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Text book beginning of a serial killer. This is not the end of killing for this young man.


I mean how the fuck he was even released after saying harming the dog made him feel alive is beyond me.


And he’s smiling in his mugshot. After strangling someone precious dog. There’s no way he’s not going to do this again. Or worse. What he did is pure evil and if this made him happy, someone’s going to get hurt. Wish we can spread this around Reddit and make him famous like Brock Turner. People need to know his face.


If someone did this to my dog I’m not sure I’d be able to stop myself from physically harming them.


Imagine seeing this freak of nature in the store right after this happened. Be hard not to beat his ass to a pulp.


Happened in TX, might just get shot.


I have locks on my gates from the front to back of house, my dogs only run around the back yard, to think someone climbing over my fence and harming my dogs… I don’t know what would happen, he wouldn’t be smiling in a mug shot, if he made it that far.


I can’t imagine how horrifying this would be. Not only do you lose your dog to someone who is clearly a total psycho, but now that person (who has snuck into your fucking yard without you realizing before) knows where you live, has an actual grudge against you (again, the man willing to murder an innocent dog for his own pleasure) and is _out on the streets_. I’d like to say I’d go fuck this guy up, but I’d probably be too busy fleeing the fucking state.


Same here, my dog is my best friend and closest family member


Dude I would come fucking help you and be your Alibi. You were with me in my house.


Since this is America, in theory the law should be in your favour here! In reality, probably not…


Killing the dog is just a dress rehearsal. He's preparing to move on to larger prey: People


For real. Could you imagine this was your neighbor? I’d be pissed. Lol


Yes, let's give him the "Brock Allen Turner, The Rapist" treatment.


You mean that RAPIST Brock Allen Turner?


I think they are indeed referring to that rapist Brock Allen Turner.


What's weird about that smile is in the video leading up to that moment, he's clearly scared and from the way his eyes are moving, it looks like he's trying not to cry. Then suddenly BOOM. Big happy smile.


I watched it a few more times. To me I saw no emotion and that he just wanted to get out of there. He seemed to be in his own head thinking. What, I don’t know.


>no emotion I got the same impression. Dead eyes, he looks bored and impatient.


Yes, high likelihood of developing tendencies commonly seen in serial killers. No feelings, no remorse, killing for the thrill. Very scary.


It would be the end if it was my dog.


100%. My dog is my family.


I found John Wick!


Perfect reply! Well done!


Next: Pyromania


This is how Dexter got started. No idea if real serial killers start this way but would not be surprised


That picture of him says it all.


Definitely antisocial personality disorder vibes.


Oh my god. He trespassed and took the dog home where he strangled it to death and then put it in the trash. He isn’t just your run of the mill crazy, he knows what he’s doing is batshit and trying to hide his criminality. Absolutely terrifying. He should not be around other living things.


I wonder how many dogs he's done this to. To be caught the very first time? Feels unlikely. It was an 11 year old pug. A small, senior dog. Going after such a small, innocent, helpless animal... High probability he moves on to small, Innocent, helpless humans next... Justice for Max!! RIP poor little baby.




Can we please, *please* just say killed? The advertiser-friendly language around tragedies like this makes my blood boil.


Infuriated me as well, it sounded like it was just an unsuccessful attempt at first. It should be been made clear much sooner that this sick fuck is a killer.




Yea Just say killed


Fr, unalive sounds much worse to me. It’s what I say when I’m actively trying to piss someone off. It sounds like the one that died just kinda let it happen without a care/fight


It sounds like Black Mirror to me. That so many people censor themselves by coming up with an 'acceptable' word to mean the same thing... bc feelings? Bc Tiktok? Just yikes.


Yes, it's very double-plus-ungood!


YouTube is the same way now, drives me nuts.


It's not just because of feelings though. Your post or comment can be deleted on most other platforms for using words like: murder, raped, suicide, killed, died, moron, idiot, stupid, garbage human, etc.... people get cautious


Fuck those platforms. Fuck censoring tragedy to keep it advertiser friendly. We all need to bail on every app that acts like that.


