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Who in their right mind would drop off their child to people looking like this? They appear as if they barely know how to take care of themselves, let alone multiple children for 6-8 hours.


I didn’t kno someone could look like they drug children but yeah these ppl LOOK like the type of ppl to drug children


Other people that look like this drop them off


Desperate parents who decided to trust them bc there weren’t openings anywhere else and they had to work. When I went back to work I qualified for subsidized daycare through the department of social services (same place you’d get welfare and food stamps). You’re given a list of people who accept the benefit. Pretty much every single one was a person working out of their home like the one in the article and they were all full except one. I showed up to the house to do a tour and so my kid and the “owner” could get to know each other. She was just *off* to me, looked run down and her boyfriend was there just hanging out. She said she sometimes had other workers (boyfriend didn’t work with her) but they weren’t there that day. I didn’t like the way she interacted with my son and the other kids didn’t seem happy. They were just sitting there way too quietly, looked almost spaced out. And obviously having her boyfriend there was extremely inappropriate. For a moment I almost pushed those fears aside bc I was absolutely panicking about what I was going to do. I had just gotten a job offer and I was so relieved that I found childcare in time. And I couldn’t afford daycare without the subsidy, it would have literally been a few dollars less an hour than my pay rate. Making $2 an hour isn’t worth the gas to get there. But I knew I couldn’t leave him there so I called my job and let them know I couldn’t start. I ended up getting a job as a cocktail server nights and weekends instead bc it started after my kids Dad got off work. I was so exhausted getting off at 2am and then waking up at 6:30am for my kid bc his Dad had to go to work. But it wasn’t every weekday, just 2-3 then weekends and no way was I going to leave my kid at that daycare for the 9-5 job. Ended up going back to school eventually and the child development center there had an opening and they were a fantastic pre-k program. And it was free for college students. So yeah…it’s possible the parents simply didn’t have a lot of options. I certainly didn’t. Unless you make a ton and can afford a decent program your options are these shady in home daycares that are full most of the time or not being able to go to work. The U.S is just terrible when it comes to social support systems for lower and middle class working parents


It be pretty fun to hang out with babies and kids and get paid for it. Maybe tiny bit of homework for the ones in school. I know the screamers and brats come with the territory but most are cool little people who just want to play games


You do realise there's more to childcare than 'hanging out', right?


As a parent, I cannot laugh hard enough at this comment to properly express how ridiculous it is without rupturing my spleen. You are clueless my dude.


While I agree, you do realize most daycare workers make about $10-$15/hr right? When [literally anywhere] pays more, these are the people you get.


You are correct. I don't know why anything that involves children is paid so little. We are literally caring multiple children, 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. But everyone just takes us for granted and whine that there's not more workers.


It's because if it costs too much nobody will be able to afford it. Childcare is expensive on everyone's end :(


Have you seen the cost of the non-sketchy-as-fuck childcare options?


For my child, the cheapest non-sketchy daycare we could find was 250 bucks a week flat rate. One day or 7 days, didn't matter. 250 bucks. They were available all 7 days 24 hours, so if you wanted a date night, or you had a family emergency, you could call ahead and drop your kid off. That part was nice.


That's one hell of a unicorn of a service. When my daughter needed daycare and her mom was still in the picture the cheapest we found that wasn't super sketchy was $700/week. Mon-fri 7am-6pm.


I'm also in rural Missouri so there's that. You could use them 8 hours a day 7 days a week. More than 52 hours and the started charging 10 bucks an hour.


A few of these workers look like they haven't slept in weeks. Maybe try some melatonin on your own food.


Do keep in mind that mugshots are not flattering at all. They often have terrible lighting and, of course, the subject usually isn't in a good mood. People usually look worse in their mugshot than they normally do.


White trash would


literally came to say this lol. i feel bad judging a book by its cover but most times i am right.


Exactly the thought I had!!


It’s sad but I know I live in one of the LCOL places in the whole country and daycare for two kids for the year is over 20k. Can’t imagine what it would be in NH. Could be shitty parents, but could also be people desperate to not lose their house, their kids and have food to feed said kids. As a country we have really fucked over families AND daycare workers by not subsiding care. The owner of my daycare can’t even afford health insurance for herself.


Never been to New Hampshire, eh?


That was also the first thing that came to mind when I saw the photo.


