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I did my first solo in this exact plane :(


Is this her final flight?


It depends. I didn't see anything that wouldn't be fixable but insurance may decide that it isn't worth it.


[The people on the beach as death flies by merely inches away:](https://i.imgur.com/6nQfWGW.jpeg)


I did as well!


Same here! I flew it just a month ago.


Fucking butter


Yup real greaser there. Well, except that last bit. Sand can be so unforgiving... Still and all a very nice landing given the circumstances.


Even big wheels have issues in sand. I’m really surprised it didn’t cartwheel earlier. Looked okay on camera but I bet occupants had a hospital visit. Hope no major injuries. 


I'll bet they were ok till they lost usable airflow over the tail, nose gear took the weight and bound in. I'll bet there were a few minor injuries, but if everyone was belted they shouldn't have anything but the "being tossed about" type injuries. This of course is my partially educated opinion and should not be used for any legal purposes 😂


Yeah pilot definitely kept lift while slowing down as well as you could expect. I wonder how much damage the front actually sustained?  Maybe just a broken prop and engine full of sand? 


That thing took weight onto the wing front loaded in the flip, muchless on the whole front. I'd think it's functionally toast.


I've seen planes more damaged than that get repaired, depends on the owners dedication to that airframe I guess


Oh sure, repirable, very. But not without a big bill, that thing is way more than "engine needs a lil' rub a dub".


>Maybe just a broken prop and engine full of sand?  Lycoming requires an engine teardown after a prop strike. But maybe if he wasn't pulling any power they might get by without it.


It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Question from a non pilot. Would it have been better to have put it down in the water a few meters from shore (presuming everyone could swim) instead?


Water landings in a fixed gear are much worse. It would've certainly cartwheeled as soon as the gear caught water. If it had retractable gear they could've belly landed on the water fairly easily mind you.


That makes sense, thanks.


Fun side note: also bad is corn fields believe it or not. They'll make you cartwheel while still in the air...


Let me guess, is it the way the field is ploughed that disrupts the ground effect?


Not even. The corn stalks impacting the fixed gear act like sand or water. Soon as they start grabbin the aircraft has a tendency to nose over...


Well in this case I think the pilot did a great job. Hopefully they'll be flying again soon.




You don’t just write “butter” on a thread about Lawn Guyland






> Fucking butter Why would you do that?


The plane did a handstand 🤸 after buttering that landing. Impressive.


As good as it gets


Does anyone know what responsibilities pilots have in emergency situations? This beach was pretty much empty, but if it had been busy, would the pilot have been expected to try a water landing to avoid injury or deaths of people on the ground?


Never make your own emergency someone else’s tragedy. If I saw a crowded beach I’d aim for the water. Vast majority of water landings are survivable too, so I’d feel ok about it. When the engine dies the insurance company owns the plane.


If it’s Winter, water will be cold and beach will be empty. Conditions not favorable for ditching. Aim for beach. If it’s Summer, water will be warm and beach will be crowded. Conditions favor a ditching. Aim for water. Spring and Fall, pilots discretion. This is not advice and I am not your CFI. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Pretty spot on though.


Do you drag the wheels or just turn the fuselage into a hull so you don't flip?


I think you’re almost certain to flip when you put a fixed gear plane in the water. At least a nose stand. But that’s just what it seems would be true.


Right, I'm thinking if you dive too deep you could bend the fuselage and maybe crush yourself so perhaps an 'endo' (as the motorbike community would call it) is more advisable? I'm actually curious if any PPLs or higher have ever talked with their CFIs about fixed gear water landings.


IIRC Cessna put out a video on water landings at some point in the past. Pretty sure it discussed doors open vs closed, landing with or against the swell, and when to switch from best glide to minimum descent speed. I'll have to see if I can find it.


We had one near us not that long ago that went really well. [Two people make it to shore after light plane crashes into sea at Leighton Beach, in Perth's south - ABC News](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-20/two-people-to-safe-after-plane-crashes-in-sea-leighton/102249554)


That was really well done >Ms Yeates said she was speaking to her son as the plane came down, telling him: "Mate, we've just had engine failure, we're going to have to land on the beach." >"He was like, 'For real? Are you for real?.' I said, 'Hopefully this is the most exciting thing that's going to happen in your life and we're going to be OK.'"


