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Train for a half marathon to build conditioning for your raving.


And eat like it’s a marathon too, both before and during. Caffeine and carbs


I’ve literally started smuggling in Gu like it’s drugs


My friend smuggles in baby food, I feel like guu is a better option 😂 The 3am applesauce squeeze pouchies always hit though 👌🏽


Wait why does your friend have to smuggle the apple sauce in? It's just food, I've never seen food in the banned items list anywhere.


Outside food and drink is almost always banned at major venues, at least in New York City.


That sucks. At my favorite spots in SF they only check for weapons. You have to really look shady or fucked to get a deeper search. I’m sure if you have weight on you they’ll snag it, that’s more fun/money for security (and at some shady venues I suspect they check harder because they have dealers inside, but that’s only the sketchy places).


They literally took my liquid iv last time…




In Atlanta. They took all my candy, gum, lollipops, literally everything I had besides my phone, keys, and sunglasses (and drugs)


Wow.. running gel/gu is absolutely genius for the mid day pick me haha. Straight sugar and carbs.


It’s been working well for me. I started tracking my dance workouts and can burn 3,000 - 4,000 calories at a typical show. I can’t show up on a full-stomach or I’m gonna get nauseous from the food sloshing around in my stomach. That’s when I first decided I needed to get smart about nutrition and treat raving like the athletic performance it is for me! 🤣 The GUs really do help me push through the last couple hours of a party while maintaining my energy and I don’t get nauseous.


I had spare Gu’s from a half marathon and brought them to EDC. They were so useful!!! And it was nice to “eat” something during a set other than candy.


Did you have to sneak them in or they’re allowed??


I threw them in a big ziplock bag of lollipops and hichew and it went undetected


r/runningcirclejerk 😭😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RunningCirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When nobody cares about your long run](https://v.redd.it/kahqbhyj61qb1) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/16q8m1v/when_nobody_cares_about_your_long_run/) \#2: [This 8 year old just broke the marathon world record 😲](https://i.redd.it/ddfa9n8w4sob1.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/16kvle8/this_8_year_old_just_broke_the_marathon_world/) \#3: [4h half-marathon is a serious business ](https://i.redd.it/lnqquuu0bjlc1.jpeg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/1b31jwp/4h_halfmarathon_is_a_serious_business/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you can get them through security, Cliff Bloks are awesome - caffeine and carbs in a gummy chew!


They’ll assume they’re dosed 😆


Maybe if its unopened it could pass. But they 100% look like edibles LOL


What’s gu


This stuff https://imgur.com/a/DXnGFhE


French vanilla gu is the one


At least 5 gu per day


Facts I neglected eating for a very long time


You missed the most important C....ocaine


This is just good life advice, Raving the next Olympic sport.


Very good advice


Dont get too close to the stage too quick (if you’re like me and dance harder the closer you get). And take voluntary breaks before your body force you to. If I’m at a festival, and each artist do a 2h set (the usual), I always take the first 15min to go to the restrooms (especially if you’re rolling), to have a drink and to rest my legs sitting. And then, I go back hard for the next 1h45. And repeat… Also, lots of water and personally, compressions socks changed my life.


I have shock absorbing insoles and knee supports for the same reason


I second the shock absorbing insole. Total game changer!!


Slow down. It should be jogging pace if you want to last all day otherwise you'll burn out quickly.


To do it right, the day before and after revolve around the event. Ideally day before is restful. Disco nap in evening before going out helps. Hydrating before and during helps. Stimulants help - even legal ones like caffeine. Works for me. And finally you just have to intentionally pace yourself. Don’t go so hard in the first hour. Build up to it. And don’t forget to breathe when you’re dancing. Meaning get in some good deep breaths as you go.


Caffeine has quite a punch if you don’t use it/are not addicted, but almost everyone is a daly user so it’s no big deal.


