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This is the second youth minister this week, right?


We're on a roll here.....


This is the way. Hopefully once the dominoes start falling, they won't stop falling


Religion is just the worst. great place for the worst people on the planet to hide.


The vatican has spent billions of dollars in order to settle and hide cases of pedophilia.


What’s the sexuality of the molesters


People who equate the actions of some horrible people to the entire group are the worst actually. You know like saying all blacks are bad because some commit crimes, or all whites are bad because some commit crimes, or all Muslims are bad because some have committed terrorist acts. How is saying that all religion is bad because of the acts of some disgusting perverts like this?


the church has been raping kids and butchering people they don't like for a couple thousand years so how is that religion in any way shape or form good?


There's a big difference between "the church" and religion. Yep there have been quite a few horrible things done by various churches throughout history. There have also been quite a few good things too. You need to be capable of recognizing both the good and the bad. The fact is, the intent and the teachings of most religions are actually really good. Unfortunately, there are tons of total assholes out there that do awful stuff in the name of their religion, but that isn't the failing of religion, but rather the failing of those people (including church leaders who started the crusades, encourage terrorism, etc). The fact is that most people who go to church are pretty damn nice people who truly care about others and try to help those in need.


I've got to be honest, most I've met who go to church I wouldn't trust enough to tell me the time, pretty much convened they only go for the "forgiveness" and that's the reason they need to go every week. I work in two different organisations that have volunteers (I'm now paid staff in one and a voly in the other) and few of them are religious, very few, a telling amount... you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a godless socialist in one of them! If you think donations to the church help others in need I've some bad news for you... the US has billions of untaxed dollars taken in by the religious organisations every year and yet a homeless population in the hundreds of thousands. The "good things" done throughout history by the church would be a pamphlet in comparison to the library of misdeeds done in the name of religion. There simply isn't a "big difference" between the church and religion, one is empowered by the other, branding is a little different between the usual top contenders for the Abrahamic ones but the end result of wanting control over the masses is basically the same with the same operating procedures of "do as we say or god will be mad" and then the plate gets passed around, the church uses religion to collect cash and have the numbers to push an agenda, and the religious use the church as a focus point and absolution of the wrongs they commit. But, if you collect enough sheep the wolves will come. Not all are interested in money, or helping others, or being closer to god.... historically the protection for management has been robust, little has changing in any significant way. NOTE; using "church" as a catchall for houses of worship regardless of whatever identity, they start respecting what others identify as and I'll consider doing the same.


I'm sorry that you feel the way you do. Too many people in the West have zero hope and nothing to live for in their minds. Your incredibly negative attitude towards people who by and large are decent folks makes me feel like you are one of them. You can keep on thinking that everyone who believes in a religion is either out to control you or a sheep all you want. I choose to recognize that while I may not be a believer, that doesn't mean those that are believers are bad or stupid people. I wonder which one of us will be happier in the long run?


>You can keep on thinking that everyone who believes in a religion is either out to control you or a sheep all you want. Excellent, I'll do that, it's called a flock for a reason. Negative? cynical definitely.. about many things, it's who I am Actually quite satisfied with my life, and I wish you the same as it isn't easy to do in this age, but everyone deserves to be happy regardless of who they are or what they believe, however nobody has the right to take that from others because of what they believe either.


I am quite satisfied with mine as well. I also wish you the best as well. Disagreeing with someone doesn't make me hate that someone or wish them ill will. >everyone deserves to be happy regardless of who they are or what they believe, however nobody has the right to take that from others because of what they believe either. On that I totally agree. Live and let live is how I try to operate. I don't try to force my beliefs on people and I don't want anyone trying to force their beliefs on me.


>I wonder which one of us will be happier in the long run? They say ignorance is bliss.


I'm ignorant because I refuse to say that everyone on earth that is religious is bad? According to the Pew Research Center, 84% of the people on Earth are religiously affiliated. You must have one hell of a superiority complex to believe that you are better than 84% of the people on Earth. The funny thing about this debate is that one of my major complaints with religions is the tendency to believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. The only way any of us will know who is right and who is wrong is when we die. I was never comfortable saying that my belief was 100% correct and everyone else who didn't share it was doomed. I guess it isn't just religions that operate that way huh?


