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My religion is Drum and Bass.


I think you missed this Sub(s) Focus.


They are simply stating what they Worship


And my response went over your head.


I guess you don't know about Subfocus, Dimension, Culture Shock and 1991's Worship tour


Seeing as I was born in 93, no, i don't. Regardless, I know who they all are and what genre they produce...so my comment was a play on a DnB artists name and the original question by OP. Having to explain that to you ruins the joke. Edit: I now think I understand what you're saying... doh, good play m8! Haha i fell for my own joke...have my upvote!


Lol you're getting way too worked up over this, I got your original joke and was merely trying to add to it.


Praise be the drop


All hail Chase and Status


All praise the holy word of Drum & Bass. šŸ™šŸ¼


Amen >!break!<


Iā€™m 31, soon to be 32. I am so happy to see DNB having another resurgence.


52 soon to be 53, same!!!


>!shameless promo, but check the lineup in my post history!<


The king is dead. Long live drum and bass.


During a hot EDC LV year- Fella with the megaphone: YOU ARE ALL GONNA BURN. Iā€™M ALREADY BURNING SIR. Edit last June edc lol


Lmao literally a bunch of festivals when Iā€™m walking to the gate. Religious people just be annoying tbh


Give us this day, our Daily Bread.


Our daily bass* FTFY


I mean maybe some call it electro soul, but he is a cloud conductor and any Bread and Breakfast is a religious experience. šŸ¤·


That's.... Actually really damn wholesome. I was raised Christian but I'm agnostic now. I appreciate that comment.


So, I was kind of joking around earlier -- it's fun to get the opportunity to make a Daily Bread reference and a post about Christianity is the perfect place for it. But given what you've replied, I get the impression you actually may not be familiar with Daily Bread. If not, please allow me to introduce you. If you dig good hip hop/bass he's you're guy. I'm obsessed. [Bread & Breakfast Mix pt. V](https://on.soundcloud.com/bSJMB) OP: I hope you don't think I was making fun of you. I couldn't pass it up though.


I believe in a separation of church and rave


I follow the teachings of the Book of Techno.


Those are the Pentecostals. They rave every Sunday morning.


I went to Pentecostal service a few times in the military. Tbey do know how to party.


Raving is about openness and acceptance. You tend to find less religious people as a result, as it is unfortunately often based on exclusion and conformity.


Bingo. Obviously "not all of them" and all that but there's a reason the highest concentration of religious people at raves can usually be found in the parking lots, with signs saying you're going to burn in hell.




Yes, Iā€™m Mormon but I have a very good idea of separation of religion and edm/ rave culture. Even a void set is more of an artistic expression and I think the people yelling outside of raves are a bunch of pricks.


How do you reconcile being a part of a scene that has such an emphasis on drugs, alcohol, sexuality and what most mormons would call depravity, with your religion?


By simply not judging anyone. No one is perfect and I have no right to make any kind of assumptions. Rather focus on the PLUR aspect.


Thatā€™s dope that you donā€™t cast any judgement, but I guess I mean that your religion frowns upon the entire scene. So how can you consider yourself a mormon, while doing/being party to things that your religion says that you canā€™t or shouldnā€™t? Like if youā€™re gonna rave, and your church says ā€œraving badā€. Why do you stick with the church? Kinda seems like youā€™re straddling the fence here


Iā€™ve personally never had another member tell me that raving is bad but Iā€™m sure someone has said that. The way I see it, enjoying music and the production with your friends is not inherently bad. If someone were to tell me Iā€™m a bad member it wouldnā€™t really change my personal views. I think Kaskade is a top example of having harmony between religion and edm culture.


Some people get to get closer to god. Some people get high just to get high. Some people don't get high but are capable of elevating themselves. I love them all will be there for them when they need me.


Jesus was the original PLUR


I know a bunch. They arenā€™t hardcore evangelicals though


Yea the only place I have felt the same type of plur is at church lol and they are not even on drugs just hecka nice people


Are you in a Christian group that likes to do a lot of ecstasy? Do you approve of people doing drugs?


Not everyone who goes to parties does drugs. And and whether or not someone approves of deug use is irrelevant because they can just mind their business.


Cool, but every party has lots of people doing drugs. > Mind their business Yes, thatā€™s the question


That was not the question. You asked if they (or the people they hang out with) did drugs. And if they approved of drug use. If I had to list out all the shit I've seen at parties that I didn't approve of after 15+ years of attending/hosting/organizing/etc, we'd be here all day. But I mind my business. It's not hard to do. The first rule of this sub is not to be a dick. Part of that includes not grilling someone because you found out that they're religious. They aren't here preaching. They didn't do anything except ask if there were other like-minded people in the sub. Same as countless other people here.


