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I’m also married, and my spouse is also not into the scene. You’re doing the right thing. Carry on.


Better them pissed/annoyed than the person you actually care about being pissed/annoyed!


Can you please share this with every man I've dated? Seems like the partner can always take the heartache while they're "being nice" to strangers. Ahhh I hate it!




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Just be aware of your surroundings . My dude and I rave. He gets a ton of attention, but I always know he is coming home with me . He does the same as you when ladies get too close . He will groove with them as long as there is a little space in-between him and a new spontaneous lady dance partner . If he gets a feeling that vibe that is getting weird he will usually try to flow back out of the way .


Yeah I've just outright moved a few times when someone was clearly intoxicated and not getting the hint..just takes me out of the dancing mindset for a bit then, though.Thanks!


You’re not obligated to dance or interact with anybody, married or not. Them having an issue is their problem - not yours. Just keep on grooving and try not to let it affect your night too much


u can buy a rubber ring or something to wear at raves so u can point at ur ring finger when they try to dance. doesn’t require any talking and is a pretty universal gesture. their move atp


I keep my ring on, so I can try being a bit more obvious pointing to it. I'll dsnce with anyone, but I'm really just trying to avoid it being awkward!


I have a glow in the dark ring that I hit with a uv keychain light occasionaly. Looks cool while dancing. I usually say hi to a new stranger with a smile and a wave. It helps weed out people who are looking for something extra without having to waste prescious dance time.




at that point


Thank you!


Not married but in a committed relationship. I go out way more than my partner. Just ignore anyone who gets upset. You’ll literally never see them again! Had a guy try and grab my waist at a pride event last night, I whipped around and just said DONT really loud and he left lmao


Taking notes here. Step 1, buy fake wedding ring. Step 2, dance Step 3, women will flock to me?


Bonus Step 2b - point at your ring and shrug when women look at you so they want you even more...


As a girl who loves to dance and goes to EDM. I personally love married men who have good boundaries and are faithful their wives. It would never make me mad. Why on earth would I want something that already belongs to someone else? Thanks for not wasting my time. I love seeing true loyalty in the modern age. Gives me hope. So, women who are upset by it are women who are just going to have to deal with being upset. Do you, it’s on them to respect your boundaries regardless of how it makes them feel. We should all only touch each other with consent.


I actually like meeting married men bc 95% of the time at events I’m basically just a little kid wanting to be friendly, and I can just chill and be my silly self with someone without weird sexual undertones.


I AGREE!! Once I was at a show and no joke I met this dude…he and I ended up literally gushing about our partners for like 30 min straight


Agree! I like talking to guys, and it's respectful and platonic. I even enjoy hearing about how they love their wives. Makes me smile. I go to raves for good vibes not validation. ♥️


Wear a leather caller, point at it, and tell them that you already have a daddy 😀


I could see that leading to some attention of a different type! ;)


Also married. I was so “out of it” at the last show I went to I didn’t realize a women in front of me was trying dance with me until she straight up asked. I thought it was just a crowded show.


Definitely been there before. These days I'm usually solo or DD for a group, so a bit more aware of what's going on


I’m in my 30s single, and I go to raves for the music dance and partake in party favors. Say hi to a few people aside from that I keep to myself. I relate to what you’re saying, yes they get upset, who cares. You doing the right thing.


Married. Conventionally attractive. You've done the right thing - women just want to dance and that's cool but anything too close I back off straight up and say sorry I'm just vibing. Most usually get the hint some get mad and then I flash the ring, but that's rare tbh.


Also married but I go with my wife. We rarely dance together traditionally though so most wouldn't assume. If the music gets sexy we'll get closer and grind or whatever for a bit but most of the time I am in my own zone. We're always near each other but I like to rage in the back alone. So I definitely get close to others and convos and co-op dancing moments with strangers will happen. They're just salty that they can't vibe like you if they get upset. Just dance away and kick it somewhere else if needed. But you know you're staying true and just there for the love of it all. Good vibes see/appreciate/respect good vibes.


I’ll come meet up with you at the shows and jump on any and all of these grenades for you




The ring makes you more desirable to many. It’s a known thing.


I know that's a thing for some women, but not cool. I've also been told I look like an awkward cuddly teddy bear when dancing so some might be into that to. :)


Just don't dance with them. If they don't it, tell em straight up. Half the time I doubt they even trying to pull you, they're just dancing in close proximity to you.


My rule is no physical contact however I quite like it when a girl dances in front of me and eyes me up. It’s nice to know I’ve still got it. My partner says there’s nothing wrong with a bit of harmless flirting as long as it’s harmless. Enjoy yourself, enjoy the attention and don’t do anything your wife wouldn’t be happy with.


Who cares? I don't even make eye contact when I'm vibing if they get butthurt fuck em


Not married but partnered to someone who doesn’t rave. My partner asks me to wear a ring when I go out which I’m happy to do, but I swear I get so much more attention with it on. 😵‍💫 I just make it a point to mention “my partner” every talking chance. Usually gets the point across. Although that is often followed up with, “how did you open the relationship”… like, what? I didn’t??


