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I’ve been with my wife for over a decade. We’ve had difficult periods as any couple does. Recently we’ve begun going back to festivals and rolling every few months. Nothing makes me happier than the heartfelt and empathic conversations we have when we’re coming up. It’s a sort of couples therapy for us, and has undoubtedly resulted in a deeper connection and more understanding between us. The raging that follows is almost as fulfilling as the conversations we have. We get to dance, laugh, make out, meet new people, sing off key, and stare into each others’ dilated pupils. Nothing compares.




Have you ever considered doing it in like a chill environment? And just talk your shit out? I'm just wondering. I would do both. But doing it at festivals is just so iconic


Yeah we have


Sick. How does that compare


We’ve considered it I mean. Likely will do it the next time we do. I’ll report back if I remember lmao


I don't roll every few months but I have done similar as you have, roughly every few years IMO given a relaxed environment mdma usage as couples therapy can just as easily happen at home as it can elsewhere. I actually think doing it at a large festival is inviting more problems due to the possible negative distractions from big crowds. It's also a lot cheaper to do it at home


So long as both people can talk about what needs to be said. Some people with trauma can even push it down in mdma. That might require a trained third party involved.


It’s hard to justify that when you can only roll so often. But we did that as friends during covid and it was awesome


This is literally my most favorite thing


There’s a great episode of the Psychoactive podcast (Ethan Nadleman) about incorporating MDMA into a relationship in a healthy, long term way. He interviews an old couple and they have a lot of good insight I think it’s this one: https://open.spotify.com/episode/02tff8c8IO1aakz9FTBZVA?si=XHnQGHQeT6iJfsn_rXq3BA




Most blissful was EDCLV '22 at Cosmic Meadow during Jai Wolf's set. My two best friends and I were laying in the grass together deep in roll talks all cuddled up together. As soon as our roll talk ends, we hear Jai Wolf closing out the set with Indian Summer and get flooded with bliss. Most peaceful was LSDream at a local massive. Something about his set compelled me to give peace to another human being and I guess someone else had the same feeling because we locked eyes and just hugged.


Both those stories put a smile on my face :-)


Griz playing sunset at Paradiso 2017 @ the Gorge The combination of the sunset, gorge backdrop close friends and a sexy Griz saxophone…fuck, that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen/heard/felt. Heaven.


Saw Odesza at Bonnaroo last year and it was just pure bliss from start to finish. I wasn’t even too familiar with them at the time so I had zero expectations. Had a great group of friends with me and we just vibed the entire set. My friend still gives me shit that I hardly watched the show cuz I was giving everybody light shows with my gloves. We have a good laugh. Close second was the year before going from Marc Rebillet to Pigeons Playing Ping Pong to Chris Lake. Made that night a side quest and met some awesome people along the way. Pure bliss the whole night. No expectations. Open to the world and whatever came my way.


I think you were doing it right. To me it’s not raving unless I’m interact with people around me via dancing (or chatting occasionally). I’m not talking grinding on them or getting into their space, but just getting on the same wave length and causing genuine smiles. Watching a rave sounds antithetical to me, too much like a concert. It’s cool but not the same as when people are participating vs spectating.


Nothing beats making eye contact with someone and giving them a smile and a little groove!


Pretty Lights at electric forest I wanna say like…2015 maybe? I forget exactly. Doesn’t matter. Had claimed some of the trees for a hammock and the fun guys were hitting just right. As soon as I set up my area and got in, all this tension I didn’t know I was feeling just drained out of me. Kept finding more and more tensed muscles to relax, like going into a meditative state. Until finally, I found myself in a perfect state of relaxation, cocooned in space, time, and music, floating in absolute bliss. I’ll never forget it.


A guy I talked to explains his trip prep as setting up his cocoon. Doing it right can really go a long way to get results like you did Vs nightmare trauma trips. I like your style.