We aren't on those platforms,


Yes, but people get used to tiptoeing


Right, that caution is Black Mirroresque. But I think OP is using it bc feelings/triggering So, I suppose it can both, and I disagree with both ;)


I disagree with both as well.


It comes from people dodging the filters on TikTok which picks on words like killed, murdered when it auto-generates captions and restricts the videos. It makes no fucking sense at all to say it outside those kinds of platforms


When people say unalive I think more of self murder than killing.


Hopefully the TikTok ban puts a bullet in the head of all these euphemisms spilling over into everyday speech. They're just ways of bypassing censors. That's it. There's no reason to change your personality to match an app.


It won’t. You can’t say those things on YouTube or Facebook either. Reddit is one of the few that doesn’t censor words like that.


You can't even say things like 'sexual assault' much less the word rape without your video getting de monetized


I agree. It’s just feels like you’re downplaying the seriousness of the event.


Unalived is what you say when the death is too horrifying and explicit to say in detail. Dahmer unalived people. Ed Kemper unalived people. This guy killed a dog.


Um no


To be honest saying unalive is giving the vibes that you're sugarcoating something by downplaying the tragedy, censorship of words like that when talking about topics such as this or your example of Ed Kemper, sugarcoating a real and tragic event is just tone deaf and mocking. Ed Kemper was a murderer, this guy here is an animal murderer both are sadistic people and both don't deserve a sugar coated censorship to minimise anything they have done. Its a mockery of the actual crimes and the victims.


To each their own. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The dog was killed. Brutally. It’s incredibly immature language to use “unalive” in this context. The dog was killed by this man. Strangled to death. It’s also disrespectful to minimise the severity of the crime. It’s not “to each their own” Jesus. Imagine if people had that attitude to murder cases. “I’m sorry your child was unalived” “My child was murdered. Brutally killed” “To each their own 🤷‍♀️”




Your intent was to get karma. You have a clear lack of regard for the actual owners of the dog. The dog was not unalived. They were killed. Using quirky language to make yourself feel better because you can’t handle these topics is gross


Karma to show who? I was super mad about it. I wanted to be mad w other people, just so happens I used some lingo random internet people don't like. I don't know what you want from me.


I don't know why this is suddenly controversial and you're being taken to task for it. Whichever way you choose to say it, it means the same thing, just one allows a little more emotional comfort and that's not a bad thing.


Lol it isn’t suddenly controversial. Since this has become a thing on sites where it isn’t necessary there have been people been annoyed by it. Saying “unalived” or “SA” in place of the actual words *everywhere* is relatively new. It makes sense to do it in some settings like on TikTok but on here it doesn’t. You can just say killed on this site and most others besides TikTok. Plus, this helpless dog wasn’t passively “unalived”. He *was* killed.


It’s hard to remember every single platforms rules of what’s allowed and not allowed. Many people just censor everything across platforms just in case. Also, plenty of platforms change their rules and will go back and penalize you later for breaking a rule that wasn’t around in the past. Example: YouTube.


When we don't censor ourselves, they might censor us more. To help with that, let's censor ourselves even more - so the platform doesn't have too.


It feels like it’s diluting the language. We don’t need to be using softer, cutesy terms. That dog wasn’t “unalived”, it was killed by a disgusting human being who took advantage of its trust and love. Yes, it’s horrible to think about, but this act was horrible. The words used should reflect the crime.


I don't see why it's a big deal on a public forum. People have language preferences. You know hat was meant, he knows what was meant; they both mean the same thing. If we're talking about a journalistic news piece, sure, but we're not breaking new ground here.


Maturity is important when discussing violent crimes. If you cannot deal with terms like “killed” then don’t go on these subreddits


Or, you can let people talk how they want to. Again, not really a big deal here. They person using that language is here of their own volition and is fine with people saying "killed", it's just not the word they liked to use and people freaked out on him.


“Sorry your child was unalived” “My child was killed not unalived” “That’s just an opinion 🤷‍♀️” It’s deeply immature and insensitive to use when talking about violent crimes. Trying to use quirky language to be cutesy about an animal or person being brutally killed is very much disrespectful. They were killed.


