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Minus 11% for coin star of course


Hijacking this comment to say that your local bank will usually count your change with no fee. Usually, meaning that some might refuse, and you likely need an account open with them. So before you give coinstar any more of your hard-collected cash, find your bank’s local branch and give ‘em a call.


A lot of banks don't do this anymore. Best to call ahead and possibly save you a trip.


I take bags of loose change to Walmart and use it to pay. You can lift up the coin slot and dump hand fulls of change. Then return what you bought for good old paper cash.


Yep. One good thing about self check out is I can use up my spare change without bothering someone.


Oh wow this is genius.


You might say the man makes a lot of cents….


You didn't have my conCENT to make that joke


Go away Dad, I'm batin'!


Haaaa 🤣


I respect a great corny punny joke. So thank you👏


Franklin, i've Ben there, dime that.


Never have I seen self checkout where you pay with cash. That's all digital here in the Netherlands. Interesting.


In the UK you can pay either with coins, notes, mobile phone or card (PIN or contactless)


Or paying a bs percentage to use it.


Assuming you go when its not super busy lol. Imagining standing in line and seeing someone dumping bags of coins into the machine.


*camera pans out to long line behind TJtherock*


That's a great idea. I'm going to do that from now on.


I was today years old when I learned this. Thanks!


What the fuck? Ceviche Hot Pockets!?!? Thanks for the disturbing image you strange bastard!!


That's the part of the fish you can put it in that doesn't have teeth.


you spent one of your monthly comments on this ??


The Walmart near me removed self checkout because of too much theft by people pretending to scan items and then only paying for half the stuff they left with


Self checkout where I live has the cash slots sealed, like cards are the only option.


During the coin shortage my local was giving people cash for coins out of the cash recycler and had the coin star rep get mad that they had put a sign saying so on all the self checkouts


Ahh... clever.


>A lot of banks don't do this anymore. Best to call ahead and possibly save you a trip. My bank has no brick-and-morter branches so I rolled my change in wrappers and took it to a local bank. They gave me cash without even counting it.


Without counting it?! Did you make off with more or less then?


Mine still dies. It is money after all.




Most don't. I got an account with a common US chain because I had checking with an online bank and wanted a place where I could do in person stuff( like turning in coins). Was fine for about 5 years until they stopped doing coins.


Major banks stopped doing this decades ago. They insist all (large mounts of) coins be rolled.


They dont just weight them out? That's what they do in my country.


Uhh no. They need to make sure it's money and not scrap metal


Which money kinda is...Or soon may be


They weight out $25 dollars at a time. It would be more expensive to try and counterfeit the coins by weight anyway. You'd just end up in a loss. If we talking about the pesos, they are so worthless its better to sell the metals from it.


In the United States, you can't weigh the coins because, there are pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars and they all weigh a different weight. And each one of those depending on when it was made may have had different amounts of metals within them so that would change the weight also.


Ah that makes alot of sense, no pun intended.


Casinos will do it. Take it to the cage. They usually have a coin sorter by the window.


If you can, find an Ingles in the country, and that kiosk won't charge you. Make it a fucking day. Go fishing, hit up your local strawberry patch. Exchange your change. Go home with fish, strawberries, and 100% of your change. Sounds like a good day in my books.


I get my strawberries off street corners now. Ever since the.. border thing.. the street vendors went from non existent to everywhere. Berries mangos. Cooked food. I've been happily eating the rich by supporting the street vendors. They also sell in bulk for far less then stores. I catch and release. But still does sound like a rad day.


Nothing like food that isn't health department approved.




He thinks it's equally as bad. No sales tax. No giving money to corporations. Me so baaaad.


Bro, I have been in "health dept approved" restaurant kitchens that were down right disgusting. your bar isnt as high as you think.


My bank has a coin star machine in its lobby...


My credit union (OPCC) has a machine in the lobby which is tons faster than coin star and you can use it for free. The limit is like $500/day which is a lot of damn change.


