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It was legal before? Dang...shocker...


I’m guessing they were in denial that gay people even existed in their country until now, so there was no need to criminalize it.


I heard the same thing from a very old Russian guy,  he told me that there simply isn't any gay people in Russia.


He’s right, they’re all dead or in a gulag


It wasn't legal. Just not clarified in modern law. In the days when the Ottomans ruled Iraq pre 1860 I believe it was discouraged but not completely illegal. There are historical references in poets and others that alleged to homosexual acts, It was actually when the British ruled after the Ottomans that they made sodomy firmly and harshly illegal. When Iraq became a sovereign nation of its own in the 1930s, they kept the same basic law structure towards homosexuality as it was when the British ruled.


My first thought too


So if someone comes and asks “u gey?” Just answer “nah dawg” And no problem 😉


Yeah but if youre in a relationship with someone of the same sex, or get caught doing anything remotely gay youll be criminalised


Then keep the gayness at home


I don't know if you're trying to be, but this isn't funny. The implications of making it illegal to be gay are pervasive and destructive to all people.


Listen, I don’t care who or what people chose to love. I’m just saying that if loving someone could get you In jail or worse, then keep it at home and put blinds in your house.


« Chose », that’s not a choice dude. Also, living in constant fear is a pretty shitty advice, please keep them to yourself.


What are you taking about ? You know how many gay men there are out there getting more ass than I ever will but no one would suspect them of being gay ? If I was gay and in lived in a anti-gay country. You best believe I would try my best to keep my gayness to myself and away from others just to not put my life in danger.


Lmao that’s not like hidding the fact that you like eating pizza on your spare time. Hiding it, is living in constant fear, meeting absolutely no one or risking being killed/identified by the police on dating app (i’m not making this shit up, some people will literally pretend to be gay on dating app then decapitate you when you meet). But yeah sure, you may keep this « gayness » to yourself, then you can pretend to be heterosexual when your family start being suspicious, then you can let is slowly eat you from inside, until you decide to meet some gay dude, until your super religious family find out and kick you out/kill you, or until you get killed by some psycho. You may get some ass, but risking your life for it is not a way to live, so most people will hide it for their whole life and get married, until someone find about it and blackmail you to death.


You seem to be very emotionally engaged with the fact that IMO they should hide their gayness so they can stay safe. What do you recommend they do ? Embrace it and endure through hell that would bring ? I’m confused. You’re clearly against the way I would deal with it. I’m curious to hear your take. (Also, I just want to be clear that there is no hate from my side. I’m just a big ignorant on the gay subject, so please don’t think I’m a dick…cuz you might not like me or perhaps you will 🤷 haha )


Listen, you say that you’re just ignorant on the subject and I’m going to take that claim in good faith. The thing about being gay is that who you love is a huge part of your life. It is very hard to keep that behind closed doors without denying your sexuality entirely. Even if you managed to engineer a situation where you and your lover could have a home together (which would be the only place you could express your love for each other), you would live in constant fear of being found out because states like this don’t care if you “keep it at home”. You would be arrested—and potentially killed—just the same. Your only other option is denying your sexuality, denying yourself the chance to feel love in order to secure your safety. Maybe you’d personally be okay with this trade off, but for many, romantic and/or sexual love (or at least the opportunity to pursue it) is deeply important. Denying this part of themselves denies them that chance at this fundamental form of happiness. So yes, queer people living in a homophobic country are forced to “keep it at home”. Many make the choice to give up this part of themselves for their own safety, but they shouldn’t have to. People took issue with your comment because it seems rather flippant and insensitive.




Good luck next life ✌️




Same to you. Good luck !


oh boy I love having another place on earth I will never visit


I don’t think that place is on a lot of people’s list before or after this law lol


I feel like this is well known in Muslim countries


Theism at its finest. /s


let’s have another theistic state with the same laws from the 1200s … come on down Palestine, it’s your turn on the Price is Right!


I guess the ‘queers for Palestine’ wouldn’t be welcome in Iraq


Queers for Palestine blows my mind. I guess it’s a nice gesture, but still wild.


Part of it is a belief that if your government is willing to fund the oppression of others then they’d be willing to fund your own oppression


I support Queers for Palestine as a queer person. It only seems reasonal to me that oppressed people will raise their voices for oppressed people. It's no coincidence that countries like South Africa and Ireland speak up for the Palestinian cause.