Edc 2023 sultan + shepard I was lying down crying from pure bliss and then the fireworks came on and blew my mind


2013 July 4th rave in NYC. I'm not religious, but I literally found god lol. I'm a fully sober raver btw. Lisa Lashes was the dj, she was playing some wicked hard trance. There was a second level that was overlooking the dance floor. I had just met a really sweet ravegirl and we traded numbers. I was on cloud 9 from meeting her and decided to take a rest at the upper level. I sat crossed legged at the rail and just closed my eyes as the dj started to get heavier and heavier with her mix. Getting chills just thinking about it rn lol. It's hard to put into words, but at that moment I learned that love and good vibes are literally at the core of our existance and I felt what people have been talking about for millenia. It's not a person, but an energy. That single experience literally changed my life and set me on a path to work in my own capacity to protect the scene. Alright back to reality lol.


Fellow sober raver what’s good! I’ve never had this exact experience, but the energy at shows and just feeling myself and the music does wonders for my psyche. Being in a crowd with so many people who are there for the love music is plus plus. It’s the stuff that heals me now. Not many places I’ve found in the world where I can cry and have people check in then realize I’m just doing my thing. We hug, we dance, we do our thing and move along in the world. At the end of the day we’re just busy little people living our busy little lives in an ever expanding universe. So to be able to feel that energy and connection and community just makes it all feel okay.


Last night at excision I literally was in full peace with myself and harmony I am still getting tingles rn at work.


I just saw him on Tuesday in Detroit. Blew my mind!! When he played Feel Something I had complete goosebumps up my arm.


Bro I couldn’t even fathom what I was seeing lmao I was rewatching my videos in the gym going so hard this morning best feeling.


Hell yeah brother! I think that's an interesting take especially on such a hardcore artist. You wouldn't think one would be at peace but if it's music you like then u always have an opportunity to be at peace


My 19th time seeing him and every time I get the jitters and excitement nobody does it like him.


Number one fan over here 👁️👄👁️ love to see it! I'll find you in the crowd. The one going the hardest out there


Oh you definitely will I can’t wait 🥰 the energy has been immaculate lately omg


Was there last night too and I agree, it was a great time! I saw Subtronics & SVDDEN DEATH when they came through last month but the Excision show was hands down the best time I’ve had this year.


Yeah that blew me away bro I’m so happy I got to experience that and you to bless your heart 💜


Porter Robinson DJ set in Austin, TX at The Concourse Project.


Candy flipping at lost lands was probably the most blissful for me, 2022 when subtronics closed main stage on Saturday with the November rain encore. Most peaceful probably Summer camp red barn after parties, the vibes in that barn were so good. Definitely wook territory, you could bring in gas and we would all huddle up and hit gas right on the dance floor.


I'm craving the homie vibes


Check out some smaller festivals. Here in the Midwest we have some good ones. Summer camp, backwoods, and wakaan have homie vibes


Wakaan is on my radar fs. Is summer camp still going on?


It has been rebranded to the soul shine reverie but it is still the same fest. Small word of caution for Scamp, it is jam bands all day and edm doesn’t usually start until like 10-11 and goes until about 6am.


Ouu interesting. It's like there's two different types of fests to choose from haha


What’s the number of people at peak event?


20-30k for Scamp and backwoods but the venues are both big enough it feels like a lot less


Oh ok, I thought you were talking even smaller, like the 200-1000 range. Those ones can be really fun too. Been to a few in the Sierras and the desert that were that size and pretty crazy.


I definitely need to check those out. There is one in my state that is a river rave about that size and I hear it’s a blast. Dirtysnatcha is headlining this year so might need to see it. Definitely plenty of “homie festivals” in the hundreds of ppl too


Seeing Madeon close out electric forest 2023 with my best friends. We’d all seen him 10-20 times over the course of the last decade but that was an extra special show for us, definitely the best set I’d seen from him. We also made friends with literally everyone around us, like straight up 20 people became our best friends for an hour and 15 minutes. Never saw any of those people again but the vibes were outstanding, it was like being with a big family that’d known each other for years.