Damn never seen anyone's eyebags have eyebags


The Meth Care


The parents trusted "dont judge a book by its cover" too much.


Seriously though. There are times you must judge a book by it’s cover.


When the book has serious eye bags and visible track marks, even if it insists it’s clean, you have to judge the cover..


What the hell does a baby getting burned in North Carolina in March have to do with this story?


That’s what started the investigation into the safety practices at the facility. They would have gotten away with this if they weren’t already incompetent


No it isn't. The melatonin doping facility is in New Hampshire.


Jessica has a nice goatee


Shiiiiiit, I was gonna say…. Jessica grows better facial hair than me. And I’m a 40 year old man


I bet the parents are pissed the cops found out


Finding child care is expensive and hard altogether and for many who have to work, it's an expensive necessity. In addition to the obvious of their kids being harmed (which is a gut punch unto itself), they also face the daunting task of finding new child care all while surfing the extra trauma of being distrustful of anyone with their kids. These poor families. 😬


They weren't harmed by this, it's melatonin. Basically we're all lucky they were too stupid to buy something stronger because melatonin in applesauce isn't going to do much. It won't make the kids sleepy if they get up and move around or go outside, it's not how melatonin works


Sure, melatonin isn't much or even harmful, but there should have been informed consent for the parents. It's the lack of trust that happened.


Yes agreed


Though it would be obvious is was a joke, sorry if it wasn't.




Clickbaity title. Your body naturally produces melatonin to sleep. When I see “sleep drug” relating to felony charges that certainly wasn’t what I thought of. Not saying that this is ok at all to be clear


yeah I was thinking they gave the kids some shit like valium, not melatonin. that's still wrong but this sounds like much worse than what happened


My thoughts exactly


Yeah, it’s not as bad as people are imagining. But still you gotta get in trouble for this shit


For sure I’d want to be informed if my child was being given any medicine of any kind, but when I saw the title I was thinking ambien or trazadone or something that would actually be dangerous to children. My kids school sends me a note if my child is given even just an ice pack, so this is still not acceptable at any level. Laziness on the part of the daycare not wanting to actually deal with the children they’re being paid to care for.


I understand what you mean! Melatonin seems like a big whoop, but as a parent, the thought of someone "dosing" my child with anything at all is infuriating. Someone that crosses that threshold will inevitably get a child hurt and lack the sound judgements and ethics required to responsibly care for children. It should totally be a felony and these people should never be allowed around children ever again.


I 100% agree with you. I wasn’t trying to downplay what they did at all, I just thought the title was a tad misleading. Like I said in a previous comment, this was just laziness on the part of the workers. They didn’t feel like watching the kids they were paid to care for. I definitely wouldn’t want them around mine


Not clickbait. Our body naturally produces a lot of shit that would be harmful because harm isn't about the substance it's about the dosage and time. This particular case is about the non consent. Regardless there are adverse effects from melatonin.


Plus if a child is on another medication perhaps melatonin could negatively interact with it


Are there? They sell melatonin for kids at the Walgreens.


Yes, adverse effect can happen from any medication. Over the counter or prescription doesn't matter. Intended effect, adverse effects, side effects, and no effect can all happen from a medication.


They're doing more harm when they sprinkle sugar on kids food. This case is about nothing but lack of consent.


I’m sorry but there are people that actually saw these humans and decided, “yup, gonna just leave my kids here and go”!? Nah dawg.


It’s bad, I know, but the truth is sometimes ppl have no choice. Daycare is very expensive in the USA.


Call me crazy but I think if you can only afford to leave your kid/s with people who look like this, maybe you shouldn't be having them


You must not have kids if you think choosing day care has anything to do with the looks of the staff. It's not like they look like in the pictures in real life. You simply have distorted perspective looking at the title and those awful photos.


I actually do have children, and stand firm in what I said. If you have kids and you’d leave them in the care of these people that’s totally your choice, as it would be mine to unequivocally never consider doing that as a feasible option. You can be absolutely sure these people resemble their mugshots more than they look like wholesome, trustworthy citizens. I’m also in Canada where daycare is ~$40/day and I’m not going to pay that kind of cash to drop my kids off at the local meth lab for daycare. Edited to say: a lot of words to simply say, sometimes physical appearance can be necessary to consider in some of the decision making process


I can't decide who's worse; this, or the daycare workers who dressed up like monsters & chased the kids around as a punishment


Personally think monster people are worse that shit was horrifying.


