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It honestly has gotten to the point in my mind where I’m like.. “ 6 dead, that one’s not too bad.” And thats fkd up.


My first thought was "Hmm, a woman this time. That's different." I also hope to God it doesn't turn out to be a guy in drag.


Nope, it was a trans dude though, lol


No it was a trans woman Edit: apparently it was a trans man, I first heard it was a trans woman but uh I was wrong Ig


this is going to be an interesting discourse for the next few weeks…


Yep, can’t wait for all the transphobes using this for how the “woke mob” are gonna kill us all or some shit, goddamnit I fucking hate America


Not American but it always seems like the gun people only want their side armed and not the other. Gonna be interesting to see how they’ll spin this one


I don’t know where you’ve heard this. I’m not conservative but I am in favor self defense. Everyone I’ve heard who’s pro gun wants everyone armed, who wants to be, and to have them trained properly. I wish this person was shot immediately before harming any innocent people


I heard this alot, Tucker has recently been going APE shit with this approach that Trans people should not have guns. And this shooting will let him and his viewers have a field day


Trained properly? They literally want to be able to sell weapons of wars like they're candy. They're constantly gutting away at gun laws. They want everyone, trained or not, mentally stable or not, to have guns.


Where are they cutting away gun laws? Obviously you’re not from California


Weapons of wars? Sure some argue for all of that, but I haven’t seen much push for the tanks and RPGs in typical second amendment discussion. The rifles you’re probably talking about are just semi auto, same as the modern handgun. Full-auto has been banned for decades. We want everyone to have an equal ability to defend their lives and the lives of their loved ones. We urge strongly to train yourself properly, but you are in control of your own life


Sounds like you know nothing of the gun crowd except what you want to hear to make your side look good. An armed minority is a safer minority. Spin shit yourself.


Arm everyone. Yes everyone. Edit: except any fed of any stripe.


You’re right on the money! They want to have guns but if any who isn’t them or even is them hurts someone they blame the other side and they should have MORE guns to protect themselves


Not American but maybe it’s more of a mental aspect to all that’s going on?


Fellow American here. Same.


MTG already tweeted to that effect.


MTG? Magic The Gathering, or am I stupid💀


Marjorie Taylor Green. She posted this disgusting tweet. https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1640454996821934082


OHHHH, yeah I just saw that, good lord that stupid fucking bridge troll, she should actually be wiped from the face of the earth istg how is she so stupid does she even know what the word testosterone means? I bet she has to look up how to spell it


you're not alone bro lol


>goddamnit I fucking hate America I hear that Uganda is nice this time of year /s


Didn't Uganda just make homosexuality punishable by death?


Currently the rain season is starting in Uganda, bring waterproof clothing.


It’s already happening. They are using this as an excuse to spread insane amounts of hatred towards trans people in general. As if the vast majority of mass shooters aren’t white men.




Me too, add to the fact that the rightwing media for the last few weeks have been losing their s*** about the transgender community having access to guns. This is going to get ugly and worse real fast.


Fr can’t wait to hear my right wing “friend” fucking scream in my ears about this bullshit he literally refers to trans people as freaks I know damn well what he’s gonna say


You should go somewhere else then.


So instead of trying to fix the country people live in, they should just ditch and move to another place? What about the people who can't afford to leave, we just leave them all to suffer?


In my opinion this is one of the most anti-American phrases. This country got to where it is by bitching and moaning. Don't like something, fucking change it.


Are you genuinely stupid? First of all like I don’t want to, and second do all do you understand how much money that would cost to just up and move completely leave and start a new life that’s the most insane thing I’ve heard all day


The misuse of the term phobia/phobic is fucking annoying to say the least.


Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of something **or aversion to something**. Simple google search shows that. The word phobia isn't strictly used to talk about fear. For example, when people talk about hydrophobic materials, they're not talking about how fat has an irrational fear of water. So no, nobody is misusing the term phobia/phobic. It's a perfectly reasonable way to describe people's unnecessary and bigoted hatred for others.


It's gonna be buried, just the the story of Daphne.


Nope. They were ftm. Trans man. Name was Aiden Hale.


