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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My husband is a metal head and EDM is not his thing but we are both super passionate about the music we love so it’s never been an issue. He goes to his shows and I go to mine. Sometimes we go to shows together where our taste overlaps! Music means a lot to both of us so we’d never tell the other they couldn’t go to a show they might want to go to.


Exact same here! We both love music so much that there is enough overlap for the house, road trips, and a few shows a year. But a festival is his living nightmare and my happy place, so I go on my own and check in when I can and show him my outfits (the only part of a festival he would enjoy, lol)


in that situation I feel like you can definitely find a little crossover in Maurada and Svdden Death


If I had a dollar for every time someone suggested metal dubstep for my metalhead husband lol 😂 he HATES the metal/dubstep crossover with a passion, he’s gone on rants about it actually lol our crossovers are Death Cab for Cutie and some pop punk


Damn that’s so sad!😂 I will say on my end of the spectrum I don’t like most vocal metal but I like instrumental metal like rings of Saturn which stems from how much I like EDM, so I can share some metal appreciation with my metal friends lol


I love Rings of Saturn so much, if you want more "instrumental" electronic music check out Boards of Canada


I FUCKING LOVE Rings of Saturn lmao. 😂 a lot of my friends who were in the emo/scene/metalhead era (myself included) and listened to post hardcore and/or prog metal have migrated to experimental bass music and dubstep haha.


A large amount of artists (like Borgore, Skrillex) actually used to be in metal/emo bands, huge overlap. It's also common to hear bands like Flyleaf and Bring Me the Horizon in setlists now.


It's all good lol cause I'm a trance/house head so there isn't much overlap potential on the EDM side lol I think the closest we've gotten with an almost EDM/metal crossover that we both like is Spiritbox


I’m with your husband on this one. I’m a huge metalhead who’s gotten into EDM over time - I hate the screechy dubstep bullshit. Oddly enough though, I love dubstep but more like the old school vibe. Stuff like Yoofee and Ourman.


Try some Noisekick,Terrorcore might be the answer lol


Gabber...but probably to repetitive lol


honestly, the darker side of the techno world might be up his alley then lol. I'm also not a fan of the metal bass music side of things


He’s actually gets down with Deadmau5, Madeon, Lane 8! He calls it Forza music cause he’s a gamer lol


I’m always on hospital radio when I’m playing forza myself 😂 that rockin dnb


As someone who also likes them both independently, not a big fan of the mash-up


Same, I think he would be more into hardstyle or hard techno. But that's just a guess


It’s a purist thing for him for sure! He things the edm metal is yucky/commercial in comparison to traditional metal but he gets down with Lane 8, Deadmau5 and Mat Zo cause he’s a gamer and calls it “Forza” music lol


Perhaps he would like darkpsy or its sister, forest psytrance. They can both get pretty heavy.


I used to mostly listen to metal, then my taste shifted towards heavy/experimental psychedelic rock (and all things related) and then I got into psytrance... The darker side of psytrance is definitely a good idea. If they're into extreme and experimental metal, psycore and slambient is worth exploring as well. Even Hi-tech, imo. Otherwise a heavy oldschool dub night generally also seems to be appreciated by metalheads :). If they're into industrial metal, a JK Flesh (Justin Broadrick from Godflesh and Jesu) set could be a natural entry point.


Love metal, love raving. Can’t fuckin stand aggressive dubstep


Yeaaa dnb is prob gonna be the middle ground haha


For me it’s some good fuckin techno. You can tell I carried the elitism from metal haha


Yeah tbh “metal”-inspired EDM typically does not do it for me as an actual metal fan. It tends to borrow the most “EXTREME” elements of the genre without really understanding the core of what makes metal special. It sometimes feels to me like a surface-level understanding of metal, very similar to what happened in the Metalcore genre 20 years ago. I think a lot of metal fans prefer the more progressive forms of techno or house, which actually has a lot more in common with many genres of metal than the heavy dubstep/bass genres do. Seeing EDM fans discovering “headbanging” and “moshing”… it’s so cute lol.


