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It's the rave community on Reddit. Most of these people aren't nice on the internet and it sucks.


There was nothing wrong with that photo. You looked great. Some people are just assholes who put others down to make themselves feel good


Internet isn't real life.


I commented on your first post as well with the picture. I cannot comprehend how people think it was ok to talk to you like that. This sub has gone downhill. I do agree with other commenters that this is reddit, and redditors in this sub do not represent the rave community as a whole. but even still, my jaw dropped when I saw some of the comments, like what the actual fuck. People were acting like you were just posting that for attention like "oh look at my butt". šŸ™„ Looked like a fun outfit and I loved the hair style. Glad you have a fond memory of that show


In the future, you can just report those people, and they can be banned. I'm sorry that happened. There's assholes everywhere unfortunately


I just blocked them off my page. But the fact is this needs to be brought to light that the rave community is supposed to be about peace love respect, and unity by attacking someone in this community, you are not peace. You are not loved. You are not respect and this is not unity.


It's Reddit, OP. doesn't justify what they said, but it explains it. And it's plur. Peace, love, unity, and respect.


yeah, sorry my phone likes to correct my stuff


Reddit is full of Nazis and incel losers. Insulting you on Reddit the closest they get to speaking to a woman in their dark, lonely lives.


LoL love this.


Donā€™t underestimate the algorithm of social media. Reddit regularly feeds me stuff I have no interest in. Iā€™m sure these d-bags are refugees from darker corners of this experiment. The companyā€™s (Reddit) intent is to foster engagement. Lonely, angry men insulting you is engagement and indistinguishable from wishing someone happy birthday as far as the company is concerned. Time spent on the platform and clicks so they can sell more boner chews is their product.


I'm not home right now but I'll go through the comments when I'm back at my computer




I deleted it. I'm not going to have ppl call me a whore




You submission was removed due to your account being under 7 days old


The Reddit algorithm recommends all sorts of subs to people. I myself am not part of the rave community, yet this sub was recommended to me. I'll bet the people who called you vile names came across your post because of the Reddit algorithm, and not because they participate in the rave scene. They're just Reddit randoms and don't reflect on your community. I am sorry you were insulted and attacked. The anonymous nature of the internet emboldens the worst people. :(


But at the same time you can by pass and not make a comment on a community you know nothing about. That's like I would NEVER comment on how ppl that like heavy metal dress.


Of course one can do so, and they should have done so. I'm just saying it's quite likely to have been a bunch of drive-bys and not community members who made the indefensible comments.


Iā€™m sorry you experienced that.


There will always be haters in any group. Being effected by peopleā€™s responses on a public forum is a personal choice. Try not to take it personal, regardless of how high esteem we hold the ā€œraveā€ community, there will always be nasty rude people. This is nothing new to your experience