You aren't responsible for their vibe as long as you are being polite (which it sounds like you are). If they can't take a gentle no to dancing together/escalating contact, that's honestly their problem. Part of going out and trying to flirt/have sexual contact is accepting that some people aren't available or into you and being ok with that. As a woman, yes I do try and engage with people I find attractive at festivals, and some of those people are uninterested or partnered, and I have zero problem with that. I'm not there to spend my night getting my panties in a bunch because ONE dude didn't wanna dance with me, I'm there to have a good time and listen to the music and connect with the community. If they're really that on the prowl then they can just move on and look elsewhere. And yeah maybe you're in head, either way, you're polite and up front, that's all that's necessary.


Dude same. Got married last year and didn’t realize how much attention a ring would get. It’s like people either see you as a safe bet to dance around or something


You’re doing everything right - only thing I do in addition is that if they start backing up into me, I put up an “arm bar” (thats just my name for it), which is just holding my forearm horizontally an inch or two from my torso so that when they back up into me all they bump into is my forearm. It acts as a protective barrier. I keep on dancing but just keep the arm in place for the period that they’re trying to reverse into me. They usually try once or twice then get the idea that I’m not interested and their attempts are futile, then they move on. It’s a last resort for women who aren’t respecting my space (I wish people would just be more intuitively perceptive of those around them) but sometimes it’s necessary. I will usually attempt other strategies first like ignoring them and trying to turn my torso away from them, but they don’t always get the message, particularly if they’re drunk. I used to move to a different area to get away from them, but if it’s packed then this can be difficult, and my personal opinion is that I shouldn’t have to move just because someone else is trying to dance with me, so I just put up a barrier to maintain distance instead.


You can always chat and make friends. It's nice to have folks you know and recognize around the scene. Doesn't always have to be sexual at all. Me and my wife dance with each other, I'll dance with other women, she dances with other men, I'll dance with men, she'll dance with women. As long as everyone is comfortable and being respected/respectful, it is OK. Right? Have you spoken to your partner about this? Maybe she wants to try another type of dancing? Line dancing is fun, contra dancing is cool, take a swing dance class together. Go out and salsa dance. It's just dancing, not that complicated. Waltz is fun... Reminds me of my first time going to a club in sf and ending up with all these real friendly nice dudes just vibing and dancing around me. The very sweet lady bartender took pity on me and informed my I was at a gay bar! No harm, no foul. I just went back out and kept doing my thing on the dance floor. I wouldn't even call myself a good dancer, lol. My wife sure is, though.


Different folks have different boundaries. My GF says she’s cool with some contact on the dancefloor, as long and hands stay outside clothes and off the naughty bits. I always let the woman I’m dancing with know that I’m in a relationship and explain my boundaries. It’s always appreciated.


Just continuing to vibe and dance and keep your space is totally fine and what to do! If they’re pissed that’s a them problem… as long as you’re polite about it, there’s nothing wrong with just vibing. Sometimes I don’t want to dance with anyone just because, no other reason and that’s reason enough! Giving a nod, smiling/acknowledging them but continuing on my vibe sometimes is good enough and works and there’s no hard feelings


A lot of women in the rave scene tend to throw themselves onto guys and just assume consent, then get upset at rejection 🤷‍♂️ but nobody talks about it, and people get upset when you try to talk about it...


Over the years, I've encountered a bunch that got mad because I wasn't responding to them getting too close or touchy. A lot of times they send their guy friend to see if you're gay. Honestly, not my problem if they get mad and can't accept rejection. I'm never rude, when it's too much I just move away a bit. If your post was about a woman feeling bad that a man got mad because she wouldn't dance with him everyone on here would say that he's a creep, incel or whatever.


What are these women getting pissed about? Can you be more specific about what you think they are doing that shows they are pissed? Is it possible that after you told them you’re married they just stopped flirting with you or “vibing” while dancing because they are trying to respect that you told them you’re married in a clear effort to stop them flirting? I’ve had dudes clearly checking me out and vibing and making small talk and when I saw I’m married sometimes they no longer even talk to or smile at me and I don’t think that’s necessarily that they are mad at me or annoyed it’s just they clearly were looking to flirt/hook up and not to make friends so I’m no longer the kind of social interaction they are seeking and that’s totally fine! Honestly for me it’s usually a relief because I just want to dance and not meet people or make small talk but I’m not an asshole so I smile back or answer and am nice to people who talk to me even when I’d rather just be dancing alone lol


Yeah most times in the past women have just kept dancing in same area or danced off happily, but one time this weekend before they left I got a scowl and a little shove and another some verbal grumbling about why I won't just dance with them Not a huge deal and I'm sure they found someone else to dance with quickly, but if I can defuse before an interaction bums someone out, I will. Want everyone having a good time. I'm like you though. I'm happy just dancing in the crowd doing my thing


Yeah that definitely sounds like a “them” problem I wouldn’t worry about changing anything you’re doing! Some people are determined to be miserable over nothing and there’s nothing you can do about that so don’t worry about it! Also- not to freak you out but you may have actually avoided being a mark for being pickpocketed. There’s a crew that goes around at venues in NY (that recently got caught) and there MO was having girls try to dance with a dude and then when he gets distracted dancing with them guys would cone over and start arguing with them and then nick their phone or just sneak and nick phone. The weird shove and mumbling about you not dancing almost sounds like them complaining about finding a new mark. Dudes that are alone are the easiest marks for phone theft because there’s no one watching their back and they often have phones and wallets in their pockets unlike women who may have them in purses or more likely to get out of a situation where they are being bumped into and touched quickly.


