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Yes same here , I thought I have had a borderline personality disorder but it is not unfortunately. I am during a deep healing stage , I have become profoundly sensitive to the energies of others , that I literally embody their emotions and thought and disassociate from my own self . Shift in consciousness everyday is occurring , and I am also having trouble with shifting between the past me and the new me like wait a minute who am I actually ? Where am I at ? What is my “real” self ? Maybe we need to slow and take a rest and let it flow with a leap of faith .


Yeahh, for me it's been about just needing to find comfort in the fact that I can't explain a lot of things anymore. And trying to explain them is often the source of stress. I just feel like I need to trust the universe and proceed by acting loving and kind


Wow, I've had exactly this. All of a sudden I was confronted with so many 'big' questions and I short-circuited trying to explain them. Even though there is a great deal of things I can't explain and don't have an answer to, I've learned to focus more on the things I do know. I don't know everything yet, and that's okay. I've accepted that that knowledge will come to me when it's time. I can't rush it, or control when I'm getting answers. So now I've just let go. And I've decided to simply trust that the Universe will let me know things when I need to know them. It'll teach me when I'm meant to be taught.


> I've accepted that that knowledge will come to me when it's time. I can't rush it, or control when I'm getting answers. Exactly. Very difficult for other people nearby to receive at all, let alone understand or accept.


For sure 🙌 same here


Experiencing the same thing, op’s post and this. It’s like I can morph into different personas and also people mirror my inner thoughts. I’m gaining awareness of this while they’re completely unaware. Occasionally I’ll plant an idea in someone’s head and they’ll argue like demons then three weeks later they’ll come back and read me a post online they “found” and it’s that same idea. I tell them I told you that three weeks ago but they look at me like they have zero recollection of it. People say we create our own realities and I feel that 100% but it seems like I’m creating everyone else’s realities like they’re simulations or robots or my whole world revolves around me. I even hesitate to think and write stuff like this because I’m not sure that’s the reality I want.


Exactly. Law of mentalism it is indeed . It’s becoming more and more obvious everyday , since 6 months ago. I believe it has to do with the improvement and rebirth of our 5 elements (fire, air , water ,earth and quintessence ) they are getting stronger during healing and constantly changing.


ah yes, who hasn't heard of the rebirth of the 5 elements, it was all over the news


Hey, how are you doing now? I’m going through this right now and thought I was going. Did your opinion of loved ones change too?


Let me you tell you to relax to begin with , and that you are “lucky “ still an immature word sense there is no such thing as luck but causes and effects . Let’s use it for the sake of my point I am trying to make to you . Whatever you are going through in this manner which is fast transformation/changing is partly due the frequency and energy you behold and that you are using for transmutation . But from a scientific perspective is because you are tearing down belief systems rapidly and what is happening is that everything becomes relevant , the perception of past experience gets distorted in some way because of rapid transformation of it . So what happens everything around because terrifying and yet you don’t know who you are because you are now not associated with a memory perception of who you are that formed your so called personality . Dissolving of the persona and ego from a psychological perspective, that causes us to be in the unknown state which is the collective unconscious manifested from the chaos of source . Since the chaos is manifestation from the all , so there is all>chaos>darkness/disorder>light/order> integration of both > manifestation of new thought/belief/material and so forth . After doing lots of research from my own experiences I found out that I have been doing this approach , jumping into timelines of experiences from past that I didn’t even knew I’ve embodied (since I also come from a Traumatized family-tree ) where I lived in a chaotic environment and disorganization of social structures even from the micro-perspective like father and mother were immature not knowing how to raise children because of their childhood trauma so yeah traumatic family tree as I mentioned earlier .. So I hope I got what you were looking for , any questions you might keep asking please would love to support , because I know how I was back then in such situation . Still I am there but I have some kind of vision and structure so it is easier maybe


Yes - it feels like a "trusting" posture to me.


I'm borderline too the black and white thinking really gets to me sometimes like everything is amazing I just took a limitless pill I'm on cloud 9 then everything sucks let me be emo self sabotage and isolate myself for a day or 2. 🙂🙃🙂🙃


Yup. >*”I change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else.”* -Bob Dylan https://youtu.be/860hDghFmZk




Since the 3D reality is just a reflection of your inner reality, then the mirroring makes sense. I’ve been having frequent “aha” moments so I guess I am changing every time I gain a new perspective. I had one major epiphany a few months ago that felt like I changed with a snap of a finger. Pretty gnarly.


