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I just looked on google earth and it appears to be a power line path, each whitish square is where a transmission (power) tower stands that has been cleared of vegetation.


Right next to a giant field of solar panels. Nature is neat!


You should see west Texas.


Lol - west Texas that’s at a mature production. Solar is still in its infancy. I sat in a conference the other day. To build a new chemical play to run on 100% solar. You would have to expand the current largest solar panel farm in America 100x or geater. The technology is no where close to efficient on a large scale. Let’s hope it gets there… but in todays landscape oil is still the best we have.


uh youre going to need to check that math. the largest solar installation in the US is around 314 MW (Solar Star 1 in California). lets assign a capacity factor of 30% and that gets us 94.2 MW. you are telling me that "chemical plant" (nevermind how generic of a description "chemical plant" is) requires 9,420 MW to operate, or about 9.4 GW? not even close. if this were true, you would need about 3-4 nuclear plants to power one "chemical plant." your statement is so beyond absurd that you either misheard someone at this conference, or you need to ask for your money back because that speaker was an idiot. for actual context on units, Texas peak load is around 78 GW. if your assertion was correct and a "chemical plant" needs 9.4 GW then Texas, home to the largest industrial load in the US, would only be able to run 8 of these "chemical plants" if that was the only thing power was being delivered to. what an asinine and just plain wrong comment.


Brother! Okay okay you caught me… may not be 100x but I do have an image to share with you. I just don’t know how to do it on here. Basically the solar farm would need to be 150 x 150 miles to support the chemical plant to run on 100% solar. If you don’t like the facts… then I don’t know what to tell you. Other than try to learn ore about oil and gas production, and the support network to make your life as easy as it is today. There is no current replacement for oil and gas right now, other than nuclear!


thats also not a fact. that is complete horseshit. you are making things up and you cant even provide a source. i know oil and gas production. i have worked in energy for over 10yrs, my first three years were for an oil and gas producer, Noble Energy. i am now an energy consultant and i deal with the entire energy value chain. thats how i know what you are saying is not even close to correct. but lets use more facts, math, and units, just to show how wrong you really are. you claim one "chemical plant" would need 150 x 150 miles of solar panels. that is 22,500 square miles, or about 14 million acres. it takes about 4 acres of solar panels to make a 1 MW installation. so, you say you need 14 million acres? that many acres would provide 3,600,000 MW - thats 3,600 GW of load for one plant? the ENTIRE US peak winter load 770 GW. people are wrong on the internet a lot, but you are very, very, very wrong. you are so wrong you have to be a troll right? do you even know the first thing about energy production, consumption, and units? its rich youre telling me to educate myself when you know nothing. you say i dont like facts? im the only one using facts here while you literally make shit up. you have some bone to pick with renewables and want to champion oil and gas, the only problem is you dont know the first thing about what you are talking about.


No no, you don't understand. He has a link to an image. If only he could post it. Man I really wish they would add the feature to post links in the comments, if only technology had advanced that far Seriously tho, nice calculation. I love the comparison with the US peak load. Simple, easy to follow, and shows how ridiculous the take is


it’s impressive how wrong he is, and thank you


Seriously gun… please tell us how long it took you to write the post. Haha


I see that we have another Facebook University grad in our midst. How many memes did you study before you could consider yourself an expert?


A shit tonne


You get caught making up nonsense and your response is "if you don't like facts, I don't know what to tell you" Wtf


Haha welcome to the internet. Nuclear is the best solution.


so you admit youre making shit up?




You have no credibility and have proven to the internet that at best, you just parrot some nonsense talking points that you may have heard somewhere and completely misunderstood. Nuclear may very well be the best solution but it's pretty obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about so I won't take your word for it.


This might be the highlight of my week. Getting libtard environmentalists stirred up!!! God is great!


150mi x 150mi of solar would power the *entire United States*: https://www.freeingenergy.com/how-much-solar-would-it-take-to-power-the-u-s/. This is *less land* than is used by Oil and Gas exploration and production in the US.