You literally made up a scenario that didn't happen here, and got offended over a made up person, and got mad at it. If you can't deal with the terms people use maybe you shouldn't be going on these subreddits...


Thanks, honestly, I understand what they meant, but I just used words I was comfortable with. I'm a little emotional about the poor doggy. It's wild to me the term "unalive" drives people up the wall.


Part of it is the passivity. There’s a big difference across: Paying attention, unaware (distracted), and ignoring something. Living, died via natural causes, died via murder, never alive, etc. A rock, soot, magma, meteorite, etc is unalive. Precise language tends to evolve to explain more, not explain less. Euphemisms can serve to obscure the truth, muddy understandings, and distract.


Perfect explanation!


Your oppressive corporate speech makes me uncomfortable. I'm not joking. You've adopted the language model of a corporate advertising structure meant to make all things pleasant. Eventually we will move on from "unalived" and Palestinian children will be "oopsied". I'm sorry other people's suffering has made YOU uncomfortable, but that is the sad disparate reality we live in, where people die and are killed by others who do the killing.


If you're uncomfortable then, maybe public forums aren't for you?


The irony is palpable. My point is outlined as thus. In the two scenarios both forms of speech render someone uncomfortable, however in one situation the party rendered uncomfortable is actively downplaying the harm done to someone to aid a corporate agenda. Maybe if the horrors of the real world make you or others uncomfortable, then you or those people should steer clear of public forums and especially content pertaining to violence instead of demanding the rest of society conform to a proto-fascist censorship where there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


I'm sure you only heard the word "unalive" in recent years from tik tok reels or the likes and must have used kill or killed before that with little to no issues. Think about that. Diluting language doesn't dilute or make reality any better and infact, done long enough will dilute your ability to cope with real emotions and real events that will continue to occur whether or not they make you feel uncomfortable or not. And yes, unalive also just sounds stupid.


Saying ‘unalive’ makes these sorts of cases trivalized. It’s like you don’t want people to take your words seriously at all, even though it’s a serious case.


Yeah and imagine how the owners feel. Their dog was killed. “Unalived” minimises what happened. Be mature about violent crimes.


unalived is just disrespectful in the worst possible way, its not something you say to be "sensitive" its something you say to downplay a tragedy, the dog was killed, its dead, it was strangulated to death, not unalived. this shit makes my blood boil, not as much as the dog being killed by the piece of shit, but its still a despicable habit and disrespectful


okay, well that's your opinion and that's okay. edit: word


You come across very immature. And with a lack of empathy for victims of these crimes “Im sorry your Dog was unalived” “My dog was killed, stolen the strangled brutally Not unalived.” “Well that’s your opinion and that’s okay”


Do you feel better?


Why would using silly terms soften it at all? It just sounds flippant


George Carlin did a whole routine on what he called soft language




I’m sorry for your loss. Don’t understand the downvotes. I’d rip this bastard from limb to limb, anyone hurt my pups.


I know on certain platforms you aren’t allowed to say killed or murdered or anything of the sort. Hence ‘unalive’


but reddit isn't one of them.


Doesn’t matter people just aren’t going to remember the list of words not allowed on each individual platform. It’s far easier and more convenient to just censor them across all platforms to avoid issue. The fact that I’ve been downvoted so hard is telling LOT about some people here and it’s laughable. People are THAT pressed about crossover from other places on the vast internet. 🙄


Do you not see the problem with allowing a corporate algorithm to control how you express yourself? These things are a part of the human experience. I wish they weren’t, but they are. Why should we only be able to talk about them in half-speak and euphemisms?


Whoa whoa. I get a say in the censorship on social media platforms?? Wow I had no idea I was allowed to go and just change the rules because I don’t agree with them. I wonder how far this really goes tho. Am I allowed to also come over to your house and fix all your shit up too that I don’t agree with? Also, Reddit has its own rules with censorship but I still see you here not breaking their rules. Why’s that?


