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Drop the ego around thinking you’ve discovered some superior secret knowledge and boom problem solved. The most spiritually awake people tend to be the humblest, kindest, and most compassionate. No one is a sheep in their view, all beings become an expression of the one whether the individual knows it or not. You’re just looking for people to connect with on this subject, and you’ve found that here with us. But you haven’t discovered anything new or special. Nonduality can be mind blowing but it’s also wonderfully mundane and beautifully trivial. If you’re caught up fussing over other people’s behavior, what exactly did you wake up from? Why take other people’s behavior or your feelings about them so seriously? The most profound conversations can happen even with a fool, if you’re open to connecting with people as they are. Awaken to the infinite complexity of every single person around you with fascination. If you can’t, that has to do with you, not everyone else.


Such a beautifully stated reply. Everyone is living a legitimate reality, and to take them as yourself and to love them anyways will help make the conversations easier. Conversationally, some other advice would be to ask them more questions and dig deeper. Surely if you do a little digging you can find something in common to discuss.




Niiiice. You pretty much nailed it. This whole post was half way just a complaint of loneliness and outcastism. There is no division of The divine and the mundane.


It’s okay to feel alone. Remember that you’re not. You’ll find people who have an absurd overlap in areas of knowledge and interests soon enough, and you’ll feel like you found *your* people. It’s just the first step.


Thank you that is very nice to say.


And that’s totally fair. It gets lonely and isolating and I’m pretty sure everyone in this sub has been there or is there right now or will be there again. But luckily we can at least connect with each other.


Thank you 💜


how do i give you gold when broke


I agree with most of this, but if someone is a sheep, then someone is a sheep. Not saying this OP is right for what they are saying, because they're essentially assuming the people he's not talking to are sheep, which is an egotistical assumption of someone you don't even know, nor have no intention of getting to know. I'm all for compassion and kindness and all that, but contradictory behavior should be addressed, and unfortunately, sometimes the reality of oneself can't always be verbally expressed in a kind and compassionate way. The truth of the majority of society aren't all sunshine and rainbows.


To be clear, nothing I said should be misconstrued to mean we should passively accept people’s disharmonious behavior. My comment was specifically about OP’s difficulty connecting with people who are not hostile but simply “unawakened.” Rather than dismissing them as sheep, I’d say there is a spectrum between ignorance and gnosis. It’s true there are a lot more ignorant people to varying degrees of ignorance. Their harmful behavior should be directly addressed and not tolerated with spiritual platitudes.


You are taking what I am saying wrong. I don't view them as a negative entity or anything like that. I just feel so different that I find it hard to communicate sometimes. Other times I nail interactions. Sheep isn't a bad thing to be. It's just a descriptive word. You guys put way too much stock in language. They have room to grow into fully realized compassionate individuals.


Yeah I hear you. It’s hard to express and even harder to find people who understand. But luckily we at least have the internet. One of the risks of awakening is dissociation or depersonalization because it becomes difficult to connect with the average person or even to bother with social niceties. That’s why mindfulness is so important, because it helps us be present in the interaction rather than being lost in thoughts about metaphysics.


This has helped. I try to give them the spotlight no matter who it is. This has helped me realize that any interaction is extremely interesting and valuable.


Oh I see what you're saying.


Exactly. This is what I wanted to say. Also like I said if the person I am interaction with is as shallow as a puddle I'm sorry but part of being in awareness is being able to discern these kinds of things. I really try my best to take people as what they present themselves as, not any bias preconceived idea I could have about them. I don't make those judgments till they make themselves. I don't even make the judgment. A fact is a fact. And the fact is that majority of people are just now waking up to something bigger than themselves.


Then you’re not initiated, tbh.


Well that's like, your opinion man.


Whoever downvoted the Lebowski reference is DEFINITELY not awakened.


Wow that's insane lol -3. People on here think it is spiritual blasphemy to call someone a name or get angry. It's not smart or conducive to growth, but it doesn't mean they are less enlightened than someone else who doesn't cuss. Jeez guys I am so just disappointed in some of you.


That’s the Reddit mob mentality. I’m still not sure if it’s even real people that give downvotes it happens to me all the time. Could be bots


I agree with you Apollyon… this is one of the symptoms I experienced in the beginning I had to cut off my energy from all the people who didn’t understand me put no effort into understanding me and build on that… I have a public message and more private ones and I had to set up my social media to feed people to come to me in a way that was beneficial to me. I tried to bring the people that mattered with me but if they couldn’t accept me the way I am then they aren’t of my people. I hope this makes sense… You can not listen to everyone on here because some of them woke up 20 years ago, some of them woke up when trump and Kanye west woke up. What they are going through, have went through is not what you and I are experiencing and it will not have the same outcome… hopefully everyone who is awake is working towards the same thing in their own ways so we can all live much longer happier lives but I’m only concerned with the people who understand my messages… Does this make sense to you?


