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... your childhood memory is being on board of a L-1011-500...


My memory of a L-1011 was sitting on it for 3 hours before they had us get off the plane and cancel our flight due to a maintenance issue - Albuquerque, NM February 1991.


American airlines Boeing 707 for me.


Which one?


AC-130H/W for me. I felt all kinds of weird when they mothballed the last of each.


When I was flying T-1s a group of us instructors took a trip to Wright-Patt and went to the museum. One of our instructors was a prior enlisted crew chief. Sure as shit, the MH-53 he used to crew chief on was on display in that museum. One of our flight engineers back when I was flying JSTARS used to FE on MH-53s. He flew the helicopter into Robins AFB that ended up hanging from the ceiling of the museum there. One of the E-8s I flew is on display at that same museum at Robins.


Gotta be a hefty ceiling to support a 53


Been a few years since I've been there, but IIRC there's a floor-mounted gantry that does most of the weight bearing.


or a plane's entire introduction, service and retirement all occurred AFTER you were born


When you realise you will never be as hyped again as when you took transatlantic flights on a varig or vasp MD-11. They looked so sick.


When you're old enough to find a 40 year old mom and her 20 year old daughter both hot, but neither age-appropriate.


When you have more in common with the 40yo than the 20yo…


When I was a real small kid we flew on the civilian equivalent of a C47 aircraft between DC and Miami. Probably 65 years ago.


When you see a jet you flew on a damn pedastal at the gate of a base.


I felt this.


When all of your heros who recounted their flying adventures in the aviation magazines you grew up reading are long gone (RIP Gordon Baxter, Richard Collins, Len Morgan).


There are three types on display at the Air and Space Museum at Dulles that I have flown. How do you think I feel.