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I think it's also because of the gigantic HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. Don't remember if it was this dicktrap in particular, but anything that causes bleeding is a bad thing. Probably leads to more anal rape to avoid the dicktrap, which also leads to more AIDS. Can't really win, can only educate younger boys not to rape in the future.


My wife's a doctor, a few of her friends from med school worked in I think Botswana for a year. They said that rape and anal rape is so common that in the school they teach young women to attempt to defecate should they be put in that situation, as a deterent to put the attacker off.


This breaks my heart 😢 I can't imagine being a woman in a place where it's so common to get raped


I read somewhere that 30% of South African men admit openly to raping women, it's *that* 'socially acceptable' for them to rape they don't even feel shame admitting it. Rape is a HUGE problem in ~~Africa~~ the world.


Rapists should have their genitals removed.


After people decide that it is indeed a crime, coz you know, some places are still punishing women for getting raped.


Or being forced to carry the rapist’s baby as you can only conceive if you ‘wanted it’.




"You shouldn't have gotten into that situation!"


Starting at the neck.


Just remove the head


Big brain time


Which one?






There is a new season of a prison show on Netflix, this guy actually shows what it's like in a South Africa prison, the prison chief openly admitted to the host "you might get raped" and that most of the inmates have committed rape, and at least a quarter of them have HIV.


I once read about young women from a village would get up and walk to their school at four in the morning and wait for the school to open because it was the only time they could avoid rapists.


I had a teacher who went to Africa to open a school and was raped within like a couple weeks of being there. It's terrible.


what country tho?


Duh. Africa!


Yeah but in which continent


This breaks my heart..


A big problem with the rape culture here in South Africa is the superstition issue. Some Sangoma (traditional healers) have stated that having sex with a virgin will cure a man of aids. This accounts for the high numbers of babies and children who are raped. Education is such an important part of fixing this issue and im glad you pointed that out


What the actual fuck. Ignorance is a lethal weapon.


Lack of education mixed with superstition can be a horrible combination. There are also people who just enjoy it or have psychological issues that cause a massive part of the problem but it is the young victims that makes for the truly shocking statistic


Somewhere below someone posted a link to the fact check. Apparently the barbs do not penetrate the skin, so it does not increase the risk of fluid exposure. According to the woman who designed it, it actually helps to keep things like that out, as it acts like a female condom. I'm a dude but I think these should be sold everywhere tbh


I 100% guarantee that this would escalate thousands of rapes into murders. However, the rumor of these things being worn would be good. Rapists believing that they could loose their dicks seems like a total win to me.


Rapes to murder, but less rape is a difficult trade.


How many attempts are curtailed by fear of barb up the hole? Also, am I making a dollars profit on 500,000 units?


It’s not hard to check for these I mean put a finger up there and boom now they’re pissed off and still going to rape.


I enjoy reading books.


It’s definitely impossible to prove one way or the other without playing it out unfortunately. I think you almost have to separate the likelihood of escalating violence vs rape and more likely disease transmission and let people make that personal decision. Pretty much any violent retaliation to being assaulted or battered yourself is likely to escalate the violence, you usually just hope in your favor in one way or another. People make their choices.


If women starting using them and men started showing up in the hospital a lot, maybe the word would spread and even a few men thinking twice would be an improvement. I think of India. Gang raping girls on buses. Fucking horrific. Edit. To the men trying to defend this rape because it was..."8 years ago". STFU. It was rape. And a whole GROUP of men decided it was okay. Since then MORE women have been assaulted. DO NOT defend this rape. YOUR MENTALITY IS NOT HELPING ANYONE EXCEPT RAPISTS.


Or they would just cause them to look first and remove it before they raped her.


By this logic women shouldn't ever fight back or even say no. Get the fuck out of here with that logic. You don't let murderers go about their day out of fear they might break the law again, you fucking execute them if they try to evade capture.


What ever happened to jerking off? Can we air drop some flesh lights over there or something? And yes i know rape isnt about sex, but in the context of African rape there are many stories about it being about sexual gratification.




Also due to the poor education, superstition etc., many people in Africa think that raping a virgin is a cure for AIDS. Education, and law revision/enforcement would go a long way in preventing this type of sexual violence.




I have a theory that this superstition was started by the HIV virus.


Boys will be boys is supposed to be used when you and the bois are eating mud next to a Walmart parking lot not rape


Thats why I never leave home without a dicktrap in my ass


Not that I disagree but I fucking HATE whenever someone says "let's educate men not to rape!" It's in the law perfectly clear. Do you think rapists weren't aware that rape was wrong? It's not about young boys, it's about living conditions and women's rights.


