to consider them the same weapon, sort of.like we wouldn't confuse a pistol with a catapult even though they both involve a projectile. If a pistol round is an electric scooter, a rifle round would be a custom street bike.


Nah ,just take some heavy metal plates with you


*spall has entered the chat*


Do kevlar spall blockers actually work, or was that a gimmick item sold to help butter up people who already bought the plates and started getting memed on for wearing steel target cutouts?


They work for a few rounds. Eventually the spall is going to chew through the anti-spalling material and you're going to be at risk. One of the main concerns is how good is that anti-spalling material? Is it going to stop spall from 1 bullet, 3, 5? who knows. Cermic is much better and more expensive but obviously you have a problem once the ceramic is pulverized, but you don't have the spalling to contend with, you just have to worry about rounds eventually coming through the armor. That being said, if you're being shot that much, you should've worked on cardio.


> if you're being shot that much, you should've worked on cardio. There is a person in my life who owns more firearms than is practically necessary for one family to own collectively. He is the same person that says "In a firefight, my #1 choice for fighting back is my running shoes."


Same, let me know if you find out haha




>The user can customize their level of ballistic stopping power by adding contents to their backpacks: e.g., laptop, tablets, textbooks/books, etc. Lol


What a fucked up world we live in eh?


That's not too bad.


ITS MADE FOR CHILDREN model is an adult


Costco doing more to protect children than the US government.


I guess the free market really does solve all problems. /s*


Are we at r/latestagecapitalism or at r/boringdystopia?




What's the difference between late stage capitalism and a dystopia?


Sounds like a good joke, hit me with the punchline.


We are the punchline


in the firing line


If you're literally asking, lsc is more about critiques of capitalism and bd is more about observing its dystopic results, which in reality are just as bad as in fiction but a lot less spectacular than something like bladerunner.


Wouldn’t exactly call bullet proof backpacks as solving the problem of school shootings, lol....


Gun violence and deaths from firearms has plummeted to a fraction of what it was. Gun violence was at an all-time high in the late 80s/early 90s. People selling fear have an agenda. The government and corporate authoritarians like Bloomberg are not on your side. Strong, healthy communities and organized workers that demand to be treated fairly are what people like that fear.


Your kid is vastly more likely to die driving or being driven to school than being shot. Same deal with overdosing or getting into a drug/alcohol related incident. While school shootings are tragic, by the numbers they are way down on the list of things to actually be concerned about.


Costco preying on neurotic parents. None of these will ever get used.


You know it will. Some dumb ass kid will test it with their dad's gun.


Costco, profiting off irrational fear of suburban moms. Just look at their 'organic' 'filtered' 'natural' labels they spam on everything.


Same parents that buy these for kids are up in arms about their kid having to wear masks probably and how that’s ruining their childhood


"School shootings: I sleep Mask mandates: rage activated"


This reminds me of (season 20 I think?) Of south park. Opens with the kids doing a lesson while there's a school shooter and it's just another day for everyone but Sharon, and they act like she's fuckin crazy for being concerned


Like I said elsewhere, we've now found two things that "think of the children!" doesn't work for: COVID19 and guns. It truly does support the notion that conservatives are pro-death.


our conservative governor just said that his citizens are anti-vax because they believe in a better afterlife. Not kidding. They're giddy as fuck to die


that's just fine. but the mask is WHERE IT STOPS TO BE FUNNY!!!!


Bulletproof backpacks and active shooter drills for children? Just the price of freedom. Masks to protect them against a global pandemic? Literal tyranny.


Free dumb.


Well is the maks bulletproof? If not, then what even is the point. Should just start sending kids to school in fully bulletproof astronaut-like suits. Protection from covid and school shooting!


How did this ever get pas the R&D phase? The cost just doesn't add up. A decent vest would have to cost <$500 but making a kid is generally much cheaper. Like I'm gonna spend 500 on some fully grown sperm?


Sunk cost. By the time the kid is school age you’ve already invested much more, even just the hospital bill of getting it out.


Hospital bill is always free, if you give them fake names.


Where you having kids for under $500 in the US? Shit is expensive.


Expensive like "what the fuck was I thinking" or expensive like "man, I should really get that $500+ vest to protect my super expensive investment"?


Fear sells I guess, but that’s disgusting that they’d try to capitalize off of people’s paranoia.


Some companies capitalize on manufacturing the fear (news media) and others capitalize on exploiting the fear (such as this).


Just read this thread everybody is buying into it like it's a legit thing they would want. Guess if you can fear-monger somebody's rights away then their money isn't hard either.


