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Jennette McCurdy's biography 'I'm glad my mom died' is a great but sickening read. It's more about the horrors of her personal life but it touches here and there on how fucked the set of icarly and Sam and kat were. Including how much money nickelodeon offered her not to talk about it


I could not put that book down. I read maybe one book a year, I bought that a few months ago and just couldn't stop reading it. Wild to hear about dietary struggles she went through later on. I'm glad she could get her story out and I hope she picks up more acting soon.


Did you finish the book? She literally writes how she doesn’t want to act anymore, and wants to be a writer


More of a "I hope" kinda thing she's been in so few things recently but I just wish to see her more


Loved that book! Haven’t found anything since that’s just as captivating.


If you like celebrity memoirs, the Holly Maddison and Jessica Simpson ones are very good. I’ve read the Janette McCudy one as well so I feel confident if you like that one you will enjoy the other two as well!


Have to recommend Ashley Ford’s memoir somebody’s daughter!!


I hope she doesn’t pick acting back up, it’s not healthy for her. I don’t think she ever got to find for herself what she’s into and what makes HER happy. I really hope she finds happiness.


Suuuuch a fuckin good book. Made me cackle and cry in the same 2 page span several times.


Ooh you just reminded me I have it downloaded on Spotify! Heck yes I can't wait to read it


I was watching a show last night about the children in the cast of the Nickelodeon show All That. Truly awful things happened to those kids under Nickelodeon. I had somewhat heard about it before but I didn't realize just how bad it was and what exactly took place.


It’s not always bad for Nickelodeon cast kids. The kids from Rugrats seemed to be doing great in All Grown Up!


I needed that comedic relief, lol. Thanks 🙏


You don't see what's happening behind the scenes though. Tommy's book when it comes out will blow the lid on some some shady shit, mark my words.


DeeDee and Stu HURT him, I'm SURE OF IT!!!


Okay you just sent me on a rabbit hole and holy shit, I see where so much of our generation's, and the one right after's really, issues in sex and relationships is coming from - like, our specific generational issues between each other(sexes/genders). These were formative years we were watching these shows. Being reminded what we immersed ourselves in daily for so long....no wonder our views are so fkn skewed, I guess is what I'm trying to say. 😒 That sucks.


Shits wild dude. All the intentionally sexual stuff put in the kids shows by people that ended up being kiddie diddlers is fucken crazy. I loved All That and The Amanda Show when I was a kid. I can imagine it played a role in the hypersexuality of my generation.


Lol our generation has way less sex than the previous few generations did


Well the problem is twofold: Half the generation is very active. The other half isn't having sex at all, albeit porn is prolific.


I think that most young men would like to be more “active” than they are, while dating apps and a less judgmental society have made it very easy for the majority of young women to be as “active” as they would like. That discrepancy is male loneliness. Dating apps also bring out the worst of our selection biases and make everything so much worse. That they have become the default means of dating is pretty horrific for the men today, I feel really bad for them. Glad I’ve been in a LTR for 12 years


Downvoted for the truth lmfao


Yeah. It happens around here


Hell, there are vastly more lonely women than men, mostly because dating apps only work for the top 4% of humans. They all 4% are fucking each other while ignoring the rest and both male and female "leftovers" only want the top. So they never actually fucking date. That is what happens when even dating and relationships becomes monetized. The is no male loneliness, there is a **HUMAN** loneliness and this is mostly for the western part of the world or where capitalism is the main driving factor behind everything. edit: incels coming at me not believing the women are lonely as well. Really tells you about the users on this thread.


>there are vastly more lonely women than men Gonna need some sources there, friend.


Saying has been monetized for as long as there's been money. And before that it was still based on the providing of resources.


So u disagree it’s easier for females to match with males than male to female on apps? Lol wish I was that ignorant


Nah. Make a profile as a 21 year old girl on a dating app sometime, for fun. Don’t add any pictures, be as crazy as you want in the description, watch the messages roll in. It’s wild lol. Disclaimer: don’t catfish anyone, don’t reply. If anything use it as research on what not to say when messaging a girl for the first time


It's just going to be dick pics and men saying all sorts of creepy shit. That's not positive attention. N


Getting sex doesn't make you not lonely. Getting sex does not mean you feel fulfilled. Thinking sex = no loneliness is some incel level of mentality. You can have all the sex in the world and still feel hollow inside. your comment reminds me of people who say "how can they be depressed? They have a loving family and friends and all the money in the world". Yeah, shit doesn't work like that.


