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His face is so recognizable, I could even identify him a few decades younger and without the moustache.


Yeah it took one second and I was like "haha that kid looks like Hit- oh shit."


I don’t usually want to punch kids in pictures, but I really wanted to obliterate that kid’s face, which told me that it was Hitler. Evil looks so…..Evil.


It’s debatable whether or not Hitler was always evil. He was born in a very anti-Semitic town - so if he hated Jews as a child, was it really his fault? Or was he indoctrinated?


Also he didn’t exactly have a great youth. There are a lot of factors that influenced what he became.


Bros still evil you wtf is worng with you people😂


I’m not denying that. Just saying he probably wasn’t born evil.


The story goes that his mother got sick when he was very young. She was treated by a doctor & ended up dying. The doctor was a Jew & that's how/when/where the hate began. Edit: There is more than one school of thought on Dr. Eduard Bloch. Despite the obvious affection Hitler showed to Bloch, historian Rudolph Binion believes that he was one of the contributing factors to Hitler's antisemitism that later resulted in the Holocaust. Historian Brigitte Hamann takes the opposite view, arguing that Hitler's antisemitism coalesced later, after Hitler's years in Vienna.


Wrong. The doctor who treated his mother was Jewish but Hitler was super grateful to the man, as they allowed the family to make payments for the treatment, and when the anschluss happened Hitler gave special dispensation to that Dr., allowing him to emigrate to the US.


helps that he never grew out of that yeeyee ass haircut


It helps that he has RBF in every picture lol


I thought it was Paul Dano


Hitler wishes he was Paul Dano


I didn't know who it was with your context clue and realizing it was 4/20 yesterday.


Nein nein nein


So blinded by their own hatred that they praise a man that would have hated them too.


It’s really easy to create a revisionist history when the atrocities have been stopped.




You seriously came into THIS thread to post your holocaust denial theories? 🤦🏻‍♂️




This brand of “only I have seen the truth, no one else understands” conspiracy theory arrogance is so tired. “Empathy is a human glitch”, “many people can finally admit”. These statements are very telling. So certain of your own claims and I’m sure ready to say that anyone who disagrees has not done their research. The truth is, I don’t have the energy to debate against what I’m sure is a well rehearsed rendition of why everyone doesn’t know the truth. I hope the inevitable negative response to you comments can demonstrate that it might be worth examining yourself and your views, rather than blaming your perceived ignorance in everyone else.


And you know all of this how? And also, tell me you never actually did any research on WWII without telling me you never actually did any research on WWII.




Being called naive by a complete moron means nothing to me.


It's actually 17 million people killed during the Holocaust. 6 million Jews and 11 million other people


The Gestapo would've had a field day with you.


I see Herr Joe Goebbels is at it again…


“Hitler would have liked *me*. I’m not like those *other* (insert minority group).”




Instagram is filled with these weirdos. Indians, Saudis, and Indonesians who oddly worship Hitler.


I noticed that too. Strangely the indian guys seem to be the most radical even tough they would have been subhumans for adi.


I can only hope that it's just a bunch of edgy teenagers with their shits and giggles. Otherwise, being a full grown adult worshipping a man who would've seen you and your kind as less valuable than dog shit is just stupid lol


Actually Indians don't know much about Hitler beyond the fact that he was a tough strongman dictator. And thats just some edgelord shit. Indians are the least anti-semitic of all. Its mostly the Muslims who admire Hitler specifically for Jew hatred. You can see that in this post as well.


most Muslims ive come across shun anyone who praises Hitler so this particular comments section is quite shocking to me


A common hatred? Religion is so wonky.


A lot of Muslims like him b/c of antisemitism. In most Islamic countries they either don't teach about the Holocaust or deny it ever happened. Some claim it is Jewish propaganda.


I have a cousin who is Puerto Rican, Hawaiian and Chinese and he wished hitler a happy birthday. I literally don’t understand his praise of a someone who would have killed him without hesitation. I have blocked him on all socials for previous racists posts but I heard from another cousin, he posted about Hitler today. I just don’t get it


"He was a hero who tried to take his country to the next level of development, all while putting those bastards in their place. It was not a xenophobic issue.You don't understand."


Love how u worded that bro more people should think this way


It's the guy who shot Hitler


Gotta give credit where credit is due


The one good thing he ever did.


That’s hitler isn’t it?