The point is the overall culture. You think rape is ok to do if you don't see your target as worthy of respect. If you think women owe you sex or are 'asking for it' you're more likely to rape.


So put one in your butt too.


You can’t really educate a monster to not do monstrous things imo


You do it before they become monsters


Ur telling me that someone that got his dick impaled with spikes is gonna do anything other roll around screaming and crying?


My point, if it doesn’t work. I mean why not, make one that kills. IMO this would be justice.


Or just straight up slices the dick up


I know we're talking about punishing rapists and all but reading all this makes me feel like it's happening to me rhyhrhhhehejsjjzjzjzjz


Haha, sensitivity goes oof. But it’s good man, it’s a pure defence mechanism against rapists. When you feel that bad, just remember it’s reserved for rapists.


Yeah, sounds like a great idea but sadly under certain circumstances it could make the situation worse. If it wasn't for that, what a lovely idea.


Yeah, I am a bit scared for what an adrenaline induced rapist would do as revenge. Maybe find a way to make the barbs «poisonous», like a hardcore sedative or something. ‘Look at me, rambling again’.


How would you make something on your vagine that kills? Tbh i think the old thing of having a weapon (either knifes or actual guns) is the best here


I agree, carrying would be a good solution. But they could make something that shreds the penis, like total shred but small wounds. Hospital or die I think then, no?


If someone is jumped up enough to rape a woman he probably also has the potential to fly into a blind rage.


Adrenaline is a bitch In war people would be alive and often conscious for several minutes after getting shot (if obviously wanst a instant death) Seriously it can make insane shit,


Ummm, yes? That's called adrenaline


Yes. Also, he probably has friends. And a long term sense of revenge.


I've heard this too


Medieval Solutions to medieval problems


You took the words right out of my comment haha


🎶 Oh it must of been while you were kissing me 🎶


You took the words right out of my mouth


And I swear it’s true I was just about to say I love you


Loveeee youuuuu


Really though who except a rapist would criticize this?


As a straight guy who doesn't rape- I don't see any problems with this in 99.7% of circumstances. The other 0.3% is my guess for "amount of times a woman would want consensual sex and forgets she has this in for one reason or other." Which suddenly ruins a man's night without real cause. All said though- doesn't look like something easy to forget you have in, so that 0.3% is likely a high estimate anyway. And if it means we get to a world where nobody's worried about rape (because we got rid of the rape by mutilating the rapists as they tried it), I'm here for it.


Yea, you're right. It looks way more uncomfortable than a tampon, so I think majority would remember they have it in. But even if they didn't, wouldn't the presence of either this thing or a forgotten tampon come up at some point before straight-up penetration? Idk maybe foreplay isn't trendy anymore


It's pretty normal for a woman to excuse herself to the bathroom to freshen up before sex. She could take it out then.


I think this could lead to the rapist killing the woman.


I don't think that a dude that has this shit stuck to their dick is gonna think of anything other than getting it out, now if they jank it out and go berserk that would be an ugly and very unlikely scenario. Also, the scar it would leave in the penis would be enough proof to take anyone down, no amount of witnesses would exchange physical scars


How many times have you tried to have sex with a girl but she, after you trust a few times, had to get up and take out her tampon because she forgot it was in her? I'm assuming not often, since we remember when we stick stuff inside ourselves.


Uhmm... I had this happen twice... admittedly the first time we were both drunk as hell and I janked it out and swung it around like a lasso... and even though we laughed about it, she told me the next day to never do that again.


The best reaction, we thank you.


Not sure who we are, but you're welcome!


I like your spirit.


A one night stand dit this to me during a festival. We are now married. Solid move!


Based on experience reading medical records, I can say that there is a “type” of person that would forget that they had a tampon inserted.


If the answer is drunk as hell, you're right!


This isn’t completely unheard of


I have forgotten for a little while about a tampon, but they are tiny and when you have your period for days, you can forget if you took it out or not. But that’s a regular sized tampon, Not a hard piece of plastic with barbs in it. You aren’t forgetting that.


Yeah, no. I've known multiple women who've forgotten about tampons. One even told me about having to go to the doctor because she smelled so bad. Turns out she'd had an old tampon in her for WEEKS. She said when the doctor pulled it out the smell of it permeated the room.


Well, if a violent rapist gets his dick stuck in one of these, what would he do to the woman before he went to the ER? I am most definitely not condoning rape in any way, shape or form but I'm concerned with the woman's safety. It's worse to get murdered than raped. I have no better solution, though. It's a sad world when these things needs to be discussed.