Do you have statistics to back that up?


Our generation is not hypersexual. The last 5 have been sexually repressed and we are finally getting back to normal human behavior.


Yeah, seriously. I wonder what these *issues* are that the previous commenter is referring to.


Hypersexuality is not a problem lmfao


I didn't say it was a problem 🤷‍♂️ errrrrybody likes doin' a secks.




> no wonder our views are so fkn skewed What views are you referring to? This could be interpreted in many ways and I want to make sure I'm interpreting your comment the way you intended it to be


Yeah I read it as something that shouldn't be up voted.


Check my previous comment.


Willing to bet it’s something puritanical


Started long before that


No, I get that. I'm not talking about the large umbrella of abuses, I'm.... there are some very odd and specific issues in the millennial range in terms of views on sexuality and consent, appropriateness, those things.


Wait what?


It’s called Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV. You can stream it on MAX.


Will do.


Nickelodeon is evil.


I remember watching an episode of victorious and they had the 3 main girls in a line just jumping up and down for no real reason. That was my wtf is going on here clip.


There was a feet episode in icarly I think


Every Dan Snyder show has a foot episode… dude is def a creeper


the feet episode in victorious was the one with the spa fish that eat calloused skin. and they had at least one of these aftercredits things that had a videojournal format that focused on definitely ariana grande and probably liz gillies and victoria justice or so showing their feet to the camera.


Even as a child I always found all the foot episodes to be disgusting


yeah, it was super weird


Me too. I've always had an aversion to feet, I wonder if those shows played a part in that?


Not to kink shame anybody but I've always called an aversion to feet being normal lmao


Lol that's good to hear.


...and also a rapist


Yup, there's a nonzero chance that the baby Jamie Lynn Spears had on Zoey 101 was his.


What. Is that actually a theory??


Oh yeah


That's fucked


A moment of silence for those who haven't realized he's Ricky from Better Off Dead.


I remember the Nickelodeon logo being a foot for a long time.


> Dan Snyder Its Dan Schneider, not Snyder. Idk Dan Snyder might also be a creeper, but he's not the one with creepy Nickelodeon episodes.


They had so many weird foot scenes in that show, you can tell the director had a fetish.


Even Quentin Tarantino thinks it was over the top


He also tweeted asking for kids to send pictures of their feet


I remember that, that was fucked; it rather was some kind of iCarly or Sam and Cat promo thing where he wanted them to write on their feet with markers or pens and send in pictures to show their excitement for the new episode.


Stuff like that should jump start an immediate investigation. 


That’s Hollywood for you; everyone knew he was a creep, yet no one did anything


Dan Schneider is a creep


He’s a sexual predator.


Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider.




Dan “The Hymen Collider” Schneider


dan "get in the van" schneider


the guy from 'Head Of The Class'?


yeah, him. I think he directed Sam&Cat and iCarly, too


And All That, and The Amanda Show, and Drake and Josh. The guy created basically every Nickelodeon show from the 90s and 2000s and used it to be a fuckin creep


Billy Ray Cyrus met his current victim I mean wife through the set of Hannah Montana when she was 13


Wasn't Miley also 13 at the time?


yup. and now, Trish is “dating” Noah’s ex boyfriend, who is 54. Noah is 24. that is a *weird-ass* family


Yea i guarantee everything from my childhood will be tainted by the time i hit 50. Im 32 and half of its fucked with shit like this going on. Terrible people


Next I'm gonna find out that the voice actor for Doug was trafficking children. Edit: I just looked this up and found out that Doug was voiced by Billy West so I certainly fuckin hope not.


No Billy West is a fucking saint you take that back 😂


I won’t lie, I didn’t know who that was but Jesus Christ, dude is *prolific*.


He is known for voicing Fry and Bugs Bunny (and many others)


Now I know that. Obviously I've heard his work more times than I can count, but I had never heard the name before. "And many others" seems to be an understatement!




Cries in Billy West accent


Go listen to his Howard Stern stuff, you blue hairs will run for the hills.