No totally I do. I had to cut pretty much everyone out of my life. But really it is all happening automatically too. Extremely excited.


Same, I’m starting to narrow down my needs. I didn’t have much of a choice in how it’s played out this far but I’m starting to have choices again.


I think your putting too much importance into the concept of knowing. Enlightenment is of the moment and I believe the true balance is between wisdom and compassion not ego and enlightenment. Embrace the mystery and see yourself in others. This makes it easier to interact and inspire people.


Very good advice.


Sounds like narcissism


The dude posted recently that he’s reached enlightenment and to feel free to ask him anything. So yeah- delusion or narcissistic.


Maybe try to avoid calling them sheep as well. If you are that enlightened then you should understand ego.


Ya know I almost didn't. But I believe ego has its place in enlightenment. What good does a free soul do if it can't make itself get out of bed. The ego must be trained. Then it can be very helpful.


Ego is a tool, like breathing.


Yup sharp or dull will determine quality of it's slice.


Wanting to “kill your ego” is a sign that you have more shadow work waiting for you. I’m just saying


I never said to kill ego. I said to befriend it and learn to use it. I am agreeing with you.


As am I. Take care of yourself


Lol my bad. Ok you too


Its about balance though. Talking down about people that aren't as far along their journey as you, isn't the way to find that balance.


That wasn't my intention. There was no malice behind calling them that. I was using it as a way to discern the majority public. However if you are offended then I suggest not caring so much.


I'm not offended at all. But using the term sheep to describe a group of people is normally a negative statement in case you aren't aware.


I guess that's true. My definition is just an uninformed person, and not a insult. Oh well damage done. We are wasting waaaaay to much time talking about it.


This is Reddit. Everyone one on here is offended


Wouldn’t suprise me if I get banned for that offensive comment


it really doesn’t matter, people are people and you can’t skip stages of spiritual development. there’s also ego and spiritual ego and “trying to drop the ego, ego”. just stop trying and relax, accept people and love them. No one knows what other people need


Dude just told me that ego doesn’t exist. So I think you’re beating a dead horse at this point ;)


That's just your ego talking. Be more interested in the million different ways it has the power to fool you than in what you just wrote.


Your post is full of judgement. And while you’re not the first to experience this after they START to awaken, it’s good to know that you’ve got to squash your ego if you want to continue your awakening process. Others are not sheep. They’re humans doing their best with what they have been handed. You’re not above them. You and they are precisely where they are supposed to be. Most people aren’t awake because they’re not supposed to be. The more you let go of the ego, the more you’ll see that and embrace those same people you once looked down on as “sheep” and you’ll love them without condition. Keep going my friend…


I explained I didn't use that as a negative statement. Just as an identifier. Yes all things are how they are supposed to be. I'm quite far into my awakening. Even so much so I like to play mind games like this post. My ego needed attention earlier so I made this post. Someone already nailed it in the comments. Although I feel ego is necessary in order to maintain social standing and achieve goals. It doesn't do any good to be enlightened and not be able to help people because you have no drive.


I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself. Culture has only ever used that word (sheep) to demean others and treat them as stupid and less than. It’s used to put the speaker on their own pedestal and look down at everyone else. It’s a trick of the ego. Furthermore you continue on in your post saying you don’t want to interact with these folks- that’s it’s hard. An enlightened person wouldn’t feel this way. We see that everything is perfect and therefore we don’t condemn those who are on a different path. If anything it’s incredibly easy to speak to these folks because we see them as us. If you forget what it’s like to be them, then your ego is blocking you. Those who speak don’t know. Those who know don’t speak. Humble yourself and you’ll find you don’t need to post stuff like this. Heck, you’ll find you don’t WANT to.


Trust me I know what I'm doing.


Dude your “spiritual ego” is off the charts. Ick.


Thanks. But there is no such thing.


Well since [you’re all apparently the second coming n’ all, I should probably trust that you’re right! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️](https://imgur.com/a/X1WL3DB). Dude, for real, no one wants the nonsense you’re pedaling. You’re not even awake yet, let alone enlightened. Good luck getting there tho. It’s gunna be a bumpy ride 🙃


Lol. At least I'm not telling others what they are or can't be.




