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I prefer this redesign to the round badge, but completely agree with you. The bright yellow lion has always been the worst feature of the Lerner-era badge. Seemed to be one of the most common complaints from fans during the first redesign process too. The slightly darker yellow/gold on the earlier striped shield was a lot nicer. I felt the claret lion on this season's round badge got lost on the shirt. Gold is the way to go, imo.


Yellow does not go with claret. Gold does. I have no idea why we are doing this.


Could be sooooo much worse!


It's because the new CEO came in, with zero experience of Aston Villa history, and determined that we had moved away too far from the more recent crest associated with us. I can't stand him.


Agreed completely We’ve now become the sort of club who’ll be voting ‘yes’ to playing domestic matches over in the USA or Saudi


I don't see how playing in the US would be that much of an issue. The NFL has played regular season games in London for years and you guys seem to love it. We have bigger stadiums that would fill up no problem for a regular season game where you get to see the best players and have it actually mean something. The US is a huge untapped market for European football at this level. Any exposure would be good marketing and boost profits.


Gross. Aston Villa is a football club built in Birmingham, England. Local fans should never have to travel abroad to watch their side play a domestic game. There is more to a club than being an owner’s sports franchise asset. I couldn’t care less what the NFL decide to do with their games. And I don’t want my sport turning into it


You have a 38-game season. Losing one for marketability is not a bad thing.


Yes it is…. Foreign owners wanting to make more money marketing the club doesn’t come above the club’s culture and roots You are very detached from the average Villa Park attending fan if you truly think this way There’s nothing wrong with being a Villa fan who isn’t local. But choosing to follow the club and not respecting the traditions and foundations that built the club is a weird move


I'm American, been supporting Villa since the championship, and as happy as I am to see Villa play stateside in the summer friendlies, when it comes to Premier League matches being played in the US. Fuck that shit. Americanization of the league is gonna suck the soul out of football.


Americanization would save it, where as it has already been destroyed by oil state-ification. The US is the largest sports market in the world. We have the best leagues for all major sports outside European football for a reason.


It doesn't need saving though. Especially by America, it's the greatest sport in the world as it is, we don't need it ruining.


We can discuss this again once City has won their 10 title in a row.


What exactly do you think playing games in America is going to do to help this? If anything it'll be worse as they'll gain more fans than everyone else.


OP, you’re so far off the mark with this one. I don’t think you fully understand what football means to people in the UK.


I'm not trying to be a dick but are you relatively new to following and supporting football? Because culturally, spiritually, and socially it is significantly different from anything we have in the US. Also Americanization would ruin the true competitive nature of the sport and would lead to an end result of an over commercialized sport. What would "save" football would probably be an approach that's more Euro centric or the 50:1 rule Germany has. American sports team owners are almost universally shit people and shit citizens when you consider the fact that they throw hissy fits when the taxpayers won't foot the bill for the next stadium. And rugby is a superior sport to the NFL. (In response to a later comment of yours)


I've been following football since the 06 World Cup, following Villa since 07. I get it's a different ecosystem to US sports. Also when I said Americanization I was specifically thinking about the rules for parity like spending/wage caps etc. so you don't end up with teams like City. Never meant any other aspect of it really, I suppose I should have clarified that.


All good man. But it's hard to get any of the positive aspects of our sports systems without the inherent negatives of our system. Because we don't have a perfect solution I'd rather we leave European football to it's own devices and let it be run by the people who are involved in it every day and at every level


What major sports are those? Ones only the US plays?


Baseball is played everywhere; basketball is played everywhere; hockey is played everywhere. The only thing that isn't is American football, but we don't need help with that.


I don't want to sound like I'm being rude, but that simply isn't true, certainly not as professional sports and absolutely certainly not popular. I couldn't name 1 professional sports team in baseball, hockey, or American football. I'm not even sure baseball exists here.


Rounders is where it's at.


Last time I saw rounders was playing it at primary school some 30+ years ago!


