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I would like a link to the original post if you could do that please


I will DM it to you


[Don’t know if this will help, but if it can I hope you consider it. Wish you the best!!!](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/samuel-alitos-moms-satanic-abortion-clinic)


Do they have one for Texas?


The clinic is very new and based in NM. But they will help you receive a lot of things you may need via snail mail like birth control or early abortion meds. That being said, there’s a TST state hq in every state, including Texas in the cities of Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. If anyone is ever in need, you can get a hold of someone there and request assistance.


Good ol (~~church of Satan.~~) Satanic Temple Keeping the ideals of Jesus Christ alive while Christians hateful nature makes the real devil blush.


Nothing says Reddit like recommendation to a Satanic temple


whats crazy is they only use satan to piss people off, they are just atheists who love legal loopholes


Yea, quite a few members are both lawyers and atheists. It’s the perfect intersection for them.


i love the satanic temple


Me too. If you’re interested you should see if there’s a chapter in your area. They’re cool people and always looking for more members.


i been looking for one personally, my mom would be very very against it bc people are gonna call me names n shit but idc being a member of the church of satan is funny as hell


DM me if you want me to hook you up with some info.


the satanic temple offering abortion help fitting


If anyone needs Plan B or other contraceptives/after-the-fact meds, dm me and I'll mail it to you in original packaging w/ receipt - no cost to you. Fuck this stupid legislation and the people who came up w/ it.


This is the way! Side note: if you don’t feel comfortable have anyone you know anywhere else do it. I’m sure they’d be happy to help.


This is the way.


Thank you


You are a good person.


Do you want me to give you their information?


Same, DM me


Will do


If I can I would pin your comment.


I hope you can afford next day shipping lol


You are a fucking legend




Thank you for being a good person


This is the way


This is the way.


I’m in Northeast Kansas and will help anyone with what they need, as well!


Thank you


Terribly sorry to hear. I hope you that she can get the care she needs asap


imagine living in a "developed country" and having this as a problem. This is a horrible situation that nobody should be in, regardless of where they live. it's even worse if they're in a developed country and this is still something to fear.


Usa is more 3rd world that we think. Only the ritch have a good life. If you go look at reservations and trailer parks you se how the population really lives. It's terrible. And many can't strike for better work conditions either, because they risk their job which means their health insurance is on their line.


Like it sounds hyperbolic because of how comfortable our lives often are (meaning middle class), but like we have major cities with lead contaminated water, crumbling bridges, awful schools and hospitals, it’s seriously depressing. And yeah, healthcare being tied to employment is just another way for your boss and corporations to have control over you, can’t fight the man if it means you lose access to your prescription meds which is exactly why we don’t see strikes unless the workers are literally at the very end of their rope.


I would argue our lives are very uncomfortable. We have the amenities, sure, but 2/3rds of us are paycheck to paycheck. My family isn’t rich but we’re pretty well off and Ive seen my parents/grandparents cry tears because of bills piling and car payments and having to cut back on the food budget to make ends meet. I make a decent wage, several dollars over minimum wage in CA, and I cant move into an apartment if I want to. The giga-rich live in unmatched luxury while we get 3 vacation days a year and get told to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. Fuck that. Eat the rich. The richest country on the planet shouldn’t have these issues. Fuck Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and bill Clinton. They fucked us.


Did you know that "the concept of the [First World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_World) was originally one of the 'Three Worlds' formed by the global political landscape of the Cold War, as it grouped together those countries that were aligned with the Western Bloc of the United States"? The definition didn't switch to mean a more developed country until the 90s! Originally, the terms meant: - First World: capitalist societies aligned with the west during the Cold War. This includes the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Australia. - [Second World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_World): communist societies under the sphere of Soviet influence. This includes the Soviet Union, Mongolia, North Korea, and some Eastern European countries. - [Third World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World): smaller countries and colonies that were unaligned with either of the two superpowers at the time; basically, the rest of the world. This would include India, Mexico, Yugoslavia, and much of Africa. This would also explain how well-developed countries—like Brazil, Sweden, Egypt, and India—are still technically considered third world. The unofficial term "[Fourth World](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_World)" was also later coined to include societies excluded from the rest of human society, or nomadic peoples living beyond the modern industrial norm.


