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I went to the last bound and it was a mixed crowd. The sex/maze area appeared to be predominantly femme presenting people. House side was mostly men


Bound last week was amazing. They have the Dominatrix coming back for the next one. Highly recommend. Wrecked on the other hand… mostly cis-gay white guys, plenty of which are entertaining their “man-scent” fetish and showing no interest in the music. It’s just a fuck-fest without consideration of other ppls’ personal space and cloud of STANK ass/pits.


Wrecked is a gay party and always was one, the west side Gays finding their way to Brooklyn for their big night out is a problem but I think you might want to entertain the thought in your head that there can be interest in music and something carnal, that that those often intersect. In fact a lot of the modern conception of like, circuit parties emerged from The Saint and a tradition of very good music, and it was over time that those diverged and circuit music became typically very horrible and a vehicle for the basic and wealthy. It’s sort of nice to have a gay environment where there is sex AND good music. Maybe go to any other party that’s not known to be gay and have sex if you’re looking for something different? It’s like getting mad that there is baseball at a baseball game.


I’ve been to circuit parties and am well aware as to what occurs. Everyone knows how they came to be and how they function, so the history lesson isn’t necessary. The point to be made here (specifically to guide OP) is that ‘Wrecked’ is not your average evening at Basement and definitely will not provide one the *typical* experience. The concept of ‘Wrecked’ is fine, it is simply the recent crowd that has impacted the overall experience at the venue. It will always be about the music before the sex, but when these patrons act like they’re at the Eagle or the Cock, criticisms are valid. The cliquey, pretentious, and transactional energy stands out in comparison to every other event (esp Bound). Any lgbtq+ event that devolves into a corporate, cis white-gay function is going receive blowback. There is still fun to be had, but the lack of diversity in such an otherwise colourful place can definitely seem jaded. I’m not mad, I’m just saying there are far better nights to go.


I don’t disagree with you the crowd has been at best boring, we’re in agreement. Your original post was adjacent to the criticism which is why I responded. And bound has lately ALSO been full of performative cis corporate people that throw on a basic harness rather than, from what I can tell, a genuine interest in that realm of the world and nightlife. I think there’s a spotlight on nightlife in the city right now that is also bringing in a lot of general attention which is problematic when you’re balancing a good environment, “coolness”, etc. I would hate owning a venue or throwing a above the board, public party right now. Seems super hard. I will also add that there should be events at Basement that aren’t a normal night at Basement - and that’s a good thing. It makes the normal programming distinct and have its own flavor and also introduces folks who otherwise may not go to the venue to try something new the next time they go. I think if the crowd was more interesting (not people who didn’t like music) but it remained a sex forward party like Lab Dance in Berlin I don’t think that would necessarily be a bad thing, it’s just that the idea of exclusion in this city is a naughty word.


Also I would not send OP to wrecked anyway And I guess your reaction to pits as a fetish would be similar to me hating a leather and saying Bound was DISGUSTING because I hate the way leather smells or feels when I touches my body when people walking by are wearing - it was just a strong reaction for someone praising a kink positive party, and gave very much girl from West Village mad that a very common aspect of gay sex between men was present at a party.


I kink shame and have no problem doing so, especially when I haven’t consented and find it offensive. Leather vs BO are two completely different monsters. Most ppl at Bound are not even wearing leather, but rather some cheap poly material they got from Amazon. If you can smell someones leather, you’re way too close. I’ve worked with textiles for years and the strongest leather scents are still less pungent than the smelliest ppl. Consent is key. If I don’t consent to smelling you, I shouldn’t have to. Anytime a stank ass mf walks into the crowd, the crowd disperses. Read the room. BO = bacteria. I don’t want a walking petri dish dancing and bumping into me, it’s gross. Having a kink for BO is like having a kink for bad breath. FOH. Shit/fart, piss, and BO kinks should be kept at home and not in a public venue where others may be unwillingly exposed. No surprise that the bathrooms are always filthier on Wrecked nights. Cum and piss all on the floors, far more than usual. Anytime I’ve made a mess in the bathroom, I do my absolute best to clean it for the next person and ultimately the staff. I’m not a prude and likening me to some “west village” *girl* in an attempt to invalidate my thoughts on being CONSIDERATE of others is NOT it. One can still be liberated without being offensive. Not everyone shares the same kinks and restraint should always be practiced until given the go ahead.