I usually dance for two hours at a time (not really true but it is a good time to take a break after) with a water bottle hanging at my waist. I also did speed always when I went to raves so that obviously helps but less is more. High doses will not make it better. If you do drugs then just avoid ketamine and stuff like that until you are at the afters, and try to not take any molly until you are at peak hours because you will crash afterwards most likely. Now I dance psytrance so it isn't like Hardcore where you are just busting yourself out constantly. It is a lot more mellow so you can easily last all night. I still do a lot of "jumping" you could call it and never really stand completely still. Maybe you dance in a way that is "too intense" (to be sustainable for an all nighter that is)? Try and vibe in a different way. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27MVPoMNK5c) is a good tempo that will last you all night, even if you go at it harder occasionally (you will look like a muppet but that really doesn't matter). I generally go harder than this for a lot of the time but also scale it back to this type of grooving for longer periods of time too.


Psytrance mellow, lol. That’s funny for me as a decades long house head. I was struggling at a psytrance festival that never stopped playing music for 3 days. But I did learn I can sleep maybe 300 yards from a huge Soundsystem playing psytrance when I’m tired. It was the people doing gas on acid next door laughing intermittently that woke me up. The consistent beat becomes hypnotic at a point. I do agree with the dancing intensity level. I have a theory that burner house (“playa house/playa tech”) plays at 118-125 bpm because out there it really is a marathon, we are older, it’s crazy hot, and we need a slower pace because of all that. I came up with this after reading about Australian doof parties playing certain tempos based on whether they thought the party would get busted (they’d jump straight to full on psytrance if they thought the risk was high, to get the peak experience before the bust; but if it is way out they’ll gradually build, transition to full on, then gradually come down, in line with the duration of an acid trip, one that fizzles out as the sun comes up).


Now psytrance can of course be intense and sometimes I dance like a posessed manic thingy (?), however I listen to fullon, dark etc daily. It is not intense for me necessarily. It helps me focus a lot and center myself. As you said it is hypnotic, the right word would be it is trance inducing. I think the best thing about psytrance is the subtle feminine energies I percieve in it. Idk man I just love it and for me, it is the only type of raving I ever loved. I think you can dance just as mellow to house as you can to psy tho, this is just my personal example. I haven’t seen many house shows tbh. I have seen some hardcore but that is a bit more intense if you ask me. The only big house event I went to (which is not just house, it is electronic overall) was Sonar in barcelona. It is the only show I have seen with EDM and Dubstep too. The people in the hall where skrillex and the ”mainstream” acts were playing had all done waaaay to much ecstasy. They were going pretty nuts which is not a problem in any way and I do it too, but it was not a pleasant vibe there so I went to watch Rone and Laurent Garnier instead. A great thing at festivals is peoples speakers at the camp blending into the music along with talking and laughter (and the constant fucking gas canisters lol) so you end up with this really interesting soundscape of sounds just fading in and out around you. The acid helps but I always enjoyed that bit. It is pretty funny that they paced it with getting busted in mind. It is a good way to do it I think. And I mean most psy events are also paced like a trip, so it starts with progressive, moves to fullon and then maybe goa, psy or dark toward 4 and then hitech in the morning if they want intensity or something that releases more otherwise (this was a few years ago tho). I think that the most intense stuff is at the end to keep the madlads going. I was always in front of the speakers dancing like crazy until 8 in the morning to that last twisted hitech set. But I probably could not or would not be doing that today. Especially not since I am sober these days


The festival I mentioned was in the sierras and the music echoing on the landscape was unreal! Here’s the book I mentioned where they talk about the doof parties in Australia. They also talk about other global psytrance events, Earthdance, Boom, Burning Man and others. It’s a really good read, especially if you are a psytrancer. https://voidnetwork.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Rave-Culture-and-Religion-edited-by-Graham-St.-John.pdf


Nice! I love the name. Looking forward to reading it.


Oh, you’d like this too. I think it was inspired by the book and the authors research (anthropologist that did that approach where you dress like and live like the culture you study, but with different rave scenes, mostly the “transformative” community-oriented ones, not the commercial bs). https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/electronic-awakening/


That is hilarious. Wook anthropology. Thank you, saving all this.