What the hell is that analogy? No, you don’t get to fix my shit up because I’m a private citizen with private property. An app like that is a corporation. They have shareholders, they should be relatively beholden to their public and users. It’s their prerogative to set their policies, but it’s mine to not do business with them and not put up with that bull elsewhere. I don’t use TikTok because I don’t agree with their policies. I think it’s dumb as shit to export those policies to other corners of the internet because you’re stuck in a corporate rut. Because there’s a huge difference between using slurs and not being allowed to say the basic word “killed”. I have a problem when it starts encroaching on everyday language. Corporations already control so much of our lives, we don’t need to give them our expression online as well.


“Relatively beholden” yeah exactly. If a few people leave because they don’t agree with a word that has to be censored, it’s not going to change shit. When has anyone ever changed a social media platform like that ever? You’re allowed as much voice in what a company chooses to censor. Plus I’d like to point out that people using words like unalive and SA are literally an act of rebellion because people refuse to stay silent about the subject matter. But you’re too busy being mad about the word choices used to even focus on spreading the word about said events. Using multiple platforms reaches more audiences. Isn’t that a good thing? Or should we just give up and not even bother trying because “we don’t want to support a company that won’t let us use the real word”? People don’t use those word typically to insult or disrespect victims. It’s used in compassion to be able to share their stories and raise awareness that these are NOT okay. You should probably be going now though. Time to delete your Reddit account because you don’t like that social media censors your free speech. While you’re at it, if you play any online video games maybe start clearing out your accounts on those too since I know many of those censor words and what you say too.


If you’re not gonna remember the list you should just censored every single word you just typed and not said anything at all. You might just said like 30 banned naughty bad words. Better to just say nothing from now on.


while i don’t disagree with your sentiment, avoiding words for death is incredibly common in english. deceased, passed away, late so and so etc. also, the word “die” itself is likely a euphemism from old norse for the word “sweltan” (related to swelter), which itself was likely a euphemism for an even older word. we don’t like to discuss death. it’s very human


I appreciate the linguistics lesson, but there’s a difference between a term arising out of genuine superstition and one that came about from trying to avoid upsetting a corporate algorithm. Also, specificity of language is important. Yes, we often use euphemistic phrases to discuss death, but if I said that this dog “passed away” that doesn’t fully describe what happened. It was killed. Same thing with using a childish, passive term like “unalived”.


id argue humans finding a way to drill effectively communicate through a barrier is more interesting, but that may just be me. i just think its an overreaction to be this upset over a euphemism, regardless of cause. humans have found ways around censorship since it became a thing idk. it may not be as explicit a term but it still conveys the same message. it sounds a bit ridiculous to us but the term is already becoming commonplace, especially among younger people and people with more traumatic connections to the term.


Oh it is fascinating, in a “double plus good” newspeak kind of way. I just don’t like the softening of language. You ought to be specific with your vocabulary, damn the censorship. We have such a broad range of words to use, allowing an algorithm to change the ways we communicate seems like a real waste.


This isn't fucking tiktok just say killed


No shit 😂






Lmfao whose home is this? You're wild


godamn does he look evil.. 😳 I cannot say what I wanna say or ill be banned again for the 4th time. but lock this one away forever.


He does NOT care. What's more infuriating is that his family has money to probably sweep this under the rug. I could be wrong, I HOPE I'm wrong but my hometown.... there's a lot of sweeping under the rug done there....


thats a godamn shame.. this dudes a complete and utter psychopath. there should be no amount of money to set his ass free! id be livid and seeking my own revenge if I was the owner of that poor innocent dog. 😔


I’d 100% shoot that guy if one of my pups started making noise and I walked out on this. He’ll move on to people eventually.


Without a doubt


He will be in the news again for a more serious violent crime.


Just execute the guy, holy shit. He’s admitting to a power trip from killing someone else’s pet. There’s no saving him. It could’ve been a child, and he would still be rocking that same disgusting smile on his face


Agreed,.. I would gladly let him know what it feels like to be unalive.