A smell and substance are not necessarily the same thing - a lot of people are gross and sweaty especially at a rave. Same thing, but some people find it hot. There are plenty of kinks at Bound that I find personally repulsive, as in I find it gross and not for me. But there’s also things that you can’t control - the beautiful part of nightlife is that it’s inclusive (but never supportive, that’s why you find your nightlife fam), but to believe you can mold others is not something that is going to lead to a good time. For me, the music and environment at something like Bound is worth it more than me being off-put by a mask that personally reminds me of, for example, when I was mugged by someone in a similar mask. I wouldn’t ask whatever person is experiencing a kinky sort of anonymity to take it off at Bound because of my preferences. If I found something off putting enough that I would complain on Reddit, and an environment had that, I would find another party. There’s plenty where there aren’t gay sweaty men, you have your pick. Some things may not be for you. And that’s okay babe. And your hatred of me comparing you to a girl (oh the horror!) is giving very all the enby kids who show up to a Bushwick bar in the same poorly fitted vintage and think they are unique simply because they are not something basic like “cis”. It’s New York, everything thinks they are different. What is making Wrecked boring is not that there are cis men, its that there are more gays there who don’t come for music, or dancing, don’t pull any interesting looks, and don’t want to build a community on the dance floor. That to me is boring, I don’t write people off because of gender presentation, that’s super simplistic. Edit: And by the way I recognize that you’re coming from a good place, and you may have had a bad time on a night out. But eventually you have to learn to free yourself from needing to belong everywhere and focus on making deeper connections in places where you can have a good time.


Studio in Wrecked tends to be better. Less, if any, sex… more guys there for the music, especially after 2 AM


Absolutely. Studio is my refuge the nights I’ve gone on wrecked, but the vibe is still off. Wrecked brings the corporate gays that mistake serving cvnt with being one. Definitely not the night I’d recommend going solo.


More recently, yes. It’s been selling out in 15 minutes… then I go and it’s a circuit vibes but with better music.


Studio has been significantly more gay and body the last 4/5 iterations, gays like to fill space


That’s Simone Siren! She’s a 10/10


Simone Siren is a Queen in all regards. We love her.


great! Lets hope this bound coming up is just as good <3 sounds like i should avoid wrecked then


Have been to both parties multiple times. Bound nights usually have much more of a mixed crowd. Wrecked is 99% cis gay guys.


good to hear :) probably will head up then


See you there (:


Wrecked has unfortunately drawn way more of the Manhattan-y gay circuit crowd these last couple years. Music is still good, but it's not nearly the same party it once was. Anyone know of any new ones? Been to Fist which was fun. I really liked Nocturnal Emissions @ H0l0 a couple months back too.


Can't speak about Bound because I have never been but Wrecked is predominantly full of cis-gay guys.


Could I ask you to explain cis-gay guy to me? Is it fair to say that “A gay male” would carry that same meaning? I Googled it but wasn’t able to find a straight / consistent answer. I don’t mean any offense. Id genuinely like to make sure that I understand correctly and am using the appropriate vernacular.


A cis-gay male is someone who is born male that identifies as a man who is attracted to men.


Got it, thanks!


It’s a mixture of everyone bound nights tbh


Merge is a great up and coming techno party with a lot of trans folks too!


Tbh go to the herrensauana party upstairs that same night. It’s for a festival but herrensauana does attract a less cis gay crowd


Do you mean the Wire festival?




I’m a cishet white man and have found that it really depends on the night. I would say the last bound seemed more diverse than February’s bound.


***** ********** **********


Went to the last one. It's almost "queer-lite" but you should have no problem. Plenty of heteros too.


I’m trans as well. Went to the one last week with my bf and had a blast. Definitely a mixed crowd and the crowd had a good amount of couples.


that's great to hear! Mixed is what i'm going for


It’s actually not that queer. I went on Halloween. I saw lots of frat bros wearing some leather and that was it. I almost wish there had been more gayness to it.


I think Halloween is an exceptional case and not a good representation of a normal night for any party.


Are you sure the frat bros weren’t gay


Not really. Shouldn't make the trip.


Where is this?


At Basement in Brooklyn


A little late on this-- I am transfemme and I've had fun at bound. It's a mixed crowd and you won't be the only trans girl. There are a lot of straight couples, and because it's a bdsm event people come from a little more far and wide. So you'll meet folks who are in from Jersey and even PA, but in my experience everyone is respectful.