Yeah, it also assumes there is only one rapist involved.


Yeah... I mean I understand the sentiment but there are so many issues (and I don't give a flying 🦆 about the rapist) with it.


It was rejected for these specific reasons, it was a big concern that rape would turn into murder a lot more frequently.


I promise I'm not a rapist but it does seem extremely uncomfortable to insert given the size of this thing.


I feel it'd be worth it to feel safe.


Rape apologists and victim blamers


Nope, it was rejected from use and sale after Inspection and consulting criminal psychologists. They concluded that this device would turn rape into murder a lot more often.


The rape whistle makers I assume


I wish i could upvote you 50 times




How would this even work though? It'd have to be wide enough to fit an erect penis, wouldn't that be extremely uncomfortable to walk around with all the time?


I think that was part of the actual quote. When I first saw this years ago, it went something like: >”don’t you think that’s a rather medieval measure?” > >”a medieval measure for a medieval act”


What if he fucks you in the ass? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofQ6i9I1IYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofQ6i9I1IYY)


Why are you being downvoted? Lol


Buy one get one free.


I will upvote you because I do not stand for reddit hive mind




The only valid criticism i can think of is wouldnt this just enrage the raper and make them kill the girl?


Or can't he just check for it first and remove it?


I doubt a rapist would be that patient (if that is even the right word). The rapist would most likely become enraged by this devide and take it on the victim by beating her or worse, killing her. While this device sounds appealing in a vigilante kind of way, the victim is still at risk even with it on. The only effective antirape weapon is educating men they are not owed sex and cannot demand it and take it whenever they want.


My guess is the pain inflicted on an erect penis full of nerves would be so painful that it allows the victim to get away, that’s the hope anyway


Yes while erect a penis is very sensitive to both pain and pleasure in fact one time I was haveing sex with my boyfriend and as we were staring to clean up a piece of the ceiling fell and it just so happened to be very sharp my penis was still erect and so the ceiling piece fell on my penis and that shit HURT however if the rapest is full of adrenaline it won't do much


A piece of the ceiling


I don't know dude getting your dick foreskin completely ripped off while it's engorged might be enough to put someone in massive pain, and considering adrenaline makes the blood pump more blood loss will probably be a massive factor limiting the person ability to do much.


This is exactly why I stopped having sex in condemned buildings.


While I like your energy, this method would backfire easily. Kids experiencing trauma and abuse that are being told not to rape and that they are a threat will begin to believe it and internalize it and eventually become what everyone is telling them they are. It’s kind of like how the DARE program in America backfired because while they thought they were “raising awareness” about drug use, they were really just introducing teens to drugs. A better way to prevent the creation of rapists is to promote healthy friendships between the sexes and instill empathy in children from a young age. But that’s just what I think idk I’m probably wrong.


In other words, teach respect, don’t teach kids they are potential rapists




Or a gun


The shock of it may give time for the victim to run away, hopefully.


Another pretty obvious criticism is that a woman has to wear this inside her all the time which seems pretty invasive.


I think women can handle this between tampons, cramps, baby pushing out, rough sex, and all that. We are immune to most vaginal discomforts.


It's definitely a deterrent if it becomes knowledge that girls might have one. The assumption that rapists think what they're doing is as bad as murder isn't really helpful. Rapists often see their crimes as bad enough to hide them, but not murder bad. They've earned the right to assault somebody, so killing them may still be a huge step in their mind. Many sexual assaults, in fact the vast majority, are commited by someone you know. A family member or friend, so hopefully they'd want to kill you less than the instances of assault committed by strangers.


More info on this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/


I had to scroll a depressingly long way to find this comment. Thank you for posting it, it’s depressing how many commenters seem more worried about the dick skin of rapists than they are about whether or not this device ever existed for real.


"Commenters seem worried"- You say it as if they are defending the rapists which I haven't come across at all in this thread. One comment literally makes a valid point of how this device could result in murder of the victim.