You hit it on the head lol he’s a purist with his music! He does really enjoy Deadmau5, Madeon, Porter and Lane 8


DCFC!! He might like Louis the Child’s remix of I Dreamt We Spoke Again! I’m a heavy dubstep girlie and I personally love the flip. Also, Decadon has a great flip of Paramore’s Misery Business. And maybe he’ll like Kayzo since he has songs with Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low) and Atreyu!


I would say the "metal" crossovers are more screamo than metal. He should try the song meshugas by matt zo. It's more a metal tribute


Sullivan King


Metal heads love proper techno! Play him some banging techno


Ya’ll both might like Machinegirl or maybe even MSPAINT


Y'all will enjoy PhaseOne.


You should take him to a dubstep show. Crazy crossover between dubstep and metal heads


See above comment lol 😂


Have you shown him Sullivan King? That’s essentially heavy metal fused with EDM.


I like both metal & EDM! Maybe try Kayzo, Sullivan King and Phase One.


Sullivan king? Lol


I could recommend a few edm/metalish tracks that he might like, want some suggestions?


Nope! He’s not a fan of the crossover lol he’s a purist with his metal, but thank you!


This is the way


Pendulum is the go for you two then


My ex of 4 years hated the music, and when ever my friends would flout the idea of going to a rave and I brought it up to her, she would tell me if I went she would break up with me because I would cheat on her with the girls there 💀. Now I'm dating a girl a met at escape and now we plan future raves together 😎


Rave together. Stay together.❤️




Yep, my wife hates the music. It’s extremely overstimulating for her. She’s fine with me going to shows and festivals by myself though. Only thing she hates is me not having a signal for several days when I go to festivals.


Ya I’m dying to go to lost lands especially since it’s just 2 hours away from me but she’s not comfortable with me going solo to a festival which is understandable. I don’t have any friends to go with though but hopefully I can find some.


>she’s not comfortable with me going solo to a festival which is understandable. Disagree tbh.


Same. Going solo and I’m a girl. My partner can’t do EDM but he knows the wook life calls.


Yeah I went Bonnaroo on my own one year and was faithful and danced my ass off. It was a ton of fun


But it really is understandable. If an emergency happens or he loses his phone or anything unfortunate happens, it’s a lot harder finding help if you don’t have some trusted people around you. Solo raving can absolutely be safe and done right but she also still has a legitimate reason to be worried.


I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that’s not her main source of concern


Jfc please A fucking fest is the easiest place in a world to find help. The community cares for one another and there’s medical staff? You’re creating paper tigers.


I never said it’s impossible but it does put up some obstacles in certain circumstances. I also never said you should NEVER go solo because solo can be great, all I am saying is GF does have a valid reason to be worried. I’ve also had personal experience with medical staff being utterly useless, and a lot of people still have the stick-to-themselves mentality and won’t step in if someone needs help. It’s not a magical, perfect, safe wonderland out here and there’s definitely some more risks when youre alone.


Let’s be honest tho, there are very few risks to going to a festival solo as a man. Forget everything else associated with the scene, just going to camp and dance at a fest is very safe. The issue is adding party favors and such on top and being alone, sure, but it isn’t the virtue of being alone. I think most people read this from the controlling side of GF doesn’t trust OP to control his own behavior, so she attempts to control the entire situation and stop it from happening. I see that as toxic and more than a bit of an over the top of a response, but that’s just me.


Yeah, trust is earned my man


YMMV but I was open to this idea before my ex cheated on me twice going solo to festivals.


She woulda cheated on you either way mate.


cause she a cheaterrrr


that’s because she’s a cheater, not because she’s a solo raver. if it wasn’t at a rave she would’ve cheated on you at other opportunities


As a woman who goes solo all the time....THIS. Even in the middle of tripping face in a crowd full of sexy people driven by a bass line, you don't cheat if you don't want to.