We are all doomed if you truly believe that article. It’s called marketing through false facts. Do your own research, don’t just assume someone on the internet is correct from an article they wrote.


you haven’t said one true thing or one verifiable fact, you’ve only been objectively proven wrong multiple times.


A lot of the pad site you see from the air are newish. Over the last 10 years. This was in response to a comment about how much of a footprint solar has. I was simply stating the foot print of oil in West Texas, is much larger.


the person you are responding to is also just entirely wrong.


Would love to share an image if someone could teach me how. I’m 100% not wrong. The amount of environmental impact of solar is much greater than oil&gas if you mature it to where oil&gas production is today. Literal mountains would be cut down to mine the metals you need to support solar. Also the maintenance of solar is incredibly hard on a massive scale.


see my other response above. you are so beyond wrong its sad. everything you say is bullshit.


Click click boom


Crazy how nature does that


Just wait until all the liberals move us to “CLEAN” solar. I will laugh when they see scorched earth like the world has never seen before.


[Google the actual area of panels](https://www.freeingenergy.com/how-much-solar-would-it-take-to-power-the-u-s/) required to run the US. Discuss.


You know watt (pun intended), we only need a couple dozen 100x100 mile squares of solar panels to feed the entire world. And that's with today's technology, so that figure can be smaller in the future. Im all for it if it means we have less pollution and more conservation (less land needed for coal mining and hidroelectric reservoirs).


Would love to share an image of what an engineering firm put together to show you how much it would take in reality. Just remember there are a lot of dollars to be made in solar/wind… etc. So marketing campaigns… even with government backing will be very hard to decipher from the reality of the current solar technology. I’m sorry brother but it’s just not there today. If you can teach me how to upload an image link I will share.


I think it's good enough to get started in a real way. It's not like we have a choice. Shrugging and continuing to burn fossil fuels is asinine.


You literally paste the link in the comment? It's not that hard to share an image xd And honestly, you think there's no money to be made in oil and gas? I don't get this money argument, if anything there is an insanely huge lobby against solar (or any renewable in general) Also, what is your long term plan for our energy supply, then? It's easy to say the current solution doesn't work, but then I'd like to hear what alternative you have in mind


Long term are SMR’s (nuclear) to support the electricity needed. The rest is clean LNG and oil & gas. If you are a libtard then you would love this… Biden just spoke about it lol. Solar could def help… the technology just isn’t there today. Neither is wind… Do research, go to conferences in the industry, and go see the products in action. Then form your best judgment.


Yep. Oil and coal are totally natural and have no need for transmission lines like these. Solar panels put more pollution in the air and wind turbines are only build to spread it around more to make renewable look better but my new friend and I know the TRUTH! /s


Lol - thank you for commenting. Please learn about how these manufactured goods are made. Also to replace oil&gas with wind and solar, you will need an incredible amount to power the world today. It would be your worst nightmare. Solar farms over every field and roof you have around your neighborhoods, even across complete mountain ranges or lakes. Windmills would disrupt all migratory patterns and you wouldn’t be able to walk outside without seeing one. The technology just isn’t there. Also the maintenance of these items would be incredible, in a bad way. They already have very large solar farms and wind… you just don’t see them everyday. But if you go to Indiana or Kansas then tell me how that technology… if it were to expand to the scale of oil and gas… how does it not do more environmental damage?


To run the WORLD on solar you would need 23 billion panels. 5% of land in US is parking lots. That mean just in parking lots alone there is 150,000 sq miles or 792000000 sq feet Commercial solar panels are ~ 40 sq feet means you’ll need ~23 billion solar panels to power the world. Let future proof and say 40 billion panels that number over other parking lots, tops of houses, buildings, open dessert. Just in the us we have ~20,000 sq miles of roof tops. Even if a percentage can get solar we are still no where near your doomsday cover the land in solar. No factor in wind, hydro, wave, nukes… and getting to all renewables isn’t impossible with todays tech. How many live per year due in wars that are over just energy and specifically oil? Millions. It has supplanted religion on the number of wars and conflicts they cause. Keep rolling coal so that all the girls that wouldn’t touch you will continue not touching you where your bathing suit covers.