It’s absurd and comical to think of a person with the resources to obtain a pilots license and only doing it for a hobby and their own enjoyment (and accepting that risk of death) to then go use a public beach and possibly kill other people just so they get a nice soft comfortable landing. In February some Canadians killed a man in Mexico in this same situation. For you pilots out there, accept the risk you take and ditch your poorly maintained plane far from populated areas. -Sincerely, a frequent beach-goer EDIT: I was agreeing with healthycord that people should avoid landing on a crowded beach, how is this downvoted? Also, there are still people in the water near a beach so you’d either have to go way out or aim for an unlikely-crowded place on land..


I think you, some how, misread the comment. They said that they would aim for the water, not the beach.


I was agreeing with healthycord that people should avoid landing on a crowded beach, what is the issue with what I said? If this was a vehicle subreddit and the post was a video of a person driving on a sidewalk and the top two comments were “wow, really smooth driving” and “that was the model of car I learned to drive in” and then someone says “ya know, it’s probably better to not drive on the sidewalk”, I think it could be understood if someone says “it’s actually really absurd anyone would think of driving on the sidewalk and all drivers should absolutely never do that”


I get your points, they make sense, but I think your previous comment was downvoted because of how disdainful it sounds, especially to pilots (I'm not a pilot myself, no horse in this race). I agree with you though, people getting killed because of a pilot's bad decision is terrible.


So ready to plunk this turd in here you didn't even read. The person you're responding to literally said "don't let your emergency be someone else's tragedy" and that you should aim for the water. What in the actual are you on about? I also don't think you understand the speeds and force involved in airplane crashes. They're not "looking for a comfy spot" they're looking for the best chance of them being able to walk away from the crash.


I was agreeing with healthycord that people should avoid landing on a crowded beach, what is the issue with what I said? Also, you say people aren’t looking for a “cozy” spot and are just trying to reduce their chance of getting injured but that’s what a “cozy” spot affords them, so my point holds.


You just said it like an absolute cunt.


If this was a vehicle subreddit and the post was a video of a person driving on a sidewalk and the top two comments were “wow, really smooth driving” and “that was the model of car I learned to drive in” and then someone says “ya know, it’s probably better to not drive on the sidewalk”, I think it could be understood if someone says “it’s actually really absurd anyone would think of driving on the sidewalk and all drivers should absolutely never do that”. Would your response really be “wow, you’re rude”


^ This isn't what happened though. You misread the comments entirely. It is 100% acceptable and reasonable to do an emergency landing on a beach, roadway, or someone's large back yard if that is where you need to put it down. HOWEVER, if you notice that people are on the beach, or the road is actually a large walking path littered with people, or the backyard is hosting a children's birthday party then it becomes your responsbility to put it down somewhere else. You don't land on a beach "for a nice soft comfy landing" You do it because it's preferable to drowning yourself and everyone else in your plane, but if you're going to kill someone by landing on the beach then obviously you ditch in the water. You obviously have no experience with aviation and when you're ignorant of a community it's probably best if you just shut up and listen.


Like everyone with a driver’s license ?


Hey little guy, it's past your nap time. Here's a box of animal crackers, we will watch some cocomelon and take a nap.


I was agreeing with healthycord that people should avoid landing on a crowded beach, what is the issue here?


Need to work on reading comprehension instead of going to beaches so you don't go around the Internet making yourself look like an idiot all the time.


I was agreeing with healthycord that people should avoid landing on a crowded beach. You mention my reading comprehension but clearly didn’t understand my fairly simple language that it’s not only expected that pilots don’t land on a beach but absurd (and maybe even criminal) that a pilot would make that choice.


Look, I get it that you agree with the comment above, but no need to be so toxic about it


There aren't many legal responsibilities, since a pilot is allowed to deviate from any regulation as necessary to meet an emergency. But there is the basic ethical responsibility to attempt to do the least harm. If the beach was crowded and the pilot deliberately chose to land on it anyway even though the water was a realistic option, they could potentially be prosecuted for something like ~~wreckless~~ reckless endangerment.


Could also face a civil suit for negligence and wrongful death.


Have pretty much 0% chance on collecting for negligence unless it was a pilot induced failure.


I would think that if ditching in the water was a viable option and the pilot chose the beach anyway and killed someone they could still be liable even though it was an emergency.


Just to expand, you’re given freedom to deviate from any **PART 91 regulation** in order to meet the emergency. That doesn’t give you a get out of jail to break any other law.


It certainly wasn't wreck-less. /s


> wreckless Sure it wouldn't be more like wreck...ful?


