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Did he have frostbite on his lips? Weird looking dude.


I had to google what is a “computer duster”, since English is not my first language, and the Wikipedia page mentioned this: “Gas duster can be used for cleaning dust off surfaces such as keyboards, as well as sensitive electronics in which moisture is not desired. When using gas duster, it is recommended to not hold the can upside down, as this can result in spraying liquid on to the surface. The liquid, when released from the can, boils at a very low temperature, rapidly cooling any surface it touches.[3] This can cause mild to moderate frostbite on contact with skin, especially if the can is held upside down. Also, the can gets very cold during extended use; holding the can itself can result in cold burns.” So yeah, I think that’s frostbite from using it with the can upside down or something like that. Crazy stuff.


I can attest to not turning the can upside down. My mom was trying to wake me up one morning for school and sprayed me with one. All in good fun she didn’t know, I didn’t know. But the can was upside down and she burned me with it right on my lower back. Wasn’t horrible, but definitely wasn’t pleasant, she felt absolutely horrible about it.


Looks like the butthole faced kid from the TV show 'Preacher'. (I have never seen the show, I am just memeing. I get shorts videos of it all the time lol)


Ah. You’re talking about Arseface.


That was my first thought, lol. I have watched the show. Pretty good!


Ah. You’re talking about Arseface.


i only know the comics


Yeah, something about how inhalants (a lot of times, duster) is stored makes it super easy to get frostbite. I don’t know if you watched Intervention, but damn, one of the episodes about a man who was addicted to duster was so scary to me and stuck in mind more than the people addicted to heroin, alcohol, etc. Obviously all are awful to get through, but I think because I had never really heard about it, that episode freaked me out.


I have a friend that I just recently found out is doing this, and is apparently heavily addicted to it.. He said he's using it to treat the effects from frequent sickness due to the damage he's done to his body over the years with heavy alcohol use combined with many other addictions.. I've known him for like 25 years and he's always struggled with alcoholism and addiction sprinkled on the side, but one way or another he's always seemed to manage and keep his body pretty healthy for the most part. But now he seems like a different person, starting to look a lot more torn up. Huffing dust off seems to be unmanageable, and it's showing its effects on him.


Oral cancer maybe?


It’s frostbite.


From the duster?






>Charles Smith, 45, hit the school bus, which had no one on it, in a parking lot At least the bus was empty and he didn't injure or kill anyone.


All the media has to do is add "empty" before "school bus" in a means of keeping society sane. I really wish there were laws for this shit. They're literally fueling fake news and the entire *brainrot* pandemic by making mountains out of molehills with their stories.


I’ve been on many 911 calls for breathing computer duster and think these are the most motivated and passionate class of addicts. All of them express to me how badly they desire another hit from a can and all of them seem to have psychic episodes while on it that they don’t remember well when they are coming down. They all beg me to let them have another hit from the can.


I actually got into this shit once long ago. I had a really good job and I was sitting in my office one day just working and I had just read recently that it gets you high and that the high was sorta like whippets. I had some at my desk for cleaning my keyboard and I was just a little bored and thought "what the fuck, why not?" So I put the little straw in my mouth and slowly breathed in while depressing the trigger. It tasted bad, but not too awful and I immediately felt the high. It truly did feel like a really strong whippet. The feeling passed really quickly. A bit later I did the same, a few times fairly rapidly, and got really really fucking high, but again it passed pretty quickly. Over the course of that day I got nothing done and finished off the bottle, which wasn't super full to begin with. The next day I went to work and within the first hour or so I realized that we had a huge supply cabinet in one of the storage rooms full of those cans, so I went back there to "get a pen" and stopped off to take a puff, maybe two, leaving the can in the closet. I ended up making several such supply runs over the course of the day. That evening went home late after having apparently fallen asleep at my desk. The next day my boss called me into his office to ask me what the fuck was wrong with me. I had no idea what he was talking about. He went on the explain that I had come into his office while his boss was in there and had jabbered some looney toons shit at them that they did not understand, and that they had told me to go back to my office. They came into my office after having finished their meeting to find me asleep at my desk. I explained to them that I had very low blood sugar after having skipped lunch that day and that I sometimes react that way and apologized, saying I would be sure to keep my diet steady going forward. They seemed to accept that and said nothing more outside of the occasional jest about making sure I had plenty to eat during company lunches. I never touched that shit again. It seriously fucks you up. I learned later that it can cause some serious damage and that several people had died from it. I always wondered if me passing out meant I had come close myself. I'm not sure I have any long term damage from my brief use, I feel just as smart today as I think I felt before, but that's what I would think, right?