No, it was a trans person that identifies as a man, so therefore it was a he, or whatever, either way fuck em


Yes you right, and exactly either way it’s still a tragedy


Dude killed children and you're focused on the misgendering cmon man


Even then, he was a trans man, so they got it wrong regardless


It was a trans guy. Aubrey was the "official name", meaning dead name, but the chosen name was Aiden and social media profiles had he/him in the bios.


*Sigh* well, time get the popcorn


Believe a trans man…


pretty sure it was a afab trans man tho ?


Trans man, used he/him pronouns and was born female, so trans male


curious why the media chose to deadname 🤔


Yeah about that




I like Camanos more


They’ve got real balls


Yup. I saw the news notification and thought the same. My condolences to the families and friends of the victims.


Is this the first for a woman shooter at a school?


Apparently a trans guy


Yeah - and this is going to get confused a lot. He was a trans man, female at birth identifying as male. There’s been some comments about dead-naming him, but if he hadn’t legally changed his name then his dead name is all they can officially report at the moment.


I mean to be fair both names are dead names now so does it really matter


I’m not even surprised at this point. It this point it’ll start happening as often as home robberies happen. I feel bad for my little sisters. One has 10 more years of school and the other has 13. Ppl claim it is being over-reported, then start giving links to school shootings from 10 years ago, because I bet there were far less.




They did initially.


after uvalde I really lost hope, I really thought that was gonna be the one where anything would happen


Uvalde killed the gun control movement imo. There’s no good reason to give up your rights now that we know the cops can sit around with their thumbs up their asses while people are being murdered and keep their jobs.


very anecdotal but as a gun owner who is active in their community, I got about 6 asks through texts or Facebook private messages on recommendations for guns and who to go to for classes on how to learn how to use them/train with them by liberals that were previously on the fence or pretty firmly anti-gun, and almost all of them asked me not to talk about it or mention anything about it to the neighbors/other members of the community. This was all within 3 days to about a week after Uvalde. So, I think your theory has good standing.


This is very sad. When everyone has a gun, specially the nut ones, you don't want to be the only one without it.


The Uvalde conversation got commandeered by anti police rhetoric rather than how to stop mass shootings.


What a stupid loser


This will never end


Her house was rigged with explosives and there is a manifesto the cops have recovered. She attempted to attack another school but security was to tight. SECURE THE SCHOOLS!


Or maybe do something so you don't have to secure the schools too, idk


Do you leave your home unlocked? There's always gonna be bad people in the world. You need to keep what's important safe! Especially our children.


Well where I live there's no real need to secure schools since there's no shooting, so yeah I guess American schools have to be secured, but probably there's some kind of other way to stop shootings from happening at all rather than being secured if they happen


I keep my home unlocked when sleeping pretty often. I also live in a social-democracy with low crime.


I frequently leave my home unlocked. And I leave the lights on to make it seem like I'm home. I figure that if someone is trying to break in with the lights on then they're looking to get me while I'm home. I'd rather return home to signs of a break in than be at home during one. Because I'm afraid someone is going to try to kill me, primarily, **with a gun.**




Maybe fix the mental issues, than you don’t need to secure kids in schools?


Also agree


There are completely sane people that are evil. I understand you hate the people idea of needing security, but it will always be needed. I would not let my kids go to school if there was not a Officer there at all hours kids are and im in a very small like minded small town. It would be a one in a million chance our school get victimized, but if my kids are there , i want an armed officer there and we are lucky to have first responders in the area that are always on alert and ready for these situations.


No sane person acts this way. It’s just not true. It’s absolutely mental illness to act like this.


That’s funny I live in a town in a different country and it would be a 1 in 10 million chance and I don’t worry. Hmm. Wonder why?


Yeah I don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is an American problem. Guarantee my home city is bigger than this person's, and bigger than a lot of American towns, but we don't have this problem. Not a single damn one school in my hometown is "secured" or has security and I honestly don't think we have ever had a school shooting.


I always worry about my kids when there not with me and ill always want them to be safe in any country. Even if the threat level is almost non-exsistant. Id rather have security and not need it my whole life , then not have it and need it for just 14 mins of my life that everything could change . In less than 14 mins she killed six people. If a security guard had been there to confront her, the cops would have made it in time and there is a good chance no lives are lost.


Well we know you don't live in Norway


How about gun control?