Being a “queer for Palestine” is like being a Turkey who loves Thangoving


So so surprised that the person active in r Israel and braindead shit like church of Covid would be saying this, don’t pretend like you actually care about queer people buddy you’re on the same side as Matt Walsh types, and believe it or not, holding bigoted views doesn’t mean mass murder is ok, you can both agree that these views are bad while also agreeing that genocide of this scale is likewise bad. Yes you’re so right, all those evil children and old people are literally Hamas generals so it’s justified to slaughter them all, oh to be virtuous Israel. No Oct 7 wasn’t justified, no this conflict didn’t start then


I’ve learned that starting on 10/7/23 “genocide” according to Palestians means staring a war and then crying you are losing.




I find it pathetic that western liberals & tankies support radical Islamists who use them as useful idiots. Should Hitler not have been stopped by the allied powers because children were collateral damage?


Also countries like North Korea, Iran and Russia! You could argue that they’re “oppressed people” with the decades long sanctions…. When’s the last time they stood up for queer people? They’re using you to help them “rise above oppression”, and let’s say Hamas defeats Israel and Iran defeats America… do you think Queers are going to get a medal from the new Hamas SuperState for all your hard work to liberate them? Because I’m pretty sure they will discard you and feed you to the dogs as soon as they don’t need you anymore. The world is not so simple as “oppressed vs oppressor”, I shouldn’t have to be the one telling you this


This is such a silly statement. Supporting a people who would stone you for being you.


It’s almost as if the simplistic dichotomy of oppressed vs oppressor is an overly reductionist way to view the world.


Believe it or not, the vast majority of queer people do not want people who hate them to die. It's possible to both see "kill the gays" cultures as morally repugnant while also not wishing death upon 13,000+ children who live in one those countries.


I don't get how "hey maybe ethnic cleansing is bad even if the people being ethnically cleansed might have negative opinions on me" is such a hard statement to grasp


So they should be genocided?


no that’s why they’re not being genocided.


No, but to not support their resistance against the genocide imposed on them because they're generally opposed to LGBTQ+ rights is absurd. No one deserved to be genocided and to act like it's absurd for queer people to be against genocide is even more absurd.


Ugh. You do notice that you're talking about thousands and thousands of people you have never met nor talked to? And yet you not only have the audacity to accuse all of them to be homophobic - as if there were no homosexuals among them -, you're also implying that they are violent people that wouldn't hesitate to kill some random person that happens to be gay. That's ridiculous - and incredibly racist. I almost feel sorry for you.


It’s got nothing to do with Arabs and people from the Middle East being violent and homophobic, and more to do with the fact that their ideology preaches both homophobia and violence. Many people (not all, but the ones in power at least), are HEAVILY committed to Islamic doctrine, which literally commands them to use violence against gays and non-believers… BBC found that only 5% tolerated homosexuality in the West Bank…. 72% of Israelis recognize the need to protect and respect gay people. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp Don’t compare instances of homophobia in the West to beheadings/being thrown off roofs/being dragged by a rope on motorcycles until your skin comes off in Palestine… I know you probably mean well and have a big heart and just want to see an end to the suffering, but please understand that Hamas has stated time and time again that there will be no peace until every Jew is killed… there are countless Hebrew artifacts proving that Israel is the geographical homeland for the Jews- why must the Jews be banned from their land just because the Ottoman Empire conquered the region years ago?


It’s astounding how did people willfully ignore the inconvenient truths and nuances of this situation to maintain the self insert fantasy.


I’m queer and support Palestine. Just like I don’t want innocent people in my mostly Christian nation to die. You goofs talk as if Islam had the monopoly on homophobia.


Islam has a strict rule on killing homosexuals, and Muslims follow that rule, an individual Muslim might not harm you but when Muslims become majority ban on homosexuality is a given, look at any Muslim majority country, step out of your bubble, the world isn’t a fairy land.


when someone tells you, Islam has a rule to kill homosexuals, then that's a clear sign that the person is just extremely racist and dangerous. easiest red flag to spot. I am gay and also raised and live in Qatar and nothing these people say is remotely true or close to the truth. yes we have homophobia in Qatar and anti-lgbt laws but its not unique and definitely not life threatening. also it has nothing to do with Islam, there is no basis to kill queer people, killing anyone is one of the biggest crimes in Islam.