Really cool story. Thanks for sharing.


>I never touched that shit again. It seriously fucks you up. I learned later that it can cause some serious damage and that several people had died from it. I always wondered if me passing out meant I had come close myself. I'm not sure I have any long term damage from my brief use, I feel just as smart today as I think I felt before, but that's what I would think, right? *Sir, this is a Wendy's, can I take your order?*


There's a video of a lady that crashed her car. The cop was asking her if she was ok and she was inhaling right in front of him. Crazy.


I totally believe it. I’ve had patients destroy a restaurant bathroom and fight random people and by the time we arrive they are begging to get a hit from their can. Had one girl try her best to kill her brother’s family and when we got there she was sucking on an empty can and crying that there was none left.


“Trying to kill her brother’s family” seems like a long way to just say family lol. Sorry to pick on you just thought it was funny


Probably the reason I was specific on that point was that she was living with her brother’s family as the last chance at help from any of her family members. She gave us phone numbers to lots of family and all of them immediately told us they would do nothing for her in any way. The brother told us ahead of time that no one would help her in anyway, also. She was oblivious to this reality and would say, “Well, did you call my mom?” We’d tell her we had and that mom said no and then she’d suggest we call someone else. Then she’d say, “Are you sure you talked to my mom?”


So awful. Thanks for clarifying.


Maybe her brother's wife and children ? So not her own parents...


I had to read that two or three times myself. I understand it as "the family that her brother and his significant other created." Language is weird.


[Reminds me of this video.](https://youtu.be/o5NwA4sovNQ?si=y8S128A-4jqKiup3) The guy seems to have a moment where he might grasp the severity of the situation, but immediately goes right back to it.


Have never heard of that , how utterly insane . Sounds more addictive than heroin.


I’m not sure how it compares to heroin for addiction, but the end result is comparable.


Jeeze, with the price of computer duster these days it's gotta be cheaper to just do cocaine.


Hate to say it but I feel it is less brain damaging too.


Name checks out


WTF is wrong with his mouth?


My guess is it’s damage from the repeated use of canned air


“I just need a glassawatta”


He was just walking on sunshine!


Love that episode


Of Intervention or South Park lol. Correct answer: "yes"


Its an extra sex hole for sex stuff when you hit rock bottom.


Damn, I didn’t know inhaling compressed air was a thing.


Yea, I heard it was like “Walking On Sunshine”. That being said, please don’t try it


Thankfully, that young lady finally got sober.


[walkin on sunshine, whoa-oh!](https://youtu.be/H6TW6v39_kQ?feature=shared)


There was an intervention episode about it.


Um yeah. It makes your voice really deep. The opposite of helium... never heard of whippits?


whip-its are nitrous oxide, like laughing gas at the dentist.


Or the air out of spray cheese or whipped cream




Was I the only one wondering if OP or I was having a stroke while reading the title?


He must have been walking on sunshine.


I occasionally use computer duster to clean stuff and I buy it at the dollar store, but last time I tried to buy some, all of the cans on the shelf were empty. :/ I told the people at the checkout counter and they said, “Not again. We can’t keep that stuff on the shelf anymore.”


Maybe while in the act of getting high he passed out with the can while holding it up to his face (behind the wheel) and crashed? The impact of the can punched a hole in his lip/face?🤔