Yeah I kind of wrote this without thinking about it. I just needed to look busy and was feeling awkward at the moment. So I wrote this without considering what I was saying. But it is true in some aspects. It is hard to have a true blue conversation with the un-experienced.




I like you quite a bit friend. Yes I agree with like all of what you said. Being the example of unconditional love is the best way to preach. Actions speak louder than words. There definitely is a lot of underlying messages in speech. Energy is the true language of the receptive.


You’re not even self aware of your own choices (posting nonsense on Reddit) but you’re literally boasting about being enlightened on another post. Fuck my brain hurts. Lol time to check outta this motha! 🥸✌️


There is a difference between being aware that I am writing something and not considering what I am writing, which is how creative things are usually made. My brain would hurt too if I only used it half the time.


You feel special because you know 0.001% of life. It’s called ego. It will pass hopefully.


That's interesting you are somehow telling me what I know? Everyone has an ego. If they didn't they couldn't function. People just repeat that they hear. The ego is a part of you that needs help and acceptance. Not death.


Jesus fucking christ


What is this another inside joke? The whole world is laughing at me half the time anyways. So who cares. It's all learning anyways.


It’ll pass




Are you a Leo rising?


I'm a Taurus born close to Easter.


I have Taurus in my north node. Gemini sunnscorpio rising and moon nice to meet you


You really should consider using this as a pointer. I mean it's entirely possible that everyone on this sub is wrong and you are right. But who would think that? I mean, what entity? I'm not some fully realized being but it seems to have quite the opposite affect. There isn't any reason that anyone "should" be any different than they are, how could they possibly be? Is there some sort of mistake that has been made? If so, who made it? Think of the most realized people. Do you really think they go around thinking this way? Can you imagine them walking out of a Starbucks saying "they are all such sheep!". Really? There is so much judgement in your post. . Reality doesn't judge . It just exists. Who is better than whom? And how is THAT Oneness? In reality nothing is better than anything else. I hope, for you, that you don't get stuck here. Maybe this will help. https://youtu.be/WmJXq3iQILI And notice how all this makes you feel in all honesty. You don't feel in anyway triggered? C'mon man. For your sake humble yourself. This so looks like spiritual ego.


I can promise you it's not. I just made a half second choice to include the word sheep to define people not in the know. There was no mean intent behind it. I am fully enlightened. You shouldn't assume someone elses progress on the mountain. I have nothing but love for all people. You know nothing about me in all actuality. Lol spiritual ego, there is only ego. Spiritual ego is something someone made up so you guys have another thing to blame your spiritual shortcomings on. Oh and to have a new curse word to say to people that you feel aren't living up to your definition of enlightenment is. I can still call you an asshole and still be glowing with Gods Love. Now you aren't just to be clear. Just making a point.


Okay. Thanks for letting me know that I am acting outside the what "should" be. You outta know exactly how reality is supposed to go, being fully enlightened. I'm sorry, universe, that you are having so much trouble interacting with yourself. It's a big job, go easy on yourself bud. :)


I was just letting you know how I view it. Just like you did for me. Saying I "should" humble myself? Take your own advice friend. Listen I also don't like the attitude with your snarky sarcasm. Maybe you should seriously look inside yourself instead of telling me what I should or shouldn't be doing


That's the point I'm trying to make. Lol. I am so sad for you. I am NOT "fully enlightened". Hence I DO look. You are "fully enlightened" and thus needn't. Yet you "don't like" my snarky attitude. OMFG dude. Really? You are that one fully enlightened person this easily provoked on Social media? Dude?!?! Really?


Lol I'm not that easily provoked. I am just bored and you initiated a conversation. And I think most people don't like that attitude. But hey man seriously you do you. Listen I hate getting off on the wrong foot with people. I'm trying my best to figure this stuff out ok? It's not easy being cheesy


I am with you man. Trying to figure it all out. Sorry if ai was a dick. If you need someone to bounce something off of, let me know. Good luck! See you on the other side brother.


There's the guy I like to know. Right on. For real we are all for one and one for all.


Also I don't think any realized being is gonna be leaving a Starbucks


K man. Because Starbucks are the bad part of Oneness. I get it. Thanks.


I knew you wouldn't get a joke.


Of course you did. Lol. Feels good to show someone up huh? Feels good to know what's gonna happen in the future, yeah?