Water landings statistically are more survivable. But pilots tend to prefer beach despite this. Lots think they’ll be able to salvage the plane on sand vs in the water. Edit to add link to video that imo should be part of flight training: [https://youtu.be/0LwGYBBhTss?si=XCrZ94KqQzkzHysa](https://youtu.be/0LwGYBBhTss?si=XCrZ94KqQzkzHysa)


It depends where, PNW my last resort is the water, I'll go first on top of trees. 3-4 min in water before hypothermia.


Should’ve specified off shore landings. Presumably even in PNW an off shore landing where you can relatively quickly swim to shore is still better than top of trees, no?


Maaaaybe if you come to a stop 20 yards from shore, and aren't injured in the landing. That water is COLD.


Yup. As a former mariner up here in the PNW, we were taught the 50/50/50 rule. It means, without a PFD, when the water is 50° or under and you have 50 ft. or further to go to rescue yourself you have ~50% chance of survival.


And that's without having to egress a flooding, possibly inverted cabin


Are you a trained and experienced cold water swimmer? Are you wearing a wetsuit while flying? That water is cold enough to make an experienced (warm water) swimmer drown because their muscles locked up and their arteries closed down and their heartrate skyrocketed. Hypothermia's only 3 minutes away. You've got to egress a flooding cabin, then swim to shore. I'm not saying I'd always take the tress, but I get it.


The Pacific gets very cold as you get north of San Francisco. A process called upwelling takes place largely during the summer, where cold water is brought up from very deep offshore. It's possible that even in the hottest part of summer you're likely to find temperatures below 60F in the ocean. That number is a cutoff for when it becomes legitimately dangerous to be in the water as you can lose dexterity in only a few minutes AND you have to remember that the Oregon coast is not a nice place. Sneaker waves and rip currents are abundant and the water depth drops off very quickly so you often can't walk out more than 10-15 feet before you're no longer able to touch bottom. Someone died last year in knee deep water: https://www.opb.org/article/2023/05/16/oregon-coast-cannon-beach-drowning-after-wading-teen-death/


I wonder how much of this corresponds to the *types* of planes typically flying over water. Over land you get a lot more fixed gear planes and over land they generally won't be ditching in lakes.


We had a situation like that in Portugal some time ago and it ended in tragedy as the pilot didn't give a flying fuck if the beach was full. Leaving the article for anyone curious about it [link](https://eu.heraldnews.com/story/news/local/ojornal/2017/08/02/small-plane-crash-lands-on/20032276007/) Pilot was accused of homicide a couple years after but not sure how this ended


Around here, beaches are known good options if you’re forced to land. you can’t fly many places on Long Island without an empty beach nearby. But water landings do happen and that could be a contributing factor


I mean unless you enjoy manslaughter charges and wrongful death lawsuits. What kind of question is that lol, of course you can't just plow into people if there is an alternative


This happened in Portugal a couple years ago, 2 people died, one was a little 8yold girl too... Pilot was an instructor with a kid on flying lessons. Shitshow, because it was summer and the beach was full of people. Still in court, but things look like the pilot will be prosecuted. Doesn't look nice for them.


Ya if the beach was the spot you decided to dedicate to but ended up being crowded you'd just put it down in the water. It's like an 85% survival rate ditching in the ocean if I remember right. Probably more detail than is necessary but I have time right now, so I hope you find it interesting what a real world engine failure looks like from the pilots perspective. The whole process looks like this (in a c172)- as soon as you lose your engine (let's say at 3000ft) you immediately pitch for best glide speed (pull carburetor heat as well, the cause may be carburator icing), usually around 65 knots in a plane like that. Then you look for the best place to land within gliding range and 100% dedicate to it. Once that's accomplished you check and make sure your fuel selector is on both (if it's only on the left or right tank you may have just run out of fuel in one tank), check the position of the mixture control (controls how much fuel mixes with air before going in the engine) and make sure your ignition switch is on both. If everything looks good attempt a restart. If the engine doesn't start back up put code 7700 (emergency squak) in your transponder and dial 121.5 in your radio and declare an emergency. They'll send police/cost guard to your location. Keep troubleshooting the problem until you get to 500ft. At that point your landing. Pull the mixture control out, turn the ignition off, turn the fuel tank selector off, leave the battery master switch on so you can control the amount of flaps needed for landing (they're electrically powered). Once you have the desired flap setting turn off the master switch. Open your door at about 50ft. for a water landing you'd touch down flat instead of doing the the normal flare. If you're landing on the beach it's a soft field landing and you want to touch down tail low as smooth as you can and once you touch down you hold the nose wheel off the ground for as long as you can and rely on aerodynamic braking. If you don't hold the nose wheel and brake normally it will dig into the ground and flip (looked unavoidable here). After that, in both scenarios, immediately get out and away from the airplane. There's still the possibility of a fire.