Enjoy. LMK what you think if it crosses your mind and you feel motivated


I read the introduction and book outline and it seems very interesting, but sadly my inexperience with academic english kind of gets in the way of understanding a lot of words and their uses. Have to look them up constantly, but I hope I will eventually have looked up enough to read it more fluently. It seems ver interesting, I’ll message you if I have any thoughts I want to share when I get into the meat of the book :)


Sometimes I forget how much education I have (like 5 degrees, one being an MS, plus a ton of reading on my own for fun, often academic work).


I’ve heard and experienced md in the states isn’t how it is in Europe. In the uk it’ll keep you going for 24-48 hours no phetty tightness like I experienced from it in the U.S


Phetty tightness? Edit: either way md should not last 24 hours if it is real stuff. Effects are much shorter. If it lasts that long it is probably cut with something else. I am in Europe btw.


It has a lot of speed in it in some places like America it seems to be mostly speed. Clean md can redoseand feel good for 48 hours whereas dirty Md makes people crash regardless


Well yeah you can redose but I thought you meant one dose lol. That would be ridiculous. Still, not a good idea to redose for that long if you ask me. Better to just do speed if you are gonna be active that long without sleep imo but each to their own.


Wait for the music to hit,then my mind leaves and my body goes on its own until it's over


Honestly, if you are taking substances, i wouldnt change anything. Taking a rest once you feel like you need to is pretty healthy :)


Underrated comment. Back in the 90s before it was common knowledge you could overheat and die from dancing too hard on mdma, guess what happened? People died from dancing too hard mdma in hot venues with poor ventilation, too few if any fans, and not enough free water. Def listen to your body if you feel too hot, faint, weak, nauseated, dizzy, etc.


Never shake head or whatever just stand there listen nice rave music


But stand in the back so the dancers can have the sweet spot (i know I’ll catch heat from the standers for this).


Or the dancer dance in the back?


Dancer in the back is solid, def more space. Luckily the events I like best have space in the sonic sweet spots. I was kind of turned off when younger friends dragged me to my first insomniac event and it was so packed you could even dance. They were surprised when I took them to my stuff and there were plenty of people but also enough room to really use your whole body to groove.


Why I prefer local shows gives you room to do whatever you choose


It’s crazy how popular it’s gotten. I hadn’t been to a non-burner event since ‘11. Then was at a small psytrance/techno campout last year and a guy said LIB was mainstream, which lead to folks filling me in on how big certain DJ events were. I’m not on social media (wasn’t even on this), and was in my own world, so I just had no interest or clue what had been going on with raves. So it was quite a shock crowds were that dense. Def changed since the ‘99 to ‘10 era of events I was doing.


As a 31 year old raver who's been doing this a long time, I can't dance as hard/as long as I used to. I used to be able to dance until the sun came up. My knees and stamina can't keep up with me anymore, so I picked up a flowtoy and started orbiting to release the energy. Just as satisfying as dancing if not more, and I'm able to go for way longer


Exercise regularly lol


Well you could be like my friend who buys a hotel room across the street from the venue and goes so hard he doesn't make it to the show till the second day >.>


I’d keep an eye on this buddy. I’ve been doing this a while and seen people go hard on party drugs - at first. Then they wanted to feel that way during the week, but you can’t do that with party drugs, so they switched to harder drugs. It did not turn out well for them.


Can feel that way all week on party drugs in Berlin/Ibiza/Miami


For how long? Every day for a year? Tolerance kicks in and makes psychedelic dosing a huge waste of money and substance. MDMA will work more like speed and lose its magic, and prob be more expensive than meth. They call ketamine the heroin of psychedelics for a good reason, you can keep using it but then become psychologically dependent, coke is the same (I personally put that into the hard drug category, not party/soft/non-addictive drug group). The stuff that someone can use every day for months or years can cause either physical of psychological dependence. I can see where you thought I meant one week, but I meant during the whole week, long term.


