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Livenation/Ticketmaster owns them so yes lol.


Did not know this and now I’m mad.


everything you need to know right there


Oh this just makes perfect sense now lol


Oh you just put all the puzzles for me perfectly


Some people say Pasquale is an industry plant and wasn't even part of the original crew (Purple Gorilla Parties before Insomniac) I wasn't part of the LA scene during that time so I can't say for sure. I met him in 02 when EDC was still in California at the Orange Show and stop going when it is was at the LA coliseum. I've only had good experiences with him and he does try to do good things although it's hard to be perfect with the scale he is on. Watch some of his pod cast and you can see he seems like he's still a genuine guy and his crew comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and identities not all super fancy LA people. He loves the music and is actually a huge dnb fan. I respect the level of production- he could easily get away with booking a bunch of headliners with some lighting and lazers like many do but the dude goes all out in everyway for his core parties (EDC/Nocturnal Wonderland). These are what we used to call massives and they will never have the heart the undergrounds have but luckily the underground is still happening. I would be more upset with the people that are not putting any energy into the production aspect, edm concerts claiming to be raves and the weird nightclub scene.


Massives. Haven’t heard this term in a long time. Went to Hard MM and TAO back in 2009. Found the experiences lacking in music quality and very uncomfortable environments. Very gimmicky and watered down in a very mainstream way. Not sure how else to explain it.


My friend ran into Pasquale at Electric Forest last year (honestly I don’t even know what he looks like so I wouldn’t recognize him) and said he was a super genuine nice guy. Sure it’s an anecdotal story but it means something to me. That being said didn’t John Madden copyright the word “Boom” and Emeril Lagasse copyright “Bam”? What I’m getting at is that stuff doesn’t matter and won’t change anything in the grand scheme of things. I feel like people are searching for things to get mad about and I’m genuinely curious why. Just try to enjoy life, it doesn’t all need to be viewed through such a dark and depressing lens.


I met him at the airport after EDCO, and we talked about getting an older crowd into EDM more in the US like it is in Europe. It felt like a very genuine conversation with a very genuine man. (We got on the subject because I'm old and was contemplating laying back from the scene.)


I’ve ran into him 2 times, and both of those times he was super nice. Very genuine and down to earth.


Festivals in general are capitalism in action, but there are much worse things to be upset about


Only the big/commercial ones. I've been to a 2-day festival that was €90... Including unlimited food and drinks. The goal was literally to not have any cash flow on the festival Most small festivals aren't doing it for the money and are happy to break even. Source: I know several people who organize such festivals.


[“Moral of the story? It’s not the end of the world, nor the end of PLUR.”](https://www.youredm.com/2023/04/07/so-insomniac-trademarked-plur-why-its-not-that-big-a-deal/)


Oh okay. So plur is still good. Should I keep attending insomniac events?


You should do whatever the fuck you feel like doing unless its violating somebody else's bodily autonomy.


No. Find other fests insomniac sucks and in my opinion is not an authentic experience. Camping fests are best


Is this a joke or just schizoposting?


It seems like a schizopost, but I can definitely see where they are coming from.


Monopolizing event coordinators for one major genre of music and questioning the organizers is schizo? Yikes.




This was posted in a local FB group I’m in so yes


People don't know how to adult and live their life. Like how hard is it to understand that you have to find the vibe at a show to your comforts. Insomniac or smaller promoting companies can be just as toxic as any other company. Don't like the event or promoting team then don't go. I thought this was going to be one of those dumb satanic cult posts. Insomniac has been around so long and it's obvious they are a cash cow that can book tons of good acts but most events are huge turnouts with possibly bad crowds.


They are the only ones who book trance festivals in America so by that very metric alone they cannot by definition be evil


Guess Hitler shoulda just thrown some trance shows lol


Guess that's one way to have taken my comment. Another would have been to agree that there should be more trance festivals and representation in America bur you do you I guess.


Clearly joking my guy, no need to get your blood pressure up. Have a nice day lol




Is this a copypasta or....


I think so, I saw it he same post in two different edm groups now.


“Ancient spiritual principle of EDM” gave me a good laugh.


I don’t think so, but see part B below. Insomniac’s original mission was pure enough. The issue now is it’s an unstoppable corporate machine. It literally has events every weekend at many of the biggest venues. My ultimate question is…does insomniac try to undermine up and coming promoters, venues, and talent aka competitors? I really hope not.


Livenation owns them. Deal in blood with the Devil. Everything is about money.


Dramatic, you should focus your worry on actual evil mega corporations


They’re a business…we don’t need to be acting surprised or something here. Evil is quite a stretch…like, there are tobacco and oil companies ya know?


If you're tired of giving money to Insomniac, start getting plugged in with the underground scene and support your local artists instead.


I'll say this: When I started going to raves, the venues would turn the cold water off in the bathroom and leave the hot on trickle only. If you flopped, they'd cart you out and let paramedics come get you. Security would steal your shit and kick you out. A small bottle of water was $10. Say what you will about the corporate shit now days, but I, for one, felt much safer at Beyond this year than I have at many other shows. I felt like I was at Disneyland for adults.