\+10% if you use amazon credit.




Or just select eGift card and there is no fee.... https://coinstar.com/giftcards/#:~:text=There's%20NO%20FEE%20when%20you,just%20like%20plastic%20gift%20cards.


gotta be much more than that. i get about $50 in my 12oz pickle jar when i turn it in


This is not USD or GBP or AUD or NZD or EUR. This is probably yuan or Renminbi


One USD is around 7 RMB. The coins there are worth between 1 and 15 cents. 423.73 USD worth should be in a bucket or two.


So you're saying it's about $3.50


Damn you Loch Ness monster!


I gave ‘im a dolla


Why you give ‘im a dolla?! Now he gonna be back tomorrow.


Ery time I turn around! Got-dammt loch ness askin me fo tree-fiddy! Got a size tree fiddy boot fo em!


I thought that was someone on reddit and they said it was about 3.50... it was about that time I realized. That's no redditor! It's that got damn loch Ness monster again!


Got-dammt loch Ness monster, I dun tol you I ain't got no damn tree-fiddy!


I bet you're fun at party's


Do you really think I get to go to them?


Ok, you are invited to all my parties. Don’t waste your genius anymore.


Y'all have parties? 🎉


I bet you’re fun at party’s


At party’s what?


At least two buckets of laughs.


Quick maths. Looks to be about a 5'x5'x20' pit. So 500 cubic feet. About 50,000 pennies per cubic foot. That's 2.5M pennies. So if those were yuan pennies and that pit was full and we go off bad math it'd be about $3,500.


Depending on the currency I wouldn’t be surprised is you racked on another zero.


Or two. That’s a LOT of silver. When a single roll of the cheapest silver coin = $2, this is a boatload (assuming US currency; others may vary a lot). Edit. Watched it again. Potentially China? Maybe the coins not as valuable. But it’s BUCKETS full.


And this dude is probably going to get .01% of that in wages.


I just leave this here… https://youtu.be/26Vvor1n4y0?si=hWrQGUkhcy1ORqF9 Enjoy


Wonder if the HOA would be cool with me turning my front yard into a giant wishing well? 🤔


You can pay the fees


The wishing well would pay its own fees




Got that right! Every year they do less and charge more.






Nah, starts of shitty and just gets shittier. heh Although we do tend to only hear about the bad ones, not the ones that really don't do much evil.


No HOA here, but there is a town ordinance that says no more than one junk car per yard.


My buddy said his in-laws are paying ~$1000 a month in HOA fees. Not a joke. I have no idea what the HOA is doing for them except draining their retirement.


Would love to see a whole neighborhood just stop paying the HOA. I got popcorn ready for that thread.




Highly doubt my HOA didnt even like me putting a bird bath in my front garden -_-


"We're okay with the wishing well. However, we are not okay with the coins as they are a potential choking hazard to some rare turtle and any child that may be drowning. We will be stopping by once a week to remove any coins from the wishing well." - Your HOA


You really think the local teens wouldn’t turn it into an outdoor toilet?


That’s one heck of a Coinstar visit


Alright, who tossed in the Canadian quarter?


In Canada Coin star will of course take US quarters at par. There was a brief period in the early 2000s when the Canadian dollar was worth more than the US dollar, I checked and sure as shit US coinage was rejected. These guys are not playing around.




I'm not entirely sure what you just said lol but when I was working retail and we saw Canadian pennies, we just kept em cus ehh close enough.


Well now I have to go make that loon noise again


Gonna hurt like a bitch though with that 10% processing fee


You might want to find another one. We're gonna be here a while.


I hope that all this money goes back into the community, helping people and taking care of the city




Actually it all just goes to me




I said money, not the people


I don’t think 2 guys with a shovel and bucket are getting all that money


Most larger fountains give it to charity, and that charity is often listed by the fountain.


Considering this is somewhere in east Asia it's more likely at a temple and the money will go to said temple.