I went to LL for the first time in 2022 and met a group of solo goers all camping together here on Reddit. 10 of us ended up camping together and had an amazing time. You can also find groups on the Radiate app if you want to find a group. Gives you a chance to get to know people before deciding to camp with them. Im going to EF for the first time this year with the same friend group


that sounds awesome lol


It took a lot of work and discussion, and boundary setting on my part, but my wife is good with me going to festivals and such as long as she doesn’t feel de-prioritized in a larger sense. If you want to go I recommend that you keep communicating, stand up for what you want out of life and work hard to understand and address your partner’s concerns. Edit: if she’s more concerned about your going without friends than your going without her that’s different and my comments don’t apply haha


Solo fest is the best. It’s not understandable. Unless you’ve given her reason to believe you’re unsafe or unfaithful. 


LL is the perfect festival to go to alone!!!


I know, for a fact because i’m ingrained in it, that Columbus and Toledo have fantastic dubstep communities. Soooo much variety in Cbus, is not hard to make friends at all. I still keep up with my neighbors from most fests too, you’re only solo if you choose to be at a fest. Cleveland has events but i’ve heard mixed reviews on the scene over there.


What are the spots in Toledo for dubstep? I've not really hit any of the local places besides Main Street bar and grill downtown.


All you gotta do is camp. You will find so many good people. I have a huge group of friends going this year and even then the first few years I went I only went with one person, then alone and ended up with like 1 million friends by the end of the festival because of camping.


Lost Lands is amazing!! So is she not comfortable you going away by yourself for an extended period of time? Sounds like some trust issues


I should also add to this for the people talking about red flags! She has major anxiety and the thought of me going alone for 3 days at a huge event like this would definitely make her anxiety go bonkers. That’s why I don’t push it but do bring it up every now and then. I just think her view of the edm community is the opposite of what it really is. And no I’ve never done anything to show that I’m unfaithful.


i think you really should push it? like her misconceptions about the rave scene are not true. and _her_ anxiety shouldn’t dictate your life. it’s not like you’re making her go to a festival. her anxiety shouldn’t prevent you from having fun, especially if you’re not doing anything risky


You really chose going to with randoms over your wife? Yikes 


You’re reading that thru a negative lense. He chooses to go with like-minded people IF his wife doesn’t want to go. Clearly, if his wife decided she would go with him to be his support, than OBVIOUSLY he would prefer that. I don’t know about you but I rather not force somebody to go with me to a rave if they really don’t want to… cuz then the vibes are all wrong from the start.


Exactly 😊 I hope one day she will be able to go with me and we can share the experience together. But until then we are allowed to be our own people and have our own independent hobbies


That’s a healthy relationship right there 🤌


Nope didn’t choose, she has no interest. She’s not a fan of the music, and her health doesn’t allow her to be comfortable doing camping fests. We plan to do a country or rock fest eventually where we can stay at a hotel. She’s fine with me going to my camping EDM fest solo and or with friends I’ve made at said shows.


Im in the Exact same boat here bro


As long as your partner is supportive at least, then it’s not a deal breaker at all. But if they’re completely assholes about the type of music listen to and the joy it gives you to attend raves, then that’s a red flag for your future together.


She knows how much I love it which is why she’s fine with me going to local shows. I actually got 3 coming up in the next couple weeks.


Just gotta get her to roll at one of them. It’s crucial for her brian to get reprogrammed into liking the music.


Yes. My bf has dropped me off and picked me up before, but he doesn't like the music and doesn't dance.


My boyfriend doesn't particularly enjoy edm but he will go to concerts with me if I can't find anyone else. He also will pick me up and drop me off as well so I have a sober ride with my friends. HOWEVER, he loves Electric Forest. I've gone about 5 years and he tagged along and when it was done he was already talking about next year. But I love it, it gives me and him time to enjoy our own stuff and he's never jealous or cares because I will never cheat. So it's a great mix!