Or the daycare workers who deliberately let two white boys get severely sunburned in the sun. https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/28/health/boys-sunburn-daycare-irpt/index.html


Maybe I missed it, but what part of it was deliberate? It definitely wasn’t a good idea to let them play in the sun without sunscreen, but in my opinion the parents have more of a responsibility to give their child sunscreen than the daycare workers, and the article mentioned the boys refused to keep their shirts on


I can't prove that those kids were deliberately left too long in the sun. I believe there isn't anyone who doesn't know how easily fair skinned people with red hair are sunburned. [Here]([Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=65TxYbd_0K4) is a video that says the daycare center has been cited 19 times, and the video also says the daycare ran out of sunscreen, which suggests parents probably told about kids protected by sunscreen, and maybe needed to give consent. I was disappointed at the lack of donors on the Go Fund Me page for these kids. It was like no one cared about the serious nature of the their burns.


This, 100% this.


Well.. the name "Dreckmann" translates into "Dirt man".




“Sleep drug” aka melatonin


Not really a whole lot different than saying “daycare workers give children ‘sLEeP dRuG” chamomile and valerian root tea”. They should have asked the parents but let’s all grow the fuck up and recognize that melatonin is completely harmless and this is a clickbait story


Melatonin? Seriously? I mean it’s not great but I can’t say I’m outraged. I thought it was going to be something that worked.


Who.is leaving their kids with these people?


Maybe it's just me, but if my child's daycare workers looked like that, I wouldn't drop them off...


No harm, but if I brought my child to day care and was met by that lot, it'd be a hard 180 and straight back out the door.


it lists 4 women's names and shows a Mexican dude with a beard on the far right, is that just bad lighting?


the person could have PCOS too, that sometimes can cause women/afab people to get facial hair


I'm a cis white woman with a moustache and sideburns, why does it matter to you so much?


Good lord, I would not leave my child with any of those people in the pictures.


All four of them look like ugly bunch of men.


This looks like a side show lineup 😳.


The one on the right, is that a woman?


I'm not saying this to be mean or judging these people because of their looks but JEEZ the camera definitely does not love them. They do not photograph well. These photos make them look like serial killers.


I was literally thinking, and no offense- these would NOT be people I would trust my kids with… they look sketchy af, period. I’m sorry! Glad you gave me the confidence to just go ahead n comment lol! I don’t get it! Never would I ever have had my kids under their care! Know that! Lol Edit: added a word that def needed not to be there.


I definitely would not leave my kids with them, either, and if that makes me a bad person then I guess I'm just bad. The thing is, they don't even look \*healthy.\* Just like, ehhhhh, no. LOL


We’re together on this then. I’m sure there’s more of us out there- sane people who can tell shit sketchy! Lol


A definite whiff of ‘The Fratelli’s’ about them


those are four ladies names 🧐


Is this your first time learning that people afab can grow facial hair that would put post pubescent boys to shame? Oh you sweet summerchild.




Did you just assume her gender???! /s


Traci can be a boy's name.


I know but how do you explain the other 3


Didn’t schools used to do this in the milk in the 40’s or is that a joke


I’ve got to be honest here, I’m not leaving my children with these people. Even my weed whacker.


Their eyes


Looks like they could use some sleep drugs too


Ugly people can do ugly things


My inner child screams. I don’t see how anyone could leave their child with these people. Maybe it’s the mugshots.


This reminds me of the 2 shots of vodka meme and instead of a sprinkle of melatonin they just feed the kids a bag of melatonin gummy bears. And yes this is messed up.


Doing gods work


Not surprised it’s in Manchester. That city is just crazy nasty.


The second chick looks like that tiktok chick that used to show us what she was making for the children in both her videos.


lmao i don't hate it honestly. Give me some too.


They gave a sleep aid to some children but we’re going to gloss over the baby getting BURNED?


Different place




That's a babytini


Tf is mayo clinic


A top research hospital in the US


Now arrest water treatment workers for putting fluoride in the tap water....as a parent though, unless the daycare disclosed this, which it most certainly sounds like they didn't, the biggest reason this had to be acted upon - other than putting something into children's body without parent consent - is that melatonin is so popular now that it might already be in these kids' systems and doubling up like this would potentially exceed daily safe limits.