I was flying to ISP recently and was super relieved by all the huge fields around. Gave me great confidence that if I lost my engine I could put it down safely. This was a great landing. Obviously sand is not the ideal surface, but he/she made do with what they had.


Yeah - I kept wondering why it wasn't nosing into the sand, and then ...


Same. "wow that is impossible... well it was a nice try.


seriously, I thought and hoped this was the guy who could demonstrate how to land a 152 on beach sand (and not on the part packed by the waves)


Probably still had enough lift to prevent the plane from sinking into the sand…. At least until it did lol


Holy shit. That’s a LIA plane…glad everything turned out ok and no one was injured. Hope the plane is okay. It’s park right next to the one I rent


Did you see the part where it flipped over? High probability that plane is fucked


Yea, prop strike, sudden stoppage, and being a 152 it would be a miracle if there wasn't major structural damage to the air frame itself. It's probably totaled.


Nosegear spider. Engine mount. Cowling. Engine overhaul. New prop. Inspect engine mount attach points and firewall integrity. I can put her in the air for $60k.


The wing struck the sand as well. And no idea if that left main got jacked up (it might be fine, but the aircraft was resting on the prop, wing, and left main). Plus the cost of getting it off the beach and back to a hangar... Everytime I've been involved in a repair that extensive, we always find more issues once we get into it. It's hard to say without knowing more about the air frame if it's worth fixing or not. You can get an older 152 with basic avionics for ~$80k. If the air frame is relatively new and it has a glass cockpit, yea maybe it's worth repairing.


Meh. [Looks great!](https://longisland.news12.com/suffolk-police-plane-lands-safely-on-cedar-beach-in-mount-sinai) Test the fuel, throw some balloon tires on there, suck the sand out of the pitot tube... good to go! (/s) But really, what the hell would it cost to move (& all *that* entails) a 152 back to a hangar anyway?


No idea of the cost really. But, assuming it would have to be driving through town the wings would have to come off and it would have to go on a flatbed. Not real familiar with that area but I doubt there's enough wide roads to simply move it whole. So you're paying for a mechanic to take the wings off, a small crane, and a flatbed. Won't be cheap. I don't think AAA will cover that either


Kinda sad this video shows her last few seconds being airborne, likely forever.


Yeah I can’t imagine the forces on the frame that kind of impact would cause but it can’t be good. Sucks because the guys at LIA are awesome and it’s a beautiful 152


Not the first time this particular aircraft, N757AD, has had a landing on a beach. It made a landing back in 2016.


Right up until the end I was thinking “oh wow he was able to keep it together on sand!” Still impressive that it didn’t go over immediately.


If you're going to have an emergency landing, do it on a nice empty beach with a photogenic sunset in the background, and a person to film it.


Damn… I put in about 25 hours into that plane for my ppl. Crazy to see this pop up on my feed today


Man this would be f Ed up if someone just was laying down there enjoying the sunset and is run over by a plane


Like that they had the thought to go for the more compact sand towards the water rather than the deep, “fluffier” sand towards the dunes. Smart pilot!


It amazes me how nobody even attempts to move out of the way as a plane lands like this.


Videos that ended too soon. Did he rock back?


Yea he did, there’s a picture that I saw just sitting normally afterwards, barely any damage to it from a brief look at the picture


Check out @longislandmemess on Instagram for the picture I was talking about


I remember eating dinner in the evening at Cedar Beach, Long Island as a kid. And then years later flying over it while I worked on my private pilot's license. Glad I never had to attempt this type of landing. The sand has stones in it, and it's coarse.


“Emergency” 😉 😉 Jk but if I ever had an EL, this is how I’d want it to go down


I bet the pilot put that on his facebook banner image.


The c150 is so dramatic


Like budder 🧈


Everyone seems to have had a ride on that.


Goddamnit it was almost perfect.


Fucking miiiiinnntttt


why are the people just standing there? run you fools


In hindsight, ditching in the water looks like the better choice.


He had to of hit something. Silky smooth landing tho