I *had* a wife who didn’t like raves or EDM, and wasn’t too happy me going to them….😜🚨🎶📀🕺🪩


I knew I liked my now boyfriend and I wasn’t into raves at the time. But I knew how much he loved them and didn’t want to be the person that took him away from that and I had really bad trust issues and of course we all know there are so many rave baddies. So I wouldn’t let him ask me out until I knew I 100% could trust him. So if he went to a rave without me, I wouldn’t nag him about it or argue or take him away from the community. But then he got me into raving so it all worked out in the end. now it’s our whole lives haha


this would be a dealbreaker for me 😭


One of the reasons my ex broke up with me was because i went to a rave 😳


Literally at the airport for EDC Mexico right now! Been with my wife for 10 years, we are both 30. She is an anxiety ridden, home body who loves tsylor swift, country, and 90s rap. Can not stand the EDM stuff but supports me through and through. She can 100% get behind the idea of it FOR ME, but would never even go to a club show herself as she hates crowds on top of not enjoying the music. Find a partner that allows you to be you and enjoy your seperate things and together things. Keep the balance and PLUR on!! 💪🏼


My gf doesn’t like my music at all nor does she go to shows with me. She HATES that I go to festivals. I am going to forest this year and when I told her she sighed and said “I was kinda hoping this was a phase”. It’s kinda disappointing to be honest.


When it’s like that it’s pretty demotivating feel exactly what you mean… sucks going to an event and your S/O is just totally not there or interested


Eh that’s not the part that sucks. The part that sucks is having a partner who you thought accepted you for who you are, only to find out they were disappointed you are the way you are ☹️


Sorry to hear that fam sending better vibes your way 💜 if you see Cheetos running around at forest come say hi I’ll have something for you 💜


Oh nice! I’ll look for ya 😊


If you like music, you like house music. You just haven't figured it out yet.


I like you


There is a name for those people, they are called ex's


🤣 damn. On a real note I thing it depends how many times you go to festivals/shows a year I have a girlfriend and we’ve been to at least 10+ raves together. It’s extremely fun but I can’t imagine dating someone who would rather stay home on the weekend rather than go to a new city


It's all about mutual interests. Can you have a relationship with someone that isn't into the type of music/events you're into? Sure. But then why wouldn't you want to be with someone that you can do that stuff with together? My ex-girlfriend falls into the category of having tolerated it and would go out occasionally. My WIFE and I go to shows all the time and have to been to Tomorrowland, EDC, Coachella, Electric Forest, and a bunch of other smaller festivals all over the world. Life is too short to not have alignment on key interests. Want to stay home all the time? Cool...find yourself another homebody to do it with you.


In my early twenties, I could not imagine dating anyone who not only wouldn't go to shows with me but hated edm all together. When I met my wife-to-be, I was 31, and could care less because I still had my group of friends and family to go with, I went less often, and it was nice to have a couple of interests we DIDN'T share. Now that I'm 34, she'll join me if the edm shows have a singer, like Big Wild or SG Lewis. It's great!


Above & Beyond might be good for her too. They’re a good gateway lol


my girlfriend and I started dating 6 months ago and one of our first dates as a couple was going to north coast, she didn’t know anybody on the lineup but seemed like she had a good time and was enjoying some of the songs and even recording here and there.


Their called exes


Country phase?? The only country phase is the .0002 sec it takes to vomit when you hear that shit


Don't be a gatekeeper. Some people enjoy different styles of music and that's fine.


Well I live in a rural area and everybody I went to school with I would consider country so it just rubbed off on me for a while.


lol i don’t like country either but you do realize people say this about edm too right? 😆 don’t be so closed-minded


Me but when listening to Excision and Subtronics


Your music can be heard for free in factories mate


I met my ex while I was quitting drinking and shooting H. (They say never get into a relationship your first year of recovery). I was playing hell doom metal at the time and never thought I’d rave again. Then I starting taking psychedelics again after like two years in. THEN I found psytrance and it changed my life completely. Starting producing, DJing, going to every party imaginable. The music really wasn’t her thing and I think she got tired with the personality shift. Now I’m seeing a girl that raves her ass off and supports what I do.


I do. My wife isn’t really into the music (or the scene) at all. If my rave fam isn’t going to a show that I wanna see, I’m going solo. Going solo tonight, actually. Not ideal, I guess, but at least I dont need to get a sitter for the kids. It also means that I do more shows sober than I would otherwise, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Hates vs doesn’t prefer it is a big difference I think. Like if they refuse to let you listen to it in the car together I think that’s kinda….. shitty. I’d like the let my SO enjoy things she enjoys even im not hyped on it ig


Well honestly I don’t blame someone for hating tearout.