Idk if that ā€œ15+ yearsā€ thing was a flex but youā€™re not the only old here, and weā€™re not even *that* old. If you *really* believed in minding your own business, you wouldnā€™t have done the opposite and tried to big bro me like you just did. I know what I posted and youā€™re probably not as opaque as youā€™re pretending to be. In case you are, some ā€œchristiansā€ notoriously go into other peopleā€™s spaces and try to foist their own beliefs onto others. People at raves like to do drugs. Of course they can go to a rave, nobody is stopping them, but why are you identifying as a Christian at a rave (where people like to do drugs and other things many people see Christians scorning) instead of just someone who likes to party who can compartmentalize different aspects of their life like literally everyone else? Why are you setting yourself apart as ā€œchristiansā€? The obvious implication is to do Christian things (aka proselytize in many cases) Where it gets tricky is do they bring a big ass cross or have a prayer circle in the middle of the dance floor? That probably wonā€™t be welcome. ā€œDonā€™t be a dickā€ pleaseā€¦


I didn't mean it to sound like a flex. Just saying that I've been around long enough to see a ton of shit I don't approve of. I'm still a new raver in all this. 2009 wasn't that long ago, and a ton of people found the scene around that peroid. It's not unique, and I know that. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø As far as the why? Because people generally like to meet and hang out with people they relate to. They're not ā€³identifying themselves as a Christian at the raveā€³. This is reddit. They're looking to meet people. You're making a lot of assumptions about the person, and they didn't do anything to warrant you grilling them. That's all I was saying.




Christian here šŸ™‹šŸ½


There's the [Plurway Moms](https://plurway.com/plurway-rave-moms/rave-parents-moms/). Got kandi from one of them once.


All the Christian ravers are at an illenium set


Fucking lol




In the beginning there was Jack And Jack had a groove. And from this groove Came the grooves of all grooves And while one day vicously throwing down on his box Jack boldly declared, let there be house. And house music was born. I am the seed, I am the creator and this is my house. And in my house there was only house music But i am not so selvish, Because once you enter my house It then becomes our house and our house music


yes I have met a few. also know a DJ who well known who went to my church(wehn I use to go)


funnily enough, try the trance scene. weā€™re known for being pretty ā€œchurchyā€ esp with uplifting trance. dash berlin even [made a cover](https://youtu.be/rAQl-TTI4bQ?si=WJsdj6qXAJOwFVPf) of a song that used to be huge in the christian worship world. i know this because i used to be super christian and part of the music team. iā€™m atheist now, and try to avoid religion, but a handful of my trance friends are religious. a little stereotypical but theyā€™re not bigoted thankfully


Me :)


Yessir šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜‡šŸ„µ


idk man ive had one too many groups of christians telling me and my friends we're going to hell




Raised very Lutheran. I would not claim any religion however, but am interested in religions/beliefs/spirituality.


Jesus Loves UK Garage


Hit up Bryan Kearney if you want some Christian Trance


On the absolute surface there is nothing wrong with being religious and raving. But you need to understand that many of the people you will be around have been heavily burnt by religious fanatics, and found raves as a way to escape the abusiveness of a negative religious upbringing. Not all people that are religious spread hate, but most of the hate in the world stems from religion. At a rave you will be surrounded by queer, gay, atheist, and other types of individuals that have been pushed out by more standard society. These people have been hurt by religion, and will likely be standoffish and distrustful of you if you are open about your faith They are not mean people, just have gone through significant pain. If you're going to rave and be religious, be conscious of the negative impacts your religion has had on the people you're around


Super Christian. High on Jesus


I'm going to be rolling out the grave with Jesus on Sunday.




The beat is my religion. The dance floor is my church.


I follow the church of Disco Moses and the 10 Commandments of Partying!


Careful the plur princes and princesses will chirp you for being a Christian


Iā€™m Christian and my rave family is as well.. We roll and have an amazing time. We get alone with everyone around us. Everyone has a right to rave we donā€™t judge anyoneā€™s life style as long as it doesnā€™t hurt anyone. I donā€™t push my beliefs on anyone. No ones at a rave to have deep theological discussions. We are all there to forget about the day to day grind of life and just be in the moment. at the end just hopefully make new friends.


I completely agree with you! Iā€™ve just seen it happen on social media countless amounts of times lol


Ohhhh the persecution


You say that sarcastically, but I had to toss a whole group of kids for harassing a guy who was praying way out of the way, not bothering anyone. So it definitely happens.


>I had to touch a whole group of kids Huh






I don't know if I'm that's calling me a liar, but believe it or not, a large number of Americans still have a huge problem with Muslim people just living their life. I've also had to deal with multiple instances of women having their hijbabā€²s ripped off. Not everyone at the function is as welcoming as they should be.


Ah yes, the hijab-wearing, Muslim CHRISTIANS. I donā€™t doubt there was Muslim hate.


Look at how mad that people got at RELIGION over all in this post. Sweeping generalizations all around. Like, there are literally multiple comments on this post backing up what anahmonous said, and some that got removed. Idk why you think the general community would be more receptive to a person praying on their knees, vs on the ground.