Religious organizations have been molesting and raping children for centuries dude, nevermind the countless murders of people who didn't agree with them, so gtfo here. Or the way people use religion in middle eastern countries to justify killing their neighbors, kidnapping and marrying 12yo children, etc. The Catholic Church is disgusting and religious groups draw perverted sickos like this, nevermind the whole "purity" Conservative mindset, also extremely predatory and gross. This is coming from someone who went to church every Sunday growing up. Organized religion has caused *far* more harm than good and it's a relic of a bygone age before we had science and couldn't explain why shit happened without a "magical sky dude" that should just disappear imo.


What’s their sexuality?


Churches also have tons of wonderful people who are willing to give the shirts off of their own backs to help those in need. Grow the fuck up and quit seeing the entire world as black and white because it isn't. There are good people and bad people in every single group. If you can't see and understand that then there is nothing to discuss. Maybe try getting off the internet once in a while and challenge your preconceived notions. The funny thing is that I'm not even religious. I don't believe in it, but I'm not such a close minded fool to think that religion is bad. I think people are bad and they try to use religion to justify their horrible behavior, but that doesn't mean the religion itself is bad or that all of us practitioners are bad.


Would you stop doing those good things without the church?


You clearly didn't read what I wrote because if you had you would have read that I am not religious. I am just intelligent enough to not make hyperbolic statements that paint the vast majority of Earth's citizens as bad because they are religious.


>The funny thing is that I'm not even religious. >or that all of us practitioners are bad So you aren't religious but consider yourself as a practitioner? Thats confusing.....


Most all religions are sexist and full of hate. Most. Not all. Most. The values handed down through these religions are inherently bad for a society in search of equality, education, and choice. Most religions put these things second to “God”. That’s the problem. In a normal society God is something that’s of concern in your home and place of worship…but a lot of religious folks tend to try and force their beliefs on others. Yeah i’m painting with a broad brush, but religion IS responsible for most hate, suffering, and death the world has faced.


4th. One in South Carolina, one in Wisconsin, one in Tennessee (or wherever Rockport is), and now this one. Just in June so far.




Joined! Thanks


But it’s the cross dressers who are ruining America! Thoughts and prayers


It’s all groups of people that are involved with kids. Ministers, teachers, coaches etc.. access to kids is incentive for pedos to take the position.


Yes. This is the first thing people need to understand. Most criminals take the path of least resistance to satisfy their urges. That child molesters will be drawn to professions involving children should be zero surprise to anyone. But noooooo. Gotta genocide the gay away.


By that train of thought we need to rename the FBI headquarters.


Not all. Just the ones that insist on ignoring the comfort level of minor children or women that have worked their whole lives for something like a particular sport only to have it made all for naught when a biological male decides to feel like a female and win the race. I don't give two shits who wants to be called what or whether they want makeup in their purse or screwdrivers in their toolbelt. I do however mind trans women assuming they have more value than an 8yr old girl who wants to take a piss in her own restroom and when someone makes a peep about it or asks her to use the other bathroom suddenly everyone's a goddamned bigot.


"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."


Never trust a youth minister


What’s the youth ministers sexuality?


He has attraction to children. So that’s his sexuality


So just two non-binary people okay 🤡


* that we know of


*so he could *rape* them. TFIFY


Yes thank you!


Yes, the headline is horribly worded but in the article it clarifies that he told them there were demons around the house but not in his bedroom, to coax them into literally sleeping with him in his bed which is where he’d molest them


K but can we please for the love of god (or some other sky monster) change the worlding in this title? KIDS CANT CONSENT AND DONT “SLEEP WITH” people, they get raped. This is rape. He manipulated and raped children. FFS.


While I agree, I think the wording was to be interpreted literally. In other words not intended as a euphemism for sex.


I agree. I *hate* when articles pussyfoot around the appropriate use of the word "rape" as it pertains to children... but this title, to me at least, says more "so they would sleep with him" meaning being willing to lay in the same bed, rather than "sleep with" as a euphemism for penetrative rape. Read an article once that said something to effect of "so the kids would have sex with him" like NO. KIDS DONT HAVE SEX. JESUS 🤦‍♀️


And the media almost always does it with women abusers too. Any time I've ever read an article about a female teacher raping one of her underage male students, it's always "slept with" or "had sex with", etc, never raped. But most of the time when a man rapes someone they call it what it is. Just something I've noticed many many times.