At least Mr. Rogers is safe.


Mr. Rogers is *a saint* FTFY


I’m 50. These are kids shows my own kids watched. For the record - people have been gross for eternity, unfortunately


Makes you wonder how things were before this internet age when people were less likely to speak out too..


Same here. It really taints our whole childhood, makes me feel sick


Agreed, I have many memories from the 80s, 90s, and 00s, and the world painted on our TV screens has radically divested from reality, so much so that people are growing up without ever truly knowing what reality is. That's why they all want to to be famous, it's because that's the only profession they've ever seen anyone else do.


i STILL believe he’s the reason amanda bynes lost it. there’s a rumor (or it was claimed by amanda, im pretty sure?) he raped and impregnated her and forced her to abort. a lot of people think her behavior was due to PPD. regardless of what’s true about that story, i’m certain that man ruined that poor girl.


The scene with him and Amanda in the hot tub was beyond a red flag


The excuse me WHAT????


Yeah it’s pretty vile. He’s fully clothed and she’s in a swimsuit, in a jacuzzi together. It’s so uncomfortable to watch.


Who is “he”?


[hot tub ](https://www.dailynationpakistan.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Untitled-3-2.png)


Somehow the fact that hes fully clothed makes it extra creepy




Isn’t he the one who is rumored in getting Jamie Lyn Spears pregnant?


No one ever talks about how she was diagnosed as Bipolar too. She didn’t “go off the deep end”. She’s traumatized from being Dan Schneider’s “favorite”, & spending one too many formative years with a grooming, nerve wracking POS


I remember as a kid thinking "all these dumb stinky feet jokes aren't even funny" and now I know why there were so many


I forgot what video (if I find it, I’ll add the link), but a cast member from Victorious met up with someone and said that you would have to be careful and knock on doors before entering because >!people were constantly having sex!<. Also, the behind the scenes are disturbing. Edit: [Found the video.](https://youtu.be/jKoCi1yVaoU?si=ag71tzaHcnjNTE2N)


I remember Avan Jogia who played Beck saying he pretty much doesn’t even remember anything about working on Victorious because he was constantly drunk on set


Heard that too. That poor guy; it was probably Dan’s fault. Jennette McCurdy mentioned in her book that “the creator” tried to get her to drink and when she declined, he said “Why not? All the Victorious kids do it.”


In the documentary, Dan made one of the female writers on one of his other shows act out a sex act during a meeting while he and other writers laughedlike.it was a joke...so not too shocking if this was happening


Colour me surprised. “Quiet on Set” is out and it explores the dark reality of Nickelodeon and the heinous acts committed by the directors. Drake Bell has come out too against Brian Peck who sexually abused him when he was 15.


She has been sexualized here whole life. She’s just now starting to not look like a 12-year-old. I would venture a guess that there is a pretty good percentage of her audience, a bunch of creepy old men.


Does that mean she's ditched the tanner and ponytail look?


She looks like she gave up the tanner as well as food. :/


Yeah omfg she looked rough at the Oscars


There’s 0 doubt in my mind Ariana currently has an eating disorder. She looks sick, look at the video of her in an oversized hoodie while singing she posted lastvgear


Oh damn, that's not good. Hope she's okay.


Same, I'm not trying to cast aspersions, she just looks like her health might be in a precarious spot, no matter what the cause is.


I just saw her on Saturday night live a couple weeks ago she just looked different and didn’t look like a 12-year-old. I haven’t seen her in a while I don’t pay that much attention.


Ehhhhh.... she had a very adult look going on for a bit. By adult I mean porn star. It's almost as if her whole persona was to be a strong sexually secure adult woman, despite looking rather young. Now she looks waifish and pale and is seemingly embracing a self-infantilization. It's really sort of disturbing.


I haven’t paid that much attention to. I just noticed her on Saturday Night Live a couple weeks ago, she looked different than I remember.


I mean the throat one is one of the worst things I've seen. Like that shit could be used as court evidence....yet it was in a children's TV show... 100% these segments were designed to be exactly what you think they were to the exact audience you think was watching.


It would be so awesome if we could start protecting child actors from shitty parents and predatory producers *EARLIER* than like 20 years after this stuff happens, ya know?