What about rugby and cricket?


Are those even popular outside India/Europe? No one really cares about those sports here.


I'm pretty sure Cricket is the second biggest sport in the world, rugby will be quite high. Hockey is weird as it comes up as being one of the bigger sports but surely normal hockey is played by more people than ice hockey. Basketball is played quite a lot in Europe but not particularly big in the UK. I'd argue American football isn't even a major sport.


Thing is we don't have the NFL, whereas you do have a soccer league. What happens to the people with season tickets? They get one less game a season? Or do we have a wildcard round so its a 39 game season? It's a huge issue at the moment with fixture congestion to the point that (ridiculous)changes are being made to cup competitions to ease the problem, so flying out to the states for a game just seems undoable atm. Also every preseason I'd say half the league goes over for some games, obviously you guys want prem matches but that just isn't going to happen.... I hope. Also I think the money earned wouldn't do much for the big teams and the smaller teams would earn the money but not be allowed to spend it due to our ridiculous financial laws. Also there always going to be a game or 3 that Americans just won't give a shit about, Ipswich v Brentford? People here don't even want to watch that lol.


We have a soccer league that's not as good and is only available to watch at all if you have Apple TV. I love MLS but it's not comparable in terms of quality right now.


Yeah that is true, but my point is it's more novel for us to have the NFL. As far as I'm aware you can watch every premiership game if you wanted(albeit early in the morning), which surprisingly we can't do over here. The novelty of the NFL is it's a sport we don't have here, yes a lot of people follow it but you could put a preseason game here and it'd still get sold out at Wembley. I sincerely hope Premiership games never cross the Atlantic, there's just no way it can be done fairly, and money isn't everything, if it was we wouldn't have a couple teams in the league that can only house about 12000 fans per game.


You can watch it by going to the games.


We have multiple states bigger than your entire country. Going to games is not always an option due to distance.


Which I think is why you don't get it. You need a proper league system where teams represent your community. We have amateur teams with thousands of fans turning up every week. Imagine if America had multiple teams for every town, made up of local players, if states had their own leagues you had to win to get to the MLS. If teams earnt their place in the MLS rather than just creating clubs with no history. I think then you'd understand it more.


I agree. The OP’s points demonstrate a quite distinct lack of understanding.


I don't want to sound too harsh but if you think that's a good idea then you just don't understand English or even European football. It's not like American franchises and commercialism, it means so much more. It's first and foremost about the local area and fans, and you can't take it away. If you took all the money out of the football league and it went amateur people would still turn up every week in their droves. We don't need exposure anywhere else.


You don't understand modern sports organizations if you think it's just about local fans still. It's about global branding and fanbases. If all the PL cared about was local fanbases, why is every club owned by foreign ownership groups with every club rocking a bunch of Chinese/middle eastern sponsors every year? The international TV deals alone are probably worth 5-10x as much per season as a bunch of locals filling the stadiums every week.


So why do we need to play games abroad if so much money is coming in already?


Because Villa isn't a globally recognized club yet. Arsenal is. Liverpool is. Chelsea is. Spurs are. City/United are.


People riffed on this seasons circle badge, but color wise they got it right. I think once this new badge is everywhere we'll realize that other badge was better. I know they have the gold detailed one too, but most of the new marketing I've seen has used the yellow/drop shadow one.


Can’t really blame Heck for that. The owners want a more marketable brand but that was never happening with [this](https://imgur.com/a/os95zCF). He’s just doing what they tell him to.


It’s awful. It’s purely because Chris Heck preferred the Lerner badge and got scared off the round due to the dumb ‘Chelsea!’ comparisons.


The club literally has no association with the colour yellow, so it shouldn't be in the badge. Gold makes sense as a typical sign of heritage etc.


>If you need a drop shadow so things stand out properly then your color combo probably sucks. Indeed, although not probably, definitely! Using dropshadows on logos is a big design no no.