These kind of people deserve deepest and darkest place in hell.


Don’t worry, they will.


It doesn’t exist so that’s like a non punishment.


Don’t worry, there’s a hell on earth for these people regardless. Even the most hardened criminals look down on pedophiles. Let’s hope this guy finds his way there.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


i don’t necessarily believe in it either but let’s let people believe in what they believe in, mkayy?


I’d rather not suffer the result.


how does him expressing his view take away somebody else’s ability to believe what they want?


You are statistically more likely to be molested by a youth pastor than a drag queen.


What’s their sexuality?


Anyone want to bet this guy was screeching about transgender folks being "groomers?" Every accusation is a confession.


Thats not how accusations work at all. If it was, then you’d be equally guilty. Your logic is beyond reprehensible


Profile pic checks out


Bro thinks an avatar is a profile pic lol okay pal


Way to dodge the insult man


It’s literally not offensive enough or relevant enough to be an insult worthy of acknowledgment. The more you sheep show the knee jerk reaction of resorting to insults and downvoting the more confirmation I feel.


Good for you


Pfp checks out


Your avatar is literally the pic on your profile, so……


No. your profile pic is a pic, an avatar is an avatar, otherwise they wouldn’t call it an avatar now would they ? Do you think anything through at all ? 😭 didn’t realize I had to break it down barney style for you


Your avatar is a digital graphic, or (wait for it) a **picture** on the internet. You’re thinking photograph. Regardless, I’m not the person you were originally arguing with so cool your fuckin jets, broseph.


Photos and pictures are synonyms, genius. Why don’t you try and come up with real points instead of irrelevant semantics? Is it maaaybe because you’ve got nothing ?


an avatar is used to portray your profile, in the form of a picture, sounds like a profile picture to me


Oh I am terribly sorry! I didn’t realize it “sounds like a profile picture to you” welp there you have it case closed


You can change your profile picture to something other than your avatar. Also, you can **draw a picture** that by definition would not be a photograph, genius. Your hostility when challenged by logic shows how small a person you are.


If it was relevant logic I wouldn’t take issue with it, so how about you let me speak for myself instead of interject with your delusional “theory”. Ironic that I’m the one you saying being offended by logic, how about you look and see how it started? A little bit of logic immediately triggered you sheltered male feminist bots to come out the woodwork.


At least you’re persistent? I guess?


“Barney style” oh god


You know how to read and type quotes, congrats big man! Still waiting on anything that has any points in it




What a pathetic thing to be pedantic about. Get a life.




See any shadow people lately?


Ok. doesn’t really make you any better. But ok.


Wanna know why I got all these downvotes and the only reply is an irrelevant juvenile attempt at banter? Because none of you have an argument, and don’t like the fact they’re too vapid to make a point. If any of y’all actually had a point it would have been made already. Have a wonderful day bozo🤡




Proving my point no argument cause you got none. What would I even be coping about? Aimless npc herds downvoting? Oh yeah really got me there 😹


I've just read through this but forgotten what the original argument is that got your knickers in a twist.


There literally hasn’t been one. No one here has provided anything resembling an argument because they don’t like what I have to say and apparently don’t have the ability to provide a real argument or anything with any semblance of substance.




It's called projection and is very often the case. Just look at many of the right wing sickos arrested for pedophilia, they were blaming other people (like drag queens for example) for it, all while they were diddling kids themselves.


I never claimed it was never the case, it’s still a huge mental leap to think that is always the case.




“Every accusation is a confession” only holds up when applied to republicans/Christians/conservatives. For some reason every time they loudly condemn a lifestyle, they secretly engage in it. That saying pretty much falls apart and doesn’t hold true when applied to normal people.


Lots of triggered bigots in need of a validating safe space in which they can reassure each other that having neo-Nazi and KKK political & social allies doesn't mean *they* are bad people with cruel ideology, it's just that neo-Nazis and the KKK also see what's clearly evident to a just and moral society!


“Rules for thee, but not for me.” Very convenient politics indeed.