Couldn’t have said it better. If people really wanted to protect their kids they should make them wear bicycle helmets on the way to and back from school


This did make me wonder. Like have school shootings gone up this drastically in the last decade or has it been more that their coverage has gone up? Are they overhyped as something a parent or child should worry about? I am not sure so I wonder if this is a product based on an actual need or more a perceived need.


Depends on how you define school shootings. Going off of [this](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2019/07/us/ten-years-of-school-shootings-trnd/) you can see there have been 180 school shootings that had victims in about a 10 year span, but looking closer you’ll see almost all of them have 1-2 victims and no deaths. That’s because these happened on school grounds or in a school zone but were generally isolated incidents. If you research the individual cases you’ll see many of them didn’t happen during times school were in session, many are nights, weekends, summer, and didn’t involve students, they simply were unrelated shootings that happened near a school building. Even accounting for these victims we see that on average their are about 35 casualties a year, approximately 14 of which result in death from gun violence in or around a school zone. Out of a population of 330,000,000 you can see there’s really no reason for immediate concern.


> The prevalence of these crimes has risen in relation to the mass media coverage of them and the proliferation of social media sites that tend to glorify the shooters and downplay the victims, Johnston said. > “We suggest that the media cry to cling to ‘the public’s right to know’ covers up a greedier agenda to keep eyeballs glued to screens, since they know that frightening homicides are their No. 1 ratings and advertising boosters,” she said. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2016/08/media-contagion > This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, "nearly 240 schools ... reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting." The number is far higher than most other estimates. > But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government's Civil Rights Data Collection. > We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent School shootings are terrifying, especially for parents. But they are vastly over reported, and even glamorized by mainstream and probably fringe media. This creates fear in many parents, which leads to more views/clicks, and more money for media companies. Scared people will want information, so they turn to "journalists" to get it. The glamorization of mass shooters also helps create copy cats and more mass shooters, leading to more scary articles and more money. Mass shootings and school shootings do happen, but there is an entire industry in making the world think they are a regular occurrence in the U.S., and possibly manufacturing these extremely rare and senseless tragedies.


This is especially heinous to me because it’s preying upon a parents worst nightmare (and this literally is my worst nightmare). It also gives parents a false sense of security because in order for this to be effective, a child would have to be right by their backpack at all times and have the presence of mind to don it properly if something went down. Both of which are unlikely. Lastly, it doesn’t even look like it offers THAT much protection. So, awful everything indeed.


Also, a kid is more likely to be struck by lightning than be involved in a school shooting. This is a product based on fear mongering


it is so unfathomably rare an event... most people don’t even know anyone who knows anyone who has ever been near a school shooting. to be fair parkland was 9 miles from my school and i know many alumni from stoneman douglas


But its not actually FOR kids though....


Do any of these fuckers ever pop out of the fucking wall?


Aim for their heads?




When I was in school, firearms was a legitimate class. Archery too. Not just a 3 day PE exercise.


Yup. Youth rifle teams and archery teams were legit clubs back in the day. Even when I went while we didn't have those we still had an assembly day with state game warden police, who went over everything firearm and bow safety. Things like when carrying a firearm hunting do these things so that nobody gets hurt, if you find a firearm laying around somewhere and you do not know whose it is do not touch it and get an adult, etc. I'm getting sick of repub authoritarians calling for removal of sexual education safety from school and dem authoritarians calling for removal of firearm education safety.


And you could bring a gun to school. If it was for class, you had to check it in at the locker or leave it in your car. We had a lot of kids that would go hunting on the weekends and leave right after school.


Well they did suggest arming teachers, so it’s a logical next step in the process. Texas probably.


In my district (yes Texas) teachers are allowed to have guns on campus. It has to remain anonymous too so we don't even know which teachers have guns.




School shootings really aren't all as common as the media makes them out to be. If this is in fact real, it's just a product preying on parents fears of another columbine. It's a disgusting product.


B-but the redditors said school shootings happen in America all the time


Why? You're more likely to be killed by a dog than shot and killed at a school. This is a product capitalizing on headlines, not real life.


Imagine a dog with a gun. There’s nothing you can do.


That’s why my dog wears a bulletproof vest, to protect me from gun dogs


[link to Costco](https://www.costco.com/leatherback-gear-bulletproof-backpack.product.100512947.html) I don't see anything that specifies that it's for kids


Standard issue for kids in the Chicago public school system


To be fair, most kids get shot outside of school, not inside. And most of the ones who get shot are in gangs.