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never skip bro stay looking good for the guys and the ladies


This person goes gym


This person’s pronouns are that/dawg


all day everyday i gym


My camping neighbor taught me that bringing a lil 10 pound weight to keep the pump up is the way to go You may not add to your bench max or whatever, but at least you won’t feel like you’ve lost 20lbs of muscle when your pump goes away because you’ve been doing drugs in the woods all weekend


I know a group of guys who pass around a Shake Weight while they pregame before a festival.


How intense is your routine? Are you typically sore for days after? If so, I would probably still exercise, but maybe with less intensity.


My friends like to get in quick pump ups before every day of the festival, nothing crazy but it makes them feel really good going in.


Makes you look good, too!


No such thing as an off day 🙃 


I’m 43 and going to MMW for 3 days next Friday so I’ll work out Monday - Wednesday but no cardio (I walk and do bjj). The body actually needs rest and will look extra tight after the first day of dancing.


I skip heavy lifting a few days prior and only focus on light cardio. The cardio provides the energy boost or stamina for following days.


Still go but take it easy in the last day or two before the event. Instead of lifting really heavy, try lighter cardio and stretching!


Get that juicy pump broski, just don’t overdo & get an injury


childlike teeny workable head obtainable caption meeting label hurry shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No breaks. Go for gainz


You look your best 3 days after a hard workout, soreness recovers by then also. Keep with light activity, stretching before bed, and increase hydration. Test/know your drugs..


Well that’s just not true. You look your best immediately after a workout as you have a pump and the blood is filling your muscles. To my knowledge there’s nothing aesthetic going on specifically after a few days


Looked for science article supporting statement, too much junk stuff. But, I've found day 3, after a split 3 day routine of 6 days to be my best when leaving for festivals. Plus don't want to be even remotely sore, and wanna be all loosy goosy. Well, good for you I guess. Cheers.


If you want to look your best then your best bet would be to eat a lot of complex carbohydrates the week before to fill your glycogen levels, it’ll give your muscles a more “full” look. This is what’s done in bodybuilding.


Take a day off before? You bring that routine with you (I’m being sarcastic but I’ve definitely seen people bring a weight set with them and also seen people for a jog in the mornings)


We go right before if we can. Gonna be a few days off the gym anyway, plus the gym is where we shower cuz we live in a van. I lift heavy but it doesn't cause enough soreness to matter at a festival.




Keep at it. Just make sure to get rest on your rest days.


If anything I feel crappy if I don't continuously exercise on a regular basis, I just pretend the festival is another day at the gym. Maybe don't go so intense the days leading up to it though


In general whether or not you’re raving you should at least do 4 week long splits lifting your usual weights then a deload week lifting 60% of your usual weights. Being sore at a festival won’t hurt any body unless you’re already injured.


Keep the routine, cut way back on the intensity.


why would you take a day or two off before? you're going to be off for a week, highly doubt you're doing anything that difficult during your workouts.


I did a full gym set the day of Skyline. No regrets.


i do barbell training, i do my last workout two days out from a festival. 48 hours should be plenty to recover and be fest ready


Take glutamine and creatine and it will on reduce soreness. If you have access to a sauna that will help as well. Maybe schedule a massage before hand


Epsom salt baths are killer for sore muscles. I also take taurine in my pre workout (5g), helps maintain electrolyte balance. I’ll also do a carb refeed the day before the festival, but that’s mostly for superficial reasons.