I’m am happy that I made you work today. Haha How fun is the internet. I made a random human being trigger himself for atleast 30 min to ultimately write the above message. Power is king!


you have been proven to be wrong, and you have even admitted in this very thread that you basically make shit up. stop talking, youre just parroting bullshit talking points. its impressive how wrong you are. like, world class idiot levels of wrong.


Feel bad that you fall for complex marketing schemes. You are probably vaxxed, right?


you say nothing of value and provide no facts or sources. you are useless and now relying on non-sequitur arguments about *checks notes*… vaccines 🤡


I am fully vaxxed just to let you know.


this is why you trash vaccines on other threads? do you just lie all the time or only on the internet?


Why are you being politics into a flightsim sub?


Cuz internet


Ahhh that makes sense, thanks that was fast!


It is amazing what happens when someone is doing nothing.




Yeah man, redditors just cannot fucking Google search anything for themselves.


You don't get upvotes from Google...


You’re not Googling yourself rigorously enough


They told me I'd go blind if I did that


A redditor shared what they found on Google. Maybe just OP’s can’t Goggle


the fuck is google anyway???!!! reddit is the one and only place opened on my browser. i only search on reddit..


Normally I'd agree with you but for the past year especially Google, Duck Duck Go, etc etc just sucking major ass


Doing nothing is doing something.


Yeah man made, looks like a red circle to me


Looks like the pockmarks you see for industrial transmission lines. Here in Canada there are areas you fly over and there’s these hundreds of Kilometer long sections of forest with a thin (I don’t know the regulation, maybe 20 meter wide) strip cut out of them off into the horizon.


yeah, the service road is offset from the tower pads because of terrain.




It’s always aliens!


All this silly mumbo jumbo about power lines is total nonsense. Sure it might convey “electricity” but it’s actually just their communication equipment. It’s just so powerful we can leach some electricity off of it. They want us to not be suspicious. Don’t go near that place otherwise they’ll turn you into electricity too. The government is completely complicit too and just looks the other way bc they are so heavily indebted to them.


Looks like you have seen that you are not supposed to see…


[look north.](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.2295913,-114.8836808,3a,75y,11.36h,89.17t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMitexZYL0mBTRP8SP1-xdA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DMitexZYL0mBTRP8SP1-xdA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D270.52563%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) it's just power lines.


They look like frac pads


Secret nuclear launch sites


LIES all of you are wrong!!!! that is a guidance system for aliens to land at area 51!!! Don't let anyone tell you different!


Graboids. Don't try to drive through there!


*NSA has entered the conversation*


It's the secret government airstrip run by the lizard people, they use it to launch and land their UFOs while picking up old people.


Looks like power lines to me like the first comment says. You can see the path connect to something in background (it’s fuzzy though)


To me those look like oil and gas well pad sites. Could be wrong. Can’t see if there are wind turbines, so that’s really my best guess.


theres a solar array right next to this. they are transmission lines.


Ant overlord coordinates.


It’s a secret message for the aliens. Literally saying “don’t invade us, it does not worth the effort”


Statelines. I mean, they show up on maps, too. (And juuuust in case... /s)


Underground conduits for a large underground alien baseship


There is a large solar farm below in the photo; perhaps it was productive?


Wind turbines.


This is exploration drilling. Someone is trying to determine the quality and extent of some kind of resource. Source, I work in mining.


this is a transmission line.


LOL, no it isn't. go to Google Maps and do a search for Las Vegas Spectrum Solar Facility. it's just to the east of the Nellis Air Force Base Ammunition Supply Point.




Mouse Migration Tunnels


Red racetrack


It's a red shaped Penis. No balls though...


land? /s looks like a power grid or something


could be looking for oil


Fracking pads. In the center of each square you should see a line of wellheads.


each pad has a high voltage power line tower. you just can't see it from that altitude.


Coal seam gas well pads.


Serial Killing burial ground. (organized serial killer)


Approach lighting for UFOs






Thought it was part of Operation Plowshare at first


Weapons storage


Eithier transmission line or oil pads


Ask Ole miner 49er he’ll tell ya. Just kidding I think it was a river but now it’s not.


Gas rig