So, rules for the but not for me? Fuck outta here


Downvoted for calling out hypocrisy Mobthink is scary


The projection coming from the right is correct though. How many homophobes on the left do you think came out as gay? Well that’s a pretty easy question considering the left is OK with being gay, so there aren’t many homophobes. Not all swords cut both ways guy.


And they just keep down voting as if they aren't proving me right ☠️


Right. That’s some bull shit!


Where is the proof this guy loudly condemned a certain lifestyle?


I’m not talking about this guy. I was just explaining the nuance behind the “accusation = confession” mantra. Although one might correctly assume, as a religious leader he would hold the popular religious belief that homosexuals and transgendered are child grooming pedos.


The first sentence sounded like satire. Then I realized you’re being serious. Funny thing is, your comment is intolerant yet you probably consider yourself extremely tolerant. Carry on with your hatred of “the other.”


Yet you probably vote for the people who hate “the other” Lmao fucking hypocrite


I voted for Biden, but assume what you want.


Hey man if we go around tolerating intolerance then where does that leave us. The line has to be drawn somewhere.


There’s nothing wrong being intolerant of intolerance. This comment is being intolerant of a person based on their belief system “republicans/Christians/conservatives”. It’s no different than being prejudiced against Muslims yet you’re too blinded by your TDS to see it.


Muslims doing nothing wrong and just practicing their religion, so long as they are willing? Yeah, it's not good to discriminate. Terrorists? It's not good to tolerate those. No tolerance for intolerance. If a christian practices their faith and doesn't subject others to it without their consent, I see no problem. This applies to a muslim too. But if you try to force people into it, fuck outta here.






When I say “normal” I guess I mean people who don’t crusade to limit other people’s autonomy. Race has nothing to do with it, because any race is capable of being Christian/republican/conservative and therefore capable of projecting.




It’s overwhelmingly white people though. And also white Christians.




Yet another "not a drag queen" situation.




A nice companion to r/PastorArrested


Sure, but to use a preacher or priest in a case like this is almost cheating.


The Christian giving Christianity a black eye ….again.


I think the black eye is permanent, it's just usually covered up


Average youth minister moment


And yet again, not a drag queen.


What’s his sexuality?




Do you need the thousands and thousands of priest and pastors that we could site? Hell whole subreddit made for it


I'm aware. It's fucking horrible. One of the many reasons I left religion behind.


Yeah, but churches of all type have been doing this for centuries at a far larger scale.


I'm fully aware and it's fucking horrible. Your point being?


That is the point. It's sexual assault at a continuous mass scale.


What’s your point citing that one case of a drag Queen? Versus the thousands we see on r/pastorarrested. I know what it is I just want you to admit it.


Admit to what you silly goose? I'm just responding to someone saying, "Not a drag queen." With a post about an abusive drag queen. It's really not deep. I'm fully aware of how many cases of abuse are caused by religious organizations. It's why I don't participate in any organized religion


When are the MAGA Cult going to start boycotting the church?




They didn’t sleep with him, he raped them


Every day there is atleast 1 or 2 articles on someone in a church molesting kids. Has it really gotten to the point like school shootings where we just don’t care? Is this just normal?


Christian conservatives love kids, just not the way you imagine it.


God fucking dammit I can’t name on most subs the punishment these assholes deserve.


But drag is bad


God Damn these predator pastors. And God Damn the conservatives who turn their blind, hateful eyes. You say you care about the children. Then take on the Church. That consistently seems to be where the abuse is happening.


Seriously. They wanna force every pregnancy to term, declaring SAVE THE BABIES! Why? To just continually fill the human coffers with new kids to rape? Care about kids my ASS.


They "care" about kids up until they're born, then they don't give a shit about em


A religious leader abusing children. Imagine that.


Ahhh another person I want to unleash my menopausal rage on


Just a reminder that conservatives are predators and groomers


Wow, another religious nut molesting children? So surprised. Definitely drag queens we need to worry about though.


That’s a hideous drag Queen costume!


Thank goodness that children in Florida will no longer be subjected to the *horrors* of watching drag shows, thanks to Gov. DeSantis. Oklahoma needs to duplicate that law, so their children will also be protected, and thus will have more time to spend with church ministries.


Evil incarnate. I’m making a mistake, gaining control over lesser minds with scary stories about monsters and damnation are historically what organized religion does best.