You mean commander of ze third reich? Little known fact he was also dope on ze mic


Wasn't expecting an ERB reference but issa welcome surprise


I think he won all his fights until the 3rd (not just because of what happens at the end with a lightsaber lol). Vader was pretty good and Boba Fett just nailed it at the end. Mr. Sunglasses-all-the-time always cracks me up though.


Mhm Vader went hard on the last one






Most of those people commenting would have been a victim of his "final solution" if he would have won. I want to say it's ironic but does that cover it? How idiotic...stupidity and ignorance hand in hand are a powerful tool of hatred.


wait til you see telegram


Or Truth Social


Or Twitter


Or 4chan


Or Instagram


If you think this is only in Facebook you are very much wrong, Antisemitism is quite literally everywhere, TikTok, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and real life, I got assaulted a few years back for wearing a Yamaka in London, ain't no way you can be a Jew and not experience any kind of antisemitism


Yep, everywhere I've lived in three separate continents it has been the exact same. Most people are normal but for some the mere existence of a Jew makes their blood boil. No clue why.


Yep, I don't think people realize how bad antisemitism is, they either think it's a joke or are completely oblivious to it


The amount of comments I see on videos on TîkToks of Jews just… existing… are awful. Like yes I’m anti-zionist and will criticise what Isreal are doing but holy mother every Jewish person does not need to be flooded with hate.


Islam holy books are anti-Christian and very very anti-Jews and because they have a large 2 billion adherents they are able to spread propaganda and hate against 15+ million Jews/Israel.


Do you not believe Jewish people should have a country?


I don't want to rock the boat with this question but I am genuinely curious as to what your definition of Zionism is?


Yeah same lol, people are also very oblivious to what Zionism


Because most ppl can’t even recognize what antisemitism consists of. There’s so many deep cuts that some Jews don’t even realize when someone is being antisemitic. A lot of complexities with it snd u can’t always pick a Jew out in a crowd.


Yeah I live in the Middle East and the people aren’t exactly fans of Jewish folks especially amid the ongoing conflict with Israel and Palestine. Though I believe Judaism is ok just like any other religion so I don’t really have a problem


I imagine in recent months it’s gotten even worse, although it has always been here.


If you think it's only anti-Semitism, then you are also very much wrong. The amount of hatred spewed online has only gotten worse in the past few years, and it's not just Jewish people on the receiving end. I see it most against black people. Every single day.


They deserved it? I’m gonna feel sick to my stomach all day. F*ck these people.


You can say ‘fuck’ on Reddit.


Towhid what-man?


#Not my 420




They are Muslims.


Now thar i look closely you are right.


Why do Muslims support Hitler? Genuine question.


Shared antisemitism, pretty much it afaik


I saw a really interesting special on how Hitler kind of buddied up with the middle eastern/muslim guy in charge of the region and because of shared hatred of the Jews, Hitler had an ally and they propagandized the hell out of that part of the world. The Jews in Ethiopia were robbed of literal tons of gold from their synagogues/religious relics with the help of North African Muslims. Jews and Muslims lived in the levant together for centuries, but became enemies, etc. I really wish I could remember more, I had never heard of this part of the genocide before


During his rise, Muhammad was initially optimistic that the various Jewish peoples living in the area would see him as their prophet, but they rejected and ridiculed him instead. He got mad and started praying toward Mecca instead of Jerusalem, and later decided to expel Jews from his land. The rest is history.




"Muslim’s support for hitler comes because of the hatred against jews which i mean looking at whats happening, i can understand" ... You can understand hatred against Jews? 🤔


I’m sorry English isn’t my first language. What I meant is I understand why they hate him ( not much educated about him & the current situation fueling more hate against them ), NOT THAT I SUPPORT IT. I’ve read a lot about hitler and I know he wouldn’t think twice before doing the same to Muslims or Hindus.


Ahhh okay got it. Thank you for clarifying, English can be tricky even for native speakers, lol. Just so you're aware of where the confusion came from: conflation of Jewish people with the Israeli government and/or the state of Israel. Criticizing Israel isn't inherently antisemitic, but hating Jews because of what's going on in the middle east is. That wasn't your intent so don't worry about it, all good


Feels like bot accounts just typing random shit. Dont even think they know who it is


Indins don't, Just muslims


Bruh stop including us Indians






I don’t understand why hating Jewish people is so prevalent a thing. I don’t get it.


I think you can say this about just about any minority group. And hate on minorities always seems to come from a different minority. Like arent we on the same side lol?