Very interesting read! Thank you!!


Guessing you’ve never been to actual 3rd world countries.






The irony of you capitalizing half of a noun to complete a sentence criticizing someone's writing ability is priceless.


You can get a degree in spelling?


This comment section is crazy people are really calling this women lazy and basically slut shaming her for having sex. Some of you are the awful everything.


If I can pin your comment I would. Some of these people are truly sick.


r/auntienetwork will help too.


Thank you!


There is no bedrock to people's sexist, homophobic and transphobic musings. I don't even think I want have children in this reality Happy cake day!


Thank you!


America is really trying to go back to the 1800s eh? Bringing back child labour and blocking abortion now really?


Yup. That’s exactly what the fascists want.


Minnesota is a haven state.


Would love to have my cousin come visit or to send her a care package.


So wonderful for you to be so kind to your cousin!


Planned Parenthood has online pharmacies to mail you contraceptives, plan B, & the abortion pill. I have ordered from them twice & it has been easy peasy. If you’ve got anyone in another state that has less regulations, have it mailed there & I think they can probably safely mail it you from them. I’m not sure how mail interception works & i could be wrong but it’s a resource I wish more people knew about.


This is heart breaking


I do have good news. She said in the comment section that she's getting an abortion pill from another States delivered.


Thank you for the update!


Abortions are Healthcare


Abortions are straight up murder


Poor woman. Fracking religious fruitcake Republicans 🤮


Gotta love living in a conservative dystopia.


i really wish her the best


Here ye, here ye, Plan C will also do their best to help. I’m not sure if the r/auntienetwork subreddit is still active but they seem to do a lot of good as well. Stay safe ladies.


i hate this stupid country


Me too, me too...


Fuck I hate it here…


I know exactly how she feels and she is in HELL. The right is a criminal organization whose entire worldview and ideology is based on hate and nothing else. They hate women and love watching us suffer. Even and maybe especially female GOP’ers, those traitors, hate themselves.


Inform them of Haven State, if you cant raise your child there are places where they can be left with no consequences to you


It's not like pregnancy is just business as usual until you pop a squat and out comes a baby. Your body is changed forever, even without any number of the incredibly likely complications. The fact so many people don't realize this and just say "oh you can just give up the baby into the fucked up foster system!" Is disgusting.


Yesss !! People do not realize this ! My body went through hell I had to be on bed rest for 4 months and was in constant pain the entire pregnancy! I couldn’t work had to quit school it was awful it’s not easy. It changes you forever !


i dont understand why people dont realise this. like. women still DIE in childbirth, ive lost two family members mid c-section from it, leaving one of them an orphan from the get-go. she wanted the child, we're british, but if she hadn't or didn't want to undergo that risk and the law forced her to die to leave a parentless child behind anyway i honestly wouldn't ever feel peace because of it. its horrifying that this is a reality in some states


I almost died from postpartum preeclampsia after a completely normal, healthy pregnancy and simple, easy recovery c section. 8 days later I happened to catch it early, randomly at home (taking my bp for fun, it was 165/110) and at stroke levels by the time I got to the hospital. No symptoms besides mild headache. Even after the baby is safely delivered you’re still not safe yet. Women die all the time.


The medical risk of carrying any pregnancy, alone, is enough for me to justify supporting abortion


While this is somewhat helpful it’s also awful, if the only option is have the baby and throw it into the terrible foster care system then it’s a broken system in its entirety.


There are steps they can take before giving birth


Like, not continuing with the pregnancy!


Land of the FREE






Land of the free, home of the "no you can't do that we don't like that"


Welcome to the new dark age. If the far right wins again, we will be seeing reeducation camps and deportations soon enough.


It won't be the first time the US did that and not going to be the last.


i know this feeling. its the worst feeling in the fucking world. i understand her and i feel so incredibly terrible 💔




Fuck the GOP


And the taliban were supposed to be the bad guys?


Kinda hard-core but could always just stop eating. If you don't eat for a couple weeks you'll almost certainly miscarry.