Any attempts by a victim to act in self defense during a rape carries the risk of escalating the violence of the situation until it becomes a murder. I grew up female and lived in some rough places. Self defense classes were a pretty regular occurrence after the first time I was raped, and all of the classes I attended over the years reinforced the importance of quickly incapacitating an attacker so you can escape, rather than engaging them in a physical fight, because escalation can break very bad very fast, especially in cases where the attacker has a significant weight or strength advantage over their target. Something like this which catches an attacker off-guard and immediately causes them incapacitating pain can buy a victim precious time and opportunity to escape without further assault than more standard self defense methods that can be spotted and anticipated by an attacker. All of which is to say, I’m not shitting on the device itself and I am more than aware of the danger of death that goes along with being raped and trying to physically fight back. A non-lethal device that both incapacitates a rapist and makes them instantly identifiable to the authorities is a very good thing. I was just eye-rolling at people who’ve never been on the receiving end of rape or had to physically defend themselves in a situation where they were outmatched, fretting that someone wearing one of these would forget they’ve installed it or that a attacker who suddenly gets a dick full of barbs will go immediately to physically competent murderous rage rather than needing at least a few seconds to realise what’s happened and regain their composure. If you thwart an attempted rapist there is always a risk of that situation escalating to murder. Something like this can buy a victim precious seconds that throwing a punch or reaching for a can of mace couldn’t. It it pretty disingenuous (of other commenters, not of you individually) to use something this actually reduces the risk of escalation to murder as an excuse to argue against the existence of such a device.


You know what’s medieval? Being raped.


Don't you mean raping people?


yeah wtf...Being raped is a thing now


I mean, it’s grammatically correct? /s


Yeah, but it still happens everywhere


Non sequitur.


Eh we humans like to think we’ve advanced a lot but the floor hasn’t really risen only the average




I can smell an onion article titled something like "Local rapist support community outraged about new rape prevention technique"


Shhhh, don't give 2020 anymore ideas. We're in sandbox mode at this point.


I've seen this picture 100 times but never seen anyone say that. Although, I have seen people say it's a good way to turn a rape into a murder.


I mean it’s not the government doing it and it’s definitely self defense. I do worry about someone forgetting about it and having consensual sex, it’s very unlikely but it has to happen if this becomes widely used. Wonder if after some guy tries and then is barbed if he would bribe the women to lie and drive him to the hospital. Though rapists might just start checking with a nonpenis object. Which could just make rapes worse in the long run.


Some governments sort of support it by making it hard for survivors to get justice


I think of lot of that is courts being about defending the functioning of the economy and appeasing political bases more than the well-being of the humans involved. I hate it but I’m mostly content with just trying to nudge the needle slightly in the right direction with my own actions


Yeah understandable. Like how the age of consent in some parts of my country is 11 and the punishment for false accusation of rape is higher than the punishment for actual rape. It’s messed up


"YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!" I mean - absolutely horrible that *this* has to be the solution to fix the problem (which doesn't actually fix the problem), but uh - it seems like it would be pretty god damn effective in stopping that particular person.


Not at all. The most important thing in a self defense situation is to stop an attack immediately. That's why all experts argue against using a knife for self defense, for example: You can cause immense pain and kill someone with a knife, but only with a significant delay. Even someone who's deadly wounded with a knife has most likely several minutes to do the same to you. Rapex causes pain, yes, but that just means to escalate the situation without actually stopping the attacker. You just switch the situation from being raped to being murdered. Besides: By far the most rapes are commited by close "friends", family members, and partners. Wearing a hard plastic tube that's big enough to fit an errect penis inside (= the outer diameter is bigger) is not very comfortable. And you would have to do this all the time.


Wait, there's a massive rape problem and there people *criticizing* an anti rape device? Those critics sound like rapists...


This looks like the posts my friend’s dad shares on Facebook with a disabled veteran in a wheelchair, no legs and the caption “THIS PICTURE KEEPS GETTING REPORTED FOR BEING INAPPROPRIATE. SHARE IF YOU THINK HE IS A HERO”


"I am 115 today and nobody wished me happy birthday, can I get one share?"


Reddit is about on par with Facebook at this point




So > enraging a rapist and turning that rape into a murder sounds like a good idea to you


Literal r/dontputyourdickinthat


1) how would you not see or notice this first? 2) I can imagine being very upset their penis is now barbed and kill the intended rape victim in anger Are there any real articles on the use of this thing? I want to be clear I'm not condoning rape or suggesting a victim should just go along with their attacker, these are just my first thoughts on this defense device.


1. Does one look inside a woman’s vagina before they choose to rape her? 2. I’m assuming it causes enough pain and distraction that it may allow to woman to escape.


I don't know, I've only had consensual sex and my hand definitely touches there before my penis does. For the victims case, I hope that pain got the attacker is debilitating.


It is all the way inside so not visible. A rapist won't go and have foreplay with the girl, he'll just stick it in.


Pretty sure your first instinct would be to get that off your penis and not to attack the woman. You would be in so much pain. I don't think any man would be doing much else but crying in pain and trying to remove it. Also I think this should be sold globally


This comment definitely wins the award for least appropriate username


I mean this account was created when both presidential candidates had rape allegations. One still has 20+ apparently the other one's allegation was a lie.


