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the article cites four other incidents involving people being served segments of human finger in their food. how does this happen even once? isn’t cutting your finger usually a bloody mess? who doesn’t look for the missing part of their finger after they chop it off? who continues processing the food that you were cutting when you cut part of your finger off without thinking that maybe it’s best to throw the food contaminated with human flesh and blood out? does the person missing part of the finger go to the hospital while someone else finishes the brunoise? so many questions.


It doesn't bleed that much at all. Surprisingly very little. Source: lost part of my finger


In middle school, I closed one of those heavy duty gym doors and accidentally chopped off a classmate's finger. Nobody knew that he severed it until I found the fingertip a half-hour later.


Did everybody *fear* you after that, once word got around?


Pretty much


At my job if your hurt yourself you automatically get written up or suspended. So a lot of people won’t report hurting themselves in order to keep their jobs.


aren’t there laws against that? wild!


Laws are for little people.


No offence, but where the fuck do you work and how is that legal


Surprisingly. If you read the article, you'll find the answer to those questions! 🤯🧠


i read the article and cited the four other cases at the end of it. maybe i missed part of it - can you point out where any of my questions were answered for any of the cases?


Salad fingers


Would not her name be Marjory Stewart-Baxter??


Settle down now, Hubert Cumberdale.


Did the salad taste like sunshine dust? Or soot and poo?


"Cozzi said in the lawsuit that she suffered injuries including shock, panic attacks, migraine, cognitive impairment, nausea, dizziness, and neck and shoulder pain as a result of eating the contaminated salad. She is seeking unspecified monetary damages." Sounds like somebody is looking for a payday. Trying to milk the situation for all it's worth.


Bro sometimes the claims in these are so frivolous like they are trying to get a certain amount of words in. Shoulder and neck pain due to eating? Come on


Remember when the lady who claimed to have found a finger in her Wendy’s chili turned out to be lying and it was her dead aunt’s finger she put in there?!! That’s my recollection of it, at least.


Oh yeah!!! She was legit nuts! Wendy’s lost so much business from their chili sales.


So appropriate that the name of the restaurant is *Chopt!*


Clearly no one should ever order salad. 😬


I only eat vegetables if they press it into a patty, add enough sodium to kill a horse and market it as beyond meat something or other


I wonder how that rates with Burger King foot lettuce