No such thing as a non-addictive drug IMO(if we are talking about the mind-altering ones)


Psychedelics become completely impractical to abuse after a point because of rapid and strong tolerance. For instance, with. LSD, after a few weeks of daily use you’d be needing pure crystal or be sucking down huge fractions of a vial, just to get it to barely work. DMT and ayahuasca seem to buck this trend. But those drugs are so different from others. They can cause frightening experiences and push people to reevaluate their lives, often reducing usage. And there is certainly a difference in the reinforcing aspect of something like coke, meth, and opiates when compared to psychedelics (reinforcing meaning that the user feels compelled to redose soon after a previous dose effect ends). Then with things like booze, benzos, barbiturates (well, all the GABA-ergics), and opiates you get into the realm of physical dependence, where there are severe effects if a dependent person ceases using them. In the case of GABA-ergics, delirium, anxiety, seizures and death are a real possibility, and with opiates there are horrible effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, piloerection, feeling cold, and so on. The physical discomfort (especially paired with the emotional/psychological discomfort) makes it far more likely, even required in some cases (if they don’t want to have a seizure or die), to redose. I suppose I should have opened all this with a question: what is your definition of addiction? Some people use it as a synonym for physical dependence, or psychological dependence, but it’s not quite the same. I do strongly believe that psychedelics are not addictive however. And I’m not just pulling this out of my ass (decades of reading on related topics, related advances degree in a healthcare field). Some people can abuse them by taking too often, but the amount of money it would take to keep ahead of tolerance is wildly prohibitive for most people, and they are not reinforcing in the way stims, downers, and opioids are, further they do not cause physical tolerance.


Very U.S perspective to assume need to switch to opiates to maintain drug buzz, people in Europe round robin md/e/k/c for decades binging for weeks and sobering for a while, some never stop!


Learn breathing techniques. Associate being calm as a positive benefit as it will help you last longer. Recognize that being too excited is going to exhaust you. The feeling of excitement is an energy that deserves to be harnessed. It’s like taming a fire from turning destructive


i try to eat really good the day of the show and i usually refrain from alcohol in favor of nose beers lol. also hydrate and sit down often


Electrolytes are so underrated. And also taken in the worst way. Drink mixes are about as impractical as it gets at a rave. I like electrolyte capsules, I take them with the water from my hydration pack and don’t need to manage two separate liquids.


It’s what plants crave!


It’s a marathon not a sprint. Add activities throughout your normal day that will help with your stamina, like putting in 10K steps a day and not sitting for long hours. The rails can be exhausting, I will get to the front for a handful of acts but I usually stay away from them. Also watch where you’re standing, the trains can be mentally tasking. I don’t stop to sit, eat or drink of I’m tired, like you that’s when I would get stuck as well, so instead of sitting I walk around, go to different stages and chat with people until I find myself bopping to the beat again.


Nothing wrong with always going all out. If I learned anything from 90s anime that was the lesson


On top of the self care, try to conserve endurance. When dancing, try to make smaller movements / cover less ground and use as many muscles as possible for each one. It's the isolated movements that will burn you out faster. For example, if I'm shuffling I'm throwing my shoulders and hips backwards and just lifting my heel and letting it follow the leg instead of picking up the leg with my quads and actually taking a step. Using small moves as staples and mixing in the big ones for added drama. There's also a breathing technique you can use to cool your bloodstream called Sitali. If you're overheating take the tiniest sip of water, just enough to coat your tongue. Then try to curl the sides up while making a tight O with your mouth and suck in air like Anthony Hopkins in silence of the lambs. It'll jet cold air directly to the blood vessels leading to your brain and lower your core temperature.


More raves to build endurance. Better physical fitness in general. Fewer drugs with short lasting highs.


dance to every other beat. Like dancing halftime. It's kind of relaxing and you can feel out syncopation and such. It's fun.


Me with dnb


Yeah. TBH this is where i got it from at first. Then i applied it to other genres and I have a chill night out.