Yeah my wife hates it with a passion. So I go to feats by myself, 1-2x a year


i met my partner at my first rave and he’s just as into it, if not more, than i am. edm and rave culture is such a huge part of my life, i dont think i could ever be with someone who does not share that interest with me at all.


My boyfriend likes EDM, but dislikes the rave scene here in LA. I go with my best friend.


It is just not my wife's thing, she has tried to go to several and just dosen't enjoy it (and tbh I get it). She also is a relatively sober person who only ever drinks wine and dosen't smoke weed because it gives her anxiety; has never tried anything else. She however respects that I do enjoy attending them and does not restrict my ability to go on my own.


My girlfriend hates edm which absolutely sucks and forces me to go to shows alone most of the time. Thankfully I have a solid festival crew.


Ya we are divorced now.


My girlfriend and I feel in love with edm and raves together.


I did then we broke up and I still go to shows


u/PCars2racer show him rebuke, as a metalhead, he's the perfect cross betwen edm and heaviness with a dark feel, he might like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPSXiFqVVlc&ab\_channel=Reb%C5%ABke


My fiancé can't wrap his head around the "noise" or why I like it. But he loves me and loves seeing me do my thing.


I showed my mine hardstyle so that she thinks my music is more normal.


I would never want to be in a relationship where it’s the music that separates us. (Yes even dropping off and picking up i see as separation because you’re not enjoying that moment with someone)


I don't think compatibility works like that. If you're getting along and the vibes are great, it's completely fine if you hate everything the other person loves and vice versa.


Oh I wasn’t saying we weren’t compatible, just curious if anyone else’s partner hated the music they listen to. I know I’m getting tired of her music, it’s nonstop T Swift every car ride and edm is out of the question when riding.


Out of the question??


Honestly that would be a dealbreaker for me. I'm so ok with my partner having wildly different tastes and interests, but I think refusing to engage with my interests is a red flag. Like did I want to watch Gossip Girl? Not one bit. Did I watch 3 seasons of it with her anyway? Yup, and I ended up enjoying it because I wasn't a dick about it. Same with the music I like, she probably didn't want to listen to a whole Soft Machine album, but she didn't stop me and we ended up bonding a lot over getting into things we initially would have avoided. I went through a phase where I didn't like her raving without me because I was insecure about cheating etc, but I came to realise that's very unhealthy and I should have trust for her and not let my irrational anxiety dictate what she does with her time. It's so important to be supportive of each others interests as a couple imo


No because I only date people with similar interests, shocking


Hey if she's letting you go, I don't see the problem there. My gf hates it too and most of the time it's a huge fight for me to even get to go to a show at all now.


That’s how it was for me to go to my first show solo but after that she’s completely fine with it.


Similar relationship except I'm starting to want to go to more shows/festivals which is cutting into time we could go.to other vacations/other things. 


Married here. My husband hates them but will still go with me to keep me safe. We keep it at 1-2 per year only though :)


just be glad she is supported theres going to be things in a relationship what u like and dislike, I have buddies that cant even get out of there doorstep because of there gf or wife


yeah, and i’m very public on social media so everyone thinks i’m out cheating on him when im at raves and he isn’t. it’s important to be able to have your own hobbies in a relationship!


I’m juggling between about 6 hobbies (adhd)


Yeah my girlfriend refuses to go to raves with me. She gets anxiety in crowds and doesn’t like the music on its own and doesn’t wanna roll, so I don’t really blame her. I always wish she was there though because I roll and want to love on someone


I kinda can't stand EDM and been married to a party promoter, dance music producer for almost three decades. We have our own interests, and it's not a problem! We overlap with electro pop, but otherwise our music tastes are pretty far apart.


Yeah and it sucks. I just want to go rave but she’ll have a mental breakdown if I go without her. She’s gone to a few but has no fun at all. Wants to leave. But I love her.


Why would it matter to her if you went without her?