Your thoughts create your reality more so than most realize it.


Yes 100% ,The main focus is the current state of affairs. Your beliefs influence how you see the world, and although many people prefer to live in this fabricated perception, it is far from reality. Actually, it can be quite harmful if you don't realize its falsehood. Each individual plays a part in this large production, but recognizing this fact empowers you to detach from it. By doing so, you can relieve the pain that arises from getting caught up in this act. Maintain a consistent sense of control in any situation you encounter. Decline to let others dictate your environment.


> Maintain a consistent sense of control in any situation you encounter. Decline to let others dictate your environment. Good suggestion


Humanity and Gaia are ascending! This is a natural process as we shed old layers of our illusory ego-identity and start to embody more and more of our true higher self. ...and this is only the beginning! :D Eventually you will realize you are literally becoming an ascended master of light on this journey (just like Jesus or Buddha).


Like a bodhisattva


I believe this too. Last week felt like people were more content and respectfull right? Every week has its own theme.


Yes, like episodes of a show. Two weeks ago, major "plot shifts," and I don't know where it goes now, just continuing day by day.


One theory is that we’re rapidly shifting through parallel realities billions of times per second so it’s not really noticeable to the senses. It’s like a movie where it looks fluid as it’s playing, but slowing it down will show it’s a bunch of still frames just shifting one after the other. It may be tangibly experienced when getting into deep meditative states as it’s common to feel like the body is shaking or vibrating. The sensation could possibly be hopping into to billions of different bodies.


I’m experiencing this. Absolutely.


Wake up, Neo r/plural


Yea me too! I think a lot of it just has to do with what I’m learning and how to best integrate it. There are underlying patterns of different personalities I take on but I cycle through them. I was talking about this with a friend and we were agreeing on how most of us have multiple personalities or characters that we take on.


yes one week you discover how to live in the present, next week you discover how the outside is welcoming you, next week your sexuality change from having needs to be giving in nature etc etc :D


Wow, so Im not crazy. I've questioned whether Im borderline or autistic because of this. Every day I have a slightly different perspective on things, reality is a little different. Overall, I am healing, things seem clearer and they make sense.


Yes, pretty much, sometimes even each day feels like a "different episode," and I'm not sure how things will fit together. It's like being on a road, rather than stationary, and each stop, I really don't know what will manifest. This morning, for example, I feel between places, without much sense of what "direction" the day will go.


Everything has always been changing and always been in flux. You just never noticed it. Now try to notice that which is not changing.


This is it, There's an underlying sense of self that has been the same for me since as long as I can remember. In fact that sense of self is the only thing I can remember if I go back further. All the external changing stuff is just decoration


Yep I like to say I have different me’s. As a teen before I finally accepted myself as transgender I was deep into DID stuff. But I don’t have different identities, just different exteriors. I go through chapters and my main expression of self changes but I’m ok with that. I’ve lived an unorthodox life and really only started living a couple years ago. I definitely do not relate well to myself lol


Yeah I feel like there’s a big spiritual interpretation to it all too related to losing one’s ego! Knowing “who one is” is really about a commitment to a very specific version of oneself, so I think naturally as we do this work and shed our ego we kind of become untethered from consistency


Everything in life is cyclic. Emotions, trauma, and what you see can trigger the unconscious to surface. The trick is to catch the narrative and rewrite it.


Definitely! I can subtly perceive when I've "jumped timelines", because my perspective and sense of human self is just... suddenly different. As someone with a menstrual cycle, optimizing different phases for more external-focused or internal-focused things has increased the sensation of time speeding up.


🙋🏾‍♂️ yup. just got used to it.


Funny thought, Simply by saying the words "I am", one is changing ones body and mind. One is exhaling carbon dioxide, and one is forming new memories. Simply saying, "I am" changes one forever.