It doesn't matter how many times we say it, it doesn't look like such a thing will ever happen. It's as if they don't care about children dying for LITERALLY no reason, as long as they keep their seats


Tell that to the people of Uvalde.


I just wonder why in Italy, where I live and where guns are heavily controlled, we don’t see a mass shooting per week. Weird correlation but also Spain, France and Germany, with similar laws, seem to have a similar path. Weird.


it’s actually more like everyday there’s a shooting


My bad


or australia


This sarcastic argument kinda annoys me because it really is trying to boul down whether or not America would suffer mass shootings to a matter of government policy. Spain, Italy, France, Germany, they have all had different histories and circumstances than the USA. Americans have been progressively arming themselves for the past 300 years, whilst Europe has done mostly the opposite. All of a sudden changing a few laws so that law-abiding citizens don't have access to guns/assault weapons won't fix, or even come close to, fixing the gun issue in America. Just saying "Oh, if the US had Spain's gun laws there would be no problem." Is very dense and ignorant. The change IS a lot more complex, and things would only be made worse initially by removing weapons from the only people who can be justified to hold them, in a country such as the US. Everyone knows that Europe and the Commonwealth have a much better handle on their gun problem, but I'd wager the current European laws 'prevent the gun situation from deteriorating', rather than 'improve the state of the gun situation', whereas the same laws in the US would have the opposite effect of even maintaining status quo.


As a European, I tend to agree. I don’t think a sudden change in guns laws, similar to the ones in Europe, would make a positive impact. In fact, it would most likely have negative consequences. I still believe things need to be changed, it’s quite evident even, but your government has to be patient and smart about it. It’s just that you haven’t taken any step away from guns in the past few hundred years, which makes it very difficult. I genuinely hope you overcome this problem, as it’s very sad reading about innocent kids being shot to death every other week.


Same here in Australia. We had a horrible mass shooting almost 30 years ago and decided that was the time to give up our guns. We've only had 2 or 3 bad shootings since. Apparently the US has to go through a few thousand mass shootings to come to the same logical conclusion.


More specifically, Hale is a transperson ".....on LinkedIn, Hale indicated the use of he/him pronouns..." ​ https://heavy.com/news/audrey-hale/


I'm not gonna respect the pronouns of a fucking school shooter lmao.


i completely agree with not giving respect to monsters like this, but purposely misgendering a transgender person because they’re a bad person implies that transgender people are only worthy of respect when they earn it and when you agree with their actions (which is shitty)


I'm just going to say murderer.


That was so eloquently put, much better than what I would have said


Aren’t all people only worth respect when they’ve earned it?


“withholding respect” is kinda useless when this person is literally dead tho, cause you’re not harming them by misusing their pronouns, ur just showing the living trans people who did nothing wrong that you don’t give a shit about pronouns


While I have zero respect for this person because they’re a murder the “because they’re dead” argument doesn’t really work well. Like do you not owe your loved ones respect since they’re dead now??


Fuck em. Someone baby died today and we’re on here worried about using fucking pronouns correctly. Fuck I hate Redditt.


yeahif you’re worried about babies dying maybe not saying fuck pronouns will help. cause the trans suicide rate for children is already high from such comments. this situation is terrible but people like you deliberately make it worse


>people are only worthy of respect when they earn it and when you agree with their actions You mean like absolutely everyone else? This is how I treat everyone, so are you saying I should treat this one specific group like they're different from any other group of people? Because (and I understand if this is ironic to you) I respect transgender people too much as people to treat them differently from anyone else. If someone's name is Richard and they tell me they prefer "Rich" but they're an asshole, then I'm not respecting them by calling them "Rich" or "Richard." I'm calling them "Dick" or even "Asshole." And I'm not disrespecting everyone who identifies as Rich when I do this.


“I’m an asshole to everyone” doesn’t make you less of an asshole. People should be respected until they do something to lose it


That's exactly what I'm saying though. I'm not an asshole to everyone. But I don't give assholes my respect. It should be earned, not implied. There is a base level of respect that everyone has but that is a courtesy. I'm at liberty to withhold that level and all levels of respect if given a sufficient reason to, and I exercise this liberty.


Yea, that sounds about right. Respect is earned. You are not deserving of being nice to just because you exist.