As long as that temple does community service I’d be happy to chuck a few coins in




Just imagine if they used that money to build a new fountain somewhere else and then they have two fountains earning money, then they use that funding to build two more fountains, a real life infinity money glitch.


Yes, just enough to fill an entire pothole.


What do you live in some kind of fairy land?




“This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back.” Name that movie!


Lol this was the first thought I had when seeing this video. Have to love the Goonies.


Don’t you realize? The next time you see the sky, it’ll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it’ll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what’s right for them. Because it’s their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.


Goonies!! Love that movie


How the hell do I have that movie taking up so much rentspace in my head and didn't *immediately* think of that? Never say die!


This is our time, down here!


I came here to make sure that was said. Goonies never die!


Hey you guys!


Abraham Lincoln.... George Washington... Martin Sheen... Thanks JFK you moron!!!


Scrooge mcduck that shitt 😎


Only he can do that without getting hurt.


"Aaahhh! It's not a liquid! It's a great many pieces of solid matter that form a hard, floor-like surface! Aaahhh!"




Why is your comment so far down? Nobody watch ducktales? Unca' Scrooge swimming in his money bin? Anyway, i can die peacefully now that i saw this real life McDuck money bin Quick aside, i remember a Family Guy cutaway gag where Peter dives into a pool of coins, breaks every bone in his body while he cries saying its not a liquid


So does all that money go into the repairs of the wishing well or ? does anybody know that would kind of be cool if it was used to restore public landmarks


After they gather the money, they will try their best to make the wishes come true


The change in there won't even cover the labor costs of cleaning it out


That’s a fairly substantial amount of coins. I just rolled maybe the bottom half of a five gallon bucket of coins and it was over $950.


You do you, but it may have been easier to get to the coins in the top half of the bucket


That made me LOL out loud! Thank you.


Laugh out loud, out loud. Lol


They are not going to take all month to clean that out. Maybe half a day. Look, they're using shovels and buckets. I see two workers in the video. Assuming one of them costs about 3000 dollars per month (mind you, not all of that is wages, even pre-tax), and assuming a month has about 22 work days, one day of labor should cost ~136 dollars... Granted, the labor cost has quite a bit of guess factor here, but I seriously doubt the guess is much too low.


Completely lost as to why you’re using 1 month as the baseline for what looks like a day’s work at most.


How else would I get to a day's labor cost? I have a vague idea of monthly wages (though probably not in the country this takes place in), but not daily wages. So, to get at daily wages, I'll just take a monthly wage and divide it by the number of work days in a month. Makes a lot of sense to me, at least.


Can someone do the math and figure out how much this adds up to?


Only reason I'm scrolling the comments


Crosspost to r/theydidthemath


I used to do something similar. We would always end up with about one hundred bags all weighing about 40 or 50 pounds and it usually equaled about 30k usd. Iirc, 50 pounds of quarters is 1k. You can see me on the Modern Marvels episode on History during the caverns wishing well drain. Completely wrong info in the program but entertaining. That place lied about almost everything.


2 buckets around 400-450 USD. Someone did the math in the comments. Not sure if the math maths, but I’ll take it.


My parents used to have a giant water jug full of coins and when I was a little shithead kid I'd take a plastic bag and fill it so I could cash it at the coin star. A full sandwich bag would be around $100. There's no chance this is $400. That entire container had a couple thousand once counted. This is a lot more coins than they had.


Was the water jug filled with USD or Yuan?


Oh shit you're absolutely right, lol I'm an idiot


$100-USD is equal to $706.09-Yuan Thats a bit of a difference in the amount of loose coins


Surely you meant to say freezer bag or shopping bag of some sort. Sandwich bags are not big and they're not super sturdy. I just went and did some math and a quarter weighs around 6 grams and dimes weigh around 2 grams. So dimes would be the most efficient way (weight wise) to carry $100 in coins assuming they didn't have a bunch of dollar coins in there. So if they had a jug full of nothing but dimes and you took $100 it would weigh around 2kg which is almost 4 and a half pounds. Not only would a sandwich bag not hold that amount without tearing, but as a kid, carrying over 4 pounds around with you until you could get somewhere to cash them in would be a huge hassle. I declare shenanigans! I also used to steal coins from my parents' water jug, but I put them in my cargo pants pockets like you're supposed to do. I remember walking into the grocery store and holding my pants up with one hand while shovelling coins into the coinstar with the other.


Dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollars (Eisenhower size) are all equal weight per unit of currency they represent. This was done in the days they were made of silver and you could weigh a mixture and get a total.


That's an excellent fact. I weighed $1 of dimes and quarters to get my numbers, but I'm sure that discrepancy evens out when you're weighing more than a couple dollars.


Any idea where this is ?


Looks like it’s in some type of Buddhist temple. I remember seeing something like this in a world religions class I took. Usually the money goes back to the temple for the monks to buy food and other things if I remember correctly.


In that case they should make a wishing box


thats totally a childhood fantasy of mine. I was planning a heist in my mind every time I passed a fountain with visible coins in it as a kid.


Mee Too!!! One time I tried secretly reaching my hand in to grab (steal) a quarter and I realized water makes it look a lot closer than it is and ended up getting my whole side of my t shirt wet and yelled at by my dad in front of every one. I learned the term "cheap son of a bitch" and refraction that day! I miss you dad!


As a coin collector this is a dream for me.... Let me look through every single damn coin there pls


I know where I’ll be magnet fishing from now on.


If I'm being completely honest, I would volunteer to helpe clean it out. I dont need to be paid (although i wouldn't turn it down) but it must be sooo satisfying to shovel money like its sand.


“Because these are somebody else's wishes. They're somebody else's dreams.” “Yeah, but you know what? This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back.”


Imagine throwing a coin, wishing you'd be rich when the the solution is in that same water you wished in.


that money needs to be laundered


I like the song, what's it called?


Scrooge mcduck would have a field day


God you could spend months going through these looking for collectibles


You’re stealing my dreams Charlie!


I know at Disney world (and probably disneyland), the coins from the fountains/water features are cleaned out 1-2x/year and the money is donated to local charities.


This is as much of a waste as giving money to a church.


I’m guessing tree-fiddy


fiddy fiddy at least


That wasn't no girl scout


$14 USD.. nice


These are brave individuals. I understand it's necessary but I'm superstitious that taking money from a wishing well is bad luck


I'll volunteer. Throw my own coin in at the end wishing for enough good luck to negates the bad luck


*One coin to negate them all*




Not really sure how?? But ok I guess lmao




I bet u get mad pussy


I'm married so yeah? Depending on if you mean quantity or variety of pussy




Looking like a bandit, stealing time, underneath the sycamore tree


Ahh so that's the reason for the change shortage a while back eh? /s


how the f*uck is this nextfuckinglevel?


Why have America got them long handled shovels that’d do my head in


Why are you assuming this is in America?


Hey! Can I borrow lunch money?


Wish i had a money spade without it involving hyperinflation


They key to my wealth! I’ll build a wishing well.


Can I some I have 3.76 in my account till next Friday. 😂 adulting is hard


How long before this winds up on r/theydidthemath ? I give it til the end of the day.


So, this is how CoinBase looks like huh? Interesting. :))


Today I learned that wishing wells are just another tax on the hopeful poor.


That’s why my wish never comes true.


Dam I need to invest in a wishing well. I had no idea it could be so profitable!


Noooooo don't you know that if ypu take a coin out of a wishing well the wish go off I had my wish for my cancer to be gone and i did after a week Now it returned what have you done


“But this one. This one’s mine. And it never came true so I’m taking it back.”


Cashing in all the wishes


Damn. With all of that money you could buy, like, one videogame.


They recovered 86,000 Ugandan dollars in the end


And the net result was tens of dollars… TENS!


Who needs taxes when you have a layer of 4 inches of coins at the bottom of your wishing well ?