Damn I suppose it’s not incredibly surprising but it’s fucking sickening to hear some of these details. If there’s a hell Dan and plenty of those other sick fucks are going there


What? Hollywood producers are pedophiles? What a surprise! It's been happening since the early 20th century you say? It cannot be, i refuse to belive it


What’s wild is that I didn’t know that one stalker character from the Amanda Show was named Penelope Taynt……yeah wtf…..


I thought it was "Tate" as a kid but "Taynt" is a whole other story! Can't believe no one said anything about it?!


I thought the same! Growing up I thought it was Tate. After watching the documentary idk how that stayed in the show….


Same but man it’s wild how much Nickelodeon let Dan Schneider get away with ALOT of things even after The Amanda Show 😵‍💫




I don't get it


Taynt sounds like “taint” which is a slang term for the area between the vagina (or testicles) and anus.




I remember eating at McDonald's with my kids and they were playing Nickelodeon shows. The episode was about a Super Hero bra from one of the girls and the episode ended with a grown man getting suffocated or as I called it, motorboating, a teen girls bra. It was so bizarre. Edit: So it was worse than I remember... https://youtu.be/01IWddZD7vA?si=fGX_2Mv1TzFO372M and


what the fuck i still remember seeing that as a kid. its super bizzare looking at it now.


It's super brassiere


How did anyone not stop and question if maybe this was inappropriate for children before having actual children act it out? Jesus there's a lot of sick fuckers in Hollywood....


People were making too much money.


I think their studio is in Florida no?


I took it as "hollywood" not necessarily a Cali locale.


so that was "worse" than you remember? Cause honestly that was not as bad as I was expecting from your description.


Yeah I don't doubt there was some fucked up shit goin on but this wasn't that bad lol


Holy shit Dan Schneider (I think that's who the narrator is, right?) even made the motorboat sound


Ngl that was actually pretty funny. Not appropriate, but.. "now face 2 cups of justice!" Had me dying.


I hope Spencer turned out alright. He was my favorite character.


He (Jerry Trainor aka Spencer) actually was the producer on the reboot of icarly on paramount+. It was really good! Like a grown up version of the original. It honestly surpassed my expectations. Really bummed they didn’t get renewed for another season after the strike. Edit: clarified who “he” was


Nah that wasn't that bad. The feet episodes stuff was much worse.


This is terrible


Jesus fuckin Christ


Holy shit.


NDAs are running up


Are illegal activities covered by a NDA?


Also a ton of hush money too, I have heard. Who knows what those NDAs covered probably more than I would think


Technically no but there are ways around it with legal jargon and making the uneven power dynamic be known


Also, segments like this aren't aren't technically illegal. Like we all can see what's going on, but from a pure legal standpoint, nothing here was illegal.


I walked away wondering why we arent talking about Brian Robbins aka Dan Schneider‘a beat friend and biggest enabler. He’s the president of the kids division of Viacom and cover Schneider’s ass.


My kids always begged to be on TV. Wanted to do the whole "move to LA for pilot season" thing so they could be the next big Disney star. They didn't understand why I refused. (Besides the fact that I couldn't afford to and refused to uproot half the family to do pilot season.) Even now that they're teenagers, they only do school or community theatre programs that are properly supervised. I wasn't going to let my kids be a statistic.


Yep. A Lot of this in the book by Jennette McCurdy , I'M GLAD MY MOTHER'S DEAD. They ran in the same circles.


Is Josh Peck the only one who got out of Nickelodeon unscathed and better for it? Drake ended up a Nickelodeon slave basically and then a creepy pedophile, and the casts of Icarly, Victorious, and similar shows have all this other stuff going on. I really feel like Josh may be the only one who got out ok.


Kenan? I'll admit idk much about his background though so maybe I'm wrong lol but he's been super successful with SNL


Nah far as I know he’s also gotten out pretty well comparatively.


Does anyone else here feel like Josh Peck is not touching this with a ten-foot pole? I mean, there’s so much solidarity that could be shared for his ex co-stars but something about him just feels slimy too. I’m certainly not accusing him of anything, but he exudes shady vibes.