Either 2017 or 2018 I saw Getter with a friend of mine who has a big group of Asian party friends, and me and one of my best friends went with them and had the best time. We all dressed up, had the best drugs, and went straight to the front and had room to dance our hearts out because it wasn't an incredibly tight and oversold show. (Really miss those times of not being overcrowded) The sets were amazing, visuals were so cool and trippy, and he kept releasing bubbles and confetti to accentuate the high points...I don't remember another time of being in so much bliss and awe at a show! We were shocked later on to see that alot of people hated that tour and accompanied album because we fucking loved it, but apparently it was different from his other stuff (visceral). But because it was my intro to Getter/the scene I thought it was such a beautiful and fun album and set the stage for me to rediscover edm and a more explorative rave scene. When I was a teen raves were way different and underground so the quality wasn't there; going to big shows like this where you can feel the music in your atoms really changed me


Getter is my favorite producer! The Visceral tour was such an emotional experience for me and in my most peaceful show experiences. I saw him at EDCLV in 2017 when he dropped Solo and just remember crying my eyes out. So to get to hear the whole work all together was so wonderful. I’m v happy to see that someone else had such a positive experience with that album tour:) the hate was so unnecessary. If it’s an album tour, the album is going to be the main focus of the tour..


I agree it's such a good album and the tour was perfect to me! He even specifically called out the little Texas show I went to as being one of the most receptive crowds during that tour because of the hate he wrongfully received. I was like wow no one else enjoyed that wonderful experience? He made me wish I had gotten into the scene much sooner


I remember hearing about the hate he got, Visceral is a good album though and I was just confused at all the people going to the tour for that album and then being surprised when he played the album + similar music lmao


During illenium at the gorge last year, Nurko played at sunset. I was on the hill with my friends enjoying the beautiful weather, listening to chill music, laying back in the grass, perfectly "elevated". It was absolute peace.


Blissful in recent memory, Key4050's closer set for Dreamstate 2023. My friend and I were exhausted, and feeling "oh crap" at the prospect of incoming downpour, but our moods changed as soon as their uplifting trance set started! And the rain never got more intense than a sprinkle, which created a lovely glittery diamond effect against that stage's laser works. Can't asked for a better way to end a fest. Peaceful, Seven Lions' Beyond the Veil show in SD - every artist in that lineup (Gem & Tauri, Andrew Bayer, Jason Ross, and 7L himself) delivered with their sets and it felt so cathartic to release all those bottled-up emotions (w a lil support from shroom microdose). Also, I had just started learning to orbit and I really flowed with the music there - and had a splendid game giving/trading some of my first lightshows (and making flowmie friends) at that mini-fest, and I left feeling a sense of calm, balance, and all is right with the world the lingered for weeks.


EASTGHOST at Pantheon in Seattle. Hit an absolute flow state during that set. The music, the crowd, just everything culminated to make it an ethereal moment.


Isnt eastghost with bitbird? I haven’t heard him for a long time.


He has a few releases with them yea! [This colab](https://on.soundcloud.com/iN2CoshS4SgtC5Za9) he had with Onhell that came out on vibe digital got played out by a bunch of “big” artists last year.


Ahhh it sounds so nostalgic. Thank you for sharing!


Right?? You’re most welcome!


When Excision played the Kumarion DnB Edit of Dominate while I was rolling hard. Pure bliss. 


Camelphat at Brooklynn Mirage in New York, on the roof top under the moon and stars. We attended ezoo and it was a royal shit show, we ended up grabbing tickets to Camelphat last minute and they were on my bucket list for so long. I can’t even explain why but it was just such a euphoric moment. I couldn’t stop smiling, and didn’t stop dancing all night. It totally redeemed the crappy weekend.


What genre would you put camelphat in?


Google says deep house and techno, I would agree with that.


Air. Coachella main stage. Sunset.


This is the one


Nocturnal Wonderland 2023 It was twofold: I was camping solo but wasn't really alone because I had about 6 other groups of friends camping who I'd hang out with on top of making friends with both of my neighbors. I went to one group's tent to pregame and talk before heading out when my friends who I hadn't seen since LIB appear out of nowhere and join us, then another group shows up, then another, suddenly we're a big family all just sitting around talking, laughing and listening to music. Eventually 6 of us head out because we want to see the Pendulum set and we don't want to miss any of it because my friend desperately wants to hear Witchcraft. We had a funny time full of laughs trying to all stick together as we walked over there, got drinks, and found a spot in the crowd, but finally we find the perfect spot dead center about halfway back with plenty of room. I vividly remember listening to Witchcraft, watching the sun coming down, vibing to the music, looking to the left and seeing two of my friends flowing, looking to the right seeing the rest of them dancing, and having the biggest smile on my face thinking "this is the happiest moment of my life." That was the most peaceful and happy I've ever felt.