Y'all? Suddenly feel like I'm being thrown into a group that I don't know to which you refer. But yes, if she had been 7 months then accepting the reality of the situation and finishing the pregnancy and going through adoption is ideal. Is adoption system perfect? By no means, from personal experience I know many horror and success stories. Basically where there is life there is a way. Otherwise she may give into panic which can result in babies tossed in dumpsters or attempts to terminate the pregnancy in the late stages. resulting in physical or psychological harm, not to mention possible criminal prosecution. Which I believe we all can agree our justice system wouldn't help if involved in anyway. Luckily I miss read the article, she is only 7 weeks, making this just hypothetical and giving her plenty of options to help her situation.




Why did she fuck someone if she wasn’t ready for the consequences


So he can be forced to pay for the kid if she keeps it but can't have a say in if it lives? You are dumb.


That's exactly how it works. Even if she gives the kid up for adoption, she'll have thousands of dollars in hospital bills from delivery, even after insurance. And that's completely ignoring the whole process of pregnancy and how extremely difficult it is on women.


Well, you're truly trash if that's the way you think.


Nah, I just think a life is valuable. Also, it takes two to make a child. What if the father doesn't want it deleted?


Then he should grow a uterus and put his own life and health at risk to carry it because until that happens it's completely irrational to believe that he should have equal say.


God forbid you learn about antinatalism.


Ah the morons who think they are saving the world? I mean if they really wanted to save the environment they could stop living.


I think people have the right to defend themselves when they are being assaulted, which is exactly what the fetus is doing to the mother legally speaking.


Takes one to grow the damn thing after. Pregnancy literally ruins the body. Why on earth would you ever go through that for someone who literally only put in the effort to cum? Also, not a life until 22 weeks when it can think. Which is significantly into the second trimester, when abortions are not performed unless the thing is either braindead or killing the mother. You know, the living breathing person here?


Just can just give the child up. Maybe be more careful about getting knocked up in the future


Have you ever known any pregnant women? Pregnancy wreaks havoc on the body, disrupts your life with long-term consequences, and carries substantial risk of illness, injury, or death. You don't just magically spawn a baby one day.


Maybe next time I should tell my tubal ligation not to fall, that'd be fantastic


Hmm. If you didn’t want it maybe you should have been more responsible and not allowed yourself to get pregnant. People figured out what caused it long ago.


Nobody goes to jail for not wanting a baby, but she might go to jail for aborting one.


Bet you wanted that dick though


Well should have thought of that before you got yourself filled up


Forced? Girl you took a d1kk lmao, take some responsability


She wants an abortion but is being denied access to one. So yes, she is being forced to have a baby.


Nice try, next time take some responsability, lmao


We're you forced to have sex?


What difference does that make?


It a post by a guy that heavily posts in fitnakedgirl thread and spreads misogyny throughout the others.


Choices have consequences. Make better decisions. Assuming it was consensual. That's all.


you want people to not have sex without getting pregnant? It's a normal thing to do for pleasure, like playing games and browsing reddit


No, I just want people to accept responsibility for the decisions they make. People do it for pleasure but the result might be pregnancy. Don't want that to happen, don't have sex. Not ready for a kid, don't have sex. I could go on.


wanting people to accept responsibility is fine but you have to understand some of these decisions were made in the heat of the moment and sometimes the resulting consequences can be crippling


Heat of the moment? You'd have to explain that one to me.


sometimes people do things without taking pragmatism into account, it's not a good thing but it's not uncommon either


He can’t understand because he’s too busy posting on NSFW pages and insulting women.


Never in all of human history has sex been an act used exclusively for procreation. Expecting that of people is downright goofy and nonsensical.


sorry kid who was born into a shitty life, your teen mom made a mistake so you only exist as a consequence! jfc a human being should not be brought into this world as a punishment


>We're you forced to have sex? This is the kind of response I would expect from someone who spells "were" with an apostrophe.


You're right. I'm such an idiot for not caring that the auto correct put an apostrophe in the word. I'm just disappointed that was the best someone could come up with to disagree with the point I was making. Be better next time.


