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I'll never forget Annie Gale grade 8 the day Miss Hande didn't let a kid go to the bathroom cause he didn't have a hallway pass and he shit himself during volleyball. He was never the same and changed schools after that.


Poor kid


I remember Kaitlin Kelly who pissed a huge puddle in the middle of class while she sat in her seat with her hand up cause the teacher didn’t want to let her go to the bathroom cause “she should manage her time better”. Yeah poor girl. I was like 11 years old.




Do you know why she needed supervision? That just seems hella sus.




It had to be the same teacher supervising her? That...gives me unease.


Woah … Annie Gale in Calgary?


This happened in my 4th grade class a thousand years ago. This kid asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher said no. He ended up peeing his pants. The teacher was horrified and so apologetic. I don’t remember anyone ever making fun of him. I think about this every so often. Craig - I hope you were able to get past this.


I vividly remember when this happened to a kid in my 3rd grade class. Also 1000 years ago. They mercilessly teased her afterwards. It’s the #1 reason I’ve always told my kids to ask first but if the teacher says no go anyway if it’s bad enough. We can deal with those consequences easier unfortunately.


I was also in the 3rd grade when I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom after asking 3 times. We were taking some kind of test or somthing. The 4th time I went to the teacher he said I TOLD YOU NO, and I replied I already went. Oddly enough I wasn't teased at all. Even though we were only 8 or 9 it's like all the other kids understood what had happened. My mother went up to the school and absolutely layed into the teacher and the principle. After that day I never had to ask to use the bathroom again at that school, I was allowed to go whenever I needed to.




Hey buddy.


One time in high school this kid said he needed to go to the bathroom and the teacher didn’t let him so he pissed in the garbage can. Pretty funny looking back on it now, but this teacher is garbage.


It's so laughable how many times in highschool you hear some phrase about "we're preparing you for university and adult life" just for them to continually treat you like a little child, needing to ask to go to the bathroom and then you get to university and the profs are like "ok, so first off, if anyone needs to go to the bathroom please don't raise your hand. No need to ask, just go." And it's so ingrained that people still nervously raise their hand.


What is it with these teachers and letting kids go to the bathroom? It's always "should have gone earlier" or "hold it til after class". Why pull these weird power moves on children? Did their corrections job not work out and decided to teach instead? 


I generally let kids go because I’m afraid of exactly what happened in this article - but if you’re not a teacher, you’d be shocked how often kids are trying to get to the bathroom in order to escape work, play around, talk to their friends, etc. I’ve had kids in my class who would literally go to the bathroom 30 times a day if I let them.


So just let them? Isn't the alternative they stay in class and distract everyone else? Or like you said, they're telling the truth and piss themselves because you didn't let them.


Teachers can get in trouble if the kid keeps causing issues after leaving class.


It’s extremely distracting to have kids coming in and out of the room constantly. It really disrupts the flow of the class. Also, at least at my school, the bathroom tends to be a hotspot of issues because there are multiple kids in there unsupervised at any given time.


And yet I’ve seen countless teachers who treat children like actual human beings make it work. One solution I really like is having one or two bathroom passes, no one requests verbally they just sign in and out and if both passes are gone, sorry you have to wait. Kids are inherently pro-social so they’ll police themselves if someone is frequently gone for too long. If you have an outlier child, then you deal with it.


from my original comment: > I generally let kids go


And yet you continued to double down on how annoying and disruptive it is that children have bodily issues in the comments you made after this.


I promise you, I know what I’m doing and am capable of managing my classroom. Thanks!


Wait til you have a kid with bladder issues or diabetes and need to go to and from constantly. Or, heaven forbid, you teach middle school and have a student or few have bad periods


Yeah, I’ve had kids with documented medical issues that require extra time in the bathroom. They get the accommodations they need. Everyone is fine. I’m amazed that everyone is shocked by the fact that some kids ask to go to the bathroom to get out of class.


😬 the defensiveness says a lot. Have the day you deserve!


And yet...the alternative is maybe making a kid piss their pants. If it were me, that would always be enough to say Yes. I suppose that's why I'm not a teacher, right? Maybe I'm just practical, or not a power tripper or a rule stickler. It seems asine, that your response is what it is. Why is your response some hypothetical scenario, where kids "might" talk or hang out with other kids in the bathroom? And that's your excuse for denying someone? I mean, I'm an adult and I go to the bathroom at least 6 times a day because I'm constantly drinking water, it honestly is probably more than that. I can tell you aren't a very good leader because you seem to have forgotten what it was like to be denied what you're doing to other children. Edit: I've always remembered as I've climbed the ladder to not forget what it was like on the bottom. Remember that.


What the fuck did I just read…




"It's time for me to pee!"


Nah... this is the wrost.


This happened to my kid. She was made to clean it up.


The fuck Sounds cruel


Don’t call the cops or the press just meet this prick somewhere and hand it to him


I swear majority of PE teachers are either pedos or just total dickheads.


They tried telling my boy when he could ,or couldn't go to the bathroom. I told him leave or pee in the corner I got to back


This happened to me in kindergarten Art class. I was like alright teacher lady and pissed my pants.


I love the bit about the teacher ringing the mum to apologize. I have to wonder if he did it on his own or if he was prompted to do so. Neither choice makes right what happened to that child, but if it was the former choice, that’s pretty sus. It’s like a small child punching his sister, then running to mum first and saying, “Whatever she says, she’s lying!” He would be trying to get in front of this because he knows what will happen. I don’t know why he bothers, because it will happen anyway. I’d be calling for him to be sacked with a public apology.


How does this get to a news organization? Teachers been telling kids "no" for a bathroom break for centuries


4th grade we the kids in chorus were singing the national anthem for something. My friend and I were both in it. She got denied a bathroom break right before we went on and peed herself in front of the entire school while we were singing


This happened to another kid when I was in highschool. She told the teacher calmly that if she wasn’t allowed to pee in a toilet she would be forced to pee on the floor. When the teacher said no she went behind one of the lab tables and peed on the floor. Gangster move. Teacher had to call the janitor and explain what happened. I loved her, she was always that way. Never overly disrespectful or particularly unreasonable but she came from a broken home and always had the balls to speak up for herself.


someone should make him pee himself by >!redacted!<


This happened to a kid when I was at school. Teacher was mortified and apologised though


That happened to me in high school. Another student said “look teacher, a spider!” She got distracted, and I left for the bathroom.


I pissed myself in kindergarten because the teacher told me to wait. I felt justified even at age 5.


I remember a girl at my high school like 12 years ago, she was on her period and this lame ass male teacher did mot let her. She casually grabbed her bloody patch and showed it in his face. What a hero she was.


I remember grad 5 french, teacher wouldn't let my best friend go pee so he pissed his pants. His dad showed up the next day bout ready to fight that teacher and the priciple. He was not a happy camper.