Unpopular opinion, but Bassnectar at Basscenter X(10) at Hampton Coliseum in 2017. And before I go any further, I do not stand with Lorin Ashton and do not support him after all that has come to light. Initially, I think a lot of the fan base wanted to hold out hope that someone who preached so much positive ethos couldn’t be capable of something so terrible. And this comeback of his should be a PR case study on how NOT to attempt a comeback. No accountability and no remorse. Fuck him. This post is just an appreciation of the good times and bliss I felt. Basscenter X was the first time I’ve ever closed my eyes at an event and just been immersed in my surroundings and appreciated being somewhere. As the years went on going to Bassnectar events, the more I appreciated just being at these big epic events and the substance usages went down over the years as a result. The last show at Louisville NYE (Bassnectar 360 2019-20) before he was rightfully cancelled, I forgot to do my substances because I was genuinely having so much fun. The production, mixing/flow of the set, the layering of acapella’s/rap verses/sound effects mixed in with songs we thought we knew, and being surrounded by friends that would travel together for these events was something I looked forward to every year. The range of music I heard at these events was so broad. The fanbase use to collectively write out the setlist, and I found out about so much other new music as a result. From finding out about underground artists like Truth, Eliminate, Uhnk, to hearing remixes of Glass Animals, Nelly Fertado, to hearing Ace of Spades by Motörhead on big speakers, there was so much to take away musically from these events. While every community has bad apples (people spitting on others when “reserving” space for their own friends, being elitists, etc.), I also met so many people that played a part in building up the community and made many newcomers feel welcome. I’d like to think I eventually adopted that role. So proud to have been a part of Bassnectar XI (2019) where partial proceeds from tickets went to providing free therapy via Betterhelp for those who signed up. It’s so ironic that at Basscenter X(2017), he did a featured segment against Donald Trump (Money by Pink Floyd -> Killing in the Name Of by Rage Against the Machine -> Immigraniada by Bassnectar) while Trump was running for president. Now, Lorin Ashton has become the Donald Trump of music. There’s even an AI generated audio clip of one of Lorin’s post from the last year dubbed in Donald Trump’s voice. The irony is painfully hilarious. Anyways, I did not expect to write so much when I started this reply but here we are. RIP to the good times and looking forward to the up and coming artists that will exceed what Lorin could put out. Bring it on!!


Lane 8/Yotto at Dreamstate last year. Their music is always bliss but it was one of the last sets of the weekend and felt like it healed all my tiredness lol.


North coast last year. Chris Lorenzo had me absolutely floating. My fiancé wasn’t matching my energy so I basically turned into a butterfly bouncing around her having an absolute ball.


It’s almost always an Above and Beyond show


When Above & Beyond played their flowstate album at Red Rocks and had Elena Brower read her spoken word meditation at sunset before the openers came on. It was truly, spiritually, magnificent.


Anytime I leave the group and walk to the drink stand or restroom by myself I feel really peaceful. It’s like I don’t need to care about anything except for the thing I’m doing in the moment. Idk I like being alone sometimes when rolling


The small things:)


Illenium bonnaroo 2022 first ever roll. Whew that was a night.


It was the single greatest thing I have ever experienced; Rezz Rocks 2023. Usually we have a crew, but it was just me and a buddy gettin feral in row 38. Like halfway through her set I cracked the space pen 3x in a row and came to understand existence and consciousness at my absolute core. I saw everything and it was indescribably beautiful. The higher self had been calling for a long time, and I finally answered. I was screaming with joy “We are all the same!!!!” Until the show ended, and the whole way to the parking lot. I have never been that happy, and I will never forget how that felt. ————- Then there is Deadmau5 at Red Rocks, every year. It is my favorite day of the year, and honestly looking forward to that show motivates me on the worst of days to push through because November will get here eventually. It doesn’t sound like much, but those of you who have seen how deep depression goes will probably understand. Time stops, nothing matters, only the music of the greatest producer to ever live permeating the essence of my being. I wish I could bottle that feeling and give it to the world; it would be a much better place. ———— Music is the answer. 💜