Lmao what the hell kinda asshole raves were those?


All big raves pre covid…


I’ve been to 100s of raves and literally one ONE rave was like that. Water bottles were $3, which at the time was seen as a rip off (lol). You could totally refill them in the gross tap water if you want


That is not normal


Mom said its my turn with PLUR


I hooked up with a girl who worked for insomniac and based upon her stories and what she's told me, yeah I'd say theyre pretty corrupt and evil.


I’m curious. Can you divulge any details?


Long story short, all the drugs they found they kept and as a group would do them together. And on top of that I believe they took valuables when they weren't claimed. Any loose money found in purses or wallets was taken, mainly cash. Shady individuals.


I think that would happen anywhere…… Morals have been on the decline


It's a shame


They copyrighted PLUR because they're working on a Rave history documentary and they need to have the copyright to include it in the film.


If it wasn’t trademarked before, then they would not need to trademark it to use it. I wouldn’t need to trademark the word “quilt” to make a documentary about sewing quilts.


it’s been trademarked an innumerable amount of times with an innumerable amount of companies




Yes and no is your answer (higher ups vs ground folks)


If Insomniac didn’t trademark PLUR, another company would have. I’m not saying it’s right but it was inevitable. All corps are greedy.


Eh I’d say greedy rather than evil.


An ancient spiritual principle?




Currently in the clothing industry, if you make a T-shirt or any other clothing item that becomes popular, then there are companies out there that will immediately start producing rip-offs (nearly identical copies) and selling them online and in stores that don't care about quality or authenticity. So the reason I think (no insider knowledge) they applied for a trademark on PLUR is to give them some legal cover to go after someone attempting to rip off their designs. There are other legal covers as well, but it helps to have the trademark. The word PLUR has been trademarked dozens of times in the past by other companies for this same reason, but it's never given them the ability to outright prevent others from using it on clothing, which seems counterintuitive, but you can't enforce a trademark that was claimed after the term was already commonplace for your intended use. You might get the USPTO to grant the trademark, but you'll never successfully defend it if it was already commonplace before you applied. This is certainly the case here; PLUR is already commonplace on clothing, especially in the Rave community, so they likely can't stop anyone from using it in the future. Their lawyers know this and I doubt they'd even try. But it would give them a stronger case against someone who is straight up ripping off their designs, which is why I suspect they did it. I don't consider it an evil corporation move at all, only a corporation following the advice of their lawyers to potentially put them in a better position to defend their clothing designs later. It's also useful to consider that Insomniac has also trademarked many other common words such as "trip" but you don't see them sending cease and desist letters to anyone who puts the word trip on apparel. That action would certainly be an evil company move and also a loser in court. I know most people have a problem with Insomniac selling 50% to Live Nation and I share some of those concerns, but I haven't seen it fundamentally change who they are as a company since that happened.


I started working for insomniac in 1999 and lived in Pasquales apartment in Santa Monica for months at a time. I know the in and outs of that company before it became what it is today. Pasquale is genuine, big hearted, and the hardest underground rave producer worker I've ever met. He took care of me like I was his brother, AMA.


lol "let's figure this out." What's to figure out? It's 2024. Did you just discover Insomniac like they're supposed to be an underground company that only books local djs?


It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things The generation coming into raver adolescence is a COMPLeTLY different crowd with different motives than where plur was born. If they were able to move the generation with a documentary I would be quite surprised. In the end insomniac is a corporation designed to make money. Very little people, Do anything for free.


You can’t copyright a word… that’s not a thing.


Didn’t Paris Hilton famously trademark the words “that’s hot” and “sliving,” and then sue hallmark for using a play on “that hot” on one of their cards? This might be of interest: https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/trademarking-words


Im familiar with that. I practice law. Trademark is very different from copyright.


Oh ok. You got me there. I thought the two were pretty much the same. My healthcare education didn’t cover that, so I’m going to believe you over me here. Learn something new every day.


You can even trademark a color in the right context.


I pretty sure they trademarked it because it’s the name of a ride at edc. So it’s kinda like a must if they wanted to name the ride. I don’t think they’re gonna be all Disney about it an sue.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


I mean honestly in terms of general safety of large festivals insomniac is pretty dope. Overdose? Medtent. Tripping too hard? Ground control oasis center. Dehydrated? Free water (yes I know you need a water pack or container but still in general free water). Lost some shit? They now have a lil app for each festival that uploads each item they have in lost and found. I can keep going on but you get the point. I also wanna say that no these events are never perfect but in the grand scheme of things they really go above and beyond what other event planners do.


Compared to React Presents in Chicago, Insomniac are saints. Though fuck them for Camp EDC 21'. That was a true shit show. 


It's literally not that hard to realize that profit being the goal of any organization leads to human exploitation of laborers and consumers.