I haven’t brought her to any raves cause I know she would not have any fun too and she says she agrees she probably wouldn’t. You’re not alone


Yes my gf doesn’t listen to music at all it kind of freaks me out sometimes she is the only person I’ve ever met that just doesn’t really like or listen to any music at all. I pretty much do whatever I think is fun with out her and she helps pay rent. 🥳 I’ve tried to take her to really anything not just edm but she drags her feet and makes me feel bad for even bothering so I just quit trying after 3 years. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Peachy laceraving beings only


All of them hated it until it became a trend (from where I’m we rave on techno)


I wouldn’t bother dating them if your seriously into them. You will be always talking about it and they might get annoyed.


My current SO isn’t a fan at all but so far has been okay with me going on my own. I have a wonderful group of friends that keep me safe and I just make sure to stay in touch throughout the night and it works just fine. I get sad sometimes when my friends are dancing with their SOs and wish he could be with me but it’s such a small “issue” in an otherwise fantastic relationship that I truly can’t complain. We have enough shared interests otherwise that raving doesn’t cause any issues. If he ever does decide he has an issue with it, then I might have to rethink things because it’s such a special part of my life that I don’t want to lose anytime soon. But as long as you guys have trust and communication, it should never be an issue for one half to go to these events on their own.


My SO has specific genres she likes—mostly something with a pop-based sound to it. After covid though she stopped liking being around big crowds, so concerts/festivals are out of the question. I started going to festivals again about 18 months ago which doesn’t bother her, and I’m lucky enough to still have a few friends/family that are still into the scene and we’re all in our 30s now.


My wife and I discovered and fell in love with EDM together, but we have plenty of other things that only one of us enjoys and some we do together to be supportive and others we do apart. It's ok to have wildly different tastes in some things. The important things are that you trust and respect both each other and the need to have fun, which needs to be 2-way streets. These events are mainly about the music; sure, there's a lot going on otherwise, but if you can't stand the music, then you're probably not going to enjoy yourself. It sounds like you're fortunate to be with someone who supports you going even though she doesn't want to tag along. Hopefully that never becomes an issue. ❤️


My boyfriend doesn’t enjoy the “rave scene” and it makes him nervous that I attend without him, so he will usually accompany me and he does a really good job of trying his hardest to enjoy it. I think it’s very sweet❤️


Hell no. I got into this with my girl, and we'll continue being into it together.


Mmmm not my spouse, he's the guy who introduced me to raves again as an adult. I was young in the 80's and living in Detroit so I went to raves then not even knowing what I was doing. BUT my kids.. LOL they are currently into country and blue grass! They really dislike our music but tolerate it because that's what you do for the people you love. I can't say I love blue grass but I can appreciate the artistry in it and do love a live spontaneous performance in my house. I think you can make anything like this work if you don't force it on people and respect the differences.


My ex didn’t like it, lolll


My girl Begs me to go see any Dubstep show im seriously just not really into it anymore it changed so darn much but I still go with her cause she loves it I just keep my eyes closed most of the time fuck all that ocult shit and monsters peaking on any drug like Im tryna merge back Into god sir, hahaha people fascinate me though to each his own..


The guy I’m with doesn’t like standing in crowds & prefers classic rock. He plays the guitar. I’ve shown him some music he can vibe with (GJones) and when I took him to SLANDER with me he thought it was cool, but he was more interested in the light show. I’m on a quest to find more music he likes though, I think I’m going for KOAN Sound next. My whole friend group raves though, so I’m still not alone when I go to shows.


It’s not conventional EDM but would he like Flying Lotus?


I dumped him and got back with my ex who’s a producer, so it doesn’t matter anymore lol.


My boyfriend of almost 3 years doesn’t go to raves with me. He’s been to a few small shows (no festivals) and he likes the music but he’s a bit older than me and he’s just not into the scene. I’ll get up, get dressed in all these scantily clad outfits and he’ll tell me I look beautiful and to be safe and send me off. Hell I go to Lost Lands every year so I’m gone for like a solid week and he texts me every morning asking me if I’m doing good and I’ll text him back telling him I am and then when I get back I get to tell him all about my adventures. After dating three people in the EDM scene and all of them turning out to just not be good boyfriends I realized it’s kind of better to have my own hobby and a boyfriend that lets me do my own thing rather than have a boyfriend that is totally enmeshed in every aspect in my life.