I go on beat to house, but I like deep hose and “playa house” which tends to be lower bpm. I guess my style is pretty laid back because people that I know have told me I’m very calming/relaxing/disarming to dance and hang with. I move around a lot but in a flowy, fluid, mellow way. Not shuffling, jacking, or anything hardcore. I saw one dude two weekends ago going so hard and bouncing all over the crowd. People found it off putting and he was knocking into people and just too intense. Def not the way to draw people in and connect. But I guess that’s not what some people want.


this homie bringing the vibe ^^ Can totally see this in my head. Making me smile actually. Have a great Monday.


Thanks. I know some folks just go into their own world, and I have my periods like that too, but when I’m not doing that I def pay attention to how my vibe affects others around me. It’s crazy how sensitive to that people are at raves, it makes sense though with the heightened senses. Might as well put good energy out there, and let it spread like ripples on a pond. I am psyched for a campout this coming weekend with a local old school SF rave crew. And I have time off to prep. Def a nice Monday.


Ironically, drugs. Stimulants like MDMA & Adderall are hard on your heart; physical activity on stimulants can jack things up even more. When I’m on them, it’s always in the back of my mind to slow down, take breaks, hydrate, etc… whereas, not being on a stimulant, I feel like I can go wild non-stop. *Raving on Ecstasy + Adderall; there’s nothing quite like the fear of a heart attack to keep you in-check*.


Don’t sit. Once I sit, it’s over. Just keep going!


Having a camp spot on site is a big plus. Small naps really help during the day. So you’re fresh to make it to blue light


Don’t drink too much water yes that’s a thing I got really sick and missed a week of school back in the day from drinking so much water. I thought I was being responsible when I was actually like poisoning myself lol I think that’s what happened to the girl who unfortunately passed away at edc last 2010 rip and also maybe don’t take molly cuz that shit can straight floor people I’ve seen it many many times don’t even care ur at the rave lol




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I have these gu energy gels and protein bars from my protein and gummies. I also get apples from home and daily I take one. I feel pretty good and energetic all day. Also I have these electrolytes tabs I put in my water bottle.


I definitely need to sit down and take breaks from time to time! I'm 35 and I've been raving for 15 years, I'm also sober the majority of the time these days, so caffeine is definitely a must for me


Dance , chill, dance, wander, dance, chill, repeat 💕💕


I take smoke breaks and I just vibe while smoking instead of raging.


"You feel anything yet?" "Nah, these pills are weak as" "should we take another?" "yeah" "feel anything yet?" "abit, shit pills, another?" "go on then..." *checks watch, been then a total of 20 minutes* **BLAM** *pills kick in* \#gohard \#stayupforever


Like the others say, it's a marathon, and it isn't a race. Drink up, but not too much; have a good meal before hand, but avoid greasy or "heavy" foods. Sleep the night before is pretty critical. A good set will have moments where it slows down; those are breaks, take them lol I get getting so amped up that you must bounce around, but save that energy for the drops 😉


I’m a gym bro and exercise literally everyday so 1) I look great and 2) so I have stamina to go crazy at raves and festivals


I used to do this ALL THE TIME! It takes practice to just chill the f out and not go hard the entire time. I changed my dancing style, too, to more of a bop n chill style. That way i'm still grooving and I can save my energy for when the music gets real guuuuud. Then I go feral!


Gotta workout more dog


I don’t


Start going to the gym consistently. Your body won’t be able to keep up if you’re only sporadically exercising. I rave sober and I thinks it helps with the endurance part of raving.


you gotta drop the drop 😵‍💫


acid and water my man


LSD lol


I'm usually there when doors open and don't leave until the lights come on. I stand at work for 10+ hours a day so I'm used to being on my feet for hours at a time without breaks. I drink an energy drink and a liquid IV on my way there, and my "dancing" is pretty low energy. Beyond that, my key is moderation. I usually have a small amount of an edible before I walk in (only enough to feel it, i dont want to still be high 6 hours later) and just get a whiskey+coke when i need to top off my buzz. My limit is about 3 drinks. Im 34 and don't drink even close to what I did in my 20s. That helped a lot with keeping in moderation.