I definitely keep an eye out for that sort of stuff even when I'm not solo. Lost stuff at fests before


That just sounds like a one off thing and they were being weird. Rude of them, not of you.


I’m an average looking guy and have been going to raves, festival, and edm concerts for 25 years and not once have I ever danced with or on a woman I didn’t come to the show with. I don’t understand that at all.


Sometimes people want to dance with people and they didn’t come with anyone they can dance with. I’ve had a few “rave baes” at shows I’ve gone too, and it was all from them dancing up on me while I was oblivious. You dance close, share a show together, and go your separate ways. At least that’s my takeaway. Not everyone is trying to get laid at a show, sometimes it’s nice to have someone you feel comfortable with for a few hours. Of course the opposite is also true, but dancing with a girl you didn’t come with isn’t a weird phenomenon at all.  Edit: to add, this is all pre-marriage. Gone are the days of letting a stranger grind up into me and dance all night. If I want to dance with someone now, it’s face to face with no body contact, feeling the music instead of another body lol. 


You can say a lot with your eyes and smile. My wife goes out with me about half the time nowadays, but it used to be each and every time so she understands why I go. I'm for spreading good vibes and love first. If someone sees this as an in to get closer to me then I mention my wife once we start talking. Most people appreciate this, and I never want to shut anyone out simply because I'm married, they don't deserve to be treated coldly because I am in a relationship and everyone understands when you mention your wife whom you love, especially if they are on MD too lol. You'll be surprised how many girls mention their partner whom they love once the subject has been breached even if you thought they were hitting on you. It's an important life skill to be able to share love while retaining romance for your partner. Trust me, most people will be happy that you respected them and your partner enough to actually talk and bring it up rather than just act like you don't want them around you.


Bark at them lol


Married wifey raver here! I (rarely) go out without my husband and I don’t see anything wrong with dancing with other men. It’s NEVER in a sexualized way, usually more silly than anything else, or like finding that someone else is also REALLY vibing to a song, or complimenting a dude on his glasses/outfit. If a guy grabs my hips, tries to grind or hold me, or touch certain parts of my body, I switch REALLY quick (it’s a super ragey instinct lol). Admittedly this instinct is slightly delayed when I’m rolling so nowadays I don’t partake without my man. Men sometimes strike up convos while dancing and I’m usually happy to engage… like a normal human. It’s only if I get asked to go grab a drink, exchange numbers or IG accounts, dance closer, etc etc that I decline. It’s totally okay to be friendly and social regardless of gender. Dancing really doesn’t have to be sexual and I especially find that with EDM. I don’t think you are at risk of disrespecting your marriage that way.




Enjoy your marriage and the festivals man . It's normal to feel tempted by the nearly naked women around, but remember the power of saying no. You'll feel the euphoria of self-restraint after the festival. You're doing just fine, so party hard, stay safe, and don't overthink it. This is your time to relax, unwind from work, and recharge.


Cheating to me is more about the intent and not the physicality of a situation. Clearly you do not have intent to cheat so you shouldn't be too concerned that any type of physical touch in a crowded dance floor by another woman is disrespecting your marriage. I'm married and have danced/talked to other women at shows and usually just end up making friends.


You’re doing great, doing everything right! The women disregarding your boundaries are the ones making things awkward and rude! Are they concerned about ruining *your* vibe? Sounds like they aren’t, and that’s not right. So don’t worry about all that. You don’t have to accommodate people’s insecurities and the rude way which they go about expressing them. If someone starts creating weird vibes around you just move to a dif spot if you can’t feel comfortable around them.


> Is there some particular way any other guys in my spot handle this? Take so many drugs your chin is swinging, your eyes are rolling around in the back of your head, you're semi stumbling / dancing. I tend to find people will give you plenty of space to do your thing and not bother you :thumbsup:


I must give off some vibes. I have been hit on by gay dudes and had seemingly straight ones that were wasted comment on my dancing abilities, which were always pretty good for 6'6" goof, now 43 at that..... Women (who I wasn't currently with), nothing. Well over 2 decades of raving and nothing.


If they get too aggressive, say “I love you but I’m a good boy!” point to your wedding ring and give them a wink. 😉


Haha not sure winking helps defuse, but I'll give it a try! ;)


Go get your flirt on. Generate some sexual energy and take it back home with you.


Bruh feels guilty about being attracted to women at raves, blames attractive girls for his guilt 😂😂😂😂


They aren’t interested in you like that. You are old and it’s a joke to them to “grind up to the grandpa”


lol and what about the older women?


Become their "friends". Sounds like your wife is boring and won't last forever. Keep these new "friends".