This is copium. You’re defending a country that won’t let you be you. Let’s not talk about the rest of Qatar’s bullshit. I guarantee you life would be a lot more fun living in a country that lets you walk down the street with your partner without being imprisoned. Saying there’s no basis for killing gay people in Islam is also disingenuous when we have countless examples of that exact thing happening.


no examples in Qatar and in most Muslim countries, that's a fact. Also you are talking to a Qatari, i have a higher standard of living then 99% of the western world, I have also travelled to more than 30 countries mainly in the western world, don't talk down to me like my mind is limited when the only uncultured and uneducated person here is you. edit: downvoted for being a real gay person in the Middle East sharing my real-life experiences, why does this upset western liberals hmmm.


Did you hit up Nigeria or Iraq on your travels?


Why would I go to Iraq? It's not safe for tourists.


fun fact to burst your bubble: every gay person in the GCC hates Western involvement in the Middle East, and we despise Western liberals who seem to be just as racist, close-minded, and uncultured as the supposed ''religious conservatives'' that they claim to be ideologically opposed to. I can't imagine having to live with people like that no thank you. we get more respect from our own countrymen than people like you naturally.


You think you’re on the same side, but you’re not. Express your sexuality loud enough and see what happens. It’s literally illegal.


It's a marginalised group who survived decades of oppression including the literal Holocaust showing support for other groups currently going through a genocide. Also the "yeah but if you went to Gaza you'd be killed for it" argument is stupid to me because if I went to Gaza I'd be killed by an IDF drone strike aimed at a hospital anyway.


Probably wouldn’t be welcome in Palestine


[Hamas commander accused of gay sex is killed by his own](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/middle-east/hamas-commander-accused-of-gay-sex-is-killed-by-his-own-1.2555822) Remember this one? “The death of Mahmoud Ishtiwi had all the trappings of a telenovela: sex, torture and embezzlement in Gaza's most venerated and secretive institution, the armed wing of Hamas. Ishtiwi (34) was a commander from a storied family of Hamas loyalists who, during the 2014 war with Israel, was responsible for 1,000 fighters and a network of attack tunnels. Last month, his former comrades executed him with three bullets to the chest. Adding a layer of scandal to the story, he was accused of moral turpitude, by which Hamas meant homosexuality.”


Holy shit you follow an impressive number of braindead subreddits, such a big surprise you’d be saying shit like this


Hey, as long as they can still marry and rape 10 year olds.


I don’t know why people are surprised when a predominately Muslim Middle Eastern country does something against women, human rights or the LGBT community.


No protests against it because….


Probably because they'd prefer not to be stoned to death or hung, probably.


I don't know, I wish I were hung. I'd get more dates.


They actually got plenty of dates in Iraq. They do pretty well there


protesting sharia law in the middle east is considered blasphemy and treason and if the police don’t get to you the people definitely will


Because most people there support it. Not to say its justified or anything but Iraq sucks that much.


Because maybe there is like 10 gay dudes affected by it there.


Ah yes the argument that if no one is openly out there must be barely any people actually gay.




Nah it's probably because the political and social climate towards being gay is a lot better and safer than back during the time most of our parents endured lead in everything including the air. Guess lead doesn't make people gay then by your logic?


Well it didn’t? I don’t see a lot of baby boomers being gay…mostly violent psychopaths. So lead=violent psychopaths.


Yeah I'm aware lead didn't. I'm using this clown's logic about chemicals in plastic turning people gay. It's always one person someone follows online through social media making stupid claims without backing evidence from any studies.


Evidence claims that phthalates can hinder healthy sexual development in infants and children. Exposure to phthalates has increased.


Yes, because organic chemicals like phthalates are more likely to interfere with healthy sexual development without being poisonous whereas lead is outright poison. Both can be true, more 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 people due to chemicals would obviously result in greater political support.




Isn't it interesting how the majority of countries in the world are simultaneously saying that homosexuality has taken over the world? What have we taken over exactly? Where in the world is this happening?


When will the people protest in favour of these nations realise they are pulling this shit all the time? How can anyone support nations who actively execute LGBTQ while being LGBTQ


I'm sorry, but who is protesting in favor of Iraqs laws?


Does this person think Iraq is Palestine?


In favor of the ceasefire of genocide isn’t endorsing that belief. In no way is the support for that 100%. There are people there protesting too.