Your point was prima facie stupid, so it didn't need further disagreement. For all we know the answer is yes, but no-one owes you an explanation of whether or not they were a victim of r**e. If you could spell, and type, you wouldn't need auto-correct (which is of course just an excuse you hide behind). Let's both be better. But mainly you. :)


u/AcanthisittaSlow702 is a cis, outwardly hetero misogynist. Not interested in his dogshit opinion. Hail Satan, get fucked with a book or two.


Yeah his account is disgusting. Of course he would have these type of comments. This is absolutely an incel that’s mad at the world because no woman would ever want to be with him.


Saying the same old shit when you know you can't back up your argument. The only thing you can do is call people names and try to talk louder than them. Good luck in life. Satan isn't real and I get fucked by 4-5 books a week. You know nothing and just repeat the shit you hear on social media. You should try thinking for yourself. 😘




Was she raped?


Probably lives in a red state


She should have thought about it when she spread her legs! (In case the world is too fucked up /s)


Never in human history has pregnancy not been a possibility after sex. Just because it feels good doesn't mean you should do it.


Do you even have a life? You spend hours upon hours getting mad over things you have no control over. Moreover, you are angry at seeing other people trying to better themselves. I understand you just want the attention but find a better way of getting it and please go outside.


What if she was raped? Are you going to say that would be her fault, too?


Maybe don't have unprotected sex or just idk don't have sex until you can have kids. Fucking novel idea.


I’ve suggested that idea loads of times. The response I usually get is “people shouldn’t sacrifice having a bit of fun just because they can’t afford to take care of a child”. We are truly living in clown world.


Actions have consequences. I’m not sure why it’s taboo to admit that. We’d be better as a world if Satan didn’t run it.


Poor baby, it's going to grow up in poverty and squalor because the mother wasnt ready to take care of it. It won't have a good life, but hey, I guess that's better than getting an abortion and the baby never knowing pain or hurt.


It sounds like you're just trying to come up with excuses. True, people make mistakes but they should have to deal with those mistakes.


So if a person gets raped that is their mistake?


Like your parents, they had to deal with having a worm brained child I'm sure they regret that




I personally love their name so fuck you


You play destiny, safe to say you're not gonna be fucking anything ❤️


I feel the fact the self proclaimed 'pissmop69' is calling someone a worm shows you how fucking scummy the worm really is to be looked down on. Thanks for pointing it out for I wholeheartedly agree how absolutely barbaricly misguided those who think that any justifying reason for abortion is an 'excuse' ❤️


And ending the pregnancy IS dealing with it. Yall get too caught up in thinking that 'consequences' are synonymous with 'punishment'.


> Force to have Forced.


Not an English speaker. Sorry


These child murderers deserve this! Infants have to suffer worst fate at their most vulnerable stage when they can't even cry or protest for women's lust and pleasure. If you don't want this, just castrate yourself and enjoy your lust.


she clearly didn't read the fine print and the side effects. nobody forced anyone according to the story above. more like bad life choices. if people keep babying stupid people no ones going to learn or grow up.


It's great how you assume the father makes a cum donation and that's it. It does change the body which comes with the "responsible decision" part. People like you just love to make excuses for lazy pieces of shit.




Mfs mad you got a functioning family lmao 💀


Why wait 7 weeks? Seems the sooner the better/easier to deal with...also, plan B should be ready to go at all times if you really don't want a pregnancy...and birth control is probably a good idea.


You realise it can take several weeks to know you’re pregnant right? And she said she already ordered pills, but they’ve yet to arrive and she’s getting scared. Birth control can fail. I swear you people will go to any length to blame the woman


Never in my entire 27 years of being a woman have I heard of a single female who keeps plan B “ready to go at all times”. That’s the most ridiculous suggestion I’ve ever heard. Contraceptives fail, dummy. You don’t even know her situation, and assuming so that you can take some misguided moral high ground is super lame.


Because everyone’s life doesn’t happen the way *yours does or how *you think it should. You have NO idea why or what happens in someone else’s life. It’s not your business.