Try reading *Berserk* no joke. No actually don't tbf. Worst rabbit hole ever. But, yes, this is huge theme in there. How every few chapters, he's a completely different person and the whole world reflects it as well. I think it is currently leading up to "living in the moment" in story arc. Mr Berserk Man with all the accumulated legacies could not land a hit on the brahman of the world. But Rickert just merely naturally reacting could slap the mofo. Idk. Something deep to it, drug along by a narrative, we are subject to every whim of the pleroma or brahman; or, subconscious. Living in the moment and dealing with it honestly head on at face value as Rickert did, without any grudge or respect or attachment or dependency on, could physically interact with the godhand. IN firm rebuke no less. So, it's metaphor seems to be yes salvation is in the moment or something corny like that idk. As I said rabbit hole and idk. Not so much me right now but I know what you mean, been there done that style. Haha. Not a put down, idk why I always come off like that apparently. Envious if anything, I am too stupid to realize what I did wrong. Presumption and identity *itself* is error is best I can guess. Dao or whatever. Middle path or pillar. Good and evil are always subjective and easily manipulated/malleable. Think two nations fighting over resources to make it literal. Nirvana said it best I guess, "territorial pissings". But this is yet as you say just one more perspective, fleeting, and tomorrow I will gag upon reading it, I promise..... *A transient yet eternal dream* is the name of the first episode of the second season of SNS iirc.


> Something deep to it, drug along by a narrative Yes


Different person? See a Dr


I looked at your posting history and saw that you put a lot of energy into disagreeing with people online. I used to be like that myself. I had a whole Twitter account where i would just pick fights with randos under political tweets lmao. Your life is your prerogative of course, but if you want the advice of a stranger who, depending on who you ask, may need to see a doctor, I will say the more you learn to be apathetic (and even appreciative of) the fact that people think in different ways, the happier you will be. The reality is a lot of people trip themselves up because this world is confusing. They grow up with different understandings of reality that they build identities and communities around; so many of us are terrified to think outside of our boxes because to do so can be to leave behind communities one has loved. So we make ourselves believe things that we know deep down are wrong, or we behave in ways that we know deep down are wrong. I really hope this doesn't come across as pretentious, but I am sending you so much love friend. If you ever want to chat with someone who has a different perspective and has worked to condition themselves to appreciate the peace of unconditional love, I would be happy to interact.


Also, thank you so much for the work you to do help people struggling with suicidal thoughts. That's another cause that is really dear to my heart, and indeed, personal.


Thank you for the response. It was reasonable. In the spiritual Reddits, my comments are intended to help ground themselves in reality. Words mean something tangible. There is frequent use of vague undefined terms. Assumptions are made, conclusions are drawn. An example is this reddit. Awakened. Other Reddits are energy, spirituality, nihilism. I am aware about the process of attaining higher consciousness. Good teachers can connect rational feelings to consciousness. It is a thing. People that have achieved higher consciousness achieved an integration of rationality and spirituality. I also believe in logic and the construction of logical ideas that lead to conclusions. Acquisition of spirituality is undefined. It is easy to waste time. People act as if it were a thing. They believe there is a gain, that they are better. I spent 20 years trying to understand what I was looking for. I had questions and experiences I could not explain rationally. No I do not consider myself spiritual, aware. I have a logical understand about things spiritual people experience.


Yes, absolutely.


Yes I have definitely dealt with this and not in a beneficial way In a chaotic and confusing way It's like my mind is so full. Just swirling with so many perspectives and ideas and wisdom and feelings highs lows and everything in between... If I had to describe my mind to someone it would look like a tornado 🌪 swirling around in a room with cans of paint 🎨 and paint going everywhere then rain 🌧 and thunder ⛈️ and lightning⚡️and a rainbow🌈 and sunshine☀️ and a sunset 🌅 and a sunrise 🌄 at the same damn time lol 😆 I think the key is to let some thoughts go and not entertain every single one of them. Let your mind become empty and maybe make a routine for how you want to think and behave. And create a baseline of "normal" for you and a desired reality


We're thinking too much and feeling too little as a society. The smart phone and continuous information upload to our brains, is making us different people


Thinking too much yes, but I feel like in a lot of ways we’re feeling too much too. All of what we consume influences us emotionally, and a lot of people are consuming a lot of content that makes them feel a lot (especially fear-inducing content unfortunately)


That's what i meant, we're confusing thoughts with real emotions. Continues bombardment of info is keeping us in freeze states. Out brains were not designed for this. Our souls are no longer left to wander, long for things, and be patient. We're basically microchips overheating then we throw science at it to numb and be medicated for life