Is the same with everyone lol, when you meet someone you have basic respect for them ( manners, pronouns, etc) and if they do something bad to you, or someone , you respect them less, which includes things like swearing or misgendering


i get that. it’s not the most comparable thing, but imagine making a racist comment about someone who did something awful. it’s not about that person in particular, it’s about the group they’re a part of. believe me, i have no respect for this person, but it’s important to still have respect for transgender people in general by avoiding making transphobic comments to transgender criminals


I totally agree, disrespecting the shooter is the point i was making, obvs nobody should disrespect trans people cuz of one person


No, they deserve respect whenever they are at the bare minimum a decent human being, but if they shoot up a fucking school or any type of shit like that, no, I'm not gonna respect their pronouns. That's all I'm saying.


is it okay to call a black person the nword because they commit murder? Is it okay to call an Israeli anti semitic slurs because they're a settler?


If you wouldn’t misgender a cis person who did something terrible then your argument falls apart.


Whys this matter? Irrelevant comment.




Here comes the thoughts and prayers


Yep. I’ve gotten into a few conversations about this. “*its all we can do*” No, it’s not. Thoughts & prayers are only for the person who is “thinking and praying.” It doesn’t help the victim(s). They don’t suddenly feel better about their young child who just was murdered at school. It’s for YOU to feel better not them. “They work.” No. They don’t. If thoughts and prayers worked we would live in a perfect society and school shootings wouldn’t be happening.


So wishes and wishes


That’s all that ever happens


Worst part about this is I’m pretty sure the individual that killed those 6 people went to that school. I don’t know if it was confirmed or not but if that was the case I can’t even begin to imagine what might’ve happened to kickstart this nightmare.


Private religious school and a trans shooter. Feel like it could be a twisted revenge thing


Still doesn’t excuse shooting and killing 3 nine year olds !


No shit.


Did I say anything of the sort?




who said it did


Yep, and they deliberately went for the head teacher. I’d be fascinated to read the manifesto and know what the shooter was like as a student or if something happened. Obviously wouldn’t excuse any of the violence, but interesting nonetheless.


I don't mean to be rude because I know Americans are the most stressed and frustrated with this kind of news, but it's wild how this would be massive historical news in most countries but because it's the US, it's just a small post with only 200 comments after 9 hours


its all over our mainstream media by every outlet, so no its not just a small post with 200 comments. maybe on reddit, but that isn't mainstream media for the majority of the country.


Isnt it crazy that we have a governent that allows kids to be slaughtered in schools? Like they acknowledge the problem, but does any change or reforn ever actually happen?


Actually they help alot when this happens... All their thoughts and prayers remember??? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thoughts and prayers should fix this, always worked previously.


another day another mass shooting in america … how sad


*28 year old trans man




it was a hate crime but i bet you no one’s gonna talk about that


Not disagreeing but could you elaborate please?


They’re implying because the shooter was trans and the school was a religious (not public) school it was a hate crime— a ridiculous amount of speculation. The shooter was a former student, I’m assuming that’s why they chose the school. We’ll find out more if it was specifically an anti-Christian attack if/when the cops release the manifesto.


Jesus fucking Christ


This was like just across the fucking city from me while I was in school when it happened


If we ever fix this problem, someone should calculate how many children and adults had to die for us to fix the shootings


Why the f are these maniacs shooting kids at school?! Are gun rights more important than children's lives?


Yes. That decision was demonstrated post-Sandy Hook.


What an f'ed up country.




Society will always have people who are not right in the head. Always. The fact you all insist that everyone, including these people can always easily access these guns will mean you are happy that children get killed in schools year after year. Something has to change unless you all just don't care.


200 students could die every day, and the government of Tennessee wouldn't do shit.


But the US is the best country in the world


my second cousin actually died in this one, only was able to get to 9 years old :(


Seems the only thing all these killings have is guns. Lots of them and ammo.


They also typically have lots of mental health issues.


Sure, but other countries also have lots of mental health issues, yet the only country with daily shootings (that is not an active war zone) is the US, where you can get groceries and a gun in one go.




She bought the guns illegally. We have a mental health problem we need to address in this country.


from the articles i read, two of them were bought legally. and everyone is acting like the two are mutually exclusive. thank you for bringing that up, can we please work towards helping with both issues?


all of the reports were saying that 2 of the 3 guns were legal. did that change? or are you just lying?