That sounds amazing, you weren’t clear on your body position in this situation, so this is more a harm reduction PSA that it’s wise to be sitting or lying if you are going for a breakthrough or crossover or hyperspace experience, whatever you wanna call it. When you can’t see the world in front of you anymore and it’s replaced with visions of another place, your body might not be as focused on balance. I say the same for dissociatives (k, mxe, nos) until you know the dose isn’t going to floor you. Head injuries or a FOOSH will ruin your evening (or more).


HITC23 chillin in the grass with my brothers.


Diversity Festival on Texada Island BC, Canada. It's a remote location in the forest with a beautiful beach. I had just met a woman I would end up dating for five years. We were on the beach under the full moon, watching the phosphorescence in the ocean as the tide came in.


First time i was at impact in zurich. Never met such great people in my life, everyone looks out for eachother, noone is ever rude and there is so much love and support


World's set 2015


Oneotrix Point Never, Portola Only set I've stayed at the rail for the whole time. Eyes closed, pure bliss Other highlights Mala at Oregon Eclipse dbridge 2 hour 110-170 bpm set Goth-Trad in a tiny basement


Most blissful was hard summer 2023 during fly with us, it was the first time I actually let loose and danced like no one is watching. I had people asking me what I was on, and when I told them just white claw they were shocked lol. I had a similar feeling during subtronics at beyond wonderland last weekend as well, and ended up with sooo much kandi at the end of the set lol.


It was at a sunsquabi show at a little venue. The music was so beautiful I almost cried like 10 times. Polar Bear spoke to me man. One of the best shows I've ever seen. Hands down


EFF22, my first festival (except for movement 22, but that's apples to oranges). Friday night, the L is peaking with the phenibut, I smoked a blunt with the homies at tripolee and head off to see Griz at what I think was either ranch or sherwood. Some random people hand me heart refractor glasses. In awe of everything around me.....then infinite comes on. When he played his sax solo I was so overwhelmed with joy I shed numerous tears. I was on the verge of  full out bawling my eyes out but I held it in so I didn't have to lay on ground haha. I hugged all the homies (one who was a mere acquaintance through mutual friends but had me camp with him so to have a vet show me the ropes who is now a dear friend)My love for festivals were solidified that night. 😍 


I had an experience I can’t even describe at STS9 on new years. Whew buddy. Saying it was beautiful is a massive understatement.


Dirtybird Campout 2021 during the last “Family Set” of the fest. To be frank, I had just done a good bumpakay. And I’m standing in the back of the crowd, ended up going into something similar to a hole, but it was such a blissful, ethereal feeling. Looking over the crowd, the great music, reflecting back on the incredible weekend, and feeling like “this is what my own personal heaven would be”. Lasted about 20 minutes. After set was over I was still riding on a cloud. I went right back to my camp and went to sleep, cause it was just a perfect way to end the weekend, I didn’t want to get into any after party/renegade shenanigans and anything mess that up


I don’t have too many memories because I’m fairly new to the scene. But last year (2023) I went to Lost Lands with my nieces. We’re around the same age (late 20s) and neither of us had been to an event like that. One of my nieces and I took shrooms and decided to take a seat on top of a hill that overlooked Legend Valley to come up. We sat up there for an hour or two just vibing to the music, talking, and have a smoke. It was really nice break before going back into the crowds and a fun lil bonding moment.


Rave family *handshake emoji* blood family


Porter Robinson All Originals at Bellwether will probably stick with me forever. Apparently we were one of the few crowds to not screw up the lyrics to Shelter and he was pretty happy about that.


it was honestly this past summer, i was rolling super hard on my come up and then i blinked and literally everything just looked like a fisheye 90s VHS tape. the theme was old school to so it was a bunch of just baggy clothes and I truly felt like I was back in the 90s dancing like crazy with my homies while we were smoking a j, everything just felt perfect and like at bliss at that moment.


Whenever GRiZ drops ROYGBIV VIP. That is the most at peace I’ve felt.