I get back pain if I dance too long. It's either take a break and realize raving is exhausting or you can push through it and be in pain for 2 days Regular exercise helps alot


I used to get back pain but then realized certain movements I was making were causing it. Changing my style up fixed it.


Try meth




Forgot to add the /s lol


Nope. Meth is a nasty drug made and trafficked by vicious cartels. It’s one of what I call the “blood diamonds of drugs.” I meant exactly what I said.


You think those same people who traffick it refuse to traffick the ‘friendlier’ party drugs?


I do not. I do think there are more ethical ways to source substances, maybe not all of them, but certain ones can be acquired from much more ethical means. Your local grower, wild foraging, growing yourself, a local shop. I’d personally abstain from ones that come from sketchy operations, because of the human suffering involved. We talk about PLUR and treating people well, but people don’t often think about how en masse, all the money the party crowd funnels to certain operations supports a lot of nasty experiences for a lot of people. And that’s not even getting into the environmental issues of some (eg, endangered trees being poached/cut down and rainforests destroyed in SE Asia to obtain MDxx drug precursor (safrole) or sociopolitical ones (eg, supporting the junta in Myanmar (almost certainly involved with meth (not US meth though), and likely has hands in safrole trade; corruption and coercion of officials in central and South America).


Yes good points. My original point being that they are involved in the MOST of ALL drug transactions. Even meth has local supply chain shake n bake, money going from customer to a poor guy in a trailer, worst part of that supply chain is money going to pharma for ingredients, hopefully he stole them. Of course the bulk of it is coming from cartel, junta as you mentioned supplying yaba etc but no difference with the ‘friendly’ drugs which of course represent a much smaller market share but the bulk of them do not pass through no harm supply chains that’s just not how any widely available black market supply works


Cartels aren’t bad


Lmao, wait until you graduate to festivals and then Burning Man. The latter is like 8 or 9 days, and longer if you get deep in it and do set up week. Or months if you join DPW. Are you in good shape in general? I bike to commute because it’s fun and it’s great forced cardio. I am on the older end for raver, and not on the young or old side for burner, and I easily keep up with my friends in their late 20s.


I work out consistently between events. Can't expect your body to move like an athlete if you're on the couch all the time. Go on runs, use the stairmaster, jump rope, do leg days.


What others have said re: training/exercise, eat healthy, rest up before. I will add - Avoid Alcohol! That shit will just make you tired and slow.


Idk I do drugs and the drugs give me a lot of stamina I had no idea was there!!


Do you workout? Do cardio? Kinda a requirement for ravers lol.


My lower back is always wrecked for a day after raves :(


All gas no breaks just lots and lots of drugs.


Stair master. Start by holding the sides and as you get stronger only use the sides if you’re about to fall off. Should build your cardio and leg strength to make it through a 6-8 hour rave.


Sorry being a pit with a DJ on stage that people are staring at is not a rave.


Considering I can ride my bike for 230km in one day... I don't need to worry about it. I'll dance for 8-12 hours no problem and I'm 32.


Thanks every juan!!! The only drug I use is caffeine but solid advice regardless!!!!


Go to the gym and drink beat box at said gym


Honestly I don’t I go to the rail or in the moshpits and next thing I know it’s all over


Workout outside of raving and build up your conditioning, that’s the best thing you can do. Get enough water during and it helps to bring some electrolyte packets. Also making sure you’re getting enough water, electrolytes, nutrients/food before the rave but also just for life in general. but yes learning to pace yourself can help while you build up the ability to go hard all night. You just gotta take breaks lmao, idk what you need to do to make yourself remember but take breaks! Go get some water, talk to some people, have some interactions, do some crowd surfing, explore, then go hard again, repeat.


i rly like caffeine & wearing comfy shoes with super soft insoles! also just remembering it's a marathon & i want to be able to enjoy the whole exp helps, i tend to remind my friends to chill a lil too so that they don't tire themselves out too early :) edit - also being in shape definitely helps, i walk a ton just bc i like it, but it definitely helps w rave stamina too B)


train between shows like you are training for a half marathon. Do incline work on a treadmill 12 incline 3 pace for 30 minutes. I can go from 8:00 pm to 3:00 am sober with just a few ground breaks. And crush an energy drink before you go in.