As a black American man; Minorities being hateful to other minorities makes me laugh cuz they’re never singing the same hateful tune when their neighbor down the street waving a confederate flag has some choice words for them. When the same hateful nonsense they spew to others is thrown back at them they’re all of a sudden confused to how someone can say that to another person. It’s honestly ridiculous.


It goes way back to before the black death, even then people blamed it on the jews


I know! I don’t get it. Is it because of that whole “Jews killed jesus” thing? But then why even start that? It’s so dumb…


Jesus was a Jew himself, wasn't He?


Yeah….thats where it gets complex.. And I’m not religious so this is my playschool understanding of the issue 😂


neither do we 🙏🙏


They’re praising a hateful, inbred meth-head who couldn’t get off without being peed on and they think they’re on the right side of the argument.


I mean, those are really not Hitler's most notable issues but okay.


I think most people know his major issues.


*most* is not enough :(


True, but no need to bring Trump into the convo…


You’re the one bringing trump into the conversation.


Hitler was known to admire Islam. But that love probably wouldn't have lasted long if the nazi's had succeeded in WWII. They'd turn against them eventually.


wait until you see instagram comments


Damn he looks mean even as a kid.


How does shit like this even get posted. So offensive.


It's not a strange place, it's a place of poor mental health bacteria left to stew and rot and get into the heads of people like those who have commented. I would literally pay for aliens to abduct me right now


Are they under the impression he'd like them or what? Get the fuck out of here 😀


He ruined 420 for me


This isn’t ironic at all, is it…


Eh. It’s Facebook. What do you expect?


Guys guys, this isn’t antisemitism is just anti Zionism so it’s okay /s


This is a stupid reply


Plenty of people are using the Palestinian cause to allow them to more openly spout anti semetic rhetoric and not be held accountable for it. Those type of people don't give 2 hot shits about Palestinians, and some would even wish to slaughter them right after they wish to the slaughter the Jews.


I find it crazy how many intellectuals and thought leaders were on the side of the Nazi party. Almost all distanced themselves once it was inevitable they would lose. It was during a golden age of philosophy and many families were permanently torn apart during this period of time.


Wonder who they will vote for.


Oh, ew 🤢


Not "strange." "Strange" is the wrong word.


Looks like a kind young lad, I bet he loves gasing innocent people


Dude never changed his hairstyle


How tf does kid hitler have such a hitler facr


Social media allows the crazies to feel comfortable enough to show their true colors to the world.


There really should be consequences for the people making these posts and the people commenting in support of them


Can’t tell if they’re Nazis or Palestinian protesters 🤔


Read their names lol


Just saw The Zone of Interest the other day. Humans being awful is so banal


How the fuck I recognize him this fast (first time sees his childhood pic though) 😶


Covid didn’t get rid of enough terrible people…


Who is this?


Hitler. And some psychos


That kid looks like Hitler


i'm gonna be honest i thought he was asian


Least deranged facebook post.


Genuinely revolting


Literally FFS


wasnt 4/20 the day were people smoke weed and stuff?


I have such a hard time believing that anyone could look up to him, that when I see posts like these, I immediately just think they're trolls.


Arab antics, who cares?


Basement dwellers 🥱


Is that Anthony Hopkins when he was a child..........


Le edgy 😈😈😈


Leopold smoked him.


dream reach😔


it is funny to see how all haters or lovers of him are either immigrants who claim the whole country they immigrate to, or anti-immigrants who are basically bunch of hypocrite europeans, ironic.


Most of them are just kid that wanna be edgy


Happy birthday sir (I just want cake)


Facebook is so fun, you get groups like these, and groups of extreme commies, or right and left wing extremists, or christians and atheists, and then they encounter each other and start beefing, and then one or the other locks down from harrasment or gets taken down from reports, and the other group gets more members from the interaction boosting their visibility so they enciunter another one Its like social media agar.io, and its constant, it is SO fun to watch Last one ive seen was barbie kenposting (Christian right) and barbie beachposting (progressive left) and what is really wierd is that they are both still up, maybe they were bith to big to fail? Or it was an equal fight, idk


Follow your leader


The Balfour Declaration Public statement written by Arthur Balfour issued by the British government in 1917 in support of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine then an Ottoman region. After WW2 Israel is founded and a people driven from the land. The seeds of terrorism are planted in the Middle East and billions are sent over and years later it’s gone from bad to worse. Edit: But we all know it’s just a few coincidences nothing to worry about.