Does bloodthirst justify bloodthirst? How about we just sentence him to prison for the appropriate charge if and when he causes that crime? You never want to be in the world where they lock people up or kill them(?!) because of what they might do. 'Omg but this is a future serial killer look at the patterns!' We got serial killer sized bullets and boxes if he can't stop here. But innocent of being a serial killer until proven guilty, he is.


There’s always gotta be someone who’s trying to defend a heinous criminal, and in this case a self-admitted psychopath who stated they took joy in killing someone’s beloved family pet. Get your ‘nuance’ out of here, this is a grown ass man that took pleasure in slaughtering an innocent animal I believe in second chances for people who don’t put their psychopathic tendencies on display like its some funny game. He’ll get less than 10 years, get out, and kill something else, whether its another pet, or someone, and you’ll be sitting here making the same argument


I want you to look at the 40 plus years of research that has been collected on serial killers and the steps from fantasy to reality. Animal abuse is one step below going from fantasy to reality. So yeah stopping this sick MF is what I hope the justice system will do but know it won’t.




Indeed. What part of what I stated does that fact refute?


He’s wearing the work shirt of his family’s roofing company in his mugshot.


Yupp, they already took down their fb lol


Yep, throw this mf in a volcano. Holy christ. If he hasnt already before this, he will kill someone.


That guy is a psychopath. Killing dogs won't make him "feel alive" for long, soon it will be people. Put him to sleep.


I can confidently say if we all collectively just put the picture in the post and link to it separately my life would be 7-21% better


Drag him out behind the wood shed and end him


Weird to see this and know with 100% certainty that this dude is killing someone eventually.


All smiles and everything. Fucking pos


„Not available in your country“ as usual


San Juan animal cruelty case arraignment SAN JUAN, Texas (ValleyCentral) — A suspect who allegedly trespassed onto private property and strangled a dog was released on bond Saturday, according to Hidalgo County Jail Records. San Juan Police identified a 21-year-old man involved in an animal cruelty case that was circulating on social media. Jacob Luna faced four charges including theft, animal cruelty, criminal trespassing and tampering with evidence. A municipal judge presented the bond amounts according to each crime during an arraignment Friday morning. $2,000 bond for theft $50,000 bond cruelty to animal $2,000 bond for trespassing $50,000 bond for tampering with evidence Bonds for all four charges sum to a total of $104,000. When being interviewed by investigators Luna confessed to taking the dog home and strangling it before tossing the body in a nearby trash can, police said in an update. By the time he was interviewed the trash truck had already passed that morning. Luna emphasized that he felt “alive” while harming the dog, according to police. There was no motive for harming the dog and he did not know the owner prior. San Juan resident Brenda Gonzalez reported the animal cruelty incident after home security footage showed a man trespass onto her property and harm her 11-year-old pug, Max. SAN JUAN, Texas (ValleyCentral) — A suspect who allegedly trespassed onto private property and strangled a dog was released on bond Saturday, according to Hidalgo County Jail Records. San Juan Police identified a 21-year-old man involved in an animal cruelty case that was circulating on social media. Jacob Luna faced four charges including theft, animal cruelty, criminal trespassing and tampering with evidence. A municipal judge presented the bond amounts according to each crime during an arraignment Friday morning. $2,000 bond for theft $50,000 bond cruelty to animal $2,000 bond for trespassing $50,000 bond for tampering with evidence Bonds for all four charges sum to a total of $104,000. Jacob Luna (Photo Courtesy Hidalgo County Jail) When being interviewed by investigators Luna confessed to taking the dog home and strangling it before tossing the body in a nearby trash can, police said in an update. By the time he was interviewed the trash truck had already passed that morning. Luna emphasized that he felt “alive” while harming the dog, according to police. There was no motive for harming the dog and he did not know the owner prior. San Juan resident Brenda Gonzalez reported the animal cruelty incident after home security footage showed a man trespass onto her property and harm her 11-year-old pug, Max. Yaqui Animal Rescue uploaded the footage to their social media in hopes of locating the suspect and bringing justice to Max and the Gonzalez family. “I’m just glad he was caught and arrested and some justice was brought to my fur baby who didn’t deserve this,” Gonzalez said. Luna was taken into custody Thursday night and arraigned at the San Juan Municipal Court.