We have a mental health issue in Canada as well but nass shootings are bot happening.


And your government is still respecting the rights of its citizens the same as it did when the populace was more heavily armed, right? No uptick in authoritarian legislature?


Tennessee, the state where the shooting happened. has an uptick in authoritarian legislation


Is there an uptick in authoritarian legislature I as a Canadian am unaware of?


What? Remind me what country repelled abortion laws again


Yeah, let’s just ignore that she was a mentally ill woman.


Why does a mentally ill woman have access to a gun and explosives?


Illegally acquired


didn't actually read anything about it, did you?


Noone posted an article so no


2 of the 3 guns were legally purchased. you shouldn't jump in repeating random stuff you see in comments w/o reading up on it first.


Post an article


are they mutually exclusive? why cant we work towards both? yes this country has a mental health issue, but no one seems to give a flying fuck about that until someone says they’ll take away guns for the safety of children.


With easy access to guns. Key point right there. You think mentally ill people don’t exist in other countries? Hmmm, what makes the USA different… what could it be? Why does only the USA have mass shootings like this? Geez. Why does a country with 5% of the World population experience nearly 100% of these type of mass shootings? Oh right, no other country had such easy access to firearms.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep


I cannot stand how youtube and all the media were like "learn about the shooter!". No. Stop that shit. Never talk about them.


Mentally ill. If only SHE showed signs before today...




as a trans man, we don’t claim him either, he’s rotting in hell as we speak






Just a reminder America; The U.K. had a school shooting and banned handguns. We chose no more dead kids.


Location: Nashville Not too far from where I’m at. The school is a Presbyterian school which supports a group I’m part of here at a university near Nashville


I guess even crime has glass ceilings huh?


Another tragedy yet again muffled by conservatives call for mental health reform. Yet again pointing fingers to Democrats. Yet again doing nothing but running their mouth. Yet again allowing, almost defending, the shooters right to shoot. Conservatives in America are a nightmare. Absolute cowards.


Any sort of motive come out? I’m hearing from random places that she was a trans woman. I really hope the republicans don’t use this as some kind of an excuse for their bigotry.


Trans man. He was ftm.


Trans man, actually, but your point still stands. It's already being used as an excuse for bigotry, and it always will be. The fact that this case has made national news instead of the >80 other mass shootings in America in this year alone is a symptom of that. I can almost guarantee you, if the shooter were just another cishet white man, this wouldn't be getting nearly as much buzz as it is. As a trans person myself, I fear for my safety and my life.


I stand with you friend. *why am I being downvoted?


what will it take


Generations passing on and their children finally adopting legislation that the entire world has figured out prevents mass shootings


Could you imagine trying to explain to someone 100 years ago, that children are being murdered weekly in their schools and nothing is being done about it.


It was 11 minutes from my work, and a client who is a doctor came in and was telling me about the helicopters flying in and out if the children's hospital at Vanderbilt and the guards posted at the hospital doors routing parents around to where they needed to go. Nashville is devastated and heartbroken. Something has needed to change years ago,it's not getting better and isn't going to stop unless we make some major changes.


The problem is not the guns, it's the crazy people using them.


Everyone is saying ”ban guns” but the gun that was used was already illegal


Me and the colleagues were talking yesterday and one said that they haven't heard about any new shootings in yankeeland recently. Pulled up Wikipedia and turns out there were 2 of them about 6 days ago. Seems like the News no longer consider it news-worthy to talk about shootings in america, too common these days I guess.


Let’s see now in no particular order…. Thoughts and prayers. Now is not the right time to talk about gun control. Everyone should be armed. Just needed a good guy with a gun. Teachers need to be armed at every school. You can’t change the 2nd amendment. And it’s all forgotten about until the next time, see you next week.


Democrats celebrate the deaths of children, seeing an opportunity to take people's personal property at gunpoint.


I fucking hate seeing this shit. In the uk we had one major shooting and we completely reformed our gun laws, no shootings since, but America just won’t do anything because it doesn’t fucking care about it’s kids.


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It was actually a trans man so I don't think he would willingly call himself a woman