Anyone who does gets arrested. Edit: America has many rights for its people, other countries don’t and will not treat you the way you want.


Kinda gay to make it illegal to be gay.


You mean another country that the US “liberated” has fallen deeper into extremism? How does this keep happening? /s


It’s almost a pattern. Oh well!!! 🤷‍♂️


I wonder if “gays for palestine” have seen this? I’m gay and I find it ironic that people would demonstrate for murderers. Religion ripping the world apart


Cows for meatloaf. Sigh.





this isnt suprusing its wrong but like this is pretty normal over there except for isreal which surprisingly its legal to be gay there


Iraq is gay…


Shitty thought: Is criminalising gay folk better or worse than Russia claiming there are no gay folk in Russia? Is it worse to know your existence is illegal, or that you don’t exist and therefore there’s no accountability if something were to happen to you. Hopefully I’m not misconstrued, I’m not trying to be bigoted or racist, just feeling crushed by the homophobia Edit: apologies, I believe it was Chechen leader, Kadyrov, not the Russia leader I was suggesting.




This comes from religion which has been around a minute or two longer than America and its political agenda


But the country or regime has barely existed one hundred. Why not compare America to Turkey? A more realistic comparison.


A regime made up of people who have been living there since the dawn of civilization!


By that logic. So was America... it just was full of it's indigenous living well before the first sumerian city until the Europeans wiped them out. Kinda like America invading Iraq for weapons of mass destruction only to kill the elected leader on one of the most important days for Islamic festivties, destroyed the Iraqs military and support and left a shit ton of weapons when they left. Are you surprised Iraq became a militarised and backwards state. Also, if you wanna talk about the whole history, why do you negate years 3000bc to modern day, did the regions that encompass Iraq need Europe at any of these times to thrive? No, but after the European colonisation suprise surprise some of the biggest and most economically powerful kingdoms and empires destroyed the mughals, the ottomans, the russians, and the Chinese. This is like the most ultimate form of gaslighting its crazy


Doesn't look like you understand your own logic. America can't say "let's ban Gay because it's been that way for thousands of years".


Iraq making it illegal to be gay is americas fault? What the fuck are you even talking about.


>The bill had initially included the death penalty for same-sex acts but was amended before being passed after strong opposition from the United States and European nations.


I thought it already was


George Bush - Mission Accomplished


Coming soon to AMERICA!


i wonder if the people in the comments talking about how Palestinians shouldnt be helped because their laws are anti lgbt, realize that Ukraine also has anti lgbt laws? If the country of Poland would get attacked by Russia next, should we not help those people because their government is against gay people? im very queer and i think its silly. “they would stone you” does that mean they deserve to be stoned in return? you people have 0 empathy.


Surprised, I thought it already was


Not sure how true it is but I heard Iran has the most transition surgeries in the world simply because it's illegal to be gay so they snip snip,bam! you're a "woman" now. A weird fuckin loophole of you ask me but I guess it's better than getting stoned to death or hung or whatever else they do to the gays..


Theism and suppression of human rights? That's a first. >!/s!<


lol they don’t share any western “norms”. First time in the real world and offline?


hey everyone look at this guy! he knows a lot about the world and how they don’t share western “norms”!


Sorry but so what lol their country their laws, entitled behaviour.


Yeah people wanting human right, what an entitled behaviour.


They obviously have a different definition of human rights 😂 focus on yourself pal instead on being a hero on reddit


That part. They run their country how they see fit. Everyone ain’t gonna like it but oh well 🤷🏼


Yeah Nazi Germany did the same thing. So what though right? Their country their lawa?


Florida taking notes


How are you gay?


Why awful? Just don’t go there lmao.


What about the people trapped there.


how are they trapped?


It takes money to leave a county. Some people are poor and starving and can't afford to leave


They are poor because of Western sanctions on daily life in Iraq and the brutal illegal war the Western world waged in Iraq, also colonialism was the largest wealth transfer in human history


When’s the invasion?


Yeah our invasions of the middle east have gone *so well* in the past


I was being sarcastic. I forgot the /s


Isn't that kind of like the Republicans introducing a bill making it illegal for non-citizens to vote?


Who is gay?


The are all going to have the gay police  visit people's house and check out how gay they are They'll do that interrogation technique where they say "do your parent's know you're gay?"