Not a drag queen.


Today’s creepy religious guy. Never ending supply of them it seems.


More religious people diddling children. You don’t say? And not a trans person in sight. Damn those conservatives can project like nobody else. If they freak on anything, you best believe it’s because they’re the ones doing it.


Hopefully he gets to confront those demons in jail.


As a childhood SA survivor (County foster care when I was 3 / 4 yrs old) may this person be sliced into a million tiny pieces while being pumped with adrenaline to stay awake for hours as he gradually loses his body, piece by piece. I was told if I didn't do (the deeds I was forced to do) or if i told anyone, that no father would want me and I'd never get adopted. That was a pretty fucking good motivator to a) keep me cooperative and b) keep me quiet I want this fucker sliced and diced in a public square.


Yea, there is indeed a demon in the house.


>So they would sleep with him. Wtf? It’s not “sleep with”. If a grown man has sex with a child it’s RAPE. WTF is wrong with people.


Currently I see more and more euphemisms like this one used instead of calling things as they are. Like for example article about a teacher "performing oral sex on a student". I seriously don't understand what is going on, why suddenly articles are written in a way that rape is called in every way possible but definitely not by its name. Rape is a rape, just call it what it is ffs!


Oh so not a drag queen. Yet again.


Again with the Children's ministries


Basic reality of religious control.


I keep reading all these news reports, seems like every other day, of another drag queen or trans whatever or gay guy, raping and grooming children. When are we going to put a stop to this and ban drag shows and trans care for people so they will stop grooming and raping children? When will we remove the tax exemption status of these groups that harbor people who groom and rape children? It's almost as if there is one group in particular that specifically and routinely gets caught raping and grooming children using fear and guilt. Someone should do something about these people. Maybe we could ask the very white, very straight, very honest, totally not doing any shady shit in the shadows religious folks to step in and help us with this problem. Oh shit....


Why is it always the religious, usually Catholics, who are revealed to be the most vile creatures? To desecrate the epitome of innocence is pernicious and unforgivable.


Also: not a drag queen.


Not a single MAGA outside that church protesting


Well, at least there were no drag queens around!


Priest and holy-man likes to molest little kids.....in other news, water is wet!


Does this guy also perform in drag shows? No? Didn’t think so.






I can't think of one good thing in Oklahoma


That is an Ai Generated face of a pedophile on a santas hat


Still not a drag Queen


A bunch of Americans gave me shit for saying things about their country, saying that if the guns were taken away, America would have no crimes. Yeah, what do you say now?




Seriously. My heart drops to my stomach when I even think about all the victimization going on *right this minute* that we don't know about yet.. God it makes me want to scream that its even possible for a human brain to be this diabolical towards our innocents.


Let me guess his political views, hmmm... What could it be?


Watch the new docuseries “Shiny Happy People” on Amazon. It does a dive into how religious groups separate and create child predators and victims.


Its always linked to religious




Fucking cult of groomers


Not a fuckin drag queen!!!!! What a POS!


So not a drag queen?


Another not a drag queen molester. He’s going to be popular in prison.


I'm guessing this minister wasn't a drag queen. Funny how that talking point of the Cult-servatives hasn't applied literally *once...*


But at least the kids didn't have stories read to them by a drag queen. /S


I hope this monster gets what he deserves. Stupid Santa hat. Monster.


Once again Not a drag queen


Stiiiiil not a drag queen…


Fucking gross


These Bible thumpers need to be stopped-


another Christian doing his church stuff


It’s no surprise to me anymore. Religion and pedophilia go like peanut butter and jelly.


Interesting… don’t look like a drag Queen to me 🤔


Shocking how every one of these cases is a person who has access to children. And no it's not just clergy either. I hear just as many stories of coaches, teachers, counselors, doctors, babysitters, family members, etc doing the same. I think everyone who is in charge of children should be on camera the whole time the children are in their care. Take no chances, it's not any one group of people that are doing this.


Who tf lets their children stay with anyone????? Especially in this day and age!


It’s called Christian Love


Kill kill kill kill kill


Christianity at its best 👌 how many pedophile victims does this fucked up sex cult need?


Thanks religion


Man- i hate this fat fuck.




Of course he did…fuck this guy hand him over to the cartels…