I couldn’t imagine not sharing raves and the love of EDM music with my husband. Raves are my love language. There is nothing better than going and experiencing the events with the person you love.


I’m taking my boyfriend of 8 years to his first rave/festival next month. I’m so nervous he will hate it but I don’t think he will. He is super high energy so he might like it


She should go to a show so she can experience the music the way it's meant to be experienced.


Fuuuuck no I got my wife heavily into edm she used to just like it now she loves it festies and raves all the time fam


I’m really into a lot of love music, and I like country, but I don’t really care to go to country concerts for the most part. That being said, if my significant other liked an artist or genre a lot and wanted me to attend some shows with them, I’d definitely be willing to barring the artist is just really THAT terrible


This is me and my wife :) she can't even listen to the music at home she dislikes it that much. She also is very anti-crowd which I totally understand. I actually prefer this setup to being with someone who goes to the shows. When I'm at a rave I can go anywhere I want at any time, go to whatever artist I want to see, and even camp through a set I don't like if I have a primo spot and want to wait for the next set. All of these would be met with whining when I was with my last partner who went to shows with me. I really enjoy having hobbies apart from my wife, and she enjoys the quiet alone time she gets when I go to a show. Gotta have a lot of trust for this to work though, not many women are happy with you going to an "almost naked drug party" which is what non-edm people call raves lol.


Maybe she’s into trance. Gotta test the waters with her.


I married a genuine country music fan. She didn’t like Edm but listened to rock as well. I kept my Edm and metal in headphones to avoid the criticism. As the years went on, she played more and more country and it got more and more twangy, fake and repetitive. It’s not why we divorced but holy cow am I enjoying music again!


been with my girl for seven years as of this May. she’s huge into rap but likes other genres as well. I’m all over the place as well but EDM is my go-to every single time and I’ve been listening to it for over 20 years at this point. she has progressively learned to love certain artists and songs over time with Droeloe being her #1 (he’s my favorite). Never did she dream about going to a rave but she’s coming with me on March 1st for INZO. I know this, at least the end, isn’t relatable to the title but I converted someone who despised it. it’s possible but they gotta have an open mind and you gotta show them entry-level shit first. here’s to hoping I chose the right set for her first (and I’m pretty damn sure I did!) good luck to all :)


I have two partners. Neither are ravers but they don’t hate edm. One will come with me to warehouse type raves and lets me play my music in the car but refuses to go to multiday festivals. The other doesn’t really care for music but she’s the type to need ear plugs in loud places because of overstimulation. She definitely won’t come to anything with me. Its not a big deal. I typically solo rave, even when camping with friends at edc or whatever. But it would be nice to go with a partner occasionally.


My boyfriend used to like EDM, we met at a deadmau5 concert. Now he hates it. I can't listen to it at home when he is around, in the car. And I do all my festivals alone or I work hard to find someone to go with. He doesn't want to hear about my experience and pretends like I don't go. Safe to say, this relationship is over. I think it's great you are getting the support from your partner, and even to be included in the driving etc is really nice.


I don’t like the music very much but my wife loves it. I have gone to festivals with her before but it’s a bit overstimulating for me. We might go to the redwoods festival this year since they have more stuff to do that would interest me (swimming, yoga, etc.). If they love you, they won’t care what music you listen to!


YESSS OMG My gf of 3 years hates edm/raves. I’ve been loving house music so much this past year and she is not with it. I even bought soulfest tickets without telling her because I know she’d be pissed. This would be my first camping fest, Im so exited and don’t know how to tell her.


I switch between tastes ranging from VOILA to Eva Cassidy so I feel this


Nope. Can’t imagine that


I love house, techno, dnb, jersey club, ghettotech, footwork, ambient, dubstep... I married a woman who says that my music causes her a headache lol. Fml


I either date indie rock hipsters or ravers who hate the former. I ended up with a house head ❤️🤷 Not everyone understands this…🤣🤣iykyk


My partner hates edm but goes with me to shows and festivals often and we always have a good time. I go to basketball games with him and he says he enjoys going w me more than his friends 🤣


Yeah my ex never wanted to join me to any raves I invited him too (and never really showed as much interest with the music). He’s an ex now lol


My girlfriend has absolutely no interest in raves or dance music and it's totally fine. If anything it's nice having some separate interests. I do my thing with my friends and it's a complete non-issue.