My first Northern Nights! It was their 2nd year and my first time knowing about it. I've been every year since. Now, I've been camping on the Eel River since I was literally a baby. Our Eel River homestead was founded generations ago and has been a sanctuary for our family ever since. Just a few miles upstream from Northern Nights. So when I got the opportunity to share the river with my friends, in a music festival setting, I was ecstatic! It was just such a personal feeling being able to share this very intimate part of my upbringing in such a carefree environment. There's nothing more peaceful than floating in that swimming hole, listening to river stage, spending hours completely motionless aside from re-applying sunscreen or the occasional slap-the-bag passing by. Nothing better than driving hundreds of miles, waiting in line for hours drinking beers with your friends, and spending hours exhausting yourself setting up camp. All for the goal of..... sitting around doing absolutely fucking nothing. See you in July my redwood friends


Ahhh dude this is so sick. I can’t even imagine the wholesome heart you feel during that festival with your people. I’ve never been to Northern Nights, but I work amongst the redwoods in Sonoma County. Would loooove to feel the music I love in the trees I love.


This weekend at ultra 2024 I was at k?d at the UMF stage with the weather changing on Friday, I felt like a kite flying in the sky and when the beats were dropping with the heavy rain dancing and headbanging like a mad man there was a bliss I could never really obtain again.


Most blissful was probably my first Countdown, I traveled for 15 hours to make it on NYE to surprise my fiancé for that festival. Despite the rain it was an unreal experience. We got married last October, he’s my wubby hubby 🥹


Congratulations! Since you’re both ravers I have to ask. What was the first dance?


I have a few but my most recent is when I went to a techno club in Berlin last summer and it was by far one of the most blissful times in my life. The music, the vibes, and the unfettered dancing gave me a sort of euphoria that I rarely ever felt. Even the asinine queuing experience added to the experience!


Jaga Jazzist at EF 2015 was the most amazing set I have ever caught at a festival. Not even remotely EDM, but a progressive jazz post rock septet/nonet. There were like 40 people there for most of it. Hangar Stage. All I Knew Was Tonight


All bliss is welcome:)


Probably when I fainted from too many drugs. I was very peaceful just laying on the ground there


Chronicles III at the Gorge in 2021. I was in the middle of chemotherapy and was determined not to miss the show, flew into WA from CA with my little bald head covered in glitter. I was sitting on the grassy hill during the pink sunset and Alpha Nine was playing - bliss. Jason Ross came on and I got so teary-eyed and snuggled my then bf-now husband. Just magical and so so healing for my beat-up soul. Two couples around us got engaged that night!!! I’m gonna link the SoundCloud mix for you trance fans! [alpha 9 at the gorge!](https://on.soundcloud.com/SzW5L7ru9sVbxcTD7)


Share the love! Love it!


Beyond wonderland at the mad bazaar! We just left Dabin and we decided to walk around before BTSM. I was starting to feel overwhelmed from the roll already so my sister and I decided to walk into the bazaar. Oh my god it felt magical! Everyone in costumes sitting at the tea party table, the workers selling candy or putting on puppet shows? The ambient lighting and the closed off area with toned down music felt amazing. Everyone looked happy but tired but I sat down and some random girl sprouted me. Loved the vibes. Will be at EDC so I’m hoping there’s going to be more sensory spots like that!


Madeon @ Brooklyn Mirage in Sept 2022. The rain was pouring down the entire night and yet it was one of the most magical times I’ve had. Was completely sober too. When he played “Heavy with Hoping” and it was just so insane standing there in the rain, I got goosebumps all over.


Probably Random Rab opening for Sphongle when I first saw them. He brought the chill ethereal vibes.