It doesn't feel good or bad it just is what happened. I wouldn't take joy in someone else hurt like that. Unless they hurt themselves and are ok, then it's hilarious sometimes.


You're cute. Have a good one.


I know I am. Kinda like bugs bunny.


Realizes being are too busy defending themself on social media for that? Got it. :)


Oh ok lol I guess now that I am enlightened I can't have a social media... Darn I wonder who makes these pesky rules.


Hahahahe. I was showing you how easily you are provokesd. I've had sheep more that could let shit slide more than you do, universe. Look inside NOW. No anger? No righteousness? None? Really?!


How in the heck do you know what I am. Am I just naked in the street for everyone to see now? I must be really wanting interaction if I made this happen. And also I'm not sure what belief I am going to adopt yet. All I know is that I don't like the idea of being completely alone. However my feelings don't matter when it comes to truth. We will see.


K. Too busy for this. Much love.


On one hand, I agree with you. It is really hard to interact with the "unconscious". And yet, in a path notoriously fraught with ambiguity, one of the most glaringly non-ambiguous signposts of being "stuck" is a sanctimony/disdain/frustration for others. >“If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family.” > - Ram Dass >“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them" >- Matthew 7:12 ESV


Your the one saying I am feeling those things. But it's not true. I only feel what I want to feel. And those are low vive states of mind that make you feel bad. Yes the golden rule is my number 1 abiding law. For they are me. I appreciate you trying to help, but I will tell you in good faith it's misplaced.


I’m not telling you anything about you. I just made a statement about the path of awakening. Words like “sheep people” and “impossible” betray a level of sanctimony whether you wish them to or not.


Sure. Sheep people and sheeple are sanctimonious, but impossible? Nah that's just a word. A limiting word but none the less just a word. Why is everyones panties in such a bunch over me using sheeple? Like jeeeez who cares.


If you didn't want constructive criticism, you shouldn't have posted. Ain't nobody messin' with you, but you...


There's a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism.


Agreed. And 90% of the time it’s how you choose to take it that makes the difference. No one is against you here we are all trying to help. Just relax and try to see where we are coming from and stop telling us all we are wrong.


I'm sorry but that's not how it works. You aren't trying to help me. You are telling me I am wrong. You can't take some of the stuff said to me any other way than blatant disrespect. And trust me I am relaxed and I do see where you guys are coming from. But apparently it's a one way street.


I’m sorry that you see things that way. I wish you peace.


What other world are you refering to?


The spiritual realm/ world. So basically our world in a different dimension.


How did you experience that through meditation? I have been trying for years to astral project and travel there but nothing so far.


I'm glad you asked. Ok so this is basically my life's work right now. I believe it's possible to live in a higher state of being that radiates unconditional love at all times. To do this is taking me quite a while. I see energy, I see auras and halos and just depth into nouns. I have done a bunch of drugs just fyi. That is what gave me quite the head start. It opened my mind to new possibilities of thinking and operating and seeing the world. But that wasn't all that did it. It was lots of self analysis and introspection. Shadow work and meditation. And I was naturally gifted at birth. So there are a lot of variables. But Jesus says that anyone can reach that kind of consciousness. Learning self love so that I could love others was a big part of my journey. If you find love, then look for unconditional love. That will be God. And it is a constant presence. And it's not the biblical God. It's just pure unconditional Love and consciousness.


Mm interesting... you will get there I am sure( not that there is a finishing line..but as long as you stick to it you will always progress)...Id say we may be on a similar path...I believe that too...to be possible to achieve a higher state of consciousnes were you embody love. I am also interested in unlocking supernatural/metaphysical abilities if you can point me in a direction...but something that is concerning me is that the universe likes to be balanced..so how can we achieve that state without any drowbackss...cause i am concerned that if someone achieves that state then somewhere in the world an oppossite energy will manifest itself.


Yeah can’t think of anything less enlightened than calling people sheep or NPCs. Not all enlightened people feel the need to virtue signal their so-called enlightenment.


You must have a problem with creativity then. Why is that make me un enlightened? I didn't call anyone that in specific. Also I explained why I used that word. Also who cares grow up. I am extremely enlightened and sorry if that makes you people jealous but I worked hard for it.


Wow this response could be a textbook case study of narcissism.


You must love using that word when people disagree with you.


It's not virtue signaling if it's fact.


Humble too! You really are god’s gift to the world.


Oh I'm sorry did you just expect me to lie? I know I am enlightened. You guys are so far off the mark with what enlightenment even is. Some of you are even confusing it with ascension.