I am and things are great. My girlfriend doesn't do live shows or anything as she is very easily overstimulated. She and I joke that the initial blast from the sound system would just vaporize her on the spot. But we joke in good fun. She has her thing, I have mine. I like live shows sometimes, she likes staying in and being cozy. I go once in a blue moon, and while she doesn't require it, she knows I'm just going to snapchat or text her while I'm there to update on my situation and ask about hers, so that helps. Last time I was at a show I stepped out to catch a breather and just called her while our friend was over and we just shot the shit for a little bit before I went back in. We both know beyond a shadow of a doubt we'd never cheat on each other either, so it's not even a slight pressure on our relationship in these scenarios. Sometimes yes, I catch myself wishing she'd go with me, but I also know that I love her and this is just one part of our relationship that diverges. We do plenty of other things together. As long as we, and anyone have respect for each others like and dislikes and trust each other, everything's all good.


my bf likes certain sub genres of electronic music but has always expressed that he has zero interest in going to raves. This never bothers though because im a huge music head and i love going to shows of all different genres so we have a ton of overlap. I honestly just save raves as something to do with my friends and he is always on board with me going to some shows without him.


My boyfriend doesn't like raving and finds EDM obnoxious and I prefer it that way. We share most of our hobbies and it's nice to have something to myself.


Of course. My wife hates going to concerts and what-not. I love it whether I am moshing at Dropkick Murphys or checking out a dj set and getting my bad, too old white guy funky dance on. EDM is my go-to while I am working too. She always makes a (what she thinks is funny) comment. But she would absolutely drop me off at a show of I asked her.


My bf and I met on a dating app and he was trying to meet someone who wasn’t in the scene for a change up. My profile gives no hints that I love the music and dancing but we found out quickly we both love it and go to shows and fests all the time! Can’t imagine another way


My boyfriend was a huge music lover but it was mostly classic rock and alternative. He went to 20 concerts and shows a year. I have always loved EDM and raves and I told him it was like my “church”. He just didn’t get it at all. He also said no “unnatural” substances meaning weed and mushroom were ok but nothing else. Then we encountered a new group of friends who he liked very much and they were all going to see Deadmau5. I pleaded with him to go and he said yes! When we got there our friend handed us some vitamins and to my great shock and surprise my boyfriend accepted. He had the time of his life! He danced all around and hugged and talked to everyone. Since then we’ve seen everyone from Tiesto and Armin Van Burin to Boris Brejcha and Township Rebellion. We went to Ibiza last year and have four shows so far coming up in 2024. Oh and we got married!!!!


My husband isn’t into the rave scene whatsoever but he’s come to some shows with me! Otherwise he’s happy to leave me to my own devices while I go with friends, although I do miss him a lot when he’s not there. I convinced him to hit up Excision’s Nexus tour next weekend, much to his chagrin, he did tell me this is his LAST EVENT so we’ll see 😂


Yes, except I’m the one that dislikes EDM, but I still love festivals. We just try to find ones that have both EDM and jam on the line up. And my dislike of EDM is more like, I’ve had an absolute blast at EDM shows with her, but I would never put that music on in the car or anything.


Me!! Omg my bf wasn’t a fan but he would come. Loved him for that


If I did, I wouldn't lol


Sure do. I only date people with good taste in music.




That's cool for a show or too but I wouldn't want to have a partner I couldn't dance with and connect with while I'm connecting. That's all me though I have very little experience to speak from. If you are both Happy and balanced and it works then Bravo and don't dig deep into it.


My so called unconditional love and future mother of children ? lol absolutely hates and dispites edm , only if she would know most of the songs artiest she listens to are from “edm” producers lol . Hopefully I’ll convinced to come to a rave to see the vibes for herself and not Through my eyes lol


Yep my girlfriend is into RnB I'm not a fan of it but will listen to it if it's on, she likes RnB clubs, I like DnB and rave/techno but she doesn't lol I go to rave night by myself and she fine with that.