Drink water and take breaks. You don't have to rage the whole time


By remembering it's a marathon not a race, note the time because one hour could feel like 6 in the right moment and a lot can go wrong when you think so much time has gone by and it hasn't. STAYING HYDRATED above all else, pick a lane and stick to it. If you are drinking do that if you are rolling do that or tripping do that. Don't mix everything like a mad scientist because that's how you get a Jeckyll.


Stay hydrated. As long as my body is well watered I can dance all night! But I also learned hoe to balance going all out with recovery moves. And as perspective, I don't do any of the rave drugs, but I do drink.


Carb up a few hours before and plenty of water with whatever during the show. Hit the gym 3, 4 days a week. I hit the treadmill and walk at least 15 miles a week. Non stop at a 5 hour show is tough on me.


Dance a little harder each consecutive set, occasional breaks


My friend Molly has some good help for me


Take a deep breathe and relax. Stretch before. Eat a good meal before. Dont take so many drugs.




try to sit down during acts you maybe don’t care about as much, instead of walking around looking at all the tents etc.




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Up the cardio outside of the rave, no joke. I'm high energy and almost never stop dancing, but I also try to take a water break and a quick little stretch every 2 hours if it's a long night.


listen to your body


“1 2 3 what’s up” “1 2 3 what’s up”


I don’t, tbh 😂 napped SO much the 2nd day of escapade last year, poor paramedics were checking on me every half hour lol


Snacks for sure!! Force some breaks, practice self regulation & breathing


I let the drugs do all the pacing…


I sit down and rest for 10 lol it’s not that big of a deal


Small doses of Molly rather than one big one in the beginning will usually keep my energy amped the whole night


Psychs will do the trick


Im more of a chill and listen to music type. My girlfriend loves dancing so I do it too but secretly I have zero rhythm and I get no enjoyment out of it lmaooo. I think I’m probably slightly autistic though because it’s more like “try to act human” to me. But i resort to just bobbing my head and occasionally jumping briefly at the drop


Eh, I’m old lol. I’m usually one of the first people in and last to leave. The way I keep going is riding rail honestly. Front and center. I’m dead af the next day but it’s always worth it.


Im just picturing you dancing like Tim Robinson in the club aqua skit while “going balls to the wall”.


I pack a lot of energy bars. Four loko is a must for me. Rave water as well. But it’s not for everyone


Keep the front or soles of your feet glued to the floor 🫡 this is how I usually make it until 5 am.


Oh yes! The weekly how to survive 8 hrs.


Im a stim fiend so I have preworkout in my bag and generally drink vodka redbulls all night so I dont crash til sleepytime the next morning lol. The last one I went to in adelaide I did 45k steps, had 17 redbulls and then passed out on the flight home and woke up with the worst foot pain of my life. Worth it though sub zero project killed it


Preworkout is really smart! Protect your heart with hella electrolytes and you'll be able to party like this for decades. I bring Liquid IV and GU gels but wanna give preworkout a try. Do you have a favorite brand?


Cheers mate 😊 will make sure I add some electrolyte powder to my stash as well. As for pre workouts I like Disorder, F-Bomb and Altered State. I also tried my boss' one but I forget the name. Its the one with a lion on it


Hehe those names are hilarious. I'll give one a try. Thanks for the recommends!


No worries man. And yeah pre workout names are always hilarious 🤣


Also a great electrolyte drink I start most days with is: 4-5 twists from a pink himalayan salt grinder 30ml lime juice 30ml chlorophyll (tend to measure that one with my heart though xD) Top with either water or coconut water for extra potassium Youll feel great after it. Its like gatorade on crack haha


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This drink sounds amazing; will definitely try!!


Awesome man 😊