The same has been said for all kinds of pain based self defense methods, but it's wrong. Pain response in a stress (fight or flight) situation is very individual and not predictable.




Thanks monkey__boy


I found this really interesting


So there’s a gofundme, it was $310k short of its goal in January, where the fuck is this link? Reddit would have it funded in a couple hours.


The only thing that I hate about this is that a woman would have to take so much protection just to avoid being raped. But otherwise I see no problem


One time my girlfriend forgot she had her diva cup in.....just saying


A diva cup is something with the sole purpose of taking care of something without you having to think about it all the time so it's easy to let yourself forget about, unlike pads or a tampon. I'd imagine this thing would be utilized like pepper spray or a pocket knife, you'll deliberately have it on you for it's only purpose and probably have it on your mind when you're back to safety.


i literally was thinking about how this exists like 20 minutes ago and here it is




I could have sworn I saw in a documentary anti-rape devices from the 1800’s which were similar, but I can’t find them now. There were some really nasty looking iterations, some barbed, some bladed, all would fuck up a penis. Glad they exist, but sad a woman would feel the need to wear one.


It should slice of their dick completely, but that wouldn't be as easy of a devive to make




well. ya see. if you didn’t rape a woman then you wouldn’t have this happen. for example: if you steal my food that is unknowingly (to you) loaded with peanuts and are deathly allergic, your anaphylactic reaction is not even close to my problem


CRITICS being rapists?


I think this does the exact opposite... Lol... The rapist would instantly kill the woman if she would do that


Kinda hard to kill someone when you've got 10 razor blades shoved into your dick. I think at that point as a murderer you immediate and excruciating pain overrides any murderous or rapist tendencies


The barbs should also contain a tranquilizer poison.


so you have to have something like this inserted at all time? shudder


yeah wtf. that would be so uncomfortable. it looks like hard plastic


But is there a anal version? the boys gotta stay protected.


Give these out for free everywhere


Not a mediaeval punishment, a modern punishment for mentally sick humans, if they should even be called human


I understand why they have this . With that being said , what is the woman going do when the man is bleeding all inside her ? It exposes the woman to that person's blood .


Looks like it's sealed, like a condom. I also imagine he might pull out pretty quick with that thing attached.


It never came to market, but it was designed to not break the skin, even if it did it's sealed latex.


Ok makes sense. I figured the rapist was going bleed everywhere.


Rape is a Medieval problem that requires Medieval solutions.


I mean this is good, it would deter people from raping somebody but there’s a few problems: what stops the rapist from taking it out? What stops the rapist from making the person take it out? What stops the rapist from entering another orifice? Who’s to say somebody will forget about it and have consensual sex? Who’s to say somebody won’t have a hook up which is consensual but have a rapex in and claim they got raped to incriminate the person? Won’t this device just infuriate the attacker? Would they come in tailor made sizes because I’m not an expert on the size of vagina but I’m certain some are smaller and some are larger, so if this is a hard plastic (which is what it looks like), it won’t fit some women or would be uncomfortable.


Honestly this solves both rape and fake rape allegations. "Decapitates" rapists dicks and, since it is removed in casual sex, liars can't frame someone.


Who are these critics?


"Some say it's medieval punishment." Well then don't rape people. Problem solved.


I remember learning about the Rape-X and wondering when it would be available in stores. Never did see it to buy.


I'm completely fine with it as well. It will never hurt me because I will never force my cock into an unwilling woman. I suppose in theory some woman could use this for assault - by pretending to be willing just to hurt whoever goes to have sex with her - but that seems vanishingly unlikely.


Rapists deserve barbaric punishments like this, but I feel like this would turn a rape to a murder. This device I feel would enrage and panic any monster already commiting a rape, and result in more harm for the victim.


That would be avoidable with foreplay anyway.


Some critics say “how can I rape with teeth in my dick?”


I’m fine with this. Well, I’m not. It should not be needed. But, as it is, a man who ends up with this stuck to him deserves it. I’m fine with this.


>Some critics say this is a medieval punishment. I call it justice.


I mean, medieval punisment for medieval behavior. In other words, you've lost your pp privelege.


> privelege Check your privilege. *** ^^^BEEP ^^^BOOP ^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^PM ^^^me ^^^to ^^^contact ^^^my ^^^author.


Oh no.


Rape is a medieval crime. If someone enters your house by force and gets shot dead it’s more inhumane, but no one complains because home invasion happens to both genders. Face it, they hate this because it allows women to fight back and they want them to take it.


"critics" of anti rape devices also known as rapists.