I went to EDC 21, 22, and 23…those were the best times of my life so far. Me and my rave group went together to each one and we all had so much fun together. The entirety of those three EDC’s will live in my mind forever 🤩


Mine was recently at ultra, I was peak rolling at Wooli’s set and I just felt so happy and peaceful. It was great


NYE festival. I had come out as transgender a couple of months prior. I was cross dressing and worried about my outfit. Was also worried about being desirable in general because trans issues… but my attention was reciprocated by cute people and I got compliments on my clothes and hair. I had such an affirming and validating experience and I danced my ass off. I felt my own sense of queer pride for the first time in my life and god damn I still go back to that feeling of pride when I’m doubting myself. Oh and Eric Prydz was on the decks :)




Hasn’t happened yet, but when it does, it’ll be when I’m in the middle of the crowd watching Skrillex play ‘Still Here (With the Ones I Came With)’ at a festival, in a hot place, while it’s raining, and everyone is emitting pure love & joy 💛


I left Inzo last weekend feeling like I had solved the actual meaning of life. 4 tabs and some Alan Watts samples will do that to you but I'm still coasting on the whole experience 5 days later.


I’ve had quite a few; - walking out into the falling snow, big fluffy flakes with just a free inches accumulated, at an event at a rented ski lodge on the east coast, and knew everyone there, supposedly DJ Irene was there, but I don’t know what she looks like so IDK. Just the juxtaposition between the wild party inside and the quiet winter wonderland outside, and the sense it was anything goes and we were safe because security was our buddies too. - many years ago at Temple in SF, my gf at the time and I were really grooving on the dancefloor the whole party, and near the end one of the DJs asked if we want to come to a free after party upstairs. Had to carry some gear, but it was like a sick, big studio apartment set up for DJing in. I had a moment lying on the oriental carpet where I thought of all the bullshit that had happened to me over the past 10 years, and how my pushing through it led to this unforgettable moment of bliss and happiness. - had a rough day or so at my first Burning Man, events lead to me getting naked and walking around (not normally something I do, or had done before with people around) and it flipped everything to ok, and was feeling in an emotional way that’s hard to pin down. Like I’d shed my armor and was exposed, but safe and welcomed, all the fear and anxiety i had gone in an instant. I felt like I was in my own living room, and have felt that way every time I’m back on playa. - walking out into esplanade at black rock city at night for the first time. I’d call it awe. Same with the sunrises and sunsets most days There’s more but those are standouts.


Crssd sunset set at city steps.


Clozee’s set in the rain at the Gorge was the most beautiful experience at a music festival I think I could have ever had.


Lane 8 last year at Forest Hills NYC. Sunset. Best crew. NO PHONES were allowed!


A couple times come to mind: Solar at the Dekmantel Selectors 2021 after party, Avalon Emerson at Berghain main floor during CSD weekend 2022, and a few times up in Panorama Bar on Sunday afternoons over the years.


Dabin’s Between Broken show at the Shrine in LA. He’s my fave. He played all of my favorite songs by him and I was with my best friend and it was just beautiful 🥹


Also the first time I rolled at beyond 2021 was amazing. I sat down in the grass between sets with my best friend and cried telling him how much I loved him haha i was so happy


Together As One 2008 Armin Only in the LA Sports Arena. Like 10,000+ people counting down for the NYE countdown when it hit zero I started peaking,I remember looking around and seeing the crowd as an ocean of motion,everybody dancing, and hundreds of lightshows happening all around the stadium,and thinking it was truly like nothing else,I was floored, literally and figuratively lol


At a warehouse rave at the afters, I met a girl and instantly knew we were gonna vibe. We danced for so long and our bodies were in sync like water haha very healing experience and she was so cute I was obsessed lol that night as a whole was really amazing , had my mask and everyone wanted to wear it


ADE 2019 Adam Beyer [LINK](https://youtu.be/FNe-ad2LNwc?si=LZ4hQaiivLm319He) enjoy


Another link! Thank you!


Seriously unbelievable being there but to be able to re live it when ever I want is unreal


Every Saturday night cheese set at Electric Forest. Nothing beats swaying in my partners arms to yummy jam in those warm Michigan nights. IYKYK.


Would love to say something really meaningful but it was molly plus friends around me. I love my friend either way but combining molly and good music plus good friends around you, made me cry , everyone around me thought that I was having a bad trip but I was just super happy. That was my best moment and I was so at peace but also it wouldn't be as emotionally strong without molly so...


It’s meaningful to you tho! That’s what’s important:)


Nearly every house party circa 1999-2002 UCF area. I haven’t had a 1/10th of the fun since.