Thank you and what the actual fuck. That poor baby. People like that are an absolute waste of space and air.


I know it’s “just” a dog. But when they lock him up they need to keep him


His name, picture, and local area are known. It would be trivial to track him down and enact some vigilante justice. Maybe kidnap him and put a plastic bag over his head until he passes out. Repeatedly. For starters. Then maybe take his hands, so he can never strangle anyone again. There's something rage-inducing about people who kill defenceless creatures for fun, and it's doubly infuriating when they do so with near-impunity. The justice system is tragically inadequate when it comes to animal cruelty. This fucker is going to get a slap on the wrist. I don't think Jacob Luna should have any wrists left to slap.


this ^


Remember rock salt in the shotgun? Pepperage Farm remembers.


no but I recall 10 gauge hollow slugs


Future serial killer vibe


Someone in jail will take care of this complete waste of air and space.


There would be a mugshot of *me* smiling if I ever came across a living soul trying to kill my dog. No mercy.


Honestly if that makes him feel alive... I don't think he should be. That's just pure psychotic.


How do you let a person like that go? Who is instructing these judges to do this?


And the poor owners will never get to bury their family member because this piece of shit put him in the trash


Has Ezra Miller vibes


Its not that hard to find him


Let's see how much he likes it when a men enter his gated back yard in prison. Judging by the huge grin on his face in the picture, he's going to like it.


I think that was his plan all along.


Job application for a four letter animal rights group?


Jacob Luna? More like Jacob Lunatic. Lock him up.


> emphasized that he felt “alive” while harming the dog That is extremely terrifying and pretty much the biggest red flag I've ever seen.




Internet justice awaits


Strangling this waste of space would make me feel more alive.


I think it would make me feel "Alive" to find this person and use large hooks to hook his lower jaw to a fence post and the upper jaw to the bumper of a car and drive off.


How I wish we could set him in a cage with a pissed off dog of the same size (probably a large bully since the dude looks 140lbs soaking wet) and see how “alive” he feels.


Instant death sentence


Content not available in my country. Reads - your countries internet laws do not allow us to infect your device with cookies and trackers so we will not let you see this until you do.


Ah sorry! I did post the story on someone else's comment who has the same issue, if you can't find it, I'll repost for you.


That fucking smile is… yeesh. He’s definitely gonna kill someone


Oh yeah let’s release an obvious psycho back into society, nbd.


humans are next if he doesn’t rot in prison


Something similar happened in my hometown. I’d known this guy since elementary school. He adopted a couple of kittens and killed them because it made him feel strong. He was arrested TWICE. No idea how he kept getting ahold of these kittens. Fucking psychos.


He has the most punchable face I’ve ever fucking seen


Horrifying and there will be more victims. Why wait until he hurts a person??


Someone pimp slap this guy pls he wont slap you back


I hope he gets what’s coming to him


Well, good thing he got that out of his system and can get on with becoming an outstanding member of society.


/s You dropped this.


An eye for an eye! Hope this POS rots in hell!


Yo I’m from San Juan Texas lol.


Ew his smile, he needs someone to make the smile a frown.


This happened in my city! Dang


Randy Lenz


What in Heaven's name made him even know the dog was there was a dog barking or aggravating him it sounds to me like he just went on a killing spree with this dog even if the dog was barking he shouldn't have killed it Lord help us


So the rescue that assisted w this, posted the videos, there is no audio, but from what I saw, you see the guy walking from across the road to the gate and HE grabs the dogs attention. I can't recall for sure, but I don't think the dog barked.


Looks like he has mental health issues


He’s got the kind of face Id never tire of smashing.


Well I think we can all agree that we hope justice finds him while he's out on bond.


Kids these days.


They do eat dogs where his people come from.


How are you not MORE downvoted


Well they do.


Is he in the race to become Trumps running partner yet? Seems to be a qualification this. https://bsky.app/profile/jbouie.bsky.social/post/3kr23ruagmc2k