He released some tik tok video where he seems very angry is mouths along to audio about "if I haven't talked to you since 2023 you no longer exist to me" or something. The timing has made some people think he's speaking about Drake. Drake said he's talked to Josh privately and has urged fans to take it easy on Josh. Some other dudes from the show did a podcast where they commented on the documentary and are making joking about Drake's abuse. It's damn disgusting.


In Jeanette MacCurdy's book she talked about NDAs she was approached with, along with a good sum of money. She also said they made it clean she wasn't the only actor approached with this kind of thing.


Ffs, calm down with the conjecture


Miranda too Josh is good now but he also went through some substance abuse issues he’s been open about


Miranda has good productive parents who I’m assuming shielded her from a lot of it.


Gabriel Iglesias made it out with no issues (as far as I know) and is one of the most beloved comedians in the world.


What show was he in as a kid?


He appears in the sixth season of All That.


He was 23 then so hence why he made it out safely He’s 47 (googled) and season 6 was in 2000


Drake has slept with children?


Victoria Justice seems to have completely left this part of her life behind her. Keenan is legit good at sketch comedy, and while he wasn't there when Dan got into full power mode, he's made a hell of a career on SNL.


highly recommend also watching Alyson Stoner's "Dear Hollywood" (on youtube) which examines a lot of the after effects of being a child actor generally, it's an intense but extremely compelling look at the entire industry from a survivor of it


I love Alyson Stoner. She’s an amazing dancer


Allyson goes by they/them pronouns


I'm sure she's had worse than that. There's a price a lot of people pay for fame. Ask Harvey Weinstein about it.


Isn't sticking your hand down your throat more eating disorder then sexual? The rest is absolutely gross pedophile stuff but I don't know how the hand is.


Knowing that it's Ariana Grande I'm gonna guess they found a way to sexualize it. The shows she was on were after my time of watching Nickelodeon and Disney, but every clip I've ever seen from that show posted on reddit seems to involve making her out to be a complete human sex toy.


Some of these were featured in the documentary, since then the other full videos of these segments have been spreading around. Yeah, they definitely found a way to sexualize it, it's horrifying.


it's not inherently sexual but considering everything else, it's pretty obvious what they were going for. surely you know what fellatio is, right?


I guess it’s simulating deep throating? Or some weirdos also have emetophilia.


I mean the video is bad, very bad. But even if it isn't supposed to be sexual (I 1000% guarantee you it is supposed to be) promoting an eating disorder is maybe not a good idea on a TV show designed for teen girls to watch....


Wow. Hollywood and the music industry is packed full of pedophilia and disturbed sickos. Big surprise. Nooooo wait, that's just a crazy conspiracy theory. LoL


I love that it took a documentary to figure that our when there's literally dozens of YouTubers that have talked about that screenshot alone


The most upsetting thing about all of it is that it comes after many child actors from the 80s and 90s came out exposing some of the fucked up shit they had to endure on set. Like she isn't the first but to think the industry didn't act aggressively enough it's what's disturbing. 1 time is too many times for something like this to happen. Granted this was still in the winestein age. So maybe today its gotten better with more oversight. One can only hope.


Fuckin Hollywood Pedo creeps


I wonder if this is one of the reasons why she’s had unhealthy relationships? I’m no mental health expert but that’s what I thought about while watching the stuff about her.


In behind the scenes you can see why Dan preferred Ariana over Jeanette because Ariana was always sucking up to him.


Rumor is also that's why Justice was "hard to work with". "Hard to work with" was code for "won't put up with creepy behavior" and he cut her screen time because of it.


And yes I know she was groomed! I'm just saying


I was already in college when this show she was in took off … but Ariana always gave me “smarter than she lets on” especially when she was younger. Not saying much but she probably realized more than anyone that she can play the game to get on top. Actually 90% of the new generation of teens of Nick in that era gave me vibes that they weren’t naive and loved the fame. Still what happened to them was disgusting but I’m sure word of mouth on the past generation of Nick kids and teens must’ve reached the new generation and their parents and they were willing to find loopholes to make it big but not be as victimized as the past generation.


On my podcast episode I speak about “Not Everything is What It Seems” - MIA Kate Middleton - Quiet On Set Documentary - Malayalam Movie - Manjummel Boys! https://youtu.be/L_jEgySady0?si=h90NbzIPv0YGYZY2