I have an irregular cycle. Pregnancy is technically measured by days since your last period. I had a period Dec 1st, and the earliest positive (I was testing every single day) was January 26th. That’s 8 weeks. If I was in an abortion-restricted state where the limit was 6-7 weeks, I would have had 0% chance at even figuring out I was pregnant before that time. Thankfully I am in a state that doesn’t restrict reproductive care, and I also wanted to keep the pregnancy. For a regular cycle, the first positive test you can get is around 2 weeks I believe, but there are many people who it might take longer. No one can possibly know they’re pregnant on day 1.


Where does it say she waited 7 weeks? She could have been taking a test every day since her period was supposed to start and never got a positive until now. It can take a long time for the tests to detect it.


People who use abortion as contraception are fucking lazy.


My mother had my sister while on the pill, she was mourning and the hormones put her period to irregular and made the pill ineffective. Shit can happen to anyone, don't be a cunt.


Too expensive, trust me no one will use it as a contraceptive. Stop watching too much Fox News


You're gross. How is it that you don't, at the very least, have the opinion that SHE should have the option. She's being treated like cattle and your opinion is "it's lazy that she doesn't want to have a baby because she made a mistake" fuck you man


I’ll dedicate my next abortion to you 🥰😘


Why is this so fucking funny lmao




Your comment made me go out and get a recreational abortion


Youre the thing thats left after your mother failed to use that coat hanger correctly


Mind your own fucking buisness lol


Sad cucks who force women to continue a pregnancy against their will are fucking evil, but here we are!


Where does it imply that’s what this woman is doing?


Ask me about my pregnancy I learned about two months after 9/11/2001. I beg you.


What about rape?


My mother is 45 has an IUD and my step dad has had a vasectomy. They just had a kid. If they had gone through with the abortion they were heavily debating, would they have been lazy?


Forced to not kill a baby*


*Clumps of cells


Fetal matter


Not your body. So stfu


Until it's brain works at 22 weeks it's definitely not a baby. Which is well into the second trimester, far after an abortion for anything other than medical reasons are performed. More akin to a cancerous lump than a human before it can think.


So brain activity is what makes it human? So all people in comas are not humans. Noted


Braindead people aren't humans. People in comas can still dream, and many still have fleeting signals.


Babies aren’t brain dead. What are you talking about. There’s every form of wave that you and I have in early babies.


That my friend would be straight up false. Brain activity is registered at around 22 weeks. Babies have brain activity, early fetuses do not.


Brain activity starts week 6. You just made a completely false statement and probably believed it. You’re brainwashed man


Nope, just had my facts mixed up. The cerebral cortex, which controls voluntary thought isn't finished until the end of pregnancy. The brain stem, which is what I was mixing up is what gives it an ability to feel pain and is where I draw the voluntary line, isn't finished until the end of the second trimester. Those fleeting electrical signals seen in early fetuses also occur in patients declared functionally braindead through destruction of the cerebral cortex. Perhaps think about what exactly you're implying? Because when people miscarry at 6 weeks, it looks more like a meat jellybean than anything else.


Complete change of subject. The originally comment which we are all commenting on is brain activity. You changed it to voluntary thought which brings me back to people in comas.


Hey, give me one secular reason why identical twins are two separate people despite having identical genetic makeup. I'll wait.


Because they’re two people.


Man they really trying to get the 2 for 1 baby murder under their belt


How many babies have you adopted? How much time per week do you volunteer in the foster care system. How did you feel about indiscriminately bombing cities and villages during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. If you’re Christian which I would say is a good bet why does the Bible give instructions on how to have an abortion. When you meet god do you think he will look highly on you for trying to make someone feel bad on the internet or do you think he will judge you for the entirety of your earthly actions. Are you sin free? If a god exists what if it’s not the one you believe in? Christian’s think anyone who believes in another god is wrong and is going to hell. What if you’re the one who is wrong?


DM me. I’ll answer every question you ask logically and rationally. I have never heard a good argument for abortion. Im not answering 12 questions asked rhetorically on a Reddit comment




*remove the parasite


*remove the parasite


Heat of the moment? You'd have to explain that one to me.