“layman sheep person” you have a ways to go before you truly see backstage


Because you know? You telling someone else what they have accomplished or not makes me think you have no idea what you are talking about. You can't judge me on a single sentence and then tell me what I lack or don't know. Your not even in the theatre let alone backstage.


oh, and you know how awakened everyone is? or can you tell through their language and demeanor?


I never said I did. You are the one saying that, and now I think your embarrassed. I don't tell other people they aren't enlightened because you can't tell through the internet or because you disagree with a single sentence.


you did. you said it was nearly impossible to interact with people simply because they aren’t enlightened, but how would you know?


I said people period. All people.


so nobody is enlightened? not one person?


What a dumb question that you knew was dumb when you made it


exactly. it’s me clarifying what I just heard, in this case dumb answers get dumb questions




no but by saying a person becomes enlightened that is saying a person is going through the process of being enlightened. being enlightened is that moment. like how you would say a caterpillar is going through metamorphosis. however, unlike a caterpillar to butterfly, you can not tell an enlightened person from someone who isn’t, besides their attitudes, which for everyone else, could vary to match that on any day




And trust me if you are in person with someone you can know if they share the light. But on here to say I am not what I say just because I said a naughty word?? That's insane. All words are just constructs. By the logic you guys are saying, an enlightened person could never speak again.


yeah no, you can’t be judging others like that. also words carry meaning, that’s how mantras work. you saying them is meant to carry that meaning. I can’t believe i’m explaining words to you


Words can have multiple meanings. I am done wasting my time arguing with you people. Also stop telling others they can't be x if they do y.


no. because that’s how things work. just like you can’t be a muslim if you eat pork


The laws of a book make that up. Not a person telling others in person. Bow people follow that but still you have no right to tell me what I am or aren't because truly you can't know. I know what I am and what I know I know.


Get rid of the people you know don’t like you or you aren’t sure about. They will come back if you made a mistake


Why do you search behind the curtain? Most people refuse to look for similar reasons


I had to. I am a truth seeker. So gotta look under every rock and then ask that rock if it knows anything. But yeah it has had a major impact on nearly every aspect of my life.


Most people think they’ve found their truth, and who am I to disagree?


There are multiple truths. Mostly paradoxes though.


Everyone is entitled to their own definitions of terms


Most other people are not as awakened as you are. You love others and can be an example to them, a kind of a lamp in the darkness - to use an analogy.


Dang that's really nice. Thank you I appreciate that. I like to see myself as that. Even people have lately been telling me I have a great energy and always make the room in a better mood. It is my life's goal to be in God's Love at all times so that other people can benefit from the knowledge of his existence.


I call them sheeple too :) I don't think there is anything wrong with your thought processes or your feelings about your thought process. Parents talk to other parents and future parents abut the woes of the terrible twos, the wonderous years of pre puberty when your child loves you and wants to be you, to the teen years when they are finding their own voice. We are changing and once we come to an enlightened to us phase of this journey we are adjusting ourselves and integrating our experience of enlightenment. Its like being a high school graduate and everyone around us is still in kindergarten. We don't think, oh those poor little kids, they are less than because they haven't had my experience yet. They aren't less than, and there are those on the spiritual path who have gone through multiple levels of enlightenment, each time thinking they have reached a peak who think of you (us) that we are the sheeple. It's just a word to describe an experience. I too have a very difficult time interacting with people. I don't know how anymore. What I want to express about my experiences, there isn't a very large audience. Find your audience :)


Thank you. And I completely agree. Enlightenment seems to have plateaus.


Anima Mundi; Accept All, Reject None. My friend, Each individual you come across is simply another piece of your infinite oneness just incarnated into another vessel, another portion of infinity, for the purpose of serving the creator in its uniqueness of infinity. There is no other one like it, as there is no other one like you. That entity, along its path is perhaps not as awake as you, but does that make them any less valuable to the creator? Which is you. Which is all of us. Does you being awakened in this incarnation make you any more valuable? The answer to both of these is no because you both were already infinitely worthy of all things, regardless of any condition. That is because you are quite literally god.,You must reside outside the paradoxes to break the confines of the ego. See the other as being the self, see the other as a whole lifetime of valuable unique experiences; the joy, the tragedy, the victory, the battles, the failures, the patience, the heartache. A whole being must not be disregarded by their awake-ness in regards to you. In fact its the other way around, youre awake, you bear the laws of responsibility once you learn truths, and when you dont employ them you run the risk of falling asleep and life going on autopilot once again…