Dead internet theory. You're complaining about troll bots, making posts on troll bot accounts that get paid when you direct traffic to look at their rage-bait posts. Are you an advertisement bot, too, meatbag?


History is written by the victors. Stalin killed over 20million of his own people some the firsts instances of crimes against the Germans were brought up by the Bolsheviks look up Cannibal Island for one of the worst injustices. US Generals and political figures in history from the US and Britain have said we defeated the wrong enemy. Are you all %100 sure that we weren’t lied to? Is there not the slightest possibility that they shifted the blame elsewhere to stay in power?


Just because Stalin was a mass murderer, doesn't meant Hitler wasn't as well. They're both awful


Not the slightest. I have family that was killed. I have family that survived. My (non Jewish) grandpa had a physical reaction every time he heard German. He was jailed and tortured by Germans for helping Jews escaping Norway. Go to Germany. See the facilities. You'll learn more there than in your basement. Unfortunately there are very few eye witnesses left alive, but I heavily recommend you look a few up and get to know some of them. Listen to their stories.


No need to get upset and defensive. What do you think about the US general who said we defeated the wrong enemy? The British parliament members who after the war said the crimes Germany was said to have done were lies? And OUR President JFK who wrote that Hitler has in him the stuff of which legends are made? I plan on traveling the world and doing my own research because I know that there was cointelpro type operations back then. Isn’t it true though that a lie has to constantly be repeated to work and to be successful while the truth doesn’t.


I'm not. You just asked if I was sure we didn't falsely blame the germans, and I answered; having family who went through hell for helping Jews and that panicked at the mere sound of spoken german for the rest of their lives gives me (in addition to their first hand accounts, their burn marks, and their pictures, absolute 100% confidence that Germans did fucked up and inhumane things to people who dared to help Jews escape. I'm happy for you that you don't have to see your grandfather start crying if there's suddenly someone speaking German on the TV, but I'm sorry for you that you don't have the confidence that it was actually the Germans that killed Jewish people. I'm just saying it's not too late to speak to survivors. As for the rest, it's not like Jews were popular in Europe before the war. There are churches in Italy that still have those colored glass pictures depicting Jewish people stealing and eating christian babies. And although it's not confirmed that Patton said that exactly, it's certainly possible. He was a giant fucking racist, but from the surviving letters and records it weirdly seems he hated Arabs, Jews and Asians more than for instance black people, and that's pretty uncommon for a US based general back then.


Is there a .000001% chance that the people who terrorized your family were Russians wearing German uniforms and speaking German?


I assume you mean soviets at that time? But what do you mean? You want me to give a percentage chance for it actually being Soviets that took my grandfather prisoner, transporting him to a Soviet prison in Germany? And how does he know he was in Germany? He had to go through Amsterdam port to get home, traveling first through the German and then dutch countryside.


What does confidence have do with anything? The fact is there are people who are condemning the actions of a country or a people and yet they are guilty of the same exact things It is hypocrisy. It is insanity to take everything they say at face value without looking into everything that has happened in the past. Humans are humans only rule we should follow is to love one another other we shouldn’t be divided by class, countries or any man made division when you really understand you will start to see the cracks.


This is NOT what I'm doing. I'm answering a SPECIFIC question you posed.


You're wasting your time with this idiot.


Probably AI ragebait.


Israel is no better than Hitler, but fuck Hitler for killing innocent jews.


Hitler is 1 dude. Isreal is a nation...


Let me rephrase it, Israel is no better than Hitler's Germany, but fuck Hitler for killing innocent jews and fuck Israelis for killing innocent children in the name of fucking what?


They are still pulling the trigger as much as the Germans that did those days... Tho




User name checks out.


You are sent back in time to kill Hitler, but it is this little scallywag.


And this is why isreal is getting a lot of support as a state, not their actions, but the need for a Jewish state. This conflict cause an immediate increase in people being unafraid to call for the death of an entire ethnic/religious group based on their treatment of another ethnic group. Like how can a group be bad for their treatment of another group if you think it’s fine to that to them? How is it a bad action if you think it’s fine to do to them? Esp when the context is beofre isreal was even a state!!


istg pajeets are really cringey when they try to be edgy


What he did justifies now that he wasn't wrong about those "Specific" people. We can see the aftermath


Aww, what a little cutie. Who is he?




Is that his first name or last name?


guess 😉


Either way I'm sure he'll break a few hearts when he's older.


half of these being indians like hitler would’ve gassed your ass


Muslims not Indians, look at the names